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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm +03

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well engaging with the rest of the world i cover for him paul feel natural for purity this is a political in here's the conflict are we telling a good story. that didn't take you into a place that you might not visit otherwise and to actually feel as if you were there. the biden administration marks of earth day by hosting a summit of 40 world leaders as the u.s. looks to reclaim center stage in the fight against climate change. but across the globe with the challenges are only growing from new coal plants in china and rising sea levels in bangladesh to african nations trying to stop the spread of the sahara desert.
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now more about this and this is all it is here on live from doha also coming up in other news india reports are global record of more than 314000 new coronavirus infections as patients struggle to get hospital beds and oxygen. the search for a missing indonesian submarine focuses on an oil slick north of bali. 2021 normally they'd be rallies and marches around the world but because of the pandemic most of today's events will be held virtually including a white house summit bringing together leaders from 40 nations that's set to begin just under one hour from now the clock explains just how much is at stake. this virtual summit is a u.s. administration saying we're back in the fight after 4 years of donald trump ignoring the climate crisis for the world leaders have been invited including those
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nations responsible for 80 percent of global emissions and as you can see the top of that list is china and then the united states itself the 2 world's biggest polluters and together they account for nearly half of the world's emissions and that's why i j. biden special envoy for climate change john kerry was recently in china seeking an apparently getting a commitment to cooperate from chinese leaders but he knows much more is required at a moment ago no one nation no one. can make the difference here if try to went to 0 tomorrow we still have a problem unless the other nations are also reducing but the point of the paris agreement was everybody accepted the go so the summits aim is to delve in eyes nations much greater ambition ahead of a crucial un climate conference in glasgow in november to limit warming to one and a half degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels remember right now we're already
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at 1.2 degrees celsius and the effects of even that have been catastrophic from ice melt to wildfires to droughts and floods to local swarms and super storms costing billions displacing millions up until this week national commitments to cut c o 2 have pointed to a reduction in global emissions of just one percent by 2030 the experts say we need a reduction of at least 40 percent by that time the world is banking once again on u.s. leadership china's president xi jinping has pledged to fight global warming but his government continues to build new coal plants some fear moving towards greener sources of energy could risk jobs and economic recovery continue has this report from joe chang incensing province. toxic smoke leaking from power plants and factories is a common sight and sent to north western targets has for decades power to china's
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economic growth primarily. it's contributed to the nation becoming the world's top lucia responsible for roughly one 3rd of global carbon emissions. the coal industry employs most of the people who live here. it's been polluting for decades shut down all the factories what are we going to do everyone who works for the factories . last year this region produced about 1100000000 tons of coal china's reliance on burning coal as its main source of its biggest obstacle to lowering carbon emissions the government is struggling to find ways to curb coal without affecting jobs or harming economic growth pollution caused by burning fossil fuels regularly shrouds the capital and heavy smoke has pledged to carbon emissions by 2030 and eliminate them altogether by 2060 but it's yet to detail how
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exactly plans to achieve this is not only about commitment is all about what we actually do right in the next 5 years we expect china can include more concrete policies and to give us a more clear roadmap of how they can achieve these 2 carbon targets increasing the use of renewable energy sources is crucial china is already the world's largest producer of wind and solar power it's also the biggest market for electric vehicles the government has tightened regulations to pressure calm make it into transitioning away from gas but many say that's not enough us climate and boy john kerry was in shanghai last week trying to convince authorities to do more. for a big country with 1400000000 people. some countries are asking china to do more on climate change the free this is not very realistic researchers say china must close down more than 500 coal fired power plants in the next decade to meet
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its climate pledges to continue. to approve new ones at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world the government is planning to close down some older factories here and build what it says greener more efficient whole facilities for some parts of china at least it seems the route to clean energy will be long and small. from beijing katrina has more on what the government is up against if it wants to make real changes most of the environmentalists and researchers that we spoke to say that they do believe that beijing is sincere in wanting to achieve its climate targets but at the top level the government faces a lot of headwinds from smaller levels of government local government and provincial governments because they simply are relying on this coal industry and they have done for decades the other problem is that china's energy infrastructure is very old and region so even though china does have
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a lot of investment and capacity when it comes to renewable energy it's not necessarily making the most of that capacity at the moment so what may morris believe needs to be done is that beijing needs to impose policies from the very top and enforce those policies perhaps with penalties or other other ways to force this transition to happen and we are expecting those to be now be announced if not during this climate summit then at least before the end of the year we will countries in africa face the challenge of spreading deserts the great green wall initiative aims to plant trees from west to east africa to slow the expansion of the sahara desert the world bank the european union countries including france with higher carbon footprints a pledge to 14000000000 dollars to make that happen but communities affected by the desert say the project is failing nicholas hock reports from bartow bob deep in senegal region. no rains for months because once
