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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2021 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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i won't say her name now because she's a minor but she is going to come and talk with you about what she saw next to her in the blue pants is her cousin. who at the time was also a minor so i won't tell you her name but she's also going to come in and talk to you. because it was taken the younger one too cup foods to be able to pick up candy and snacks when they came up on what was happening with mr shabnam is the weight on the ground next to the young woman in the blue pants is genevieve hansen the 1st responder who tried to intervene to check his posting to check on this to floyd she is going to come and testify to you next to her as a young man named ana we'll train security background is also trained in mixed martial arts. who is very excited alarmed about what he saw in the exchange between mr shaba on top of george floyd he's going to come in and testify and you saw him a number of these bystanders not was also will be coming in to talk with you and so
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they come from the broad spectrum of humanity. different races different genders you have older people younger people but you will see that would be all heading common as they were one about their business is that they saw something that was shocking to them that was disturbing to them and it made them stop and take note stop and take note they tried to 1st you will learn when you meet them to head to see them what was happening with their voices they tried to interject to extort the police stop to try to get into what we call good trouble just with their voices because something there was something to them and when that didn't work you can see any number of them pulled out their cameras to document what was happening such that it would be memorialized such that it would not be misrepresented so that it could not be forgotten. what we'll see this morning will be the footage taken from
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one of these bystanders in just a moment. and you will learn. with respect to these bystanders that none of them knew who george wood was made it know his history they didn't know anything about it all they knew was they came upon an individual. that they saw was in some sort of serious distress other than these of this to shopping and it alarmed them let me show you what the scene looks like just briefly here in minneapolis this takes place at the intersection of chicago avenue and 38th street at cup foods if you can see the image of a squad car on chicago avenue that is alternately were missed of lloyd was being restrained on the ground under the means missed a shot. we will spin quite a bit more time with this map during the trial but just for now i just wanted to
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try to set the stage for what you're going to see so with that i'm going to show you the video evidence and video evidence i think would be very helpful and meaningful to you because you can see it for you so without lawyer talk lawyer spent are anything you see it for yourself. i. have. not gone that route. i mean it's never. going. to be. be the be. the. elite from reading. what. i. want.
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for. our. writing getting down marinated in my head really i've been finding out about. how they. might surprise and they're not right wow that's not really my friends just your. world is what you want i didn't read. these in the above that again we see if. you don't get it. i we'll get you to become 2 a good movie why don't. you get in the car get up get out right i can. do it again are you gay we'll get my meds you can. do i know you did not believe this. only a splinter group from the. into her. heart. was wonderful.
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he. was angry no matter. how. much power. and humor i have. rarely heard men you get out before you know the little i am in that crowd right you know what you know you need any narrow get you feel better about it there are places in your head i cannot bring to grow your heart have god was not god i think i know why you don't resist me right you calm down laugh i would. like to see you need to know we're going to help you right now i'm not at home here sorry i'm not so good right about drugs right now understand i am not a good sign and now i don't write well yes you me write this down now it's time you
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put him in the car so we can have that for 10 minutes that match right that's the bomb ash i don't know if i'm going to see. big growth was probably a primary driver tell you something like if you can't you won't you try you trapped and he's breathing right. there you don't think i would read well you know i understand she when people are trained they can be brought up from what you wrote right never knew she broke that who she is grow. up you stop breathing right to run . for your car but you broke what you thought you don't have to ground you've been a bomb right now you get him up the ground bro you could get him off the ground you've been a bum right now he is doing is that he enjoying this year enjoying and she'll pokey bombero enjoying him as she right now broke you could a book and put him in a car by now so he's not getting arrested not for you. enjoy the look at your body language is playing. wow. if so i say let me know i already
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know that watch a web video of the man i do that he said to me bro you know that is bogus right now bro you know we both you can look at me like i'm a good you go bomb bro he's not here resisting the rx right now if you will notice me. you fucking stopping breathing right now bro you think that's cool you think i'm going to be all right what's your name but you also know what your badge number bro you going to school right now. i think that's cool though bro your bum bro your bumper day your bumper day bro may you seen your stop please read the right now do you know why why now bro. looking girl. i hound dog that my only job i did not want to die maybe he got me. i knew he could not mine i want you not to.
