tv The Stream Al Jazeera March 24, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm +03
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in europe and in guatemala capsule volcanic ash has forced authorities to close the city's international airports shifting winds have blanketed the airports in parts of the capital with us but the kaya volcano has been active since february severely affecting the economy of surrounding communities 3 people killed when it erupted last in 2010. this is down to 0 these are your top stories about 90 percent of the votes in israel's election have been counted prime minister benjamin netanyahu says prospects for retaining a right wing coalition government are looking uncertain a small palestinian israeli party which is projected to win 5 seats is in the spotlight to break the deadlock party forces has more from lester said. the key development since the exit polls were released as the polls closed and they've you
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know the numbers have been changing has been the entry into the parliament the crossing of the threshold by this small offshoot of the arab joint list the ram party or the united arab list led by months or a bus and his philosophy is conservative islamist he has been moving his party though the last 12 months or so into a more pragmatic space in israeli politics talking about being open to engage with various parties especially if they offer and promise to do what is necessary in the palace of an israeli sector the european union is proposing tougher export role some more covert 19 vaccines can go to e.u. citizens shipments of vaccines would be assessed on the destination countries rate of vaccination and it ensures manufacturers have fulfilled their contracts with the e.u. . person wants to make it harder for refugees who enter the u.k.
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illegally to apply for asylum you get home secretary percy purcell says proposed reforms are designed to be fair to genuine asylum seekers clamping down on people traffic is. going to she officials avesta gating want caused a large fire cox's bizarre refugee camp least 15 people are dead and hundreds more still missing since monday's fire. most state television says ministries released more than 600 protesters arrested since last month's coup they were released from a prison in young. veteran journalist from hong kong's public broadcasters on trial often best case of the police misconduct choi is accused of making false statements about police to get data for a documentary those he had last news continues here and i'll just they're off to the stream stay with us.
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can you tell me whether the government you represent is now illegitimate and we listen we do not sell the fence material any country during the conflict in yemen we meet with the global news makers and talk about the stories that matter. to day on the street and the story of a summit that's a way for kids with disabilities and how it produced some of america's most attention and disability rights to this this script. right now when we can we have been good to people got plans and raised believing we were cool very hyper bad and i have to go shower 3 people feeling. i want to be part of the world but i didn't see anyone like that is there but some
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would kill for that if it came from but if it's somebody said to probably we still go for the kills looks a bit like something. that you can't. go there i was out there with that. would be. the new world to bring. you a day we have empower each other to bless the lambing after recognize that the state is just not what it needed to be. that was a clip from the trailer for the oscar nominated documentary quit 3 of the people involved in that documentary with us. jim hello judy introduce yourself tell everybody who is over and in the documentary just briefly and who you are if you need an introduction. hello everybody thank you for inviting me to be on the. graham my name is judy human i am
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a disability rights activist and i'm involved with the program because i was on the staff at hampton at that point and one of the people who had been in the development of the movement prior to the camp it after camp hello jim jim nice to see your connection with the film and who introduced a self-taught global audience hi everybody jim deliberate well i went to camp jeanette and. it was an incredible experience of my life i did work in the documentary world as a sound mixer and designer for a long time and brought the story of coaching there to the cold medium in the hopes that she would make a documentary about captured ned and its connection to the disability rights movement. in the ca welcome to the stream tell of what he loved doing the connection to come. you know i'm really happy to be here with everybody
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i'm a documentary filmmaker i have been for 25 years and jim has been the brilliant sound mixer and sound designer that i've worked with and when he brought me this story and started telling me about this you know hippie utopia that existed in which people were really treated equitably and there was like sex and drugs and rock a great time. and that that was connected somehow that kind of experience of liberation was really connected to the spark of the seeds of the disability rights movement i was so moved by the story and what i thought was really special about it was that it was jim's story and i asked him if he would co-direct the film with me and that's how i got involved. good move to have if you could describe. in a sentence which inside job. freedom i think it's a place that i found freedom in or the ability to be unabashed. myself
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to what was your sentence before about pant. liberation effort for equality and a recognition that we are had the ability and right to contribute something was very special was happening there in the 1970 s. john can you explain to us what was exceptional about this plant for kids with disabilities well i really think kim shamir was really kind of a product of the times you know there was so many different liberation movements going on there and a war protests and we were all really kind of questioning authority and and you know the status quo and being somebody with a disability at the time. this is a place that was just so much different you know i i felt like i was a really treated as just
