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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm +03

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dentity was at one time the fastest growing far right organization on the continent now watch the investigation that led to the french government banning the group. generation hate. to have a special 2 part investigation on a. regulator is in the u.k. warn against the use of the astra zeneca jab for anyone under age 30 there's agreement the benefits of the shot still outweigh the risks in the fight against corona it's. going on come all sorts of maria here in doha with the world news from al-jazeera it is day 8 of the shove and murder trial but the fence and prosecution police training and the use of force in the death of george floyd's also the relentless
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crackdown in me and my reports once again that security forces are killing protesters across the country. i'm on the scene human in south central chile in coming up i'll explain why indigenous lying grabs and little violence are escalating out of control in this region. hello everyone european health authorities are found a possible link between the astra zeneca vaccine and a rare blood clotting disorder regulators though insist the benefits of the shot far outweigh the risks says after a handful of people out of tens of millions have been given the job developed a life threatening from versus. the reports of cases of unusual blood clotting following vaccination with the astra zeneca vaccine should be listed
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as possible side effects of the vaccine based on the current available evidence specific risk factors such as age gender or previous medical history of charting disorders have not been able to be confirmed as the rarest and repents are seen in all ages and in men and women so while the european so all age groups can still use the vaccine the u.k. health regulators taking a different stance it's a lot of things will be offered an alternative to the astra zeneca back saying when it's available experts emphasized side effects were extremely rare and the people who have received the 1st dose should still get the 2nd 120000000 of them have been given out to the british public. no effective medicine or vaccine is without risk and with vaccines more complex than usual because the benefits can be to people other than the individual taking the vaccine well the clinical trials of
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vaccines allow us to assess relatively common effects very rare effects only detected when a vaccine is used at scale on a large enough number of people and that is why the u.k. has a careful monitoring systems in place and these monitoring systems are now detecting a potential side effect of the covert 900 x.t. astra zeneca in an extremely small number of people. in paris to take us through this extremely small we heard the extremely small number of very low risk this is the sort of mantra coming out of both the e.u. and the u.k. and yet you wonder what people will still think if they sit down and are offered an astra zeneca vaccine. yes and that's obviously one of the big challenges for governments both in the e.u. and the now what the european medical agency is saying is that look the benefits of
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a master's anika vaccine are way the risks and what they mean by that is the risks of covert 19 to most people far higher than the risks or than astra zeneca jab nevertheless they have found that there is a link between the astra zeneca jab and some very unusual forms of blood clots even though they are extremely rare and that point was made by both by the european medical agency and the u.k. a regulator nevertheless the european medical agency said that all health workers and the public should be aware of these risks even if they are very rare they should know that when they've had their job they should look out for any symptoms that could raise the alarm as in the weeks after they have their 1st or 2nd dose that these side effects should be listed as such for people going to get an ice pick a jab but the message is from the e.u.
