tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 23, 2021 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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al-jazeera. where every. this is al-jazeera. the time is 1800 hours g.m.t. on come all santamaria welcome to the news hour on al-jazeera. this is not it should not be a partisan issue this is an american issue it will save lives as president joe biden calls for gun control after another mass shooting this time in colorado also in the news israel holds its 4th election in 2 years in what's largely seen as
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a referendum on prime minister benjamin netanyahu more bad news for astra zeneca is covert 19 vaccine a federal health agency in the u.s. has raised concerns over here in the efficacy of the jam. and the republic of congo's presidents us from guess so wins a 4th consecutive term by a landslide but the opposition is crying foul. and sport teams face more than just a front balling challenge to qualify for next year's world cup 19 travel restrictions are causing chaos as players join up with their national side. in the past hour u.s. president joe biden's responded to the mass shooting in the state of colorado with a cold to action for greater gun control police have charged a 21 year old with 10 counts of murder following that shooting spree at
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a supermarket in boulder colorado the victims include a police officer who was one of the 1st responders at the scene the suspect was injured in a shootout with police and is now in hospital but f.b.i. agents say they are still working to establish a motive so let's start with kimberly how could our white house correspondent what did joe biden have to say. the u.s. president consoling a grieving nation as more as the loss of yet more americans following a mass shooting the 2nd one in less than a week the u.s. president vowing to see that these individuals did not die in vain. the united states senate hope summer list should immediately pass the 2 house passed bills the close loopholes in the background check system these are bills and receive votes of both republicans and democrats in the house this is not it should not be a partisan issue this is an american issue it will save lives american lives and
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we have to act we should also been sold weapons in the process this shouldn't be a partisan issue kimberly and yet it is it always is can you expand on that for our international audience as to why it is a partisan issue well there is legislation that has passed to limit the gun ownership in the united states particularly starting with background checks as well as banning some high capacity magazines that is passed in the house of representatives but it's expected to stall in the stand said it given the fact that many conservatives in this country believe there's a cost to to shelly protected right to bear arms in the united states so there would need to be at least $10.00 republicans to join democrats in order for that to become law the other reason that there is a feeling that this may not get any traction is that we've seen this movie before in fact we even had legislation that banned some of the weapons that the president
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is talking about back in 1084 and that legislation was allowed to expire and so the feeling is there simply isn't the political will to see that legislation put in place again and must be a huge sense of deja vu for the president as well you go back 12 years when he was vice president and we had that awful shooting at the school in sandy hook and president obama put joe biden in charge and said let's try to get something through and again it never quite happens. given that there is not only a proliferation of guns in the united states but also a very powerful gun lobby that has paid for many of the members of congress who are sitting in those seats right now and as long as there continues to be that funding as well as a fierce defense of the right to bear arms it doesn't matter how many vast shootings occur it doesn't appear there is the political will to see any substantial change so quickly kimberly again for international viewers watching
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this who might just think well it should be a no brainer that guns get banged up to these why does it this pattern in america where a shooting happens and shootings happen a lot done in fact there was the one in atlanta or only what a week ago. that's right there are still questions about the motives behind the shooting that occurred in atlanta not spate of shootings in fact that left more than 8 people dead this is something that many people are concerned may have roots in asian sentiments and discrimination rooted with the global pandemic the covert night pian pandemic that originated in china but the fact is that these are not uncommon occurrences again because of the proliferation of guns in the united states and this is why so many people are pushing to see those guns removed from america's streets thank you for all of that kimberly how good is out white house correspondent as we've heard from president joe biden after the
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shooting in boulder colorado and earlier we heard from vice president come out how are you surprised eric tully the officer who was killed in the line of duty. it's trying to. tell you. about a living their lives. not hiring somebody. who farming is duty. and. a great courage and heroism. 7 children i understand. caring. for a place to welcome holly dexter to al-jazeera former co-founder of the 1st california chapter of a group called moms demand action of course over gun control joining us from chatsworth in california holly thanks for your time do i mean i think if you had chorus one of those she's saying we've seen this film before haven't we it happens over and over again this time a new administration