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have you never know the right about that mom never loved a heroin no not really fucking right now i do know you know i was talking right now he's not responsive right now i know i don't know what i was going to be how we got but i talk right now. i want to let you know i mean. 7 if you really want to know how i have a job so that you spoke seconds for my house i got a tall south texas was broken bro check you for a broken love you both don't do ok don't do drugs bro what is going to be very easy so you can always do it ok get back go to already do it ok you can you call would you go to call when you doing ok grosz a park fire gets old bro you don't you know i mean if you call you think that's ok i haven't checked you want thank you i go 2nd home back i said the man i moved yet
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broke the many moves you broke over. bro you're a bomb bro you're a bomb bro you're definitely your heart broke. when you write such difficulty i probably had no move not one to do are you off track or not but it will be back in a similar blow you don't want to go no i'm the runner ok just google back in the store broke go back and issue a roast he's not book i mean i see that road road i'm gonna be on the road you don't need to help me out bro i know your peers i know everybody there was a story you need help me to block out bro he's not fuck you move you right now with all that my bro he was just moving when i walked up here and i know the night he did that you have to get out you know get back now you have been watching the road you have to get back out here. bro he's got to have a broader you cannot be. the movie might hunt him down on the road they go you know what to do today he said and grow your own one bright and 7 go here for a little more fun you want to grab your mates because you scare broke scared of
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popular minority joe buck you know i. like those 3 minutes well enough well my movie. role he's not even got the movies you know the puppy man bro you know movies may i don't know how does that jungle rate are you see there you go are you going to do you go girl why are people keep you know keep going to next hey yeah baby well why don't you let me go rob there's so much we like to do i swear i bought i thought ok well i don't want to pot i'm going to. 2 go to hell i'm going to be present as next broke your beach broke how you go if you're going to keep down like that you're going to get a man different you wrote oh i was probably not even talking on right now well that's you know you talking about oh well what i don't look like i think and i well i hope most people you know he's not i don't here are he just he's one of
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a people they don't hammer out all. the gods just you know which would be on a very broad i know bro you broke your rule manfred and broke in here with you know there's always a little i mean i don't mean i know a little man or if i try to be are making progress i think by contacting you. i think you know why there are have got time to do anything i had a bit of i don't like now that i have to take the edge to another but i don't matter do i want to i don't do you know i have brought the freedom of oh you know but all you have to have your if you don't know i'm not doing so i'm happy if i want to get it i want the job but you know don't go because you don't want to thank you let me down felt that it was i don't care if you know what i want all the time i'm glad i said. and i hope you can. keep up it never did i wrote i. don't have that right now you know i don't know i don't know why. you're with al-jazeera
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you're watching our special coverage of the trial of a former u.s. police officer and there it show van who's accused of murdering george floyd and the prosecutor just in the midst of delivering their opening statements and jerry blackwell also showing the video that was caught on tape but when george floyd was killed by the police officer as saying the say he was killed in 9 minutes and 29 seconds if excessive force and playing that video once again as part of his opening arguments and we do apologize for any profanity that may have crossed on air while watching that video let's now go back and listen in to when jerry blackwell has to stay on top of it in order to breathe you have to have room for the longs to expand in and out and you seem as if we're doing his best to kind of crank his his right shoulder up in a lift up his weight and the sharpness weight on top of them to get
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a breath for as long as he could get a breath and and you will see and hear more about that during the trial you will learn that a member of the bystanders there called the police on the police genevieve hanson the 1st responder all the police on the police you learn that donald. the young man who's very vocal security background mixed martial arts background saw the pressure that was put on the neck he called the police on the police but not only that you're going to learn that there was a 911 dispatch her name is jenna. jenna scurried is going to come to talk to you also there was a fixed police camera that was trained on this particular scene and she could see through the camera what was going on. you will learn that what she saw was so unusual effort her so undisturbed i'm searched so disturbed that she did something
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that she had never done in her career she call the police on the police a madman one dispatcher she call sergeant david later who's going to come in to testify she called him to report what she saw because she found it just that disturbing she will tell you that she felt that she saw a man literally lose his life and you will hear her testify now i want to talk to you a little bit about intent that is what our evidence is going to be on the issue of intent as i mentioned we're going to show you that the use of force here was excessive and unreasonable we're going to show you that it was not accidental in terms of what was happening there at the scene that. what mr shaaban was doing he was doing deliberately now when we bring you the evidence of intent it's not going to come in like a sandwich board as the front side of the back side and the front side says this is
