tv News Al Jazeera March 17, 2021 2:00am-2:31am +03
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of this a bookmaker is a we created together because i happen to live in greece somehow i'm a sinner i'm a bad person. that's machine on al-jazeera. one of the world's hardest hit nations now has one of the world's fastest coronavirus vaccination campaigns but chile is still struggling to contain the virus. i mean you see you know many in santiago chile has reached a milestone 5000000 back to nations investment 6 weeks and yet it hasn't made a dent in the soaring number of defections and that's from a poll that 19. hello
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i'm come on santa maria here in doha with the world news from al-jazeera european union drugs regulators have found no evidence the astra zeneca vaccine causes blood clots but safety concerns are slowing the e.u. is vaccination drive. also in the news protesters stormed the presidential palace in aden as the u.n. envoy to yemen warns the conflict is only getting worse like a war zone thousands of families flee parts of me and to escape martial law imposed by the. low everyone was starting in chile where there was growing alarm over the increasing number of coronavirus cases despite the country having one of the world's leading vaccine rollouts about a 5000000 people have now had their 1st jab more than a quarter of the population vaccinated 2 weeks earlier than a deadline set by the government but cases are rising by an average of 5000
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a day and some quarantine measures will be reimposed next week so here is our last in america editor lucy and human in santiago the see what is going right and wrong at the same time. well it depends on whether you look at chile now as a glass half empty or half full and right now there is really. jury is out certainly the vaccination campaign has been a model. actually it's 33 percent of the population that is have at least one the majority 2 jabs at this point today the president was celebrating the $5000000.00 of vaccinations and he says that in 90 days the whole population will be inoculated the problem is that you need 80 percent of inoculation for herd immunity to kick in and what we're seeing here is exactly the opposite we're seeing huge amounts of people getting infected not so much the elderly who were the 1st ones to be an
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awful aided but younger patients who are now in critical care units in hospitals where there are no more beds available anymore we were at a hospital earlier today and we saw that for ourselves even though chile has increased the number of critical care beds from a 1000 to more than 3000 in the last year alone but there aren't enough nurses and of doctors they are exhausted and the patients just keep coming in and going in one chilean is dying now approximately every 15 minutes now from colvin 1000 so this is very serious situation extraordinary so what's can chileans expect as far as restrictions now. they're expecting have they're getting a lot of restrictions have in fact they're not starting next week they're starting to morrow or rather on thursday at least half of the capital is going to be under total lockdown all of the country or 95 percent of it is already under lock downs on the weekends and the government has announced stricter. restrictions to for
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example no gyms people must stay mugs must not gather in their homes more than 5 people at a time there's a there are a whole series of new harder restrictions that need to be imposed but clearly there is a lot of pandemic exhaustion that's here now and people are not abating the laws in fact even the bishop of the city of us in the southern part of the country which was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic was calling on the faithful to disobey the law it says if it goes against your conscience that because churches had been forbidden from holding services so it's becoming very very difficult to maintain these restrictions even as they are rolled out in our show measures all the details from chile without mass in america newman thank you to see you and let's take you through some of the covert news france where the prime minister says the country is into the 3rd wave of the pandemic the 7 day average of new infections is risen above 25000 for the 1st time since late november putting an added strain on
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hospitals president emanuel micron's hoping a vaccination drive will ease the pressure and maybe prevent another doctor. the pace of vaccinations in france though is slowing along with other european countries who have suspended the use of the astra zeneca over safety concerns but the european medicines agency says it is firmly convinced the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any risks even so 18 countries have temporarily suspended the use of the vaccine because of reports of blood clots in some patients. and the health regulators are investigating if there is any link between the 2 more on this one from dominic kane in berlin. we know that several different countries over the course of this week have raised concerns have sent that the incidence of blood clots amongst some people who have had astra zeneca administered to them was of such concern that they wanted the decision remitted to the m