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a new congress more democratic control do you think there's any reason to believe something could change now i absolutely think there's any sense of need in chains there are a lot of people who thought we couldn't get any meaningful change we're in comes to police reform and look what they're look what we did negroes are the people rose up and made this issue front and center and it's time for us to make this issue front and center this is going on for far too long it always becomes front and center though doesn't it for a brief period you get another mass shooting you get a you get a. boulder colorado you get a sandy hook you get a las vegas and it goes to the headlines and then it just seems to fade again the difference now is that we haven't ministration that's in our corner we have a president by now who has passed new nick welcome reform in the past he passed a ban on assault rifles and for the chen years that we have that in the 19th states
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there were very national needs like nantz was allowed to inspire in 2000 or. again i like to bring things out for our international audience you might have heard me saying that to kimberly as well for people watching all over the world who just think well. why why shouldn't guns get banned or why shouldn't they be bigger controls i know that the 2nd amendment is a big part of this but still it can you get us inside the psyche of why even after all these tragedies things don't change because money has power and the n.r.a. just want to eat in colorado last week and cleaned up big jerry the n.r.a. and the gun lobby i mean listen one of our 1st major exports of the united states was guns we have made a lot of money off of guns you got to take the power own way from the gun lobby it's got to be to the point we're not big business and the people themselves and up and say i'm not and 75 percent of the people in this country want meaningful gun
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legislation 90 percent want to see universal background checks passed so now we have the will we have the people behind us we have the administration in power who can actually get it done this is a time i think to feel hopeful but also determined the time for thoughts and prayers is over this is the time for act and on the decks to good to talk to you topic to have to talk about but thank you for your time. 9 minutes past this news are here's what's coming up after years of friction on the president donald trump the u.s. is pledging to revitalize cooperation with nato. the u.k. holds a minute's silence for the 146000 victims of covert 99 on the anniversary of its 1st lockdown in sport we'll hear where this 4 time champions league winner expects to be playing its next football season.
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just a couple of hours away now listen 2 hours in fact from polls closing in israel and yet another parliamentary election this is if you keeping count a 4th vote in 2 years the difference this time the sitting prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing 3 corruption trials the opposition meanwhile more fractured than ever at all points to more deadlock followed by the scramble to form a workable coalition we'll get an update from our correspondents in a moment 1st snow sasha the name has this report. israelis have been going through a 2 year cycle of election government formation collapse and to repeat in this sport cycle there is little suspense prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his little cooed party are expected to get the most votes even though more than half of israelis recently polled want him out you have
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a valuable ideology you have voting against someone so it's very hard to to get to a country like this you know you can avoid because you don't want someone you have to hold because you want something happen and that the problem. netanyahu needs to get 61 seats in the knesset to form a government no one ever has so the question is who would he form a coalition government with he's alienated former allies and is facing stiff competition from within the right i think he's been i wonderful politician for israel in the past he's been in power way too long and he has too many issues surrounding him at this point i'd really like to see a change and it surprises me that the whole country isn't behind that idea. janet melzer is a liberal voter who like many others believes israelis have a 5th election on the horizon really concerned with the direction the country is going nowhere a lack of respect for the other total lack of respect for the other i don't know no
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understanding of civil rights or democracy voter participation in the previous election was 71 percent pollsters predict a lower turnout for now israelis vote and wait to see if their country can move past this unprecedented political limbo natasha going to name just west jerusalem. and we'll have more with natasha in a moment she's up in tel aviv now outside the yes or a tea party headquarters harry force that those starts us off that look good party in west jerusalem and you were saying last hour harry that there is a lot of confidence coming out from prime minister netanyahu i guess that's his job he's a politician but he seems to be saying he actually get close to that majority. 'd well that's been his message for the last couple of days his message through the campaign was one about the vaccines saying to israelis that because of his.
