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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2021 10:00am-10:31am +03

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people in power dressing gates poland's church and state alliance on a 0. play an important role protecting. ringback a u.s. a police chief testifies against his own officer accused of killing george floyd and says he violated policy. disagreement that is the appropriate use of force for the situation. i don't acknowledge this is life and also coming up top diplomats are set to meet in vienna to try to salvage the iran nuclear deal. jordan's former crown prince
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pledges allegiance to the king days after being accused of a malicious plot to destabilize the country. free travel between australia and new zealand is back on the horizon more than a year after new zealand shut its borders. now a u.s. police chief has testified that the officer accused of murdering george floyd broke rules on respecting the sanctity of life he says that should have been acted in a way that was against police training by kneeling on floyd's neck for more than 9 minutes on the streets of minneapolis unofficial reports now from the trial. are an important cultural moment when a police chief took the stand to testify against one of his former officers but data out of said the alleged crime george floyd committed passing a fake $20.00 bill. did not met it the initial response of guns drawn on the force
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used to restrain him was unnecessary once there was no longer any resistance and clearly when mr floyd was no longer responsive and even motionless to continue to apply that level of force to a person prone doubt handcuffed behind their back. that that in no way shape or form is anything that. is by policy is not part of her training and it is certainly not part of our ethics our values the police chief also told the jury the officers on the scene that day in may last year i did obligation and the training to provide basic medical treatment to their prisoner we have a duty of care and so when someone is in our custody. regardless if they're
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a suspect we have the obligation to make sure that we provide for their care this was a significant moment critics have often complained about the so-called blue wall police officers refusing to give evidence against one another this was a mighty big crack in the wall chief out and gone to the man who fired derrick show in the day after george floyd died an important witness for the prosecution earlier the court heard from the doctor who pronounced george floyd dead dr bradford lagan felt tried for 30 minutes to revive him to save his life he said he believed what happened at the scene could have been responsible was your leading theory then for the cause of floyd's cardiac arrest oxygen oxygen to. that was one of the more likely possibilities i thought that at the time based on the information i had it was. more likely than the other possibilities and factors
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there are another name for death by oxygen deficiency a fix here is commonly understood. under cross-examination the doctor agreed that the use of drugs might also cause significant problems leading to speak it's expected the 7 will spend a lot of time considering expert medical testimony a part that may be key to the prosecution case alan fischer al-jazeera at the show in trial in minneapolis. high level talks aimed at reviving the 2015 iran nuclear deal will begin in vienna in the coming hours for representatives from the u.s. china germany russia the u.k. france and iran are attending however american and iranian officials are not planning to meet directly by the ministration is pushing to revive the deal which collapsed after a full of president donald trump withdrew u.s. support we don't underestimate the scale of the challenges ahead these are early days we don't anticipate in early or immediate breakthrough as these discussions we
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fully expect will be difficult but we do believe that these discussions with our partners and in turn are partners with iran is a healthy stepped step forward jordan's role call it says prince hamza bin hussein has signed a letter pledging his allegiance to support the king over the weekend jordan's government accuse the former crown prince of trying to destabilize the country could any reports now from him on the today royal drama began and apparently ended with the marginalized but popular prince hamza still at center stage on monday evening king abdullah dispatched his uncle to intervene. a short time later prince hamza signed a letter saying we must all stand behind the king in his efforts to protect jordan there was no mention of the investigation announced the day before the government had accused prince hamza of plotting with foreign entities to destabilize jordan
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while bassem of the surveillance incepted movements including communication with foreign sides on a so-called 0 hour to trigger measures i am that undermining else debility at the prince has denied the allegations he said highlighting worries of government corruption and failed economic policies was the real reason he was warned to stay silent the turmoil within the royal ranks 1st came to light early sunday morning with a leaked video message recorded from inside prince hamza's palace he said he was under house arrest with no security detail and no internet on monday he released an audio recording saying the chief of staff was threatening him and telling him to keep quiet. i am not going to escalate but i was noted by myself by their warders to stay at home not to use my tweets or to be in contacts with people and
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not to see my family but have been told by the chief of staff is not acceptable under any circumstances print sounds as audio recording was shared widely on social media many jordanians are feeling angry and frustrated over the deteriorating economy last month there were protests and dozens were arrested but dissent within the royal family revealed in real time was a new phenomenon but as a jimmy any. of it i was surprised as everyone else with this disturbing university the news really cool spying to every one of them we wish the prosperity and progress the joy and for the issues to be resolved as the king called full within the royal family. the dispute among royal half brothers may have ended at least for now but concerns about a deepening divide and jordanians economic plight won't be resolved so swiftly that al-jazeera. after
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a year of anti-government protests across the country india's governing b j p is facing a test at the polls voting is underway on the biggest day of the state assembly elections being seen as a measure of support for the party of prime minister narendra modi the b j p has performed strongly in national elections it's a struggle to win majorities in state assemblies elizabeth problem joins us now from new delhi so liz who is voting in this phase of the elections. but we have the full states of west bengal and canada and the union territory of going to the polls and taken together that is needed $200000000.00 people it's around $190000000.00 eligible voters which is why the election is being conducted in many phases to really in the last day of voting in our 8 and west bengal the one and only day of voting in the southern regions of kind of the common law and through to sherry and all of these regions are outside the big j.p.s.
