tv Up Front Al Jazeera April 26, 2021 2:30am-3:01am +03
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telling those stories those are the questions that we need to ask with respect to inclusion and representation so what we're talking about is who is going to be behind the camera telling those stories the importance of the editor the cinematographer and providing those opportunities for people from under-represented communities so this is the 1st year 2021 that we have had 2 women nominated in the best directing category and in the entirety of the oscars over 90 years only one woman has ever won a best director and that's unfortunate because we know that there are thousands of very talented women who just need the opportunity to show what they can do and the same is true throughout the other categories as well it is unfortunate that here we are in 2021 and we are still talking about firsts in a particular category. top
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us they are these are the headlines india recording the world's highest number of news covered 19 infections for the 4th consecutive day almost 350000 cases have been reported and hospitals are struggling to cope international efforts are underway to provide much needed medical supplies to india united states is promising to lift restrictions on banks seen exports and to provide oxygen and medical equipment the u.k. foreign secretary says the 1st shipment of surprise is on its way. with sending out the vergence a shipment of over $600.00 items of equipment that ventilators oxygen concentrator is and the aim is to provide the support that the indians need at their hour of need really if judging by the distressing scenes we've seen in many of the hospitals in india will be a series of other shipments the 1st one goes out today and we are and i'm going to scotians with the indian government about further things that they may or may not need. soldiers loyal to somalia's president and those opposed to him have been
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fighting in the capital mogadishu parliament recently voted to extend mohamad abdalla before modules turn and talks to organize a new election of stalled. israeli police have removed barricades from near a locks a mosque compound which were partly blamed for provoking several nights of tension in clashes protesters were angry that they couldn't gather on the damascus gate steps during the holy month of ramadan. and the commander of foreign forces in afghanistan says u.s. and nato troops have started the withdrawal process coalition head to general austin scott miller says they will still continue to support their afghan counterparts as promised president biden wants to get all u.s. combat soldiers out by september 11th 20 years after the 911 attacks. are up to date with the headlines on al-jazeera up front that. president joe biden
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into the white house facing multiple crises including the cause of death and it divided america 3 months on as he managed to follow through on campaign promises to fix the country stayed with this special coverage by 100 days in. just. is the principle of one country 2 systems did it i'll ask one of hong kong starches probation politicians. marc lamont hill also on the show the war in yemen it was supposed to last 6 weeks but it's been 6 years since a saudi led coalition launched its bombing campaign on the country leaving untold suffering in its wake but with reports of direct talks between riyadh in teheran could an end to the conflict finally be in sight that's our debate but 1st the
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jailing of 5 pro-democracy figures in hong kong has triggered international condemnation critics say it's part of china's move to eliminate all political opposition beijing is also overhauled the region's electoral system and imposed a vaguely worded national security law so is there any room left for dissent in hong kong and what about china's promise of universal suffrage this week headliner hong kong legislative council member regina. thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thank you for having me but in recent months china has approved a reffed of changes to hong kong's electoral system by the number of people directly elected to hong kong's legislature has been reduced to less than a quarter the election committee which selects the city's leader has expanded by $300.00 seats which will be picked by pro beijing groups but whatever happened to hong kong's gradual progress toward universal suffrage as inscribed in the mini
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constitution well our constitution says set universal suffrage is the ultimate aim in the light up actual situation then and an orderly and grandchildren know that developments in the past 2 decades have been far from satisfactory nastase elections have returned rep aransas intact the people who are hostile to beijing and we cannot allow that situation to continue in other words the outcomes have not been good so beijing needs to 'd take a close look at rewrites the rubes and when you say that's what we're doing there when you say rewrite the rules you're saying the gradual progress toward universal suffrage is no longer an aim we still have a major mass participation element we still we will have 20 seats elected by
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universal suffrage but the new system will allow for more meritocracy it says participation participation by people who are competent said knowledge because in in the past 2 years we've been gripped by. extremists who use filibuster who are holed up government business and we were unable to solve our city's problems. there seems to be a concern though that some of what you're referring to as competence is actually allegiance to beijing and that it's not actually about competence per se for example if anyone holding public office has a ticket old right now pledging allegiance to china and candidates will be vetted by a committee that can unilaterally bar them because they are called unpatriotic. cover turns out in allegiance are 2 separate that's well thought important and leeches must be guaranteed with them are our legislature our chief executive post to with
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by the people who are opposed to china who are intent want to bring down the ruling party you know that it's not good for hong kong we are part of china we cannot be at loggerheads without much of that and you know comforters is a different matter you know unfortunately you knew her so the suffix base elections have not been able to return people worth equites competence and knowledge really to run in hong kong so the system has been revised has to be revised to allow more merit touching participation what is the basis of being patriotic unpatriotic it seems to me that that can become a very nebulous a slippery slope it's very simple under our law you need to do is to pledge allegiance to the humble i say our and to uphold the basic law constitution you know into our 16 our legislative council elections actually
