tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 15, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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qatar airways 2 years after new zealand's deadly masks you chains 101 east returns to christ church to find out how those most deeply affected are coping. and surviving a massacre on al-jazeera. al-jazeera . hello there i am how i'm here jean and this is the news hour of live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes protests in cities across syria as that marks 10 years of civil war more than half a 1000000 people dead and millions forced to flee their homes. libya swears in a new cabinets the latest phase of a landmark agreement to restore peace and egypt becomes the latest country to stop
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using the astra zeneca vaccine because of concerns or side effects such as to. and beyond say makes music history by winning the most grammy awards on records announced and how much now have all the sporting including questioner now those calls a hot chick to keep eventis a slim feria title hopes on life. but 1st let's begin with a developing story out of nigeria where there has been another kidnapping gunman have taken children and teachers from a primary school in the barren inquiry counsel area in northwestern could be in a state this is the 2nd kidnapping in katrina in a week. as it. is capital
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a bridge and joins us now. tell us about this school kidnapping. in fact if we are counting an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap most students over the weekend just 48 hours after the fust incident last week of this this the 3rd kid not being in kabul in a state this week alone in the last one we can loan so it's 20 we're getting that approach we're getting i spoke to. a resident and also an aid worker who just left the town of rima in couldn't a state he said right now they don't have the exact number of students kidnapped but you can confirm to me that yes they have kidnapped 2 teachers and a number of students whose numbers are yet to be ascertained he also told me about a 6 year old who is days in a confused state that child was let go by his kidnappers and he was saying that
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from the look of things done child saw what no child his age should see so the situation in northwest nigeria and the rest of the country is getting out of and almost every day hala this is not the fost story in fact 3 successful keep not beings and rescue attempts or other release of hostages were recorded al jazeera covered all of them this year since the beginning of general and this is continuing right across the north of the country and the south how about the situation in the north is such that the numbers i'd just mind boggling be just so confused so many at one point you hear about hundreds of students kidnapped from a school and taken into the bush for a week or more than a week now we're talking about community state last week there were hundreds of them who were taken and 180 have been rescued that are 39 students and accounted for and videos and confront video. being released online now show that these 2 days
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are undergoing very difficult times in the hands of that doctors so the situation is getting worse and worse and worse despite assurances by the president that the last kidnapping in some far was the last however we've seen several kidnapping since then. and i think it's i doubt that the government justifying this mean these are children you're speaking of a 6 year old child has been taken from school as you've said there are a number of these kidnappings happening it seems almost every other day what on earth the government doing. what the government continues to tell the citizens that it's doing its best to contain the situation remember the president 2 weeks ago after the exam for a kidnapping promise that this will be the last and since then we've seen at least 3 a kidnapping so in various parts of the northwest state of some fatah and kaduna state as we speak and so there is no indication where this will end the military which is providing support to local support local security organizations like the police is
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overstretched we it's not only in the northwest of the country when you go to the north east but what i'm also moved into the arena kidnapping people for run some run some they get is what they used to buy weapons to restock and attack the nigerian state again so this is your 2 forces are really really overstretched and not in a very bad shape dealing with all these fires at the same time it's not only kidnapping for ransom it's only it's also armed robbery it's also riots the succession in the east of the country so many crimes going on all over the place and the security forces i guess struggling to do with the situation ok i'm of the geez that bring us the very latest from the bridges thank you very much in dates. the members of cabinets in libya's new interim unity government something sworn in so office at this past hour in a ceremony into broo it's part of the u.n. bank's efforts to bring stability and has over elections in december years of
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conflicts that divided libyan institutions between the internationally recognized governments in the west and a rival administration to the east security will be a major task for the governments school. trainer joins us from tripoli. is the ceremony going would you say this represents something of a breakthrough for libya after so much turmoil in recent years. i think the ceremony we've been watching the sermon is seems to be going quite well now the entire cabinet of libya's new unity government arrived in tobruk and have been attending the ceremony at the headquarters of the tobruk base parliament so 35 ministers attended and were sworn in and i think this is a breakthrough especially for the u.n. support mission who's spent the last couple of years trying to bring libya's
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warring sides together so i think they're definitely they're definitely going to see this as a breakthrough i think libyans are sick and tired of the divisions and want to see these state institutions unified so they can better serve and bring about better services to citizens. and then men like me that this is good that the support for this new cabinet they do face quite a few challenges as they take office or what sort of challenges does this new unity government face. well that it's going to be a long and difficult road now their main objective is to leave the country until elections in december but there are concerns that elections won't be able to happen so soon and and one of the biggest reasons why that that might not happen is because at the moment according to the support mission there's over 20000 foreign fighters in libya so the this government is going to be tasked with trying to
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convince those those foreign fighters to leave by coordinating with the various countries that are involved but that's not going to be easy the military is still divided there are military talks the u.n. is the still attending the military track where the. rival military military have appointed a committee of the 5 by 5 committee they met in sirte yesterday and they're discussing unifying the military institution but that's not going to be easy also there's a wave of covert cases in libya a 2nd wave over a 1000 cases per day so this government's going to have to deal with the covert the covert 19 many assume a lockdown of some sort or at least improve the health services but it's not going to be easy for this government anyway but i think but having said all that i think
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today is looked upon by many libyans as a historic day in the beginning of uniting the country nice especially for women today we saw libya's 1st foreign minister being sworn into office so i think for for many reasons today could be seen by many here as a historical day and. bring us the very latest live from tripoli about that thank you. it's possible still to come on this needs are included. from the u.k. to a strictly a rallying cry for governments to do more to end violence against women and raising awareness voice social media giant facebook has become the reborn costs about the coronavirus pandemic and its board in north london darby serves up one of the goals of the city set on fire by action coming up in support. of the challenges.
