tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 13, 2021 12:00am-1:00am +03
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no channel that covers world news like we do we revisit places. and is there really invests in that and that's a privilege as a journalist. the. following maryam namazie you're watching the news hour live from london and coming up in the next 60 minutes to iran blames israel for an incident at its made it nuclear facility and vows to respond to what it's calling a terrorist attack a state of emergency and curfew in minnesota after a black man is shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop. the latest shooting comes as the trial continues into the killing of george floyd the court hears emotional testimony from his brother.
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to make people feel. i'm german ash with supporters baseball reacts to that shooting in minnesota with the minnesota twins a spending monday's game against the boston red sox minutes before the 1st pitch. welcome to the news hour we begin our coverage today in the middle east where israel's prime minister says iran is the greatest threat in the region that he won't allow it to obtain nuclear capability his comments come after iran described the sabotaging of its main nuclear facility as an act of terrorism and vowed to respond the incident comes at a sensitive time in diplomacy with both iran and the united states trying to salvage to iran's nuclear deal with while powers are a force that reports now from west jerusalem. iran says its main uranium enrichment
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facility was the victim on sunday of nuclear terrorism the perpetrator it says was israel the spokesperson for iran's nuclear agency was injured when he inspected the damage there will the incident happened in a place that is used for power distribution as it was a small explosion it caused part of the ceiling to collapse and to some elementary i'm scattered over the floor there was a hole there covered by these parts and it was about 7 to 8 meters deep i didn't say that and when i stepped on it i fell down citing unidentified intelligence sources the new york times reported an explosion took out the power supply setting the uranium enrichment program back but at least 9 months in my view without a doubt is definitely not a coincidence and one thing you need to remember well it is. israelis the usual suspect in these events over the last few years one must be mindful that there are many opponents in many different corners to the resumption of their joint
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comprehensive plan of action not the least of which is from within iran itself iran is now urging the international atomic energy agency to take action saying it reserves the right to punish the perpetrators there's been no official comment from the israeli government but the media here are widely reporting this as an israeli attack it comes as the u.s. and iran are preparing to resume power low talks in vienna aimed at resuscitating the 2015 nuclear deal a deal that the israeli prime minister persuaded president trump to withdraw from and which he still vehemently opposes. a tense backdrop then the benjamin netanyahu 1st face to face meeting with a senior member of the biden administration u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin and we both agree that iran must never possess nuclear weapons my policy as prime minister of israel is clear i will never allow iran to obtain the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of
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eliminating israel earlier asked into an israeli air force space with defense minister benny gantz who unlike netanyahu talks of working with the americans to revive the iran nuclear deal on the incident at natanz austin didn't say much i'm aware of the reports i really don't have anything to add on. in terms of. you know our efforts to. engage iran in the policy of the day should be a way out of those airports will continue and i'm very upset obviously supportive of the president's efforts but those negotiations are now further complicated by the natanz incident the e.u. warning against any efforts to derail diplomacy it may also have undermined iran's leverage by setting back its efforts to accelerate uranium enrichment for its part iran is insisting the damage can be quickly repaired harry force at al-jazeera west
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jerusalem well our white house correspondent kelly allocate has more now on the response from the biden administration. as ron accuses israel of being behind the attacks on its nuclear facilities i asked the white house press secretary gentz psaki about whether the white house is concerned the alleged actions of a u.s. ally could do rail the discussions to limit iran's nuclear program and bring the united states and iran into compliance under that agreement the white house press secretary fused to comment on whether israel was involved only to say that this was in her view a speculation on causes take a listen we've seen the reports we don't have anything more to speak to as it relates to the causes or who is responsible our focus of is of course on the diplomatic path forward we've not been given any indication that attendance at the discussions and the that will proceed on wednesday has changed now the white house press secretary did confirm that the united states was not involved in the attack
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as for the impact the attack could have on the diplomatic discussions jen psaki saying that she will focus on the diplomatic path forward at the terms of how she expects that these talks will proceed she says the united states expects them to be difficult and long. bonnie is the editor of an watch media which covers iran iraq and the peninsula joins us now from london and 1st of all what do we know about the extent of damage in the towns is it a significant setback to iran's enrichment activities. i think it's too soon to tell some israeli sources or thing our name sources. told the new york times that i think the setback was up to 9 months that was the assessment but since its initial insists the sourcing is not entirely clear i think it's better to wait and see in
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the past sapping grand you know announcements about major setback there in iran a nuclear program and yet here we are after all these years it was billed as a nuclear program and still is developing new technology just the other day you put up a new generation of centrifuges which were 50 times more powerful than they want destroyed in this blast so that tells you quite a bit about the situation that the bigger picture. iran is already been taking these staggered measures prohibited under the nuclear agreement to 2015 obviously in response to the u.s. withdrawal and the chump sanctions how might teheran then respond to these latest efforts to derail its program or to iran's options at this point well you know i think the one of the obvious things of an operation like this is to get iran to lash out to provoke iran into action which is on very well thought out and i think iran is aware of that as in the past it will be measured in its response they are not very sensitive negotiations with the or indirectly with the biden ministration
