tv News Al Jazeera April 6, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm +03
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april on al-jazeera. be the hero the world needs. washed. sudan excuses ethiopia out of international law after days of negotiations about a major down and without progress. you're watching al-jazeera life from the headquarters in doha i'm tearing up again also coming up an attempt to revive the iran nuclear deal the main signatories meets but the u.s. and iran won't hold direct talks. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is
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told to form a new government after the for the election in 2 years deepens its political stalemate. north korea is the 1st country to drop out of the tokyo olympic games citing coronavirus concern us. thanks for joining us tensions are deepening over ethiopia's mega down with sudan accusing it of breaking international law that's after 2 days of talks between if you o.p.'s to dine in egypt failed to reach an agreement if you know he has both the renaissance down to produce electricity but its neighbors fear it will impact there are a water supply have a morgan is joining us from hearts what reasons are being given for the breakdown of talks about. well daryn the whole focus of this round of negotiations in kinshasa was to try to come up with a roadmap for negotiations to continue especially before the 2nd filling which is
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european announced will be happening in july and we just had to store 13500000000 cubic meters that's 3 times more than the amount of water that was stored in the ground here in renaissance them during the 1st filling last year which last had had impacted its water stations and some of the farms along the nile and affected what a supply to at least $5000000.00 people around the country so the whole purpose of this round of talks which was set initially to end on monday but which extended up to tuesday morning was to try to come up with a roadmap with sudan and egypt on one side wanting the mediation to expand to include the united states the united nations and the ruffian union who are right now holding the role observateur of observers rather than mediators the mediators the african union which is currently. chaired by congo so this is something that they have always wanted for the past few months now if you appeal once this whole round of talks the whole negotiation over the ground if you're innocence them to be
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led by the african union alone so this was the major sticking point between the 3 sides if you are also said that sudan and and egypt came up with points that were not part of the agenda such as postponing the filling of the ground if you're finance them until a deal is reached that something that the minister said the sudanese minister of irrigation told al jazeera just a few days before the talks that is very crucial because they need a deal to be in place a legally binding agreement which won't comply with so that 20000000 people of its population that's nearly half of the sudanese population are not affected by the 2nd failing now with no deal reached the sudan says this is a violation any move forward by if you're paid to fill the dam is a violation of international law which stipulates that downstream countries should be in agreement of how the dam should be filled and operated now it's not. clear how the 3 sides will go on forward sudan's foreign minister said that they do want to continue negotiations where they all come together in whether it's virtual
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because of the pandemic or whether it's in person like what's happened over the past 3 days without reaching a deal without reaching some kind of roadmap on how to negotiate on sticking issues especially issues like how the dam will be filled how it will be operated during drought season which is the concern for both sudan and egypt so lots of issues that were supposed to be ironed out in this few days of talks that were not ironed out that were not agreed upon by the 3 sides which is why the talks right now and it without any breakthrough between the 3 countries ok thank you for wrapping that up for us from the heart to let's talk about this with mike who is the president of the world association of sustainable development is joining us from london thanks for speaking to us on al-jazeera so even going into these talks egypt had said that this may be the last chance before that dam is filled for a 2nd year now that the talks have broken down what happens next. i think what would have been mixed this week is kind of it the conflict we continue to discuss
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it and i think there will have to be a vision of a more high level because egypt answered on that neighbors our. african neighbors but that the same time this issue has been going go quite a long time and if you will be i need to do it speak of being a father eudes egypt need to calm down the citric down and sudan need to raise up their body to gamble here i think the city of them they have these actions to do a soon as possible so when you look in obs it can find egypt to slow down and calm down so that has to david what if you can stand with us leave that we'll have a city limited belief here so when you say intervention has to happen from outside or elsewhere who who would that be and who will put pressure on these countries. i mean number one will come good vision on this country is the united states of
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america this is obviously the big player of the year but i have suggested in the boston continues which i have not been involved in this negotiation such as jeremy such as canada and also because the canadian and the germans do a lot to kristin going to be close to that indy bindon they hope they all have interest john also have not been totally the political domina look china is the biggest stick holding these down so i would expect these to be countries or these folk and greece blows the european union it could have an impact on putting bridgette on the city countries but desirably united out of the minutes i don't sing they can do much here african union differently come not solve this problem. so even before these talks took place in the latest round of talks in kinshasa was there any indication to you that the outstanding issues could be resolved.