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a normal kid outside of willy was i feeling that way but a carriage man is like i was just a teenager so it was a place where all of the kind of stary or or you know things that really made me feel like i was a burden just just melted away so that little kid or the perry had to see that ok right there that was just over that was done and 15 he got up says in the very interesting activities at camp i won't spill the beans quite yet. you want to have a conversation with him and pounding via the right while in the ferry episode jumping to jump into the comments section and can be part of our discussion i want to go to. the sea to talks about why pantheon art was so important at the time and really what that has done for other kids with disabilities have a listen have a look. i think one can't canary were reported to young people with the ability
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because it provided for them to come in and connect with others like them especially at a time when most were in the or thankfully the ability right. along with then and there are more opportunities for younger been able to grow that learned. a break. from her program. are important because they have been there that will bring about change and more. suitors from the american association of people with disabilities did you feel duty at the time that you were somewhere exceptional and the people who are understanding how do you relate and connect with people with disabilities that doesn't exclude them from everyday life i mean i think what camp with able to do
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for us is everybody's been saying it allowed us to recognize that we were human beings and it gave us a space where we were able to speak about our dreams and that only about our dreams but we were also able to speak about our concerns about being able to achieve what we wanted to do in life because of all the barriers because of lack of representation of disabled people in the media and it was that it was a space where we could plan and we practiced how to use our voice and how to give each other. optimistic feelings that in unity we would have strength and as jimmy was saying it also enabled us because television in the 1960 s. was bringing a new world it was the civil rights movement the women's rights movement the
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antiwar movement and while many of us weren't able to actively participate in various reasons that was the model that we were looking at how you do so as they go into some very interesting in the so in that connects the experience of time to border disability rights movement and other movements in the 1970 s. i'm going to play a little bit of a clip this is from a rally demonstration in new york city with people with disabilities have a look at the color what is a why you made those connections let's take a look. at demonstration in new york city. headquarters. we decided that we were going to sit down in the street we were. so at 430 in the afternoon when this huge circle would kind of force street. get the call to action to the barricades you know judy because. i remember being on
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the ground with these big trucks coming to. work. it was a very unusual demonstration people are not used to seeing a whole lot of folks in wheelchairs and you had to back up i mean you had to back up if you were on the wrong side front of that you know. this is a brick a story will tell in the car why. i think 11 of the things that was so exciting to us was cause to show how camp jeannette you know these young people discovered their kind of common experience of oppression and believed that they could do something about it together but across disability there is so much diversity and i think judy and other leaders at the time recognize that that was kind of a superpower you know because it it's so many different movements so many different liberation movements were part of the disability movement and so in berkeley as
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they started organizing and demonstrating you know there were gave people people and there were black disabled people and there were black panthers who were disabled all of those people were kind of coming together and looking at disability rights and when there was this sort of epic sit in that we feature in the film and in in $77.00 there were members of all those groups inside the building and so it wasn't so much you know jim and i deciding to broaden it out but the kind of brilliant strategy that they laid out at the time which was like let's bring all these movements together so i think for us you know the idea of the black panthers for example you know deciding to bring food and supporting this. you know long takeover of a federal building which resulted in some very critical disability civil rights legislation like that's because they realize that you know. it was a better world that disabled activists were fighting for with this and that kind of
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civil rights and and liberation was the same thing they were fighting for and that everybody was in it together and i think jim and i felt very very passionately about the fact that that's a really important message for today you know it's a model for organizing that is really powerful. i think it's also really important to understand that camp's net was the pivotal place but the reality was there were organizations like in new york where most of the people who were part of these groups never went to camps or net an organization called the stable in action and pride and now there's that were also being driven by college campuses where disabled people were also organizing and so i think it was many different things happening at the same time and again one of the reasons why the disability community was reaching out to other organizations was the model that we were seeing with the civil rights movement with the women's movement with the anti-war movement
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where they were reaching out to other people now let's be really clear you know the reason the black panthers got involved was because one of their founding members had multiple sclerosis so he was credible and they joined him many other organizations you know they didn't understand disability they didn't understand it right based movement so that with a lot of work on the ground going on for years working with other organizations in a way where we came and said would you help us and we will help you so it wasn't one way when things were going on a city level or the county level we were there for each other in many different ways and we were building a coalition that for example when the demonstrations that curtain 1977 there were many years of collaboration that had been going on in the berkeley bay area. i'm going to bring in this thought he had this so many compliments about camp. you can
