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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2021 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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and mr martin then at some point does mr floyd make his way through the tobacco counter to make a purchase for a few years. so we'll see you coming up here in a minute or 2. ladies and gentlemen it's just gone 1500 g.m.t. and we're watching live pictures from the trial of george lloyd's killer who is facing this trial day 3 in minneapolis right now what we're looking at is pictures of the stall cop foods that's where you may just be able to see there sort of in the middle top of the screen george floyd there with the black tank top that's
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video of what would have been the final moments of his life there when he entered foods an issue happened in the store involving george floyd and some money. and they're now looking very carefully over that footage i think this is the 1st time this footage is being seen publicly. what we've been listening to is testimony from christopher moth and he's one of the employees who was working in the store at the time he's testifying about basically what happened in those are much much final history fatal moments for the record 74436 you see now you standing at the cashier area seems to be speaking with mr floyd correct correct and . were you able to understand the conversation with him at that point yes. ok so let's keep rolling on please.
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now let's stop here. for the record at $74449.00. where you are now with mr floyd the backhoe section of the store and did you in fact sell him something there i did do you recall what it was that you sold to pack of cigarettes you saw you reach over to your left is that where the cigarettes are stored yes and so he had he already told you at the point what you wanted yes. and so you didn't have any difficulty understanding what he wanted to buy from you know. and then did you complete that transaction yes and after that what did mr ford do he then went back outside to his vehicle so we'll let this run then to. its
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end. now we're going to freeze it here sorry i said i was going to let it run but. we saw. you're holding something up can you describe and again for the record this is 74510 describe for the jurors what you were doing there. that's what you just received. is that something you always do or something about this no one i saw i know this. kind of a $100.00 bill and i found that odd so i assume that it was. mr floyd is still there correct yes and you completed the transaction yes all right
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and then upon doing that did he leave the store yes all right so now let's look at right please. so after you looked at the bill though he didn't leave immediately did it. all right so that is the. end of. 29 and leave the. time there are 74551 correct. but you saw that on the time stamp on
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their credit so we could look at the other video to determine if that time was correct that's the time he left the store on the street all right. after he left and you. look at the bill again i did. at the time that you were working on may 25th of 2020 what was the store policy. cashiers accepting $20.00 bills the policy was that if you took counterfeit bill you have to pay for it out of your body or your that gives you an incentive to be careful about what you take yes all right so you just think that bill might not be legitimate i did so what did you decide to do on them to get anywhere in this and i was planning to just put it on my. own until i 2nd guess myself and as you can see in that video i kept examining it and
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then i eventually told my manager. and when you told your manager. what what happened next what was what were you told to do. he told us to go up to new go and to ask him to come inside to discuss what just what just happened and when you said vehicle what are you referring to the car or the s.u.v. i think it was and how did you know that. i could see you from where i was standing and tobacco from the store so we know from the video that those windows we can see where that bus was that's actually chicago correct yes 38th runs along the back side of that store yes. is there a way to look that out to 30 days. from the store yes and i guess what i'm questioning is how did you know he was in that vehicle i watched him walk
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to it pretty good way to know. and so you saw him go into that vehicle after he made this purchase yes. and so your manager. you know what were your instructions just to go up to the vehicle and ask him to come inside to talk to the manager. and did you in fact do that yes. when you went out there. well let me ask you this how many times did you go out there was. so sorry not the 1st time that you went out there did you go by yourself or with some other people. the 1st time i went with one of the guards. and you are aware that there is a security video on the restaurant across the street correct yes that's the driving walk was the restaurant yes and prior to coming to court we showed you some security video that captured you and other employees going out to the to the
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vehicle correct yes. and that also shows. you also you some of the footage from inside the store to show when you guys leave the store to go out there. to correct yes and reviewing that video does it all fairly and accurately depict the times that you and other employees went out to the s.u.v. about the bill yes. we're going to offer exhibit $31.00. and again mr martin. home on. the significance for. this.