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a on choose the we have heard from the m a addressing this central issue this is what their spokeswoman had to say there is no indication that vaccination has caused these conditions they have not come up in the clinical trials and they're not listed as known arse or expected side effects with this vaccine in clinical trials both the vaccinated people and the people who are thieves the 1st thiebaud have shown small or some very small numbers of plot talked about months the number of thromboembolism bends overall in the vaccinated people seems not to be higher than that seen in the camera population which basically means that the vaccine in those words is effectively safe because the doesn't appear to be any correlation between having the vaccine administered and a raised incidence of blood clots the important thing there is that if that is the
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final verdict as it were from the e e m a on thursday in amsterdam at their headquarters then that will inform the decision they take about the safety or otherwise of the vaccine and very many millions of european citizens will be wanting to find out whether indeed it is saved. so that's astra zeneca meanwhile maternal has begun testing its covert 19 vaccine on children the ages of 6 months to 12 years part of a study to assess the safety and efficacy of inoculation children against the disease nearly $7000.00 children are taking part in the research which is being done in collaboration with the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases madonna is already conducting a separate study testing the vaccine in children from 12 to 18 years in jordan anger is growing against coronavirus related restrictions protesters have defied the curfew for a 4th night in a row. and this is what they were met with police firing tear
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gas to disperse the crowds who responded then by setting fires this curfew was recently extended to start 3 hours earlier there is also anger over the deaths of several patients at a hospital where oxygen supplies are run out the government ordered an investigation and the health minister has resigned. on to other news yemen where protesters of stormed the presidential palace in the southern city of aden angry about poor living conditions and unpaid salaries witnesses told al-jazeera that officials from the un backed government fled and hundreds of demonstrators forced their way in security guards loyal to the u.a.e. backed southern transitional council were stationed there didn't try to stop the protesters who have since left the pallets elsewhere 3 bombs exploded next to a convoy carrying food to one of yemen's largest camps for displaced families this was in locals in $100.00 province which is in eastern yemen so the homemade devices
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damage one of the $26.00 trucks loaded with aid no injuries reported and no clarity on who was behind that attack. libyan sorry it is a not merry boy the u.n. special envoy says the situation has taken a dramatic turn for the worse fighting between the who things and the government forces in the oil rich city of forced more than a 1000000 people from their homes massing griffiths's famine is not adding to the crisis in yemen the u.n. is trying to raise $84000000000.00 to feed millions of people that diplomatic editor james bates reports this was a very grim assessment of the situation in the yemen the u.n. special envoy telling the security council that it seems the war is back in full force this is how martin griffiths began his speech i'm returning to this council you actually. report the deterioration of the population you know. this time a dramatic. us rather than
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a sort of america got nurse engineers produce a billionaire's imperialist or made it 1000000 internally displaced persons wrist fighting forces on both sides of suffered heavy losses in this unnecessary by our allies to shocking report as our show we all do. increasingly getting drawn into or . deprived of the future. he says he's particularly concerned by the who thiis ongoing offensive on marriage by the cross border air attacks the drone and missile strikes in saudi arabia and the saudi air raids on sanaa and by the fact the war is spreading again to places like who data and ties of course one of the effects of this is humanitarian disaster the u.n. is warning of famine in yemen they tried to raise money from the international community at the beginning of the month they wanted $3850000000.00 and yet they
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only managed to raise $1700000000.00 less than half the money they needed. now to libya which has moved a step closer towards putting the violence and division of the past decade behind it with the united government taking office the head of the outgoing u.n. backed government files that arjun tripoli transferred power to the new prime minister will have made berba smooth transition from the 2 rival governments in the east and the west following painstaking negotiations the new government will now prepare for december elections trainer with more from tripoli. libya witness its 1st peaceful transition of power today since 20122011 the libyan people rose up against wal-mart gadaffi in a revolution calling for freedom and democracy now that hasn't really panned out as well as people hoped of the years of political divisions and violence i really had a devastating impact on the people here so seeing today seeing the outgoing prime