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acuity and assistance in getting the vaccines from pfizer that is what is bringing them back to life bringing smiles back to israel in contrast with what's happening in parts of europe where the numbers are going up again he's a change that meshes slightly to one of economic leadership saying that he now stands best placed to lead israel through the post pandemic recovery and now in the last hours of the campaign the message is about how close he says he is just 2 seats in terms of the whole coalition building process away from what he's been promising israelis for more than 2 years now a solid strong right wing coalition now the latest turnout figures that we have there from 6 pm local time it's a little after 8 pm local time at the moment they show turnout is down nearly 5 percentage points on what it was last time out the lowest since 2009 and so we've seen netanyahu 1st among them but all of the popular political leaders in israel
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desperately scrambling around the country telling their voters that their turnout in particular is particularly badly hit not to believe people who say the opposite trying to get a last minute turn out the vote effort to succeed and to drag them across the line and it's worth as well remember what the stakes are for benjamin netanyahu he is on trial in 3 separate corruption cases that trial set to resume in april after the election if he's still a prime minister while going through that he has a a stronger chance at least to try and fend those charges off his critics say he may try to legislate something he denies to escape the trial altogether and on the other side he will save netanyahu wins he's going to bring in. in a much for the rights government that we've seen in the post and one that threatens some of the key precepts of the israeli judicial system and the main opposition leader is saying that he threatens israel's democracy itself so big stakes
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a last minute effort on all sides to try and get the voters out. in west jerusalem let's move to tel aviv natasha the name and yes at the party headquarters are you saying earlier again the town said that the leader yeah you love pete that is the one to watch in this election will mean what what does he offer as an alternative to what harry's been telling us about. well he's really emerged as a contender and a legitimate opposition leader to benjamin netanyahu he is a former journalist he's been in politics since 2012 he's a former finance minister and to give you an idea of how once allies can become foes he along with 3 military generals formed the blue and white party that is a right party that joined the most recent coalition with netanyahu which has now collapsed so from this glittered right political right in israel yeah you're lucky
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to of yes the tea party which means this is the future has emerged he's been criticized a bit for not campaigning aggressively constituents but bear in mind we are in a pandemic he has really focused his messaging some of his slogans are it's time to let sanity when it's time for a senior government he's criticized netanyahu as has other challengers for putting the country behind his own personal interests he says that netanyahu has also mismanaged the vaccine he says the country was closed too late a lockdown came too late at the expense of about 6000 israeli lies and a qana me that is. suffering but it appears if you are to believe what the pollsters and analysts are saying that there doesn't appear to be an easy path forward for yes it's heated holes right now are showing that yes its heat is
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getting about 1819 or it's expected to get about 18 or 19 seats in the knesset again that magic number to form of government is 61 seats out of 120 in the knesset well it could in contrast polls show it's getting about 3233 seats we've been talking to a lot of voters today and even those who managed to turn out to vote from all expressed a lot of disaffection saying that they feel like their vote is simply going to maintain the status quo and these are mostly i should point out among those who do not support netanyahu and we have some recent figures about voter turnout as of a couple of hours ago the turnout was about 51.5 percent that is the lowest since 2009. the tashi going to him with that information for us from tel aviv thank you let's bring it all together with moen bashar a senior political analyst here and. mowen i can even count the number of years
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that we've been talking to you on the channel about benjamin netanyahu the great survive and 2021 do you think you will still be that survivor. well he certainly proved to be one. i remember from 1906 when us 1st elected prime minister defeated in 1999 and then served as foreign minister as us finance minister and then some holly sprang back again into life in 2009 and since then he's basically run what 291215193 times sense so certainly the consummate politicians and he certainly is he's survived you know the likes of donald trump but probably it was still rival i also narrow brazil's his stipes you know populist nationalist kind of you know with lots of the political humbug go all around but he stand of the standing to be more like
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our. 2 own hungry when i get in a populist nationalist not exactly to the liking of western european liberals but certainly a right wing survivor you would think then ma one even with all of that track record which you've just sold us about you would think that maybe this would be the time where a strong opposition figure could come forward at a time when netanyahu is facing corruption charges where we're in a middle of a pandemic where he's not been able to win 3 previous elections our ride. you would think it's the time for change why why does it never seem to be the time for a change in israel certainly recently. actually come out on it there isn't much of a change in the in the horizon the 3 or 4 that we just heard about in our from our reporters in jerusalem and tel aviv have basically been up my exact associates
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they've been the minions are of prime minister nothing now 2 of them. have served as his chief of staff one has served as his cabinet secretary and one had served as minister in his cabinet so basically the 4 contenders to either support or inherent not there now have been more or less his proteges so in a sense we don't have today in israel. a real sort of a historic charismatic guy trigger who's able to take on nothing you know and not only that it's gets worse these 4 figures are quite divided amongst themselves you know there are good to stick on each one but also each has a very particular agenda for example you know it has a very secular agenda. those who quit from likud that are very i'm fine at that now
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agenda but they would still be joined at the now do you mean that people really want to an errant liquid from the right but they're not able to the russian party is basically all russian party and it has not really become a national party of sorts so they're divided they're sectarian and they're not really able to take on prime incident now i think in a strange way the pandemic has possibly helped prime minister netanyahu there were all those protests i think it was wasn't saturday night so you'd see the protests outside his residence every wake every wake against the restrictions but then he turns around and manages to get a lot of the population vaccinated initial space of time. you know i'm going to give you a bit of a tease for now because i know we don't have time and somewhat subject but the whole idea of the court it goes to the very heart of the u.s. very relation the fact that pfizer gave. to the israelis it's not because of some
