tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 22, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm +03
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no matter where it takes us i prefer your fear syria my own. and. impartial which tell your stories we are your voice. al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm so robyn you're watching the al-jazeera news are live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the biden administration marks by hosting a summit of the world leaders as the u.s. looks to reclaim center stage in the fight against climate change but across the globe the challenges are only growing from new coal plants in china and rising sea
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levels in bangladesh to african nations trying to stop the spread of the sahara desert. in other news india reports a global record of more than 314000 new corona virus infections as patients struggle to access hospital beds and oxygen supply it's also the search for a missing indonesian submarine with 53 crewmembers on board focuses on the oil slick north of bali. and sports around madrid president and says the european super league remains on stand by our president completely wrong to believe the project is over. welcome to the new. 2021 that the rallies and marches around the world but because of the pandemic most of today's events. it will be held virtually including
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a white house summit in the coming hours bringing together leaders from 40 nations so we begin this news hour with reports from the world's 2 superpowers the us which is trying to reclaim a place at the center of the climate debate and china which calls itself a leader in this fight but also continues to build new coal plants 1st nick clark explains just how much is at stake this virtual summit is the us administration saying we're back in the fight after 4 years of donald trump ignoring the climate crisis for the world leaders have been invited including those nations responsible for 80 percent of global emissions and as you can see the top of that list is china and then the united states itself the 2 world's biggest polluters and together they account for nearly half of the world's emissions and that's why i joe biden special envoy for climate change john kerry was recently in china seeking an apparently getting a commitment to cooperate from chinese leaders but he knows much more is required
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at a moment ago no one nation no one nation. can can make the difference here if if trying to went to 0 tomorrow we still have a problem and most of the other nations are also reducing but the point of the paris agreement was everybody accepted the goal so the summits aim is to delve in eyes nations much greater ambition ahead of a crucial un climate conference in glasgow in november to limit warming to one and a half degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels remember right now we're already at 1.2 degrees celsius and the effects of even that have been catastrophic from ice melt to wildfires to droughts and floods to local swarms and super storms costing billions displacing millions up until this week national commitments to cut c o 2 have pointed to a reduction in global emissions of just one percent by 2030 the experts say we need a reduction of at least 40 percent by that time the world is banking once again on
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u.s. leadership so let's talk corresponding katrina here she joins me now live from beijing an opportunity really thought china to explain how it intends to reduce its carbon footprint. it is an opportunity but for china participating in this climate summit isn't really about explaining any details about how it intends to move forward in achieve its climate goals really this is about the optics for china beijing wants to show that it takes climate seriously that it's willing to set aside its differences with other countries to pursue its targets and most importantly china wants to show that it's a leader when it comes to fighting climate change that it's not just following along behind the u.s. that it's equal to the u.s. and to that effect we actually saw president xi jinping hold a summit with the leaders of france and germany late last week with the manual mccraw and with angela merkel where they discussed china's climate targets we also
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saw the u.s. climate and boy john kerry in shanghai last week where he met with his chinese counterpart shared jen who are now from both of those meetings china reiterated its true sting ature climate pledges that one it would achieve carbon peak emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 but the key thing is from both of those meetings who did not hear any details about how it intends to do this now it is true that china has made some leaps when it comes to moving towards renewable energy but no any including the u.s. as we're about to hear believe that is simply not enough. toxic smoke leaking from power plants and factories is a common sight in chancy the northwest importance has for decades powered china's economic growth primarily by coal. it's contributed to the nation becoming the world's top lucia responsible for roughly one 3rd of global carbon emissions. the coal industry employs most of the people who live here. pollution has been
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polluting for decades if they shut down all the factories what are we going to do everyone who works for the factories. last year this region produced about 1100000000 tons of coal china's reliance on burning coal as its main source of energy is its biggest obstacle to lowering carbon emissions the government is struggling to find ways to curb coal without affecting jobs or harming economic growth pollution caused by burning fossil fuels regularly shrouds the capital and heavy smoke has pledged to carbon emissions by 2030 and eliminate them altogether by 2060 but it's yet to detail how exactly it plans to achieve this is not only about commitment is all about what we actually do right in the next 5 years we expect china can include more concrete policies and to give us a more clear roadmap of how they can achieve these 2 carbon targets increasing the
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use of renewable energy sources is crucial china is already the world's largest producer of wind and solar power it's also the biggest market for electric vehicles the government has tightened regulations to pressure can make it into transitioning away from gas but many say that's not enough us climate and boy john kerry was in shanghai last week trying to convince authorities to do more. for a big country with 1400000000 people. not easily believe it some countries are asking china to do more on climate change the free this is not very realistic researchers say china must close down more than 500 coal fired power plants in the next decade to meet its climate pledges that it continues to approve new ones at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world the government is planning to close down some old. factories here and build what it says greener more efficient whole
