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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2021 7:00am-7:31am +03

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it is essentially the perfect car you have a diplomatic bag that can't be a good qantas search al-jazeera investigates the poaches pipeline. 9 prominent hong kong activists are convicted for their role in the $2900.00 protest including the so-called father of hong kong democracy but the media tycoon . hello i'm adrian forgive this is al jazeera live from joe also coming up. next. more distressing video of george floyd's fatal arrest proves overwhelming for
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witnesses at the trial of the former u.s. police officer who's accused of. the violence the attacks the killings children there polly for the words of condemnation of the u.n. where the security council has been warned me in moscow bloody antique coupe crackdown risks causing a civil war. and france is ordered into its 3rd national lockdown to push back a 3rd wave of covert 19 infections are threatening to overwhelm hospitals. of course in hong kong has found 7 prominent pro-democracy activists guilty for their role in the $2900.00 protest prosecutors say the demonstration was an old arised those convicted include a media tycoon former legislators and the man who is considered to be hong kong's father of democracy 2 others have pleaded guilty before the verdict critics say
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that all this is part of a crackdown on dissent which escalates it after china imposed a national security law in hong kong last year let's go live now to hong kong al-jazeera sarah clarke is outside the courthouse sara talk us through these verdicts who's been convicted what happened in court. well the verdict has been handed down in the last hour or so and these are some of the most high profile point of oxy activists and temp is in hong kong now as you mentioned 7 disproof of 9 pleaded not guilty but they have been found guilty anyway they've been convicted and in that group probably some of us high profile activists as i mentioned we've got 73 year old media talk to me like he's well known for his part democracy steps to news media next maybe media and he's apple daily maybe outlets we've got 82 year old mohsen les he's a highly respected barrister he's also the man considered the father of democracy he also has been found guilty we've got 73 year old respected barrister and former
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legislative microphone as well as chuck young he's the man who's been holding the t.m.'s with vigil for decades here hong kong he also has been found guilty of 2 of the others in this particular group of i have previously pleaded guilty therefore by 2 have been convicted i spoke to a number of those are the members of this particular group on a rival course of the west highland course to die on thursday march and they said he's prepared to go to jail to fight for democracy and the freedoms that were promised to this former british territory i also spoke to leach of yemen this is what he had to say on his way into cause. this very aggressive. previous oppression is equally true of all those where. in the protest movement a group no matter where you are the peaceful group want a very very you are all for this political suppression way so they've been convicted if this group gets sent to prison where does this leave hong kong's
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pro-democracy movement. well it certainly is a blow to the movement nearly every major voice so all of the central figure of opposition is now either in exile in jail already or on trial now will the $2400.00 people have been charged as part of this crash. the lots of jimmy a lot of the media talk to him who i spoke about earlier he's currently in custody he's also facing 6 other trials one of those under the national security law we also have he's facing 3 different trials to separate charges but separate but similar charges i should say so so in this particular part of the sea it's a blow to which the movement says that this is national security law is by using attempt to crack down on all sots the opposition in hong kong another bit to the left of the suspect all the way to court she said the mobile will simply have to fight all the ways of showing the opposition to china and fighting for the freedoms in hong kong they were promised on the naughty naughty 7 agreements 07 o'clock
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reporting live from hong kong sara many thanks. the u.s. court has been shown some of the last moments of george floyd's life from the perspective of the police officers who arrested him the video painted a traumatic picture of how floyd's alleged attempt to use a counterfeit bill escalated into his death in may last year of 0 as gabriel and it's on the reports now from minneapolis. day 3 of the derrick chauvin trial so yet another eyewitness to take the stand at their view of george floyd's death and another for whom the emotion of reliving that day became at times too much to bear . proving that some of the most powerful moments in the trial can be would nothing is said.
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61 year old charles mcmillan can be heard here urging floyd to do what the police say but the restrained floyd can't move at one point he can be heard calling for his mother. increase. over time. the longer it went on. we. arrived in this world. and live. and it was open as the. earlier prosecutors focused on the events leading up to that confrontation trying to add context to the moments before he was pinned to the ground. store clerk christopher martin testified that floyd had handed him what he suspected was a counterfeit $20.00 bill which eventually led to the police being called. later
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when martin went outside and saw floyd pinned to the ground under chauvinists he was distraught. not. in cross-examination the defense focused on floyd's state of mind while he was in the store based on your observations of his behavior his speech patterns that's what caused you to form the impression he was under the influence. indeed the day seeing floyd's arrest again and again as. the footage from each of the officers body camera was played in the courtroom. that so many people who are witnesses to floyd's death are still suffering from trauma now trying to relive it and it's even affecting the jury at one point on wednesday the trial.