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traditional base in the speaking northern and central states that have these speaking heartland as it's known and that is why these elections are a crew that's crucial for the b j p to try and get a foothold in the east northeast and in southern india and they have put everything into these elections especially in the state of west bengal with have never been in power they're also never been in power and in fact from the regions going to the polls today that egypt is currently only in power and it is expected to be reelected but it is facing one of the most in west bengal all those facing one of the state's most powerful leaders month about a g. has been in power there for 10 years she's also one of the prime minister in that interim or he's the most vocal critics and the fight for west bengal has been the most noteworthy of this of all of these elections that has been mobbed both the campaign and the voting itself by violence by rival groups physically attacking
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each other and months of bad energy the chief minister has been campaigning from a wheelchair for the past 3 weeks after she said she was attacked by an unknown group of people and that has really set the tone for the campaign there so lose a how much of a litmus test is it. to. chew you through the general election women these ongoing issues of system bill. that increasing. well elections is so interesting especially in the last 7 years and do it because the b j p has been this juggernaut of indian politics that has won the last 2 general elections with a landslide but it doesn't do well in state and actions and that is because in state elections people vote along with local issues but where we are seeing a national and state election coincide this time around most notably in the state of oz some where we saw the protests against the citizenship you know they actually
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began there for a completely different reason than in other parts of india and that's because people in their own ethnic minority in india and they were protesting against any minorities from neighboring countries being given citizenship regardless all their religion now be chippy has avoided talking about this issue in the campaign it's focused on the development and for structure projects but the opposition congress party has seized on it it's campaigned on that it said it would revoke the noise and it's teamed up with a muslim posse to avoid splitting the opposition voice and so be really interesting to see how muslims vote in these elections that are taking place because they make up. more than 30 percent in fact of the population of. west bengal and kerala whereas there are only about 14 percent of the population over all and dhea and so yes the litmus tests with muslims playing a key pot in these elections. all right liz thanks very much and if that tell us
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about some reporting from. protesters in may mark continue to demonstrate against a military coup and crackdown which is killed at least $570.00 people and young gone they 3 red paint on to the streets where protesters have died the military join to power on february 1st it's now published a wanted list of celebrities for supporting the protests they need to. be doing the red paint strike is one of our creative ideas to motivate the public to continue striking this red paint represents the blood of our fallen heroes it is to send the message that their blood is not yet dry and this strike is to warn the soldiers that soon we will drown them in wet blood the death toll from flash floods and landslides in indonesia and east timor has risen to at least 155 rescuers are calling for more heavy equipment to help reach people in cattle communities just to washington reports now from jakarta. in indonesia east nusa tenggara rescue efforts
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are underway after flash floods and landslides in this village police and soldiers trying to pull people to safety. in my village the water is higher than my head it has not yet subsided many say they loved ones are still missing. adenauer in east flores was the worst hit a tropical low system is causing heavy rain strong winds and choppy seas in the area adding to the challenge of getting rescuers and essential to the island in west timor hundreds are in evacuation centers where the thing is loud enough i'd love for my foot binding my house is by the sea the water rose up and entered our house everything is ruined everything flooded so we took refuge here. authorities say many houses were damaged because of love and of what was the we will continue recreation of the affected people security forces are working together with volunteers after we identify victims we will work with the hell they didn't see to
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come but few under. president djoko widodo has urged people to be on their god. that money involved but. i ask people to follow the instructions of field offices stay alert for floods and landslides because of the high intensity of extreme rains indonesia's neighbor east timor was also badly hit and the disaster could have an impact on its efforts to fight cope with 19 like you said child flight as arrived in dili at 1 o'clock dili time today with the 1st 24000 government in vaccines just the now the challenge now will be how to roll out the vaccination with the damage to infrastructure as authorities in both countries work to get a sense of the scale of the destruction their fee is the environmental disaster will deepen an ongoing health crisis just to washington al-jazeera jakarta. still ahead here in al-jazeera the palestinian election board approves candidates for an
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upcoming events why some say the poll may not go ahead. and we look at how climate change is impacting the diversity of marine life at the point. now western europe has had a lovely warm weekend and it's still retained in spain and portugal but it's not retained for the good part of you i have to say that is an arctic wind fronted by really what is a cold for a temp is are going to drop quite considerably there is snow on this front it's goes through central europe and down to the higher ground further south there's a strong wind blowing down the north sea taking snow showers with it frequently and that's going to last for a couple of days now it does not expect affect the far south of france or indeed spain and portugal but everyone else almost certainly geneva for example gets snow