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facilities for some parts of china at least it seems the route to clean energy will be long and small. but of course circuitry it really is a balancing act that even your reports not even some officials. find it so very hard to know how it's all going to be achieved that's right so most of the environmentalists and researchers that we spoke to say that they do believe that beijing is sincere in wanting to achieve its climate targets but at the top level the government faces a lot of headwinds from smaller levels of government local government and provincial governments because they simply are relying on this coal industry and they have done for decades the other problem is that china's energy infrastructure is very old and rigid so even though china does have a lot of investment and capacity when it comes to renewable energy it's not
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necessarily making the most of that capacity at the moment so what may morris believe needs to be done is that aging needs to impose policies from the very top and enforce those policies perhaps with penalties or other other ways to force this transition to happen and we're expecting those to be now be announced if not during this climate summit then at least before the end of the year because really in beijing thanks very much for that update. well but even as the u.s. tries to reclaim center stage in the global climate debate its own domestic issues make that difficult for president biden or any other politician to accomplish all white house correspondent complete health kit and if he remains a controversial subject in america. it's not uncommon to find oil and gas companies operating right in the middle of communities. this site in inglewood california is pumping for oil using a controversial process called fracking that environmentalist like one flora's want
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banned by new fracking has become an. idle people. because they know that their lives their livelihood it's fracking is a process of drilling that uses high pressure water to force oil and gas out of rock deep in the earth environmentalist say the process pollutes water and releases methink gas into the atmosphere contributing to climate change but banning the practice has divided president joe biden's democratic party let me be clear and i know it always comes up we're not going to ban fracking but others in the party like congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez and senator bernie sanders are pushing for a federal ban we don't need america but republicans are in favor of fracking some members of biden's own democratic party including senator joe manchin representing
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the energy producing state of west virginia also support fracking. and even in liberal leaning states like california where a fracking ban have the support of the governor legislation has so far failed due to lobbying by the oil and gas industry. jobs without a doubt ruining small towns across america boil gas and chemical companies spent more than $100000000.00 lobbying last year including on political ads like this one that aired during the 2020 presidential election campaign to push back on efforts to ban fracking in this last point is that activists are angry and say biden's efforts on fracking are simply a half measure he suspended new oil and gas drilling on federal lands but that accounts for less than a quarter of total u.s. oil production biden claims he never promised an end to fracking but activists like one florist say that's exactly why he worked to get biden elected.
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in the she. was one of the promises he's got in we were holding accountable. president biden is expected to make big promises during his climate summit but already some activists say it won't be enough can really help get out jazeera washington. low lying bangladesh is one of the countries most at risk from climate change rising sea levels could force millions of people from their homes and once the hardest hit places is paul island the largest in the country often called the ground 0 of global warming it's also home to some of the world's 1st climate refugees. explains in the middle of one of the world's largest belters an island is gradually disappearing and where a beggar may widow whose family were once wealthy farmers over the years she has witnessed how nature can take everything away.
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i used to live in an area called chic darbari where we used to own a lot of farmland and dozens of homes but over the years everything got gradually washed away by the sea there's no trace of it anymore all gone and that eventually forced me to move and stay here with my grandson the bangladesh government estimates that nearly 6000000 people are displaced each year due to a very russians most of the people living here in slums like this here in dhaka i watch you could call now climate change migrants that moved here because many of them have lost their homes and farmlands to cost and rising sea levels according to the un's children foreign units have 2001000 report climate link environmental disaster are threatening the lives and future of more than 1000000000 children in bangladesh where i began with just a teenager when she moved to dhaka from burleigh to find work not even the bangor day get everything we had out there was destroyed by river erosion and rising water
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levels it's very hard to make a living there anymore or find a place to stay. the increase in water salinity due to rising sea level is not only damaging farmlands but harming mangrove forests everything is finished because of salt water we used to have great harvesting before but nowadays due to high salinity content in the land crops are getting damaged not growing well even cows don't graze here anymore take a look at these plants some environmental experts are optimistic about u.s. president joe biden's new climate policy i don't have. replacing attitude on climate change in usa before that there was almost an ounce of a life of them in the usa oh yes that would blow from that planet convention which rather did after and huge amount of accumulated you know it got at the think tank that commitment $400000000000.00 a year that is expected expected by the developing countries must be phased in
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a recent media interview prime minister sheikh hasina say that bangladesh loses 2 percent off its g.d.p. to extreme climate events every year and spends 2.5 percent of his g.d.p. on climate adaptations bond with us contributes merely 0.35 percent of global carbon emissions yet it is people like anwar a beggar who are paying the price for global warming for them climate diplomacy means very little time to charge 3 al-jazeera bangladesh. well plenty more ahead here on the al-jazeera news hour including the crackdown on press freedom in hong kong following the conviction of an investigative journalist also the u.s. justice department launches an investigation into policing in minneapolis after former officers to big did of murdering george floor we'd. all find which team has become the 1st to make it through to the national hockey league playoffs.
