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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm +03

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we cover the stories that matter the human stories. from the for venice of caracas to the battlefields around most of our job is to get to the truth and then power people through knowledge. the u.s. justice department launches an investigation into the minneapolis police department following the guilty verdict in the george floyd case. the rommany watching on their life my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 30 minutes. i was russian police arrest dozens protesting in support of opposition leader alexina valley. also running out of
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oxygen a leaking tank causes the deaths of at least 22 patients in an indian hospital this coronavirus cases and deaths search also indonesian navy submarine goes missing near bali with 53 sailors on board a search and rescue mission is underway. but into the program the u.s. attorney general has announced that an investigation will be launched into the minneapolis police department and how it uses force it comes less than a day after former officer derrick jovan was found guilty of the murder and manslaughter of george floyd jovan was filmed kneeling on the unarmed black man's neck for more the 9 minutes during a botched arrest last may yesterday's verdict in the state criminal trial does not address the tensional e systemic policing issues in minneapolis. today i am announcing
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that the justice department has opened a civil investigation to determine whether the minneapolis police department engages in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional or unlawful policing well in a moment we'll be getting to john hendren in minneapolis not george floyd but 1st let's cross over to a white house correspondent kimberly how could he joins me now and can be a real political push now it seems all police reform but how difficult or easy is it going to be really for the president or anyone else to get traction on this. well the momentum is in the president's favor and bouts why he tast his department of justice to add to the already criminal investigation that is in place investigating the death of george floyd now we have the announcement of the civil investigation into the police and practices of the minneapolis police department what this investigation will do is it will address sort of what it sees as systemic
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failures with regard to potentially discriminatory conduct as well as training and the use of force now what the goal of this from the white house perspective is is to essentially restore trust between communities particularly communities of color and law enforcement but this is just one track that the white house is pursuing there's also the believe that the momentum is in favor of legislation that has otherwise been languishing on capitol hill and that is the justice in policing act the george floyd justice simply saying act of course george floyd being the victim in the case that resulted in the conviction of police officer derrick chauvet so what we've known is that this legislation passed in the house of representatives but has not been taken up by the senate we know that the u.s. president shortly after the conviction of officer derrick chauvin that he called the family of george floyd to say that he wants to sign this into law so this the
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convictions av essential a reasonable life into this legislation at least the hope of the white house and so they are pushing very hard not just on capitol hill but also through the department of justice to see change can be helped at all white house correspondent thanks very much conflict let's cross over to john hendren he's live for us in minneapolis and can we assume john that there's a sense of relief and many in minneapolis perhaps further afield as well a chance to remember a man who sort of moved a nation really into social and political action. relief and surprise a lot of the people we've talked to have said they've seen these kinds of injustices happen time and time again without any wrapper questions and so they were pleasantly surprised many of them when they saw 3 guilty verdicts in the courthouse just a day ago and they say that they will continue not just through the conviction of
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the other 3 officers involved which many people here say they want to see but until they no longer have to remind people that black lives matter. this sentences in this case will be meted out in the case of derek chauvin in 8 weeks and it gets a little complicated he's charged with 3 charges. 40 years is the top prison sentence but given that he has no priors then minnesota state guidelines are 12 and a half years for each of the murder charges and 4 years for the manslaughter charge so a significant amount of time for that officer is potential but of course the judge can offer a lighter sentence if he chooses to do so but meanwhile you're right here in george floyd square there's been a kind of lighter mood having come here for the past 11 months than i have seen in the past and people are cheering and as i said surprised indeed of course it has been another incident which is causing concern in a different state it's the shooting of