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jewish lobby of sort it's because israel offered its services to an american conglomerate and basically said look you give us the hardware you'll give us the vaccine and we will give you a feed back the information we will give you back the software this is 50 years of us israel relationship this is the history of it america gives the hardware gives arms it gives financial aid gives. technology and so on so forth and the israelis give them feedback israel and for the last 50 years has been a kind of a laboratory a lab for american can blame words and this time around it really succeeded and again like everything else the jews basically benefited israeli jews and israeli arabs or better citizen israel but palestinians under occupation did not benefit from this gift from this fison gift to israel where it is that would get back some
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people back on the software so not then you know once again got the american help got the american aid huge 840000000000 dollars by the way and he got advice by then so he took the aid he took the arms he took the vaccine but he had exacted the advice now in the shower a senior political analyst on the israeli elections 90 minutes now until the polls close. the head of nato yen stoltenberg is welcoming renewed engagement with the united states after holding talks with secretary of state antony blinken in brussels they can warn the alliance is a pivotal moment with threats around the world and also from climate change he also promised to share any plans for withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan will work with russia wanted advances our interests and one of those a strategic stability and we've always demonstrated that with these tension of the the new start agreement on the other hand we will stand resolutely against russian
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aggression and other actions the try to undermine our alliance and i think that that approach is exactly where we're nato is as well and similarly we have to and we will i believe make sure that nato is also focused on some of the challenges the china poses to the rules based international law international order that is part of the 2030 vision as well. fabrice part there is with us now chief strategy officer of rasmussen global former director of policy planning at nato he's on skype from something there in spain thank you for your time sir they must be breathing a sigh of relief at nato headquarters in brussels knowing that the past 4 years of complete unpredictability from donald trump should be over yet it's like a family reunion after 4 years of absence so obviously there is a site of relief for a b. on both sides but i think we're not going to wait until you know it's going to take
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not so long time before we're going to see differences between the u.s. administration and some european allies is it and i asked our correspondent early this but i want to know your view as well is it difficult at all for the united states to almost convince nato or are they able to really differentiate between the fact that this is a different administration and that you know they can trust this new administration effectively. yeah i think from the beginning president by i don't know any statement he made it clear that the u.s. commitment to nato is not negotiable which is exactly what companies tradition refused to do and what that time did the 1st time yet tender the nato summit in brussels was to put some doubt into the u.s. government and in a way the why didn't you make clear to want to talk that page so in that sense i think both sides of a reassured about the fact that the it's back in the family the question is whether
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there is going to be you know it's going to be easy to agree on issues that are actually difficult ones i've got the sound and also turkey are not in russia one of donald trump's arguments was always that the u.s. basically propped up nato they were the ones who gave the most money and were being taken advantage of now i think there was a fundamental misunderstanding of how money is supplied to nato and what countries are obliged to do but is there maybe not some truth to it but there's have a point there that there needs to be more of a buy in from other nations that the u.s. does contribute more. there was absolutely some truth to it in the sense that the european allies i know are doing enough in terms of defense spending this is something actually a conversation that's not even before trying under the obama administration where there was already a growing pressure for the or penalize to spend towards and even be young 2 percent
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of their g.d.p. in defense so this was not fundamentally new is just that trying to keep to a new level including a new level of toxicity in putting into question the u.s. commitment and unless the european allies especially germany will agree to spend more however i think even though the biden restriction is going to be on the same line defense spending matter they're not going to put that a troll then sent up the conversation given that nowadays most government or governments that dealing with a huge crisis group coffee when the defense sorry their spending priorities are obviously elsewhere. but they're talking u.s. and nato with us on the news out thank you for your time. thank you. plenty more coming up for you the u.n. . says hundreds of people are unaccounted for after a massive fire at a wrecking a refugee camp in bangladesh the u.n.
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human rights council slams sri lanka for human rights abuses against minorities we'll hear what colombia has to say about that and sport india skills a big win over the world champions in the 1st day 1st match of their one day series pars got that story a little later. how very much a game of 2 hobson terms of the weather across the middle east at the moment it's fine and dry warm and sunny across southern parts of the region but plenty of cloud and plenty of snow too across northern parts who say temperatures in ankara struggling to get to 3 degrees celsius something like a 10 degree drop of the sort of values that we saw earlier on in the week has some blustery showers too moving in across the eastern side of the mediterranean sweeping across cyprus into lebanon see some of that western weather just easing
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across into northern parts of syria and increasingly turning to snow in the process quite a brisk wind into southern areas of iraq northern parts of saudi arabia and that's going to get pushed over towards the gulf as we go on through thursday temperatures here in doha falling back around 5 degrees to high for around 29 celsius by thursday but at least it should be lossy dry and sunny old lifted just a sad always a possibility south of that 5 and tried also hazy sunshine the hazy sunshine stretches down across the whole of africa where it is generally set fair for somalia for we got a few showers there just around the valley of cool so showers pushing up towards the gulf of guinea for south africa is generally fine and try cape town with a high of 30. a footballer a junkie and a pioneer of respect he lost the chance to play for his country but one
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a legal battle that paved the way for a generation of brazilian players footballing legend eric cantona introduces alfonso you know penalized by his club for his political beliefs he took power into his own hands and blazed the trail for players rights football rebels on algis eve joint africa's largest trade investment and rwanda and to african trade gives me access to more than $1100.00 exhibitors $10000.00 visitors and bias and more than $5000.00 conference delegates from more than $55.00 countries participate in trade and investment deals with $40000000000.00 as business and government come together to explore business and networking opportunities at the international exhibition vote by african export import bank and their premium partners the i.d.f. 2021 transforming africa. rule.
