tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 31, 2021 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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can you tell me what the government you represent is now illegitimate and we listen we do not sell the fence material any country during the conflict and yet we meet with the global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on syria. this is al jazeera. low and sam is a band this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes day 3 of the trial of derek shove in the form of the killing george floyd focuses on the behavior of the police and the victim. finds a buy on takes a 19 vaccine protects kids in hopes it will be knock elated.
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groups lend their weight to the revolution backing protesters being targeted by mere nuns military. and ensure it covers the cockpit voice recorder of a jets that crashed almost 3 months ago. it's day 3 of former minneapolis police van der it shortens trial for the murder of unarmed black man george floyd witnesses have been giving their version of what happened the day he died the prosecution has so far been focused on floyd's behavior what happened after police arrived the court was shown mobile phone footage taken by witness christopher belfry it appears to show floyd being pulled from a car by police officers in minneapolis before being detained on the side of the
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street. we also heard from christopher matson who was working in cup food store on the day of the incident he spoke with floyd and sold a pack of cigarettes they thought he was made by his manager to approach floyd about a counterfeit note martin also witnessed former officer derek children with his knee on george floyd's neck what did you see the officer honester for and what was the relation there to what happening where. george was motionless limp. charge and seemed very. he was in a. resting state. meaning like he just rested his knee on his neck. and what did you do when you saw. pull my phone out 1st and i called my mom and so they are not to come downstairs and then i started recording and to make
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a recording correct. or no one on later on that night. i deleted it because when they picked your job off of the ground the ambulance went straight on 38th and said i'm going straight on chicago and if you haven't sought me out because the easiest way to get to the hospital with events that are chicago so that's me kind of. made it like clear that he was no longer with so you thought it. minneapolis firefighter genovese hanson was back in the witness chair after telling the court on tuesday she was not allowed to give floyd any medical assistance as events unfold it on day 3 she was asked about the condition she saw floyd in your assessment of his. medical condition at that time you believe he needed immediate medical attention
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saying. you were asked about whether you could hear the officers talking to the officers or as i mean your specific other than officer you told us you spoke directly to. the other 3 officers talked to you or not or. any of the officers tell you hey we've got an ambulance coming. now that are you know your officers tell you you've got the fire department coming. your ass a little bit about what you thought your typical response time for the fire department because that's who you work for. you're being asked about something you really don't know about in terms of the fire department's response in this case. you don't know anything about who call the ambulance or who called for this particular case. john hendren is following that trial in minneapolis joins us now
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live from that john i think we can say so far all the day is focused on the behavior leading up to that horrible incident we saw of a policeman kneeling on george floyd's neck right the behavior of both george floyd and the behavior of the police. that's right we have all seen that viral video of george floyd down on the ground for what police prosecutors say is 9 minutes and 29 seconds but this is all the stuff that happened before that and that's crucially important because it shows a gradual escalation by police on this incident that's what the prosecutors intend to show the defense will try to use this information to try to suggest that george floyd was resisting police and that's why that last little video is key. in that video we see the police approach to the car and then one person gets out on
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the right side and then george floyd does not get out and the police officers pull him from the vehicle we don't know what was said there we don't know what the interaction was but in the united states where police officer ask you to get out of your car and you don't there is generally a very strong reaction to that and that's what we saw here. so that might give the defense a little bit to work with but also what we don't see is anything about george floyd threatening anybody in any of these scenes now it's some point possibly not until he got on the ground police guns are drawn at what point that happened it's still not clear because we haven't seen all the video but. there are a couple of themes here one of them is a sense of impotence by all of the witness the desire to do something and when they find they're unable to get the police to get off of george floyd they all seem to
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do the same thing that's to take out their cameras and to record what is happening to record that moment that firefighter you were talking about she said she did that because she knew a video would be more powerful than any recollection another thing we see is just this sense of regret that people have there was 'd an 18 year old witness the one who took the viral video who on tuesday said in tears that she often now. asks george floyd to forgive her for being unable to save him and then we saw just hours ago christopher martin the clerk at the come food store the one who received the allegedly false $20.00 bill from george floyd that started all of this he says he wished he had just paid $20.00 of his own that this incident had never happened he felt a sense of regret so powerful that his mother who lived upstairs he called her when he saw the police incident out front and he said please don't come downstairs i was the 1st thing he did then he took out his camera and he did what so many other
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people have done in this instance and that is to fuel the officers kneeling on the back and of course jerry show vanilla on the neck of george floyd to record that moment after repeatedly many of them trying to get the police to stop what they were doing the paramedics said she came in tried to help offered to give medical assistance to a man that she felt was desperately in need of it 'd felt that he was unconscious and that she could do something for him in the police told her to go away so there's a sense of regret and this same reaction by so many people and that's to get out their cameras the prosecutors want to use that to show that a lot of people felt that this was an unusual circumstance plenty of people get pulled over and arrested in the united states and here in minneapolis. it's rare that you've got 10 or 15 people pulling out their phones and recording into it because they feel that something wrong happened there. or i will leave it there thanks so much john hendren there live from minneapolis.
