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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm +03

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all right it's no longer. it falls still into the. what is it is it still happening there's a possibility of the person still being on scene is not a report call that they would go cold not cold too. and so describe force then what core to means is fire hammer same code too would be not using lights and sirens they're going without those so it sort of makes sense for a call me priority if you've got a suspect still there want to get officer there or current and so called to from your training and experience proceeding without lights and sirens or other codes that are used as part of the dispatch process we process we have court for which the scene save if we're working with other agencies such as e.m.'s and they're staging in the area which means they're not going in there lots
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police have been given it's safe for them police let us know that the c.s. cohort and then they would proceed and so between 2 and fours are going through there is a code 3 and what does that mean hold 3 me is emergent so you need them as quickly as possible. i want to back up a little bit in your job as a dispatcher. you're a lot. i'm hearing what's going on getting calls there are also some things you can do visually in terms of seeing what's going on outside of in the city many of us the majority of our job is all through the same. that in the 1st call that comes into us to dispatching it to radios between dispatch and the responders. and sometimes we do have cameras available to us that they can be out simply for the fact to know what time of the day it is to know what the weather might be out there
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at that time. to keep us up to date so we can understand how or what questions asked our callers depending on the day or what it looks like but we do have cameras available to us if needed so explain where these cameras are what you mean that there are cameras. this are they know they are around the city i don't specifically know where each one of them is bikes they are. and we do have access to them not specifically to dispatchers but there are cameras that are available or usually camera. operators which are some police officers that operate cameras to use and then we can use them and so on so how do you see them you know when you're working as a dispatcher and you see the video from those cameras just like the. t.v.'s in this room there on the wall for us to use there are proximately.
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filling 6 t.v.'s and so it's a way for you to see what's going on in the streets tracked and you know how it's in your job do you think you look up at those and see what's going on. it depends depends on how busy we are sometimes we are going from call to call to call and you start at 5 o'clock because somehow it started 9 o'clock in the afternoon he don't know how he got there sometimes. we can look up and see what it's like outside and watch the people walking my it all depends on the day. so you trooping with police officers who are out working your different ways that you can actually communicate with them talk to current one of the different ways that you firstly use our radio that is our formal way of communication with getting our calls and information we
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also have our cad system and that is the computer system they allows us to take the calls from that one operators they come over to us at dispatch and then when we dispatch the call we're also giving that same call to officers or the firefighters to their computers so that they have the same information that we're giving out. through that we also have what would seem is a. and e. mail system and we can use that to send messages to if needed. phone calls to officers we have. and so. you may have sort of already answered my question but just to be clear about it tell us the typical process when a citizen makes a 911 call of that comes through the the call center and becomes a call the police officers for assistance so everything is the 1st question we ask is what is the address of the emergency it's most important thing so that we can
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send help right away if needed but it also allows the calls to be coded to the correct dispatcher we have 3 dispatchers working all at the same time and they're in charge of different creasy. my channel which was channel one was and is present 3 in total and the other to have the other channels involved have different precincts so the address allows us to give it to different dispatchers so they can disseminate that information. so call goes to. the call taker. they give information to you to do to speak joe correct. and so were you working on may 25th of last year i was what was your shift to remember that. my shift was a middle ship i started at 1430 which is 230 in there and i work until midnight 30
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which is 1230 at night and i think you told us your responsibility then was which areas of radio was channel one which would be precinct to precinct 3 so the other channels of the other. precincts correct and so what was. your assignments what were your job duties on may 25th 21. of them please dispatcher it was to take the call fake e-mail from then on line and to dispatch them to the police officers. and incidentally i think i may have forgotten to ask you is there always a sergeant on duty. when you're serving as a dispatcher a sergeant on duty on the streets in each precinct yet how many surgeons are generally. depends on their shifts minimal one. and as part of your duties do you often have contact with those sergeants. calls
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and other matters yes. on that it may 25 2022 jew just badger called officers to location orders come from yes and. did you receive the 911 call i did not. and you but you just passed a call about that correct are you familiar with that location yes and what do you know of the intersection where that's located 30 in chicago and is that in the city of minneapolis yes you know what county that's him. and why are you familiar with that location. it's a place where everybody in the area before. and also it's part of our geography to know the. landmarks that stick out it's
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a place where you have to. be. ready to understand where it is so if somebody tells you that cup foods i or that is it started in china and i can use my computer system to get that address fairly familiar with the city of minneapolis yes. and. were you aware of the time if there was one of these street cameras for that area i didn't or did you subsequently learn that there are in fact there's a camera there that could show the incident you're caught yes in some point did you also look at some video for this incident at that location yes. come back to the movie. prior to coming into court to do have
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a chance to look at what we've marked as exhibit 151. you don't know that but it's the busy letter can't print out from part of this call correct yes your honor can return just the witnesses screen please. i don't want that you want . i'm showing you what we've marked as exhibit 150 you want to see it on your screen . now do you see it yes and these images ok. do you do you 1st when you recognize that this document is yes and what how would you refer to it so i get it right it is the printout version of the call that it came in from iran so as calls are processed through the center
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a record of that is made that looks like this yes it was this kept in the ordinary course of the business of the call center keeping track of what it does yes and are you have you have prior occasions reliance on them like those to. recall what happened during your call yes yes something that you're able to see even sometimes during your shift it would just come up on one of the multiple screens that you have if you want yes they everything looks different. it would take a lot of explaining but or yes we see all of this information. then i would offer exhibit $151.00.