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lush vegetable garden has turned to dust gone are the navy beans to feed her family had biscuits she uses it to cook and to make juice for her children she says it's as if the land has given up on her but she has not given up on the land. in this land you could grow not just to biscuits but carrots potatoes onion cauliflower if only we had water. water in this our hell is as precious as gold. in jar we travel west for hours on a rumor that there is a functioning well in what some here describe as a godforsaken land during the rainy season it's another story of the land springs to life the state pays in others to plant trees as part of the great green wall project an initiative to stop desert if occasion from east to west africa france the world bank and the e.u. have pledged $14000000000.00 to the project. it's hoped the completed wall would be
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a new wonder of the world over taking the great barrier reef to be the largest living structure on earth look at the great green wall now because of rising temperatures and the lack of rainfall most of the trees planted are either dying or already dead and while polluting countries have recently pledged billions of dollars more in funds for those projects people here say they are throwing money into the desert they say they don't need more trees but more access to water. these fall on the herders are moving further south away from arid climates encroaching on farmland. we will never stop hurting why should we abandon our ways it is so difficult to grow food that might kill his value if something goes wrong we can sell them even if the climate is changing i am not ready to change my ways in this conflict over land the state is largely absent armed groups in this
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a hell including al qaeda and the mixtape are exploiting grievances taking sites at stake is access to land for animals to graze and water and increasingly rare and precious resource that our and others desperately need nicholas hawk al-jazeera and data about it was built nearly a century ago was one of the most innovative mega projects of its time the 32 kilometer enclosure diamond the netherlands a serve to protect the nation from the sea but now rising water levels and increasing storms are forcing the government to in hunt's the structure service and reports from the office the day in the netherlands. they are carefully designed to keep out a rising sea more than 70000 concrete blocks will strengthen the upside day and protect the netherlands against storms and high waves made with recycled material
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from the old dike every single one of the 6500 kilogram blocks contains an electronic chip you know where you have a super super super storm and there is somewhere some issue with all of these boxes so it's a little bit cold doll nor cracked or something then we can trace it and find out which broke or to take it out. when construction began in the 1920 smen he did not believe the dutch could close off an entire sea and build a 32 kilometer long dike thousands of people worked on the project one stone at a time it was a gigantic project nearly a century ago and it's a maggot project once again will take 7 years before the us like that will be strong enough again but it is predicted the only protect the dutch heartland against the sea until 2050 after that more reinforcements are likely needed people who are protesting against the construction of the diagonal early 1900 could not
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have guessed how crucial it would be in the future. fishing community surrounding the southern sea lost their source of income when it turned into a sweet water lake behind a dike part of the sea bottom or reclaimed and islands disappeared usually from the bear's grandfather was among those protesting against the project. all the minds of all these people who have looked into the future and see how much welfare it has brought and how it has taken our country forward they were not have protested claiming land has been a huge victory for the netherlands. from a country importing food the netherlands turned into an exporter well we are now at the at the bottom of the side to say so they made a huge boulder and at the end it is the biggest ball of the world historians say countries adapting to a changing climate can learn important lessons from the dutch experience up to
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building the hour flight day so this fishery communities had a very strong sense of community and that made them very resilient against before this big change so if you have a community that has a very strong sense to togetherness they are more resilient and resilience will be needed because in 30 years this barrier might not be high enough once again what can you do if if you need a stronger guy hired you call us again. when the dutch built a dike they wanted to prove that in order to obtain land you don't need to go to war not realising that a different battle against rising sea levels was just around the corner step fasten al-jazeera on the day. coming up next on al-jazeera we're going to have more on the crackdown on press freedom in hong kong following the conviction of an investigative journalist.
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and the u.s. justice department launches an investigation into policing in minneapolis after a former officer is convicted of murdering george floyd and. it's time for the perfect gentleman who went sponsored point qatar airways city gays on the scene is this time food and i think you get the swell of it as well in the water on the eastern side of taiwan equally some of the showers are in line is what's moving up through these china sea in the yellow sea they may well be in holland so you might get some well temporary flooding us 1st flash flooding in the higher ground in the eastern side of taiwan otherwise the picture is fairly dry one for eastern china the next belt of rain is trying to form further west you can see that orange intake indicates fairly heavy downpours and for the time being apart from
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a few showers in south korea's driest picture and it's dry and sunny almost all of japan 21 degrees in turkey not especially hard not especially life and little really changes actually toward saturday except the growth of this rain creeping slowly east was just touching the yangtze river. a lot of rain and a lot of snowfall and recently in the finals of india the whole lot's creeping towards in the pole no showers a quite possible even thunderstorms in new delhi the temps a little bit depressed compared to the average but not much the thunderstorms there in a breezy evening on friday then they go on the show to cotton down on saturday and sunday mostly it's a dry picture and india and sri lanka that was entirely but it's getting quite hot now in the northern plains and in calcutta. sponsored poll qatar airways. a family. politicized by the forces of nature. will know who for years i
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can name far my documents his struggle for his community survival and built a template for global action on climate change. to see the climate dial east a witness documentary on the disease. we want to go to 0 a reminder of our top story this hour it's a state and the u.s. is returning to center stage in the fight against climate change president joe biden's due to begin hosting a virtual 2 day summit of world leaders aimed at speeding up global efforts tackling carbon emissions will be high on the agenda of the 14 leaders the u.s.
