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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2021 8:00am-8:31am +03

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with no host and no limitations empire is the reason that we live in a multicultural society part 2 of pfizer's shaheen and adam rather fit studio b. unscripted on al-jazeera. promising signals from iran of the us after the 1st day of talks to try and salvage the 2053 d. . can validate this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up another grim milestone brazil's highest daily death toll since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. the use of force by a policeman accused of killing george forward comes under scrutiny at his trial in
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the u.s. . the subject was under control. handcuffed with dispy doctrine i would say no. and sudan accuses ethiopia of violating international law the days of negotiations about a major dam and that without progress. iran and the u.s. say they're making constructive progress and the latest efforts to revive the 2050 nuclear deal after the 1st day of talks in austria to work in groups have been set up to focus on getting each side back into compliance and diplomats from the remaining signatories have agreed to meet again on friday but a man has more. a constructive and welcome step was how the u.s. described the 1st day of indirect talks with iran officials from 5 world powers
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russia china germany france and britain met with iran at austria's grand vienna hotel european officials have been shuttling between there and the imperial hotel across the road where u.s. officials are saying they're attempting to bring the u.s. back to the 2015 nuclear deal they'd signed with iran we do see this as a constructive and certainly welcome step and in the end we hope that we are able to leave vienna returned the united states are negotiating team i should say with a better understanding of a road map for how we get to that in state mutual compliance donald trump described the 2015 agreement as the worst deal in history and pulled out in 2018 trumpet then reimpose un sanctions with additional u.s. sanctions on tehran. in february by the rescinded un sanctions but he hasn't
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gone as far as lifting u.s. sanctions saying that will only happen once iran is compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal since then iran has been reducing commitments to the terms of the deal and was reported to have reached 12 times the level permitted of enriched uranium stockpile but iran now also agrees the negotiations are on the right path in was out on more of a get are now serving we find this position realistic and promising it could be the start of correcting the bad process that has taken diplomacy to a dating we welcome these comments. not known after tuesday's vienna meeting had concluded there were reports that no rain in ship was damaged by mine in the red sea state media says the bessel was supporting a rain commander sent to a school commercial ships it's hard to consider it as a coincidence maybe it is but you know the good news is that the entire world supports a return to the nuclear deal by the u.s.
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and iran with a couple of notable exceptions and i think the israelis the saudis and the iranians and congressional republicans are the parties who are vast minority well who do not want to deal and are going to do everything possible to try to upset this process for now it seems clear that the administration's a both and washington are keen to try to get a rocky relationship back on track nor about money al jazeera. a roadside bomb has killed at least 2 people in afghanistan the explosion happened early on wednesday in the city of jalalabad 18 people were injured it has been no claim of responsibility. brazil has recorded more than 4000 coronavirus deaths in a single day only the u.s. and peru have reached that threshold daily 337000 people have died since the start
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of the pandemic some cemeteries have been holding not time variables to deal with the growing numbers of hospitals overwhelmed hundreds of the dying as they wait for treatment to heal ponce is an epidemiologist who specializes in mortality datta he says brazil's health care system is on the verge of collapse. we have been struggling with controlling mobility in brazil people are still going to work people are still moving around and we have had a sequence of holidays where usually brazilians gather around with their families the latest of which was easter sunday we have also been seeing a very large number of infection for the past weeks and what we're seeing with the high number of deaths is a reflection of the infractions that happened 23 weeks ago we are seeing an increase well the factions have reached a plateau it seems but the deaths haven't started climbing so it seems like we are
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still in for about 2 more weeks of increasing deaths we are seeing a higher number of people being infected and being sent to hospitals it does seem that we have people who are more susceptible to this new variant and that could explain the number of people that are being. that are suffering from the virus now it could also mean that the sense of self the bowl population to the wild time coronavirus has actually perished in the 1st waves or. in the infections that we had before the present time but we are seeing of course cases that need more specialized hospital units so we need people who. or intubation and this affects a younger population as we're seeing now kitty is desponding upcoming elections by a month because of the pandemic president sebastian pinera has signed
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a decree delaying this weekend's vote to make 15th the country is experiencing a spike in code that 19 cases closed its borders on monday to try to control the outbreak. the u.s. president says anyone over 18 will be able to be vaccinated from the middle of april but joe biden is warning that covert 19 infections are still increasing with new a variance spreading quickly half of those new cases are from just a handful of states the virus is spreading because we have too many people who see the end in state secrets the finish line already let me be deadly earnest with you we aren't at the finish line we still have a lot of work to do we're still in a life and death race against this virus until we get more people vaccinated we need everyone to wash their hands socially distance and mask up in
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a recommended mask from the c.d.c. meanwhile the white house has rolled out opposing any form of coronavirus vaccine passports in the u.s. however private businesses are still free to explore the idea mike hanna is a washington d.c. and says vaccine passports have been a divisive issue. as more people get vaccinated the new political flashpoint is a merging and that is the issue of vaccination passports digital records of vaccination now many predominantly republicans insist this as an invasion of privacy and a number of states including texas and florida there the governors have already outlawed the use of vaccines that if it gets or vaccine passports but in a democratic controlled state like new york there the vaccine passport is actually already in development the administrators see it as a way to open up the state more quickly to allow people into sports games into
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businesses even into schools perhaps who can provide proof of vaccination so there's a massive divide within the u.s. on that particular issue one that the white house is not interested in joining it has announced a very clearly there will be no federal controlled a vaccine certification the government will not be providing any form of digital passport it is going to leave those to private industry to technology companies to come up to be able to institute some sort of vaccine that certification on a nationwide basis but the government will have nothing to do with it. washington says it's looking to create legal ways for central american migrants to reach the united states president joe biden is working to reshape u.s. border policy amid a sharp rise in crossings by un documented migrants authorities caught more than $170000.00 in march alone in special envoy is meeting leaders in the region.