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duchess harris is the author of the killing of george floyd she's also a professor of american studies and political science my class there college joins us live from minneapolis by skype good to have you with us so if we break down what we saw in court today 1st of all how is the prosecution doing in presenting an image of george floyd as someone who was cognizant whatever substances he may or may not have been taking someone who is able to communicate and someone who was not behaving in a way that seemed to be a threat to extreme threat to anybody i think that jerry wells opening statement was extremely effective on the 1st day of the trial because here's a chance is to humanize mr floyd he knew that the defense team would try to
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talk about mr floyd's size and also try to talk about mr lloyd under the influence of a speedball what the prosecution does however is say he has a previous history opioids and opioids actually subdue people they don't have. and met mr boyd never insisted that all of the witnesses. suggest that he did. also we've seen i think it's fair to say where the prosecution is going with the questioning of some of their witnesses the image of a police force that approached george floyd and the others unnecessarily aggressively with guns drawn one of the things that the prosecution has done
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is brought to the attentions of people that mr floyd has been detained because he has allegedly used a 20 dollar counterfeit well for people who are not familiar with american mom this is a misdemeanor this is actually something he could get a citation for that he would not have to be pulled out of your car as we can see it here on the cameras and aggressively taken out and you would not have to have a fire or for someone who allegedly used it counterfeit bill how powerful are some of these videos which i think we're seeing for the 1st time whether it's the removal of george floyd from the car or the video of him and how he was for the most part simply standing in the shop without really you know interacting in any sort of threatening way with anyone. well the videos are powerful and one of the things that i would like to introduce in global discourse
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is that the videos are there will ball because of the or minors the girl who took the video that was seen around the wall was 17 years all the time she was in the 11th already and i think it's feeds to the notion of the trauma that african-american children it's perience by having to witness these kinds of events one of the people that was on. the testimony yesterday was 9 years old and so that kind of scene has always existed in the black community for young children i think that the world is just learning about as . on the other hand we've seen the defense try and come back on some of these points to try and focus on how george floyd was doing lunges in the in the shop on
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how the witness testimony said he felt he was struggling to complete sentences and find the right word that how strong a case or a defense is being made here do you think in the mind of the jury i think that the defense is. in trying to depict mr floyd as a problem. i'm not sure how telling that is for the jury to see mr floyd as something other than that he will if he is slurring his words that does not mean that he will suppress the. and if he is more than 6 feet tall and weighs more than $200.00 pounds that does not mean that he is in conflict with the police officers. we think i'm thinking back to the days of i'm sure remember of the rodney king very powerful video emerges but by constantly replaying it over time or so it was claimed that its effect perhaps somewhat weaned
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on the jurors do you see any parallels developing here what do you see parallels what makes it different however is that people of my generation are familiar with rodney king i teach undergraduates kallstrom power in rodney king happened 11 years before the 1st year students were even born in so a lot of people who are the age of the young girl who took the video i don't have a recollection of rodney king and so maybe not no lies that we have been witnessing these kinds of interactions between african-american men and the weeds for the last 30 years for as long as we've had this technology all right thanks so much for your thoughts and analysis on that.