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evidence of intent and the back side says yeah you saw it. we will bring it to you ladies and gentlemen through the totality of all of the evidence look at it all together. you will for example hear from the coal mckenzie the medical support coordinator for the minneapolis police department she will tell you that the dangers of the prone position putting people face down on the ground have been known about in policing for over 30 years that they train all forces on. she will tell you that arrest the citizens who are under arrest should never be put in the prone position except only momentarily to get them under police custody or control to get handcuffs on them but never left in that position you will learn to misapply was in handcuffs already so they didn't need to put him on the ground to get him into. to get him under police control. and she will tell you that the reason that you don't put persons or leave them in a prone position that way let alone with
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a man's body weight on top of them let alone for 9 minutes and 29 seconds the reason you don't do that is because of the potential to obstruct the airways you're also going to hear from lieutenant johnny mercer the minneapolis police department use of force training coordinator he's going to tell you about what training mr shop and head see but he's also going to tell you that he knows of no training that would suggest that kneeling on somebody's his neck as mr shaaban was doing was proper according to many happens police department. you will learn that officers are trained to avoid putting pressure on areas that are above the areas of the shoulder on the spinal column on the neck on the hit and that to do that is using deadly force because if you are putting pressure of blows in those areas you run the risk of seriously injuring the person or potentially
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even kill them we can be deadly force and so they're trained not to do that but above all you know they the police are trained in the side recovery position that if you have to put somebody in the prone position to get them under control you turn them over on the side as soon as possible so you don't obstruct the airways by having them on their stomach where the lungs can expand with the chest let alone having a way to get back you put them in the side recovery position right away. and and you will hear all about the importance of that then we'll all obviously bring you the evidence of all of the warnings that mr shoppin would have received not just from george floyd himself from the calls and crying out by the bystanders from the approach of the ambulance from the paramedics and so on all of whom did their part . to encourage him to let out and together you'll be able to consider that to
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umbrella of intent. now i want to talk with you a 2nd about the evidence on causation of medical causation in terms of what was happening to misapply and why he was there on the ground. and if i had to give this part of the evidence you're going to see in maine i would tell you that you can believe your eyes. that it's a homicide or even believe your eyes. and here's what you'll be able to see for yourself you'll be able to see every part of what this avoid went through from him 1st crying out from his effort to move the shoulder to get his breathing get room to breathe you be able to hear is voice get deeper and heavier his words further apart his respiration more shallow you'll see him when he goes unconscious and you'll be able to see the uncontrollable shaking he's doing when he's not breathing anymore be anoxic seizures from oxygen deprivation you'll be able to
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see when he's going through agonal breathing the involuntary gasping of the body once the heart has stopped from oxygen deficiency. and you you hear and are well aware when there was a lot of polls you'll hear from a number of experts on the stand that putting a man in the prone position of handcuffs behind his back somebody on his neck and back pressing down on him for 9 minutes and 29 seconds is enough to take a life you hear that also you're also going to hear from other experts who will point to the significant evidence of the excessive force that was put on this the floyds by. you be able to see ladies and gentlemen of the road rash on the show it's always been pressed into the pavement from the weight on top stripped off layers of skin the same with respect to the knuckles on his hand when he's pressing up trying to get room to breathe the damage to his nose when he pressed his face
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into the pate to try to get room to breathe please don't. you learn that the last 9 minutes and 29 seconds mr floyd's life was only live for part of that. period of time but it matches the patterns of somebody who dies from an oxygen deficiencies will be able to point to the video evidence you'll be able to see for yourself you also want to hear and see certain evidence of what this was not this was for example not a fatal heart of it. this was not for example a heart attack. you will learn that there was no demonstrated injury whatsoever to mrs lloyd's heart as a heart attack. you'll hear evidence that mr floyd had an artery in his heart that was partially client you will learn that there was no damage to the floyd's heart. from an inadequate blood supply of supplies applied to
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his heart. that there was no clotting in his heart you will learn that the medical examiner when he was examined in the boy's heart after he had died. saw no injuries no evidence apart injury and it was so on remarkable he didn't even photograph the heart you learn that this was not what's called a fatal arrhythmia. that the heart beats rhythmically and it occasionally then the heart gets on a rhythm and out of rhythm the heart just may stop and the case of a failure of the you want to learn that what a person suffers that they stop and they drop right there where they are is the death. you'll be able to see for yourself that mr lloyd did not die in this death. he died one breath at a time over an extended period of time does none at all look like the way that one dies from a fatal or that was instant death and this was not of this that you also. learned