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showers on tuesday lasting into wednesday then things quieten down force. so it's not interminable but this is wednesday's pictures 2 countries no shows even proper snow running through germany is dying a little bit in the balkans and then it's only the cold is reaching further south just into the north of greece sarajevo's picture actually is quite a cold but right up until friday when slowly the sunshine warms things up and we have anyway the moment a waving area of rain she's going to run from across the bosphorus quite a strong southerly wind through the jihad which last after say at least for 24 hours. frank assessments the welders on a brink of a catastrophic model failure is that a fair assessment you could be a catastrophic hialeah to twice valuable back saying informed opinions should we be
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buying bit coy ultimately it will be sovereigns and governments who are buying this that is the direction this is all headed in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines the inside story on our era. again you watch al-jazeera top stories this and a u.s. a police chief has testified against one of it's his former officers who's accused of murdering george floyd he told the jury in minneapolis that dirt shaven didn't follow department policy or training when he knelt on floyd's neck. high level
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talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal will begin in vienna in the coming hours representatives from the u.s. china germany russia the u.k. france and iran are attending however american and iranian officials are not planning to meet directly. jordan's roll call it says prince hamza bin hussein has signed a letter pledging his allegiance to the king the jordanian government had accused to form a crown prince of trying to destabilize the country. people in england will soon have access to a covert 19 test twice a week because the u.k. begins easing restrictions next week prime minister boris johnson says about all pubs gyms and retail stores will reopen from monday the government is also looking at a possible vaccine possible system. and the net result of your efforts and of course with the of the vaccine rollout is that i can today confirm that from monday the
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12th of april we will move to step 2 of our road map reopening shops gyms zoos holiday campsites personal care services like hairdressers and of course big gardens and outdoor hospitality of all kinds and on monday the 12th i will be going to the pub myself and cautiously but irreversibly raising a pint of beer to my lips new zealand and australia have agreed to create a quarantine free travel bubble from april the 18th people will be able to travel freely between the countries but countries have been praised for quickly controlling outbreaks through strict measures but travel restrictions will be reimposed if new cases a found this is an important 1st step a strategy and new zealand have led the why when it comes to managing touted we have ensured that by their countries have been despite dealing with the virus have
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not suffered the same types of virus impacts that we've seen in so many other countries around the world and the fact that we now can combine again will mean jobs it will mean people reunited it will mean many opportunities as does normal relations restored between australia and new zealand let's hear now from wayne hay who has more from a toad in new zealand. since march last year new zealand's borders have been closed almost everyone apart from new zealanders wanting to return home and while the government's response to the pandemic has been widely praised the border closure has had a big economic impact on this country particularly when it comes to the international tourism sector which before the pandemic was new zealand's largest export owner in recent months those working in that industry have been increasingly critical of the government applying pressure on the government to get this travel deal done between australia and new zealand well in just under 2 weeks quarantine free travel will be
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possible between the 2 countries that are if you know how it is that. it was trail yet do you think. it. would be safe. for us is confident not only the strength of it's also in our own ability to manage this river and. for quite easily it has recently undergone outbreak. this flu. really is the residual risk if you will new zealand's prime minister says this is something of a world 1st arrangement with 2 countries continuing to pursue elimination strategies while opening up their borders to one another not everyone will be comfortable about this arrangement though there will be plenty of people in australia and new zealand who feel that this is still too risky that it threatens to undermine all the hard work that's been done by new zealanders and australians
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over the past year or so remembering that a vaccination will not be a prerequisite to taking part in this new travel arrangement but both governments believe they have robust systems in place now that if outbreaks occur in the future which they probably will that they have adequate systems in place to quickly get on top of those outbreaks and shut them down which. what we've seen happen in recent months the philippines has extended its lockdown by another week following a spike in infections the capital in nearby provinces have been placed under the highest level restrictions reports now from manila where a vaccination drive is giving hope to overworked health work. doctor greece but delia is the medical director of wind of the leading public hospitals in manila she says health workers across the country have been overwhelmed by the pandemic but today at least there are some signs of progress it's the 2nd day of public
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inoculations against 19 and she says this is what gives those working on the front line some hope this vaccination is the solution for this disease so there's no other way to fight. but. that is the solution. at this hospital at least 1300 medical workers are receiving their 2nd dose of vaccine people here tell us they have to line up for hours but it's something that they don't mind they say because in a country with more than a $100000000.00 people they tell us they feel grateful to be inoculated now the government is facing delays in its national inoculation drive due to limited supplies and its own initial restrictive policies towards vaccine imports but it now promises to inoculate around $70000000.00 filipinos by the end of this year.