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all right what we've been watching so far is the day 3 of the trial all of derek sholden the officer who is accused of killing joel which floyd. we've been listening to testimony of more witness testimony being called of course by the prosecution since they are putting together this case they get to call their witnesses and kind of make their case 1st that's how it usually unfolds in the u.s. system and we've been listening to mr christopher martin he worked in the shop cut foods in this seems like a lot of the focus now kind of turning towards what happened in the shop leading up to the moments where the police were called in. to to deal with mr george floyd let's bring in john hendren he's been following the trial for us in minneapolis he joins me now live from there and as i said john it seems like the
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focus now is to try and look at the moments before the death of george floyd under the knee of derek show of and then to look at what happened in the shop is that where we're going today. that does seem to be what's happening now you heard chris of or martin this employee of the food food store who actually lived above it chalking about the incentive for actually pursuing george floyd on that day and that's the store manager had set a rule that said if you took a counterfeit bill you had to pay for it out of your pocket as an employee of that store and so you can hear chris martin say he considered just paying his own $20.00 and then he reconsidered that talked to his manager and it was after that that they went out and reported to the police that they had received a counterfeit bill that's what set all of this in motion an allegation that george floyd gave them a fake $20.00 bill and the prosecution is slowly building block by block
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its case i'm sure after this we'll hear the store clerks serve asians but what what the prosecution seems to be doing is what it has been doing now laying the groundwork for 2 days and that is to show people that really what is on the video accurately depicts what happens now we're hearing about things that are not on that viral video just as set up to what came after that and then we will likely hear what this store clerk christopher martin has to say about his own perceptions of what happened there and we heard of course earlier from genevieve hanson she is the paramedic who was on the scene just a very few questions for her and she had been admonished yesterday for being combative with both the defense counsel and with the judge when he tested her and so today she was very quiet and polite simply responded to the very few questions
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that she was asked and then moved on so this is been slow moving testimony today as compared with yesterday when we heard some really powerful testimony several of the witnesses crying. weeping including a martial arts expert who was jabbing his eyes as he was explaining that the police weren't listening to him while he was trying to get them to get off of george floyd's neck so we don't know what is yet to come after this witness but it does seem that you're right there laying the groundwork before the incident where george floyd is laid down on the ground and we may hear a little more about that arrest in the coming testimony whether george floyd resisted arrest as the police allege or whether it was merely his own claustrophobia and an involuntary reaction to being put into the police car that set off that confrontation that is the version of the prosecution they say that he wasn't resisting arrest he was just feeling claustrophobic so yes slow moving day
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but we're starting to get the piece by piece story of what happened before george floyd was arrested lay down on the ground with derek show on his neck and john just to put this in perspective the importance of why in a trial you know you need to go through the prosecution feels it needs to go through and show these moments why they're important to build a perception of whether old george floyd you know was acting in any way that could be perceived by anyone as being threatening or whether as it appears in the video he seemed to be quite calm they didn't seem to be in the media that threats of violence so the question of whether or not they seemed to be an immediate threat of violence. cation at least in the in the moments when he was in the shop. that's right and that's what we've heard from all of the witnesses that have testified so far that none of them perceived george floyd to be resisting arrest to
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be challenging the officers or anything and we're hearing from christopher martin that floyd did appear to be somehow intoxicated he said he saw that from the look of his eyes and his his slow speech but you can see in the video that they have showed and in the testimony of christopher martin that there was no perception that george floyd was being in any way belligerent he he handed a bill that was later contested but there was no argument there was no confrontation in this store and george floyd walks out so they're setting up this story that will counter the police story that we are expecting to hear from the defense in another week or so when they begin their part of the trial this part of course is just the prosecution's case and cross-examination of those prosecution witnesses by the defense and the defense is trying to poke a hole in this story is trying to impeach in these witnesses by suggesting that on
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this street that there was an angry mob around them and that limited what they could do in terms of dealing with george floyd but what we're hearing from the prosecution is a very consistent case that floyd was not belligerent was not causing any trouble there and so far from the testimony of this witness christopher martin it does seem that he is what he is trying to convey he wasn't even sure he was going to challenge the bill that george floyd gave him but he finally said yeah it looked a little blue looked like it might have been fake and after some thought he brought it to the attention of his manager and that set off this whole series of events that ended in george floyd's death and set off the riots and protests and now all of the international attention on this high profile crime case. john vause use. they were so of course this is not going to end anytime soon but i just want to recap on some things which john mentioned that as you mentioned off duty
