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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm +03

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and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on the more after lifting and inspiring stories people trust our jerkier to tell them what's happening in their communities in a clear and i'm biased and as an african i couldn't be more proud to be automated. chad's army says president idriss deby has died of injuries suffered while visiting soldiers on the front line and his son an army general will be interim leader. you're watching al-jazeera live from a headquarters in doha i'm also coming up debbie was one of the region's longest serving leaders the army says one of his sons will take over but many questions linger over child on the region. western nations tell russia to stop threatening
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ukraine and warn against moscow's plans to close parts of the black sea to foreign ships. the jury's out in the murder trial of derek chosen the former minneapolis police officer is accused of killing george floyd. so we begin with breaking news out of chad that's where the army has announced president idriss deby has been killed the army says he was with soldiers fighting rebels on the frontline debbie had just won reelection and was one of africa's longest serving leaders his son general idriss deby has been named as the interim leader of a 18 month long military transitional council but that move violates chards constitution which says the speaker of parliament should become interim president some day nationality. the national assembly and government all dissolved a transitional charter would be put in place by the president of the military
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transitional council a curfew from 6 pm to 5 in the morning will be in place in all national territory external borders are closed just until the new orders are in place a transitional government will be put in place a new republican institutions will be put in place to facilitate the transition by the organization of free democratic and transparent elections following the spirit of sacrifice that the marshal of chatted for for all his. right up until his more suffering let's bring in her morgan she's joining us from the child in capital in germany so what we don't know about the circumstances of the president's death considering that he was on the frontlines of a conflict in the north of the country just on the weekend yes indeed daryn what we know about the circumstances surrounding former president idriss that we are now deceased president idriss deby is that is what the military has been letting out which is not much they announced just
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a few hours before that he died from wounds he sustained in the battles between the government forces and the rebel forces known as the front for change and concord which were advancing from the north they came in on the 11th of april which was the day of the election at the polling day of the election where debbie was seeking a 6th term now and they attacked a government position in the region of bestie and then they went on to the region of cannon which is about 300 kilometers from the capital injun manno now excuse me now what we know is that the army said that they were group telling those rebels so there were clashes especially over the weekend where the army said they killed more than 300 rebel soldiers and arrested more than 140 others as well as pursuing of those who fled further north now the circumstances around his death how he sustained those injuries when did he sustain them at exactly what point did he pass away from those injuries these are information that the army is keeping
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a tight lid on what they announce is that his son commented that he is now in charge of the transitional military council which is made up of 11 people and will be leading the country for the next 18 months but what more do we know about his son. well we do know that he was with his father during the battles on the frontlines we know that he also is a member of the military so he is not a stranger to the military and to the material that led to the death of his father we also know that he has been very active in the political life. he has been very careful to include his wife as well as kristal brant especially his son mohammad independence a life and in the military to make sure that it looks like people are saying the critics are saying an opposition is saying is to groom him for this position especially because. it seems he was not ready to let go of power that is something that the opposition have been pretty critiquing for a long time and which is one of the reasons why a boycott of the election saying that he was not leading the country towards
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democracy now what we do know is that the military during issuing its statement said that they are calling for an inclusive dialogue for the op and for the opposition to join them not just inside chad which many of them are here in the capital but also for those outside so it looks like they are extending some kind of an olive branch to the rebels who are outside not just those who attack from the north but there are other disgruntled rebel groups and opposition members in the country's east as well ok have a morgan thank you for that update from germany in our. well president idriss deby was one of africa's longest serving leaders he was a former military officer who came to power in 1900 is the leader of a rebel army and he just won a 6th term in office he faced numerous coup attempts on rebellions mostly in the east the capital and jemaine i was overrun twice by different rebel groups in 20062008 but they were pushed back with the support from former colonial power france the armed group the rebel front for