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on the news here at al-jazeera these are our top stories the u.s. president joe biden is calling for gun control measures and bipartisan action after a mass shooting in colorado police have charged a 21 year old with 10 counts of murder in the city of boulder. israelis are voting in a 4th election in 2 years while this is a referendum on prime minister netanyahu campaign it's been dominated by his corruption cases as well as the economy and the pandemic and the head of nato young stoltenberg is welcoming renewed in gauge went with the united states this was after holding talks with u.s. secretary state antony blinken at nato headquarters in brussels. let's look at
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covert 19 now and in europe a number of countries bracing for a 3rd wave as well as struggling with sluggish vaccine rollouts we start with germany which has extended restrictions for another 3 weeks trying to drive down the infections public gatherings are banned non-essential shops will be closed over the easter holiday in the u.k. there has been a minute's silence there marking exactly a year since the country went into its 1st lockdown was 250000 people died from the virus there in russia president vladimir putin is expected to get his vaccine a move perhaps to encourage russians to take up the job after the poll suggested only 30 percent of people there were even willing to get x. and natives and the u.k. vaccine from astra zeneca is promising to provide more days or after u.s. health officials raised concerns over possible out dated trial results but the white house's top health officials told a.b.c.'s good morning america the vaccine is likely still fine they are concerned over how the company presented the data in
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its press release on monday. the fact is this is very likely a very good vaccine and this kind of thing does as you say do nothing but really care some doubt about the vaccines and maybe contribute to the hesitancy it was not necessary if you look at the data really are quite good but when they put it into the press release it wasn't completely accurate so we have to keep essentially trying as hard as we can to get people to understand that there are safeguards in place and i think that data and safety monitoring board picking up this discrepancy was an example of a safeguard man miles military has accused the country's ousted leader of accepting bribes while in office spokesman made those allegations against on science or change during a televised media briefing she was detained after being deposed in the military coup last month is more from foreign soil in kuala lumpur. the spokesman one of the
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1st and few talked about was that the military expressed regret and they were sorry for the loss of lives and he said about 164 protesters had been killed during the protests and it's worth pointing out that this number is much smaller than the number given by an advocacy group that's been tracking deaths and attentions since the coup the assistance association for political prisoners says 260 more than 200 at least 261 people have been killed and more than 2300 people have been detained since the coup on the 1st of february now and then the myanmar military also went on to. in a way trying to shore up support for their case against their democratically elected leader aung san suu kyi and if you remember she was charged with breaching import export laws by possessing an illegal walkie talkies and then after that she was subsequently charged with breaking covert 19 laws on gatherings and then about
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10 days ago the military said she was guilty of corruption and now at this press conference they've shown video testimony by a former yangon chief minister saying that he had visited her and given her cash whenever needed and also accusing her of aseptic gifts of gold bars and silk let's start out who is the founder and coordinator of burma and that work of asio on organizations and individuals supporting human rights in me and ma she told us that this military conference is maybe a sign that foreign pressure on me and man's leadership is working. despite paying a lot b.s. millions of dollars to push back on sanctions and to sell their illegal and the illegal coup they have it hasn't worked they are feeling the pressure they are feeling the pressure from the from the international community and they are trying to step back and and pretend that these killings of young people in the
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streets of the country the turning of a place near entire neighborhoods in yangon and other cities into urban or zones is something that is accidental this was an intentional crime against humanity in order to take control of the country and we still cannot. despite all the charges though they might try the book they might try a kitchen sink at all science in order to prevent her from being involved in politics in order to close the the people of the country are still resisting and they're not going to forget that this is an illegal hole that came to power through an illegal state of emergency. now according to state television the republic of congo president. has been reelected extending his 36 years in power. by concerns over transparency some candidates boycott of the polls or were even
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jail been following this election from brazzaville for us we're talking landslide victory here. well that's what the electoral commission claims they say that. they won more than 88 percent of the vote but these results have already been rejected by the opposition the leading opposition party says that they're incorrect it's candid it believes partially died late on sunday or early monday reportedly from kovi one of the things they've been saying should have happened according to the constitution that when a candidate dies then the election should be canceled and rerun later were they saying that their request for that to happen was ignored and they pushed ahead electoral commission pushed ahead with the results anyway another prominent candidate matches on said that the also rejected these results and said that it is impossible to in congress especially when the internet is off which he has been since the early hours of sunday that's election day said it would be impossible to
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council with results in congo in the time frame anyway suggesting that this result is according to him just made up rights activists have also been complaining about it one i spoke to earlier described him as ridiculous he said that these results would suggest that people in congo are happy with the status quo and he said that the opposite is true congo is billions of dollars of oil wealth haven't helped most of its people debt crises and corruption scandals. marred the rule of. all that the government denies that the 1st family are involved in stealing vast sums of money as they are accused of it is made things even harder and certainly a lot of people we've spoken to over the last week here in the capital brazzaville say they wanted change but those results suggest that they're not going to get it thank you malcolm we're keeping an eye on the republic of congo elections for.