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minister pius the russian handover of power to this new government this new interim government the government of national unity today really excited people we can see that people libyans feel now that there is a glimmer of hope that their country can become can can become a democratic and civilian state but the the road ahead for the government of national unity is not going to be easy they're going to be tasked with forcing over 20000 foreign fighters out of the country they're also going to be tasked with unifying state institutions the military is currently divided between forces in western libya and the forces loyal to the warlord 'd khalifa haftar so lots of challenges ahead of this country ahead of this new government and they're only going to be leading this country for 9 months elections are nationwide elections are set to take place in this in december this year but because of the myth of the feeling here among most libyans is one of hope and one of one of hope and one of
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excitement to see a peaceful transition of power and and that this government may help and bettering or improving basic services for its citizens. gunmen on motorcycles have attacked a group of civilians in asia killing at least 58 people they were attacked while returning from a live stock market and burning bank near the border with mali the group is also destroyed nearby granary is 3 days of national mourning has been declared for those victims. we'll update the weather next and then looking at why the u.s. president is out on tour of the swing states and a precarious archaeological mission that has uncovered biblical treasures.
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how do i once again have a say in the heavy snow making its way away from the rockies through the great plains easing over towards the east to see people some heavy rain coming back in behind initially will see some wet weather down towards the southeastern corner this next system drags its way back across consort through alabama mississippi seeing some heavy downpours and western weather easing over towards parts of georgia we will see some snow coming back in behind here for a time and then quite a spell of weather coming back in across the rockies towards the west coast but as we go on into word thursday that rain will gather some heavy downpours and storms coming through possibility of severe storms maybe the old tornado wrapped in that is the west of where the grass he moves up towards the mid atlantic states up towards new york gradually fading across into new england a good part of kind of the fog into i was a move out of the way it is in western parts of canada seeing some snow coming into
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base a through the pacific northwest of the u.s. we're looking at a fair bit of wet weather with get a fair bit of snow too over the cascades pushing towards the through the rockies here and that rain comes down to northern parts of california not too much right to the forecast meanwhile across the caribbean it's lucky financial right you might just catch one of 2 showers for the east in the highlands. well what $300000000.00 going to mr emberg in such a small place where everyone knows everyone it's great easy to corrupt the highest system. and really give out a little bit in so. it's a film that helped bring down the corrupt governments and led to the jailing of the former president. al-jazeera investigates stealing paradise.
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were. give al-jazeera these are the top stories this hour growing alarm over the increasing number of coronavirus cases in chile despite one of the world's leading back same rollouts more than a quarter of the populations have their 1st job but cases are rising on average about 5000 a day the european medicines agency meanwhile says there is no indication the astra zeneca vaccine causes blood clots and it is quite firmly convinced its benefits outweigh any risks 18 countries have suspended the use of the job after reports of blood clots and small number recipients and protesters in yemen are angry about poor living conditions and on paid salaries the storm the presidential palace in
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the southern city of aden and while the u.n. special envoy to yemen warned of the famine and a dramatic to teary ration and the conflict there. the united nations is 149 people have now been killed since last month's coup in may and now while a political prisoner group puts the toll that 183 martial law has been imposed in many areas but protesters are defying restrictions to gather on the streets barricades were built and set on fire in the largest city young gone but thousands of people have fled parts of the city where the military's taken firm control this was after 5 chinese factories were set on fire over the weekend. arrests and detentions have continued throughout the country with more than 2084 people remaining arbitrarily detained at least 37 journalists have been arrested. 19 remain in arbitrary detention at least 5 deaths in custody have occurred in
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recent weeks and at least 2 victims bodies have shown signs of severe physical abuse indicating that they were tortured. we are deeply disturbed that the crackdown continues to intensify and we again call on the military to stop killing and detaining protested. the u.n. envoy for me and my civilian government is remaining defiant after the military charged him with treason but the sasa as he is known fled me in mar on the day of the k. last month accused of encouraging the civil disobedience campaign and calling for international sanctions only he spoke to us here about those charges to do in route to be charged with high treason by the military junta if these 3 reasons means that i was 3rd in with the people of myanmar given my love for their freedom for democracy and for justice. this illegal illicit the mary-jane may