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that was standing issues could be resolved and i and interestingly could beauty's off quickly if we can have a transparent technical evaluation of the best of the key points we need technical experience to have a look at the actual end date that which is only hold by use u.b.s. then the other issues can be resolved such as the colonial agreement that moment of what they have agreed in the house these out much easier issues to be dealing to be built with but unless we have to complete them follow it up in full everyone but if you're only in the bin and we can get to the bottom of this problem if we up in these technical files we've got them give assurance to the sudanese saw if these down is going to be beneficial not actually destructive we've got to give assurance do they give she and they're not going to lose too much of what they're i'm going to be want to get me critic and i sure it's you will be up it's here you achieve investment is not going no one is really keen on destroying these dumb i don't
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think this is i want to sube you should want to know about someone we know he's been ordered to be of some build but the only way for war is to look there's a technique i'm fine use which gun make sure one has to everyone ok thank you so much on the ahmad for speaking to us from london iran says negotiations to revive the 2050 nuclear deal are on the right path all the major players are in vienna for talks at american and iranian officials are not planning to meet directly there biden administration is pushing to revive the deal which collapsed after the former president donald trump withdrew u.s. supports our diplomatic editor james bays has this update from the united nations. the problem we've had since the beginning of the year since the inaugurations it's generally the 20th is both sides have been unwilling to move 1st to give up something in return for talks so it's the europeans who i think now have been after
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some extensive diplomacy in recent weeks i've come up with a somewhat creative solution which is what is known as proximity talks so you have a meeting taking place with iran with the p 4 plus $14.00 members of the u.n. security council and germany and iran they're all in the same hotel in the center of vienna for their talks today a 5 star hotel called the grand hotel and the u.s. that just opposite on the other side of the road in another 5 star hotel called the imperial hotel and we understand what's going to happen is the e.u. representative is going to keep crossing the street and passing ideas from one side to the other i think we're going to get around the problem of who moves 1st by coming up with a pretty comprehensive list on both sides of what needs to be done in terms of the sanctions that the u.s. need to lift and in terms of the steps that iran needs to take to come back to compliance and the idea will be rather than one side moving 1st they agree to move
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in lockstep at the same time but it is complicated and there are all sorts of potential pitfalls israel's president has asked prime minister benjamin netanyahu to try to form a new government even though he believes no candidate has a real chance of finalizing a coalition proven revelent has been holding consultations with political parties after their 4th inconclusive election in 2 years he said netanyahu party was in a slightly better position and he didn't have the power to rule out netanyahu while he's fighting corruption charges. they might say that given the state of things with there is no majority supporting a specific candide it and in the absence of other considerations indicating the chances of any of the candidates forming a government i've come to my decision according to the map of recommendations which indicates benjamin netanyahu has a slightly higher chance of forming a government accordingly i've decided to entrust him with the task of forming a government this is not an easy decision for me morally and ethically right korea
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has become the 1st country to withdraw from the tokyo olympics the country's sports ministry says it wants to protect its athletes from coronavirus infections it will be the 1st time north korea misses the summer olympics since 1988 when it boycotted soldier in the cold war the event is due to begin on july 23rd. following the story from tokyo he says the announcement by north korea took many by surprise. it was an instant the breaking news to most of the local media outlets i forgot the action 'd on the public given the uncertainty surprising to many but some of the people i spoke to it wasn't talking to them at all the latest their bodies under the new improved so the form of 70 percent of the japanese people there with the counseling that would make for a month one gets so i think the fear of the pandemic taking thousands just from pulled over to the world or for $150000.00 staff and then again from all the
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countries around the world will be visiting tokyo on many of many fear fearing that this is probably. increasing the number of infections so some people understood. this move by most but yeah although it's not the been done to me that's not a bit of an income people jump on but some people being productive and in a genuine decision. more than even behind the scenes. on the band to make spending enough money has put the government never in the action when this news has been. sending some biting and choking for the company's government and now the concern is even increasing more than other countries could follow suit and maybe steve joining big fighting also the pandemic makes the actions here and something. still ahead on al-jazeera proportionate use of force
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or murder will be live in minneapolis where more police officers are due to testify in the trial for the death of george floyd and. it's time for the perfect gentleman who went sponsored point qatar airways well the action for the development spring rain has gone back to china now we've got a finger that's doing this with the east was becoming rather more active and then heading south towards hong kong most of northern china the korean peninsula most of pam's looking find wreckage of the wall is quite still the creeping areas a cloud heading towards beijing where the air is quite still increasingly not very good quality still so winter right just north of sapporo and it may well come size not convinced i'm just intrigued by it further south where we've had the damaging
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amount of rain in the eastern side into these you see the forecast still develops in timor in east timor in fact this general area east indonesia showers by day but they are not major the just maybe in the wrong place the worst of it's gone south it was a tropical site are developing we can say goodbye to a big shasta around northern borneo peninsular malaysia and up through thailand not quite the same extent as they were there all the same and so quite active weather is still going down through the the what is the foothills of the himalaya really down towards nepal they are dying out the shuttle is certainly indicated change in the type of weather we've got the north and indian plane it's windy in delhi which ought to be good. sponsible qatar airways. welcome to doha from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the scenes. so you can relax and enjoy the perfect break in your journey.