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female juror while listening to testimony suffered from what the judge called a stress related reaction. minneapolis the u.n. security council has been warned that the outlaws on the verge of civil war in that immediate action is needed u.n. special envoy christine going to brief the security council on the increasingly bloody military crackdown since the general seized power in a coup 2 months ago the army is also lost as trikes against a rebel group raising fears of a return to ethnic conflicts well ahead of the meeting the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. said that they count the violence in to continue in law which washington refers to as bamma. what the military is doing in burma to the people to the people of burma the violence the attacks the killings of children they're appalling and and they
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are unacceptable so we can't just. step back and allow this to happen we have to keep pushing forward. from want to play out to get a james bays who's at the united nations in the post the security council has released 2 statements about the situation in myanmar but the generals defied those words and there was further voluntas this time no statement the outgoing president of the security council for march the u.s. ambassador linda thomas greenfield spoke to reporters. it's the credibility of the security council now it's. i don't think our credibility is at stake i think what has to happen is we have to redouble our efforts what the military is doing in burma to the people to the people of burma the violence the attacks the killings of children they are appalling and and they are unacceptable so we can't just.
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step back and allow this to happen we have to keep pushing forward in the close in the council was briefed by the u.n. special envoy christine trauner bergan she still wants to travel to me and marta speak to the generals she said i will remain open to dialogue and continue to signal this but if we wait only for when they are ready to talk the ground situation will only worsen a bloodbath is imminent this council must consider potentially significant action but the chinese ambassador said what he called one sided action or calling for sanctions would only aggravate tensions a similar position was relayed by russia and so for now any tougher action by the security council seems highly unlikely well as the military crackdown goes on some activists and protesters joining groups to train with their fighters there intending to take up arms against the jointer has spoken to some of them in qur'an
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states and south in the southeast of the country florence louis reports. so mon never thought he would become a soldier he was a youth leader and activists in the qur'an community in power the capital of state in southeast. like many others he's taken part in protests against the coup since they started nearly 2 months ago. i went to a protest every day the police and the army opened fire at us they saw us with wrubel it's he says he's training to. fight after witnessing a friend being shot and seriously wounded by the military during a protest. after i graduate. and work with the villagers to resist. al-jazeera met other activists including from yang gone who travel to state to train with the current national defense organization it's one of 2 armed branches of the qur'an national union that has been fighting for more autonomy for the car
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and minority this protester has asked us to conceal his identity. when we protest on the streets the burmese army and police shoot at us and of crack down on a demonstrations but we're not afraid we've been afraid of them for many years and we have to fight against their power we have to win this time. the conflict in state is one of the longest running civil wars and has escalated in recent days. this video obtained by al-jazeera shows one of several air strikes launched since saturday by the myanmar military on areas controlled by the qur'an national union. several people were killed and rights groups estimate at least 10000 have been displaced. i'm very afraid i've heard that villages can't flee to the thai side because thai soldiers had blocked them the qur'an national union says it's bracing for a major government offensive in its territory to get rid of them and. the
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current troops are tacking positions and cutting off supply routes at least 3 other ethnic groups have promised to support protest as if the man does not stop killing civilians immediately but some fear that may not be enough to reverse the coup and could put the country on the path to a full civil war. the weather next here on out as hero then leaders in southern africa discuss armed groups in mozambique with troop deployments on the cards plus we've definitely not a beacon for the world so why is the government back for praising a multi-ethnic britain.
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it's time for the perfect jenny. went sponsored point qatar airways hello there the weather is set fair across the middle east warm sunshine as per usual largely clear skies there just a little bit of cloud there just creeping across turkey some choppy waters in the eastern side of the mediterranean some of the wet weather coming into cyprus as we go through thursday easing over towards the levant western parts of syria pushing into lebanon maybe even into well with the names of jordan could see some rather sharp showers for some brisk winds are rolling through but elsewhere for the southeast financial rime warming up doha getting up to 38 celsius and that is 100 in found high so the heat starting to build across the arabian peninsula right syria across a good part of the horn of africa somalia losey set family of ethiopia set fair you might catch the odd shower in the south pushing down towards lake victoria just along the rift valley and across the central areas the usual crop of showers there
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pretty much where they should be from the gulf of guinea easing down across the democratic republic of congo pushing down through angola northern parts of madagascar northern areas of mozambique also seeing some sharp showers and some coastal showers just brewing up there around tanzania pushing up towards the far south of kenya for south africa is generally fine dry and sunny. sponsored by qatar airways. it's the political debate show that's challenging the way you think i want to know where you stand on cancer culture. the range of ideas that can be heard from international politics to the global pandemic and everything in between if tech companies are the ones with all the power what do we do with the solution we get organized what are world leaders or governments missing thread talking about targets in like 2040 or 20 targets but now up front with me marc lamont hill on al-jazeera.