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plenty more still ahead on the news hour including it's disgraceful i mean everything else leading up to this point has said completely different things. the u.k. is not institutionally racist according to a new report many people of color say that's not very experience. hope in yemen as it gets its 1st shipment of credit virus vaccines rollout is a challenge. now the worldwide protests following george floyd's death including in the u.k. in the wake of them a commission was set up to look into racism in the u.k. and has now released its long awaited report which denied the existence of institutional racism activists are calling the findings
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a whitewash and they say they go against the evidence the city of bristol once the center of the british slave trade is one of the most divided john how reports. the picture of britain having largely moved on from racial and ethnic inequality isn't one recognized in cities like bristol ranked among the country's most unequal societies. 'd last summer the statue of a prominent 17th century slave owner was toppled a nationwide black lives matter protests that prompted the government's review the disparities in education employment health and criminal justice it's disgraceful i mean everything else leading up to this point has said completely different things even government commission reports with definitely not a beacon for the world if we look at incarceration figures the worst in america the capital. if we look at deaths in custody if we look at stop and search and drug
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stops and searches they are. disproportionate to the crimes being committed and they are focused on black men especially these are the front doors beyond. and tom brown believes deprived communities must help themselves with no schooling beyond the age of 12 he founded a successful cleaning business became a mentor to troubled youngsters and is now building a community skills academy for those also excluded from education you have something. everybody can come here from parents children and they can become something you don't have to feel that oh i can achieve anything here life based on my color. and they. are starting to come from this thing the pride but. little education but i'm still willing that means they could do
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exactly the same thing this is where the statue of edward colston once stood when protesters brought it down last year it sparked intensive scrutiny of this country's racial past of injustices that led to inequalities that persists today but the government's report seems to be a direct rebuke of all of that the well intentioned idealism it says of those young people who claim the country is still institutionally racist is not borne out by the evidence. ask these young people and they'll tell you the evidence is plain to see in this area in the city there's no youth sometimes lead to see the social equality that when you grow up you don't have any place to go to learn how to play football or basketball new. show yourself all meet new friends and girlfriends and got new skills but that is a picture barely recognized by the government's report jonah hall al jazeera bristol.
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let's bring you some breaking news just coming in from france where the president a man in my chronos put the whole country back into lockdown it'll take a fact from saturday and it will last at least a month microworld has announced the curfew will be maintained this is going to impact schools he says it's time to introduce new measures of course this is all coming in the back of rising cases of coronavirus. he did say however people will be allow some domestic travel during these to holiday weekend. so i just to recap there we've got the french president announcing a widening of the covert lockdown measures to other parts of the country and that this will last for at least one month but there will be some form of domestic travel allowed for the easter holiday weekend. some in.
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our breakthrough in covert 19 vaccine development pharmaceutical companies pfizer by on tax a day ever seen as proven safe and effective in 12 to 15 year olds they say trials involving more than 2000 adolescents demonstrate minor side effects of the dose is 100 percent effective at preventing disease they hope to get emergency approval in the u.s. and begin inoculating young people before the next school year 112 year old participant says he's happy to do is art. oh it's definitely a very special opportunity to be able to do something like this because usually i'm just on doing on my own score and there's not much i can really do to fight back yes the virus. bridges to being in this trial and potentially helping other kids to feel safe and want to get the vaccine in the future when amber comes from look really well more was really some when i could actually help our.
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our let's take you back to that courtroom in minneapolis where the trial is continuing a former policeman derek shore been accused of killing george floyd the black man who we all saw in that video that harrowing video of him with under the knee of derek short in now this of course is day 3 the court took a lunch break about an hour and 15 minutes ago. we saw so far this morning witnesses and we're seeing another witness called a lot of the discussion and focused today so far has been on what happened before that moment where the kneeled on the neck of george floyd we we have a lot of focus from both the prosecutor and the defense on the behavior of george floyd and the behavior of the police. thing we've got now another witness being sworn in let's listen in to what he's saying.
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we're. sure that the moment the. oh yes that number kept the. well i. think it was altered. caption the answer. ok. are you down today. thank you for being here i'm going to start with some questions about your background and then we'll move on from there all right yes and so could you tell the jury how old you are 61 years old. and how far did you go it's gone through grade. and what city that and. your you and your and have been carrying are you in minneapolis.