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minneapolis firefighter geneve hanson was back in that witness chair today telling the court of course about the condition she saw slowly then let's listen in and recap some of what she had to say. your assessment of his. medical condition at that time you believe you needed immediate medical attention saying. you were asked about whether you could hear the officers talking to the officers or. i mean or specific other than officer tao you told us you spoke directly to. the other 3 officers talked to you would not. do any of the officers tell you that we've got an ambulance coming. now that are you know your officers tell you they've got the fire coming. your ass
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a little bit about what you thought your typical response time for the fire department because we were 4 correct. you're in your ass about something you really don't know about in terms of the fire department's response in this case. you don't know anything about who call the ambulance or who called for this particular case. we've also been listening in and following what christopher martin had to say about a very key figure in the beginning of this whole situation of calling the police in christopher mouth of course an employee of cult foods that's this name to what he said about his interaction and conversation with george floyd before the police were called. yeah did you actually interact with him in the store i did have one conversation. and just what was said but what was the conversation. it was about i asked him if he played football football or no one asked me but baseball and he
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said with football. and. when you were. you know communicating with them can you describe for the jurors actually what his demeanor was like what was his condition saw when i asked asked him if he played all baseball. he went on to respond to that but it kind of took him a little longer to get to what he was trying to say so it would appear that he was . so you just had some signs that you thought he was under the influence of something yes. what were you able to carry out and let me some conversation with you and did you eventually sell him something. that was what i want. to see here now was later after he was just about was like you know
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the conversation that you had he didn't purchase any right. let's go back to john hendren john let's maybe take in some of the significance of this line of questioning from the prosecution is it about laying the groundwork for the image of how cognizant george floyd was and getting ahead of any issues of allegations of drug abuse. it does seem that that's exactly what they're doing there they're acknowledging through these witnesses that george floyd was apparently under the influence of something that's confirmed by the medical examiner's report after he died that found that he had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system and. that is part of the police story part of the defense story is that george floyd was on drugs and that that contributed to his death drugs heart trouble and a case of covert 19 all at the time that he was pressed down on that ground now
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we've spoken to benjamin crump the lawyer for the family of george floyd and he calls this whole idea of introducing the toxicology report character assassination is that the point being according to the family this has nothing to do with the fact that george floyd was ultimately killed in this encounter with police and they say the point is a man should not die for giving a fake $20.00 bill or for taking drugs but that's a key part of the defense case they are saying that derek show did not alone press the neck of george floyd cut off his blood and ultimately knocked him unconscious with that with his knee on his neck. and all of those these little building blocks will lead up to the end when in closing arguments the lawyers are going to string all of this together and try to tell one coherent story so what
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they're doing right now it's like a reporter gathering interviews or talking to one person after another and then later on they're going to use the salient bits of each of those interviews tie it together and weave a comprehensive narrative and it seems to end like this with the prosecution saying . substantially contributed to the death of george floyd that he didn't need to restrain him like that and it was his knee on george floyd's neck that killed him and then you got the defense case that it was a combination of other factors george floyd's health the drugs and covert 19 all of those things contributing to his death and they are going to try to suggest that without all of those conditions their children would not be on trial today because george floyd would still be alive. all right thanks so much john. john hendren that we're going to come back to him no doubt but john mentioned that of course this is day 3 we've seen some emotional testimony as you recall on show
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on day 2 of the trial against the former police officer who's charged with killing george flowing to minneapolis and now maybe it's a good point at this time to try and recap let's listen in to a recap from jon about what happened on day to those very emotional scenes. as he watched dirac show vanilla and george floyd's increasingly lifeless body donald williams called the police to report on the police at some point did you make a 911 call that. he called police. and why did you do that because i believe out with a murder. molded. williams testifying for a 2nd time on day 2 of the high profile civil rights trial can be heard on bystander video calling out to officers to stop the man a move yet bro the man whom they're growing where the teen who took that viral
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video of floyd beneath the knee of former minneapolis police officer chauvin testifying off camera because of her age says floyd seemed to know he was dying it's been nice i stayed. apologizing in. the palace. for you for not doing more in not. physically beating around the. not saving his life but the fight. is not what i said and it's what he said. she was followed by her 9 year old cousin . and. her in her right is. and it is cal i've heard. she watched she said as paramedics had to push over an off an unmoving floyd.