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well india is reporting a global record of more than 3 114000 new creative virus cases and more than 2000 deaths is the highest daily case count in a single country since the virus surfaced more than a year ago now several states are struggling with severe shortages of oxygen the delhi high court has strongly criticised the government's response to the shortage saying and we're quoting beg borrow or steal it's a national emergency the health ministry says it's increased oxygen quotas for the worst hit regions. we have at least $350.00 and all of them probably all of them require oxygen oxygen varying from finally does to 15 leaders do even more so there is a kind of demand that is there at the moment and because of which the supplies that are coming in which are very irregular. and certain there is
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a lot of an engine in the system we are not able to fully focus our energies on. on the clinical board effort and we are sadly distracted but not stately nor majorly distracted by the. chain problems one of those is maharastra wealth ortiz have now added further restrictions to its partial lockdown the prime minister states to avoid total lockdowns despite soaring cases and in the face of sharp criticism politicians continue to hold campaign rallies in west bengal's ongoing elections polling is also underway well elizabeth problem is in the capital she describes the crisis hospitals are facing. outside one of delhi's biggest public hospitals they have a capacity of 1500 beds for close 1000 patients they are completely full we are seeing patients arriving dusting for the destroyed family members trying to get the message we're seeing other patients arriving already on oxygen supply using oxygen
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cylinders and lying in their cars health minister has said has described this as a grave crisis with many of the capital's hospitals only having a few hours of oxygen supply left with so many thousands of patients on ventilators that's why one of india's biggest private hospitals took the matter to the delhi high court which directed the central government to urgently send oxygen to delhi it also said that the lives of thousands of people were at stake and said to the government that it was going to be responsible for the lives of these people if it didn't wake up to this situation now we also have a similar situation it's not as bad but people are dying elsewhere in the country because they can't get to hospital beds or to ventilators it's why the government is now importing 50000 metric tons of oxygen to send to 12 of the states that are the worst affected. indonesia's navy chief is warning that the oxygen supply
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a missing submarine will run out by saturday 53 crew members on board the k. 4 o 2 went missing during a military exercise a wednesday and there's been no contact since an oil spill has been spotted and a sound was detected around the time the vessel disappeared let's get the very latest now from jessica washington who's monitoring events for us from jakarta jessica it all really hinges on how deep the sub is where it is and how damaged it is a questions as to whether they can actually find it. well that's exactly right so hell more than 30 hours since authorities lost contact with the care on the 402 there are still a number of unanswered questions and namely the ones you mentioned where the vessel is located and in what condition now authorities are still looking to the areas to the north coast of bali it's believed the vessel was around 96 kilometers from the
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coast of bali when it went missing authorities say that they are still looking at that specific area and in that area they did see what appears to be an oil slick they saw that just hours after the vessel went missing yesterday and this still looking into whether that oil slick has anything to do with the submarine and if it does does that indicate that there was some sort of fuel leak or is there potential that the crew may have deliberately released some of the fuel experts say that the latter option is more unlikely than the 1st but there are questions about the condition of this vessel and how possible it is to find its location this particular vessel was built in the seventy's in germany and has been in operation in indonesia since 981 but authorities say it recently underwent regular maintenance and refurbishment in south korea and is in good condition just a regional neighbors are coming to indonesia's who is coming to the aid and what
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are they offering. well a number of countries have offered assistance india the united states france and germany but most crucially indonesia's nearest neighbors that is who the government tried to reach out to in the immediate aftermath of realizing that this vessel had gone missing a stray singapore and malaysia all of those countries have much more sophisticated maritime technology than into nisha which only has a fleet of 5 submarines a strangely as foreign minister earlier confirmed that the government has spoken with the indian asian defense minister and they have offered whatever assistance is necessary malaysia has also dispatched a rescue ship and singapore as well has sent a submarine rescue vessel indonesia doesn't have a vessel such as these so these particular offerings from the indonesia's neighbors are crucial at this stage however it's likely that the ship from singapore will