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by the european powers and i think you want to give that a chance specially before student presidential elections so i think we should still wait and see and also another thing to consider that the iranian foreign minister earlier tonight tweeted that he had sent a letter to the u.s. secretary general at the end of that that or you can read that he warns that sanctions are lifted unless there's progress in a negotiation he one of an upward leap in what he called iran's remedial measures which means an expanse of nuke activity. the that is the main bit of leverage though isn't it it's that expansion of nuclear activities if we see attacks like this one continue does that not weaken iran's position i think in the short term the argument can be made that hold on some of their centrifuges have been destroyed that means that x. amount of months but the reality is that in this specific case most of the machines that were destroyed were so-called older i where i are once that right so if those
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are destroyed and iran is only allowed to use those facts about 8 years under the deal what they was supposed to do now what if he doesn't have access to those older machines anymore in the says we can only buy we're going to build new ones right so then you're in a new track so i'm just saying that this kind of attack while in the short term may be seen as having some gains in the long term it opens up a pandora's box of different scenarios as a thaw and predictable what are really very. right and so what is your sense about the way how closely the people people inside the country following these developments and what is the reaction as people perhaps. perplexed the security service is not able to prevent attacks such as this one. i think you raise a very pertinent question i think right now it's very difficult if not impossible to gauge what the average iranian says propriety of reason things was in the nature of media inside iran but i think on the whole given the frequency of these attacks
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and the audacity of the writing in broad daylight at a highly secure site like that time this is the 2nd time in the past year thing that despite it being one of most secure site in the country and at the same time you have died you see going out putting out you know pictish inspired thriller you know targeting the country's own government the foreign minister to undermine the negotiations it's kind of i think raises are questions about whether the spy service is really up to their priorities the spies they're looking for the journalist the activist the dual national they're going for or they have actual moles inside this by services which enable these kinds of insider attacks as a surprise rahman that makes sense yes how so therefore how concerned are they about further attacks like this one if that might be people potentially individuals working at these sites that can't be trusted that might have support from outside the country if it is indeed an act of sabotage or you know every day
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again it's not the 1st time they've had these kinds of attacks that killed in the pad nuclear scientists most recently last november i believe on the last topic of scientists were killed very suspicious attack last year not found at the bombing as well these things have gone on for years and every time we see that there are promises about our accountability that they're going to clean up internet set and yet they keep happening so there are still holes there that haven't been able to be sold and time will tell why they're there with do that we can predict that thank you very much appreciate it ahmed ali shabani joining us that editor of m. watch media thank you for having. well now we go to our other top story this hour the mayor of minneapolis declaring a state of emergency amid ongoing protests over the death of unarmed black man dante right who was shot by police in nearby brooklyn center on sunday the city's police chief says the officer accidentally fired her gun mistaking it for a taser right was shot less than 20 kilometers away from where george floyd was
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killed alan fischer has our report. it started as a routine traffic stop and ended in a fetal shooting of another black man by police 20 year old dante wright killed on the streets of brooklyn center near minneapolis a tragic error says the police chief is my belief that the officer had the intention to deploy their taser but instead shot mr wright with a single bullet. this appears to me from what i viewed in the officers reaction in distress immediately after that this was an accidental discharge this all coming as a former police officer stands trial in minneapolis for the murder of another black man george floyd just a year ago the mere expressing his shock at such a twist we recognize that this is happening at a time when our community when all of america indeed all of the the world is watching. our community from the white house president joe biden also made
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clear his frustration we were all watched and i assume his idea of the film which is fairly the body cam which is fairly. clearly graphic question is was in an accident in which an intentional every man is to be determined. by whom on investigation don't you right called his mother as it was all happening the call ended when she dialed his number again his girlfriend answered and said he was dead in the driver seat like a minute later i called in his girlfriend answered with the passenger in the car and that even started shooting acted like tender on an already volatile situation hundreds took to the streets to protest overnight but some of those protests turned violent it's been reported 20 local businesses were looted what's been described as a chemical attitude was used to disperse the crowd which was growing in numbers and
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frustration police here guarding the local station have a to face off against angry protesters they've brought in state troopers and the national guard to bolster their numbers have even brought in concrete blocks to secure the area the local police chief believes that if he's open and transparent that might diffuse some of the anger but that might not be enough for african-american boys so every day as a father raising boys in america how do they do it makes me feel terrified but it's not a sacking i mean it was a shark week this is what happened for over 400 years for us a state level investigation is now under way the local community wants answers especially to the question are things ever going to change alan fischer al-jazeera brooklyn center minnesota. also minneapolis george floyd's brother phil lowness has testified in the trial of derek chauvin the trial is now into its 3rd week the 1st witness on monday was