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have been committing a crime against humanity and trust in this genocides at the classes for the last 700 years against dick and cheney karim. in 87 to kill hundreds of his was. then to have mother. was a servant summer evolution. will be to slaughter in 2017 it was. against all his people to know his story of independence this has been lost and suffered across 3 by those is a means to protect our people these are the same generous who should be charged of treason who charged me today of high treason what does this mean for you though i mean can you ever go back now are you worried perhaps for your friends or for your
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family who are still in the country will be high treason charge carry that sentence that means that. if i go back there of course i do everything i can sue. for been killed and my family my brothers my sisters of cause they read every day they live on across the nations under streets these are the militants in the rose who should be put in jail who are now charging of high treason we have heard some horrific stories stories of torture obviously of many people disappearing since inflated martial law has been imposed the military and the police opening fire on protest is 'd how much longer can this continue how much longer where all of or perhaps should protest is be willing to risk their lives they have no order or. people of myanmar will be forced to defend them the international community do not
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do any action. is say merely that in the us we have been committed the crime against humanity what every every day no not so it has to be store so we are calling it is not. too quickly before it's too late because the blast it what you knew. now u.s. intelligence report says both russia and iran directed efforts to manipulate the 2020 presidential elections has been released by the office of the director of national intelligence it shows agencies believe moscow was trying to help donald trump win a 2nd term while teheran was pushing for a biden victory the report also found cuba venezuela and lebanon's hezbollah were engaged in smaller scale campaigns to influence the vote mike hanna with more from washington d.c. can you explain mike what we mean by influence here because we all remember the
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level of quote unquote influence that happened in the 2016 election how does this differ. well perhaps it's instructive to find out what the report didn't find out and that is it says specifically there was no technical interference in the election with the voter registration with the actual voting process the counting of the votes also it found out specifically that unlike 2016 as you mention there was no attempt by russia to cyber hacked the election infrastructure these are very important differences what it was the report says is all about influence russia for example through its proxies attempted to cause to joe biden in a negative light linking him to corruption allegations in ukraine him and his son iran for example sent e-mails to democratic party members purported to come from the right wing crowd who use movement so these were attempts at manipulation in
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terms of influence and certainly the intent from russia at least according to this report is that it was aided very much by those around then president trump because they were pushing the narrative about allegations of biden's corruption in the ukraine which was directly sourced in this report to russian proxies so the other very important difference so the very important bit of information that has come out of this particular report is that china had nothing to do with election meddling now this goes completely counter to then president trump's narrative and those around him that russia that china was responsible for election meddling and meddling both in 2016 and in 2020 this report from national intelligence specifically finds that china was in no way involved in fact to the country it says china decided that any attempt to meddle in these elections would provide diplomatic blowback which would outweigh any benefits that might incur so
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a very interesting in terms of the narrative that the russian proxies attempted to . we ate linking joe biden to allegations of corruption but the report finding very importantly that there was no technical interference with the election itself which makes it very different from the type off meddling and interference that happened back in 2016 of our excellent clarity there from mike hanna our correspondent in washington d.c. and now we had to pennsylvania where u.s. president joe biden's hit the road to promote his $1.00 trillion dollars covert relief bill he's been in the state highlighting the economic support it will give most americans the boost to their health care as well the policy had bipartisan support among voters with about 70 percent wanting it to become law but it passed congress without any republican support our white house correspondent kimberly howard is on the road in delaware county pennsylvania which i suspect is nice for you can be away from the white house for a change how does it work when you've had