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a change on concord wanted to remove debbie the army said more than 300 of the group's fighters were killed at the weekend in the north and powell is a researcher in the center for war and diplomacy at lancaster university he's also the author of france's wars in charge of military intervention and decolonisation in africa he says he's not surprised by this turn of events. the point element a kind of stress here is that the decision by the military to put a son as to make him the head of state kind of follows what was expected in the event of debbie's kind of ouster or death for a long time there's been discussions about what would happen if debbie were to die he was notoriously kind of in bad health or for a long time people thought he might be in bad health so the question is would replace and and for several years he's been grooming his son mohammad through to take the throne if you want to call it that after he died so the fact they suspended the constitution and dissolve the government and the assembly it's not surprising at all i mean that is technically a coup but it is signaling to chatty ends but also the international community that
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there is an absolute commitment to regime continuity that sends a very strong message to france and to each other international partners including united states that they can expect continuity i think that's the message they're trying to send whether they can sustain that is another question there is a possibility for widespread protests in germany or elsewhere it's conceivable that the fact the rebellion that was. perhaps killed at the in that series of combat's north of. may try to take the offensive again. and it's also possible that there's the military itself is divided internally so as possible that you know some elements of the military could try to get manage of this to to play somebody else in charge but i think the opposition has been so divided and military factions that support it debbie and his son move so swiftly that it seems to me unlikely that a serious challenge will be able to appear in the immediate future although there
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are lots of questions about the longer term. more than 20 russian warships have taken part in military exercises in the black sea that's according to russian media the move comes as the u.s. pushes back against moscow's plan to block foreign ships from parts of the black sea for 6 months washington says the move is an unprovoked skill ation it fears that russia will restrict access to ukrainian ports in the sea of as of and that it marks another attempt by moscow to destabilize the country conflict between kids forces and russian backed separatists in eastern ukraine has been escalating the top diplomat says russia has the poor 100000 troops along the border bird smith is joining us from moscow what more can you tell us about the russian buildup. well russia's defense minister. says that russia is responding to nato mean nato
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and the us who are conducting provocative activities in the waters and airspace of the black sea so sure does not go on to detail what he alleges those provocative activities are but from the russian side we're clearly seeing a very considerable obvious display of strength and power russia says these are military exercises they have restricted air space for a few days over parts of crimea and the black sea and from the 24th of april until the end of october they say they're going to prevent naval vessels using. using the current straits which links to the ports of ukraine and russia there is a treaty between russia and ukraine that says the waters around the current strait are accessible to both equally and freely russia says it's normal for a country to restrict access during military exercises but this suggests is a military exercises going on until the end of october russia says but generally
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in the past few months from the west there has been this what they call mass anti russian psychosis over the explore expulsion of russian diplomats over how russia is treating alexei in a volley and over how russia is dealing with its occupation of crimea and on the notify lexan of army any more information on his condition there was concern that his health had been worsening. his health. is worsening we know that his doctors have been waiting outside the hospital he's been the prison hospital he's been taken to they've been waiting all day for an appointment to see the prison's physician we know one of these lawyers saw him yesterday and another lawyer has said today that he has been given a glucose drip and he's now in a in a ward a solitary ward in the prisons tuberculosis hospital no indication of any has
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tuberculosis but he's clearly very sick because the lawyer says the nurses yesterday made 6 attempts to find a vein to put in this little glucose drip they couldn't find one it seems to be the 7th attempt all 8 of them in managed finally to give him this drip we already know he's very thin is very weak he's on a 21st day of a hunger strike he's agreed to vitamin therapy but with the suffer with what he's suffering from from the attempted poisoning plus. the hunger strike the after effects of the hunger strike he's a very very sick man ok thank you so much bernard smith for that update from moscow . for white house correspondent kelly holcomb has more on the u.s. is response to russia. the u.s. sending out a statement through its state department that is really very clear in terms of the actions of russia that it is not happy in fact saying it has deep concerns about
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the planned blockage of foreign naval ships in the black sea they say that this is just adding to the list of what the united states calls russia's aggressive actions they consider this an unprovoked escalation and that is this really undermines the sovereignty of the ukraine which the united states respects not only in terms of sovereignty but also its territorial borders and as a result the united states has once again set out a statement reaffirming its support for ukraine reaffirming its territorial sovereignty over its borders and waters and is calling on russia to cease its provocations but you have to remember that in the last week the united states has had its own series of provocations against russia just on thursday it put in place a number of actions in order to punish russia for what it says is the interference in recent presidential elections for a hike on u.s.