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the type of restraint used by a police officer charged with killing george floyd has come under scrutiny in the u.s. course the 7th day of the trial in minneapolis focused on derek show of ins use of force and how officers should deescalate crisis situations ellen fisher was there and said this report. i cite the court activist the reverend al sharpton led the floyd family in prayer we are now shadows of courthouse praying for justice inside crucial evidence from a police use of force instructor a man who's taught hundreds of police officers including derek should have an issue the way george floyd was pinned to the ground in may last year not to recognize police technique said live tenant johnny mercer something that could cause trouble breathing in the neck would be something that does happen if you support citizen
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arrest and under what circumstances with. how long can you do that i don't know there is a time frame when depend on the circumstance of the time which would include what the terrorists are getting on the subject here but in here and so if there was say for example the subject was under control and handcuffed with this be authorized i would say no the defense argued in cross-examination that officers had to consider the possibility that even when it appeared to george floyd was unconscious there was still a threat earlier the court had from care yang a crisis training coordinator and he acknowledged that some police techniques were necessary but the policy was clear the policy requires when it's safe and feasible . and he insisted force should only be used when necessary the defense is trying to suggest that derek shoving did what was necessary to
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protect himself and his colleagues and the growing crowd complicated decisions on the ground the prosecution accepts the use of force is a necessary part of the job but they are trying to prove the derrick chauvin went too far and that caused the death of george for alan fischer al jazeera at the show in modern trial in minneapolis. still ahead on al-jazeera predicting the post democrat coverage is national monetary fund boost to its growth forecast but the developing world remains vulnerable false. homeless and needing help the full extent to flooding devastation it into mishit becomes clear as rescue is reach remote areas. there has been a seasonal north westerly wind blowing down the girl from kuwait down to was dar
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that's was the u.a.e. for a couple of days it becoming lighter on wednesday will be much much lighter and there are no more significant winds in the immediate future to something developing northern saudi and that's lighted to pick up the dust but not through iraq kuwait into west inside iran and at the same time you have got another bit of fairly wintry weather swinging into western turkey which will pick up the winds will come off the northern coast of egypt eventually thing and blow down through the red sea but i'm picking it details here because you can see this is fairly typical there's not much going otherwise wind is the thing to watch sometimes with the dust in it a few shot in iranian mountains the seasonal rains are still a long way south of the middle of africa which means at least most countries in southern africa free of anything other than sunshine now there is a development of thunderstorms running through central south africa during wednesday but even that's not like be a big thing by the time you get to thursday as i said the seasonal rains are further north which is where you might expect to be running through tanzania rwanda
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for example and back towards gotbaum and stretching down as far as far south as angola dady these develop into big thunderstorms by night they usually disappear. in a good fight. when a boneless struck many die and many wrist to end the epidemic. this is their story through the lens of local filmmakers we saw people making sacrifices moving off of mission this is what i want to see survivors a witness documentary on al-jazeera. oh. oh.