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a black woman what are the circumstances around that because now the focus seems to be moving in that direction. that's right this is an incident in columbus ohio it involved 2 young women and 2 young girls who were in an altercation and a police officer we know this from his badge camera video approaches these 2 girls very quickly one of them brandish is a knife and the officer cries out and then immediately fires striking her dad her name is mccabe bryant and she's only 60 was only 16 year old years old at the time of that incident a lot of people were very concerned thinking that there were so many other things this officer could have done he could have used his taser he could have used any other number of means of stopping that altar cation which after all was between 2 teenagers and involved perhaps one knife i don't know if there were more in that
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case what we're getting right now we know only from the police report we have not talked to witnesses there anything so the information there is still scanty but it does appear that the officer came in and just fired killing one of 2 teenage girls she was living in a foster home and she is african-american so the black lives matter movement is looking into this case as well one more time with a police officer shooting an african-american in america if you don't keep an eye on that story as the day progresses sort of me but john thanks very much i had to force the minneapolis. letter to europe now where russian president vladimir putin is warning moscow will respond harshly to any foreign provocations but wants to have good relations with other countries whose had made the comments in his annual state of the nation speech. what i see so we can use russia has its own interests will be protecting and upholding them within the context of international law but if someone refuses to understand that and adopt an arrogant attitude towards us we
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will up hold our line their attitudes towards us are more dangerous now than in the past the direct interference umbrella reuss is an example to create a cool the so-called collective west is involved here well but as smith joins me now from moscow the one thing that president putin didn't mention bernard was alexy in the valley there have been protests today and arrests just bring us an update because it seems pretty busy behind you. so yes they've been calls of protests across across russia in support of our lex in a van and his demand to be allowed is own doctors to come and see him and that's been denied so far and there is yes over my shoulder on the other side of the road there's a small gathering of protesters it's been declared illegal this protest across russia for covert reasons they'll forages say so the police are putting in barriers
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everywhere an attempt to try and stop people from gathering in one spot to the square in front of the kremlin was where they wanted to gather but they were because it's illegal lot's been fenced off hence people sort of coming out of the metro and trying to gather elsewhere there have been a lot of detentions as well more than 200 now across the room more than 300 i beg your pardon across the country an early today. of softball was one of those detained she's a very close ally of alexei navalny. but your stash this just of this just in is what i think that everything is happening to scare all the other people i was literally detained for the fought for showing up at the rally i'll be detained until the late evening in the police van but you know perfectly well what you should do you shouldn't be afraid i want freedom front of on the even from the police fanned the valley should be alive safe and free now we know that no melanie is very ill in a tuberculosis hospital a prison tuberculosis hospital in solitary ward hasn't got to work yellow says but
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that's where he's being detained his own doctors have not been allowed to see him moscow's on books woman said for independent doctors not with the hospital have seen him and they say he's in a satisfactory condition but the un has added to calls us human rights advocates say he should be taken abroad for treatment is not something that his son himself has asked for but for him and these protesters it make it much harder for them to even gather in these numbers from next week the prosecutors of us to moscow court to outlaw these foundation putting it on the same level as extremist groups like al qaida if that happens then his supporters and financier's could face very stiff prison sentences and very heavy fines but as with force in moscow thanks for that. now at least 22 crowbars patients have died in hospital in the indian state of maharashtra. a leak calls their oxygen supply to run out it comes as the country
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reports almost 300000 new cases and more than 2000 deaths both the bizarre recalls elizabeth cohen has more from the indian capital. the leak of an oxygen tank outside this hospital in nashik maharastra coast clouds of dense white gas. the tankers supply oxygen needed by patients inside the 700 bed facility if they were to do a leak it occurred while refilling the oxygen tankers and a lot of covered 1000 patients at the hospital who are under ventilator support died you could cut an oxygen supply. more than 20 patients died 31 were transferred to another hospital the incident happened as many indian states complain of shortages of such and supplies which have led to deaths due to me i brought my wife here in the night and she was well and was talking to me but around in the night she told me that she was not getting oxygen and the hospital is not providing it to