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only arrive in 2 days and the vessel from malaysia could take as long as 4 days now time is crucial in a rescue operation such as this as you mentioned oxygen supplies could run out by saturday we do know that further vessels from indonesian police search and rescue officials and the navy are on route to the location including vessels with sophisticated sonar equipment scanning technology some of these vessels were used recently in january to search the java sea when there was a passenger plane crash and some of those vessels will be used in this operation hopefully authorities will have some answers soon just a washington jakarta thanks very much. but stay in the region because a hong kong investigative journalist has been convicted and finds the charges linked to a documentary exposing police misconduct during the 2019 protests speaking outside choice described the ruling as heartbreaking and called it
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a dog day for the territories press freedom to reproduce a program showing police officers delaying their response to a mob attack against commuters and protesters at a train station. i believe those who have watched the episodes have already be living proof of the value of documentary so. even though i was. guilty i don't see journalism as a crime and i hope to be in the street can find ways to. pursue our highest value of journalism in the long run. devika is in hong kong she says about choice case that's a consenting precedent for journalists in the city. you can hear the reports about troy after she leaves the court on the charge the verdict and said that she will not serve 2 jail time there was. relief particularly amongst the media community
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here but there's a lot of concern as to why this piece of it made it this far merely due to the fact that the method structure i was using for the talk to men 3 women question is widely used in the investigative journalism crossed the world she access to information from a public database. under false pretenses about freud is a prolific journalist she is a well known investigative journalist and also known for her investigations against police tactics and actions during the 2019 pro-democracy and antigovernment protests here. the minneapolis peaceful says under investigation by the u.s. justice department it's part of a push to retouch systemic abuse in the folds following day trayvon is conviction for murdering george floyd is also moving cole west apostles to reform policing
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across the u.s. children how small from the city george floyd square has transformed from crime scene to memorial to his summer site of celebration there's a feeling of hope that there was a big turn yesterday. you know the murder verdict came back to celebrate. take some time out. to grasp the moment grasses with aves last couple months thing you know this. is. not as really what it is as many who've been demonstrating for 11 months felt buoyed further by the announcement on wednesday that the u.s. justice department has launched a sweeping investigation into whether the minneapolis police department engages in discriminatory or unconstitutional practices building trust between community and law enforcement will take time and effort by all of us but we
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undertake this task with the term a nation an urgency. knowing that change can wait on capitol hill a bill named after george floyd would ban racial profiling in police chokeholds we must remain diligent in our efforts to bring meaningful change to police departments across the country the reform practices in training and the legal protections that grant too great a shield to police officers guilty of misconduct here were floyd spent his last moments of life many said the verdict against former minneapolis police officer derrick children is a start the people we've talked to here at the site of george floyd's murder say this movement isn't over with the conviction of derek chauvin or the other officers involved they say it will when they no longer have to say that black lives matter for the floyd family knowing the children won't get away with using his badge to justify murder brings a long awaited release i feel better feel relieved actually went to sleep for like
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5. and that was great and that offers hope and perhaps change to the next generation of black americans john hendren al-jazeera minneapolis. the police killing of another black people in north carolina a city of elizabeth crowds marched through the streets calling for justice after andrew brown was shot and killed while police were serving a search warrant on wednesday please have yet to release details but witnesses say he was killed while trying to drive away from offices. crying anger over the place killing of a teenage black girl in ohio police body company shows an officer shooting the girl as she appears to lunge at another girl with a knife to test as of the marching in the city of columbus the city's mass as an independent investigation is underway we don't yet have all of the facts. but we do know that a 16 year old girl child this community. tragically died
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last night. we released the officers by want camera footage as soon as possible will release all other information that we can as soon as we can we also need to be careful about not compromising the investigation. well still ahead here on the al-jazeera news. i mean a close hawk in senegal on the edge of what is known as the great green wall an ambitious project to plant trees from west to east africa in an attempt to stop the desert from expanding. also a drug war between 2 major cartels in southern mexico is intensifying in an exclusive report al-jazeera is john home and takes us to ground 0 of the fighting and install the japanese baseball star proving once again that tease more than just a picture that story coming up straight after the break down.
