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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2021 10:00am-10:31am +03

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no matter where it takes us i prefer you feel secure. and. impartial tell your story. more deaths more arrests made security forces defy international condemnation and crackdown on protesters. a humanitarian crisis on the tiber gets worse thousands of civilians displaced after renewed fighting. hello i'm sammy's
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a than this is al jazeera live from coming up. tributes pouring in from around the world for prince philip britain's longest serving wrong . chinese regulators find e-commerce giant. called find. and before the pandemic in these years film industry was booming look at how it's trying to make a comeback. let's begin in may and details are emerging of a very violent crackdown by security forces. that's about $100.00 collins's northeast of the commercial capital yangon. reports of at least 60 people being killed in iraq. what happened on friday
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hundreds of people have fled the area the military has imposed a series of restrictions on the internet that makes it harder to confirm incidents of violence rights groups say security forces have killed at least $618.00 people since the coup on the 1st of february and the military jointer is sentenced 19 people to death they're accused of killing an associate of an army captain it's the 1st time death sentences have been announced in myanmar since the military seized power 2 and the humanitarian crisis is continuing to unfold in areas bordering mian mar and thailand thousands of people have recently fled from the airstrikes in care and state on wednesday fighting was reported between the army and fighters of the qur'an national liberation army who been opposing the junto let's go live now to tony cheney's more dream developments in myanmar from bangkok so take us through 1st of all what happened.
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but it's very hard to find out we do know the fighting started fighting the military crackdown started very early on friday morning there's video footage before dawn broke and you can hear automatic gunfire taking place we heard when the internet was turned back on yesterday morning that fierce fighting had continued throughout the day and this appears to be a new tactic the military is using we saw earlier in the week up in the north they used the same tactics in cal a where they forced the protesters back again and again for 3 days and they appeared to be doing the same in both who yesterday also we saw evidence of new higher power munitions r.p.g. these we will be others who are being used and rifle fired grenades as well as lighter artillery possibly more says. people on the ground people who spoke to
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people on the ground said that there were a very high number of casualties radio free asia was reporting more than 60 but that has been very difficult to confirm because the military had been taking the bodies away apparently keeping them in a local monastery and the local schools so it's been very difficult for the locals to confirm exactly how many passed away it was that the stirring picture somebody posted earlier online today again saying that it was very hard to verify all they could find today when they went out into the streets where large patches of blood on the ground tony was sort of humanitarian situation is also developing and getting a lot of attention at the toy border now. we did in this may be one of the reasons why a bug was the focus of attention because a lot of people going from the urban centers where they're fighting has been so fierce moving towards the border areas and towards the thai border in particular we
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understand a large group of people were going towards qur'an controlled areas you mentioned the k.l.a. just now in the current national union they control a lot of areas along the time border not too far from bargo that has also been the focus of attacks over the last 7 days initially from the air the myanmar military using the air force to bomb. strategic locations but also we understand villages and schools in the area we're getting caught in the crossfire and in the last 2 days we understand they've been using military firing shells into the area as well that has forced tens of thousands of people towards the border initially the thai government said the border would be open to those refugees they would be able to come across and then change his mind they would turn back across the sound when river now we understand some people in medical need have been allowed to come
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across for medical treatment but most have been forced to stay in these areas the jungle there is along the border according to the time media there are about 2 and a half 1000 people dances along the cell when river some of them within thailand some of them not again it's very hard to judge this is very difficult terrain it's mountainous but apparently some people are sheltering the many of them in desperate need the thais have allowed some aid to go through but for many this is very hard to get food and medical aid at this stage for attorney chang valdez here saw the situation in myanmar. on friday the u.n. security council heard pleas from the people of myanmar faction to stop the crackdown at an unofficial meeting of council members are. it's a james bays reports. that as the military continues its crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy protesters they're also now reneging on their
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own promises a spokesman for the jointer says although at the time of the coup they pledged to hold elections in a year they now won't take place for 2 years at the u.n. in new york a meeting was held to give security council ambassadors a picture of the deteriorating situation now most people feel that they are left alone to freeze the brutal regime armed to its feet start from by the same international actors who preventing action the military nord are condemnations pulsing a test for the security council with the council well council where over language in yet another statement are we apt to save the lives of the people myanmar's u.n. ambassador who opposes the generals called for a no fly zone an arms embargo and targeted sanctions leave the the state action. this meeting was organized by the u.k. all security council members were invited but it wasn't