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and i ask you some questions about. memorial day may 25th of last year. do you live in an area close to cut yes i do and that evening on may 25th were you driving by that area yes i was. what kind of car do you drive i drive a 2000. caravan blue and is that a van. so. when you were in the area of 38 and chicago did something try your attention if you did what was that what did you see i was. going to solve and attack and i was going to go easy on the gate that was to my left and when i got there to make a ton. i had action what the a car with
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a man and what a police officer so i'm going to show you a map we can exhibit one please. all right so you were talking about where you were. using this map that's on the screen could you just describe if you actually use your there's a little head there you can use that show the jury on the street where you were and where you were headed. for me. policy were to go and ok i'm going to go to the if you can go very good job go 247 now walk so i was right on the corner. so you were headed east on 38th street is that right yes which would be right here ok perfect and you just made a mark at that intersection there in the direction you were headed which is
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eastbound that right yes. and when you were headed down 38 he said he saw 7 an interaction with. somebody and some police officers what it what did you see at that point what i made when i made. a scene or gross blue there was a mercedes truck on the right what a police officer going to make a deal so our american made a right turn and poor little. me to the side to stop and pull over. being nosey you've been know that 1000000 neighborhood. knows a person did you want to know it's going to be a movie. so when you 1st. approach that area and you saw he said not so standing next to a blue mercedes truck with the door open at the door and did you see that the
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officer was doing at that point. no not at the time ok so you say you decided you wanted to pull over he was going to get out of all right so did you drive up the street a little bit and then park a media pool media got out. so when you got out when i walk across the aisle going to the other fattish read all right and would that be the cut food side of the street yes ok so what you do on the other side of the street i am gauging what was going by watching ok so why did you see it from the cut food science street base as. you know actually multiplied to get out of detroit. shot as a day to plot out a truck in walked over to the sidewalk where you know just popped up to the sour walk behind the deployed truck and i sat right there we'll just break it down
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a little bit yes ma'am he said he saw. the officers getting mr floyd out of the truck is that right he said mr floyd did you know who he was at that time no ma'am did you later learn that that man was george boy yes ma'am ok see. how many officers at that time did you see interacting with mr foy. i don't want to say one at the time get another one along go get help ok so tell the jury about that what did you see the 1st officer do and then what happened that's a start from that point when i got on my truck watching that baby just you know if you actually looked about to get out and from that point. i don't want to say that all of the walked up to the truck what other jobs what other i was on other saddle you walked up to what all the time to give it a try truck i said i heard
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a couple of i don't know what it was you have a pot of gamblers have brought out a trial had gotten a walkin down. on a separate there so 1st you saw one officer interacting on the driver's side of the car with mr flight is that right yes ma'am and then he said there was another officer who was on the passenger side initially that blue mercedes truck is that right yes ma'am and i think you describing that eventually that officer on the passenger side came over to assist on the driver's side is that right yes ok and you said that those officers got mr floyd handcuffed did you see that happen no i did. not recall so what did you see while you were standing on the cups and side of the street. had been at that right in next to that s.u.v. that i see because i was looking away but then when i turned back and looked idea if you know deployed had come then they start to walk him down shall want so you
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didn't see the very moment he was hand on hand but you see that he ended up in handcuffs yes them and were you. looking around you but not focused the entire time i'm you know what the exact moment was that he was handcuffed no. he said that he was handcuffed and then he said they walked him across the street so can you describe or show on the map what you saw happen next. it's put out there on line or mark where you saw it and washington. examiner right if. you see what a restaurant is on. the list let's take off in large part just for
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a 2nd that it was a it was a little small restaurant on my right and. the truck ok that's what i'm about i can see it all right with that of the dragon lock restaurant you have a restaurant going to so was that where are the officers that you saw walked with mr floyd at that point yes me ok and you said he was in handcuffs. was a certified watching across the street yes he was. walking up the sidewalk with him and then what happened he says but he couldn't it was something. right where you said what he said they let him shut down. and were you watching that part of the interaction where he was sitting down if man and where were you were you start on i was the only a few on the go. and i'm going to try to talk over you but we can just wait for the
