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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2021 6:00am-6:30am +03

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it's a creation son who went to jail for crimes he says he didn't commit. was he a guard in a concentration camp or was he simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. it's trial and error on al-jazeera. brazil 2nd largest city eases coronavirus restrictions even though the countries averaging 4000 deaths a day. that clark this is our desert life from the heart also coming up they died fighting for their democratic rights we look at a photo in kurdistan that threatens to return to authoritarian rule. loyalist feeling betrayed by breaks it among other grievances what's igniting violence in
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northern ireland 23 years after a peace deal. a 41 gun salute to britain's long serving prince charles says the families touched by tribute to his late father prince philip. was a very special person. i think above all else would have been amazed by the reaction. so the trees across latin america are rushing restrictions as they battle to contain coronavirus of rights problems have been compounded by slow vaccine rollouts and weak health systems but in the worst affected country brazil there are moves to actually ease restrictions in places that have seen a huge rise in 1000 cases and the new reports now from what is are. a mix. relief and disbelief this 2 weeks of lockdown are lifted in rio de janeiro
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one of the worst coronaviruses cities in brazil. is this what the good news is that by enforcing the 14 day epidemiological period suggested by specialists plus other restrictions we managed to lower the number of people seeking the city's basic health system yet for the past week across brazil there have been an average of 4000 deaths a day adding to a total of more than 350002nd in the world only to the united states health experts say much more needs to be done to curb the spread and. we can't sleep because we don't know full be able to attend to the patients if we will have medicines oxygen today we have them but if these cases continue growing at some point it will be chaotic there is no other way we don't sleep today's reality is that health workers don't trust chile despite a vigorous vaccination campaign has also seen
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a recent surge in coverage 1000 cases coming a few weeks after restrictions were lifted to encourage tourism in the pacific resort of vineyard omar and the nearby port city of. we believe that this increases directly related to several factors but one of them is the holiday permits which allowed a significant number of people to travel to districts in our region in a festive spirit has periods of rest relaxation and disconnection after a very bad year your require has also extended lockdown restrictions until the end of april to contain a surge in covered 1000 cases well here in argentina we've seen a record number of daily infections and a new set of restrictions including a nighttime curfew. that people aren't going to tolerate being locked up again like last year many people want to go out they don't want to let their children or their family go hungry they need to look for their daily bread. that scenes are being applied that many complain there are too few a new batch is a not
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a riding fast enough but until those vaccination programs start to take effect the only other option if overburdened health systems are to cope is to impose ever more lock down restrictions but with people angry and defiant those measures are proving to be increasingly ineffective. in their al-jazeera when osiris. epidemiologist specializing in mortality he says that brazil is facing challenges on several fronts to contain the virus. we are still seeing a high number of infections so we expect the next 2 weeks to be as hard as the week we've just been through we only expect to see a considerable decrease the number and the number of deaths in mid april and people are now projecting that april might have a larger number of deaths than we've seen in march if we add up all the numbers
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that we had and 2020 for the pandemic we are almost reaching that number for the 4th for the 1st 4 months and then make in 2021 in brazil and we really have the perfect storm here in brazil we have a president that sends mixed messages that fights with governors and with mayors who are trying to enact lockdowns and containment measures or to enact prophylactic measures such as the use of masks we also have had a very slow rollout a vaccine results just now hitting something around 10 percent of people being vaccinated with the 1st those but most of the vaccines that we have here require 2 doses we we also have a situation where the fight that the president is finding on the national battleground is also political he is at odds with congress and with the judiciary especially the supreme court just this week an investigation led by the congress has been authorized by the supreme court so it remains to be seen whether that will
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pressure on the president into acting more firmly towards containing the pen demick columbia's imposed a strict 3 day lockdown of the comfortable that tom says you have $8000000.00 is facing restrictions on movement and the ban on alcohol sales coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country the number of new infections has doubled over the last month intensive care units are rapidly approaching capacity and the number of sissies. some of the world's poorest countries may have to wait longer for the 2nd dose of the vaccines up to 60 countries that have begun have begun their vaccine rollout may have to wait until june for more shots supply shortages have seen nearly all deliveries through the kovacs program blocked the world health organization scheme is designed to give poor nations fair access to that says venezuelan says it's paid $64000000.00 to receive vaccines through the kovacs program that's half the cost of the doses needed to vaccinate around $1.00 5th of
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the population the remaining balance will be paid after the shipment it's received and as well as government says it's been struggling to secure vaccines because of the u.s. sanctions so far as any received 750000 vaccine doses from russia and from china people in palestine are voting on proposed changes to the constitution critics say the overhaul will give more power to the president and will threaten democracy president decided to provoke called for the referendum after months of political turmoil traffic reports now from the capital bishkek. curious families have been enjoying the spring sunshine after a long winter that sort momentous political events in the central asian country one often described as the most democratic in the region but that may be changing. since the new president's plan to change the constitution could be a step backwards on the path towards full democracy. people have
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a strong will towards freedom we don't tolerate backward steps away from democracy there are more serious issues to be solved in the country than the constitutional referendum such as our employment but it's better not to destroy what we have already achieved so far. this is the day that the new president saw the. protests of the parliamentary elections were not. following widespread allegations of vote buying he was serving an 11 year prison term for kidnapping a time crime he denies because he was out of the country when it happened in the 6 months since i was greeted by supporters on the steps he has changed the political landscape in kyrgyzstan dramatically even before he won the presidential election in january he said that the parliamentary system of governance in kyrgyzstan had failed he described the system as being dysfunctional and corrupt critics