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it was a shock to the residents of stockholm this morning a draw for temperature about 12 degrees colder air across scandinavia has reintroduced winter now it's not entirely confined to scandinavia but this is the direction the wind round those lines there so it's quite a strong winds through denmark into germany and poland then it kills runs the real cost of this probably could be kept in the baltic the baltic states and it will warm up slowly in stockholm for the rest of europe the sun's out over a good part of of a sudden journey at least france and beyond disappointingly wet through spain in fact through the central med as a line of the system rain even thunderstorms and that is the front of the cultish air going slowly into eastern europe so this book the specific forecast
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a stocker 2 degrees for thursday yes it snowed a bit it would stick on the ground i don't think but up to 8 degrees is to well below average for the next couple of days and here's the picture for friday for most of europe where that cold is gone east was relying a bit more walk back into the low countries bit more sunshine into eastern side of spain which is going be so disappointing recently. we are dry for the most part in north africa court windy and even dusty libya and sudden tunisia. but. to see. a family man. politicized by the forces of nature. filmed over 4 years. a kenyan farm and documents his struggle for his community survival and builds a template for global action on climate change. to see the climate dial
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use a witness documentary on al-jazeera. we live in a world where the news is at our fingertips where we are one clay course wipe away from the latest headlines but how often do we stop swiping and scrolling and just listen it's the difference between knowing what's in the headlines and understanding how they got there. and this is to take pod cast where we bring you the context and the characters behind the stories that matter subscribe and start listening today. oh.
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the market watchers of his are with me so whole romney a reminder of our top stories here on the news it's earth day and the u.s. is returning to center stage in the fight against climate change president joe biden is due to begin hosting a virtual summit of world leaders aimed at speeding up global efforts also india has reported the world's largest daily increase in corona virus infection since the start of the pandemic more than 314000 new cases were about just that many hospitals of war dangerously low on oxygen and indonesia's navy chief is warning that offseason supplies on a missing submarine will run out by saturday 53 crew members on board went missing during a military exercise on wednesday an oil spill has been spotted in the area. the great green wall initiative aims to plant trees from west to east africa to slow the expansion of the sahara desert the world bank the european union and countries
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including france with higher carbon footprints of pledged 14000000000 dollars to make that happen but communities affected by the desert say the project is failing nicholas hack reports from bob deep in senegal's so help the region. no rains for months because once lush vegetable garden has turned to dust gone are the navy beans to feed her family had biscuits she uses it to cook and to make juice for her children she says it's as if the land has given up on her but she has not given up on the land. in this land you could grow not just to biscuits but carrots potatoes onion cauliflower if only we had water. water in this our hell is as precious as gold. in jar we travel west for hours on a rumor that there is a functioning well in what some here describe as
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a godforsaken land during the rainy season it's another story the land springs to life the state pays others to plant trees as part of the great green wall project an initiative to stop desert if occasion from east to west africa france the world bank and the e.u. have pledged $14000000000.00 to the project. it's hoped the completed wall would be a new wonder of the world over taking the great barrier reef to be the largest living structure on earth look at the great green wall now because of rising temperatures and the lack of rainfall most of the trees planted are either dying or already dead and while polluting countries have recently pledged billions of dollars more in funds for those projects people here say they're throwing money into the desert they say they don't need more trees but more access to water. these fall on the herders are moving further south away from arid climates
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encroaching on farmland. we will never stop hurting why should we abandon our ways it is so difficult to grow food that might kill has value if something goes wrong we can sell them even if the climate is changing i am not ready to change my ways in this conflict over land the state is largely absent armed groups in this a hell including al qaeda and the mixtape are exploiting grievances taking sites at stake is access to land for animals to graze and water and increasingly rare and precious resource that our and others desperately need nicholas hawk al-jazeera and back to about now it was bill daley a century ago as one of the most innovative mega projects of its time the 32 kilometer inclosure dam in the netherlands has served to protect the nation from the sea but now rising water levels and increasing storms are forcing the
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government to enhance the structure some reports from a slow dike in the netherlands. they are carefully designed to keep out a rising sea 170000 concrete blocks will strengthen the slide day and protect the netherlands against storms and high waves made with recycled material from the old dike every single one of the 6500 kilogram blocks contains an electronic chip you know where you have a super super super storm and that is somewhere some issue with all of these boxes so it's a little bit cold doll nor cracked or something then we can. find out which broke or to take it out. when construction began in the 1920 smen he did not believe the dutch could close off an entire sea and build a 32 kilometer long dike thousands of people worked on the project one stone at a time it was a gigantic project nearly a century ago and it's