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a cardiologist is that that george floyd's death was preventable and then in what's known as the spark of life testimony for known as describe the role his brother had within the family and the community. people thought was over the leader of the household you go always make sure we are close. we all were going to be to school on time. toad joyce good could hear make sure you have slept with you get the more that. he was one of the people in the community. when they hear church of. people. just because he was there no go go out there today see here in he does with like a person. everybody run through the he does know how to make people
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feel better. or john hendren is live outside the court in minneapolis and it was an emotional and compelling testimony there from george lloyd's brother. yes it was briefly very emotional and this is an unusual cork in minnesota law where they allow this spark of life testimony that's designed not really to testify about the case itself but just about the person who died in a crime and in this case you heard phone as floyd talked about how people were sort of gravitating toward his brother throughout his life and he spoke a little later on about how george floyd was especially close to his mother and he said when. the mother died george floyd knelt by her casket and just kept repeating mama mama that probably wasn't lost on the jury because in the viral video by darnell of frazier one of the bystanders at george floyd's death
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that's what he utters near the end of his life he utters mama i love you mama and that is part of what the prosecution is trying to do here to put a human face on the tragedy that happened on may 25th and after that we would rather before that we heard from the cardiologist who was unequivocal that the cause of george floyd's death was as fixation that explain as fixation was caused by derek show me on his neck that cut off the oxygen to his heart and stopped george florida's heart here's what he had to say. one of the 1st of course was to not subject him to that additional that initial prone restraint. positioning that he was subjected to i mean that is 1st and foremost so if that was not the case i don't think he would have died. the 2nd though was when he was in
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that. subdue and restraint positioning and he was. stating repeatedly that he can't breathe. and he is getting a little weaker in his speech there was one moment in the video. where one of the officers saying. i think he's passing out. that's a stoat expert on the use of force brought in by the prosecution it's quite possible he might be the last witness for the prosecution we don't know for certain because they don't give us the names in advance but we expect the prosecution to ramp up their case probably within the next 24 hours if not in the next few minutes or so and then the defense has the opportunity to present its case and we know that they don't expect to take as much time the judge says he expects them to be
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finished in time for opening arguments as soon as monday he denied a request to sequester the jury over the civil unrest just about 16 kilometers away after the shooting of another black man but he did say that when it comes time for the jury to deliberate he's going to sequester them until they come up with a verdict thank you very much for the latest on the trial there in minneapolis john hendren kelley carter jackson is an assistant professor at the humanities in the department of africa studies at wellesley college joins us now from boston so beyond me beyond the events surrounding the death of george floyd explain to us what this trial means what it represents to many people that particularly those who are now enraged and demonstrating on the streets of minnesota after the shooting of 20 year old dante right. well the black community is in need of a reckoning we want an accountability we want changes that make structural change to
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our police departments and so what a lot of people are looking for is just justice we really want justice in this case and you know it looks as though it may go in that direction but we've seen time and time before work cases that look very close and obstinate have a very difficult unwelcomed outcome in so it remains to be seen what will happen with this case but you know black people are on the edge that is for sure. you know they've obviously been protests and demonstrations happening for for many years now do you feel as though the shooting of george floyd has sparked a different sort of reaction in the scale of it and the nature of these protests all across the world really but also in the u.s. how do you how do you explain that. you know i'm not i'm not
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quite sure we've been here before so many times and each time i want to believe that there will be change there will be justice but we've been here before with the arab garner and. for our own and you know in cases like trayvon martin there brianna taylor and then almost all of those cases the black community has not seen justice its allies has not seen justice and so i think until we start to see change we're police officers are held accountable what other police officers are courageous enough to speak up about these these crimes that are being committed we won't we won't see change we'll see more of that anyway and i hope though that around the world other people will see this and they will want to push and encourage america to do right by citizens of the black citizens in particular and i guess all the defense has to do to win in this case is to not have a unanimous guilty verdict to plant the seed of doubt into the mind of
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a single juror if show of an is cleared in this trial how much on rest could we see particularly in light of the scenes today. you know i don't expect people to be peaceful i think that people are angry people are sad people are grieving and i do think that they should be entitled to those emotions and to those feelings i hope that people will remain peaceful but i think a community could not only take so much and so i really hope that the outcome is that you know serves a prison sentence and that he thought he says you know accountability for his actions we can hope for that but again remains to be seen but i do want to encourage that that the anger that we see the destruction of property should still not be put on par with the destruction of
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a human bein's that we can see one as clear violence and another as destruction and we don't have to hold them in that on the same platform there are 2 different things in my mind well thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us appreciate it kelly carter jackson assistant professor of humanities there it wellesley college. with the news hour live from london still ahead on the program in a giant chinese coal mine rescuers are facing a race against time to save $21.00 workers trapped by an underground flood. millions are facing hunger in somalia as low rainfall and locust plagues they devastate the country's crops. and as a boxing great is getting back in the rain jamel have all of those details and.