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a formal security council meeting both china and russia which object to an official open meeting only sent low level diplomats not surprisingly both countries seem opposed to any sanctions on the generals we share the same ones the main thrust of recent diplomacy has been in the region here earlier this week the indonesian foreign minister meeting her u.k. counterpart i'm told a meeting of the leaders of the 10 countries in the regional as the only group is likely in indonesia in the next 2 weeks but how do you persuade the generals to talk and to give ground the un special envoy christine sharana bergen has had her permission to visit myanmar denied i'm told there are some countries that are contemplating the idea of appeasing the generals and giving them a few chill role in the governance of the country something that would have poor human rights activists and those protesting on the streets james al-jazeera at the
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united nations. prince philip will be honored with a $41.00 gun salute or locations across the u.k. on saturday after his death at the age of $99.00 on friday british naval ships around the world will also take part to honor his legacy as a combat veteran queen elizabeth's husband was at her side for more than 70 years he's been praised for supporting the monarchy as it began reinventing itself in the 21st century paul brennan reports. that the official notice of prince philip's death was posted at the gates of buckingham palace the prince had died peacefully on friday morning at windsor castle it concluded the royal family joined with people around the world in mourning his loss the prime minister was among the 1st to pay tribute prince philip the affection of generations here in the united kingdom across the commonwealth. and around the
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world like the expert carriage driver that he was he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that remains an institution indisputably vital to the balance and happiness of our national life. the duke of edinburgh witnessed 1st hand as britain's global empire was replaced in the 20th century by the current commonwealth of nations and now statements of condolence have come from across the continent he was a local guy. you know. his wife to observers you know and in kenya girl who are. visible everybody from small to india's narendra modi praise the prince's distinguished career in the military and his many community service initiatives and the zimbabwean president amazon and god sent his deepest condolences prince philip will be remembered as a champion for young people a decorated naval officer a dedicated philanthropist and a constant in the life of queen elizabeth the 2nd. after more than 70
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years at the queen side prince philip was the longest serving broiled consulate in british history from the moment they got married he support the queen he was one step behind and this was a man who could have had an absolutely stellar career in the navy gave up that job and support the queen for the next more than 70 years in the streets of the british capital the news of his death was greeted with genuine sadness and respect the queen had been married for a bit 17 easy n.c.c. disagreed and sat my man you know we know he put me off the file long time money history to sad the prince's body will lie in rest at the roll residence windsor castle in the funeral service will also be healthy in st george's chapel in accordance with the prince's wishes it will not be a state funeral with a military procession but a much more private and intimate occasion a fitting ceremony for a man who spent so many years in a supporting role largely avoiding the limelight and attention of the british
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royals attract. al-jazeera. now protesters in northern ireland rammed the burning car into police vans in another night of street violence british loyalists have been rioting every night for a week but leaders of the community say they want to maintain calm out of respect for prince philip but it's still tense in belfast especially at the dividing line between loyalists and people who identify more strongly with ireland tensions had been simmering over brags that trade issues andrew symonds explains. the situation is tense nothing like it has been on wednesday or 1st in our to this day but this can be the loyalists saying that they want to have a calm out of respect but this problem still persists there is a whole round of speculation about some sort of suspension but they're ignoring
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from the assembly the northern all of the somebody to stop this whole protest movement and they are saying there can't be any peace right now because of because of the situation there and over imports exports the the whole bureaucracy of the ports and goods from britain this place being really a part of the european union now with the border in the hours so the brics it is meant to be the central issue but there are other complications like always in northern ireland there's more behind the story there's a situation where the funeral hiroko was took place as a prominent ira member bobby story and at that funeral something like 2000 supporters gathered at the end of it all the unions said this was in breach of code regulations and prosecution says it should be made across the board particularly at
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the senior shin fein leadership there that didn't take place all all in foster has now called for the resignation of the chief constable and that has not if you can see everyone's reliance on the security forces but right now they're under fire from the politicians themselves so it's by no means a secure situation here. now in chinese regulators and find the alibaba group nearly $3000000000.00 for violating anti monopoly rules the world's biggest e-commerce platform is being penalized for reportedly abusing its dominant market position alibaba billionaire found jack ma has been under scrutiny thing chinese authorities after he criticised the country's regulatory system. for more on this we're joined by adding good zog when bank called he's the co-host of the pulled cost china attack invested good to have you with us so 1st of all why do you think chinese regulators have decided to find out a bobber in such