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and when you leave with a smile we know la day's work is done qatar airways welcome to our home. hello again the top stories on al-jazeera tensions are deepening over if europe is mega down with sudan accusing it of breaking international law that's after 2 days of talks between ethiopia sudan and egypt failed to reach an agreement iran says it's on track to revive the 2015 nuclear deal as high level talks begin in vienna
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signatories to the deal as well as the u.s. are attending our ever american and iranian officials are not planning to meet directly israel's president reagan rivlin says no candidate has a real transfer forming a government though he's asked prime minister benjamin netanyahu to try rivlin has been holding consultations with political parties after an inconclusive election. so the trial of for the murder of george floyd is set to resume in just a few moments where police officers are set to take the stand on tuesday and that's a day after the minneapolis police chief testified that the officer accused of murdering george floyd broke rules on respecting what he called the sanctity of life he said derek jovan acted in a way that was against police training by kneeling on floyd's neck for more than 9 minutes allen fisher is live in minneapolis it's day 7 allen and we're expecting
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the prosecution to call more witnesses tell us what we should look out for. well we saw what the prosecution plan to do over the next couple of days with the the building blocks that the lead on monday 1st of all of course we had from the doctor who talked about shooting george floyd how he walked on the body for 30 minutes and then couldn't revive him when asked what he thought the cause of death was he thought it was a succession essentially buying into the prosecution argument that because did it show been stalked george floyd from everything by putting his knee on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds that provoked the heart attack which killed george floyd don't remember that under cross-examination he said that other things may have contributed to that including drug use and that is going to be something that the defense is going to explore and then we had from the police chief because of course the defense intend to argue. with the within the guidelines that all times what
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they are going to see is that well we have heard from the police chief who administers these guidelines who helped write up some of these guidelines who even employs these guidelines himself that means that derrick shawn was acting outside the boundaries of what is expected of a police officer and certainly the testimony from the police chief was pretty devastating for the defense although there is a good defense team and they managed to ask some pointed questions which of course may just play with enough doubt in the minds of the jurors and then reminded again that the prosecution have got to prove their case all the defense need to do is just introduce that element of doubt because of course conviction is beyond all reasonable doubt the court has been taken up this morning with legal arguments is all revolves around a gentleman by the name of maurice hall he was with george floyd on the day of the incident the defense want to call him as
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a witness morris hall and his attorney are reluctant to give evidence because any answers he may give me expose him. to future criminal charges he will plead what is known in the united states as the 5th that's the 5th amendment of the constitution which means you don't have to give evidence against yourself you don't have to write any information you don't have to answer any questions and so the judge will rule on that when he gets a much more defined ruling from the defense of exactly they want to ask maurice hold but certainly the template has been set by the doctor and also the police chief for what we can expect over the next couple of days and just worth reminding our viewers what charges facing in this case. of course he's facing 3rd degree and 2nd degree murder as well as manslaughter which means it's almost as if the prosecution can prove 2nd degree murder then the jury can go with some degree murder and manslaughter and there are various levels
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of proof for each of those that did he act recklessly did he do something that provoked the heart attack that killed the george floyd and so those 3 charges are something that the judy will consider in due course when they're directed by the judge at the end of this speaking to members of the family over the weekend is out you know has been expecting this trial to last somewhere in the region of 6 weeks and here we are just at the beginning of week 2 so there's still a lot of growing to cover the prosecution of got to make their case and then of course the defense get to introduce their story their side of the events of the night that george floyd was killed. ok alan i will cross back to you later thank you for the time being. germany and france have offered their support to the u.s. treasury secretary who is calling for a global minimum corporate tax rates the bite in administration's taken
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a different stance on taxes from his predecessor and if proposing an increase to help pay for infrastructure but the move is facing opposition in congress patty culhane reports from washington d.c. america has a well known infrastructure problem failing bridges potholed roads and is far behind much of the world in high speed rail the by administration wants to spend 2 trillion dollars to fix that along with other programs for cleaner drinking water high speed internet and affordable housing a popular move but the hard part paying for it is a big part of president biden's proposal raising taxes on corporations but critics have been saying since he 1st mentioned it that will hurt the economy a lesson here caught him in age right now is a big whopping talking grease on all the productive 2nd. our economy biden is pushing back. for. the record our. record.
