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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2021 8:00pm-8:30pm +03

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and then. describe for us then wants to picture it in the next line of 202135 slippery 30 requests c.m.'s clode 3 so this is how it's created 330 of creating a call to call in 3. yes yes and so they're asking for the ambulance to come quicker correct just to be clear we talk about your mouse we might think about his name that's right. and then the next line of 202721 can you describe for the jurors what's the picture it was information for the paramedics that police had the mail restrained on the ground and instantly are you able to tell you know who called that in willers or which squad it was i would be able to if i read the portable number. but i did not but not on this. one of this printout correct correct. so then. the next line down at
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202036 you see that yes can you describe for the jurors what that life has there so we 1st start out with i different. number so than the long numbers with all the zeros and then that is a paramedic reading into the call and it says the rig for 12 is requesting fire code 3 so are adding additional agency to that explain why you see a must have been to fire yes hustle your mess we have 2 different. you mess companies we work with north and then head of penn county and opinion mess . and this is them right in here and in the additional fire fire is clearly firefighters but they are medically trained they can be anywhere in the city close to within 4 minutes so this is the paramedics call and you know
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additional support for support from the fire are correct. and then if we skip down to lines 203112. tell us what's left of their. courier and you know our radio this is the paramedic grade for 12 us is now located at park at 36 just laden no longer on scene and so for those last 2 lines we've looked at the mass of people are sending information to you or to this call center everything is shared so we have a shared computer system that we use and when you start adding additional agencies everybody gets the same information so that everybody can be informed on what's going on and so this information as well comes out for current so a separate thing you have to do or is an automatic restore share it is that
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automatic thing once you are adding the agency is so fire would not be able to see that unless they had their own call and so the line above that. is the multi agency fire is for credit and so it's going to be down a couple lines out of 2033 or to. describe the jurors once that. it says. you mess with like the fire department for patient condition at the request at location and this is something you dispatched out correct and so that's what's important of this information what's being. i no longer knew what was going on and i asked our partners our agency other agencies. that comet
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is the research group that we have. that we can connect radio to radio set up for him to phone inspect stand and i asked them what was going on and that's what they told me so i put it in a call so that everybody had their probation. in the next line down to 2034 town. can you describe where that information is coming from it's coming from the paramedics and it says all arrests so that's something they're reporting into the share our shirt system. for us to correct. and the next line after that. 203430. and then from coming from paramedics are there they said engines are grade 412 the paramedics are working a full rest and the next line down again now is you calling young are you handling misinformation correct yes and what are you dispatching out there and information
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that the fire department is in route to park at 36. and then the next line down 2036 or 7. that is a different id number and it starts with f. which means it's coming from whatever fire dispatchers says engine 17 fires 2 minutes out to 36 and park and the next line down for you just describe that for the jurors $24.00 to $23.00 that is e.m.'s transporting to each c.n.c. . and then finally this last line 2055 or 6. in the column after the time 330 correct yes so what does that mean with that code being there. there that that information that they provided right so is this 3030 calling in they did call in this is information they put directly into a call or how do they do that they have their computers it's
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a laptop i believe in their cars that there is more to provide information that leads you and so on this line of reference is the status of the a p do you recognize your previous an a.p. you know you don't know what that refers to now. so this is really a timeline of what happened during these calls correct correct. so during this call. you know why we're here today of course because of the sense of correct correct you have since learned that i don't is of the officers involved. may 25th of 2020 did you personally know any of those officers. and. during. this time of this call did you have some opportunities to look at. the street video from
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this location. i dig into you describe for the jurors the high you came to to see that. while working at my position we have 2 cameras or 2 t.v.'s on our walls. want to hold said walls so either side of the room conceived while i was dispatching calls because this call was not the only call that i had to dispatch to officers and recedes but i noticed today the cameras were out at 38 in chicago and that we were able to see what was going on and did you recognize what was depicted in the video. for the most to the best of my knowledge and did was cut forwards in the video yes did you recognize that as comfort yes that seemed was that consistent with what you knew to be 30 days in chicago yes and so did you also when you served that season police
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officers yes and can you just describe when you 1st looked up there in general kind of what you saw. when i 1st i just saw the slight car i did see the police officers and did you watch this video feed for a period of time and when you know the camera and being able to pay attention to it i did not watch the whole video or it as it was happening i did not watch the whole time and why not i still get calls to take care and. things to get out the police officers so we've marked a copy of that video just a chance to view that before coming into court today yes and you understand that we are out to a sense of one side of the video there's a huge sign obscures that whole area but the rest of the video does it fairly and
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accurately depict what you were able to see cracked and. so your honor we would offer what's been marked as exhibit 11. edition. all right so you're looking at the live picture from just inside the courtroom where the 1st witness has taken the stand in the murder trial of derek chauvet and that witnesses jenna skurry who is a 911 dispatcher in minneapolis and as she had reportedly alerted the police
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supervisor in may after she watched officers pin george floyd to the ground live on survey island camera and she's being questioned by the prosecutor matthew franck. scurry has so far testified that she dispatched polies to cup foods that's at the intersection of $38.00 in chicago in minneapolis on may the 25th 2020 that is of course the day the incident took place let's go back and listen to some more of her testimony. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start showing exhibit 11. and run for about 15 seconds and then i'm going to pass ok.