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ladies and gentlemen that george boy struggled. with an opiate addiction he struggled with it for years. you will learn that he did not die from a drug overdose he did not die from an opioid overdose why because you'll be able to look at the video footage and you see he looks absolutely nothing like a person who would die from the opium overdose you learned opioids a tranquilizer and when a person dies from an opiate overdose what it looked like 1st and foremost asleep in a stupor. at the never come to again and is simply passed away opiate overdose they are not screaming for their lives they are not calling on their mothers they have not begun please please i can't breathe that's not will be an overdose looks like now you will learn that mr floyd have 11 then a grams of fat no in
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a system when he died in may so that's a fatal amount well what you have to learn is something about tolerance so for a person who has never been exposed to hope weird to fennville that maybe for them but for others who have been struggling with for years they have a different tolerance level. you will learn for example that lamp 11 an aggressive mental is in the range that you find in people who might receive opioids for cancer pain for example misapplied had lived with his opioid addiction for years and you can see on the video that his behavior is not consistent with somebody who dies of an opioid addiction he didn't go into a slump or he was not mom who sponsored he was calling out for his life he was struggling he was not passing out. now you're also going to hear. from a forensic pathologist dr lindsay thomas. and what she does as a forensic pathologist she studies body tissues on autopsy to try to determine the
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cause and matter of deaths you did this over 35 year career as a forensic pathologist over that period of time she had done medical examiner forensic pathology work and some 37 minnesota counties of 87 we have 7 counties in wisconsin she done over 5000 autopsies and determined cause of origin or manner and cause of death and thousands of. semi retired now and works as a consultant still in the field of knowledge. she was one of the persons who helped to train the current head of the county medical examiner dr andrew baker when he was just getting started out in forensic pathology now here's where dr baker and dr thomas agree. as to the manner of mr ford's death and i will show you the findings from dr bates.
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when you list manner of death for george boy. homicide now i want to explain to you that when he uses homicide it's not the way that we use it here in the courtroom but the medical examiner says homicide it simply means that the person died at the hands of another is what that means and i will show you what liz that shows you from in just a minute dr thomas will come in and testify about that but it means that he died at the hands of another but you also learn. that he lives in the cause of death cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint and that impression now and will translate into and you'll hear this from dr thomas. because a bit cardiopulmonary arrest what you're going to learn is that every human being that's ever been on a planet has 2 things in common with every other human being the one is that they are born and number 2 is that they die in their rest because all the
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cardiopulmonary arrest means is at the heart stops and the long stops is simply another way of saying death so cause of death death complicating that is involving law enforcement so do all that is subduing george floyd restraining him and compressing his neck on the cause of death and how the injury occurred deceiving george's lawyer experienced the cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officers now in terms of the manners of death where you see yourself homicide here and here would be the standard list of the choices that medical examiners will look to in determining what the manner of death was how the injury a disease leads to death is met or death and this is dr thomas we're talking about this 5 matters of death natural natural cause are detects
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a natural death you learn a fatal arrhythmia is a natural cause of death you will learn accident a drug overdose is an example of an accidental death for example car accident can be an accidental death suicide homicide which is when they chose death at the hands of another one determined that if you can't tell which it is or what it is indicate undetermined and here you will learn that dr andrew baker and dr thomas determine amongst these possible matters of death was a match will not accidental not suicide not undetermined it was homicide death at the hands of another but that's not all that dr thomas is going to tell. she is going to tell you something about the limitations of pathology that is looking at the tissues of persons after they have been deceased and trying to
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determine whether somebody died as a result oxygen deficiency their limitations because in over half the cases where somebody dies from insufficient oxygen and when you know they die from insufficient oxygen there are no signs in the body tissues she would give you the example for example somebody who smothered by a pillow and they died that way she said you may see nothing in the body tissue but you know they died from oxygen deficiency because you know how they died and here in this case you will hear that on autopsy they didn't see any objective things in george boy's tissues but she says let's look at all the evidence and we can see what happened at the scene. and we can see moment by moment. that he had all the tail tell signs of a person who's struggling and suffering. from not receiving sufficient oxygen she will say you have to look at all the evidence and we'll show you that objective evidence as we go through so finally i want to talk to you about some of the
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evidence that you will hear some of the facts that do not excuse this excessive use of force but you will hear about them we will tell you about. for example he would hear that george floyd was a big guy he was over 6 feet tall every police conduct witness we bring you on the stand every use of force experts will tell you that his size is no excuse for any police abuse. you're going to hear obviously that a struggle with drug addiction that he had high blood pressure will talk about heart disease and we will tell you about that heart disease that he had what you learned is a joyous wait years for live for years day in and day out every day with all these conditions until the one day on may 25th when he in the bad minutes and 29 seconds and that was the only day he didn't survive that he went into the circle of madness