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look it is in a way business as usual that this astra zeneca vaccine must continue to be used especially in the european union we're seeing many countries battling a 3rd wave new infection cases are rising and most e.u. governments of course and governments around the world are seeing vaccination as a way out of this pandemic and vaccination hasn't been a strong point in europe has it natasha been concerns and criticisms of how slow roll outs have been so you don't want to take away one of those arrows. absolutely and it's going to be very difficult for governments and the european union to try and unravel and undo so much of the negative publicity that has surrounded the astra zeneca vaccine over the past few weeks and months whether or not people feel it is legitimate they keep opening their newspapers looking at the television the radio and hearing again and again about the astra zeneca vaccine
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about doubts being cast so even though medical agencies like the year may or the regulator in the u.k. are saying the benefits outweigh the risk this is a safe vaccine there is no easy risk in any medicine anyway and the risks are so low with the astra zeneca jab that people will go ahead and have it you can understand people being hesitant here in france for example a just a few days ago several vaccine centers in the north of the country actually closed because they only had the astra zeneca on offer and people simply didn't want to take it so there is the kind of that's the kind of attitude or skepticism facing governments in the european union and in the u.k. we have the u.k. regulator now saying that people under 30 should be offered an alternative vaccine instead of the astra zeneca so fast again we'll have to see how that plays out in the minds of the younger generation in the united kingdom going for their vaccine how safe will they feel when there is no alternative ok thank you natasha but in
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paris. let's hear from the u.k. prime minister boris johnson he says the government still has faith in the astra zeneca vaccine and will continue to follow the advice of its scientific advice. we we believe it to be safe but the crucial thing for everybody is to listen to what the scientists the experts the their experts have to say later on today they'll be set to the exact a medical position followed that advice and that's what the government will be doing but we'll be getting your we really out the vaccine program as you know we've done i think 3 fifths of the adult population of this country. and you know you can really start to see some of. the benefits of that in it's pretty clear that the decline in the number of deaths the decline in the number of hospitalizations is being few please be assisted by the state this is that decline is being helped by the rollout of the vaccines. just before we returned through the
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george floyd trial in minneapolis an update on the situation in jordan you remember the talk of an attempted coup in the arrest of the half brother of the king the king has now finally spoken king abdullah he has referred to a royal family feud releasing a statement saying that sedition this is a quote sedition has been buried he did talk about shock and anger he says prince hamza his half brother other aspects of his case are under investigation according to the law these past few days were quote the most painful because of sedition from inside the royal family and. outside as well so that's a statement coming from jordan's king abdullah in reference to the what was. spoken of as an attempted coup in the country a few days ago qualities there right let's move back to many of them told that the proceedings have resumed in the trial of former police officer. so.
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now we. talk a bit. one we could publish on. this again being what some people would call the the use of force continuum or what the minneapolis police department calls the defense and control response training act this essentially this is. a graphic illustration in terms of based upon the subject's behavior how much force is authorized correct the onus or the focus being on the suspects behavior initially correct credit and the
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response to that behavior correct now again we don't look at the use of force in of that right you know we don't we don't look at it you know. in a single you know singular frame. if we look at the totality of the circumstance yes and officer a reasonable officer. would take into consideration what has happened with the suspect few minutes ago cracked. and try to use that information to inform what could potentially happen in the future agreed that's what reasonable officers do yes so if i'm a police officer and me and my 2 partners just 2 minutes ago were fighting with someone. and he our efforts became futile. that's
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going to affect how we perceive might happen in the future with that what we perceive might happen in the future if that person does something to be concerned about it because in fact oftentimes people who become compliant after a struggle. start to struggle again in services if it happens yes it does someone who. almost like catch the wind again right and start fighting again. there are certain says yes but in most cases of scissor train that you can only go by what the suspects actions are at the time you can't say oh i thought he or she was going to do this then i'm going to use this force to be based on their actions and officers use of force can exceed the suspects use of force right. behavior that's the design craft and services yes people horsnell right meaning this concept
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of proportionality if i call you a name and i'm a police officer if i call you a name your police officer you can't pull your gun out and shoot it that would be a disproportionate use of force to the threat i perceive yes. and so. the mere fact that force is being applied it's not 2nd by 2nd we have to look at it in a longer context right yes but you are constantly reassessing during that time frame constantly reassessing now i presume you've gone through firearms training yes and i presume that you have had situations where you in your firearms training are confronted with multiple fronts right yes and. your training teaches you to deal with the most active threat correct or the closest threat the closest threat