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so i'm going to have to posit right here. as i said other than cutting out the big sign on the right side does this fairly depict what you were able to see when you looked up at. the screens of may 25th or 2020 regarding a sense of ok. and you said when you 1st started there were no officers now we obviously have seen some officers walking interview are you still able to watch it when they just walk into view i was in and out of the studio so i do not remember them walking to the car. and. what do you remember seeing the next time that you looked up i believe they were
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getting into the back of the squad car and. you remember that the next time that you were able to see that generally what was depicted i believe they were still trying to get into the back of the squad car it was a little bit and then i went back to my experience. and i think what i'd like to do is have this run and if you could just watch the video and tell the jurors you know when you were able to look up what parts that you remember seeing that day during your shift ok.
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believe this is close to where you started watching. so obviously you can see some police officers here did you recognize them in the visuals in the middle. and i go only i didn't watch them much and then the next time i looked they were
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opening the door i do remember that which door give me the driver side back. this is what i remember seeing. so for the record we see the officers now
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trying to put mr floyd backs. the timestamp on the for the record reflects 81710 seconds when he said that proximately. the officers opened the rear passenger door do remember seeing this part of the yes men remember seeing the squad move.
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and what you mean by so light now you can see the squad is moving back and forth it's not like being driven but moving back. for the record now the timestamp at the top is $1750.00 proximately. and i know i was unable to watch all this. so at some point here you had to turn away and your job. and do you remember what was the next thing you remember seeing the next time i remember looking up at a stage i had moved from the back of the squad to the ground. and so when you see the let you know it was made of reference to it that ok i don't exactly know when they moved the ground i just know that when i looked up right we were no longer in the back seat.
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because you've told us that you're overseeing them on the ground with him i want you to point out the time the video that looks familiar to what you remember seeing when you say you saw them on the ground with him just so that we know.
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i mean this is when he started walking away and so for the record the timestamp of the top reflects 1925. so this is what you mean by. having him on the ground cracked do you recall how you were able to watch. around this time. honestly i. was you know both looking at the cameras and then going back to my screens to make sure i wasn't missing anything added remarks getting out calls and then what go back to the screen again. and i said i think what i'll do is just awesome you're. after seeing this at some point then did you look back to the screen to get back to work no back to this video of i was in you know looking at the screen and that may
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or may work at some point then did you go back to this it's 2. 100 appear at the time and when you went back to it it had not changed what you mean by that. they were still on the ground the whole situation was still on the scene had there been other changes to the scene were there other people i didn't pay attention to the surroundings and what was going on i just know that they had flown right and but it's important you see other like citizens in the video. there i cannot remember seeing them i just remembered looking up and seeing that the situation in change. do you call me how long out was that it was long you know it was it was long enough that i could look back multiple times. and so when you did look back still on the ground like depicted here such credit and.