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her i spoke to a few officials everyone said we are checking and we're checking but nobody was checking in in the morning i was told that my wife is dead. shortages in the capital led to delhi's leaders pleading with the central government to send more oxygen urgently independent health experts say the government should have anticipated this so unfortunately it seems to be the case that the lessons from last year perhaps were not registered adequately the recognition that those who need admission certainly need oxygen and if the number of cases were admitted would increase exponentially as we are seeing right now that there would be a possibility of started up oxygen this would have been something that policymakers and health systems operations should have thought through. the government has now restricted the supply of oxygen in india for medical purposes and there's a ministry of external affairs has been tasked of enforcing 50000 metric tons of oxygen for hospitals using double the amount they were last year and with hard
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cases rising at the current rate that demand is only. even more and this is one of al-jazeera down. the relaxation of trying to virus restrictions. this happening faster than expected in denmark restaurants can now serve customers indoors provided they present evidence they vaccinated or a or have a negative test result the limiter on outdoor public gatherings has also been raised from 52 dogs from 10 and it's quite a virus outbreak was largely kept under control due to intensive and frequent testing meanwhile there have been protests in the german capital where politicians have just approved new so-called emergency brake rules to tackle the pandemic the new law allows for school closures a nighttime curfew is in areas with high infection rates critics see it as an attack on their freedoms even as germany battles a 3rd wave of cases well still ahead here on al-jazeera the transitional military
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council takes power in chad after the death of the president address debbie and syrian refugees face losing their homes they fled government supporters are benefiting from the latest land grabs those stories after the break. it's time for the perfect gentlemen. sponsored by qatar airways. the spring rains that you might expect to see in both china and japan change shape a little bit for the next couple of days there becoming north science line rather than a southwest northeast down in the destruction also at the bottom end reveals a thai food this one is currently battering the east coast of the philippines bringing pretty high ways but it's basically going to stay over water it does so we'll throw a big swell towards taiwan and will affect small japanese islands but basically
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it's over water and the range you see is also over water the east china sea in the yellow sea leaving a dries own in eastern china the former more rain gathers and you've had a couple of dry warm days in japan and the korean peninsula take yours the weekend so we're going back 24 hours this is just disappearing off luzon there's a flood risk certainly and the danger to fisherman on the eastern side of luzon otherwise it goes out of the way but it shows where there's seasonal rain is well away from potential malaysia's northern sumatra through southeast asia much of indonesia now is much drier than of lights rapidly becoming no longer the wet season is still there quite stormy in the finals of both pakistan and india most places are dry in the pretty monsoon heat is showing. sponsored qatar airways most people will never know what's beyond this storm.
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deafening silence it's 100000 forms how it feels to touch danger in 3 days. most people will never know what it's like to work with every breath is precious. with it is not an option. but we're not most people. more. book about to watch al-jazeera with me so robin a reminder of our top stories the u.s. attorney general has launched an investigation into the minneapolis police department becomes less than a day after former officer derrick chervin was found guilty of the murder and
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manslaughter of george floyd. at least 300 people have been detained across russia for protesting against the incarceration of kremlin critic alexi the valve the russian authorities have deemed the protests unlawful due to coronavirus restrictions and 22 patients have died at a public hospital in india's western state of maharashtra where the oxygen supply ran out following a leak in the tank the hospital had been treating coronavirus patients. indonesia's navy is searching for 53 people on board a missing submarine the german made submarine was commissioned in 1979 was conducting a torpedo drill in that waters north of the island of bali when it stopped responding indonesia's military chief has requested the help of australia and singapore in the search navy officials believe it could have sunk to a depth of 6 to 700 metres jessica washington has the latest from jakarta on the submarines disappearance. this vessel the 402 requested permission to
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dive into deeper waters in the early hours of wednesday morning and shortly after making that request and receiving permission to go ahead the vessel lost contact with indonesian authorities what we know is that around 4 hours after losing contact with the submarine indonesian authorities were doing an aerial surveillance of the area trying to spot the submarine and where it could be located in this area around bali's north coast and they did find what appears to be an oil spill in the location where they believe the submarine was located when it 1st attempted to dive into deeper waters now hopefully that is something of a breakthrough which help could help with finding the location of this vessel and of the 53 individuals on board this is an old a submarine but we do know that it did undergo refurbishment in south korea and that process was completed in 2012 we understand that the indonesian navy is