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or them the biggest threat right and so you want to neutralize or contend with that potential threat before you deal with the lesser threats yes right and again in this you know this cycle the critical decision making model that that's coming both in terms of what you're dealing with in the suspect right crew critical decision making model is occurring yes it's dealing with what's on what's around you and what you're observing around you yes it's dealing with other people that may be there. and it's dealing with using that same model to take all of your training and experience and and things of that nature to their credit. so there's literally hundreds if not thousands of decisions being made every nanosecond. in service is yes. and simply because
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a person is not fighting with you. if i'm not fighting with you that doesn't mean you still can't use some sort of force to control right. depends on the circumstance according to minneapolis police department if someone is passively . resisting you i mean they're not fighting with you. they force can still be used right. yes and certain is right thing on the end the suspect actions again including joint manipulation pressure points ask for hold or what we would call just the restrict right yes and again a lot a lot of that depends on what the police response should be at that time if it's where the officers decided that this person needs to go to jail you know they didn't take into custody then those would come into play if it's just more of a hey can we talk to you or you know detaining them then it may just be
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verbalization so just because i'm certain that and obviously if we want to protect that person and we know that mass is on its way we can continue to restrain that person for you know mass if they have a medical need for us. it depends on the circumstance. and ultimately it's dependent upon the reasonable officer analysis right. yes and was expected from that specific. agency but their expectations are of the officers. performance as well as best practices well those are taken into consideration and ultimately under the graham versus conner analysis it's the specific facts of the specific case what the officer is seeing at the scene. yet already talking about force correct. now again you had an opportunity
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to review a lot of the minneapolis police departments training materials yes or some of which you found. useful and some of which you get right yes would it be fair to say that your review of those materials were more focused on defensive tactics use of force training and policies and things that are correct and so you and i'm presuming that the more recent materials would be more illustrative or informative to you in forming your opinion right yes based on. what was current at the time of the record and you have seen the work force director list of the programs that officer shaaban took yes and you're familiar that officer show then according to those records took phase one defensive tactics in the year 2020 march or point one yes i did you review phase one defensive tactics training materials march 2020 i believe
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. we can take this down your honor. and you're showing a witness. can you see what's in front of you here yes it agree that this appears to be the training materials for the 2020 in service phase one would have been seen by officer shot is. like and if we just look at the presentation this is a presentation that largely deals with demonstrations protests crowd control yes . large crowds small crowds things of that nature.
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this would have been training that mr shogun had roughly a month or 2 before this and. this is appear to be a. true and accurate copy of what you would have reviewed yes. i have previously marked this is exhibit 1032 removed for its mission. this is the single counsel entire program. any good. news. 2971221092020 you see
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force. large crowd management. in your direction continues. here. no objection or 32 is really. showing you what i believe is. slide 39 of this and i ask permission to publish. this is the minneapolis police
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department training materials on dealing with crowds right with a large crowd large crowds of officers are trained crowds are going namak creatures and can change right yes you would agree with. this particular training for large crowds correct but even in small crowds even if you have 10 people or 12 people crowds are dynamic creatures right in service and they can change very suddenly right yes. to see. and i agree that this deals with larger crowds and. larger protests yet the dream is visibility for mobile force structure from open forces well from very similar training now and again officers they are experiencing this training right and they're taught never underestimate
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a crowd's potential career and again crowds being unique to the particular circumstances of a particular case credit and so alternately when an officer is on scene and he's making a decision to use force and a crowd of assumptions whether they're peaceful or not peaceful and officer reasonable officer has to be aware of what they're doing absolutely and that can distract an officer in the service it suggests and as 6 people start trying to communicate to the officers that can take there whether it's even if it's just peaceful hey officer or hey sergeant steiger. you know let's talk that's distracting that officer from what he or she is doing right yet is they can't it can't an officer has to be prepared for the unexpected
