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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2021 12:30pm-1:00pm +03

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foods the early blossom may portend a changing climate that will bring more extreme weather come the summer months but for now and to pair in gold the more beautiful given the fragility and transience of its existence the blossom is here to be cherished robert bright al-jazeera so. this is out there are these are the top stories and gun shots have been heard to miramar streets as the military carries out another crackdown on anti coup protesters at least 5 people have reportedly been killed in 3 different cities on saturday tony chang has more from bangkok in neighboring thailand where in the past we've seen the forces rather sort of hiding behind the police services the pictures that we're seeing from that crackdown just show them in full battle dress with their automatic rifles acting against the protesters the police actually seem to be
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standing back there so those attitudes are changing but the protesters are still ongoing at least 50 people died when a train collided with a truck and the road in taiwan prosecutors have questioned the driver and owner of the construction truck the paroled on to the rail tracks it is taiwan's worst rail disaster in 7 decades i want president visited the injured in hospital so you see. this distressing accident caused heavy casualties i came to while in today to visit our wounded and express my sympathy to the families of the victims we will definitely do our best to help deal with the funeral issues at present the hospitals are also doing their best and will give the best care to the wounded. a police officer has been killed and another injured when a man rammed his car into a barrier outside the u.s. capitol complex in washington d.c. the attacker was shot and died in hospital. somalis military says it's pushed back
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an attack by al shabaab fighters where this is a 2 army bases were hit about 100 kilometers from the capital mogadishu while the government says most of the attackers were killed the young group is also claiming responsibility it's the last vessels is trying to buy the grounding of a container ship in these 2 is canal should pass through the water in the coming hours more than $420.00 vessels with the late when the $400.00 metre long ever given start for almost a week it bloats one of the world's most vital both ways fulton billions of dollars a day in trade was freed on monday with the help of tugboats after days of dredging . the headlines here in our desert got more news coming up after counting the cost . it's a very bleak picture for a lot of americans out there white supremacy impacts all of our if you're putting your money into the hands of someone 1st taking money out of the hands of other workers their own goes to their camp it becomes us versus them this is the deal
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about constraining nuclear program the bottom line the big questions on. and this is counting the cost on al-jazeera your look at the world of business and economics this week have the bankers finally had enough of brazil's president also narrows handling of the pandemic cripples the economic recovery. how the world plans to use financial instruments to reduce carbon emissions. have batteries will travel europe's auto industry stay relevant. as the death toll from the pandemic inch towards $300000.00 present job also narrow told brazilians to stop whining and move on his tone towards the pandemic has been
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dismissive since the outbreak with brazil recording the 2nd highest death toll after the united states over the populist and with criticism of bankers and billionaires ringing in his ears also narrow appeared to be more conciliatory pledging to speed up vaccinations or a tall order for a country that has failed to buy vaccines in significant numbers criticized supply china and is only managed to vaccinate 6 percent of the population with the health system a breaking point and on its 4th health minister since the crisis began the prognosis for the economy looks bleak. brazil's economy has contracted 4 point one percent in 2020 the most since $990.00 in the final 3 months of 2020 the economy grew though 3.2 percent that was thanks to a $56000000000.00 cash transfer to millions of poor families that sent debt
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hurtling towards 90 percent of g.d.p. though and that only looks likely to rise having failed to prepare for the 2nd wave it's paying out billions more the currency near record lows last month that sent inflation to a 4 year high the central bank has been forced to raise interest rates to 2.75 percent from 2 percent. economists predict interest rates may rise rapidly to 5 percent by the end of this year with the economy predicted to underperform ex-president of the silver cleared of corruption also now rosana a lot of pressure is more ministers quit or a fired. reports from rio de janeiro. is brazil school the death toll keeps growing women across brazil have joined hands when broidery their grief and the names of all those who died from corbett 19 this by november