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are serious marking 10 years since the start of the operas in that spiraled into civil war when half a 1000000 people have been killed in the fighting thousands of people have turns out across rebel held city in syria to mark the grim milestone syria has become one of the world's worst humanitarian crises millions of people have been forced to flee their homes because of the fighting the staggering number adds up to more than half of the country's pre-war population meanwhile the u.k. as it is sanctions against 6 allies of syrian president bashar assad's they include his foreign minister and close advisers the british foreign secretary says assad's regime has subjected the syrian people to cause a decades of brutality say no harder looks back at the last 10 years.
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this is the birthplace of syria's uprising in 2011 but opposition members call this moment the end of the dream of a democratic country it's 2018 and the government has just recaptured the southern province after 7 years of resistance. i almost had a breakdown after all the sacrifices when they raised the flag we felt stabbed the town had a lot of symbolism for the revolution. it was here where the wall of fear was broken we watched syrians turn against the police state we watched them bury their dead demonstrators who were killed by security forces was. still. going to have. protests spread to other areas in homs tanks were sent to suppress the uprising. the city which became known as the
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capital of the revolution became a battleground and. the regime forced us to take up arms and turned the uprising into a war it was no longer possible to face guns without screens. there was a siege on the rebel stronghold after months of heavy fighting months later the opposition agreed to leave the area. a sheriff was among them he says they had little choice they were trapped without basic supplies running low on ammunition and abandoned by the world. 2 years later and after a 4 year stalemate the opposition was forced to abandon aleppo which weakened them politically. and i felt broken when i got on the bus i still think about it but the siege was unbearable people were dying in the by bombs or hunger. that is among the millions of internally displaced syrians who live in the opposition controlled north unable and unwilling to live under syrian president
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bashar assad's rule but he says he fears a ceasefire agreed last year will not hold. already hundreds of thousands have been killed millions have been displaced inside and outside the country and there has been no accountability serious conflict is entering its 2nd decade with the majority of its citizens poor and with little hope. we have been forced to give up on our dreams the international community has failed the syrian people there is no reconciliation there is no peace 10 years of war has divided a country and its people. speak no to say no hose or she joins us live from the bekaa valley in lebanon say no you're not a camp are many people have spent years hoping for an end to the civil war what have they been telling you. well there is little hope a lot of uncertainty people want to go back home they want to go back to their towns
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and villages but for different reasons they just can't look look at these children these children were born here they were born in exile they don't know syria they don't know their country now someways say that the battlefield has been largely quiet for a year now but people here want a permanent ceasefire they wrong the political settlement before they make their way back home some are still afraid because of the lack of political security guarantees the united nations the european union they do not believe that the situation is conducive for refugee returns because of the lack of security guarantees human rights groups have documented arrests people who have returned have been arrested the syrian regime considers everyone who didn't just take part in the revolution or who joined the opposition or who sympathize with the
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revolution the fact that you left the country means that in one way or another you're some sort of a traitor and of course there's the economy the economy in syria has all but collapsed the currency has collapsed the local currency which means people salaries are worth nothing and then you have food prices on the rise you have people who don't have jobs unemployment is high a little infrastructure a little services cities towns flattened and the government is cash strapped and it needs international funds in order to start rebuilding but the international community has made it very very clear there won't be reconstruction money unless bashar assad agrees to reforms political reforms unless he engages meaningfully in the un led peace process agreeing to a nuke. the to sharon holding un supervised elections and he's not accepting to do
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that he's not willing to make those concessions in fact the president is planning an election in a few weeks time and the e.u. is telling him we're not going to recognize the result of that election so there's still a lack of international legitimacy bashar al assad the syrian president may say that he won the war but he has not won the peace and he still does not have the legitimacy of the international community and he really rules over a failed state an economy that is collapsing and really there's little that he can do to change things but the bottom line is this people who live under his rule have little choice many say they they're starving yet they cannot express any any any form of dissent saying joining us live from a camp in the back a valley saying the thank you. so serious state media is reporting these security forces there have killed at least 3 people who were planning an attack in the