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a bill that is already passed it's gone through the houses and it's been signed but now the president still has to go out and almost when the vote is over. yes and the reason has to do a lot with the divided nation even though the polls as you mentioned show that voters overwhelmingly support this legislation there are couple of problems for them they don't really know how to access the money and less money shows up in their bank accounts they're not really sure what this $2.00 trillion dollars is going for and of course is the taxpayers that are funding this at the end of the day so they kind of want to know what they're getting for their money and so that is what joe biden is out doing it's not just joe biden it's also vice president coming to harris the 1st lady dr jill biden also harris's husband doug m. hof they're fanning the united states all this week to discuss the america rescue plan it's called the help is here tour and this is an example of why i joe biden
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was here in delaware county pennsylvania he's here to explain to people beyond those $1400.00 individual checks what else is available for example small businesses are going to get supports under this legislation and there are small businesses in this community that are really hurting in fact 3 quarters in this state say that they have been negatively impacted by the cove it dying teen pandemic 86 percent of the residents here are going to be receiving some form of financial assistance and the unemployment is up in the state by about 2 and a half percent since the covert pandemic so there's a lot of work to be done but there's work to be done too because of the mistrust of government this is a really divided county a about just a little less than half did not vote for joe biden so he's got to win those voters over and let them know that he is going to make government work for them thank you can't believe how good to talk to there from delaware county to. the u.k.
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plans to increase the size of its nuclear arsenal as it makes the 1st big stocktake of its defense capabilities for 3 decades. as the country cuts a new eye at its foreign policy priorities after a break that the prime minister said it's time to look east and barkha reports from london it's being called the most significant overhaul of the u.k.'s defense security and foreign policy since the cold war a radical reflection said the prime minister of a rapidly changing world their view describes how we would both our alliances strengthen our capabilities find new ways of reaching solutions and really learn the art of competing against states with opposing values. the u.k. wants to build deeper trade and security links with india japan and australia boys johnson's heading to india next month and the u.k.'s new state of the art aircraft carrier will deploy to the region in may where was shipped trade has historically
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followed but the proverbial elephant in the room is china. and 2015 on a state visit president xi promised to invest heavily in the u.k. brics it's made britain even more in need of new trade ties with the u.k. he's under pressure from the u.s. and others to toughen its stance on the chinese government. china's tightening controls over hong kong has made it increasingly difficult to do business with. the massed attention of the we get minority described as torture by the british government china's military expansion into international waters in the south china sea is also a major cause for concern what might happen actually in china there might be a recognition that britain is finally being a bit more straightforward with china and saying yes we do want to trade with the but on some points we're going to disagree which actually is that an approach china
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will say takes with some of its partners as well where the review refers to china as britain's biggest systemic threat if you use russia as the country's biggest active threat in response to a new antiterrorism center will be built to counter the risk of chemical and biological attack the number of nuclear warheads the country can potentially stockpile will be increased by 40 percent and a new crisis command center built under downing street because britain really up to the task. because of 19 pandemics cost the country i watering amounts of money lives and livelihoods remain at risk to help the recovery the government's planning a green industrial revolution with ambitions to become the world leader in carbon capture but in the midst of current challenges it's difficult to see the review is anything but a wish list part of britain's breaks it re brown. the start message from the government is that the old world order is being swept aside britain must adapt if
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it wants to thrive new park al-jazeera london berber is changing the status of its drivers across the u.k. recognising them as employees rather than independent contractors the company says they'll be provided with benefits including the u.k. minimum wage paid holidays and pension last month the u.k. supreme court ruled drivers are entitled to such benefits. finally dozens of fragments of 2000 year old biblical scrolls have been found by archaeologists south of jerusalem they belong to the collection of jewish texts known as the dead sea scrolls teens repel down an $88.00 metre cliff to retrieve the fragments from a site inside the so-called cave of.
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