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prosecutors use the witness video to show jurors that what plays out on the video is really all they need to know in the words of one prosecutor you can believe your eyes the defense seems to be building a case that the officers felt they couldn't move george floyd because of what they perceived is a. growing hostile an unruly mob around them do you recall saying i dearie to touch me like that i swear i'll slap the. both of you you. mean. so again sir it's fair to say that you grew angrier and angrier you know our group a version version. came to me i could be a. prosecutors are expected to wrap their testimony some time next week that's when defense lawyers will present their case possibly including the testimony of the officer children is the one on trial but for many inside an l.
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side the court room what's on the docket is racial justice in america or less talk at some other news now as we await the resumption of that trial of derek shove and a long awaited report in the u.k. is denying the existence of institutional racism there it was commissioned by the government last year at the height of the global black lives matter movement was released on tuesday the report blamed family social class and location for existing inequality instead it says the u.k. not yet is not yet a post racial society but should be regarded as a model for other white majority countries activists are calling the findings a whitewash and going against the evidence of lived experience. a breakthrough in covert 19 vaccine development pharmaceutical companies pfizer by
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on tax say their vaccine has proven safe and effective in 12 to 15 year olds they say trials involving more than 2000 adolescents demonstrate minor side effects the dose is 100 percent effective at preventing disease they hope to get emergency approval in the u.s. and begin immunizing young people before the next school year 112 year old participant says he's happy to do his part is definitely a very special opportunity to be able to do something like this because usually i'm just there on doing online school and there's not much i can really do to fight back against the virus so pretty surprising in this trial and potentially helping other kids to feel safe and want to get the vaccine in the future one of the cons for clearly there are more ways really some when i can actually help our now me faster soto's of are all just kill university she says although vaccinating
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children will be necessary down the line vulnerable groups are the main priority. most children are able to. sort of shrug off credit are a little bit more easily than adults do but that doesn't mean that we're not seeing evidence of what we call long in children and that long it is having significant impacts on you know us a certain proportion of the children infected with credit risk. and so while children are not necessarily as badly affected. with bison nation the idea is to really x. need as much of the population as possible and in order to and that allows us to kind of protect everybody within the population and if we don't vaccinate children there is the potential that the virus may add at better to children may cause most disease in children although that in my opinion is probably unlikely much more importantly i think that there is a chance that you know children who drives them or transmission in the community at
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the moment we think that children reflect the transmission that's already ongoing in the adult population but if you had a population that is mainly vaccinated that it will likely be children who are not facts and it will drive the transmission i think we should be trying to back all the trinity from ripple adults 1st i'm going to keep those you know in their old age groups who are most at risk of having big coronavirus on their backs and eating the children is you know going to be an egg in the end would be a fantastic idea because it can prevent and miss the days of school we're seeing a lot of evidence that you know the mental health of children suffering outside of the school environment so i think you know both those things need to be balanced but i think at this point their goal is to try and save as many lives as possible which means vaccinating the clinic to vulnerable probably 1st. brazil's president has signed an executive order to provide more than $900000000.00 in pandemic relief your fries the package the same day the country had a record tally of more than $3700.00 deaths march is expected to be the worst month
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of the pandemic for brazil with deaths due to hit $60000.00 president joked about sonar and has been criticized for repeatedly downplaying the outbreak in south america's worst hit country 1st take you back to the trial of police officer derrick chauvelin he's of course facing trial for killing george floyd in the state of minneapolis let's go now to alexis hokus associate research scholar in the faculty of law at columbia law school joins us now by skype from new york good to have you with us so you've been watching no doubt day 3 what do you make of where the prosecution is going that's correct and good evening in morning in new york city so what i want to make clear for our viewers is that there are really 2 issues at stake in this trial and one is it did derek show them cause
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george floyd's death and 2 was derek show those conduct reasonable and so at every single point the state is going to be saying that show then cause george floyd's death and that is actions were unreasonable and from the defense we can expect the opposite that derek show the. death or rather his actions did not cause floyd's death and that his actions were reasonable considering the circumstances that evening in may so so far it seems the focus is shifting to what happened the moments in the store that led to the police being called is. is the strategy here is to try and demonstrate by the prosecution that this wasn't an extreme situation that required any sort of use of force at least so far from from the footage that's been put on public display that's correct and so right now we're hearing from christopher martin who is a store clerk he's 19 years old he was i believe around 18 at the time of george
