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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm +03

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when 3 seats in parliament well there is not enough for a seat for the party is already seen as a surprise of these elections young will be lucky enough to get one seat but it's been off until today. before we met them i didn't think about it so i don't know yet but it made me think yeah yeah if elected christine i'm in the list not yet allowed to work as a member of parliament as she is under age her seat would go to the next candidate on the list visiting the parliament building for the 1st time she can't wait for the day her career in politics get started step fasten al-jazeera the hague. it is good to have you with us hello adrian finnegan here in doha the headlines in al-jazeera the u.s. secretary of state has used his 1st overseas trip to take a hard stand against china and saudi blinken says that washington is prepared to
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push back against beijing's growing influence in the region and china uses coercion and aggression to systematically erode autonomy in hong kong undercut democracy in taiwan abuse human rights and changing and tibet and assert maritime claims in the south china sea that violate international law. we are united in the vision of a free and open indo-pacific region where countries follow the rules cooperate whenever they can and resolve their differences peacefully. and in particular we will push back of necessary when china uses coercion or aggression to get its way north korea has taken notes of the visit and does issued a warning to the us kim jong the sister of leader kim jong un as a washington to refrain from doing anything quote unseemly if it wants to sleep peace in peace in the coming for yes. in the coming hours libya's new sneer least
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one in unity government will officially take office the u.n. backed effort is meant to help bring stability ahead of elections in december people in myanmar's largest city and on the flame one of the districts that's on the martial law local media reporting heavy traffic on the roads the city was a battleground on monday the security forces escalated that crackdown who protested this well health organization experts are meeting on tuesday to analyze data on the safety of the astra zeneca vaccine germany france and italy of the suspended use of the chap with latvia joining the list until reports of blood clots investigated streets are empty businesses closed in the brazilian state of some power urgency restrictions came into effect there on monday the country's health minister has again been replaced what you see here al-jazeera right after the stream which is next. talking to al jazeera. can you tell me what the
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government you represent is now illegitimate and we listen we do not sell dense material any country to the conflict in yemen we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter syria. ok it has been 10 years since a people's uprising in syria turned into a full blown war some of these images you see back here are shocking but what is even more shocking is that they may not be moving us as much as they did 10 years ago and that is an issue about syria do people really care around the world today we've been together on the strain syrian voices syrians to talk about the past 10 years and what they hope for the future we start with katie. i think
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people around the world engaged was a sit and coffee and they're in different ways and now they are disengaging for different reasons 1st some people are engaged because of islam a whole big i could use an earth as a for the of i says are the islamic states they are now this in. a 2nd some people in guess because of the troops on the red sea and their embassy and after 10 years of conflict it's worse because and yesterday's compassion fatigue answered because of the ongoing governed idea in there that make a lot of you but as a world are focusing on the suffering of their own communities is another that this community is like in syria we're joined on today's episode by. it is good to see you amalia tell everybody who you are what you do. hi everyone
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thank you for having me on the show i am mary m. jenner b. i am very representative of the syrian opposition coalition to their united nation i have been working with a united nation in the name of the syrian opposition for the last 10 years i am also a co-founder of the syrian women's political movement which i am very keen to always highlight and talk about the need for gender equality in all the work that we do because there will be no democracy and freedom and justice without including people and society in the decision making. is a regular guest on the stream to talk about syria welcome back door to tell everybody remind everybody you are what you do. i thank you very for having me and a much as issue in my speech at these critical care medicine i practice in chicago but i had a lazy so-called 'd medic label 'd where we support health care in disaster asia's like yemen gaza strip but like there is today as you know you're in colombia and
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syria or syria 'd is my homeland and i just returned from syria a few days ago. medical mission to north syria to address the issue of course that you for having me at the. alley and nice to see you tell our audience while. i ferreted gritty berate you my names are a melancholy ironic and i direct the international porn concentration in the new markets go journalism at the city university of new york and i am also the author of a book on syria the home that was our country and i write about syria as a country and wherever its people have gone to most recently i have a series that runs the new york times magazine about the same syrian refugees that i traveled with from greece to to northern europe and i've been following their lives for the past 6 years and plan to for the next 4 thank you so much and if you want you know what you can do we have a comment section you can jump right into the comments section and be part of
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today's program at delta you said you were in syria just recently if you could give us a sense of where is the conflict right now what did you see that would say that syria is tied. to a conflict. well syria is still in crisis it's still in conflict and fortunately the 6000000 refugees are still refugees in the neighboring countries and lebanon in jordan in turkey on iraq and other places there is a large number of refugees in europe but the displaced people in syria are still the displaced out of the population 11000000 people are displaced i was an adlib province which is controlled by the opposition and it has 4200000 people have of them been displaced from other regions in syria from from there is there are the masters although in other places a little course and they there is no future for them one of 1200000 of them live in