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after being closed for more than 6 years france will reopen its embassy in the libyan capital tripoli next week the french president emmanuel micron made that announcement after meeting the chairman of libya's presidential council mohamed meant 3 he's part of the interim government that's been agreed by the rival factions and the sign of returning stability for libya after years of conflict. in paris to take us through this one just explain for our audience and how sure how important it is that france as part of this rebuilding of libya's democracy. the president and vice president of libya's presidential council. the french president about all macro i think lease a palace and they said that they had a very frank and fruitful talks with the french president now.
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has said that for all this will give its full support to libya's new interim government and he also made that announcement that the french embassy in tripoli will be reopened on monday it has been close to 2013 now that was something that the president of libya's presidential council mohamed hellman fee welcomed as a very positive sign he said that he was a great by the fact that michael had shown so much support for the new interim government and for its mandate which is to try and guide libya to elections at the end of the well the french president said that the priority really for libya is to try and maintain a cease fire he also called on all international powers including russia and turkey to leave the country he said it was absolutely fundamental that libya is returned to the libyan people that there is stability and security in a piece of cools a stable libya
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a democrat. going to be important for the libyan people but it is also important he said for france and for europe live here is of course a country through which people and traffic tomorrow micro also making the point that instability in libya fuels instability in the sawhill region a region where france has thousands of troops deployed the french president said that he would take what he had learned from these 2 libyan leaders to new summit that will take place on thursday and friday. as much support. for this new interim libyan government thank you for that natasha but in paris. at least 15 people have been killed and thousands left homeless offer a major firing a refugee camp in bangladesh it swept through the camp. it's time to chant reports from the. flames and panic in the largest refugee camp in the world
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more than a 1000000 drawing are refugees from myanmar live in cox's bazaar their shelters are flimsy and closely packed the fire started on monday afternoon and spread fast. when your brother i don't have any idea where my wife and children are or la where my wife and children i'm alone now i was unable to salvage anything from my home thousands of shelters were reportedly destroyed in the blaze at least 20000 people fled their lives as black smoke billowed over had people scramble to save their belongings and gather their families. i can't find my children are even my husband the name of one child these men mourn and are not in there and my husband's name is on mine. it's not known what started the blaze one witnesses told a news agency agents france press that the fire spread faster after gas can sisters
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used for cooking exploded. you know that maybe more than a 1000 shelters have burnt down many people have died elderly people were unable to get out of the shelters. firefighters worked into the night because they are. relieved here to be here have been dying to put the fire out we are trying to extinguish the many burning gas cylinders most of the rohingya arrived in the camp in 2017 during a crackdown by the me and marc government that the un's call textbook ethnic cleansing they're going to have suffered persecution and been denied citizenship by governments in myanmar for decades they're often called the world's largest group of stateless people in what is fire in the place their fled to for safety is a reminder of how difficult their lives are and how tenuous their survival can often be tended chaudhuri dhaka. the un human rights council has passed
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a resolution expressing serious concern over deteriorating human rights in sri lanka skinny the text proposed by britain germany and canada highlights increasing discrimination against tamil and muslim minorities and also calls for further gathering of evidence of any war crimes carried out by the military at the end of the civil war in 2009 the country's government opposes the resolution calling it politically motivated people in northwestern colombia are cleaning up after heavy rains caused flooding across the region this was the town of debater from mudslides swept through early on monday this 195 homes and more than 50 businesses have been destroyed. and then there's australia where authorities are warning they may need to order more people to evacuate as heavy rains continue across the east coast thousands in the state of new south wales have already been told to leave and hundreds have been rescued as flooding the worst in decades with natural disasters declared in several areas of the gauges this report from pitt town west of sydney