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for the country's health community this cannot come soon enough the philippines is spacing a steep rise in corona virus cases hospital's intensive care and isolation bed facilities have reached critical levels will by you know your workers we are already preparing to mend the shortage of medical workers in manila by sending some from nearby provinces this is something that we expect in a matter of these forcing the government to reimpose tighter restrictions it had already implemented one of the strongest and strictest lockdowns in the world last year and many year have grown weary of what they see as the government's top stands in fighting the pandemic but for nurse assistant of laurie bullen getting her 2nd doze means she's able to worry less about infecting her own family. but it feels like liberation day so now i can refocus and taking care of my
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patients i am happy a glimmer of hope she says in what otherwise appears a very desolate situation jim duggan al-jazeera manila. north korea says it will not participate in the tokyo lympics becoming the 1st country to officially withdraw from the event in july john yang says it wants to protect its athletes from covert 1000 infections but puts an end to hopes in south korea that the games could reinvigorate diplomatic towards north korea's participation in the 2018 winter olympics in south korea was used as a chance to broker talks with the united states. israel's president is set to announce his pick for a candidate to form a new government he's been holding consultations with political parties after an inconclusive election the prime minister benjamin netanyahu said likud party appears to have the most support among potential coalition partners but the president said he would take ethical considerations into account now you know who
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is currently fighting corruption charges. well hearings in the trial resumed on monday and now he's accusing the prosecutors of attempting a coup he denies charges of bribery breach of trust and fraud supporters and opponents of the prime minister held rival rallies outside the court. the palestinian election board has officially approved $36.00 candidates to run a maze parliamentary elections it is the 1st such poll in 15 years the vote is said to be part of an effort by the 2 leading groups fatah and hamas to boost international support for palestinian governance it room. iraq heard number of palestinians are running in parliamentary elections scheduled for may some say it shows how eager people are for elections and all those argue it highlights a deep divide in palestinian politics members of fatah the ruling party in the occupied west bank are running on 3 different lists the official one and another
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backed by the ousted the strong man on the 3rd is a joint list how did by former freshly didn't also called with him back by marwan but of a popular fact that he did serving multiple life sentences in prison in israel nurul it is a member of the list and says it took courage to challenge the status quo we cannot continue to be part of a system that is failing itself and the people at the same time and now with the elections. on the horizon this is the right avenue for positive change how mass the party ruling the gaza strip has registered its list of the left parties and activists are running on more than their teeth different lists this legislative council has been dysfunctional so it's fair to have a split in 2007 now in february they both agreed to hold elections but some past
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indians are concerned that the agreement is more about sharing the electoral pike that it is about reviving democracy active from 1906 until 2007 the parliament passed fewer than 100 pieces of legislation since then president mahmoud abbas. it should more than 300 laws by decree he concentrated the power of law making and executive branch in his own hand in law making process during the absence of the parliament was. not clear this tight grip on power has limited political activism. now he thinks the elections are a chance to change that he's part of a youth group called jed encouraging palestinians to run not in the actual elections but virtual ones young palestinians have been disenfranchised from their power from their political system for the last 15 years if not more and now when
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elections were announced laws and the system was put into place to exclude them again and so they're frustrated it's still not certain the elections will take place israel has said it want to allow them to be held in jerusalem and the palestinian authority says there can be no one actions without jerusalem now that he manages eda the occupied west bank now warming waters a foreseen marine species away from the equator new data shows there are 1500 fewer species in tropical ations compared to 60 years ago the being driven towards the poles in search of kuta seas climate scientists say the migration is it separating the pace of future losses will depend on the level of greenhouse gas emissions that is something that's concerning because the time period that they're looking at is actually not that long and if you're looking at geological history we're. biodiversity patterns very very species evolution is taking place and biodiversity
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changes are taking place so in a geological history this is a limb so it's just a wink of an eye. to see such rapid changes or such changes over occurring so rapidly is something that's astonishing i would say. this is al jazeera these are the top stories in the u.s. police chief has testified against one of his former offices is accused of murdering george floyd it's all the jury in minneapolis that show even didn't follow department policy or training when he knelt on floyd's neck. it is my firm belief that the one singular incident we will be judged forever on will be our use of force and so while it is absolutely imperative their officers go home at the end of their show.


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