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is expected to pledge to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by around 50 percent by 2030 that it hopes to convince other nations to follow suit. ok let's turn now to some of the day's other news india is reporting a global record of more than 314000 new coronavirus cases and more than 2000 deaths it's the highest daily case count in a single country since the virus surfaced more than a year ago several states are struggling with severe shortages of oxygen the delhi high court has strongly criticized the government's response to the shortage saying quote beg borrow or steal it is a national emergency the health ministry says it's increased oxygen quarters for the worst hit regions we have at least $350.00 and all of them probably all of them require oxygen oxygen very promptly liters to 15 reduced to even more food that is
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the kind of demand that is there at the moment and because of which the supplies that are coming in which are very. uncertain there is a lot of an engine in the system we are not able to fully focus our energies on. on the political border for it and we are sadly distracted but not straightly not majorly distracted by the. their supply chain problems but one of those affected regions is maharashtra but authorities have now added further restrictions to its partial lockdown the prime minister heard states to avoid total log downs despite soaring cases and in the face of sharp criticism politicians continue to hold campaign rallies in west bengal's ongoing elections polling is also under way elizabeth cohen is in new delhi and she describes the crisis that hospitals are facing. we are outside one of daddy's biggest public hospitals they have a capacity of $1500.00 beds full close at $900.00 patients they are completely full
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we are seeing patients arriving down spin foot and with destroyed family members trying to get the message we're seeing other patients arriving already on oxygen supply using the off season cylinders and lying in their cars now johnny's health minister has said has described this as a grave crisis with many of the capital's hospitals only having a few hours of oxygen supply left with so many thousands of patients on ventilators that's why one of india's biggest private hospitals took the matter to the delhi high court which directed the central government to urgently send off that into delhi it also said that the lives of thousands of people were at stake and said to the government that it was going to be responsible for the lives of these people if it didn't wake up to this situation now we also have a similar situation it's not as bad but people are dying elsewhere in the country
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because they can't get to hospital beds or to bed today says it's why the government is now imposing 50000 metric tons of oxygen to send to 12 of the states that are the worst affected. indonesia's navy chief is warning that oxygen supplies in the missing submarine will run by $53.00 crewmembers on board the k r r $42.00 who went missing during a military exercise and widens today and there's been no contact since an oil spill has been spotted in the area but a sign was detected around the time the vessel disappeared jessica washington has the latest from jakarta. authorities are still looking to the areas to the north coast of bali it's believed the vessel was around 96 kilometers from the coast of bali when it went missing authorities say that they are still looking at that specific area and in that area they did see what appears to be an oil slick they saw that just hours after the vessel went missing yesterday and they're still
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looking into whether that oil slick has anything to do with the submarine and if it does does it indicate that there was some sort of fuel leak or is there potential that the crew may have deliberately released some of the fuel experts say that the latter option is more unlikely than the 1st but there are questions about the condition of this vessel and how possible it is to find its location and this particular vessel was built in the seventy's in germany and has been in operation in indonesia since 981 but authorities say it recently underwent regular maintenance and refurbishment in south korea and is in good condition. the minneapolis bridge force is under investigation by the u.s. justice department is part of a push to root out systemic abuse in the force following drug seans conviction for murdering george floored there's also
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a move in congress to pass laws to reform policing across the united states john hendren has more for minneapolis george floyd square has transformed from crime scene to memorial to was some sight of celebration there's a feeling of hope that there is a big turn yesterday. you know we. came back to celebrate. take some time. to grasp. what it is as many who've been demonstrating for 11 months felt buoyed further by the announcement on wednesday that the u.s. justice department has launched a sweeping investigation into whether the minneapolis police department engages in discriminatory or unconstitutional practices building trust between community and law enforcement will take time and effort by all of us but we
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undertake this task with the terminations and urgency knowing that change cannot wait on capitol hill a bill named after george floyd would ban racial profiling in police chokeholds we must remain diligent in our efforts to bring meaningful change to police departments across the country to reform practices and training and the legal protections that grant too great a shield to police officers guilty of misconduct here were floyd spent his last moments of life many said the verdict against former minneapolis police officer derrick show is a start the people we've talked to here at the site of george floyd's murder say this isn't over with the conviction of. the other officers involved. when they no longer have to say that black lives matter for the floyd family knowing the children won't get away with using his badge to justify murder brings a long awaited release i feel better feel relieved actually went to sleep for like