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the map of america this panel has 2 and a half meters per presents only 0 point one percent of the number of victims we would need $1000.00 panels like this one for all the victims that's another 2 and a half kilometers of. pressure against presidential aide will so narrow has been mounting as infections and death continue to spiral out of control brazil's bar association has asked the attorney general to charge president. with criminally mishandling the pandemic $500.00 bankers economists and business men wrote a letter asking the government to stop boycotting measures aimed at controlling the new wave of infections and to start heating to the advice of doctors and scientists . also never went on television to say he was in favor of the vaccines he had criticised in the past and was slow to start fine rob brazil his words were greeted with hot banging protests with next year's presidential election in mind also
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narrow met wednesday with representatives from congress in the supreme court one year after couvade 19 struck brazil the government has finally announced a committee to deal with the pandemic on a national level. meanwhile in this square 19 year old in ways that castro embroider the names of her daughter in law and a friend she says she can deal with the sorrow but not with the anguish of watching nothing being done. and everybody's silent was president j. boss and out of scorns the virus the masks and the vaccine even the church which threw it up against a the day the ship is holding its tongue i'm feeling very anguished knowing i have nobody to turn to she decided to write a letter to the pope but while waiting for an answer to her prayers in luisa and her friends will continue using their needle and thread to keep alive the memory of
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brazil's 300000 dead monica inaccurate i'll just sirrah we are designer. so balsa naro facing possible criminal charges for his handling of the crisis let's get some analysis now with jaya lugo cando director of executive and graduate education at northwestern university in cars and good to have you with us so is this basically 1st of all a situation where we see the president the government changing its sort of nonchalant approach to the pandemic in the health crisis because of pressure from the business community yes there is fundamental changes in the in the least in the way that the government of brazil. is handling this situation but how wanting to mean that the fight in the changing not because of what the actual health crisis is shaping up to be but because of pressure from money well you know it's not right wing government after all it does have
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a constituency in the big business corporations and also also the right and that's what they you know that's their constituencies and. until now they concede at the beginning of the crisis was more concerned with the economy keep going down with the and then it could shelf and now has to change and therefore the government also just changes its approach so the change indicates no doubt some damage serious damage is going on to the economy can you estimate that for us well actually i mean obviously depend democrats have a huge impact particularly among the poorest and according to all the international organizations that money to of poverty inequality in brazil there's been a huge setback for very vulnerable segments of the public how the economy as such has surprisingly show itself much more resilient i mean in the last quarter of last year in this by some very negative predictions the economy actually bounce back
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and it's still growing and started to grow. the last quarter that we account for in brazil is $3.00 in growth and that's after a huge fall last year but still and one of the main difference that the government of also not one has made is that it injected a lot of cash into the economy through cash handouts to the poor is a 56 this 1000000000 is basically what's kept growth going the 36000000000 handed to the poorest families right absolutely absolutely but we have to be very clear in this because it's it's we need to pass judgment in this in a way that really reflects what's happening don't remember that exports and imports in brazil i mean foreign trade only at cons for less than 30 percent of their whole g.d.p. most of the d.p. is produced within the economy of the country so by injecting money into the
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economy what pulls or not isn't a station has managed to do is to reactivate the economy in the worst preview possible now if you compare that to for example mexico that did not do that and saw its g.d.p. shrunk even further than brazil then you can see that at least that in that type of policy also not one has got it right i mean as many of you know he has a cost of the poorest right you can say for whatever $1.00 would criticism criticize him for for his approach nonchalant approach the plan that he has. absolute and i'm going to judge his intention i don't know that you know we i'm not going to judge he didn't want to judge what he actually did which is to inject money into the hands of the poorest is you know this is something that they let propose in the united states in europe through the. you know get me corman propose exactly this type of policy 2 years ago and this is now being done by a right wing president not bill so not