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returned a number of young people 20 something who actually used language which insulted the nation when they took the oath in un and that won't be allowed in any legislature what they want to do is to groom a loyal opposition you know you have to be you can't be quick to co-opt government but you must. constitution because hong kong under one country 2 systems can only it's exists if people in important positions of power abide by the constitution you know would take us and sets electing people who are who are supposed to know basic values host you know constitution you know you were not all that what you were it would depend on what the constitution said probably in the minds of many but but i think the concern again is what constitutes opposition in february authorities
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charged dozens of political opponents but under a vaguely worded national security law imposed by china last year they were merely planning on running for parliament and challenging the government there so in the minds of many opposition itself has become the crime opposition itself has become the national security threat. i think that is not entirely accurate only only in street cases of people charged under national security laws so it's not sure that laci numbers have been arrested or charged under the national security laws so let's look at a few examples the hong kong government charged $47.00 democracy advocates with violating a national security law that prohibits quote conspiracy to commit subversion also in january hong kong police arrested $53.00 former lawmakers and democracy proponents for allegedly violating the new national security law by participating in the unofficial election primaries for the territories legislature last year
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those are just 2 examples among many that would seem to me to be prohibitive to producing opposition. that case you are referring to or concerns a group of political activists 47 of them were arrested in connection worth all that night. a plots to. seize power you know basically to grab the majority of the seats in the legislature but the rental office will. just implementor just for a moment for the sake of clarity for the artist already and when you say they were tending to seize power you mean by running for office not buying them a cool or or by any kind of military intervention. it's a form a coup because that plan is when they have one. offices they were veto everything they are determined to veto everything even before they have seen the fine print so as to force the rest of nation out and she thinks that it's hip and intervention.
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leading to western sanctions and the collapse of hong kong that's their game plan so that's a plan to some birds it government so the plan to veto the plan to the action of resisting all of this seems to be an exercise of a right that is in shrine in basic law $52.00 article $52.00 of the basic law says that the chief executive of the hong kong special administrative region must resign if he repeatedly refused to sign a bill passed by the legislative council or if parliament refuses repeatedly to pass a budget or any other important bill according to our only armchair the pro-democracy civic party in hong kong players exercise voting rights to veto the budget and eventually the chief executive step down is precisely what is in trying in the basic law that i just read it. seems to be a tension or a contradiction here. dependence in the on whether those have criminal intent
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whether you are exercising their rights in court face to object to legislative publishes that you genuinely disapprove of or part of a plan to all of us hold the government who determines whether i'm in the faith or not there how do we determine what's in good faith. because they have already said they were rico everything even before they've seen any tea house up a budget or any legislation from the government. it's to overthrow the government they have sex so publicly i've got to say it seems somewhat striking you're taller on national security given your earlier statements in 2016 you wrote i will defend academic freedom and freedom of speech for example hong kong independence should be discussed in schools this very thing that you said you would defend is now considered criminal under a national security law not necessarily because i did discuss that issue up society
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in an international school in a well moderated tent rational debates between 2 groups of systems. students you know there's nothing wrong with that that's all the ethernet not in french national security law your only interest national security law if you have a criminal intent and if you are actually organizing plans actions that would support the government or. separate hong kong china promoting independence or self rule of s. of take a deep ha so poor independence well that's a session is constitutionally sensible that's not it now opens i'm happy to do parts invest all the time so in school right now taking the position that our hong kong independence is the best option is not a threat or a violation of national security you're saying. and that's it's an economic
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objective i don't see any problem there so i'll eat only a moat if you tell students that independence is the only way we enjoy self rule and you organize students into. and also as public roads has waited flat that's not the thing so if i as a student engage in a debate as an intellectual exercise making the case to give the affirmative position that hong kong should gain independence that's acceptable if at the end of the debate i walk out of the debate hall wearing a t. shirt that says i support hong kong independence i have now violated national security laws at a fair assessment i don't generalize that way you know all over the significant that specific example i'm saying that the nets in the same example you gave of the debate i'm saying if that same person were to at the end of the debate wave a flag or wear a t. shirt advocating the very same position he took in the debate around hong kong
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independence would that be a violation. that person could checking into quite. dangerous waters but it's not for me to say it's what the lawyer sent the police to investigate for make judgements and i would not encourage any young person to do that and if if someone in the debate were to be so compelling in their academic engagement of this issue that they were persuading students to support hong kong independence with even be a threat under. national security. they could be you know day could infringe the laws of our insights from you know because our hong kong independence as a nonstarter is not alarmed our laws if they don't become so in passion and they want to encourage others to go down that path that could be guilty of inciting. independence in other words inciting secession so then in essence they can use the