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question and then you can answer and i'll try to get magic now ok just that we got someone taken off all right so you are in a cup that sign you see that sit down the dragon lock hear what's going on. in terms of the whole conversation. ok but you what you're watching what was going on. did they move again after that yes man they haven't got a bob they haven't got a bob. and then after he. where did they get when no of projects but yet the red light which would be. going north literally so that they had toward cut foods at that point yes there's no ok where did they where were you did you stay where you were did you follow a good i did one on down the walk almost to advantage of
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a couple of good stuff. and c. i'm going to put a. recruiting can you take a sample thank you do we. show you some pictures and videos from that day prior to your testimony in court today. did you see some videos and pictures on previous day when we met before yesterday all right i'm going to put up just for you or not for the jury what we've marked as exhibit there you. see that in front of you just now and do you recognize yourself and that picture and is that what you looked like. on may 25th and what you were wearing. we would offer exhibit $38.00. $130.00 was received and we will publish that
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the jury. all right so now the jury is getting to see that's what you were wearing that's what you looked like on may 25th. and so you're it looks like you're walking down the sidewalk. you're talking about getting closer did you get closer at that point they were getting closer. i mean. so after you see the officers walk mr floyd toward the cup foods and you're getting closer what do you see that. right he would come to the intersection where mr belin . and i would just that and i would go and it would i care that intersection they want to get a car waiting and when you see the car what car or your friend. ok so they were taking mr flamm to the squad car. yes and was he stuck handcuffed at that point
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and was mr flow had walking with those officers yes moving him was it just those 2 officers at that point yes did you know either of those 2 officers no. band did you continue to observe after they got to that squad car yes i did every what did you see then. you know get him into the car you know and they had a good many comes in the danger like i was always was and. was mr foray saying anything at that point in time if you were and were you engaging in a conversation with mr. yes i was so tell the jury just a little bit about what was going on in that moment at the time i was engaged with the law. was it was you know trying to get him in the car and have it. brought in
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his blood just. get on in the car because you care way or some kid at nature 5. before as you were watching mr floyd walk up to the squad car sitting down and he was walked across the street and he in those moments in time did you see mr floyd. fighting or being violent with the officers from the moment he was taken out of the car until you sat down and then walked across the street. no ok. and then you're describing what was going 5 on and he was handcuffed you describe that whole time is that right yes and then you're talking about them trying to get him into the car did. previously show you video that shows your position and what you are watching as well as. as well as what
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one of the officers the cameras shown was going on at that moment did you see video that on a previous day. yes and did that show accurately and fairly what you saw as well as what you heard and what was going on with respect to mr florida at the squad car. did that shell what was happening yes. and. just so i'm clearly describing it to you know i know you saw a number of videos there was one that had a view from one of the officers body cameras combined with the surveillance camera that was showing where you were standing and that's what we've marked as exhibit 39 . and you said that that video shows what you were doing and what you saw and heard . yes all right offer exhibit 39.
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received and we will publish. and actually you are came by. just. before we play the top screen does that show where you are standing. next to the squad car yes and can you just tell yourself that top. and then $100.00 other video that's embedded within what's shown. the officer mr flight at the car is that yes. we were cleared and then we will continue. i don't know where the 4 with. the bully going but i don't want to.
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know the reason because one of the. problems because we're going to go through a boarding house right there. and just to sort of silence what's happened that's our are you having a conversation with mr. yes men and what's going on now versus going to conversation and why didn't you know there's a floor. glad for good or bad here to polish. and i'm trying to get not just gay and dead when you make english they want to get you a copy no shade again gives you a big laugh but you got to go with you and i would turn again to gulf ok and you're saying is it your voice saying things like you can't win yes ma'am why are you saying that because. of the myself and i understand once you get in. the cup you came when you didn't. look at it so were you trying
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to. just how to. make a decision which isn't easy that. you're trying to make the situation easier. there are some comments about. class refer back and i believe there is a response for you having a conversation with mr feith at that point. yes ma'am and did you feel like he was hearing you and understanding what you were saying yes ma'am and. like you say you were just trying to make it easier on how is that right yes ma'am. at some point you can have the socket 807 dead other officers arrived yes ma'am. and did you know. the other officers were ayers yes ma'am and would you now know to show up here and if you can point to one less