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the world health organization is warning that the corona virus pandemic is growing exponentially with 4400000 new cases reported last week alone india is now causing the greatest concern having surpassed brazil as the country with the 2nd highest number of infections after the united states it recorded nearly 170000 new cases and 900 deaths in the past 24 hours but despite the government blaming the 2nd wave on people not abiding by a covert 1000 guidelines large political and religious gatherings are still being held elizabeth pradhan reports from new delhi. more than $2000000.00 hindu pilgrims gathered on the bands of the ganges river before immersing themselves in the water on monday the 3 month command a festival began and stays in january it's going ahead this year despite india seeing a wreck or 2 number of cars in mind cases and deaths police say they're unable to enforce restrictions because of the sheer size of the crowds but.
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if we try to enforce social distancing an accident or stampede like situation can occur so we're trying to avoid that we're not able to implement social distancing at the banks despite of wanting to do so. but elsewhere in the country restrictions such as my curfews and we can knock downs are being imposed. the number of cases in india has risen from an average of around 10000 a day in early february to 130000 in the past week prime minister not in the more he and health officials say the rise is because of the severe decline in appropriate actions like wearing masks and social distancing but despite that modi and many other politicians have been holding large rallies in the 5 states where regional elections are underway that need to get me in but it's only going to give up now they believe is a holding public rallies to garner support mama to ban
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a g m it shall and the random o.t. are holding rallies at different places but no one's paying attention to the spread of coronavirus and the deaths caused by it. medical experts say such gatherings should not be allowed to take place we are in a bad shape they're going to. get out of what. they are not equally bad they're extremely bad because my last crime got one mob war games out where did i lie. or be out there john but i want to bring to you 5 banks in one word. as cases rise rapidly many states have also complained of vaccine shortages which the government denies the indian government is running at the heart and shadow to vaccinate $300000000.00 people in the 1st half of this year with the country clearly in the throes of the 2nd wave of the providing a virus it's drugs that regulatory body is meeting on monday to consider emergency
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use approval of the russian made sputnik vaccine elizabeth cronon al-jazeera new delhi. and the german chancellor angela merkel is warn that the current 3rd wave of the pandemic could prove to be the toughest the country has faced buckel said the current $1000.00 infection rate in germany was much too high and that testing will be needed certainly more testing will be required she also said that the further development of germany's economy would depend on whether the country can bring the infection rate under control stephanie dachau has more from berlin. multiple warnings have been coming out over the last couple of weeks that germany urgently needs a strict lock down to fight the increase in number of corona infections on the political front on tuesday we expect legislation to be put forward to the cabinet legislation that would see the central government gaining more powers to be able to implement lock downs in the states of course that's one of the issues here of an uniform
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approach to the lockdowns 16 states in germany are autonomous really when it comes to implementing their health policies at the same time you have a battle if you will for the next post of chancellor in terms of going into the elections in september this is the last year of angela merkel 16 years she has run this country it's now time for the city to see the c.s.u. alliance to come up with a new name to put forward for elections while the city you has backed their leader of the party i mean lash it but certainly that doesn't mean that officially he's going to get the position because mark asserter he's the head of the c.s.u. remains a contender and certainly when you look at the opinion polls he is far ahead when it comes to the german public believing that he could be a better candidate for the role again all up in the air at the moment but people do expect perhaps and aunts are asked who will be the contender for the main parties a chance to a contender for the september's elections within the week when number of patients
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in intensive care during sweden's 3rd wave of the 19 is now higher compared to the 2nd wave almost 400 people are being treated with infection numbers continuing to surge sweden has taken a different approach to the pandemic than most opting against street lock downs and with mostly voluntary voluntary restrictions on public gatherings number of deaths hasn't been similar. to other countries but there has been a spike in hospitalizations that. well there's much more still ahead for you on the program we take a look at who's leading the space race 60 is after russian cosmonaut yuri gagarin broke its 1st human barrier. also some vinson's volcano wraps with its biggest explosion yet with cars. coated in ash from barbados almost 200 kilometers away. and in sport we hear from the p.s.g.