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a wreck old way well if you compare it with the global standard this is not unheard of if you look at for example how the has fined american tech companies like microsoft or google in the past i mean this number probably bob is substantial but it's fairly standard if you compare it with for example the e.u. . what this addresses is this anti-competitive practices that alibaba would do which is where largely they would say ok if a company wants to sell out our marketplace they have to be exclusive to our marketplace and they can't sell on another and what that did is it had a lot of negative not that effect when it came to consumers and also when it came to the vendors well there have been all the moves against other bomba right i mean the and group. 'd came under a lot of pressure there was a report some fresh shone out of baba to shed media assets should we see today's
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move as part of a big campaign. yeah i think that's where the distinction can really be made between for example what we've seen in in europe in america versus china now practices of you know ali baba are not that much different than the anti-competitive practices of say facebook or amazon but what's different is that usually in the west they'll just slap him with a fine and they'll move on in this situation we think that ali baba and jack ma business empire particular really seems to be in the not in the good graces of beijing and what this and that ends up happening often is that it leads to this sort of refutation of damage where a lot of companies don't want to do business with a company is or individuals that are not in good with beijing i think that's the big risk papa going forward. where is out there bob of that ultimately going forward to what do you think of
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a far as he's you know whether they want to see it finally end up well to be honest i think of a big question for ali baba's future is about how much they can separate themselves from jack by another story that hasn't been as widely reported as this find is that over the past week jack my executive business school had stopped taking on new enrollment by order of the government essentially what the government is saying in this situation is that they do not want jack ma to have influence or power in china under she didn't think that jack ma thought and she jumping thought are aren't not in this and not compatible with one another and i think that the future for alibaba really lies in what they what can they do without jack ma they need to shut jack if they are artistic. what a spell do you think for a baba's profits an ability to offer it going forward inside china than.
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as far as i'm concerned i full disclosure am an ali baba shareholder i will not be selling my ali baba shares because i believe that they are still no matter what kind of a court standard to china's economy however their situation right now has me asking more questions than i would have asked a year or 2 ago for sure but you can't have a chinese economy without a bob they are perhaps more central than just about any other company to the future of china and i think that altogether you know the cards are still in their favor but they are far more challenged than they were maybe a year or 2 ago all right thanks so much for your analysis on that. so the head of al-jazeera the medical official who performed george floyd's autopsy says police
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action caused his death. but. we've got more spring snow in the forecast across parts of here if we've got to the cold air which has made its way down across hungary rumania we see some snow into northern parts of grace pushing across more snow sweeping in across the northwest well through the british isles through good parts of scandinavia northerly winds tucking in behind and inevitable the west for good measure we've got cloud and rain tumbling in from the atlantic some wet weather surging through spain and portugal a good parts of france but in lots countries saying some very heavy rain will see some wet weather grassy making its way in across parts of cherry sinking further south which as we go through sunday some heavy burst of rain there too good parts of france turning to snow as it moves across the alps and we'll see cooler air just
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tucking in behind so the arctic blast that's back in the mix as we go on through sunday central areas losey dry we will see more snow there croisset eastern side of . the street winds are still in play across the east side of the mediterranean just moving away from the far north east of africa 21 celsius in cairo on saturday 23 degrees here as we go on through sunday brought the skies coming back in showers across the far northwest with a chance of rain for northern areas of morocco and algeria. frank assessments the world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure is that a fair assessment you can be catastrophic. to twice. informed opinions should we be buying bit coy ultimately it will be sovereigns and governments who
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are buying that is the direction this is all headed in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story. welcome back you're watching out the syria time to recap our headlines now there are reports more than 60 people were killed by security forces near friday they targeted demonstrators in the southern city of. hundreds of people have fled the city. prince philip will be honored with a $41.00 gun salute across the u.k. after his death at the age of $99.00 on friday the prince was married to queen
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elizabeth for 73 years roll family has entered an official period of mourning. protesters in northern ireland through petrol bombs of police vans in another night of street violence despite calls for calm pro british loyalists have been rioting this past week angry about post briggs it issues. about 200 rebel fighters have been killed by security forces in the central african republic that's according to the president's security advisor valerie zahar of witnesses tell al-jazeera government troops and russian forces surrounded the town of near and their tax rebel bases the rebels have been fighting the government of president forced in our challenge by their since israel's action in december djibouti as president to smile or more together has been reelected for a 5th term provisional results gave him almost 99 percent of the vote.