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5. of those great and that offers hope and perhaps change to the next generation of black americans john hendren al jazeera minneapolis. the police killing of another black man has angered people in the north carolina city of elizabeth crowds marched through the streets calling for justice after andrew brown jr was shot and killed while police were serving a search warrant on wednesday police have yet to release details but witnesses say he was killed while trying to drive away from officers. there's growing anger over the police killing of a teenage black girl in ohio police are responding cam video showing an officer shooting the girl as she appeared to try to stab another girl with a knife protesters have been marching in the city of columbus expressing outrage the city's mayor says an independent investigation is underway in. china is
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warning the strain that their relationship could be seriously harmed and says it could take what it calls retaliate a reaction after canberra canceled a series of planned projects in these training in the state of victoria linked to beijing's belt and road initiative the belton road is a chinese effort to build a network of global trade routes last year asturia brought in new rules which allow it to cancel any state agreements with foreign countries that it believes could threaten its national interests we will always act a destroyer as national interest to protect destroy but to also ensure that we can advance our national interests of a free and open pacific and i world that seeks a balance in favor of freedom. hong kong investigative journalist has been convicted and fined for charges linked to a documentary exposing police misconduct during the $29.00 team protests crowds gathered outside courts and support or bolshoi and called for an end to the
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crackdown on press freedom so i produced a program showing police officers the lanes the response to a mall botak against protesters nearly 2 years ago difficult pollen is in hong kong she says both case spots and concerns over the territories press freedom. the fact that this case got this far in the process has been a huge concern now about troy is a prolific journalist here she's known for investigative work for what's being questioned as her methods during a documentary she was investigating and reporting on where she looked up to license plates numbers on a public archive and a public set of data set a database that anyone should be able to access but according to the police she use false pretenses for it now this is a very common method used across the world investigative journalism on accessing public databases so there are now many questions although this case has closed what
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this now will lead to particularly for journalism here in hong kong and also there are questions about the station that she works with it's a broadcaster call r t h k it's funded by the government it was once very open and critical of hong kong's government acted with independence complete editorial independence has been modeled on the b.b.c. but that also is now coming under scrutiny. are you on watchdog says iran has replaced a damaging machines at its uranium enrichment plant with more advanced equipment an explosion at a power outage at the natanz plant earlier this month damaged an unknown number of centrifuges the international atomic energy agency says these have been replaced with more advanced centrifuges further breaching iran's nuclear deal with major powers iran has blamed israel for the explosion israel has yet to comment and the u.s. says disagreements with iran still persist after the latest round of in direct talks
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in vienna on reviving the nuclear deal a state department official says the u.s. has laid out the kinds of sanctions on iran it's willing to lift in exchange for to iran's return to compliance under the 2015 agreement discussions are expected to resume in the austrian capital next week. the israeli army says a syrian anti-aircraft missile has missed its target and exploded near a nuclear facility in southern israel the blast was felt in jerusalem and other areas in central israel the missile was fired as israel was carrying out air strikes inside syria israel's military said is attacked a missile batteries in syria. are a force that has more from west to salem. yes this was a sizable blast that was heard here in jerusalem nearly 100 kilometers away from the site this missile fell close to israel's dimona nuclear reactor in the town of or near the town of crane that there were air raid sirens there the israeli
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military confirming those pretty immediately after the explosion and of course with the context of what's been happening in recent weeks the very high tensions between iran and israel over iran's nuclear program and the attack ascribed to israel son 10 days ago on the iranian what's hance enrichment facility there were immediately concerns that this could have been potentially the next step in that shadow conflict a very dangerous and escalatory one however the israeli military says what took place was a syrian anti-aircraft battery targeting. the incoming israeli ordnance which overflew its target and went all the way over israeli territory and exploded in southern israel that is something that there is some precedent for those similar events in 2017 when such a missile was intercepted by israeli air defenses and other incidents in 2019 when
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a missile ended up in northern cyprus so that is something that has happened before in response israel has continued its air strike operations on syrian territory targeting syrian anti-aircraft batteries so for now the israeli military saying this was not a deliberate attack near this very important site rather an accidental one. and you find a lot more on the web site be just for that is al-jazeera dot com. this is a disease where these are the top stories it's earth day and the u.s. is returning to center stage in the fight against climate change president joe biden is due to begin hosting a virtual 2 day summit of world leaders aimed at speeding up global efforts tackling carbon emissions will be high on the agenda for the 40 year leaders the u.s. is expected to pledge to reduce its.


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