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in 29 seconds as only they did come out again. you will learn that he's not in the skew so what happened and then i'm innocent 29 seconds you will hear what happened earlier on today on may 25th. you will be able to see how the police approached them in his vehicle over the if a $20.00 bill you'll be able to see how when they approach his car came to his one within seconds the pool about their gun pointing it out as he did and we use in the fall most of language you'll be able to see them get him out of his car put him right away and the handcuffs you see them pat him down so the no he doesn't have any weapons and now only that you'll be able to hear. george floyd when he approaches the squad car saying he is terrified to be put in that squad car you hear him say i think i'm going to die if they put me in there i think i'll die if i'm a put and that's why he was terrified you hear him talk about that he says he was
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question. and then he asked the count himself let me count my way into the squad car and he starts trying to count 12 the man handling some into the car with the handcuffs on and you'll see. from that you hear him saying i can't breathe in the back of the squad car and we will show you in the back of the squad car when this to shop at one point had his hands around this to fill its neck in the squad car and another. army elbow around this neck of the supports hit here with your poem out of this white car put them on the ground of the prone position and women i miss the 29 seconds begins but you're also going to learn ladies and gentlemen at the time they put mr floyd on the ground that way there were 5 grown been armed police officers were on the scene over a fake $20.00 bill there were 5 of them there mr shaaban and his partner the 2 officers who shown up there earlier in the 1st place before mr shot him was there
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and a member of the park police it was 5 to 4 man who didn't threaten anybody you will see committed no act of violence in any way who didn't try to run away and who was put in the prone position this way with 5 grown men armed police officers present none of that lays a gentleman we submit he will find to be honest you saw what happened in the 9 minutes and 29 seconds we're also going to want you to learn something about jewish boy george parry floyd his family was called impaired because he was not simply just an object excessive use of force a police is a real person. and i want to learn something about the time that he was killed he was 46 years old he was a father a brother a cousin a friend to many is ritually from houston texas even before houston he was from
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madd original home state north carolina fable north carolina before houston is where his family is from. excel than basketball and football love shooting hoops even to the kepler stuff it that way he moved to minnesota from texas for fresh start and the rest of this you learn about him his work as if you're a guard who lost his job when kobe hit he's a good survivor george boy was and he lost his job as a foreigner porter was forced to close given call it but the point of all of this is that we want to know something about who george ward was as a person because he was somebody to a lot of about in the world. so lazy german i'm going to sit down in a moment this morning. we're going to show you through the evidence that there was
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no excuse for the police abuse of mr shop we're going to ask at the end of this case that you find mr shaaban guilty for his excessive use of force against joyce lloyd that was an assault that contributed taken his life f. wayne gage in an eminently dangerous behavior put the knee on the neck and the on the back 9 minutes and 29 seconds without regard for mr lloyd's life we're going to ask that you find him guilty of murder to 2nd degree murder of a 3rd degree and 2nd degree manslaughter thanks. business and you are still but at the sight you may. please the court come so mr show him members of the jury. a reasonable
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doubt is a doubt that is based on reason and common sense at the end of this case we're going to spend a lot of time talking about doubt. but for purposes of my remarks this morning i want to talk about reason and common sense and how that applies to the evidence that you're about to see during the course of this trial reason is an idea that wholly permeates our law our legal system forms the foundation and you will see and hear that repeatedly throughout the course of this trial. what would a reasonable police officer do what is a reasonable use of force what would a reasonable person do in his or her most important affairs what is a reasonable doubt as such reason dictates and necessitates how the evidence must be looked at and analyzed in every single case. and common sense is exactly
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that common sense common sense tells you that there are always 2 sides to a story common sense tells us that we need to examine the totality of the circumstances to determine the meaning of evidence and how it can be applied to the questions of reasonable this of actions and reactions in other words common sense is the application of sound judgment based upon a reasoned analysis and that's what this case is ultimately about it's about the evidence in this case the evidence that you will see in this case during this trial it is i agree with counsel for the state it is nothing more than that there is no political or social cause in this court. but the evidence is far greater than 9 minutes and 29 seconds. in this case you will
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learn. that the evidence has been collected broadly and expansive. minnesota bureau of criminal apprehension employed nearly 50 cases agents analysts and technicians to investigate this case the federal bureau of investigation included at least $28.00 additional agents in their investigation. these agents combined have engaged in an extensive and far reaching investigation. they have interviewed over 50 members of the minneapolis police department including the officers who responded to the scene after mr floyd was brought to the hospital they were they interviewed members of the minneapolis police department command staff they interviewed officers who oversee training and policy making decisions within the minneapolis police department they have interviewed nearly 200