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boss is the french psychopath faced by munich for the 2nd time in only. the recent april frosts for done damage the videos france and probably does save the vignettes of hungry because that cold air and his disco to him is on its way east was not currently it's quite warm by day and by night in hungary in austria in fact much of eastern europe but that is about to change quite rapidly the culture of let's bring in these cold area means rain and snow not just the hard ground there mostly to stick on the higher ground but it's the cold nature of the year was rain will make it feel fairly miserable for most presidents behind it it's slowly warming it's 12 degrees in london based on the 4 in zurich you'll notice and this is all progressing slowly eastward so don't expect to hang on to your 20 in sofia
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for example belgrade 15 down to 5 a 10 degree drop and he slowly recovers towards the end of the week this is the picture then for wednesday same progress vienna is actually warmed up a couple of degrees but you can see it's generally cold weather that runs up through poland as well and once again into the baltic states and the main story in africa is not so much the windy weather in the north it's the heat this bloom of red has met the western sahara and i include senegal has seen temperatures in excess of 45 degrees for weeks on end. frank assessments there are a lot of poison but the government needs to watch what exactly you have and what measures never taking for a situation like i'm not to believe you could ever again informed opinions is the u.s. with thinking the military positioning of the middle east was just a simple act of reorganizing ministry assets this is
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a message to the region the united states is rethinking its military posture in-depth analysis of the day school ople headlines inside story. examining the impact of today's headlines where does your fight go from here the people of myanmar to do. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussion as every time i talk about raises them i will get a twist i'm being called a racist programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the while today we are about to feed tells ones and thousands of hungry magots see the world from a different perspective on al-jazeera.
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back on back main stories now israel's prime minister says iran is the greatest threat in the region it won't allow the country to obtain nuclear capability comes after iran described sunday's sabotage attack on its main nuclear facility at natanz as an act of terrorism george boy's father phil ernest has testified in the murder trial of a police officer derek show been in the united states describing the role his brother brother had in the family and the community. meanwhile broken sent his police chief says the officer who shot an unarmed black man dante right during a traffic stop on sunday accidentally fired had gun rights shooting was less than 20 kilometers away from where george floyd was killed. we go to a story in china now rescuers in the northern part of the country trying to reach 21 coal miners who were stuck hundreds of meters below ground for over 2 days now
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they were trapped when the mine flooded during upgrading work on saturday they tore a gate in the reports. and emergency crews prepares to go underground in an effort to help rescue a group of trapped miners the 1st task will be to check the air quality and water level in the flooded mine injuring shang province which is not a big worry if the level of hydrogen sulfide gas gets too high it's may pose a danger to the trapped miners the good news is currently the oxygen bridge in the coal mine is more than 20 percent however the water level is still rising now it's rising by half a centimeter every 30 minutes in the previous period it is rising by up to 3 and a half centimeters the mine was flow. did on saturday night cutting off power and communications to dozens of mine is some have since been rescued but most remain trapped in 3 different areas it's not clear what medical condition they're in more than 1400 rescuers are working round the clock to free them and specialist pumps
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have been brought in to drain away the water but time is against them. our officers and soldiers have been working continuously transporting more than 1000 liters of cables and cooperating with technicians to install 52 pump pipes the work is progressing smoothly the next step is to curie out follow up rescue work after the drainage work is finished. china is the world's largest consumer of coal and its mining industry has long been amongst the deadliest in the world it reported more than $100.00 coal mining accidents last year what went wrong this time is yet to be determined victoria gates and the al-jazeera now last affair volcano on the caribbean island of st vincent has erupted again with it biggest explosions since volcanic activity started late last week experts say the eruption generated pyro plastic flows down the volcano south and southwest flanks roughly 16000 people who
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live in communities close to the volcano have been evacuated on the government orders but authorities are worried about an unknown number of people who have refused to leave have been no reports of deaths or injuries but volcanologists have compared the eruption to one in 1902 that killed over one and a half 1000 people. colvin areas a program manager at n.b.c. radio he joins me now from kingstown the capital city of st vincent in the granite scenes thank you for taking the time speeches what can you tell us about conditions there at the moment what is it or does it feel like to be in the territory right now. well it's rather hot here this afternoon started off this morning with a bit of rain and this is only a component the situation with the fall particularly in the capital kingstown where i'm located at this time as you rightly said we have experience constant density current flows which occurrence of the hugging and flows with ash and debris at temperatures of $2700.00 degrees celsius there's now evidence that this occurred