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a strange character he doesn't really fit into this i think of he's very right wing and dental values and joseph approach it defeats. close in as the military but in terms of economics he's shown to be a very pragmatic guy more against in the approach to the economy and you know we see a growth in the industry there's you know over 200000 new employments been created in brazil in this year which is amazing considering how bad the situation over it was managed and how how hard it was brazil hit by this but we have actually net growth in the employment exports are also in certain areas and going up but. and that is a good sign but also not all still faces the biggest challenge of all which is the debt the service of the debt which now is almost 91 percent of the u.p. which is very worrying for maint many analysts and this is something that he
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inherited from his previous answers but he has not fixed that problem actually has gotten worse since you've mentioned the debt let me jump in here and to ask the question will international investors maintain an appetite to hold on to that as long as both are now or is in power and as you said we've called it at 90 percent of g.d.p. yeah i mean i get this is approaching the 4 only 4 holes and not a 4th or anybody who is in power in the next few years but a seal has accumulated amount of bull in my opinion. and that's something that he has that some of this dead responsibility structural issues. and imo so when you say they're unmanageable what does that mean for the 20 percent of that that needs refinancing this year well that that he will have to make a really strong hard case to the to dep't are still to keep at least the current ratings of the country to keep the interest rate on that at least can he make that
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case do you think. i i mean he's in the economy again it is recovering he's growing the team he has in place it seems to know what they're doing and all the sinaloa is that but it doesn't only depend on him the political the polls in the service shows that he's popularity is it declined and that the party you know of the last hour or 2 the 2 candidates would win an election to the 8 if the election were today don't mention will seem that you mentioned there the defense minister was 53 armed forces chiefs have resigned foreign minister resigned i mean when you talk about the team is the team ready there how crippling is this football sinatra politically as well as economically. then pursers care about the economic team and that it continues to be in place that have not been so far he's so far been careful not to meddle in
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that area and he's apparently listening there same it's been an absolutely fascinating chant thank you so much thank you. vaccines provide a route out of the pandemic governments akin to bankroll the recovery through green sustainable eco bonds these greener bonds accomplish a number of goals from supporting new jobs to cutting emissions last year governments and businesses raise $490000000000.00 from green social and sustainable bonds that's going to rise to 650000000000 this year now that sounds like a lot of money but it's a drop in the ocean when you consider the bond market is worth $260.00 trillion dollars as the world transitions to net 0 carbon emissions 20 trillion dollars in assets like oil energy and mining could become worthless that poses a huge financial risk for the global economy at the same time environmentalist say
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central banks should stop buying bonds of polluters the european central bank has hovered up 20 percent of green debt as part of its bond buying program now governments are also considering a new mechanism for rewilding with nature bonds failed enable governments to restore vast tracts of land back to nature they could be useful for projects like this argentina's iberia wetlands are one of the most biodiverse regions in the world but they've been severely impacted by industrial farming conservation groups are now working to reverse that damage to raise about reports from my beer a national park in korean to us. here it means in the local indigenous white any language water the chinese and here in the province of cory in this in northeastern argentina there is plenty of it but in the past few decades the wild life in the event and national park that covers more than
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a 1000000 hectares of land began disappearing because of human activity. and that's what people like my long trying to change all of us about condoleezza that i mean that we are working to do you wild argentina this means to be introducing crucial species that disappeared from the ecosystem in this case we are working with the jaguars the main objective is to generate a sustainable population. these jaguars now will and dioceses are kept here so their cubs can one day repopulate the area jaguars are seen as a threat to agricultural settlements in the area and that's why their numbers have plummeted and this past years in fact in the province of korea because they have been extended for over 70 years now and that's why projects like this one are crucial to reintroduce this kind of species into the eco system because
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a little but there are 7 other jaguars who have almost no contact with the humans and i ready to be released they are kept in 30 hector corel's it's extremely difficult to see them but joining our state one of them might be what needed a g.p.s. collar changed. he's. going to be said for this is likely the last contact we will have with her so we are digging all the possible samples that she's and then bio meant in the area. the project is part of rewilding argentina more than 20 years ago american philanthropist douglas tomkins and his wife kristen began buying up land in argentina and chile to protected and then donated to a national park 3rd world in argentina has now given thousands of hectares of land to at least 6 national parks and would rather not have beena. it's very