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capital damascus these 3 others have been arrested reports reportedly involve the use of explosive belts. facebook has begun label and posts about covert 19 in an effort to combat misinformation concerns about vaccines will have labels with facts from the world health organization the text giant says it will expand its coronavirus awareness efforts to other platforms including instagram and what some facebook has faced criticism for alone false claims to spreads jury the pandemic. for anything that's viral that's misinformation it gets removed from platform but there's a huge gray area of people who have concerns and are having a conversation about. some of what some people would call misinformation and some of which other people would call doubt. and we also know from
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a lot of research that on the margin if we were move all of that it's really icky polarize people even more. and so what we want to do what we've learned again with all health experts is the best thing to do in and out in huge gray area is just to show up with authoritative information and hopeful way. pulling in a general election in the netherlands is opened early for people in high risk coronavirus consummates the vote is the 1st major electoral test of a european governments pandemic policy the country has seen some of its worst riots in decades amid anger over looked on restrictions in january prime minister margaret says government resigned over a child benefit scandal the main votes takes place on wednesday. now indonesia is the latest country to poles its rulers of the all skulks for astra zeneca vaccine pending a review from the world health organization that follows more reports of side effects in people who received the job arlen's and the netherlands are among the
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most recent countries to suspend the vaccine will it's a dutch munching organization says it's received 10 reports of severe side effects since the polls was announced norway's medicines agency 1st raised alarm after 4 of its health care workers suffered serious blood coursing within 14 days of receiving the jab denmark and iceland's have raised similar concerns germany says its review dates earned book continue administering the jobs and thailand will resume vaccinations on choose day after pausing its rule will go live to germany in just a moment but 1st the world health organization has told the reuters news agency the courts as of today there is no evidence that the incidents are caused by the vaccine and it's important that vaccination campaigns continue so that we can save lives let's cross note live to berlin where we can speak with dominic king dominic
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how are these pauses impacting europe's already and it has to be said very slow vaccine warrants. well this particular vaccine the astra zeneca vaccine is something is certainly a topic for debate for discussion not just here in germany but across the continent i know that members of the european parliament are today discussing variants and vaccines or variants of the virus and then the vaccines that can be used to combat those variants astra zeneca being one of them but the interesting point is certainly here in germany at least many people have been asking questions about its efficacy viewers or will recall that for a considerable period of time at the start of the year there was a suggestion from the regulatory agency here and in germany which was which approves or not the whichever vaccine can be administered they said no it can't be given to those over 65 that was then rolled back and it was made available to
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everybody but now you have this scenario where different countries are expressing different issues different problems that they've discovered with this particular vaccine we've heard today from the bavarian prime minister an eminent conservative politician in germany marcus as someone who many people suggest might potentially be a candidate for chancellor in the or in the late summer he said that what we few people need now is certainty they need to know whether this vaccine is safe definitively or not so that a decision can be made about giving vaccines which are safe is implication clearly there being that the astra zeneca vaccine should be approved as safe if it is that one other thing to throw into the equation on more general notes about the code pandemic specifically here in germany is we've heard a warning today from an eminent member of one of the medical agencies regulating issues here in germany saying that the fear of a 3rd wave of patients arriving at hospitals with
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a variance of covert is such that they want to have the government impose emergency brake lock downs if they see the numbers of patients coming to a hospital. really shooting up again to be clear there is currently something in the order of about $5000.00 beds which are available to all patients not just covert patients but all patients around germany in an intensive care scenario the interesting thing is that currently something like 2800 patients are currently being treated for covert in intensive care in germany and more than half of them are being ventilated so clearly what's going on here is that eminent medical professionals are really concerned about the pinch effect of the variance the drought there in germany right now which explains why they want to have as many people vaccinated as possible which makes this issue about whether estrogenic air
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is safe or not so relevant today ok dominic cane their life from barry lent dominic thank you very much indeed well let's say with this we can speak now it's infectious disease and global health analysts dr peter drawback he's the director of the school center for social entrepreneurship and joins us now from the university of oxford grades or have you with us on the news hour. first of all is the astra zeneca vaccine safe. thank you for having me hala let me 1st say that because the specs it was developed at the university of oxford or happened to be that i had no involvements with that vaccine i'm giving an independent view in my view it is safe these are difficult situations when you hear reports of adverse events when a vaccine or medical product has already been rolled out in determining whether there's actually a causative link or it just happens to be a coincidence and of course these vaccines are being given largely to people who are elderly or have other underlying medical conditions and may be at higher risk