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camps and then there are camps 1250 camps i visited one of the camps met with. a child her name is as mark i met with her also last year at the people that this placement she was this place with her family 7 times before she ended in a camp near it live city and last year i asked her what she wants she wants to be in the future and she told me that she wants to be a doctor this time if she's not going to school because she has to work with her family to earn a living and this is unfortunate because what's happening in syria is affecting a whole generation of children it started the syrian crisis started with children calling for freedom and 55000 of them have been killed since the beginning of the crisis their life expectancy was cut down by 13 years in the 10 years of conflict and they're still you still are the main victims of the crisis and unfortunately the international community does not have a solution for them to end this crisis and move towards peace and justice mariam al
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audience on you tube asking this question what are they fighting for this comes from talk akash. oh fighting whatever the syrian fighting for is that the question . yeah. i think i've been a lawyer from but when you live in any democratic country in the world you're expected to go every number of years to go vote for a new president a new government and you know representative for your government we don't want to we did not have that right and we don't have that right in syria many people like myself had my family was forced to leave the country because. the oppression and the lack of freedoms in the country were so strong that my dad had been in prison 5 times you have to flee the country. so people came out in the streets 10 years ago asking for change to that kind of oppressive regime that we have in syria it's
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been ruled by the assad regime the father and now the son and there is no freedoms of any sorts of people came out on the streets to ask for dignity and freedom and respect and democracy and they were faced by guns by military force by 'd planes by barrel bombs by everything possible to just stop them from coming out to the street to demand their basic rights that any people in any democratic country how. as adults it was speaking he was shaking your head what was going on as you were hearing some of what he was saying down on the ground in syria right now are just thinking about the immense amount of trauma that it syrians are facing individually and then collectively and. you know i think we underestimate what you know when you speak you know the children. you know
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children are quite literally the future and i just think how can you build a future oron. you know point is generation with this generation by this generation when the trauma is so immense and there isn't really a possibility to to remediate it by asking for for justice or accountability you know even even before the the last 10 years which was sort of the 5th decade of the assad regime which the most recent i'm unleashed you know brutal brutal violence that was visible and tangible there you know the regime the 1st for decades had also been violent granted in the kind of violence that is harder to see but the threat of arbitrary detention disappearance kept everybody quite in check and and i think a lot of what we saw in the last 10 years was sort of in part the result of. you know a society that had been traumatized for decades already and i just and that translated in many ways into an inability to sort of actual lives or to actually as
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a kind of future that i think people came out onto the streets for and i you know i just you know i'm working closely with refugees as a board member. organization of women and also as a journalist in the people and i sit with people and hear how they're trying to rebuild their lives and the obstacles are immense and me inability to have any kind of justice or accountability i think just compounds that level of trauma and violence people have been forced to live with and it's just devastating i can just follow up on what that he has mentioned and. michel of the maria you know right now we're witnessing in my own martyr what would happen in syria 10 years ago where you have the mystery there is asking for you know freedom for democracy and the army their main mar army is meeting them with snipers who are shooting at them and today they killed about 30 or 50 people demonstrators that have been in syria for 9
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months where the you have peaceful demonstration is there is in asking for the same freedom that we enjoy in the west in the united states and europe and other places and there were they were met by snipers and by the army and you know eventually people carried arms to britain to protect themselves to to protect their families and communities from mass rape from displacement from snipers from people coming to the hospitals to pull out patients and then there's of carrying it from torture you know we're talking about a scale of torture that we have never witnessed in recent memory 'd 200000 people disappeared in syria 88000 of them were tortured to death by the assad regime 600000 people were killed which is 2.7 percent of the population this is largest than any other conflict. so the scale of that dry cities that happen in syria displacement of the population 12000000 people is unheard of since the 2nd world war the scale of the psychological trauma on children is unheard of if you know
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every child in syria is growing without a certain future and that's adding to the drama of displacement and by lies that they have witnessed so this is something that has to force the international community to react you know the fact that we're not seeing syria in the media is very painful for us not only because we are syrian but because this is never been witnessed by the war in the in the past the war used to injure being to stop atrocities in syria for some reason we're turning the other way and this is not helpful because it will come back to haunt us at one point justice will prevail but what happened in syria is making the whole world then there if you sentiment and the immigrant sentiment their eyes of terrorism the right of it goob and populism all of this is happening in europe and in the united states in reaction to the syrian crisis but for some reason we're not connecting that our people are not going to get in the car and policymakers especially the leaders of the united