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propose changes to the 2010 constitution show he is trying to impose a. formal rule one which we can check and balances needed to prevent abuses of. this. proposed text on the constitution is going to change the rules of the game at the high level toward serious centralization of power in the office of the president to such an extent that. basically no national level institution will be able to do anything without participation signed off by the president the names on the plaques all those killed during 2 of the 3 revolutions kyrgyzstan has had since independence following the breakup of the soviet union 30 years ago the fight for democratic rights is something curious people are proud of
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young members of the recently established reform party campaigning in municipal elections which are being held on the same day as the referendum. the presidential rule implies personal rule there's no room little room for parties because the value of parties is being. down it's being devalued parties are being represented as something western something that is imposed. back at the amusement park people enjoy the warm weather and riots there's no sign of the political upheaval of recent months when you president's plans for close to 2 tional change that many say would put the brakes on decades of democratic gains. from bishkek and what are some of the most obvious changes being proposed and how serious a threat all the way to democratic future of cake. well
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this referendum is being described name by many here is a final act in a power play of the last 6 months that seen such a power base and go from prison to president and his critics are very concerned about some of the changes that these proposals in this constitution that he has made. pose for the future of democracy in this country these changes include his ability now to be able to appoint he's own cabinets to be able to suggests legislation to be able to veto legislation for example it also gives him the power to be able to appoint. members all of the government including also including also the defense minister the head of intelligence also the national bank for example and it gives him the ability to dismiss members of parliament dismiss members of his cabinet at the same time so these these kind of proposals that are
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being made in these constitutional referendum a referendum that is expected to be passed as well. as some very serious threats according to critics in terms of how this country progress is a country that as i say in that report is very proud of the kind of democratic progress that it has made so far in the last 30 years since independence following the breakup of the soviet union there's also been. critical remarks made about how the how civil society was not consulted enough in these proposals that being made we spoke to somebody who's on the constitutional committee yesterday now this committee was appointed by the then acting president the acting president was appointed by a part of himself so there of course there are criticisms criticisms being made that the proposals that were put forward by these constitutional. council. anything
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but transparent so there are serious concerns here but of course as i say. he's hugely popular here and people are by and large pretty sick and tired of the kind of political crises that they have experienced over the last 6 months but tell us more about that briefly what do people think was the mood among the people over these proposals. to power. the presidential election 80 percent although the turnout in that vote in january was under 40 percent but certainly people here are really concerns that a lot of the people here are really concerned that unless there is some sort of solid leadership. they will be an ongoing sort of political crisis here that was being has been experience over the last 10 years it's fair to say that the parliamentary
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system here it was. was pretty dysfunctional and very corrupt and the people are very aware of that. but as i say there is a split between those that support your power off and those that don't and that's pretty much a sort of a rural split a rural urban space he's very popular in the rural areas put it in the context of what this country as i say is very proud of which is the ability to be able to change government change policy quickly either through the ballot box or through the streets in the 3 revolutions that has experienced since independence everybody here is looking for answers at the same time as people being tied at this crisis at the same time is that being questions over the legitimacy and fears of increasing authoritarianism here everybody is of the same conclusion that if your power does not so this mess out we do not see real political change and real economic change
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because this country is hemorrhaging economically 6000000 population 2000000 of which are forced to work abroad because they just on the job see if they don't see results politically and economically in a lot of people here is saying that frankly we could actually see another revolution in the coming years. that's. reporting. still ahead here on out there are scenes from a volcanic eruption on a caribbean island didn't there's a warning that could be never spiteful. and clinging to tradition how yemenis preparing for the muslim holy month of ramadan despite more than a pandemic. but . how i once again we've got some very nasty weather now moving across the deep
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south of the u.s. you can see the thunder has lightning strikes moving across the southern states anywhere from louisiana mississippi alabama over towards the florida panhandle that long line of cloud and ray will produce thorough severe storms as we go through the next 24 hours or so ahead of that the warmth continues to getting into the mid twenty's quite readily up towards d.c. into the low twenty's there in new york and not too bad across the eastern side of canada dry weather comes back in behind the increased fire risk remains in place which was a southwestern corner west coast states dry and find there will be some showers wintery over the mountains there just fading across that western side of canada meanwhile from mexico is fine and dry and that dry weather comes all the way down towards the yucatan peninsula some of the live showers just a little further south into southern parts of central america some heavy showers there from the corrupt costa rica and also for panama i want to show this to over towards hispaniola maybe puerto rico seen some showers could catch
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a shower to winston vincent and also into grenada over the next day or so meanwhile say some flooding rains moving across northern parts of argentina right across the plate. on counting the cost m.r.i. in a poll that is changing the world of vaccines not just took over $19.00 business and place that cost thousands of pixels millions of dollars and the fungible token we demystify the world of. helping the costs on al-jazeera. feeling eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet on which is even.