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for developing things like blood clots irrespective of vaccines because went through a rigorous clinical trials and blood clots were never determined to be a problem during those controlled trials and of course tens of millions of these vaccines have been given out now this safety pause i think is certainly the product of of the regulators in those countries and it's a reasonable step however we have heard from the world health organization the european medicines agency and others that at this point the benefits of vaccination clearly outweigh the risks and it indeed but when viewers hear the term safety pause it gives them poles for thought said what a lot of people have been asking is why is this vaccine safe for use in the u.k. for example where my family have received this job but it's not safe in our lands and it's not safe in the netherlands and they're wanting safety polls there this is what people watching this fight hard to understand. yes absolutely understandable
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and as so many times in this pandemic because we're moving quickly we're we're operating in a fast moving situation where information is sometimes incomplete here's a we do know for certain there has never been a vaccine related death linked to any of the approved in 1000 back scenes that all of the approved cope in 1000 vaccines have 100 percent or near 100 percent protection against severe coben 1000 hospitalizations and death the other thing to note is that actually blood clotting is one of the most common complications of covert 19 infection in patients with kovan 1000 who were hospitalized as many as one in 5 of those patients suffered some sort of blood clotting complication so on the whole at both an individual level and at a population level i think that there is strong evidence favoring the benefit of these vaccines if i were offered a vaccine today astra zeneca or any other approved exene i would take it in
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a hurry and i have much damage to think that this is doing to vaccine confidence and vaccine uptake in general and would you say that countries like iceland's netherlands are in time and are they acting responsibly. it's certainly a concern we saw before the vaccines were rolled out widely that there was a high proportion of populations around the world who had some hesitancy or least wanted to be sure that vaccines were safe and now a couple of months and having seen tens of millions of people around the world be safely back so we're seeing rates of vaccine acceptance go up and that's really encouraging because we're going to need 8090 percent of populations to be vaccinated to get the protective community effect or herd immunity kind of benefit so there certainly is a concern here that anything that may undermine confidence of the vaccines and effect this so-called vaccine hesitancy you know could harm us all i do think that
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these agencies are acting in what they believe is their best interest not of an abundance of caution but it's a fine line here on messaging and so i think we all need to take a deep breath hopefully these investigations will be concluded quickly as you noted the majority of countries that are using the astra zeneca vaccine have made a determination that it remains safe and have continued to use it ok. and just finally in the interests of making sure there is no vaccine has a sense yet that we said that the nervousness about the astra zeneca vaccine could be a reason but we're also hearing lots of misinformation on things like social media on facebook pages and so and so just quickly with the cable to debug some final as thoughts about why people are reluctant especially in this region to take the vaccine is there any pork is there any alcohol and any covert vaccine being administered and what would your advice be to people watching this if they're offered
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a vaccine what should they do. there are lots of different reasons why some people may be has its into receive maxine's you know some are skeptical skeptical of vaccines or refuse other vaccines in the past for many people i think it's simply that these vaccines were developed so quickly that to have sort of the miracle of science that we got to this point in a matter of months that some people are skeptical but we have an overwhelming body of evidence now both from large rigorous clinical trials involving tens of thousands of patients half of whom receives a vaccine half of whom received a placebo and watch it carefully and now from tens of millions of people who have received vaccines since that the vaccines are extraordinarily effective a 100 percent protection in keeping you out of the hospital with cove at 19 and no severe adverse events that have been linked to the vaccine so at this time i would encourage anyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine and it doesn't matter which one pfizer astra zeneca. to get that vaccine
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ok at peter drew back there joining us from the university of oxford thank you very much indeed. i have a quick check on the weather he has ever been. how i would say simple pretty poor weather into northern parts of china recently you see this area clouds moving over towards the korean peninsula tucked in behind that what an area of low pressure with the winds coming in from a northwesterly direction it has driven this really nasty dust storm sandstorm across northern areas of the country then say spilling out of the gobi desert to cross the northwest of china yellow warnings quite aptly in force here as those strong winds have pushed that dust and sand across the northeastern corner of child as you go on through the next couple of days things quieten down in terms of the winds we could do with some rain to help clear the air that's not going to come for the time being just wanted to showers just to the west of beijing wetter weather