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strange in argentina that a private owner donates to the state but when we do it all the prejudices scramble we start to see the projects because the animals start to appear like the giant and to the pompous the tourists start to come and the communities get involved this is a model of producing nature because it leads resources to communities it's an economic alternative. argentina has tough economic problems to deal with and that's not being helped by the coronavirus pandemic which is why preserving nature is a major challenge but it's not just about protecting the wildlife it's the wildlife that would generate alternative work opportunities that would convince locals to protect the natural wealth they already have. already in this argentina. and joining me now from london via skype is professor
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nick robins neck is professor in practice of sustainable finance at the london school of economics grantham research institute on climate change and the environment good to have you with us so we hear a lot about how that 0 is going to lead to a lot of job creation are those predictions accurate i think that's right i mean that the shift in those areas are seeing sensual from a climate perspective but also it is a huge driver of economic opportunity the estimates suggest there are about 60000000 people for example in the energy sector in the moment in a zone of net 0 sonar and this could rise to about 100000000 582050 this is about 15 percent more than these are current high carbon models so yes a shift to net 0 is going to lead to more jobs the crucial is your proceeds to sure these are good jobs as well but these are good jobs with good conditions and saw nothing of a big priority that we see in the new plans to climate plans from u.s.
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president biden by central bankers such as christine lagarde head of the c.v. saying they're putting green concerns at the top of the agenda how quick or slow central banks to respond well i think it's really one of the most remarkable shifts in the financial sense system the what was central banks doing if we look back to 5 years ago when the paris agreement for climate was signed hardly any central banks are really considering climate change is a key factor in terms of financial stability and risk we now have nearly 90 central banks and supervisors who are signed up to the network for greening the financial system this includes the people's bank of china includes the bank of england the bond of france the central banks of brazil's in the pool and of course now the u.s. u.s. fed and all of them are saying tackling the risks of climate change is at the core of our mandates and our mandates to look after and make sure that the financial system it is is secure and safe and sound. so that is a that is
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a remarkable shift in what we're seeing i think is we're perhaps entering a new phase we've discussed sort of net 0 already but i think we're seeing the the need for central banks to really make a more explicit a commitment to how they're going to support the financial system to achieve net 0 so the 1st reason is obviously and that's their economies going to be much the best outcome for central banks as they try and deliver financial stability cool cool goals would have less destruction in terms of climate shocks and so on but a 2nd is many many central banks also have a sort of secondary mandate to support the economic policies of their governments and now that we have over $120.00 governments with net 0 plans if follows the central bank should be thinking about how they can compliment the activities of governments in the work that they are steering and supervising the financial system and we're seeing really some of the 1st signs of this sort of net 0 central banking
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starting to come through in the last few months so it sounds like listening to what you're saying that there really is a chance of a new phase as you put it or a new era does there have serious risks of stranded assets though as we move towards that 0 what consent for banks do to protect sort of financial stability. well i think i think that's right i mean think so since in the last decade the organization contract a sort of ready to put the stranded assets on the agenda as we go through most any transition and this is a climate driven transition assets that we previously thought were valuable no longer become valuable and as we've seen through cultivated in many sense the credit crisis has accelerated some of the trends we've see 70 to friends towards electric vehicles to transport renewables and also the recognition that the clean economy is really one of the great opportunities as we come out of this crisis so yes social banks and supervisors many of them are now actually introduce him stress