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this morning there was a large a very large explosion the largest to date from this event this morning at about 415. there's been a continuous process now of venting from the location of the volcano last frame and as it is now a person's. experience in a bit of an issue with want to want has become an issue here as our water sources from surface systems we have a gravity fed a want to distribution system where the want is harvested from our rivers and streams so at the point in time i want to is one of all major issues when you say it's one of your major issues people on the island have running out of drinking water or is it just the. access to water. i think it's the 1st one and that because i want to distribution system depends on
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on as mentioned a service want to which is highly contaminated many are for want to collection systems are in the upper want to share those below the plans of the volcano and in close proximity to be affected by ash drinking want to is very much hard to come by you know there are persons who have been to the stores that were opened a few that were open today searching for bottled water to pushes and that has been a limited supply we have gotten pledges from our regional neighbors to get bottled water to us but we don't have the time and the yet but it's a matter of us having a drink and want to particularly and fresh available want to put particularly those in the shelters and those who remain in their homes across the different zones in vulcanologist saying something like this it hasn't happened since 1902 so this is something on this scale is quite rare you can sun that the area is just not going to be very livable looking at these images you you know. it's hot gas in the end dab the thick cloud of ash and then you say there being no access to drinking water
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is it just not going to be livable. well that's the big question now and the concern is that the if the explosive eruption will continue and the scientists advise that this may go on for days it may go on for weeks and we go on well beyond that and there may be very large explosions from time to time throwing even more more ash into the atmosphere and the ever present threat of the classic density currents is one of the major concerns from the limited reports we've had in those ones because it's really dangerous to be that this time we've heard of stories of farmlands pretty much been stripped to bare off of leaves and all of the things that you would normally see on a farm the structures have all been destroyed a very close to the volcano and al gore this information is limited and it's not going to be a pretty picture when we when we get a few full view of it things thank you very much really appreciate it call the.
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radio. thank you. now to somalia a country senate has rejected a parliamentary vote to extend the president's term for another 2 years deepening a political crisis that threatens to split the country's security services parliament speaker says that extending president mohamad abdalla mohamad term will give the country more time to prepare for the elections but the opposition has argued the move is legally g.b.s. and accuse the lawmakers of political trickery catherine sawyer has more from nairobi in kenya. the election in somalia has been contentious for many months president. in office expired in february and since then there's been calls for him to step down part test in the streets organized by opposition leaders them all to be in talks with key players in the election about electoral process that has stalled these talks have not yielded much so today the lower chamber of parliament
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149 m.p.'s voted to extend the time of the president the government by another 2 years and for the government to organize a popular vote a one man one vote election in those 2 years now this is going to be problematic to many people what supposed to happen now is that this motion by the lower house is supposed to be forwarded to the upper house the senate for approval or rejection but more really we've seen the statement by the senate see that they reject these decision by the m.p.'s because it's unconstitutional so it's going to be also interesting to hear from the other opposition presidential candidates who have said that to have accused president from our job being a stumbling block in this electoral process thing that he wants to cling on to power and saying that they do not want an election to be held in a couple of years they won the election to be held now in the one the president to
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step down so that the electoral process can go on smoothly. millions of children and their families are expected to go hungry in somalia over the coming months as a locust plagues in extreme weather wreak havoc on crops a report from save the children says crop and vegetable production is expected to buy up to 80 percent this season livestock cells are the basis of survival for many families income from them is set to drop by more than half. and others are no longer fit to sell and milk production is also expected to dry up it's predicted to shrink by up to 2 thirds further exposing children to malnutrition save the children is saying 150000000 dollars is urgently needed to provide nearly $2000000.00 people with food health care education water and sanitation services over the next 6 months well mohammed mohammed has son is the country director for save the children in somalia and says communities are struggling to cope with
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frequent climate disasters. usually large areas look so much traditionally added. experience the cutting out however that requires c.n.c. reality of climate related disasters that doesn't develop. floods and rockets do they show increases in somalia in the recent years there has been. in the community's ability to cope with. the shocks and also to recalibrate this to actually 2021 seems to be getting worse as the numbers of children and adults i get the need of our systems breaks to try 1000 to 9000000 a 3rd of the population and an increase of 700000 compared to last year the current humanitarian crisis in the country is the result of people effect of climate change conflict and maintain and then make this a wider community has been used to babbling with the climate related extreme
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conditions including recurring routes floods. this warms to it which should story crops on our star but you know addition to that of this or shore economic impact of corby 19 has caused closure of businesses loss of jobs and reduction in that image has this from somebody dies but all these have negatively affected departures in parts of the truck milly's. how people in england and wales are enjoying a taste of freedom the normality with by think a nation's taking a big step out of lock down on essential retail services have resumed on both sides of the border and in england people can now finally have that locked down locks trend while hospitality venue is can serve customers at tables outside chins iss and libraries of all syria and or a challenge has our report now from brighton. the english have a reputation for liking a good q well on monday with enormous central shops opening for the 1st time since