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states president 'd biden and before him jump and obama turn the other way from this crisis that they're affecting us then he says and question for you for an extended jump from our own separate as they really want to talk to here and it's so rare that we get all syrians to talk to our own has a cache of wants to marry a map may put this one to you i want to ask what is the u.n. security council u n h r c that's the refugee organization of the united nations doing to handle the situation many questions about that if you could ask this once a free flow of relief from say that that the security council has 5 permanent members and 10 nonpermanent members who are elected every 2 years so i don't the 5 permanent members they have the veto power to stop any kind of resolution that comes out of the security council that is an international car international. action there have been 15 resolutions about where put forward on syria to create some kind of. on the ground whether it was humanitarian or on accountability or
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on any political process and china and china and the russia russia has be told this 15 times so there is a very strong element that is supporting this or was on a mild heart element another dictatorship or another region that's supporting this process that the regime has taken on of killing its own people this war against the people that makes it very difficult to do anything through this security council this isn't that i want to talk about you all alluding to this and this is the sense of accountability where is the accountability. you talked about the dreadful statistics of the people who have died. this is a tragedy in modern times and we talked to syrians about where it is the accountability where is that have a listen have a look we cannot talk about who is going to transition because really sure we don't
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who lose who good relations from all sides are going to include us with no doubt every future and if they do what is the to question your brezik we really need to be working able state and non-state actors and we need to design a kind of delivery process so that it centers the most culpable which would be the assad regime. but accountability shouldn't also shouldn't be just on the most culpable it should be for every party and every person that participated in work. so there is. a process a legal process going on in germany right now tell us more about that where do you still the accountability may well be. well you're referring to the trials in copeland's in germany where 2 members of the one who's quite senior the other quite junior have been put on trial and
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a verdict has come down against the junior member but ironically both of these men are men who defected from the regime and in the case of the junior the general have put out a member he was giving his testimony to to the german authorities for it to make his asylum case that he needed asylum because he was in danger for having defected from the regime and it was in those interviews that the german police and the german state realised he had actually been an active member of the how. he went refugee asking for asylum to defendant and now he is has been sentenced to 4 years to which have been served for his participation in crimes against humanity the more senior members trial will will take longer and so yes and our own bunny is a friend and the syrian lawyer who is one of the few people i actually speak to who remains hopeful and in general so the question is you know a lot of people put
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a lot of stake in the in getting a guilty verdict and other people didn't and people have been surprised you know there are some people for whom they didn't think they're going much satisfaction in in a junior member having a guilty get a guilty verdict and have found themselves in fact quite you know finding some kind of catharsis in it while others who are hoping for her to have that catharsis didn't it's going to be a very individual reaction aren't on many levels but in terms of like true accountability you know the greatest the greater greatest perpetuators of the perpetrators of violence remain in power in syria so we're talking about accountability that we should also talk about impunity and to just pick up on dr saad who's point from earlier in terms of the messaging that goes to the rest of the world when they see what happened what happened in syria i watched. watch the news from hong kong for me now are from there a ruse from russia and for those rulers who but want to be able to act with
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impunity there is a quite a bottle in syria now we will enjoy this kind of immunity this impunity eventually the world will normalize your presence and you know the message that sent to the young people i mean are are in belarus is that you must be willing to either pay with your life or with exile if you want to speak out because the world is not necessarily going to stand with you know a fear if your country has imposed a sort of natural resource interest to the rest of the world you know exactly and on this same point some some people may think accountability only affects the syrian people and i think all of us agree that without accountability well transitional justice we will not move to into a national reconciliation the return of the refugees reconstruction and peace in syria that happen in all other crises like syrian crisis we need to have accountability but also lack of accountability killing doctors and nurses and bombing hospitals without accountability that means other regime will do the same
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and that happened using chemical weapons 330 times in syria by the assad regime that means other regime will use chemical weapons and we've seen that done by north korea by assassinating someone with with chemical weapon by russia assassinating 2 of its citizens by using chemical agents so a lot of accountability will take the whole war if we keep blind eye on what's happening in syria chime it with doesn't hasn't in one of the hospitals that he i work with him is built in inside the cave for protection of hospitals because 580 hospitals were bombed in syria he was killed while at u.t. in his hospital because he's serving his community 940 doctors in theirs as were killed in syria and there is no accountability. yes if i may and i because i mean i'm going to squeeze in one more thought if i may because we spoke to so many syrians and they shared their thoughts with us all the video as well as you