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you're watching algis there her reminder of our top stories this hour iran and the u.s. say they're making constructive progress the latest efforts to revive the 2050 nuclear deal new working groups will focus on getting into slide back into compliance. the type of restraint used by the police officer charged with killing george floyd has come under scrutiny the u.s. court the 7th day of the trial focused on derek's over the use of force how officers should deescalate crisis situations. brazil has recorded more than 4000 brought a virus deaths of a single day only the u.s. and britain have reach that threshold previously infections a surgical cross the country with health systems on the verge of collapse. as the pandemic worsens the rate of poverty in brazil is soaring the government has
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approved an emergency aid package worth almost $8000000000.00 but analysts say that doesn't go far enough as reports from rio de janeiro. since the pandemic began vision get afridi has been receiving a monthly $50.00 subsidy but not from the federal government nor in brazilian hands the seaside town of mighty county where she works lives off oil royalties and has decided to spend the money on social plans it created its own virtual currency the mumbai to help the poor and the local economy. will will go away since we can only use mum because in al town the local commerce is still thriving and we were able to keep all doors open when so many in other parts of the country have closed their heads. 43000 brazilians living in muddy county have been able to make
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ends meet thanks to their muka cards but in the rest of brazil millions have been left with nothing after the government suspended financial emergency aid last january just discovered 1000 infections began spiralling out of control in half a year the number of brazilians living in poverty has tripled from 9 and a half 1000000 last august to more than 27000000 in february analysts say the situation now is much worse martin is one of the deputies months in the pandemic forcing will walk down. the government decided to resume the emergency aid this month but since money is scarce the handouts will be smaller than last year and nav ridge of $44.00 per month until the end of july. the government promised handouts to 44000000 brazilians which is much less than the 68000000 who benefited from the 1st emergency aid package. canela tells us he is counting the days to
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receive the promised help he lost his job and home everything he owns is in the supermarket cart water since last year more than 700000 companies have gone bankrupt this is dramatic 14000000 jobs were lost in a year and a half on wednesday the government will move ahead with privatization efforts by auctioning licenses to operate 22 airports but economists say brazil will only be able to attract major investments if it proves it can control the pandemic so far president datable so narrow has downplayed the virus which has killed more than 330000 people the 2nd largest death toll in the world meineke an i.q. of al-jazeera rio de janeiro. state elections are underway in india amid awarding surging coronavirus cases the balls are seen as crucial for prime minister narendra
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modi's b j p party to gain a foothold in east and south india where regional parties dominate elizabeth bronner reports from new delhi. despite india recording its highest number of corona virus cases since the pandemic began tens of millions of people turned out to cast their ballots on tuesday. polling is being held over 8 days in west bengal 3 days an hour but only on tuesday in catalan and put a cherry. the election is the 1st an hour since the b j p government carried out a controversial register of citizens a campaign it said was meant to check illegal immigration from neighboring. nearly 2000000 of the state's 35000000 population were left off the list including hakim with an he cast his vote anyway as he waits to appeal against his exclusion. i have voted today and for this reason i am very happy because i am a citizen of india after they get the votes and form the government they hurt us if
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they keep us out it will hurt us. in are some of the b j p has avoided talking about its register of citizens and an equally unpopular law but haas track citizenship to minorities from neighboring countries but excludes muslims it's focused instead on infrastructure projects and development but many voters are convinced it is going to there's unemployment everywhere the youth don't have any jobs and they roam around in the sleet so what will we do. all of the states holding on tuesday are outside the b j p's hindi speaking base in northern and central india that has never been in power and cattle are all india's 4th most populous state west bengal the campaign and voting there has been mobbed by violence between workers have to be j.p. and the villain trinamool congress led by month a banner g it's very very. big and when. they will be able to convey to people that that this has
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a very limited impact the government has handled very well. for joblessness unemployment all these things have been taken care by the government which is strong at the moment. over the past 7 years the b j p has swept to victory in 2 general elections but done poorly in states where regional parties a more powerful with these latest elections it's trying to change that elizabeth al-jazeera new delhi. the internet. national rescue committee is warning that countries in conflict is seeing a significant rise in covert 19 cases and deaths infections in yemen ethiopia and northeast syria increased by as much as 500 percent in march the organization says more contagious and lethal variants are to blame it's issued an urgent call for wealthier countries to donate excess vaccine. the international monetary fund is predicting a stronger than expected global recovery this year as vaccine rollouts gather pace
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in wealthier countries but economists are warning of tougher times ahead for the developing world capitals he reports from washington d.c. . the i.m.f. increased its projection for world economic growth in 2021 from 5.5 percent to 6 percent as a result it says of trillions of dollars of pandemic stimulus and that the international rollout of khirbet vaccines global g.d.p. had contracted 3.3 percent in 2020 over the past year the i.m.f. chief economist is warning that almost 95000000 people are fooling bellew the threshold of extreme poverty around the world due to the pandemic including within industrialized nations and developing countries remain vulnerable a similarly ambitious effort is now needed at the multilateral level to secure the recovery and build forward better without additional efforts to give all people a fair shot cross-country gaps in living standards could widen significantly and