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beginning usually intellectual academic exercise of debate but only if they're not too compelling or persuasive in their in their argument they are the doesn't seem like free speech or academic freedom should speech it's not absolutes that free speech is translates had to do organize action to encourage other or others to go down the independence of woods that it would support them want it would you do it because so much for joining me. thank you. the term of 3rd world countries is outdated and offensive up for do so ryan kohls explains why and what we should use instead in this week's reality check do you say 3rd world when you describe impoverished countries or conditions well i've got good news today's the day you learn that the term is offensive and outdated for years many historians and commentators have been screaming from the rooftops to erase the
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3rd world from our vocabulary the phrase however persists we look like the 3rd world i mean i guess we look like a 3rd of the stuff that you see in another country it's a 3rd world 3rd world 3rd world country country so what gives why is the term so contested well for starters it has a very specific long expired content the term originated in the 1950 s. to map out cold war alliances the 1st world consists of the the capitalist bloc led by the us the 2nd world was a communist bloc led by the soviet union the 3rd world and capsulated the nonaligned countries which the superpowers competed to influence so 3rd world originated around now defunct political life. today the term is stripped of its new wants and loaded with offensive connotations it's used to invoke images of extreme poverty civil unrest and crumbling infrastructure producing a false sense of superiority as if those issues are now happening in the so-called
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1st world a quick glance at several indicator shows just how unfettered from reality a 1st world person 3rd world dichotomy really is taking coming according to the world bank the united states is the 51st most unequal in the world sandwiched between djibouti to cote d'ivoire to australia is 93rd right between romania and syria if you peruse the economist democracy index you'll find so-called 3rd world countries like. in khost the rica. that under full democracy and on the flogged marcus he lists the united states belgium italy for how the response to the covert $1000.00 outbreak surely the richer more developed countries handled it much better not quite in 2020 vietnam tell you 1965 and 35 deaths the united kingdom 2400000 cases and over 73000 deaths oh in vietnam is 30000000 more people the key takeaway here is that every country has the capacity to fail miserably in
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certain areas and thrive in other 3rd world is the meaning what's a suitable alternative some of adopted terminology like developed for low income and middle income countries others are to divide the world between the global so and will the north even better just compare apples with education systems you want to contrast simply stick to them remember the world is not black and white so stop dumbing down. following a shaking transition in the wake of the 2011 arab spring yemen descended into conflict in 2014 when the who seized control of its capital sanaa eventually forcing president sort of to flee to saudi arabia since then the country has become a regional battleground with the saudi led coalition bolstered by the u.s. the u.k. and france intervening on behalf of heads internationally recognized government
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it's widely believed iran is arming the hutus although to her on continues to deny the accusation 6 years into the conflict yemen is now home to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world millions are on the brink of famine and roughly one yemeni child dies every 75 seconds the u.n. has also warned of a deadly resurgence of called $1000.00 cases is yemen doomed to regional power struggles and foreign intervention and what will it take to bring relief to the millions of people suffering joining me to debate this are from lansing mi. anti-war advocate an assistant professor of education at michigan state university and from new york peter sellers barry senior analyst for yemen at the crisis group thank you both for joining me in the arena peter i want to start with you that the war in yemen has often been described as a proxy war with the saudi backed coalition bombing the country in order to curb iranian influence the u.s. and the u.k. have supplied weapons that many believe that iran continues to arm the hold these
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with missiles that been fired into saudi arabia 1st what do these foreign powers have the right to be in yemen in the 1st place well that's a good question and there's no one simple straight answer to it's a thing the rights is a pretty loaded question to start with right so is there a legal basis for justification for this early intervention arguably yes on the basis that the internationally recognized president had the asked them to intervene and later the un security council issued a security council resolution arguably justifying. their intervention and the these. are adjourned a big part of that message is that they stand against foreign interference in yemeni affairs even though as you say there won't be accused in the very credibly of having close tires with with iran. a partnership of equals rather than
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a proxy relationship with telling them what to do or operating them on control i was going to ask you can jump in here to what i want you to respond to to what peter just said but also is it overly simplistic to frame this as a proxy war. yeah i think it is simplistic i don't think that this is a proxy war at all yes the saudis are backing the hadley government the u.a.e. is backing the government as well as does separatist rebel group in the south the s.t.c. iranians are supporting the who these in some way are the evidence for that is not as concrete given that countries under blockade but i think the question about whether they have the right to intervene i think absolutely not yes they do have legal justification under the un but i think if a president went rogue essentially and called in another power to intervene that's a time called on the russians to support him in the us i don't think that the un would have given him cover for that and so i think in the case of yemen it's