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computer systems known as solar wind also for action with respect to. or rather the united states expelling diplomats and also curbing the ability of russia to borrow money so when the united states says that russia's actions are unprovoked you have to also remember that the united states has taken its own provocative actions. still ahead on al-jazeera thousands of migrant workers rushed to leave being indian capital and had over a week long curfew as a surgeon heard a virus cases threatens to overwhelm parts of the country and why some of the world's best footballers face bams if their clients join a breakaway european competition. for. the reins gathering again in china and it will probably keep gathering in
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moves in unusual direction because of disruption to the system just coming in to the bottom your screen says super typhoon is off the edge of the philippines now in the forecast it stays over open water will get dangerously close to some of the small japanese islands and to taiwan but it does mean that temporarily there's no rain in the korean peninsula or in japan the sun is out to warm things up and here's the progress of the next bit of rain out of china and it does go to china to the other side probably heading towards the korean peninsula for the weekend the same time so the game is over open water but you can imagine the swell hitting the eastern side of taiwan that turn south of all this and the rainy season looks like it's coming to a close the raw showers in indonesia and malaysia but not many to be honest the forecast chop shows precious few dark blue towards the rather more obvious in sumatra peninsular malaysia maybe bits of thailand and arguably the rains trying to get into the bay of bengal but it's taking
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a step back off over the last 4 days and apart from a few showers and karen scattered elsewhere india is fairly dry quite hot in the north and still has quite a few showers still to affect danny. frank assessments there are a lot of poison but the government needs to watch exactly how and what measure now taking for a situation like a man not to believe he could ever get informed opinions is the u.s. with thinking the military positioning of the middle east wasn't just a simple act of reorganizing ministry assets this is a message to the region the united states years are rethinking its military posture in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera.
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on the top stories on al-jazeera this hour the army and child has announced president idriss deby has been killed while visiting soldiers on the frontlines debbie had just won reelection and was one of africa's longest serving leaders his son general mahomet's and has been named as the interim leader of an 18 month long military transitional council the army says democratic elections will take place following the transition period they west says described russia's plans to block parts of the blank seats of foreign shirts for 6 months is an unprovoked escalation washington says it would be another attempt by moscow to destabilize ukraine russia is accusing the u.s. and nato of gauging in the vocative activities in the waters an air space of the
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black sea. now the jury in the murder trial of the former minneapolis police officer derek shogun has begun its 1st full day of deliberations he is charged with killing george floyd after nearly on his neck for more than 9 and a half minutes john 100 has been following the trial in minneapolis otherwise we are in recess until we hear from the jury in their final words on the most highly charged us civil rights case in decades prosecutors told jurors to trust their eyes but for the defendant's actions pushing him down. george later died that day. drugs you just drive a drug overdose in that time. maybe it was the tail pipe maybe it was a large heart maybe use your comments. use your common sense believe your eyes what you saw you saw what the jury saw it was the same 9 and
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a half minutes the world saw then minneapolis police officer derrick children kneeling on george floyd's neck until paramedics care. reed off his lifeless body in a case that started with an allegedly fake $20.00 bill and ended with protests and riots across the united states prosecutors said the evidence proved children used excessive force choke the life out of floyd and refused to render medical care even after he showed no pulse. and at the time of causing the death the defendant committed or was attempting an assault in the 3rd degree. and that's been proved beyond a reasonable doubt with those being proved in the venue a 2nd degree felony murder the defendant is guilty. the defense argued that show been held floyd face down just as he was trained to use putting mr floyd eminently
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dangerous we've heard a lot about the prone position. consider just the basic proposition people sleep in the prone position people. position. the prone position the problem position in and of itself is not an inherently dangerous. proposition during restraint is not an inherently dangerous and. it is routinely trained in the use by the minneapolis police the park defense lawyer erik nelson blamed bystanders for show vince failure to administer lifesaving c.p.r. saying he felt unsafe and hoping to give jurors enough reasonable doubt for an acquittal he offered a broad array of alternative theories for floyd's death heart trouble drugs even car exhaust we have to analyze this case from the perspective of a reasonable police officer at the precise moment with the talent of the