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well if you want to receive. now mystery i'm going to ask for 151 to be put up on the screen story to all see you. and. starting here. with the 1st page of this document. and i'll represent you
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that we have not included the entire document right this is just a portion of that information correct correct so what i want to ask you to do here with the 1st line. is tell us you know run us through that 1st line and tell us the information on that very top line the 1st line is from the call taker is a query of the plates that's in the call and then we use a lot of abbreviations for quick hand information to the dispatcher's it would say outside on 38th street reporting that there is a mail provide a provided a counterfeit bill to the business the suspect is a black male 6 foot tall or sitting on top of a blue or c. is $320.00 s u v license plate or a robber johns there are $26.00 s. and one of them do some have this one up a little bit so it's easier for me to read along with you and at least the 1st.
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couple lines. just so that it's bigger for us all to see so the 1st column on the left self-explanatory that's the date correct and then the time also probably self-explanatory. what is user to user would be how you identify the different persons involved and this person you can tell is a call taker it's the 1st $200.00. letters there and then it has their id number we all have our own idea numbers and so what's your idea mine is 123096 but this 1st user number that starts with a c.t. you're familiar with who is a sign that number generally who has that number yet is how do you know that. it's given to or certain everybody has their own specific line if i needed to query
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that i know who it was it would tell me who their name is but i also know that that's a call taker based off of the for 1st 2 letters. and the type which is type. it's the response so that's going from. yes i believe i'm not i can't i don't know exactly know what that actually. so the 1st line query somebody is asking you're on a license plate correct correct. so the next line. can you describe it for the jury that what we're seeing here all that that's in capital letters so everything we write is using capital letters but the 1st 3 letters are o.t.s. is our short term for our time. and then just arm 38th street it's providing the information of where. we try to be as clear as possible and paint a picture so outside of that he street reporting that they will provide that car fell to the business. and so is this the information that the whole ticker provided
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to you to make dispatched officers yes and as part of this process does that information also go into the officers in right. yes all of this information is sent to them in their cycle so this is available to them in their squad car as well correct. and we see that. there's a description of the vehicle right to you mercedes yes and that there's an address . yes that is the query information that goes in there so we can. sometimes place don't match the vehicles is the reason why we ask along with the license plate what kind of vehicle are you see so when we run that plate we can say this is a stolen vehicle and it doesn't match or the plate doesn't match because it may
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just be wrong so here are clearly 2419 and we are now after north what is that that is the registered owner is address of the vehicle that's just right there yes. and so the one well the next line no screen questions asked which is that. due to the pandemic we have certain questions that we asked and there were no screening questions asked the stuff or the person not being the person they're calling about so the caller is stars we know they're not graham contact with. but no screening questions are asked to lead off the search no that we don't know if they've had a covert contact or symptoms. so then taken this information and you just batch. a squad car to respond to this call yes and who did you well 1st of all if you can
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tell us which sector of the 3rd precincts. assume this was the 3rd precinct truck correct which sector did you with this fall this falls in 322nd and did you in fact dispatch then to 320. i originally dispatched this to 330 and why is that 320 was not available and you knew that from your work previous that day. ok and so then. you. did you make an actual dispatch to. 330 to respond of this call yes and sort when you do that make that oral dispatch you base it off this information that you're reading right here correct. and prior to coming to court did you have an opportunity to listen to a copy of that call yes and replay that for you yes that appeared to be an accurate
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recording of the actual call that you made. and we've marked as exhibit 10. your honor we would offer exhibit. at this time. and. place. and not others. further it will be available on your doctor to cut through it to the will of you don't tell a girl on 30 if they are reporting that there is a person who grew the counterfeit bill at the business that they were but they also work for tolerances.
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just or that's not quite the end of the cause and. you will try to answer it at all . so when you call out that you pass along your sense of the same information as.