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a sad story of the leadership kind of betraying the population but i don't think anybody really has the right to intervene in a civil conflict that should be in according to the un 16000000 people in yemen are going hungry you make an interesting distinction though you say very much starving they're being starved can you explain why you make that distinction and why that's politically important for so understand. yes so yemen prior to the war relied on importing up to 90 percent of its needs the fuel of food into a horse and so this is the middle east's poorest country prior to the war in 2015 and the war of course has made things much worse but the blockade essentially restricts commercial trade which enemies relied on and this is led to most of the yemeni population being reliant on aid so 80 percent of the population right now in yemen and that some 24000000 people out of 20 out of 30000000 people rely on aid
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for survival and then when that aid is weaponized against yemenis so we've seen for example the trumpet an inspiration cut us a ery d. to northern yemen back in the summer of 2020 or the saudis restricting fuel entry into the country shown in the recent c.n.n. investigation these elements of the blockade these are intentional use of food as a weapon of war this is honestly not that different from siege warfare where you trap people and starve them in order for them to surrender and the saudis have been using this tactic and unfortunately the western governments including the u.s. have been supporting them if not directly then indirectly by not exerting their influence and pressure they have to get the saudis to lift the blockade and going as far as denying the existence of the blockade so the special envoy to yemen currently time under king has denied that there is a blockade despite all of this evidence peter what do you make of it i mean there's clearly a blockade timlin
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a king has said there is it the port of ho data is clearly the site of of a blockade how does this continue to have a white wire the lack of u.s. intervention why or why a lack of acknowledgment from the syrian government how is that allowed to happen to make sense of this. sure so there is a big component this war has been economic warfare from from all sides but obviously you have a big powerful party like the saudis who correctly at the correct to say beginning of the conflict just shut down yemen's naval waters and then the un intervened so that this this verification mechanism to let goods flow into. anyone trying to ship goods into data has really been subject to the whims of the coalition of the government and serene says since january because of the stopping fuel from entering the controlled areas we get back to the legal issues and the argument the coalition
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is well where it forcing an arms embargo that's part of this 2015 security council resolution and we're responding to requests from the how to go sovereign authority in the international community's eyes who are saying you can't let fuel go into this part of the country because the who these are stealing endeavor you customs revenues last week in the financial times reported talks between senior saudi iranian officials that goal of those talks was to repair relations that include a discussion of what the attacks on saudi arabia of course the saudis have denied the talks happened iran has declined to comment but they've been confirmed by a senior iraqi official what would repair look like what does our fixed relationship look like and what effect could bet have on yemen. yet a really big question and it's interesting in that we've seen sort of over the
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years no decades we've seen the iranians and the saudis enter into these talks and the saudis for instance answer is their national security movie cross border attacks into saudi arabia and they really want to happen but this is happening. so the much bigger sense of negotiations between the u.s. and your audience of a j c p oh ok so i'd imagine that quite a lot going to need to happen in terms of those u.s. iran talks for saudi iran talks through the. barony any fruit because the iranians of course will see their role there in yemen as as leverage and the saudis will not be keen to suddenly come out as major supporters of. tritium as you pointed out yemen is a republic the spirit of democracy lives deep in its history but can you ever see the people of yemen accepting a government put in place by the absolute monarchy like saudi absolutely not i mean
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in their north yemen's where yemen was under you know turkish ottoman rule and then a kingdom came about and there was a revolution or sorry like a cool against the kingdom and they fight 8 years to ensure that the monarchy was no longer in power and in the south yemen was under british occupation and people are to really really hard to resist colonial power in the south as well where i'm from and so i think that the struggle for democracy is alive and well and it's unfortunate that we think that those gulf monarchies absolute monarchy is have yemen's best interests at heart it's the only country in that region that's not an absolute monarchy and you think that if they end up with a system that doesn't work for them it doesn't representative then you know they're back on the streets demanding what's rightfully theirs that i have to be the last word should be impeded thank you so much for joining me. thanks for having to have . that's our show up front we'll be back next week.
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thousands of children were removed from east timor during the indonesian occupation decades later one i want to join as members of the lost generation if they find it hard. on al-jazeera network to al-jazeera english since its launch as a principal presenter and as a correspondent with any breaking news story we want to hear from those people who would normally not get the voices heard on the international news channel one they
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would all be very proud all through is when we covered the whole earthquake of 2050 a terrible natural disaster and the story that needed to be told from the heart of the affected area to be that to tell the people story was very important at the time. but it is coronavirus tragedy growing worse by the day the world scrambles to offer more help. lower income all santa maria here in doha with the world news from al-jazeera for a few years of spiraling violence in some of the supporters of the defiant president fight with those opposed to his extended role.
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