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circumstances when it comes to the use of force children's fate now lies in the hands of the jury which is in isolation until they can render a unanimous verdict. one reason for sequestering them is to make sure they don't hear news of protesters demanding chauvinist conviction but with demonstrations across the country it's not clear they won't be able to hear protests from where they're deliberating. 'd deliberations can range dramatically in length in 1902 it took 7 days for jurors in the police beating of rodney king to find 4 officers not guilty 3 years later jurors took less than 4 hours to declare o.j. simpson not guilty of murder for show haven't and for residents of minneapolis and cities across the u.s. that wait will be filled with anxiety and fear for what comes next and we'll speak to john his joining us from minneapolis as you're saying john it's a waiting game now but what is the atmosphere like there where you are.
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well during its tense minneapolis has learned the hard way how to do security after the riots and protests that followed the death of george floyd on may 25th and if you can see behind me that is the courthouse there there are 2 lines of fencing normally that's a road that goes under the courthouse that has been closed off there are national guard troops there and the national guard are traveling around with police not just here but in nearby brooklyn center where john terry wright was recently killed by a police officer in a confrontation there that has set off protests there and we are likely to see them here as well schools are open today but they have closed from wednesday through friday that tells you a little bit about what this city thinks is going to happen or what the timing is of the decision of this jury here and it's not just here there are national guard troops and state police and sheriffs police and minneapolis police but there are also national guard troops in washington d.c. of course they've been there since before the inauguration after that january 6th
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attack on the capital and they have asked for more troops so they had $2300.00 they asked for another $1250.00 troops are there chicago about 6 hours drive south of here has got $150.00 national guard troops there all awaiting this verdict and that gives you an idea of this jail the magnitude of this case across the united states just as happened this summer there is an expectation that if the crowds in the street are not happy with what happens in that courthouse they're going to take to the streets in a big way yet john and there's been some criticism of her marks by a democratic congresswoman what more can you tell us about what she had to say and the reaction to it. that's right maxine waters is an african-american member of congress from southern california and she was asked about the protests and she said. people need to stay out in the streets
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they need to demand a guilty verdict and she said they need to get more confrontational well that caused a backlash mostly by right wing television commentators on fox news and stations like that there's been a sort of what i would call a reverse chancel culture people have been condemning their members of congress want a statement of condemnation some people have asked her to resign but. in reality we have all watched this trial we've all seen the evidence and most people have formed an opinion she didn't call for violence in the streets she called for confrontation and she wants people to know that the crowds in the street are demanding a guilty verdict she didn't say a false guilty verdict so there there is a little bit of false cheers coming it seems from people who are conservatives who are upset that they got so much criticism about supporting many of the people who were involved in the capitol riots of january 6 now alone is floyd the brother of
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george floyd was on t.v. this morning here in the u.s. and he was asked about that he was he was on t.v. because he was asked about a call from joe biden and when he was asked about the maxine waters incident he said he thought this was just a distraction for the right to distract against the injustice that occurred to his brother so he has dismissed this it's probably a storm a tempest in a teacup that will go away. but the focus here is really on the jury which started its deliberations it 8 this morning as you said this is the 1st full day of deliberations we can tell the city doesn't think that there will be a response to this very complicated case in one day because they haven't closed the schools or anything but we do expect in the coming days we don't know how many the o.j. simpson jury as i said in that story took 4 hours sometimes they take weeks right we're all just waiting but as we do these streets are tenser than ever ok john