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i gave that. we have. wanted to. work great. for over. 3 years. according to one think tank just last year 55 of the nation's largest companies paid no federal income tax big names like nike and fed ex they can do that because of congressionally approved tax deductions for things like research and depreciation of assets this new proposal would try to undo one of the signature bills from the trump administration in 2016 the corporate tax rate in the u.s. was 35 percent but president donald trump's tax cut pushed that down to 21 percent now the biden ministration would like to raise it to 28 percent and his treasury secretary made clear she would like much of the world to follow suit we're working with g. 20 nations to agree to
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a global minimum corporate tax rate they can stop the race to the bottom of. a tough sell at home and abroad but one the president will need to win if he wants to keep the promises he made in his campaign to build back better pedicle he al-jazeera washington. new zealand and australia have agreeing to create a core and teen free travel bubble from april 18 people will be able to travel freely between the 2 countries both have been praised for quickly controlling outbreaks through strict measures but travel restrictions will be reimposed if new cases are found. this is an important 1st step a straggly and new zealand have led the way when it comes to managing childhood we have ensured that both their countries have been despite dealing with the virus have not suffered the same types of virus impacts that we've seen in so many other
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countries around the world and the fact that we now can combine again will mean jobs it will mean people reunited it will mean many opportunities as those normal relations are restored between australia and new zealand flame he has more from new zealand. since march last year new zealand's borders have been closed almost everyone apart from new zealand is wanting to return home and while the government's response to the pandemic has been widely praised the border closure has had a big economic impact on this country particularly when it comes to the international tourism sector which before the pandemic was new zealand the largest export earn up in recent months those working in that industry have been increasingly critical of the government applying pressure on the government to get this travel deal done between australia and new zealand well in just under 2 weeks quarantine free travel will be possible between the 2 countries that are if you know health is the risk of
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transmission code night for israel yet do you see the road in it for a free trip would be safe. care he said if ice is confident not only the strength of the strain also in our own ability to manage its frivolously and. folkways lee has recently undergone an outbreak although this flu. really is the residual risk a few new zealand's prime minister says this is something of a world 1st arrangement with 2 countries continuing to pursue elimination strategies while opening up their borders to one another not everyone will be comfortable about this arrangement though there will be plenty of people in australia and new zealand who feel that this is still too risky that it threatens to undermine all the hard work that's been done by new zealanders and australians over the past year or so remembering that a vaccination will not be
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a prerequisite to taking part in this new travel arrangement but both governments believe they have robust systems in place now that if outbreaks occur in the future which they probably will that they have adequate systems in place to quickly get on top of those outbreaks and shut them down which is what we've seen happen in recent months britain's prime minister is defending the use of the oxford astra zeneca vaccine despite fears that it could cause blood clots for as johnson says health authorities who have approved its use need to be trusted he was touring the astra zeneca manufacturing facility in machall shields some even nations have temporarily stopped its use of the european medicines agency is investigating the issue. the best thing people should do is look at what the h.r.a. say are independent regulator that's that's why we have them that's why that they're independent and their advice to people is to give the keep going out i get
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you get your job get your 2nd job very very important i think we've not done. 31 in the half 1000000 people in the u.k. for with the 1st job at least. 5000000000 for the 2nd job we need to keep that going 60 percent about outs of not being done and clearly that is starting to have a beneficial effect on the on the trajectory of the disease truck drivers entering britain from mainland europe will need to take over test within 2 days the government says drivers will be tested at sites around britain up to $3000.00 trucks arrive each day in the main ferry of dover alone the moves to contain coronavirus variants france made a similar move in december pakistan is reporting a record 103 covert deaths in the past 24 hours infections have risen sharply with more than 19000 cases in april alone and in an effort to contain the spread of the
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virus the government has expanded be partial lockdown in high risk areas and prime minister imran khan is also warning of nationwide restrictions frontline health care workers and senior citizens are being vaccinated currently come out there has more from islamabad. toward more dangerous corona wired in the month of april alone 90. 3 d. for over 100 people have been. hired. the national come on an offer to. remain closed until the end of ramadan. we go back to on the 9th of april really mean. however.
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may. be worn. trick restriction it is very important in order to the planning minister i had. a 1000000 people have received the. biologics rag which i've been given by china but they're all out of the vaccine program in. august on a population of over 200000000 and really need a number. in order to. write. a team of doctors demanding to meet jailed russian opposition leader like senegal he has been detained of all these personal physician who is among those arrested outside the prison where novotny is being held the doctors say he's showing symptoms of respiratory illness involved he has been on
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a hunger strike since wednesday demanding better medical care he was jailed in february and sentenced to 2 and a half years imprisonment for parole violation. we need to get him to the hospital in the specialized hospital he has a fever and a cough we need to do a scan of his lungs because god forbid a coronavirus infection could happen in the prison this is quite possible. the russian president vladimir putin has signed a new law which could keep him in power until 2036 the reset of his presidential term allows him to run 2 more times could turn has already been in power for more than 2 decades. fede death toll from days of fighting in sudan's west star for region has now risen to 50 another 150 people have been injured in battles between members of the arab the saw and the tribes began one unknown armed men killed 2 people from the muscle and that's almost.
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