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early january there was enough queuing to satisfy the country's most ardent fans this was the brighton city center broncho prime mark a budget fashion chain popular with teenagers and their parents a lot of pocket money has been saved up over the last few months i need supplies. so what you spent a lot of time saying doors waiting for this might have been living in tracksuits and trainers for. the best part of a year working from home so you get some gladrags on some dresses and i get ready for the summer but i worry about the friends evading the queue if we just want to divert from the station about i'm what we think danger not down the nasty p.d.t. it's time to be nice message play with. the country's head dresses nail salons and beauty parlors are really going to people have rushed to shed their lock down locks and cover up those gray today extra stuff actually i just did not yet to hear to
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cope with the demands because you can't see. the queue outside this is part of the england's hospitality industry has been particularly hard hit by 3 nationwide lockdowns for the 2 in 5 cafes pubs and restaurants with outdoor space they can now open up to seated customers remedios business is one of the lucky ones but he feels for those in the industry who aren't is very. quality of ours restaurant service. difficult situation and some of them have and it's well anyway they go out of business because they couldn't stay in business anymore. this is the 2nd in the government's incremental 4 stage road map out of lockdown in march schools reopened and some outdoor socializing was allowed if all goes well more restrictions will end in may and in june the government is aware that this easing of restrictions is likely to lead to a rise in infections but its feeling is that with 32000000 people vaccinated the
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country's in a pretty good position to handle this still boris johnson is urging people to behave responsibly. there are still many who haven't been infected or vaccinated yet a big spike in infections could throw the tentative easing of lockdown off course but this is a major and generally welcome step back towards normality rory chalons al-jazeera bright and. so i had on the program chad will be here with all the sports going to have reaction from japan as the country celebrates its 1st men's major golf champion.
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exactly 60 years since russian cosmonaut yuri gagarin became the 1st man in space guarin successful mission in 1901 marked historic achievement for the soviet union beating the united states in a tight race to send the 1st human in space the 27 year old was in orbit for 108 minute. before coming back to earth the race to lead the way in space hasn't stopped since the soviet union also sent the 1st woman valentino tarrasque over into space in 1963 it was another 20 years before an american woman was in space and then in 1969 it was american astronaut neil armstrong who became the 1st man to walk on the moon in 1975 in a historic show of peace so an american astronaut shook hands through an open hatch between the soyuz and apollo capsule zx in 1903 the newly formed russian federation
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joined the united states europe japan and canada to build the international space station a more global powers are investing in space exploration now like china which is planning to launch its own national space station within the next few years or francisco diego is a senior research fellow at the department of physics and astronomy university college london he says it's not clear who is currently leading the space race as more and more countries are collaborating and working together but that's not been the last 60 years he's an amazing feat for and for humanity really today we have many countries who have got probabilities of going to space a few of them to launch an astronaut's into space as well nasa certainly has been in the lead for a long time but now we can many more space as many stations are joining him so it will be kind of front global global contributions as well you know we start in that time so far ronald reagan in 1980 s.
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we. the the what is called the laser weapons in space and it was the space wars and the star wars they was called the project on their years mcculloch station a space actually for b. then they don't treat is that for b. the moon got ization of office space and there were bodies in there in the solar system so i think i hope he doesn't take the offer because it would be a disaster really. i or jammer is here now this for thank you barry am games in major league baseball basketball and ice hockey were perspective and in minneapolis on monday following the fatal police shooting in brooklyn center you've been hearing about just a few minutes before the 1st pitch was supposed to take place between the minnesota twins and the boston red sox the players they came off the field and the game was called off the clubbers said the decision was made out of respect for the tragic events that occurred in the n.b.a. the minnesota timberwolves perspire into their game and n.h.l. site in minnesota wild a court of their fixture out of respect for the community tiger woods says he has
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a masters when he will impact the entire gulf world as a one shot victory at augusta so in the come the 1st player from japan to win a men's golf major as david states reports. one of the most famous prizes in sport at the masters green jacket now sits on the shoulders of a decade yama the 1st ever japanese man to win a major golf title. in my book it's really him to think that there are a lot of youngsters in japan watching today hopefully in 5 or 10 years some of them will be competing on the world stage and they can follow in my footsteps. months yama started the final round at augusta 4 shots clear but the nerves began to show in the closing stages. he took shots at the 15th and 16th holes and was in danger of throwing it all the way. but luckily for him despite another bogey at the last his one over par round of $73.00 was enough to secure