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currently in the process of surveilling the area both by air and sea and those requests for assistance from neighboring countries astray and singapore as well as india have been responded to and those countries have offered their assistance with this search effort to move a protest leader has been charged along with 40 other demonstrators for the murder of 2 policeman but he was arrested last week following a bike chase him audio or video releases a vehicle ramming into a convoy of motorbikes the man was then taken away by police van pardon me the ability to enter is also cracking down on protesting doctors by canceling their licenses and revoking passports teaching has most of bangkok in neighboring thailand. medical services in myanmar have effectively ground to hold the the military have been focusing very much on trying to pressure the medical services doctors but also those running the hospitals to get back to work they've
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been targeting them or they've been targeting the hospitals as well in some of their crackdowns and what we heard in last night's 8 pm bulletin on state television news was that any doctors who take part in the cd and the civil disobedience movement will be disbarred they'll have their law medical licenses revoked and they'll have their passports taken away they've even arrested the doctor who's in charge of the covert 19 operations in myanmar so it is something of a health care system in crisis nonetheless i think this the many doctors in myanmar have stated that they are not going to go back to work and they are adamant in their support for the protesters indeed world the special rapporteur for human rights said today that he's being told that as many as a quarter of a 1000000 people have been displaced and we've seen 2000 people coming across the border into thailand we know some have got across the other border into indonesia
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into india but the majority of the of those people are people who fled from the big urban centers where the protests and the crackdowns have been focused in the last couple of months with the military so intransigent in their of refusal to turn back the clock on the military coup and the protesters adamant they're going to carry on with the protests that this is just heading towards an even greater crisis. a south korean court has rejected a compensation claim by women forced into sex slavery by the japanese military joining world war 2 it ruled the japanese government enjoyed sovereign immunity from civil jurisdiction under international law in a separate case in january the same quarter drawl that japan should compensate 12 surviving victims chance military has promised an 18 month transition to free elections after the death of president idriss deby now the army says he was killed while leading soldiers fighting rebels in the north that he had just won
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re-election his son general marks will take on the role of interest in the head of state. therefore. the defense and security forces are not seeking to seize power and would like to reassure that the members of the transitional military council will hand over power to a civilian government after free and democratic elections within 18 months. or so there is in the company and demeanor and says there is a sense of uncertainty as people try to get back to normal activities and now. the people in the capital are getting back to normal life activities most of them are working day by day to support their families they continue their work as usual despite their concerns armed opposition groups have issued statements saying that they do not accept the declaration that baby son will be the president for 18 months we have been to the central market in germany all the shops are open and people are doing their daily business as usual not all government offices are fully
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operational some of the staff went to the offices some didn't go because the situation is not clear to them that they're all waiting to see what will happen the political opposition parties and some civil society groups have also rejected the claim that debbie son will be president for 18 months. 2 years ago nearly a 1000000 syrians were forced to flee their homes in the northern and southern areas during a military assault by government under russian forces now rights groups say their homes and land being unlawfully confiscated and given to government supporters has the story. mohammed and his family used to live a comfortable life until a syrian and russian military offensive in northwest syria forced them to leave their home 2 years ago they moved further north to areas controlled by the opposition and lip muhammad is not only unable to return to his hometown in the hama countryside because of security concerns the government confiscated his land or the lock out our religion and
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a security committee in hama province decided not to allow what they called terrorists from returning to the lanes when government documents were issued formally confiscating my land along with the land of at least 100 others who they consider opponents imagine they also confiscated land belonging to my relatives as well this is why muhammad still hides his identity he fears for their punishment against those who stayed behind human rights groups say 44000 hectares of agricultural land have been unlawfully seized since the government captured northern hama and southern from the opposition syrian government has not announced the option or reached out to the individual and they did not provide them with an opportunity to challenge the decision and did not provide the nation when they took over the land millions have been displaced from across the country and the 10 years of war and it's not the 1st time authorities have retrospectively punished their opponents existing laws make it hard for those who can't or won't return to