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better getting to watching al-jazeera or mind about top stories this hour and countries across latin america are rushing in restrictions as they battle to contain coronavirus outbreaks in the region's worst affected country that's result some local lockdowns are being eased even then factions and the death rate a sore in. some of the world's poorest countries may have to wait until june for the 2nd dose of supply shortages have seen nearly all deliveries through the kovacs program draw. people in kurdistan a vote on the proposed changes to the constitution critics say the overhaul will give more power to the president or threaten democracy president decided to hold of call for the referendum off the months of the school term or. crowds of mostly young people who have rotted almost every night in parts of northern ireland for
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almost a week break said tended to interventional coronavirus frustrations of 2 of the issues triggering the violence and who since its report now from belfast. it was cold the peace wall but a ceasefire took 3 decades to achieve now 23 years after the good friday peace agreement was signed it fails to live up to its name again dissent on the streets is reborn. for more than a week pro british loyalists have been attacking police some of the worst violence has been near the peace wall in belfast that separates loyalists on one side from republicans on the other that he hutchinson is a formal loyalist paramilitary who served 15 years in jail for murdering 2 catholics in 1974 he points to a meal role of loyalty to the british monarchy and talks of a lull in violence during the period of mourning for prince philip hutchinson is
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now the leader of a political party that doesn't advocate violence but he condemned what's happened. i want these young people to feign that they can come back from whether when they went cross selling and that playing they need to be able to step back condemnation will prevent that it will eliminate them more and you know i think that nobody has used this term yet but i'm going to use it as far as i know i don't feel that erotically. the brics a trade deal had a late switch of plan to put a border across the irish sea that separates great britain from northern ireland there's a customs post on this site among the vexed issues has been chaos all imports coming in which are all subject to your opinion regulations put simply even the more moderate loyalists feel they've been betrayed and alienated by brics it but over the peace wall the republican leadership feel that the good friday agreement may have been damaged but it's secure all and will stay that way shin fein says all
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sides need to play a part of the political process as saints row is on our streets our brightest arguing i'm dangerous and i don't think. you agree with that what i asked to be nurtured us to look after all the players after ensure that they played a part and developing not another major issue is a republican funeral question fane leaders fail to observe coded regulations the union is 1st minister of nor the law and is calling for the resignation of the chief constable for not making any prosecutions. the violence involves a small minority many of them teenage is signposts call for a suspension of protests until after the period of mourning with prince philip if those cool so heated scenes like this could return soon and for now it seems there's no solution andrew simmons al-jazeera belfast. and earthquake off the coast
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of indonesia has killed at least 7 people the magnitude 6 quake hit the main island of java hundreds of buildings have been damaged tremors were felt in the neighboring island of bali it is the 2nd disaster to strike indonesia in a week after a tropical cycle and soraya killed at least 165 people. and a whole kind of corruption on the caribbean island this invincible has forced thousands of residents to flee the authorities say it could keep exploding for days or even weeks reynolds has more for. a towering plume of smoke and ash filled the sky over st vincent as lawsuit free have all kaino continued to shape the caribbean island with violent explosions the cloud rose 15 kilometers into the sky and was visible from space the situation is that where a common experience in a very intense ash fall throughout most of the mainland had been sent and we've been experiencing this since late yesterday the explosive portion of the eruption
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began yesterday morning and as we went into the night last night we had the intensity and the amount of action crease quite considerably. covered houses roads and cars and the smell of sulfur hung in the air about 16000 people have been evacuated from the so-called red zone surrounding the volcano. and make no more of the running after move no. some people fled by coast guard vessels to safer areas several cruise ships were also assisting in the evacuation effort until recently. had been quiet for decades but in 1000 no 2 a severe eruption resulted in the deaths of at least a 1000 people there now some 78 emergency shelters that are active at this point in time and the last figure we have as 3000 of it individuals that have been in the