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a reasonable officer that's right yes they're always getting risk and i understand that part of what an officer has to do is assess the words someone may be saying and comparing it to the tone of how they're saying right. yes that's what a reasonable officer does is if i say hello sergeant steiger versus hello sergeant standing there there's 2 different tones and my tongue can convey meaning. and if i start calling you names that conveys a meaning yes and saying things like you're a fucking pussy you're a bitch that conveys a particular intent or created. just a quick apology for that we don't have control over the incoming audio from many applets usually they do dip the audio when there is known to be profanity but in
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that case i think the defense attorney decided to ad lib such such as apologies for the profanity which you just heard on a reasonable officer could perceive the words that people are saying and the target that it is being set in as a threat or a risk to the officers safety or great a risk possibly but officers are too brutally trained that when it comes to verbal threats in themselves. justify force now you had again an opportunity to review minneapolis police departments training materials if we could take the stuff. you can you see what's in front of you sir yes you reviewed i presume as
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a part of your analysis the minneapolis police department's crisis intervention technique training. and i'm not seeking to admit this but officers are trained to look at potential signs of aggression yes the minneapolis police department trains its police officers how to. to potentially perceive an aggressive behavior of a person. and that includes raising voice right yes that includes people tensing muscles. gets exaggerated just years pacing that can be a sign of an aggressive behavior yes. to me those are when you're dealing with your one on one with a specific subject or engaged in a specific. call for service that typically when the training is given as is
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for that one it's more of a one on one when you don't want to subject one on one the that's the training but in terms of now you are an officer in your in gauge with the suspect and somebody else's now he's sitting around and watching you and watching you and calling you names and saying you're a fucking pussy this could be viewed by a reasonable officer as a threat as a potential direct threat. and in fact when that happens if you look at the slide in front of you when when how a person is talking to an officer if they're mimicking him or rage fill rageful officers are specifically trained to try to predict future behavior based on cracked yes to prepare themselves and when someone starts threatening you it's possible possibility that an officer can view that as a potential deadly assault as about. that's what they're trained yes yes of the tree says what is it the person's likely.
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now you testified that. did you listen to every single thing that the crowd or people were saying. or. some of it you can't make out but it's for the most part yes. and agree you would agree that. if someone were to say if you touch me like that i'm going to slap i would like to slap the fuck out of you right that could be viewed as a threat yes. reasonable
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police officers need to. have a higher level of awareness of the situation yes again i do have to apologize for some of the language you're hearing coming out of the courtroom in many outlets obviously we don't know exactly what's coming up when there is known to be profanity if it's being read from a witness statement they do cut the audiotape from the courtroom in this case the defense attorney is free styling somewhat so again i can only apologize for some of the language that you hearing in this live coverage now there were some questions about the. actual force that was applied in this case and it's your professional opinion is that this appears to to be officer show me on the knock of mr ford yes and that you could and that that was a deadly use of force yes based on the mr foley's actions or lack of
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action so in that context you believe and he was on the neck and applying pressure to the carotid artery. not necessarily in the carotid artery but it was on the in the neck area and on the back. and so as a police officer you're trained in prone handcuffing correct for you're trained in ground offense correct yes and ground defense includes the prone restraint technique right yes i mean there's other terms work yes what would you call that the problem restraint technique where the difference of what in what context in the right so the prone control technique of. the specific term you're familiar reference will in a person you've heard the phrase untroubled by handcuffing. sarsi yes or you've heard the phrase control the had control the body yes that's commonly what
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police officers are trained right yes when it comes to handcuffing work and ground offense right yes and in the context of ground offense or in handcuffing or continuing to restrain a police suspect control the head control the body right yes when they are resisting and that these concepts are widely accepted throughout law enforcement in the united states yes and so again in the training materials you've reviewed you can see there are photographs cracked for of officers employing. a need to that had right. into the head sometimes to the net. yes and a specific technique that you're trained is for an officer to put his knee into
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what would be the like the trapezius area in between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck yes the base of that and that is standard protocol standard police practice basically in every single department that you're from our. that i'm from near it yes and you are trained yes. and there's the immediacy of the handcuffing correct correct and then there's the need to continue to control the suspect correct if they're resisting yes and then there is simply holding someone or restraining them to decide what you're going to what your next steps are going to. yes in most cases however specially in the last 20 years of so that are trained.


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