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floyd's death he lived above the store and what we see in this footage is that george floyd is alert he's standing shopping he's waiting and this further establishes and reinforces the state's theory that george floyd was perfectly fine and that when derek show than acted that's what caused his death not any preexisting condition or anything else that george floyd was doing prior to the need to the neck how good of an approach has the prosecution accomplished so far in getting ahead of the defense's argument that really this was a person who died of of a causes and we did see a bit of a conversation about today in the court between the prosecution and christopher martin about mr martin's impressions of how shall we say
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a lot george floyd was. yes that's correct so you know the state right now is really trying to establish. that this was not an individual nor a circumstance that warranted that kind of force and response from the police officers from chauvin and so they are yesterday's testimony we heard from several by standards that felt threatened by the police officers and that's getting out and head ahead of the defense is going to be putting on once their case starts and the defense's main theory is that there were other causes to george floyd's death and so they're trying to characterize the crowd in the by standards as being threatening is being angry and so we hear from the state from minors children that were witnessing and they testified that they were in fear of derek chauvin they were in fear of trying to intervene and so this these are all this is all part of
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the state's characterization of the case that it's really dear shoguns actions and not any of the surrounding circumstances so we saw that all day during yesterday's testimony did the defense try to take away in the thing from the testimony of genevieve hanson by raising the point of whether or not she'd shown any identification at the scene it was a strategy to try and undermine some of the very strong testimony which we saw yesterday. yes and we saw that miss hanson when she testified she wore her uniform she wore her firefighting uniform and we see from the images on the day that george floyd was murdered that she was not in uniform and so basically the defense was trying to establish the point that even though she was a well meaning. bystander who had specialized training who was a firefighter from chauvinist position he wouldn't have known who she was beyond
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any other bystander and so the fact that the defense is asking on cross-examination if she had identified herself she showed identification that's all an effort to put us into the perspective of derrick show then who looked at her as he would have any other bystander that that evening all right we'll leave it there thanks so much for your analysis i'm sure will come back to you later but for now thanks so much from laws in what's been transpiring on very free. let's go back to john hendren of course he's following the trial for us in minneapolis john how does the cole looks now if they finish that recess. it seems like this recess which the judge had initially said would just be a few minutes has been extended they normally take a break a little while from now but that would not normally happen for another several minutes it seems like the break that they often take at 10 40 in the morning
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they're taking just a little bit earlier i don't know if there's been an announcement inside the court that they would extend the break that's been going on but every day they break around this time and they try to find a spot in between witness testimonies in order that they can do that the judge has been trying to keep a regular schedule he wants this trial to go off in 4 weeks with about 2 weeks for the prosecution 2 weeks for the defense and he's hoping to have the whole thing over by the end of the month and that's something he told jury jurors while they were being interviewed as prospective jurors and he said he expected them only to be away for work from work for a period of about 4 weeks so i think we can expect the judge in pretty short order to gavel this session back into action but we don't know who is coming up yet with the other witnesses i think we can see a trend among the prosecutors that they yesterday on tuesday were looking at
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a series of people who had actually witnessed the encounter between george floyd and police and today what we're seeing is the set up before that event whether they're going to jump back and forth within that timeframe we don't know but we do know that there are a number of things they could bring up one of them is the toxicology reports now the official medical examiner's report lists the cause of death of george for floyd as a homicide that means death at the hands. of another person and that of course does support the case of the prosecution however it complicates the matter a little bit by saying he died of heart stoppage and not directly by its fixation on his neck and 'd the defense says that is a distinction i'm sorry the prosecution says that's a distinction without a difference whatever derek children did he ended up causing the death of george floyd and of course the family also commission their own autopsy in this case and