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civilian witnesses in this case some of these witnesses saw the entire incident some who saw a portion of the incident many who saw nothing and some who had some piece of information to give to the officers and others who had enough these agents interviewed the numerous medical personnel who interviewed me who attended mr ford and they interviewed the numerous firefighters and paramedics respond. agents executed approximately a dozen search warrants in this case to gather information and in the end you will hear a term throughout i believe this case of the bates stamp number the bed stamp system is a way for lawyers to keep track of the case to make sure that we are working from the same set of documents the same set of other. to to preserve the integrity of the
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investigation you will learn that we are approaching 50000 bates stamp i don't. so this case is clearly more than about 9 minutes and 29 seconds. as you all saw during jury selection the witness lists in this case near 400 people so how do we begin to analyze and organize this evidence i suggest that you let common sense and reason guide you i propose that every witness you will hear from and every piece of evidence that you will see or hear during this trial can be assigned to one of 4 basic locations. cup foods mercedes-benz squad 320 and hennepin county medical center so let's start at the 1st cup foods you will learn that on may 5th excuse me may
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25th 2020 shortly after 7 o'clock pm mr floyd and his friend maurice hall entered the cup foods located at 33 chicago while they were there they ran into their other friend or mr floyd's ex-pro from shore wanda and he offered her a ride you will hear from chris martin who is the store clerk at comp foods mr martin observed mr ford he watched his body language he interacted with mr floyd in this moment and mr martin formed the opinion that mr ford was under the influence so you will see the actual video from inside cut foods mr floyd did use a counterfeit $20.00 bill to purchase a pack of cigarettes. mr martin realize this and 1st along with another one of his coworkers named the bill walter went outside to the car where mr ford mr
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hall and miss hill were said mr martin asked mr ford to come in and there are the cigarettes exchange or return the service and you will hear from mr martin that mr hall and mr florey refused you will hear that a short time later mr martin went back to the car a 2nd time and went back to ask him again please come inside. give us the money or return the cigarettes and that 2nd time again mr floyd refused. so at 8 o 1 pm a 2nd clear from the cup foods in omar camara called 911 to report mr ford during that call mr camarota you will hear described mr floyd as drunk and that he could not control himself he's not acting right he's $6.00 to $6.00 and
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a half feet tall accordingly many apples police officers thomas lane and alexander king were dispatched to the scene and arrived at 8 o 8 pm they were driving minneapolis squad car 320 and they face parking south phone in the northbound lane of chicago outer and were directed by store employees immediately to the 2nd location the mercedes-benz. during this trial you will hear evidence of what happened in the mercedes benz in the 20 to 30 minutes prior to the police arriving you will hear from mr floyd's friends shoe on the hill and maurice hall this will include out that it's not while they were in the car mr ford consumed what were thought to be 2 percocet. mr floyd's friends will explain that mr floyd fell asleep in the car and that they
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couldn't wake him up but they kept trying to wake him up to get going that they thought the police might be coming because now the store was coming out and they kept trying to wake him up and in fact one of these friends called her daughter miss hill to hill called her daughter should cure prince to come and pick her up because they couldn't keep mr ford away at 8 or 9 pm officers lane and king approached the vehicle and officer lane approached the driver side of the vehicle and officer king approached the passenger side during the course of this trial you will see and hear the body worn cameras these officers that fully capture the entire interaction with mr floyd and his friends you will see officer lane draw his service weapon after mr floyd failed several times to respond to his commands to show him his hands you learn that that is an
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acceptable police practice you will see the officers struggle with mr floyd to get him out of the mercedes-benz and handcuffed and you will see and hear everything that these officers and mr floyd say to each other the evidence will show that when confronted by police mr floyd put drugs in his mouth in an effort to conceal them from the police at approximately 8 10 pm officer peter chang of the minneapolis park police response the response of the scene to assist officers king and when and he helps in detaining the passengers. you will see officer chiang's body worn camera and you will hear his interaction. this becomes important as we learn about police practice because what you will
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learn is that when an officer responds to what is sometimes a routine and minimal event it often evolves into a greater and more serious event. you will see surveillance video. near spot $320.00 from a local business called the dragon law that capture the actions and reactions of all of everyone present at that location including evidence of further concealment of controlled substances during the course of the investigation 2 search warrants were executed on the mercedes-benz the 1st on may 27th of 2020 the 2nd several months later on december 9th of 2000. b.c. agents located various pieces of evidence during both of these search including 2 pills that later analysis by the b.c.