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what did you think about this when you look back and saw that it had changed i 1st asked if the screens had frozen. why just because it hadn't changed. did you find that it had frozen no on it i was told that it was not a person did you see the train change yourself yes it's on a person's moving so we're just are thinking at that point something might be wrong why. we don't get these videos up then or you know do you at all unless it's looking at the bridge or just looking at people walking in very rarely get incidents where police are actively on the scene. and. so they had to change their come from the back of the slide to the ground and my instincts are telling me that something's wrong something has not great i don't know why but something was great in what ways was not were you thinking that
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something was not right there was an extended period of time and i can't tell you the exact amount of time. and they hadn't told me they needed any more resources. to multitude of different things that ran through my brain but i became concerned that something might be wrong. wrong with with what were you thinking it was a dive instinct. in that incident something's not going right rather it be. they needed more assistance or if. they were there just something wasn't right i don't know how to explain it it was a good instinct to tell me that. now we can be concerned. and what did you decide to do i took that instinct and i called the sergeant and you
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recall who the sergeant was that you talked to it was sergeant lugar and. why did you call the sergeant. this started is the police officer supervisor. if you're not me if we saw officer down you haven't gone through like the use of force training. but in your experience you felt something was wrong here the sergeant to know about cracked. if this was a part of your supporters i was calling to let them know why would you involve a sergeant's call that might both your supporters started and start are usually always notified for use of force and so did you in fact call sergeant were i did you ever in your career before called a sergeant for holding with those multiple further incident like this right to be
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exact you know. where you had this instinct and felt something was wrong and it costs arjen about your head that incident or that situation before this incident if something was wrong with a call yes if and months and 100 say that's not if. i can call it started for anything because they are. a resource i don't have a problem that i'm home. but i can call the regarding calls if something doesn't look right in a call there's a caution old if there's something that they can do beyond discover the call i can call them and have you had a chance to listen to a recording of that call you actually made yes and that recording is made as part of the business of the cost or course that traffic everything's recorded. and
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we played a recording of that for you previously. and it was an accurate recording of your call yes we've now marked out as it's going to 12 are you offering 12. 12 was received and just i will play not call. one or 22028 this is what i want to know and there were but he. just wanted to let you know about the press was a nice 26 october we didn't and then i don't know you can call me if you want to but we had the cameras up for 3 point call paul did and put him in the came up to body started with a camera. and 320 all right cut focus and i don't know if they had to use force or not they got something out of the back of the squad and all of them on this man so i don't know if they needed you or not that they haven't anything to me yet you know them so you can refuse to acknowledge it doesn't count but i think
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hopefully don't you know bob we don't get to ever see it so when we see it we're just like well whatever different thing about it but i'm 20332020 so i walk through that just a little bit. at the very beginning you spokes kind of fast you identified yourself just strategery what you were saying. on the many must and they channel i guess that's so that's just not 1st 30 percent correct and then you talked about something involving a knife it's not related to this case at all no that was from some other call correct and then you. you use the term snitch. yes what did you mean by. them only it was a word that just came out of my mouth by it's out of the scope of my duties to call the sergeant if policy if. it. there is any use at borders.
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and so that's what the purpose well tell me what was the purpose of making that call to him and giving him that information which in my concerns. they said we don't see incidents my job is mainly all listening. and by the time you made that call you said something to sergeant lee you're about or did they take them already by the time you made that call re still able to see the video from the street camera yes that video etc and what did you see at the time you were making that call they nobody was there so you are aware and have millions have come to the same yes but the ambulance was not in the video at that time so that is the reason why you made a reference to them being wrong yet still i was speaking to the rest of my team over there and asking at question to that was on the phone right sergeant.
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so probably a better time for me to ask this question but if you ever prior to that date made a call like that to a sergeant now or in your job. well for the question. sure. all right so they are breaking for a lunch break as you heard and just to recap what we were just listening to and watching on our screens the prosecution was examining witness testimony the 1st
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witness to take the stand in the murder trial of derek was janice curry she's a 911 dispatcher in minneapolis who reportedly alleged a police supervisor. after she watched officers pay and george floyd to the ground and she watched that live on surveillance camera so she was being questioned by the prosecution who was asking her to really watch the surveillance camera they put out as evidence of the arrest then explain what she saw and in fact earlier on a few hours ago we heard opening statements from both the defense as well as the prosecution and jerry blackwell who is one of the prosecutors said the genesis of the witness you were just hearing from had done something quote she had not never done in her career she called the police on the police that's according to the prosecutor gerrie blackwell let's bring in john hendren who's joining us from just outside the courtroom john so what do you think we learned from the from the 1st
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witness. well these trials 6 don't know we start off like an action film with a bang it's not always scintillating television but what the prosecution is trying to do here is to develop a case from the very beginning to to build one brick upon another and the main objective in interviewing this witness seems to be to suggest that she found the police response unusual in this case and that she responded by. by forgive me we're having an audio problem here she responded by calling the police on the police as you say that sort of supports the prosecution's case that when derek show of and put his knee on george floyd's nick that that entire interaction was under.


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