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that concluded directly that this. was the cause of death of george floyd and that fixation was caused by derek show in putting his knee right along the neck of george floyd and we heard from a witness earlier that that is called a blood choke this was a mixed martial arts fighter who just happen to be on the scene and was videotaping it and talking back and forth with police and he said that he knew from his martial arts training that that was a blood choke something that would cut off the blood flow to george floyd's body and he said he knew by his experience that that would ultimately cause floyd to go unconscious and he was warning the police about that so now we're hearing from other witnesses who are all trying to corroborate this narrative that we're hearing from the prosecution that george floyd was not really a threat to anybody that perhaps he was intoxicated in some way methamphetamine and
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fentanyl were both found in his system but in those videos that we were watching inside of this story didn't appear to be threatening anybody he seemed to be perfectly fine for the most part and it was after that the encounter with police occurred where they pulled him out of a car in the prosecution seems to be suggesting that there is a consistent tale here everything we see tells us that george floyd wasn't resisting police that he was not belligerent there was not a big encounter we have heard a little bit from the defense that there was a distant. city video camera that was that showed a police car shaking at one point and then fences suggesting that that was a time when george floyd was resisting arrest and the story of course from the prosecutors is that he was claustrophobic didn't want to get in the car and he might have been educated but that that was involuntary we expect to hear a little more from the witnesses today and that may shed some light on what actually happened in the intervening time between the couple foods and the time
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when george floyd was face down prone on the ground with 3 officers on his back and derek chauvinism on them with his knee on george floyd's neck all right john i'm going to thank you for now you mentioned the shedding light on those moments and we go back to alexis the associate research scholar at the faculty of law at the columbia law school and lex i want to ask you how powerful is this video which has been released i think for the 1st time to the public showing the moments inside that store in sort of building that narrative of a very normal atmosphere right you've got people mulling around people chatting not just people shopping people seem to know each other that kind of casual sort of environment and how important is that for the prosecution to build as they tackle the question of you know was the force used by the police proportionate to the alleged threat that george floyd may or may not have posed to anyone. this is
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critical evidence for the jury to see and it supports the state's theory that george floyd was not a threat and i think it really speaks to the fact that in the united states there is a presumption of criminality and dangerousness that society in law enforcement assigns to black people george floyd was shopping he may have been or appeared to be high that's according to christopher martin who testified this morning but you can see in that video image he is minding his him himself he's not engaging with anyone in a threatening manner manner he's waving he's patient and this is very much buttresses the state's case and the characterization that the response that we see from derek chauvin just moments later is outsized and unreasonable. now
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when we get to the moments of the arrest it's going to be a little more tricky here right when it comes to trying to find images or audio or anything to show what happened when police actually tried to arrest him how challenging is that going to be. it will be a challenge but it's not insurmountable and what we do know is that there was no. physical action that george floyd took in toward any of the police officers we did hear in opening statements which i want to be clear opening statements are not evidence but we did hear from the defense that george floyd how to legibly hit his head inside the police car that his nose was bleeding that were there was blood found on the back of the cruiser of the plexiglas we also know that george floyd was handcuffed at this point and so what we know even from the defense's theory is
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that george floyd did not pose a threat to law enforcement and at the top of the hour i mentioned that what is at issue here is did derrick showbiz actions caused george floyd's death and did and what were their actions reasonable and i think what's important to note and john who provided commentary just earlier. is did did their children cause and under the elements of the charges the direction of in faces his actions do not need to be the sole contributing factor so it is ok that there are other elements external to derek shogun that may have contributed to george ford's death but under the top charge which we're looking at 2nd degree murder. their children's actions do not need to be the sole contributor to george floyd's death merely a substantial causal factor and so we know even for the top charge the direction is
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facing that the state has a very strong case. all right thanks so much alexis i think the court proceedings have begun again now so let's listen in to what they say 31. 31 feet. to be published. because you are. mr martin what i'm going to do now is start playing exhibit 31 just like the previous video some points will just stop and ask you some questions about it all right so for the record this is starting at about $750.00. and. i think. 46 seconds roughly on the time stamp on the correct.