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it revealed to be a mixture of methamphetamine and france and this is what's called the speech. a mixture of an opiate and a stimulant you will learn that these pills were manufactured to have the appearance of percocet while standing next to my mercedes benz officer king and officer lane both ask mr ford what he was on and he says he is nothing officer king and lane sported mr floyd the 3rd location minneapolis squad 320 the evidence will show that as officers king and lane scored mr ford to their squad car a citizen by the name of charles mcmillian walked alongside kind of joined. and he was encouraging mr ford to cooperate with the officers in the car you can't when
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the evidence will show that mr floyd and the officers began to struggle as they attempted to get him in the squad car. and you will learn that officers derek children and his partner to tal arrive to assist officers going in lay and at 816 and 48 seconds almost its and. upon their arrival the 1st thing that officer showman sees is officers king and lane struggling with mr 4 mr for mr show then ask the officers is he under arrest yes and then officer show and began to assist them in their efforts to get him into the squad car you will see that 3 minneapolis police officers could not overcome the strength of mr ford mr sheldon stands 5 foot 9140 pounds
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mr floyd a 63 was 223 s. you will learn that because of this this intersection at 38 in chicago is considered a high crime area the stadium and solves what's called a milestone video system it's a camera that sits upon a top a pole and conserve ala the entire intersection when you see these videos pulled back from a far you will be able to see minneapolis police squad car rocking back and forth rocking back and forth during the struggle so much so that it catches the attention of the 911 dispatcher jenna scurry this was not an easy struck. as the struggle continues you will see in here both what mr floyd was saying to the officers and the officers responses to him mr ford does end up on the street.
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and appeared to continue to struggle to these officers so much so that they considered applying what's called the maximal restraint technique it used to be called a hobble or the hog. mr showing used his knee to pin mr floyd's left shoulder blade and back to the ground and his right knee to pin mr floyd's left arm to the. officer king was placed below mr ford's buttocks an officer laying was at the feet and you will see and hear them continue to struggle with mr floyd as he's attempting to kill you will see in here that a crowd begins to develop watching and recording officers initially fairly passive as the situation went on the crowd began to grow angry but here's what you will also see in here you will see and hear the conversation
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between the officers behind the squad car the crowd is not aware of what they are saying and doing. you will learn that several bystanders including donald williams and genevieve hansen they grew more and more and more upset with these officers you've seen this morning but you will also see it from the perspective of the police officers as the crowd grew in size seemingly so too did their anger remember there's there's more to the scene than just the office what the officers see in front of their people behind them there are people across the street there are cars stopping people yelling there are there is a growing crowd and what officers perceived to be a threat they're called names heard him this morning
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a fucking bomb. they're screaming on him. causing the officers to divert their attention from the care of mr floyd to the threat that was growing in front of them at this location questions emerge about the reasonableness of the use of force and this will ultimately become one of the decisions that you have to make to answer these questions for the bureau of criminal apprehension the evidence will show that the bureau of term criminal apprehension investigated the minneapolis police department's training and policies . you will learn about things such as the authorized use of force. proportionality of force excited delirium defensive tactics including prone handcuffing not restraints maximum restraint technique the swarm technique you will learn about rapidly evolving situations and the minneapolis police department's
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decision making. you will learn about crowd control medical intervention deescalation procedural justice crisis intervention and the human factors of force that is what happens to a police officer or any person when they are involved in the high stress use of force situation and you will learn that derek children did exactly what he had been trained to do over the course of his 19 year the use of force is not attractive but it is a necessary component of police the evidence will again demonstrate that the minnesota bureau of criminal apprehension conducted 2 searches of squad 320. you will learn that in the 2nd search of squad $320.00 agents recovered several pieces of partially dissolved pills you will learn that these pills were again analyzed
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were again shown to be consistent or similar to the pills from a mercedes benz and that they contained nothing fadam in and traces of fenton. moreover these pills contained the d.n.a. and saliva of george white. which leads us to our final our final location and of and how medical center. the evidence will show that officers made 2 calls for emergency how. those calls were within one minute and 30 seconds of each other the 1st call officers called for paramedics to arrive code 2 because mr floyd had a nose injury he was bleeding from the nose that occurred during the struggle mr floyd banged his face into the plexiglas partition of the squad car you will see the blood evidence in the squad car that 1st call came in
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at 8 minutes excuse me 8 o'clock 20 minutes and 11 seconds the 2nd call was what's called a stepped up call or code 3 call meaning get here as fast as you possibly can that call was made and placed at 8 o'clock 21 minutes and 35 seconds you will learn that paramedics arrived on scene at 827800 seconds just 19 minutes after king and officers king and lane arrived within 6 minutes of it being called a code 3 and they did what they referred to as a load and go because of the crowd they came they picked up mr rather than attempting to resuscitate him or treat him on the scene they loaded him into the emulex and they drove to a location several blocks away to begin their resuscitated efforts and you will hear and learn that officer thomas lane accompanied them for part of that time.