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and again this is al-jazeera that made news the court in hong kong has convicted 9 prominent pro-democracy activists for taking part in an all the rise protests in 2019 thanks to the media tycoon former politicians and the paris to who is considered hong kong's father of democracy. the us court has been shown some of the last moments of george ford's life from the perspective of the police officers who arrested him for he could be heard begging them not to shoot him at the office as party comforts which it was during day 3 of the trial of the former officer who's accused of murdering him. and the u.n. special envoy for me ahmad has warned a bloodbath is imminent unless significant move some made to stop the violence
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breaching the u.n. security council christine trying a book in a suburb is also a risk of civil war. u.s. border patrol has released video showing children being literally dropped into the united states by smugglers in the infrared pictures an adult can be seen dangling and then dropping a child from the top of the fence along the us mexico border moments later they drop another one appears a whole supplies the children who are sisters from ecuador and now in the care of u.s. authorities that just 3 and 5 is old in a statement u.s. border patrol said if not for the vigilance of our agents using mobile technology these 2 tender age siblings would have been exposed to the harsh elements of the desert environment of ours we're currently working with our law enforcement partners in mexico and are attempting to identify these ruthless human smugglers more from our series mike hanna who's in washington. the stark reality of the
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problem at the border that the biden the administration is attempting to confront those 2 girls 3 and 5 year old are now in the care of customs and border patrol officers it's not sure how long they'll be in that care whether attempts are going to be made to find their parents which would appear on the other side of the border but the customs and border patrol pointing out that they were dropped at an area very far away from any human habitation and if they had not been picked up on those camera monitors they would have been exposed to the elements overnight a customs and border patrol got there very quickly they have been in medically evaluated they are said to be in good health but they are now joining some 800000 and accompanied children who are now in the care of the u.s. government this number is expected to increase throughout the spring to as many as 150000 by september some in the administration are saying it's something that his
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administration as imperative it's also pointed out by many observers that there has not been an increase in the number of people attempting to cross the border since the administration change this is largely a seasonal issue particularly in the spring when the numbers historically continue to rise but part of the problem facing the biden administration is how to move children from the care of the customs and border patrol officers who are not equipped to deal with them into the health and human services branch who are better equipped to deal with unaccompanied minors police in the state of california so that several people have been killed in a shooting incident of an office building in the city of orange local media are reporting that at least 4 people were killed including a child officer so the situation is under control of the no further threat to the public it's the 3rd mass shooting in the u.s.
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in 2. weekes. france will enter its 3rd national lockdown this weekend as it grapples with more than $30000.00 new cases a day schools will be closed for 3 weeks of domestic travel is banned for at least a month it extends measures already in place in regions like paris which have been criticized as an adequate reports. shut down by saturday with the death toll from cove of 19 nearing 100000 french president emanuel was forced to act. we will lose control of we do not move now. macro has tried to keep the country open as a way to protect the already battered economy but with many intensive care units at breaking point and a slower than planned vaccine rollout the economy had to wait. if you want to
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remember this figure 44 percent of patients in intensive care are today less than 65 years old for the next 4 weeks schools in nurseries will be closed along with non-essential businesses a curfew will be in place and travel will be restricted to 10 kilometers from home earlier this week macross said regional lockdowns like in paris would be enough scientists disagreed saying partial lockdowns won't stop such a fast spreading virus is putting me to suppress when you really want we must prevent the virus from spreading we can't do it with half measures these 50 shades of measures for now are not producing results and in 2 weeks we still won't see any result so we must go back to a lockdown and unfortunately this lockdown will last for several weeks then on wednesday mccrone changed his tune. of a new for the coming months each one of us must make an extra effort this is what i ask of us collectively this evening. the surge of covert $1000.00 cases in france
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is linked to the slow rollout of vaccines across the european union along with disputed fears surrounding the astra zeneca vaccine the only cement of new. in the coming weeks will excel or it further the number of doses that we will obtain and we will gradually become the 1st continent in the world in terms of vaccine production. but for now months after the 1st vaccines were approved only 12 percent of the french population is inoculated. al-jazeera the un has raised the alarm over reports of grave human rights abuses by russian must race in the central african republic they're accused of numerous crimes including mass summary executions torture and the indiscriminate killing of civilians and humanitarian workers nicholas hawke reports. the unix pers describe grave human rights violations and abuse they say carried out by russian fighters the fuck out which are the central