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shout as at this point in time there have been no reports of injuries or deaths in the latest eruption but damage to crops and farms is expected to be severe ashram lawsuit free air fell as far away as barbados nearly 200 kilometers from st vincent countries including antigua cuban 100000 people scientists warn that the eruption could continue for days or even weeks roberts al-jazeera when in iceland more loving lover is flowing out of a volcano that erupted 3 weeks ago a fed fish that has opened between the 2 existing ones the volcano on the wreckage ains a peninsula has become a tourist attraction about $30000.00 people if it's in the area since the of option began. thousands of people joined protests against pollution in serbia's capital demonstrators blocked traffic in front of parliament in belgrade they want stricter
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laws to prevent water land to nap lucian by industries such as money iran says it's begun testing new more advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges just ahead of another round of talks in vienna president hassan rouhani made the announcement during a virtual meeting on iran's and you'll new technology day the country's been steadily moving away from the terms of the 2050 nuclear deal since the u.s. pulled out on the door from the european union has been acting as a go between for talks. the cost of living in yemen is going as aid and imports so blocked in many parts of the country has continued fighting families are trying to cling to tradition as they prepare for the muslim holy month of ramadan as for. the 6 to. 6 years of war and a global pandemic now on top of that inflation below is a father and earns a daily wage but he said it's not enough to deal with the rising cost of living and
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that's making shopping for essential zx in preparation for the start of ramadan a difficult task and i had that on one line my family and i we were not able to buy much we still need to buy rice sugar and flour like everyone else god knows we are tired of the war we have been displaced we have been left hungry only god is aware of our situation. in the city of tire as is still under a blockade by the hoof the rebels restricting aid and imports forcing prices to increase the un says fuel prices have tripled in some areas and according to a report by the ministry of social affairs 5000000 yemenis have lost their jobs. to get it so should have an issue also live in same issue merchants buy and sell the way they like and money changers do what they want the government is absent despite an increase in covert $1000.00 cases markets are crowded in preparation for ramadan and that's out of rice is
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a very high especially with the rise in the exchange rates to rise of the us dollar and to saudi radio is increasing our cost of living. this will be the 6th holy month since the start of the war many of these children don't know a different life. like millions of other yemenis and his family will have to make do with what little they can afford. al-jazeera. strain into being paying their respects to the late prince philip at a church service in sydney prime minister scott morrison was among attendants on saturday morrison offered his country's deepest sympathies and condolences to queen elizabeth the 2nd and in camber the national flag was no 2 half mast. house the funeral for prince philip will take place in a week it will be located in line with the wishes of the husband of the queen who died on friday at the age 99 he's been honored with a $41.00 gun salute in the u.k.
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deporter and on navy ships around the world for a challenge as this. was. across the u.k. including london edinburgh cardiff northern ireland on the royal naval ships at sea and gibraltar to a special gun salutes for prince philip once a minute 41 times. a tribute to from his son prince charles. my dip of pearl was was a very special person who i think above all else would have been amazed by the reaction and the touching things that have been said about him and from that point of who we are my family deeply grateful for all that it will sustain us in this particular loss and at this particularly sad time. outside the queen's london residence a growing row of flowers from the public for the man who stood beside her for 73
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years of marriage it's a reminder for ourselves you know those wonderful values of bravery and loyalty and he was just a great british man someone who gives that many years to public service it's just come down on. him a sad moment isn't it. well meaning something the royal family is trying to discourage because of covert restrictions buckingham palace is keen to avoid the royal residence is turning into a focus of mass mourning it's actually asked people not to come down here and lay flowers but as you can see there is a steady stream of people who've turned up to pay their respects anyway the pandemic has also drastically scaled down plans for how he'll be laid to rest philip himself had ruled out a state funeral buckingham palace has announced the service at windsor castle on april 17th is to have no public access for public procession beforehand as per the
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u.k.'s pandemic regulations the number of mourners will be limited to 30 prince harry he's distanced himself from the royal family will return from his new home in the us for it but his pregnant wife megan markel will not on the advice of her doctor. al-jazeera. i mean the headlines here on al-jazeera and countries across latin america are rushing into restrictions as they battle to contain coronavirus outbreaks the problems have been confound it compounded by slave rollouts and weak health systems but in the worst affected countries brazil it's on local lock downs of being eased even though infections and the death rate all soaring rafael panny is a professor of public.


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