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number of positive rate here because the 1st part that we watched. showed you and somebody walking out of the store. and that portion of the video is from e security camera inside the store correct yes and the person that you were walking out with and again you don't have to give us his name but it was a coworker yes. and so now we're looking at a separate camera angle from outside the store correct yes and this timestamp obviously different than the previous one because this shows 201912. crew and do you recognize what's you know what area is the pickton this video was
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looking at right now this is a $32.00 street sort of coach who's. and if you can if you use a stylus to just you know point out you know the door of cup foods and 38th chicago . that's the door correct curd. and the word which street is 38th the store clear. and chicago going to the other street depicted right. critics and. is the culture where you sell the tobacco products visible in this. image. and where is that. and so for the record you draw a small line around that window on the side of cup through its right crude and so when you told the jurors earlier that you were able to look out and see where mr
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ford went. to use that window to look out and see that card. and so then let's your honor if you could clear the screen please thank you and then. we will roll this video here for a little bit. that was started here. and. so can you tell the jurors then when you cross the road went to this vehicle obviously the video shows you approaching the passenger side correct curve and why did you approach the passenger side. i didn't want to stand on the driver's seat because that's where george was but there's also our
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common traffic that i would be able to see so i chose to go. why did you want to go . the side for mr floyd was because of the oncoming traffic so it wasn't about mr floyd it was the traffic it's all right and so we see that here sort of behind your coworker. and tell us about it then did you have a conversation with yeah contents of the car sort of. notified that they need to come back into the store and the bill was fake or not my boss wanted to talk to them to george actually started not to both of them just to church and so when you approached the car from the passenger side did you see how many people were in the car 30 and where were the 3 people in the car and george was in the driver's seat his friend who was in the passenger seat and there was a woman in the back seat middle or possibly on the right back behind the passenger
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and so have you seen any of those individuals before that you know had you seen them in the store earlier. just the man. and when you had this conversation at the vehicle who are you talking to. the person that george was with the guy in the passengers from the front arrested and. did you make any observations at that time of mr foy occurred what did you see regarding mr floyd he just seeing it live he didn't like. i want this to be like he was just kind of like it was happening sort of. did he seem awake. and did he talk to you would. not really kind of shook. and the passenger in the front passenger seat. did he talk to you at all. you know i want
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you to tell us what he said but. in the end result today agreed to come into the store know when you were there at the vehicle who did you do most of the talking to the person in the passenger seat and did you think that you were talking loud enough for the other people in the vehicle to hear. and so that after that conversation what did you do after that. i went back inside of the corridor. and when you got back inside the store what to do try told my manager that he did not want to come into the store. and did you get some further direction one from your manager correct what was that go back outside and tell him to come in store so we could talk to him all right so try to get another credit. for that 2nd trip did you go with some different other coworkers all right so what i'm going to do now is
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starting 731 up again and we'll watch that process ok.