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african forces and the un who they say are behind mass summary execution torture and the forced displacement of people more than 240000 people have been displaced since december's election which was won by president who had the backing of russia with the russian fighters on the ground the wagner's group which is a private russian contractor company and we were there when we met with the advisor to the president vladimir is a corrupt who told us that russia was there on the ground to ensure the president can regain control of the country and secure the security of the border now according to the un 44 percent of the country is in the hands of armed groups specifically the coalition for patriotic change led by former president francois in a not so veiled threat the ambassador to russia on the ground said that it was easy could be neutralized by russian forces or the central african forces if need be on
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the ground if he continues to ferment and rests now the west and especially france sees the presence of russian forces on the ground with suspicion they say they're adding fuel to the fire in a country that's already volatile work where most of the population are in dire need of humanitarian help leaders from southern africa have promised to help mozambique deal with faces who killed hundreds of people the u.n. says the humanitarian situation is deteriorating rapidly. reports now from harare and they brings a ballplayer. parma is deserted international aid agencies say thousands of people have already fled. the fighting between soldiers and an armed group that calls itself al-shabaab has been going on for days the town in mozambique's northern cover dug out of province has been the site of major gas discoveries in recent years the exact number of people killed injured and accounted for is still unknown
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some of those displaced by the recent violence have started arriving in payback the provincial capital what has happened in. empowerment is an absolute horror of being in treatise on civilians by an non-state armed group that is what i can say they have done horrific things they're still doing so we have reports this morning of continued clashes that is why we are talking about our expectations of thousands of more people moving out from the district and towards other areas of the country and towards the border was turned sagna. far to the southwest in zimbabwe's capital harare southern african leaders say the is collating violence in northern mozambique is their top priority we're studying respond in a helpful manner to ensure that we assure the integrity and so that i need to your
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one of our own the southern african development community security troika brings together the leaders of zimbabwe and south africa but one as president. suggest some kind of regional response is imminent speaking on behalf of the troika. following our consultations we are going to me they've known and right now we are to finish off with present. you wanted to look for it when you see it there is speculation a regional force might be sent to mozambique deploying troops has been done before in the region in the late 1990 s. angola libya and zimbabwe send forces to the democratic republic of congo to assist the government before that soldiers from zimbabwe help defeater nama insurgence in central. the u.n. world food program says more than 900000 people in mozambique now require food aid because of the crisis in public. how to al-jazeera. jailed russian
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opposition leader alexina value has to clear that he's going on hunger strike until he receives proper medical treatment the 44 year old says that he's suffering from acute back pain and can't use one of his legs prison authorities say that his health is satisfactory of all he is serving a 2 and a half year sentence for a parole violation. the british government has suggested that the u.k. should be seen as an international model for racial equality that's the main finding of a report that says that while racism still exists there's been significant progress and it's a surprise to many of the many people of color who describe the report as a white wash that denies their lived experiences or how reports now from the city of bristol. the picture of britain having largely moved on from racial and ethnic inequality isn't one recognized in cities like bristol ranked among the
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country's most unequal societies. c c last summer the statue of a prominent 17th century slave owner was toppled amid nationwide black lives matter protests that prompted the government's review disparities in education employment health and criminal justice it's disgraceful i mean everything else leading up to this point has said completely different things even government commission reports we definitely not a beacon for the world if we look at incarceration figures the worst in america the capital if we look at deaths in custody if we look at stop and search and drug stops and searches they are. disproportionate to the crimes being committed and they are focused on black men especially these are the further beyond. anton brown believes deprived communities must help themselves with no schooling
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beyond the age of 12 he founded a successful cleaning business became a mentor to troubled youngsters and is now building a community skills academy for those also excluded from education. everybody can come here from parents children and they can become something you don't have to feel that oh i can achieve anything in life based on my color. and the value. to come from this thing the pride but. little education. that means they can do exactly the same thing this is where the statue of edward colston once stood when protesters brought it down last year it sparked intensive scrutiny of this country's racial past of injustices that led to inequalities that persists today but the government's report seems to be a direct rebuke of all of that the well intentioned idealism it says of those young
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people who claim the country is still institutionally racist is not borne out by the evidence. ask these young people and they'll tell you the evidence is plain to see in this area in the city there's no youth sometimes lead to see the social equality that when you grow up you don't have any place to go to learn how to play football or basketball and show yourself i'll meet new friends and good friends. but that is a picture of barely recognized by the government's report jonah hall al-jazeera bristol. adrian finnegan with you here in doha the headlines and i was here up a course in hong kong this convicted 9 prominent pro-democracy activists taking part in an otherwise protest in 2019 to the media tycoon former.


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