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unrelenting rain hits already flooded regions in australia's east some towns in the state of new south wales now resemble islands caught off by rising flood waters and surrounded by debris those who didn't leave the stranded with no way out including in peak town western sydney pulls them it's left in time but has been watching his floodwaters rise around his home fencing tools and cars already lost relays it's an absolute disaster i'm not kidding i don't have a 4 don't. make stories a building company underwater its owner already counting the costs. of the stock and yet bit of feel pretty upset for yourselves and everybody else i suppose. the scale of this unfolding crisis is enormous thousands of paypal have
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been forced to leave their homes may be rescued by boat to helicopter and areas declared natural disaster zones or need largest dam will likely spillover for days threatening highly populated areas. people are using boats and kayaks to rescue animals and salvage anything they can from the floodwaters the cleanup will be immense and the damage bill is expected to tip into the billions of dollars. watch now the focus is on ensuring people and animals a safe ryan is forecast to ease in the coming days but the flood threat is expected to remain in the strong warning when he paid for his place continued to be patient because we envisage that even when the rain stops in some of these coastal communities the rivers will keep rising people living in lawyer lying areas of new south wales the no strangers to floods but this one many say is unlike anything
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they've seen gauge al-jazeera town. of thousands of people have traveled to witness the erupting volcano in iceland just 30 kilometers from the capital reykjavik started erupting on friday which was the 1st in that region in about 900 years some people seen even grilling hot dogs and marshmallows apparently over the small during embers of the volcano. amnesty international is accusing the lebanese security authorities of violating international human rights laws in their treatment of detained syrian refugees the group says it has documented cruel and abusive treatment ranging from torture to unfair trials so has more from beirut. lebanon is home to more than a 1000000 syrians some live in refugee camps others have integrated in communities many are scared to speak in what they see as an unwelcoming country hundreds have been arbitrarily detained on terrorism related charges over the years in what
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rights groups call a violation of international law i mean the 26 cases we document represent why did . hundreds of syrian refugees 2012 and history and refugees we got this and they have come it should be treated should have access to trial and should not be subjected to torture during interrogation the report documents violations described as cool abusive and discriminatory detainees speak of beatings at times with metal sticks and electric cables torture during interrogation or detention that involved being hanged upside down 2 of the survivors were aged 15 and 16 years old at the time they also describe the harsh conditions like being forced to stand for 3 days handcuffed and blindfolded and having to beg to go to the toilet and for water 2 women were also mistreated and sexually harassed and
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verbally assaulted during the tension. amnesty international says the lebanese authorities have so far not responded to its findings but it's not the 1st time they've been accused of mistreating syrians. measures in place make it hard for refugees to move around and work it also makes them vulnerable and with more than 75 percent of the refugees having that i trust the 6 that puts them at risk of being interrogated by police but security by you know on religious officers that's what happened to many who complain about discrimination and harassment 1st and they're sure in detention the military intelligence slapped me when he knew i was syrian while questioning me about my documents i feel the way they treat us is deliberate to force us to leave many live in fear and this is sort of the syrian refugee is exposed to all kinds of violations to the extent that if he is beaten he can't even report it to the regime here is the same as the one in
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syria. those in power in lebanon are close to the authorities in the syrian capital damascus leading some to accuse them of being driven by political motives and treating refugees as a security threat senator their beirut. we're talking sport with farai in a moment as international teams try to navigate the pandemic for the latest round of world cup qualified.