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see here this is the web page go look at this oscar nominated documentary feature lots of comments lots of feedback and then this comment that we got a little bit earlier this gave me pause because i did see the intersectionality in the film when i watched kate was asking for more of this and have a look. i felt that critic can't could have utilized their histories and stories in direct narrative of black people and people of color i thought that crude camp really needed some more perspective on how racial justice also informed their disability rights framework if felt very white and upper class to me so i'm really interested in how crypt can kind of elaborated more on other experiences as it was shaping not just can't jeanette but later disabled policy given the cole i'm going to give this to both of you did you start. i think
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that. one of the things that we really try to do with our film was to leverage an entire campaign in which we gave it into the hands of people who are deeply seated in the disability justice movement which is really looking at disability rights through the lens of people who are by part. l g b t q and that. really trying to take the visibility that we're getting and making sure that that movement. could be really heard. coco has think yeah i mean i think that there is like. there is a point of view that we chose to take and encrypt camp which is that we wanted to tell the story from the perspective of this group of friends who came together camped in that and that's certainly not reflective of the entire movement and it
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certainly just kind of one story i have disability history and so we tried really hard to give to give a sense of the intersection ality that was in the film which which you were talking about but we felt it was important to really highlight that and to profile activists who had played a critical role in the particular story we were telling who had not been profiled but i think by virtue of the fact that we chose to focus on this particular band of friends and see the story through their eyes and that was partly because you know week there was this coalition of people that could come together and tell the story in the film and we could follow them throughout time and we have this incredible archival footage of them by that because of that it is not. you know it's not an overview of the entire history of the movement it's a very particular frame and we hope that that universe ality of camp and the
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teenage experience would draw on viewers who might not otherwise have access to this history and that the that the platform that kripke camp had could hopefully lead and in partnership with the impact campaign jim was describing could really lead to other stories being told but i think that that comment is very valid in a sense that there's a lot more of this story and a lot more to be explored and many other stories that that should be told what i think this is a very important question. and everybody said the totally appropriate question i think what's really important is we're so used to not saying that you meant treat on disability that jimmy and that call produced. an amazing film and it tells an amazing story the bisham abbey the end of the stories that are being told and so i think when we look in the next 5 to 10 is me the next 5 to 10 years we should be seeing other films documentaries and other you know films and
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television programs etc that really continue to reflect the changes that have been going on in the movement so for example the issues of race are critically important and l.g.b. t.q. a very important but also what's important are people with mental health disability and people with intellectual disabilities at that point in time at camp to ned those the population of those people with disabilities were not a part of what was happening but now when we look at 2021 things that really exploded across racial lines crossed sexual orientation disability and then the scotians are becoming much more complex and serious and really delving deeper and deeper into what injustice is and what we need to be doing and what we need to be learning about how people are moving forward i want to show a couple of pictures because what you do jim in the color you miss bust you break down stereotypes you explode them in an hour and 48 minutes so there is love
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there's lost there's. i mean look here oh. my laptop here there's also a lot is really revealing to have a hierarchy of how people with disabilities see disability so do you want to share that hierarchy as we go from some of these fantastic there was from from the documentary at the top of the hierarchy and i believe this is slightly tongue in cheek well what disability because these are only things that people disabilities would say to themselves. well in in the field today's who you see you're kind of talks about is higher. and and that she felt like people with polio were at the top of the hierarchy and folks like yourself who have serval palsy. were 'd much much lower. and you know i i don't disagree with her having this feeling i assumed he would spot it difficult. you know i i didn't
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really think about that too much maybe that's because i was higher up on the hierarchy but you know i think every community has something like this dotted and it's in a reference kind of dark humor that you can share amongst yourselves that you give us a little window inside. non-disabled and also allow people who have to civilities to recognize it as well i gave you a very tough comment to come of the back of tim and the company can hear much easier one this time this one is from madison this is what he told us a lot of have a listen have. my older brother daniel had cerebral palsy and spent most of his life in the house and even as a young child i knew that there was a more fulfilling life out there for him they could be essentially doing the same things that i do and watching her camp was very powerful and moving to me saying that before he was even born there was already