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finger pointing or see that you've made our point in the shot and how did you know mr. 5 day prior to this happened i pulled up on the squad car some went down in apas and i see there to show up and i told him about that tell all of it in a day you go home and you open the safe and that a big push to go home today. so you had just met him in the community few days prior. i had seen him in the community proudly there but you know they are poor the bar and i give him direct gauge of what accent i have so you can see him 5 days or so prior high conversation with him but you had known him in the community before that. if he'd come you. see is right nason is an officer in the community yes ma'am. and i'll try to slow down you're trying to slow down about take a brat let me know. and i'm going to try not to talk over you do my best all right
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. ok so. i'll let the video play and then we can. i see our last name and with ya know john we all know dan i know you and i don't agree on anything i didn't. know it and you know it to me that was a very i'm not doing i don't you know you are all good i probably as you get always called out as i do with the hump was the bogey i'm gonna do you often argue with me . get out of the boat we're going to go out here i will give you a card with a bird flu or you're not going to grab the bull without you in the car ok ok another best shot a man in the car. out. right. now we're going to play with other police records for. any moment now the focus is on the job i don't really love you. saw the last part are ok
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well this move. well oh no. i'm on. the oh i'm about i want work off your squad going on. i'm not going reading or writing or that. i know he proved you. wrong the world was a little hard. i had no. idea you believe. me me no you didn't me if you want to do me. run are. thinking of. but you likely have not
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got. on the ground you for your. oh. well you know if you run. or. have a stretch. in the family i don't move. the problem that you. are with the movement. mama mama now my very own mom i want to find out just why am i my right side by my mom why am i. right. now i know there are stars. and i. am a girl oh no. they will you know i don't really care what we do you're a mystery here please mom i look.
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a brick. we've been watching rather dramatic video of police officers trying 1st to put george floyd into the police car and then you can hear the voice of one of them saying take him out as a struggle ensued to keep him inside the car though a voice was heard saying take him out rather dramatic videos of george floyd repeatedly saying he's hostile phobic he can't breathe and calling for his mother. rather dramatic pictures which upset one of the witnesses there we were listening to the prosecution questioning charles mcmillan a witness who was driving and stumbled upon the arrest of george floyd and began trying as he said to give him advice to try and make the situation better and. the prosecution made a point of repeatedly asking charles mcmillan if they saw. george floyd
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was handcuffed when he was taken out of his vehicle and whether or not they saw him or whether or not charles wheelan saw george floyd behaving in any way that could describe his violent after being taken out of his car to the prosecution here trying to characterize what was happening in the moments leading up to the death of of george floyd under the knee of derek show in who's on trial let's bring in dutch as harris the author of the killing of george forges also a professor of american studies and political science at mcallister college she joins us live from minneapolis by skype quite disturbing video and testimony right was a stream lee thing for. us to loni see all our newly. he will. or what was
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a what was to. go we sent you 3 more where he will send all of us are we witnessing i just wonder if you know have we seen this video before i'm not sure i can't speak to that i just watched it live with you i know i have not seen or. this is it's quite disturbing and how revealing is it now we're seeing a lot of video least some of it definitely seems to be revealed for the 1st time to the public at least how much clarity is emerging here as we see more and more video of some of those moments leading up to the moment which you know we we are aware of when there actually was kneeling on his neck is this clarifying changing the
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picture. i mean i'm not sure how much more clearly actually. the. 7 wow 10 months ago she was on mark already but what do you know that the police narrative was that they were using appropriate force because george floyd was resisting arrest that he was a threat now to that narrative how much of that narrative is being slowly chips away by more and more video that we're seeing in the court it's being chipped away when video and it's being chipped away by the testimony we have testimony now while the person who we have a testimony from a one year old child yesterday there were several people standing on the street was
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that when we had testimony from the person in fire and what you had was the really different people call the police are always when i wonder what is the standard police procedure here for a situation in which they're trying clearly to put someone in the back of a police car who is said he's claustrophobic can i sit in the front i can't breathe can i get out of here is the correct standard police conduct to say no i'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt i still have to try to shove you into the back of this car. i mean one of the issues around who is is what it is to be is that show and so will show the world is what it's been controversial and we mark. one or 2 who was born are such
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emotion. that saying i can't breathe. or what needs to be is the constraint they're placing on the person trying to. now as this trial moves forward now i should point out we were looking at pictures of the the witness we given i think the court's given a 10 minute break for charles to charles mike mullen to try and gather himself again clearly distraught as this trial goes on are we getting something of a day for those not familiar with the suffering of minorities in protecting particularly the african-american community are we is it becoming a real eye opener for people to see not only what happened to george floyd but the impact the psychological impact that has on others in the community. i think this trial tremendous and i mean it makes me think 1955