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written partner socks and want to correct slightly different just for your correct correct. all right so what you're looking at are right now from inside the courtroom
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courtroom where the prosecutor matthew franck is questioning the 1st witness jenna scurry and the derek show even trial she's a 911 dispatcher who called police while witness saying george floyd's arrests and that is the judge right now on your screen peter who is overseeing the proceedings and. there will be a number. what they're doing right now is they're listening to evidence in their headsets that is why we cannot hear it's they're listening to the 1st call that was made by that 911 dispatcher janice gurney i believe we can listen in once again with us and everybody but we'll try to exhibit 10 again. and just before we play out the 1st thing that record is actually not your voice
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that's just all trying to voice marking the time of the call correct correct so we'll try to exhibit telling. the worth 23 names pretty funky 1020 that printers. through the media to the start of the army available on your sector to cut through a fence of our own or you have a you know tarver funders like they are reporting that there's a person group to the car that is full. of regret you know what part pollard sitting on the heart of any rumors. like this but for the roberts are you know a part of our president far.
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rejoice that you got the call and going to get it of yours or. are destined. for example from one of them so that. with your officers on the street correct right. back up the huntress a little better and if you can tell us. how foods in which sector and since i did reach them. and you initially called us out to 330 correct kurtz you recall who was working 330 that. specifically. and so when you start your shift you just know there's a car out there that's 330 you're calling to the correct hand after that. 330 call back inside copy correct correct and what does that mean and you vague
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knowledge that they've been given a call and subsequent to that there was a call from 320 correct yes and what was the substance of that call they said they would take. so based on what you knew about 320 being busy what did you take from that exchange at 320 was now calling it that they were able to at least what they're calling pending and they come back to late and then take their. they also mentioned pending priority what does that mean that is that i didn't clear them from the whole sometimes i will clear is supplied for whichever reason if that's reporter sent there's a multitude of reasons and i instead just put it back in pending so they could pick it up later to finish whatever they needed to do. and then. 330 ended up calling it and. him saying canceled thanks 20 correct
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correct what does that mean that they were no longer going to be going to the gulf to pay them. and so when you're making. when you're doing that dispatch at some point did you ask to send additional officers there. in that initial enough to eventual guests. so if we can go back to 151 please. you know general expand that 1st page so we can see it easier. you'll see a line at $2100.00 x. so that would be a 10 away correct. correct and that's your. i don't
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occasionally correct correct and so what tell us what that line is about these are the actions that i did. to back the scrying 320 out with 330 and then 830 and so when you're saying back to a 320 or 330 what does that order to show slots are out. and so did you request that or was that information you got that they were going to back up through 12 i i backed them up do you recall wow. and believe me i don't remember specifically that i heard something loud in the background and asked for additional slots until 4 and you did that as well with 830 correct correct and what is it 30 refer to slightly there is a park slide. and i parks one of you out there minneapolis park up there so it's the park police work for the city of minneapolis as well correct
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answer they can respond to calls minneapolis you know it's on a park correct. and so then can you tell us a few lines down at 2011 or 2. do you see that line yes and describe for us what's on his list of there. they are taking one out. and what does that mean they are taking a person out of the vehicle is that customary for officers to call that yes the rightful oh that is a license plate number correct yes. and we have removed that if i am from ation from that correct crap that's why there's a gap there and though there is a street address in minneapolis correct yes and that's really an avenue cracked where is that in minneapolis generally that is the 4th pre-state so excited me out was that it was on our side of media. and so this information as gone out to the
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officers as well that address correct. and then following down. 220-1221 you see that entry yes and can you describe for the jurors what's depicted on that why it is scott 320 is called for and so that means what you're seeing. and instantly this 2012 us military time that's it 12 correct correct i suspect you're far more custom to translating that than the rest of us is very much and then the next line down can you describe for the jurors what's there and it says 30 is out with squad $320.00 that is when the. that is when the what i'm sorry 30 part is now wait at 320 at that location. and then
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if we move down to the next line or bunch of stuff they're not really concerned that's just all coding for some information requested i assume yes that is 830 put something in a call ok so then we'll move to the next page. and we'll expand this so we can see it and actually these 2 pages will probably pull up both at the same time so we can work out as we go along. draw your attention to the 2nd line of 2020 allotted to see that yes he described what's listed there what what that line is about and believe i heard any of us go to for i hope injury requested by this line so that's 320 calling out for that correct correct. and so code to use told us earlier means what not emerge.
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and then. describe for us then wants to fix it in the next line of 202135 slides 330 right c.m.s. called 3 so this is how it's created 330 of creating a call to call in 3. yes yes and so they're asking for their ambulance to come quicker correct just to be clear we talk about you know mass we might think about is now it's right. and then the next line of 202721 can you describe for the jurors what's the picture it was information for the paramedics that police had the mail restrained on the ground and instantly are you able to tell you know who called that and whether it was which squad it was i would be able to if i read the portable number. but i did not but not on this. not of this printout correct.


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