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into central parts of china easing out of the is china sea rolling across japan and wet weather moves through cools off a little bit freshens up behind in tokyo to run 19 celsius 16 celsius in so 15 celsius in beijing that we go with a chance of want to wintry flowers there over towards beijing not really making too much progress the previous showers meanwhile across southeast asia the heaviest of which look likely to be across the philippines northern parts of borneo more big downpours there for a good part of indonesia with flooding for java. thank you everton still to come here on al-jazeera. cameras military extends martial law after the bloodiest days since the coup. and remaining defiant thousands of supporters of brazil's president not 0 have joined protests to mount and end to coronavirus restrictions and sport this american golfer who saw a final round master class at the players' championship all the details coming up
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later in the program. frank assessments the world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure is that a fair assessment a catastrophic failure to twice. informed opinions should we be buying bit coy ultimately it will be sovereigns and governments who are buying this that is the direction this is all headed in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story. examining the impact of today's headlines it didn't matter you're rich or poor what your religion is you are battling this and you're staring at it in the face and you're dealing with it setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions that are unfolding on capitol hill international filmmakers and world class journalists bring programs to
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inform and inspire you each and every one of us in the responsibility to change our 1st explain it all on al-jazeera. the or . this is al jazeera quick reminder all of our top stories this hour gunmen have kidnapped children and teachers is a school in nigeria it happened at a primary school in rama in inquiry council area in northwestern could do in a state members of cabinets and libya's new interim unity governments have been sworn into office in a ceremony into broke it sponsored the u.n. back to africa see bring stability ahead of elections in december years of conflict
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divided libyan institutions between rival administrations and thousands of people have turned out across several rebel held city is in syria to mark 10 years since the stone over the country's civil war that conflict has caused one of the world's worst humanitarian crises more than half the country's population displaced. well over the last decade syria has been divided with control over different territories swinging between the governments on the opposition groups eisel turkey russia earns the united states the governments now has control over most of the country seen here in reds although i still face or still room the deserts in the east the kurdish majority syrian democratic forces control the 2nd largest territory seen here in yellow with supports from the united states u.s. also backed rebels in a small area on the border of jordan and iraq most opposition fighters were
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transported to aleppo and it live as part of a cease fire deal on the opposition group hired to here are sham controls a small air. area and on the turkey syria border turkish troops are taking control in the area shown here in green where they support opposition fighters the free syrian army. well she is the executive director of syria and a former member of the syrian national council he joins us now from brussels thank you for being here on the news we've just outlined what states your country is enough to 10 years of civil war it doesn't look any costs conclusion at this stage what does this 10 year anniversary mean to you. thank you very much for having me that the 10 year anniversary means the end a lot of say it's a reminder of the brutality of this reminder of how cruel and barbaric
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that regime has been to the plus and the alleged spy aeration of the syrian people in 20112012 it's using all kind of weapons whether we're talking about barrel bombs or weapons of mass destruction such as the such as chemical weapons and the infamous talking in august 2013 what lasts the 10 years on is the impunity the fact that the strategy has been to any forms accountability which has encouraged other other parties to commit a very grave human to human rights violations. and now we have widespread human rights violations committed by all parties conflicts not just i just saw the g. men as long as the security will continue unfortunately we're only going to see more and more human rights violations and we're setting it precedent where chemical
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weapon used can go unpunished which would encourage other dictators around the world should there be another uprising to basically quell any opposition using massive force because that they blame for that then because like to say the. government acts with impunity they have the support of russia of china in the security council they will veto any resolution against it did rain for the situation we think hopeless. i wouldn't say it's hopeless i was definitely playing the international community and the way it's constructed in the moment it's obviously primarily to play my russia and china for their endless number of vetoes that they have used at the security council and a continuous rejection letter sir chariots of the i.c.c. but also the rest of the community for not trying to find alternatives to buy.