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when what's more the boy in the hill was killed in a place of money. and he ended up. walking white's floor. he was deep into brando and his mother wanted an open casket philo and when people asked her why she didn't want that because it was so terrible she said what she wanted the whole world to see and so newspapers published that in more and that image in the generation before me where this video is impacting children who are my children. right and i think it was clear from the questions of the prosecutors that the sort of image that they're trying to highlight here is one of
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a man who was already high cost a man who the witnesses including charles mike mullen said he never saw him behaving violently after police tried to remove him from his car and marched him down to the police car right this is part of the narrative that the prosecution is building of really of unnecessary force and aggression from the police right yes yes i mean i think the prosecution has been moved to kulas with laying out their case for unnecessary force. is it possible at this stage to gauge a tall what sort of impact this is having on the jury. you know then it's difficult assessment for me to mate. 2 days ago i was interviewed with should have a public radio and they were asking me what i thought the jury make i
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think that's a very different role in aline's we don't have enough mention we don't have access to them i think for the outside world watching this maybe not everyone very familiar with what happens in the african-american community how this can escalate very quickly from does he have a 20 dollar a fake 20 dollar bill to someone dying under the knee of a policeman i mean this escalates so we leave because we unfortunately one too does you know so i just localize it in the minneapolis st paul area an african-american man whose will always officer every summer for the last 6 summers and so if we think about fully and go castiel
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who said that he had one. and it is robert will see right next to him and she captures it on facebook live with its technology facebook live was less than a month old. and he got shot right in the chance and so we have seen millions more his time right now of course defense is going to i think things are picking up again in the courts thank contest sorry for that let's go straight back. to what's happening in the courtroom now. if you do it very different for all of. you will be.
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ok on this good. is over. all right mr mcmahon. we have the video cards for a minute i'm just going to maybe ask you some questions about that and then we can move on from there ok. all right so we haven't stopped it 2051. what what did you see at the beginning of this clip in terms of the officers putting mr flynn in the car and use describe what you want. from your perspective. but what are those. well again and they're going to know where they are with most of the paths out of car to prove it got messed up. it was trying to get some
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shred what you call whole car. that's what i mean gauging you right now. so in this image right now where it's frozen at 82051 can you just find out where you are. and then use the other officer and use the word heart i can use this front but you know that. gives you a little puff of she grabbed a towel you up. so where we have this video starts you were watching. sorry so i better. ok. i just want to make sure you can hear me and i can hear you know i have trouble hearing with all the plexiglas unmask i apologize. so could you describe. what you're seeing at that point. i'm saying it was deployed on the ground.
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and. is anyone else on the ground were to be doing. is anyone with him on the ground yes ma'am ok so what do you see in terms of the other officers the. 2 arms on the back of them and i feed you all to the front with him you know see that the channel that you are in the trunk of the car ok and you're. a think he said mr chow or mr vang did you know the other officer who was at the back of the car do you know who he was that officer at the back. and i don't want to did you you don't know his name today do you. challenge child whatever. but another officer that you aren't familiar with that that's not ok and what about officer shopping and you said you knew him sorry i didn't know his name of the time but i know all of you know by in the squad car and what you
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don't bother you well no we 'd will see you later realize that you know yes i think ok all right. so i'm going to back you up a little bit before these officers are on the ground with mr floyd and an officer back at the beginning of this clip what they were getting him into the car sat right. ok and that's when you were having a conversation with mr fly right yes ma'am and then where you continue to have a conversation with mr floyd. throughout this process. right now ok did you hear mr floyd speaking yesterday at that time. were you also speaking to him i only want to say yes ok.
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anything you said that statute on camera that would have been what you said in that moment is that right over the course of the time of your interaction with mr yes ma'am ok so. what stood out to you about what mr floyd i was saying when you saw. on the ground where he gives in i think very. they were he said. man the. killer the. killer being this well and care and cambridge bombing that killed him there were these does my body share lindau. and was a your voice somewhere in the middle of all this saying get up and get in the car.
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