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decade's long progress in global poverty reduction could reverse. but long time watchers of the i.m.f. and world bank argue that it is precisely the policies of the i.m.f. and world bank that foster that income inequality despite what in recent years has become the traditional rhetoric of concern used at the annual spring meeting we see the i.m.f. the research department putting out grade materials and recognizing problems like inequality and talking about an inclusive recovery and climate change and all these things that sound very good but at the country level if you look at the advice given in the programs it's all the same from you know decades ago and it's just a disconnect between the 2 parts at the i.m.f. the head of the meeting hundreds of civil society groups wrote to the i.m.f. and world bank decrying their insistence on stay. programs that cut education and health services in developing nations in return for movies as one is that
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performance on climate change which they say is inadequate in addition the figures for projected economic growth released on tuesday are a dependent on universal global access to a coded vaccine yet the i.m.f. has spoken out in favor of waiving international peyton's on those vaccines something the bible ministration is facing even though it was public money that paid for the research without that some economists argue that any stated policies about building forward better follow for the developing world she every time see al-jazeera washington. more than 100 people are still missing 3 days after flash floods ripped through parts of indonesia and east timor conditions have finally started to improve and rescue workers are now hoping to reach remote communities in need at least 153 deaths have been confirmed jessica washington reports from jakarta. on a community tries to come to terms with the devastation that hit their island as victims of cold from the mud people crowd around to see whether it's their loved
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ones that have been found many have been unable to contact family and friends and hundreds of houses that were destroyed everyone here has no choice but to start again. yeah from what it was a moment i could not save anything everything is gone i could only save myself the small island in east flores was among the worst affected in the weekend plus floods and landslides. we got hit by this disaster we lost everything all we have are the clothes we are wearing. extreme weather was brought on by a tropical cyclone as the storm system moves further away from the indonesian archipelago conditions are easing the thought is hope they will be able to bring in more help for the island i don't but i've been in that for the sake of it i mean what we need the most is heavy machinery we have been asking for it from day one but we know that some of the roads were cut off because of the disaster on the sea was rough so we weren't able to bring it in time. for some and aid has arrived
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and the local government set up a public kitchen to help feed the community but around the province people need more food water face masks and on the wrist sensual for now but for a lot together with the military i'm social ministry we are working and moving to show you that we are here and helping people. in neighboring east timor the capital dili experienced it's worth floods in decades rescue crews are desperately trying to reach those most in need in remote areas and informal settlements but conditions are challenging many. roads. bridges have also. been destroyed. of course most pretty much every day. and these actually miley
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and. hundreds of people across both countries are now facing a huge cleanup operation while still anxiously waiting for news of those who remain missing jessica washington al jazeera jakarta. about $270.00 people displaced by an attack in mozambique's northern town of poa have reached safety but many remain traumatized also women and children traveled hundreds of kilometers south of palma to a temporary shelter in pemba. more than $11000.00 people were forced to flee from that city and it was attacked by an armed group last month. these are people that are. exhausted they arrived by many means most of them arrived in a boat few days ago but some also arrived walking. the sentiment is transversal to everyone i've been speaking with. they are highly traumatized by
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what they have seen by what they have experienced seeing their families their friends being killed seeing their houses being completely destroyed. if you know if he is accusing egypt in sudan of obstructing talks over its contested mega dam on the blue nile after 3 days of meetings between the nations failed to reach an agreement ethiopia is building the grand renascence dam to produce tricity for its neighbors fear it will affect their water supply to morgan is in too small. sudan is thing that would if europe is trying to do is try to impose reality on the 3 countries especially sudan in egypt it says that the rounds of talks have produced no breakthrough they've been holding talks for 3 days that effectively what it was said to end on monday but resumed on tuesday morning as the 3 sides entered closed meetings to try to iron out their differences the main difference over this whole
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round of talks that was taking place in is that sudan and egypt want the mediation team to expand to include the united states the u.n. and the european union that is something if european has strongly rejected and said that the the mediator of the talks between the 3 sides should remain the african union alone because they say that they believe african solutions to african problems now the 3 sides have failed to reach a deal despite those few talks a few days of talks so it looks like they've tried as much as they can but now sudan is thing that what ethiope if your peers doing it's violating international laws it's trying to impose their reality on the ground without reaching a deal and they say that that's a violation not just international laws but the declaration of principles that was signed between the 3 countries in 2015 before the killing of the crime if you pronounce them women and children who were sleeping or among at least $100.00 civilians killed in fighting in northeast ethiopia since friday the violence is
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a flare up of a long running dispute have a contested land in the a far reach and the territory is claimed by both somali and tribes. italy's prime minister has become the latest european vader trying to boost ties with libya's new interim government body adachi is in tripoli for his 1st overseas visit since taking office underlined the importance of respecting a ceasefire. this is al jazeera and these are the top stories the rot of the usa they're making constructive progress in the latest efforts to revive the 2050 nuclear deal to new working groups will focus on getting each side back into compliance in was that all more what we got to go on ours or we find this position realistic and promising it could be the start of correcting the.


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