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so i'm going to stop exhibit 31 here briefly because the image has changed correct . and now this video is a inside of couplets again correct. and so we'll see here that you come in and this is when you have the conversation with your manager about the 1st trip all right so let's not 31 right again. now if we can stop here for a moment timestamp reflect 75756 you're kind of walked off screen correct credit what was going out at this point i think that was the. conversation i had with my
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manager. when i was saying that he did not want to come inside but would offer to pay but he said no just don't come back and so on and so did you tell your manager you were just take care of the 20 i believe i do and he directed you then to go back to the vehicle again. now we saw you go out on the 1st trip with another individual another employee and he did not come back into the store to know he loved it and so when you were told by the manager to go on a 2nd time did you take some other coworkers with you career was idea was that. i'm not sure ok. all right so let's run exhibit 30 want to get in please.
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let's pause the venue right here if we could use and for the record now we're back outside again correct. and reckon should reflect this we pause that 202143. so we see the 2 other individuals coming out before you right. and there's a there's to be a woman in a black jacket correct in this she a coworker why should the time and she worked there longer than your grid and the other individual is a white t. shirt and he worked there longer than you in the sea actually related to the owners of the store correct and so they were out ahead of you at this point correct
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correct in fact you had to sort of jog to keep up with them day. and all right so let's run $31.00 then. let's pause here. just for a moment please record reflector 820-2215 at the time stamp because that. individual the white t. shirt initially went to the driver side correct and we see you standing there behind the s.u.v. correct correct and eventually the. individual in the way went around the passenger
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side door which was open. and were you able to hear the conversation that the guy in the white t. shirt was having with the occupants of the vehicle that this at this point in time i was not it would appear so then let's run the video some more please. all right now we see if we can pause here please this is 202221 you walked up. to the passenger side of the s.u.v. correct so at this point were you able to hear the conversations that the individual the white teacher was having with the occupants. and are you also able to hear what the occupants of the vehicle were saying and doing. and can you describe for the jurors then what occurred during this period at the s.u.v. so this is the 2nd time we went out. the person in the passenger seat was doing most of the talking we were talking just come inside we just want to talk to george and the person in the passenger seat was saying how that's not me i tried to
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use it and you put me on game so i ripped it and that will happen in the video because he also tried to use a fake but i did not let him use and. he put up the ground there so he was explaining. and so just to be clear you saw the passenger seat you're talking about the front passenger seat. and at that time did you have any interaction with mr floyd directly. i do not recall so let's run exhibit one a little bit. i want to posit here real quickly please for the records 202234. we saw the individual the white t. shirt bend over and pick something up can you tell the jury what was happening there that he was picking up the fake bill that the individual in the passenger
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seat tried to use and write it reference or one that was torn in half where it is that the bill that was torn in that credit card. and let's keep running 31 then please.
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the rest of posit right here please. timestamp reflects 202-3358 appears the 2 of you are now walking away from the s.u.v. correct. so during those preceding moments it appears that the 2 of you were talking with at least some like a prince of the vehicle. and did you have any conversation to mr floyd or was it just the past the front passenger just the front frenzy about and see mr floyd at all. during that interaction what did you see about him. and i said earlier he was just kind of shaking his head that and they're like kind of like why is this happening to me. i don't want this to happen sort of thing and so he was appeared to be awake. and.
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and so what was the end result of that conversation. today did not george bush did not choose to come into the store near the passenger front. and so then let's watch exhibit 3131 run here please. all right so at the end of that video shows you in the other individual entering back into the store correct. when you got back into the store. what did you do about you know 2 trips out of there to the vehicle we told our
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manager that he still refused to come into the store. and do you know what. the manager decided to do about that he instructed one of my coworkers to call the police and so did you know if that happened. that somebody did call the police or was it you call the police about it. was another coworker correct and. did you. ask the corker to make the call. and were you present when he made the call correct so you were there next to him or something. and so at some point did the police respond to the story occurred and when they responded did you see the officers actually come into the store. i do not recall. did they deal with you when they came to the store you know you know who
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they dealt with they wouldn't talk to my manager. and. you were not involved in the conversations with the officers at all at that.


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