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tests for the companies that they regulate in the systems they have to see and that's important to really get information about how banks and insurance and pension funds oppositions in alternative scenarios turn to scenarios of a destructive transition in terms of ones where we have on mitigating climate change huge amounts of physical shocks so this is really important and and this is also being being being austral by by by investors i think a complement of that is also for central banks and supervisors. to really follow up from these stress tests to require the financial institutions they regulate to introduce net 0 transition plans is one thing to assess the risk then you actually need to take action on the basis of this so i think we're again seeing increasing interest in actually the role of central banks and supervisors requiring the banks and investor investment in sushi's they regulate to come forward with these net 0
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transition plans not least to ensure that we have consistency and credibility in these plans across the markets i think there are a beginnings of fears that maybe a risk of green washing in some of these net 0 statements that are being made costing great healthy thanks so much for your thoughts. well thank you so much and demand for electric vehicles is booming worldwide with governments in europe making plans to phase out fuel burning cars but the continent risks falling behind in the race to build the vehicles if the allows asia to dominate the battery development sector paul reste reports from god from bergen sweden. further faster cheaper and greener demand for electric cars is rising and so are the demands placed on the the swedish chinese pollstar to is one of the latest vehicles trying to tempt drivers away from petrol diesel why is this
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a psychic term for the electric cars because it's finally happening because finally not nice anymore but other aspects whole can use still at all think that the combustion engine oriented car has a future proof business pole star is a joint european asian vehicle made by volvo and their chinese owners but the emerging electric industry is about intense intercontinental competition as well as collaboration. cars like this are developing extremely rapidly as engineers try to match the speed and range of petrol driven very coals and whoever makes the biggest leap forward now is likely to win the race to dominate the transport industry of the future. in europe without races being run from here the laboratory in uppsala north of stockholm because when it comes to electric cars the advantage is all about the battery like this the lab is the standard bearer for the battery 2030
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plus project the consonance paid to take back some of asia's dominance in the development and sale of electric batteries the europe wide group is led by chemistry professor christina edstrom we need to be finding a new materials and new battery calls to help europe in the hard competition in asia they're good in asia they're doing new existing batteries if we want to have industry in europe we need to catch up. there is a lot of catching up to do you factories for the current generation of lithium ion batteries are being built in sweden and germany but europe makes just 3 percent of car batteries globally while asia led by china japan and south korea produces 85 percent to change that europe needs to find a battery that provides great to mileage charges faster underlies less on the damaging effect of mining from mineral such as cobalt the problem with the practice today they don't hold enough energy in their container we want to make it back to
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something future and we need to understand what's going on really the fundamental to mystic level that could be the ace up europe sleeve the world's most powerful neutron source a kind of x. ray for atoms is also nearing completion in sweden in time to join the hunt for a new car battery a breakthrough will be needed to stop asia putting the rest of the world in its rear view mirror for good paul reese al-jazeera gothenburg sweden. and that's our show for this week but there's more for you on line of al-jazeera dot com slash t.t.c. it'll take you straight to our page which has an entire episode for you to catch up on. and sam is a than from the whole team on counting the cost thanks for joining us the news of al-jazeera is next. to. a survivor of the genocide there are people who beg me to kill the 20 or so for it
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but it didn't have the power to do it who's dedicated his life to searching the woods for bones of the victims of the srebrenica massacre. in the curious neutral. you know hope of finally laying the past to rest and giving peace to the victims' families because in egypt if i could just find a finger i could bury him bone hunter on al-jazeera. the climate has changed every year for millions of years and decades of talk but little action it's all about distraction create confusion to create smoke and mirrors the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically subverted a new oil industry was a main bankroller or opposition of climate act campaign against the climate do you think that's a bad thing more future which you should be in absolutely coming soon on al-jazeera . be the hero the world needs.
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washing. this is al jazeera. you're watching the news our life for headquarters in doha i'm dead not a gate are coming up in the next 60 minutes security forces in myanmar opened fire at anti cooper's asters killing at least 5 as the military intensified its crackdown. taiwan prosecutors purse to make an arrest for a train crash that killed at least 50 people while the president visits.


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