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a famous victory by want to shot the 29 year old without a win on the p.g.a. tour for 4 years was now a major champion in a touching moment on the green his caddie paid his own respects to the famous course. former masters winners tiger woods and jack nicklaus were among those to congratulate much yama on social media. and several players stayed behind to embrace him as he made his way back to the clubhouse. man he was he was something else he's like i want to need to play he was like a robot this was a one time inevitable but. he is an awesome choir and. he certainly doesn't surprise me. but his victory is big news back home in japan and was well received by some of those making the monday morning commute in tokyo. non-single i've heard that it's been 85 years since japanese golfers started playing in men's major tournament when you think about it i think it's
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a tremendous achievement it's also what will the loyalty i think this is a great accomplishment i want japanese business industry to follow him as an example to expand their business in the world even the japanese prime minister gave his reaction describing it as a great achievement don't you see it was really wonderful as the current virus pandemic drags on his achievement moved our hearts and gave us courage the tokyo olympics starts in july and afterwards when i was asked if you would like to light the cauldron at the opening ceremony marsh in the sky as you do more it would be quite an honor but i'm not sure about my schedule the timing works out and i'm in japan when it happens and they asked me what an honor that would be i whether he likes the frame or not that's a yama is almost certain to be picked for japan's olympic gold team providing him with a chance to win a gold medal to go with the green jacket david stokes our jazeera. so
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likely to be playing at the olympics but a new survey shows that 70 percent of the japanese public want tokyo 2020 to be canceled or postponed it showed that only 24.5 percent actually want the games to go ahead as planned the poll was conducted with just over $100.00 days until the event begins on monday tokyo began a month long period of tougher measures to combat any wave of 19 infections football now in paris out around boston it's a approach to tino doesn't think this side of favorites to progress to the champions league semifinals despite leading that tie against by munich p.s.g. be the holders at $32.00 in the 1st leg of their quarter final minute and so hold the advantage of going into tuesday's a 2nd leg and by and don't have a good away record against p.s.g. in fact they've lost all 4 of their previous games against them in paris. knows better than to underestimate the challenge champions. use for me any team can reach
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the series we respect been a lot because i do think they are still the best team in the world right now always you have to respect a team like by who have won everything but of course we will try to beat them we respect them but we will try to defeat them on the pitch now professional sports men and women and they are strangers to challenges but living through a pandemic has been much harder than one top tennis player expected but number 5 is tough and also since the past has described the whole experience as psychologically excruciating being kept away from. human interactions and ease of travelling made it very difficult. in the very beginning i did thing it is going to be easy relatively easy and i won't suffer as much but it ended up being difficult and psychologically excruciating says a pastor speaking in monaco where he is preparing to play in the monte carlo losses
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and he will be hoping the weather improves before he takes records the 2nd day of the tournament on monday was disrupted by rain felix see him against christian guerin was one of 5 singles matches in progress and play it was cancelled for the day for the undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of amber holyfield is making a comeback but the likes of tyson fury and joshua don't need to worry about a talent show to be fighting and an exhibition bout against kevin mcbride on june the 5th this isn't the 1st time a former champion is doing this in november mike tyson fought against boy james jr that's exciting well i've seen some videos of him sparring on instagram he looks in amazing shape for a man he's approaching 60 and tell you ok good surgeon in the dying thank you jana . at the news hour bob be back with a full bullet and a couple of minutes time. a
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stall strike 3 of the top the top in the what they voted to the working class of his hometown and its class. footballing legend and accounts and introduces history on the lakotah a one of a kind superstar. he would adored by his funds for his socialist values of his many goals against italy's football elites football rebels on disease. joggers in new delhi take advantage of the relatively clean air after weeks of
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toxic small stopped people from venturing outside institutions including hobgood say air pollution is leading to more severe cases of the coronavirus and more deaths from it and nowhere in india is the situation would stand and daddy the number of queues is altered records were a desperate situation of the indian government set up a new commission to monitor success of pollution across 5 north and ian states health experts and bod mentioned and been warning for months that the easing of the lockdown would lead to an increase in pollution and the impact that would have on those because of 19. when i enter the ring i feel on top of the world i don't want that feeling to go away when the show ends the final on call the retirement and i follow my laugh line watch the laugh line meet the form a circus performers gracefully supporting each other on the stage keep going lest you got a broken bone every minute of it was the earth all witness presents off the circuits
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on just that's faceless show patience is shown must go on. terror and blames israel for an incident of its main nuclear facility and vows to respond to what it's calling a terrorist attack. and i maryam namazie in london you're watching al-jazeera also coming up on the program a state of emergency and curfew in minnesota after a black man is shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop the. latest.
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