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face just one challenger a little known businessman and political newcomer my own fatah main opposition parties had boycotted friday's vote a prominent greek journalist has been shot dead outside his home in athens georgia just covered as was attacked by 2 gunmen on a motorbike it was one of the country's best known crime reporters on television and online police say the murder was a professional hit. the. iraq . the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on george floyd this told us court he died from a police next restraint and not drugs dr andrew baker said floyd did have underlying health issues and evidence of drug use he said neither directly caused
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his death former police officer is accused of killing floyd by kneeling on his neck alan fischer reports from the trial in minneapolis. the prosecution has produced a number of experts to see george floyd died because of police action latest to appear in court lindsay thomas a forensic pathologist who reviewed the videos of the night and me and idolized all the photos in lab reports what it means to me is that the activities of the law enforcement officers resulted in mr floyd staff and that specifically those activities were the subdual of the restraint and neck compression and does this not also represent your own conclusion yes a conclusion you have reached an opinion you hold a reasonable degree of medical certainty yes she said police officers fired no pulse and george floyd on the ground continue to pressure on him she ruled out drugs or heart disease is the cause of death
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a theory put forward by the defense she suggested if george floyd had not encountered the police that night he would still be alive do you. have an opinion to reasonable degree of medical certainty that mr ford would have died that night had he not been subject to the subdual and restraint of the police there's no evidence to suggest he would have died except for the interactions with law enforcement. another witness was andrew baker the man who carried out the autopsy and george floyd he didn't watch any videos before his examination he ruled the death was home a sight i did not want to bias my exam by going in with any preconceived notions that might lead me down one pathway or another he said he phoned underlying heart issues and george floyd and the altercation with police would not have helped no one is going to do is going to ask your heart to beat faster it's going to ask your body for more oxygen so that you can get through that alter cation and in my
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opinion the law enforcement to do restraint on the neck compression was just more than mr floyd could take by virtue of those hard conditions under cross-examination dr baker agreed there were many factors involved in the death that drugs and heart disease may have played a part but he said they were contributing factors not the direct cause of it's expected the prosecution will end its case early next week the defense will then get the chance to present what it believes. is not responsible for the death of george floyd. minneapolis. the number of judges in the u.s. supreme court could be expanded president joe biden is ordering a commission to study potential reforms term limits could be part of any changes form is a priority for progressive democratic politicians after former president forced through a replacement justice before last year's election. 5
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. have applied for emergency approval to use their care with 19 vaccine on 12 to 15 year olds in the u.s. they say phase 3 trials for younger teenagers have been effective they plan to make similar requests around the world in the coming days from now the vaccine is being used on americans above the age of 16. new coronavirus infections in india have hit a record high for the 4th day more than 145000 cases were reported on saturday in the days as film industry like others around the world has been hit hard by the krona virus pandemic it's one of asia's biggest markets and with many of its cinemas closed demand for streaming services is surging some filmmakers are hoping the trend will help shake up the industry so it can better compete with foreign
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titles jessica washington reports from jakarta. and it's a love story one of many popular recent films by indonesian filmmakers from romantic comedies like this to superhero and horror films lineages film industry makes around $120.00 a year. before the pandemic domestic films with the fastest growing part of the creative economy sector at an annual rate of around 20 percent the pandemic disrupted years of steady growth. it's a big challenge for us from the very healthy and growing most exciting market the market to hardly. think how to rebuilt our market the way it was. but after anita says the indonesian industry is resilient whatever the challenges that they face it doesn't stop them from making
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movies anyway there are more than $400.00 cinemas across in tunisia but around half of them are closed because of covert 19 this month a group of into the filmmakers wrote to the president requesting subsidies for the industry and assistance with encouraging indonesians to return to cinemas but many in the industry say they have aspirations beyond returning things to the way they were with many cinemas closed streaming services are experiencing a boom and films from south korea are often more popular than local titles. their government has actually invested quite a lot for more than 20 years and that's why now they're reaping what they sow right the pandemic hasn't stopped some corporations from investing in the industry construction on a new development called movie land is underway in west java the privately funded site is intended to be a hub for filming set design production and more to her. it is.
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i believe. the industry to grow but investing in infrastructure doesn't make up for the shortage of skilled work is. in the need still in need of good schools and training. and. and the indonesian government says it recognizes the importance of training. this new administration settings not to refocus on how we could increase the employability as well as increase the skills of. work force within the sectors. some call the years before the pandemic indonesia's golden age of cinema and despite the temporary challenge at a time and to revive that success just.


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