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opponents isn't the only challenge facing teams in the latest round of world cup qualifiers just about every national side is feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic the world's top ranked team belgium are at home to wales and their striker romelu lukaku place for italian club interim a land which recently suffered a cult hit 19 outbreak but look arco has tested negative and was able to join up with his belgian teammates on monday the netherlands team arrives for their latest training session in traditional docs style they face turkey in istanbul on wednesday this month schedule qualifiers in south america were called off and most matches in asia have been postponed players in europe are having to work their way around travel restrictions to join up with their national teams a byron munich had initially refused to release robert lewandowsky for poland's trip to england but it's been confirmed he won't need to quarantine for 2 weeks upon returning to germany so now he's allowed to go portugal have knew their home
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game against italy had gone ahead in portugal some players would have faced quarantine issues and there's been controversy in france where the government did a last minute u. turn and is not allowing players to travel outside of the european union for matches we've been speaking to international football writer gavin hamilton he says governing bodies are under pressure to make sure the qualifiers take place. it's up to figure 2 to organize the qualifiers and up to the confederations to organize them in each region and they need to get them all done so in order to host the look up in in 2022 so there's a lot of pressure feature but there are international dates in place the calendar is in place and dates are set aside for the games but there are individual countries who having problems with players being released at once it's clear that the countries in the individual federations are following procedures about testing and comes up portugal are moving going then there was around the problems and i
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think people are core pricing and i think clubs are right to to to to be concerned about their players they pay the players wages their employees and they're concerned about their their their future safety so clubs are right to be concerned but i think the confederation's and the federal individual for their actions are acting properly as well i think those are used to you know that the international calendar takes place in a very short space of time within the the wider football kind of supplies or they used to to to to to international travel and to tie travelling in tight so the spaces and tight tight calendars suddenly pleasure to concerned and you know let's face it they do travel 1st class and travel in quite some luxury so i don't think it's a particular poem but obviously there are their problems it's associated with international travel and international football it is possibly contributing to the transfer of the virus and that is a concern for everybody. gareth bale has been talking about his future plans while
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on duty with the welsh chain he says he's planning to return to ram round the trade next season after his loan deal with taught him at this day 41 year old one for champions league titles with the spanish chain that fell i would favor with coaches in a team sedan well said already qualified for this year's european championships. going into us i want to be much for. the original plan was only to do a season that spurs and then after the euros i still have a year left the real madrid and as for my plan obviously is to go back in. the us that's as far as i plan to be honest slots and abraham a bitch has been training with the sweden team for the 1st time since his decision to come out of international retirement it were him eventually last played for his country in 2016 but the 39 year old eastland striker has decided to have another shot at qualifying for the world cup we just weren't seek him push players but for
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me. to look at team how we behave and he want to win you know for any price so he's a hard worker on and off the pitch he's you know inspiring the young athletes i think . india beaten world champions england in the 1st match of their one day series farah kohli side beating the away team by 66 runs scored i want to score 98 for india and their total of 317 for 5 england were bowled out for 251 in reply to the west indies secured a 1st inning leads of more than 100 runs in the 1st test against sri lanka sri lanka lost in early 2nd innings wicket on day 390 god but since then they've recovered to 148 for one. and fresher winning the players championship golf world number 2 justin thomas has set his sights on competing at the tokyo x.
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the american is next in action at the w g c match play event which starts on wednesday in texas i'm ecstatic to have the opportunity to do so if the olympics hope they happen and i hope i qualify because i think that would be one of the coolest honors that. that i've ever had it's something you don't have a cigarette to do too often and it's probably the only. one of the only tournaments that i would brag about playing in there are qualifying the fact that i would be able to play you know for team usa in the olympics so i would be honored too and i hope i get the opportunity thousands of people in el salvador have attended the funeral of international surfer catherine diaz the 22 year old was killed by lightning as she entered the water for a training session at a beach near the capital sense salvador diaz was hoping to make the team for the tokyo olympics were surfing is included for the 1st time. ok and that is all you sport for now call back tara thank you so much that as you nears off from here and
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there and the tame in london or along in just a few months time i'll see you again tomorrow from 1500 out's g.m.t. . jump into the story there is a lot going on in this and julian global community when i talk about the misinformation i think we don't want to feed than we are aware that be part of the debate don't ever take anybody's one word because there's always a difference when no topic is off the table we have been disconnected from our land we have been disconnected from who we are good enough to hear from you and 18 could
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be part of today's discussion this streamed on out is there. a football or a job and a pioneer for a sport he lost the challenge to play for his country but one a legal battle that paved the way for a generation of brazilian players footballing legend eric cantona introduces a fun scene of people who lived by his club for his political beliefs he took power into his own hands and blazed the trail the players rights football rebels on algis eve. april on al jazeera from october wave to the vaccine roll out we'll bring you the latest developments from around the world a year into the coronavirus pandemic one a one east skeins rare behind the scenes access into the secretive world of japanese sumo. good president introduced. maybe secure a 6th time in power join us on april 11th for the chop in action. to ward winning
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our choice return stories of the striving to be juicer negative impact on the planet has president joe biden kept his campaign promises we'll have special coverage and in-depth analysis of his 1st $100.00 days in the oval office april. president biden calls for a ban on assault weapons as police charge at 21 year old man with 10 counts of murder after a shooting spree in colorado. hello i'm barbara starr you're watching out as they are live from london also coming up israel's force election in 2 years in what is largely seen as a referendum on prime minister benjamin netanyahu.
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