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the russian chinese that that will russian chinese veto in the security council that there has been but i said then swear. when a deadlock happens of the security council he didn't go back to the general of the u.n. general assembly under the united for peace. framework that was done for the korean war for example and can be used again but the u.s. and its partners have not resulted to this to the stool otherwise the other venue late go to sir and carry out. we're trying to establish a special try doodle for for crimes that have been committed in syria but by always pardons of course. amanda goes there is an absurd canada and the netherlands to. to engage in direct assault and to with the syrian government. under the it's violation of the national convention against
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torture understand the the case that they brought in front of the international court of justice so though i think. that have not been exposed that are being exposed the moment and that we need to continue to be exposed to guard washington needs double feature of the scheme because ok and just finally after 10 years old civil war. the situation remains far from settled our correspondent was saying that syria and i resemble a failed state in which he say the struggle has been worth it it's very hard to judge. the of the results of the fruits of the french revolution of 7 june 89 to 2. destinies and to gays and to to to bear fruit it's very early to judge the results of the syrian uprising
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what i can what i can say though is that the syrian resolution has been. the highlight the highlight moment of my generation and of the younger of the generation one generation younger than i am it's been the highlights of our lives it's our defining moment as a generalization and it's definitely. it hasn't brought its full truth but the old remain hopeful. ok hopeful for the next 10 years that will remain to be seen but for now i said lies she joining us live from brussels thank you so much for talking to the al-jazeera news or thank you. but thousands of supporters of brazil's president gerry are both scenario have joined protests demanding an end to coronavirus restrictions many cities and states have been tightening walked owns as hospitals are stretched to capacity the president says
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repeatedly opposed lockdowns saying aren't necessary and are hurting the economy there are reports with more than 11000000 people infected and 277000 deaths hospitals in brazil are struggling to cope 12000 people died in the past week alone in the united states has been hit harder but nothing we saw a family being destroyed not long ago father mother grandfather grandmother everyone suffered in the family so it's a very sad. the state government to sell power with a population of $44000000.00 has imposed new emergency measures including a nighttime curfew a ban on sporting events and the closure of all non-essential businesses at a last a minimum of 15 days. but protesters many of them supporters of president jabal sonando took to the streets to oppose the nature's wrath. protesting against the
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dictatorial attitude of the governor his lockdown will put an end to our jobs our health and to the people of south. me more the operation to vaccinate brazil's 211000000 people has been slow to get going one who has is a 75 year old former president popularly known as lula. of us you know do i hope this vaccine gives the result that i dream of that the brazilian people dream of because all they want is to be vaccinated against this monster called corona virus the president needs to stop being so ignorant while some fight the pandemic of this brazenly defy it the only certainty it was ills coronavirus casualties continue to rise that al-jazeera what osiris. parents are holding funerals for their children in myanmar after at least 50 percent killed on sunday the worst day of violence in a month and a half on cranks and well nancy coup movements demonstrators defied martial law on
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monday where they were again met with live ammunition killing 6 more protest is hardly reports. the deadliest area on the most violent day of the anti coupe protests on sunday was in an industrial suburb of yangon. more than 30 unarmed protesters were killed with live ammunition some of the protesters there targeted factories financed by china many protesters say the country is supporting the coup global times a chinese state run newspaper said factories were attacked and set on fire by so-called instigators and causing $37000000.00 in damage it prompted the strongest statement yet from china calling the situation very severe and urging myanmar's generals to stop all acts of violence punish the perpetrators and protect the chinese people and companies its large influential neighbor to the north china is by far the largest trading partner with me and maher. and is the biggest supplier
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of arms and military equipment to the tatmadaw me and mars' army. after sunday's violent crackdown and vandalism the judge to announce at least 6 areas in yangon are now under martial law in smaller groups than on sunday protesters came out again on the streets of mandalay on monday marching against the giant and supporting their democratically elected leaders ousted civilian leader aung sang suu kyi she was to have another court hearing on the charges against her including one added last week accusing her of accepting illegal payments but the hearing was pushed back to go. to the new food. this might. not be just could not be. this to me because we have got no internet. for the whole country these 6 weeks on the protests his resolve has remained constant. but according to some they've had to increase their
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willingness to sacrifice. the meaning of the tattoo is freedom from fear they threatened us with weapons but our revolution won't win if we have fear so we must get rid of this kind of fear to prevail in our revolution. the term revolution now increasingly being used by those out on the streets protesting but it's now also being used by civilian parallel government saying revolution is needed to overturn the coup scott hodler al-jazeera iran's foreign minister says after 4 years of what he calls u.s. economic terrorism washington needs to build good faith with to her and before any nuclear deal talks can begin there was a refrain the comments in a virtual conversation with the european policy center. and anybody real world media are not just punishing. publishing russia china publishing. so.