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thank you so much for that reporting from minneapolis. while bus and train stations in new delhi have been overwhelmed by thousands of migrant workers fleeing the city as a weeklong cove in 1000 locked down goes into effect it's a reminder of just similar exodus during a nationwide lockdown last year india has reported more than 200000 new cases for a 6th consecutive day. and on shoes they reported a record number of deaths from the virus more than 1700 of toronto men is a new delhi she says the government is being urged to provide welfare for migrant workers. government announced on monday that from monday night for one week that it was imposing what it called a curfew but one of the restrictions are the same as doing the knock down the nationwide lockdown even last year with people on their homes unless they were what are considered essential services and they're not allowed to leave their homes on
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this it's to get essential supplies in just hours after those restrictions were announced we have seen thousands of migrant workers people who were who live rather in different states to where they work crowding the streets off the capital crowding and train terminals because they have many of them who are dating a wage and those who once again as they did last year they've lost their jobs they come to afford to pay rent and they want to return home now and the tenant has pleaded with migrant workers is not to leave and try to assure them that they will be looked after. course has asked both the central and state government why we are seeing the kinds of pictures we did last year and why they haven't learnt anything in the past year it's also asking the local government here in delhi to spend around $400000000.00 to make sure that a lot of these people these modern flu because the fed now that they have no way to feed themselves as well as the scenes that we're seeing at bus and train terminals
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we're also seeing migrant workers on the leaving foot on the border of the station all. again because they feel that they have no option pakistan's government has agreed to ask for parliamentary votes on whether to expel the french ambassador that's part of the deal it reached with the band political party to how he could have begun an effort to end a weeklong anti france demonstrations. there have been nationwide strikes and that has been blocking routes into major cities and protests against french cartoons depicting the prophet. has more from islamic. parliament took up that issue today. the speaker of the national assembly saying that a committee should be form so that both the government and opposition members can reach some sort of a. that of course had not happened yet some of the opposition parties even boy
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courting. the parliament and. the interior minister what instrument. is also going to be giving a press conference. and not. a lot of ambiguity. because there was also a mention that no individual or group. date however the opposition is blaming the government for not taking them into. the issue and if it is going to be important to see whether that is going to be some sort of a breakthrough but for the dime being released on the street 10 in pakistan because they're. threatening to wage countrywide protests marching on it. happening for the moment but they did indeed a crucial issue and
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a critical issue that has to be dogged as soon as. britain's prime minister says he will consider legislation to stop the english football clubs from joining the proposed european super league for his johnson gave the english football association has unwavering support for its attempts to prevent the breakaway competition 12 of europe's elite clubs plan to join the new multi-billion dollar project barker's in london outside chelsea's ground stamford bridge more on the growing backlash against the super league there are a whole load of voices getting involved in this heated debate the backlash has been gathering pace over the past couple of days we've heard from politicians pundits players managers and even royalty joining forces to condemn plans to create the super league but we've heard from pep guardiola manager of manchester city in the last hour or so saying that he didn't feel the super league was a sport at all because there are no winners and losers referring to the fact that
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you can't be promoted or relegated boris johnson the british prime minister has also got involved he was very quick to say that the government would do everything possible to review their plans and possibly adapt them if not council them completely he's been holding talks with representatives from the football association and the premier league we don't know what's in the government's are still to be able to fight to attempt to create this league there is some suggestion that they may well look to competition laws to stave off any kind of perceived football monopoly and further afield as well we've heard from the french president in mind krone he has said that he would do everything possible to defend existing competitions so far no french teams have signed up to the proposal e. kind of again the headlines on al-jazeera the army in china has announced press.


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