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you will learn ultimately the mr floyd was transported to the emergency department of hennepin county efforts where efforts to save mr fluid were made and at the direction of dr bradford wankhede lung and felt again he took important tests he ran blood samples and blood gaslamp and he took certain very important team very important pieces of information and you will learn that later that evening mr ford was pronounced dead the evidence will show them that dr andrew baker of the husband county medical examiner's office conducted the only autopsy of mr ford and you will hear of several interviews that dr baker had with law enforcement where he discusses the cause and manner of death and what that actually means according to what he saw present in this to ford's body and some of this
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evidence is an extremely important to the final determination of mr floyd's cause of death medical findings include things such as the blood gas test that was shown taken at each c.m.c. that really revealed mr floyd had an exceptionally high level of carbon dioxide dr baker found none of what are referred to as the telltale signs of this fixation there were no bruises to mr floyd's neck either on his skin or after peeling his skin back to the muscles but. there was no particular hemorrhage there was no evidence that mr floyd's air flow was restricted and he did not determine to be a positional or mechanical affix you death at the time mr ford was in the
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hospital a femoral blood draw was taken. that blood drawn was analyzed by a lab the results of mr floyd's toxicology screen revealed the presence of fenton on and methamphetamine among other things and it will be important to know the difference between know and methamphetamine. the autopsy revealed many other issues including coronary disease an enlarged heart what's called a para ganglion which is a tumor that secretes adrenalin swelling for of the loss in the state was not satisfied with dr peters work and so they have contracted with numerous physicians to contradict dr baker springs
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and this will ultimately be another significant battle in this trial what was mr ford's actual cause of death the evidence will show that mr floyd died of a cardiac arrhythmia that occurred as a result of hypertension scorn ery disease the ingestion of methamphetamine and fenton are and the adrenaline throwing flowing through his body all of which acted to further compromise already compromised. at the conclusion of this evidence you will be instructed us to the law the elements of the offense the court will give you detailed instructions on what you must find to convict mr shogun these charges but when you review the actual evidence and when you hear the law and apply reason and common sense there will only be one just. and that is to find mr shogun not. members of the jury were
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to take their morning recess at this time. a lemon 15 i want you to keep in mind that these breaks we're trying to keep as much as we can to time but if bathroom needs and other needs. we can expand it a little bit so i don't want you to be nervous about making sure all of your personal business is the 20 minute but keep in mind the 20 minutes is what we all try to stick to for morning or afternoon breaks and so now. other we're recess until 115 you were just listening to the opening statements by both legal teams the prosecution's on the defense and the 1st day of the trial of derek shove in apologies once again for any profanity that may have appeared on our air we heard from the defense attorney eric nelson just a moment ago who basically said that evidence will show that george floyd was under
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the influence of drugs at the time of the incident and he also argued that this case is clearly more than about 9 minutes and 29 seconds referencing the amount of time that the prosecutor had said would be significant for the jury as it relates to george floyd's final moments and the prosecutor meanwhile jerry blackwell who spoke earlier on in his opening statement said that the most important numbers in this case would be 9 to 9 that's 9 minutes and 29 seconds of derrick's over kneeling on george floyd's neck he also accused of enough using excessive and unreasonable force and of course central to the prosecution's case is that video that was played out in the courtroom where floyd is heard to say i can't breathe. let's bring in john hendren is joining us from just outside the courthouse in minneapolis where all of this is taking place john so for anyone just catching up with this case and what's going on inside that courtroom just talk us through the
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main points that both sides have now put forward.


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