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it's not passed that that's in part the united states miserable. past we have. under our belt so let's. let's get some help of the united states some good some. and then come back and talk about it and then it will be the next administration you know and by suits . and the coming hours the u.k. parliaments will to base a new law that would give police more power to crackdown on protests the billows offices to intervene of protests cause serious disruption it comes as for his face criticism over the handling of a vigil for 33 year old woman who was murdered for walking home. tens of thousands of people have rallies and marches across the street area protesting against the abuse and harassment of women it's been triggered by
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a legations of rape and assault centered around a stray as parliament gauge reports now from canberra. thank you protesters outside astrologers parliament to modeling action of violence against women in recent weeks allegations of right to struggle in politics prompting a growing number of people to speak about sexual assault and harassment i don't want to go out in the world where women are listened to and i think that we should make a change it was sparked by shocking allegations that form a political stop of britney he was right by a colleague in the defense minister's office. we're here because i'm function of what we're used to having but it's same stale tired. the strelley is top floor officer attorney general christian porter is also accused of an historic right dating back 3 decades which he categorically denies police have closed the case but
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the government is facing growing calls for an independent inquiry we just don't think that it's appropriate that a man who holds the highest floor office in the country can have an untested and also apparently on ridge right allegations sitting out there it makes women feel very unsafe and unsupported allegations of massage me and sexism in australia's parliament and nothing new the nation's 1st female prime minister julia gillard called it out in 2012 having but stories of a toxic culture continue it's still very much a bloke's world here a man's world and even if you work in the building as a woman you know are very clearly that you're not in charge of the government says violence against women is a priority and has set up an investigation into workplace culture but many don't believe that goes far enough this isn't just about women in politics many others
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here have their own story about being harassed or sexually assaulted they're calling for recruitment training from the top down like the women are treated equally. some are calling this latest movement a struggle is 2nd me to wave stories all too familiar right across the globe. nicola gage al-jazeera canberra oh it's been a historic night for women it's the grammy music awards beyond say has become the most decorated arsonist in the awards history and it is also a big night for taylor swift as castiel lopez what am reports. an awards ceremony to honor the best of the music industry the grammy awards made history this year marked by women taking home the top awards good bradley goes to there was. the star of the night was beyond see who won for grammys
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with her 23 when she became the most awarded woman in the grammys history of wanting to uplift and courage celebrate all of the beautiful black queens and kings that continue to inspire me and inspire the whole world i was taylor swift also made history with her album full glory she became the 1st female artist to win album of the year 3 times and that puts her in the ranks of so-called 3 peat performers like frank sinatra stevie wonder and paul simon mostly we just want to thank the fans you guys met us in this imaginary world that we created and we can't tell you how honored we are. british singer do a leaper won best pop vocal album for her dance the future nostalgia and spoke of the value of music during hard times and record of the year when to billie eilish for everything i wanted yeah thanks for doing this i love you thank you the song of the year went to r. and b.
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artist her for the black lives matter anthem i can't breathe addressing issues like police brutality social justice and rates we are the change that we wish to see and you know that that that fight that we had enough of the summer of 2020 keep that same energy thank you the pandemic has devastated much of the music industry with canceled festivals like concerts and to. worse the grammys reflected that reality with artists at the ceremony socially distance and wearing masks and also with many prerecorded performances that is. a groundbreaking ceremony and a reminder of the power of music especially during challenging times cartier lopez other young al-jazeera. start for the sports here's some or thank you very much a hello world christiane or another kept alive eventis is fading syria title hopes with a hat trick on sunday the portuguese star has been linked with a move back to real madrid and also came under fire for his performance in new ways
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champions league exit against porto but he was back to his best to help his team beat calgary 31 the win that means the italian champions are standpoint of top spot they do however have a game in hand over leaders enter with a team still scheduled to face off in may into themselves also got a when earlier in the day to torino to wonder miller cackle opened the scoring from the penalty spot torino are in the bottom of 3 but they managed to level the game late a header from martinez that secured the victory for into. ac milan's recent inconsistent form continued on sunday the league's 2nd place team were beaten one nil by napoli ac now trail and by 9 points. the north london derby produced one of the best goals of the season as tottenham