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a maggot project once again will take 7 years before the us like that will be strong enough again but at this predicted the only protect the dutch heartland against the sea until 2050 after that more reinforcements are likely needed people who are protesting against the construction of the diet in the early 1900 could not have guessed how crucial it would be in the future. fishing community surrounding the southern sea lost their source of income when it turned into a sweet water lake behind a dike part of the sea bottom or reclaimed and islands disappeared usually from the bear's grandfather was among those protesting against the project. marls all the minds of all these people who have looked into the future and see how much welfare it has brought and how it has taken our country forward they've not have protested claiming land has been a huge victory for the netherlands. from
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a country importing food the netherlands turned into an exporter well we are now at the bottom of the sorry to say so they made a huge boulder and at the end it is the biggest ball of the world historians say countries are that going to a changing climate can learn important lessons from the dutch experience after building the our flight day so this fishery communities had a very strong sense of community and that made them very resilient against before this big change so if you have a community that has a very strong sense to togetherness they are more resilient and resilience will be needed because in 30 years this barrier might not be high enough once again what can you do if if you need a strong and i hired you call us again. when the dutch built a dyke they wanted to prove that in order to obtain land you don't need to go to war not realising that a different battle against rising sea levels was just around the corner step fasten
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al-jazeera on the day 7 georges a senior lecturer at kiel university she joins me now from kill in staffordshire in the u.k. via skype thanks for joining us on al-jazeera in recent weeks many countries have really made huge claims to what they intend to do words of fine but we've heard this before how important is it to see action when we have countries like the united kingdom saying they're going to promise a 68 percent cut in emissions the european union pledging 55 percent and we're expecting president biden to talk about 0 emission in usa as early as 2050. yes this is the concern that we have around the world as well just in the reports climate change is happening now people are being affected now and every molecule of c o 2 that we put into the atmosphere has had an effect stays there for decades
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so we need quick action so these targets in the future so it's been reassuring to see that some of the targets are not only are they have a date set for all it but that's no good if there's no action behind it and increasingly seem targets the mess so what we want to see is more action we see promise is round is indeed forestation incredibly important to see and to the world we want to see targets these these targets be met but to meet these targets also requires a wobble investment and it's not a lack of will and people want to know how to meet these targets but the people who have the ability to businesses. clean up their processes need help if it came to that then. jump in there because one wonders
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really that we every climate change conference we have we hear the same sort of lines both from politicians and from green activists so one wonders what's been done in the past has any or have any actions before reduce global temperatures to be used as an example in 2021 and in glasgow later in the the when the world's leaders got together to say hey look we did this a few years back and we can do it we just need that incentive and we need that that push for politicians of the public to understand they can actually happened. well we have seen a massive surge in new energy in same schemes like in the u.k. we had a very successful skin room so energy where the. entire race where you have your so can a holes and produce a. subsidy and you know that those schemes will accelerate the takeoff also established those manufacturing. manufacturing scales that we need to bring
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the prices down but what we need again so there's things like the rest will cost also technology waiting to be lower and hydrogen and a clean technology very very expensive to callie so there's companies that could benefit from that and set to slike and ceramics manufacture steel manufacture but really critical critical very heavily dependent on either on energy and the high end metes and quite critical to some modern structure they could adopt some of these new technologies that would help the competition is high margins profit already tight so the government needs to how to accelerate this slide back in some of this development to meet a green revolution now ok it is often said that if greenhouse emissions were
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stopped today right now that she would help the planet because the planet would continue to warm up what is that the time for. obvious parameters of greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced. yeah i think this is one of one of the things that i think. people don't realize. that once it's in the atmosphere it doesn't just dissipate it sticks around so that fact that greenhouse effect that the only house gases like that have and will carry on long after we made those those emissions so c o 2 that's causing the greenhouse effect and that may have been met it is a longer 100 years so while we are could you since you know 2 things that isn't just stacking up in the atmosphere so the quicker we commute juice. and nations then the last time those those gases then stick around so even
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if we could emissions right now we're still going to see rise and this is why the i.p.c.c. report is talking about keeping temperatures within that that one point by ohm degree 50 percent reduction in emissions globally were exultant temperatures not rising more than $1.00 degrees but they're all wearing say and you know it's just trees though in just one direction so we need much more patience much more fast and genuine action across the world ok it's been a really good speaking to you and thanks very much for your insight sharon george 7 t.v. university in the u.k. thank you. china is one australia their relationship could be seriously harmed and says it could take what it calls retaliatory action after cancel the series of