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a sense of community out there for him there was changes already made and that that life could have been his and although i'm sad that he did not get to experience a crew can't makes me so thankful that other people did get to the car go ahead. i mean i think that's really beautiful and i really love the idea of the valuing community you know i think that for us we had the word community taped to the wall of our it room and we thought about it all the time as kind of the core of what this is about this idea that there is community across all over diversity and difference of disability and part of the power of that is that as you know one of the activists says in the film you if you're you know in using a wheelchair you don't know necessarily what it's like to be blind so you're going to listen to someone and when they tell you what their truth is you're going to see it and believe that and trust them about their experience and fight for them the
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way they're fighting for you you know and i think that's that's so beautiful to to recognize and value the importance about and we really hope that this film would be an on ramps so to speak for lots of people to be able to find community and in disability community and and also to be able to feel proud. and see the value in a den of fighting as disabled which sometimes i think people are afraid that there might be a cost to identifying as disabled but the more the movement grows and the more people see the real value and in that community i think more people can find their way to it and benefit from it if i may judy i want to just tap into expertise as to the disability rights activists and expert this is bengal dragon who brings us way up to date right now the recent statistics for people with disabilities is a very sad reflection of the fadia of overall for equality for disabled people movement immediate restructuring is required basically where we now.
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so we're talking about the world where talking about a more organized group of disabled people basically in every country when you think back 304050 years the international movement was really just emerging in the united states we've seen 50 years that where organizing and many laws being passed that really mare log laws like the civil rights act of the 1964 and other pieces of legislation where we are today is with that international movement that looks at something called the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities where more than $175.00 countries have ratified meaning $175.00 governments have agreed that they will develop laws implement laws that will enable disable people to go to school get jobs make transportation
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excessive bell housing employment opportunities etc but we're also in a serious situation where this ability is still a very marginalized community i mean we're talking about wonderful thing that have been happening but the reality of the situation is disabled people are probably one of the most marginalized groups and then add other aspect disability race poverty gender etc that makes life more and more difficult so i think where we need to be is much more unification not just within the disability community but within their rights and justice we've been around the world to understand that if a non disabled woman is raped she likely has a disability that the women's movement needs to be looking at issues of violence against women with disabilities and women who acquire disability as an example that's the same thing in the environment etc. thank you i have to say a few
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a few of which is this is judy is a little on right. because this is her as a little bigger one as an activist and this is a right here she's still and she's still being active it's right here on the screen let me just embarrass jim because that's equal opportunities here this is jim as a youngster back here is the crowd can read cite and then here he is quick to have the virtual web site and then right here currently streaming on netflix critic and a disability revolution judy jim the co-op i could speak to you for a couple of hours but i only have a couple of seconds left to say thank you so much for being on the story really appreciate it and i will see you lax time from your cakes signing off and so watching everybody take. the lead.
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a young gal. before most of bio is wendy kept up this indication. when they have this opportunity because the limits so the young girls go through secondary school with a phone call to be able to say and provide that's one thing able to change have fun . meet the women in going out who are going places when it comes to education women make change on al-jazeera. mexico's cove in 1000 death toll is one of the world's highest with one in 5 of its inhabitants living in the capital was the deadly upset he never took place to get off
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a 1000000 visitors every day there's really no way that they can be perfectly decent to go without food. or has the governments on all the drug strategy lead to unnecessary suffering frontline mexico the fight against 19 on al jazeera. this is some paoli. despite being in germany's 2nd tier of football and without a single major trophy to its name it has become one of the world's most iconic teams and it's all down to their fans. but for them some paoli transcends sport. for them football is about politics protests and music. these fans see themselves in the vanguard of a global struggle against xenophobia inequality and racism with over 500 supporters clubs outside germany they are able to spread their message far beyond their
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hamburg home but some pollies history is far from innocence the club is sending out a warning about the rise in popularity of far right parties like the a.f.d. . nazis and fascists have no place in some policy today. this is al jazeera. 1500 hours g.m.t. here on al-jazeera hello i'm come out santa maria welcome to the news hour a newly formed palestinian israeli party is projected to have won seats in the general election possibly giving it a big say in the future of benjamin netanyahu. also . again.
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