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generous and sharing your thoughts with us live right now. also about what was a big advance that really were milestones for them over the last 10 years and this is what they told us 10 years of this hearing evolution the support of the syrian revolution the government have used all of all of the teachers and police forces that we have had from d.c. to field day digital pictures of the children of all of those i think everybody and everybody that have if you bring in the city instruction i think they have to be i don't i don't think someone could get out on the crimes have been committed in syria start to come yet tax on the peaceful protest to the paradigm's attacks and the chemical weapons attacks 100000 of victims millions of refugees
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and everybody was the picture of syria bashar al assad and his allies russia and iran guess we have just a few minutes left for the end of the show is extraordinary how much days to talk about syria and how little and how seldom we do so would you very swiftly finish your thought and then tell us one milestone that you want to share with us from the last decades of the syrian conflict sky has. i wanted to actually it was so nice that to hear what the activists have been saying is that one thing that we sometimes find in the media where they're talking about how it's a complicated crisis people like look at it all and like from afar you know syrians killing syrians and there is this confusion about what might be happening on the ground in syria and that some natural disaster or really like our civil war where you have you know because of ethnic background or religious background where people are fighting together what we have in syria is a dictatorship that's killing its own people all over 90 percent of the atrocities
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that have taken place in syria the main reason for why people are leaving the country the refugee crisis all of the humanitarian crises that is on the ground it is that handmade by the regime itself the region has besieged now we don't talk about these things but the regime at some point was beseeching millions of people refusing to have a deliveries go to them because they wanted some area submit to their to is there is it possible to have a moment that say you is a searing moment for the last decade as i am going to move on to the co-pilot's because we're at the end of the show do you have a moment or is it the overall role this is a manmade places that you want to leave us with there's so many moments so many moments i mean like there are so many more people coming out this year until today people coming out and celebrating the 10th anniversary of the revolution to me when i see all of these videos when i see children and women and young man and everybody you know holding the flags of the revolution coming out that all of the feed that
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i'm getting on my facebook all the fuel getting on that i'm getting from friends it's amazing that we share when we share the conversation with go ahead pick one moment. well i'm going to pick a bit of a downer moment for me and i was inside syria at this time and this is sort of it was a turning point for me it was the the matter hamza harpy be young boy who were gonna test with this family his 32 year old all was detained tortured to death castrated burn marks and and that's that's all par for the course in me to and should but i was stunned that the syrian regime sort of put out a news program showing how you know it was it was one of the 1st big news programs i can think of sort of showing communicating that. trying to pretend all these were post-mortem injuries that they hadn't happened in the custody of the regime and i came to understand that this was a way where there is sort of hide threats in plain sight to sort of threaten all of
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us with why what could happen to us or toward children should we should we descend and that was a very unsophisticated example of descent from nation and news and yet has very much characterized what has happened in the last 10 years and in many ways answers your question as to why folks don't care in part because this group is kind of december mission campaigns that were maliciously insidiously put out have managed to confuse people as to who the real threat is what the truth is and makes it easier to be apathetic into 3 arms up and say i just don't now we believe we would need a whole week of programs on so and that's not a bad idea of a finale that's a say with you the twitter handles the social media platforms of obvious different guests the to zahal sol hole here on twitter you can find him 24 hours 70 much that we're fighting 24 hours 7 but he's very committed this is a to handle and this is to handle i'm going to leave here with the voices of
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syrians reflecting on the last 10 years of conflict in their country as of watching everybody see you next time. the regime has committed do you know of dozens of crimes under the eyes of the who are without doing anything from anyone in my opinion the whole mood or go soon crisis because they are focusing. on how to destroy this soon be bold and how to steal this union or the other is a jury of this i think people are feeling hopeless helpless they don't know which is the best way to hold the syrian people you think that conflict is so complex so you don't know how to engage how to how the syrian people the conflict is not complex subroutine killing. civilians who protest in asking perforating for crimes against civilians are ongoing tens of thousands of detainees are stone as
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has presence and millions of syrians are at this planes to end of course the qubit 19 pandemic has exasperated the situation. for afghans with ties to international organizations. this rate has never been greater. left exposed by the withdrawal of foreign troops. maybe the path to safety. in the nation makes home fear ever for their way. part of the viewfinder is a series on al-jazeera. this thing is just sick and it's time for a different approach one that is going to challenge the way you think i'm asking the questions now is the new host of the next season of the show that's got no space
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for sound bites only comedy so let's leave simplicity to the headlines join me as i take on the last dismantle the misconceptions and debate the contradiction. i'll mark lamont hill and it's time to get up front right here on al jazeera. and the disease because 50 percent of all debts children to. a halt. but drop out. lack the speed and childhood education. she. used to love people just leave us to. try. to. seize.
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it. i know japan shares our concerns with china's destabilizing actions the u.s. secretaries of state and defense are in japan to strengthen relations as china's influence grows in the region. and i'm adrian forget this is a 0 live from doha also coming up libya's new unity government is about to take power it's part of a u.n. backed efforts to bring peace.


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