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government controlled territory to hold on to their properties. we can return to our homes because of the presence of this criminal regime i will try through human rights groups to legally challenge the regime god willing i'll get my land back in any way possible peacefully or even through war. the government has placed many refugees and internally displaced people on a list of what it calls terrorists to justify the land grabs in a move rights groups describe a systematic repression. for many it's not just about material losses but think missiles i'll give you an example my father was killed in a regime jail when i used to visit his house i used to see his spirit everywhere his laughter his smile we lost our memories they also lost their only source of livelihood forced to leave their past behind them for their beirut now the head of sri lanka's roman catholic church is accusing the government of stalling
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investigations into the 2980 s. to bombings the attacks on catholic worshippers killed 269 people and left more than 500 injured nearly 200 suspects were arrested but 2 years later no one has yet been charged the government at the time was criticized for not acting on intelligence information ahead of the attacks but often and has more from the gabo . 2 years after the easter bombings of 2019 there are still more questions than answers as you can see behind me hundreds of members of the catholic church the clergy coming together essentially in a silent march a sign of sort of. calling for justice for the victims that were killed on that easter sunday 2019 now the head of the catholic church the archbishop cardinal malcolm brown has been scathing about the lack of progress he said
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political posturing and the need to protect alliances had hindered the i mean he went as far a few days ago as saying that the bombings had nothing to do with religious extremism the draft was about politics and people who wanted to ensure a centrally grabbing power so this has been a sort of us saw issue over the months since the bombings and the government essentially the current government of president gore tabi rajapaksa that came to power promising transparency promising a sort of a clear and open process has been called out the opposition essentially saying that there are too many things essential lead dots that daunte to add up they see that the east cross conducted by a presidential commission of inquiry did not to look into crucial issues things that were white facts within this bombing had not been looked into. football's
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controversial new european super league is on the verge of collapse just 2 days after it was announced one of the main organizers says they will be able to go ahead after several teams withdrew from the project now all of the english clubs involved including chelsea and manchester city pulled out on tuesday after a major backlash from supporters and politicians and now into milan ac milan eventers and athletico madrid of all followed suit only spanish clubs real madrid and barcelona are still officially involved these barca has more from london. it was a real domino effect and it all happened incredibly quickly under ferocious pressure from all sides not only mcgraw st cyr fans but so all the way up to the top as well managers players pundits you name it even royalty was involved in condemning the superleague project the likes of prince william who's president of the football association here in england saying that he felt that it would change english football earth forever prime minister boris johnson saying that he would throw
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a legislative bomb into the mix to try and stop the plan in its tracks the likes of the french president emmanuel micron saying that he would make sure that existing championships were protected with the dust settling i suppose only the ruins of the the super league a period of soul searching questions are also being asked about whether now is the time to seize the opportunity to shake up the management of these teams many of them run by multi-billionaire laws the foreign owners none of those teams that signed up with german many of those looking at their so basically saying well look because funds in germany have much more of a stakeholder in those teams that the put the funds themselves avoided those teams going down this particular road if a similar shakeup happened here france will give them more power we wouldn't see that being at the top have a top heavy structure when it comes to how these clubs are all run most certainly
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the ball is rolling though when it comes to really reassessing the future of european football. your child is there who meets the whole run the reminder of all top story the u.s. attorney general has launched an investigation into the minneapolis police department and it comes less than a day after a formal officer derek chapman was found guilty of the batter and manslaughter of george floyd a white house correspondent kimberly how. well the momentum is in the president's favor and bouts why he tast his department of justice to add to the already criminal investigation that is in place investigating the death of george floyd now we have the announcement of the civil investigation into the policing practices of the minneapolis police department what this investigation will do is it will.


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