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planned projects in the australian state of victoria linking beijing's belt and road initiative at the bottom of the chinese effort to build a network of global trade routes australia brought in new rules which allow it to cancel the state agreements with foreign countries that it believes could threaten its national interests. we will always acted israel's national interest to protect destroy idea but to also ensure that we can advance our national interests of a free and open indo-pacific and world that seeks a balance in favor of freedom the u.n. watchdog says iran has replaced damaged machines at its uranium enrichment plant with much more advanced equipment and explosion and a power outage than towns planned earlier this month damaged an unknown number of centrifuges the international atomic energy agency says that there have been replaced with more advanced centrifuges further breaching iran's nuclear deal with major powers iran has blamed israel for the explosion israel has yet to comment
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these other mexican state of michoacan has become a battleground for a drug war between 2 major cartels ground 0 has been the town of a qualia is potentially lucrative mines and drug routes have made it a prize target no journalists have been able to reach the town since fighting intensified until jan holeman done this team made it in this exclusive report. this is the only route in taiga the town at the heart of a war between 2 cartels a michu a kind southwest mexico. and no journalists have been here since the new generation called a bunch to take the territory around it but we've been told that by this dirt track over the mountains we can get in. that's how lease go cuttle turn to when we pass the 2nd checkpoint they wanted to talk with a member we don't have any necessity to rob we're drug traffickers it's true that we're in a fight a struggle but we're fighting for the rights of each of us and for the people.
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they're in a propaganda push to go with their advance. finally we make it out of the hills and into the town they're fighting for i get. on the outskirts it looks like a ghost town thousands of fled the violence here and the isolation. the main road to the nearest city apart some gun has been closed by another group cartel is remedios they're fighting the holy school cartel and have the area under siege. petrol has to be smuggled in the carriage is out of action gas is scarce stories medicine bottled water pharma say they can't get the crops or cattle to market. and the sieges had other costs when danniella in gabriella's grandad had a burst stomach they couldn't get him to the hospital on the other side the blockade he dives want to take but then i thought so helpless because we couldn't do any him it was out of our hands and angry too it's not right that living like
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this and he wasn't the only one at the same time and lady had a miscarriage because she was trying to get to the hospital and couldn't we heard more stories towns people killed in the crossfire between the cartels on the road or in the town itself there's a nightly soundtrack here. you can probably hear that the sound of gunfire just outside the church no it is only just food and they start shooting here the police and authorities are largely absent here but the state security minister did drop by to promise to get the road open it's election season here. the day off to when we try to leave we struggled to get through to a putz and got the gang who dug up the road just hours after the minister left with the highways closed once more the siege and suffering continues john homan how does it i get. well still ahead here all the news in sports after the collapse of the european simply who fans now get more of a say in how football clubs are gonna fall and stay with that story straight up to
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spot on this far so we thank you so much around major its president insists the european super league is still on standby the team is yet to officially pull out of the competition and florentino perez says it's completely wrong to believe the project is over and the richardson rip. 4th. this was real madrid's 1st game since becoming a founder member of the european super league since that announcement on sunday the
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other teams involved have seemingly been in a race to apologize and pull out but not really out there clip president insists his team still on standby to play in it appearing on spanish radio to say he was surprised by the reaction it received as going on there i've never seen such aggression by the president of your wife and from some presidents within the spanish leagues and it seemed like it was orchestrated we were all surprised by it thinking i've never seen this in my life never there were threats insults as if we had killed someone as if we had killed football team manchester city's manager pat guardiola was one of the 1st to speak out against the league stating it's a lot of sports if seen as a guarantee to play in its season this c one winter city against aston villa them a step closer to winning the english title they've already qualified for the next season's european champions league the competition the super league is intended to replace i know the guys like
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a working with. politics. i understand the typologies for i know them think tension for my chairman. my c.e.o. my older people's i know really who they are in. and it is the most important bella understand the statement in his own chapter is over. the negative reaction from fans played a key role in convincing team owners into a rethink. in england where 6 clubs initially join the league a government led review of football look at the way supporters are treated. the notion. that he did want the custodian to. think they do what they don't belong to the ones. and the driving force when they're on the other. or. it's just about being