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were beaten by arsenal in the english premier league arjen time to erik lamela put spurs ahead with quite a spectacular cross lead that known as. the gun as the equalized not long after and took the lead with a 2nd home of penalty from alexander left as it they've got worse for spurs one lamela was sent off for a 2nd yellow card as there was a 1000000 years team who went down to one just an hour 6 points of the champions league spot. the only 2 things that were positive in the 1st row was an amazing goal and the result of. the 11 result because of the 11 was not a fair reflection of the 1st of where they don't mean it was where the e.p.l. title seemingly out of reach manchester united boosted their chances of finishing 2nd by beating west ham craig it's also in the own goal of handing the red devils
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a one nil win their now one point ahead of 3rd place leicester who also won on sunday. team new zealand have taken a 53 lead in the america's cup on what was a dramatic day off the coast of auckland when they staged comebacks in both races on monday to secure back to back wins over luna rossa the 2nd victory being the more dramatic after a terrible start they managed to overturn a 4 minute deficit italians who look to have victory in their hands collapsed and they came off their 4 else near the end of the 3rd leg allow the kiwis to capitalize and take the win so now 2 victories away from attaining the trophy you have still got to go back to. turn that around like we did was massive for the team stinks some of the motion from the granny boys martin but he has outside there were there was a there was a big one for them to say sure. takes
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a huge effort to get the body on the racetrack like that i'm really proud of the whole group that pretty quickly we come back in here in great growth and try to learn as much as we can and sort of look for tomorrow in the next 2 arrests in front of us cricket now and the west indies are celebrating a one day international series clean sweep over sri lanka bravos start for the home side in north sound with a century as they overturned sri lanka total of $274.00 with 9 balls to spare the 5 look at when sealing the series 3 no. all number 3 goal for justin thomas has won the players championship in florida american produced some amazing goals in the final round he posted a 4 under 68 to finish one shot at the head of lee westwood who is now being the one are up for 2nd straight torment this is thomas' 1st when this season and his
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14th p.g.a. tour victory. it means a lot obviously it's a huge championship very special it's a tournament i wanted to win tournaments that i truly did feel like i was going to win it at some point and hopefully multiple times i just i love the golf course it was an incredible shape this week the greens were were so good the fairways were perfect ruffles was long. just a great test of golf what do i take from the 2 it's just just a lot of pride you know i ground out today give myself a chance to suppose at the end. made some nice birdie puts nice par fours. plus we lost we was also very good you know these are world class fields these are young guys that you know i'm given 2025 years to most of them and. yet i'm still contending so i'm enjoying the thrill to be a. basketball star steph curry put in
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a birthday performance to remember to help the golden state warriors and a 4 game losing streak it 2 time m.v.p. who turned 33 on sunday celebrated in style scoring a game high $32.00 points his efforts saw golden state in the western conference leading the charge as a by 12 point margin the warriors are currently in line to the west one place the playoff spot. the tokyo in pics organizers have confirmed that the torch relay will begin as planned and focused on march 25th the original handover ceremony happened in the north east in effect last april the relay itself will be subjected to covert $900.00 safety measures with a grand start not open to the public till q officials have also said that ahead of the relay they want to decide whether for spectators will be allowed into japan for
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the games which are scheduled to begin on july 23rd. and that's why it's well for me fires mel have more for you later on but for now it's back to heller thank you very much indeed lots more of course are on the web site address as ever it's just 0 dot com. so i'll be back with you in just a moments but or leave you with some images of serious war of the 10 year anniversary. it is the moral obligation of us all to stop the suffering of the city and.
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russia is partnering with the syrian regime to carry out war crimes. talk to i'll just say to. you tell me what the government you represent is now illegitimate and we listen we did not sell the fence material any country the conflict in yemen we meet with global news makers until about the stories that matter on syria and jump into the story there is a lot going on in this and julian and global community when i don't have all the misinformation i think we are more afraid than we are and be part of the debate don't ever take anybody's one word because there is always a difference when no topic is off the table we have been disconnected from our land we have been disconnected from who we are and would love to hear the new in the to
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be part of today's discussion this treaty on out is there. no moved out of his parents' house after he got to me he says he found more space living in this case after run of eating it last year it's now his home along with his wife daughter and health but the israeli government said that he will speak with structed we've gotten permits and issues that the militia ordered last month our interview were cut short. as he hears that the israeli army has arrived in the village with a bulldozer residents say soldiers gave them one minute to do. it took the found me months to build their brick house and less than an hour to see it get demolished.
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al-jazeera. and the. gunman kidnapped children and teachers at a school in the western nigeria. about how my he did this is al jazeera wife and doha also coming up. say in rebel held cities across syria as it marks 10 years of civil war more than half a 1000000 people dead and millions forced to flee.
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