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even more greedy liverpool's players led by camps in jordan henderson were also quick to condemn the plan and force their own his hands domains for now the big names and the big things will be staying where they are. and the richardson al-jazeera. and we've been talking to football writer gavin hamilton about recent advance center for change the way football clubs are run. i think realistically the outcome will be a return to the status quo because most blokes are happy with their relationship with the fans because the fans of filling the stadiums week in week out. millions have given t.v. scription and the clubs are happy with that relationship it's hardly the team the top 6 teams in england who broke away wanted to break away the choice change elections because that super league has been frozen out and still i think clubs
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will be happy with a return because i don't think we'll see anything happening from the government as a roof when government tends to have reviews if it means they're responding to public opinion but they won't necessarily respond with any legislation and thus one has a slightly different perspective on everything compared to english clubs are telling clubs certainly some german clubs because the structures in spain a very different from which the 2 dominant clubs both clubs recently reelected the president so they both in a very powerful position around which. the person would mean. they would stick to him going has but it's on the path for now but it's a look at. the horror of it will rise again and there will be a return to the whole europe. german football teams will be confined to quarantine training camps to make sure the season finishes on time i had the european
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championship i think read of irish cases have forced teams to postpone matches putting pressure on the schedule from a 3rd players and staff are only allowed to spend time at home or at training facilities and all clubs only then to buy a secure bubbles for the final 2 rounds of the competition. now imagine not winning a match in your league for 609 days thankfully that stat no longer belongs to us women's football team from orlando the pride parade used a gutsy performance the washington one no sydney livery with the match winner thanks to the system international star alex morgan where haven't played together since before their daughters were born in 28 teen. last vegas are the 1st team to clinch a spot in the n.h.l. playoffs this season and they did it in style with a home victory over san jose the golan heights were chasing their 8th consecutive victory and they overpower the sharks 5 to vegas leads the league with $33.00 wins their only the 4th franchise in n.h.l.
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history to make the playoffs in each of their 1st 4 seasons golden state warriors coach steve kerr has praised the n.b.a. and the wider sports community for their response to the murder conviction former many lists police officer derek shogun care has been very vocal in recent years about social justice matters i'm really proud of our players and so many athletes in the sports rooms. spoke out who. were outraged and let those thoughts be known because i think. i think people's voice is . really proud of our players and so many people in the sports world for taking a stand. by concord cleveland are missing their coach because of personal reasons but that didn't stop the cavaliers breaking a 5 game losing streak that has opened up a 22 point lead in the 1st quarter over the chicago bulls and from there they were
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never in danger of losing cleveland were led by calling sexton his scoring a game high 30 while fellow guard terriers garland added 25 more. is expected to return to the bench later this week. after starting the season with 6 straight losses the oakland a's have now managed an incredible 11 consecutive wins their victory over minnesota was anything but straightforward the game went to extra innings with the twins taking the lead thanks to a 2 run homer oakland were gifted victory when a fielding error allowed the a's to score 3 runs and close out the game. meanwhile japanese star shohei was honey once again proves he's more than just a pitcher less than 24 hours after being on the mound for the l.a. angels well tommy smashed a home run against texas rangers unfortunately was wasn't enough to avoid defeat the angels losing so the 4. ok and that is all your support for now so back to you
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thanks very much for the news off that i've read about the symbol of more news on the other side of the great little and from far be with you steve thanks very much for your time and your company. frank assessments of poison but the government needs to watch what exactly happened and what measures never taking for the situation like i'm not to get ever again informed opinions is the us with thinking the military positioning of the middle east or is it just a simple act of reorganizing ministry us that this is a message to the reader that the united states is rethinking its military posture
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in-depth analysis of the day school ople headlines inside story on al-jazeera. it's a very bleak picture for a lot of americans out there white supremacy impacts all of our patients you're putting more money into the hands of some workers taking money out of the hands of other workers their own goes to their camp it becomes us versus them this is the deal about constraining your nuclear program the bottom line asks the big questions on out is they are. when the news breaks here in windsor west of sydney this is the one reach completely under water when people need to be high 1000 people staying in these tents just a stone's throw from the us mexico border and the story needs to be told i feel like the whole sky is full of them with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports out is iraq has teams on the ground the house of abraham to bring you more award winning documentaries and life needs i care about how the u.s.
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engages with the rest of the world i cover foreign policy national security this is a political impasse here's the public are we telling a good story. we're really interested in taking new into a place that you might not visit otherwise and to actually feel that you were there in. the barn administration marks day by hosting a summit of 40 world leaders as the u.s. looks to reclaim center stage in the fight against climate change. but across the globe as the challenges are only growing from new coal plants in china and rising sea levels in bangladesh to african nations trying to stop the spread of this a hot of the.
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