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tv   Muslims of France  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am +03

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to want to i'll just see what. can you tell me what the government you represent is now illegitimate and we listen we do not sell the fence material any country to the euro conflict in yemen we meet with global news makers until about the stories that matter on al-jazeera. you know i maryam namazie in london a look at our main stories now we've been following developments in afghanistan for the past hour or so where the interior ministry says 21 people have been killed and 91 wounded in a truck bomb attack how been in city the capital of logar province south of kabul no one has claimed responsibility for the attack which could be one of the deadliest in recent months it comes a day before the u.s. and nato start withdrawing the remaining troops from the country well securing
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peace in afghanistan is at the center of the gauche ations in doha summer binge of aid is there and says further violence in the country could pose a threat to progress. this is the biggest concern that all parties have who are engaged in these talks that the violence is going to increase in of going to stand in less than 48 hours when the deadline expires as per the agreement between the taliban and the united states that all foreign forces will leave the united states has indicated with its new administration that the u.s. forces are going to be withdrawing gradually that they would draw will begin from a the 1st but it will not be completed at that time which has been a longstanding demand of the taliban and to discuss that special representatives and envoys from russia china the united states as well as pakistan attended this meeting with the taliban where all 'd of these issues were discussed the taliban insisting that they need to see their prisoners being released a few 100 of them still remain in prisons they need to be delisted from
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a terrorist organization status by the united nations and other demands by the taliban which they say have not been met by the parties and the other parties including the united states is concerned about the violence it's concerned about the spike in attacks that have happened in since last year when this deal was signed between the united states and the taliban all of these international players who are in afghanistan not just the nato forces and the united states but also neighboring countries including iran and pakistan have been trying to mediate in these talks as well trying to tell these parties to come to some sort of a conclusion because one of the understand cannot stand is another war and as the previous u.s. secretary of state put it that this is the graveyard of empires and the united states does not want to be there for an indefinite period of time. calls occurring for a public inquiry in israel off the country's largest gathering since the pandemic ended in tragedy at least $45.00 people were killed in a stampede at a religious festival at mount merapi howry force it is saying. well this
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precipitous pathway is the bottleneck on the way out and one of the main events that was taking place last night its worth. thousands upon thousands of people were squeezing their way through trying to get out of the event itself and it seems the focus of the scrutiny is now on as they came down this pathway they were confronted by these steps and beyond them these metal sheeting most again we saw images of police ripping those downs with people to get through this tiny gun and try and save themselves well in our other headlines authorities in russia are targeting a lawyer for the jailed opposition politician alexina valmy yvonne pavlov was briefly detained after being charged with treason well known lawyer who is defending the vollies anticorruption foundation is accused of disclosing classified information it's the latest setback for the putin critics political campaign which was also recently added to a list of extremist organizations trying to get them if we need to do nothing i
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have just been searched lawyers documents representing lawyers secrets have been confiscated practically all the documents on the suffering of case have been confiscated i was against that 1st shipment of medical supplies from the us has arrived in india but it sounds likely to solve the country's deepening crisis more global infection records were broken there in the past day with more than 386000 new cases and 3500 deaths bax nations are being opened up now to adults of all ages but several states have said they have run out of doses and then in another of the world's worst outbreaks brazil has recorded 400000 coronavirus deaths activists that have been protesting on copacabana beach in rio de janeiro bearing flags and mock adi banks muslims in france is the program coming up next on al-jazeera i'll see you later on.
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there are an estimated 6000000 muslims in france today the largest such population in western europe a century ago they were called colonials in the sixty's they were known as immigrants today they are citizens. with the issues of immigration and integration raising the political temperature in europe this series looks back at the history of muslim immigration into france. it's a history that remains alive today with the ongoing debate over how to reconcile
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france's longstanding tradition of secularism with religious diversity. this is rare footage dating back to the 1920 s. and must say. it represents some of the 1st moving images of france's muslim community. back then no one imagined that these workers brought from north africa would stay in france to raise their children and grandchildren. can the town and the more. recent gutless us in the north was allowed to meet noble snored mitchell yes you can walk all day and east while to be funny. is going on
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they don't leave before we live in new on the national cycle young nude photo really likely to say dicky. looks on blacks in office so it could be their mop it could sell king or song or kill somebody was a jimi. so who exactly did the algerians look like buffalo bill or the indians the victor or the vanquished one thing is sure algeria was both defeated and occupied as the 20th century began. when to me hope aza. the excision mash was his soundest our legacy to push was it and this time. they are going to make good nearly new genre is only baris old it dan. it was any book could all fall knocked
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out there on a. porno even for me folk here are no forward to 2nd if he don't. over you in public. for me. tell you don't let me tell you. if you could use in material because a sham supplier lives as he says he. in 10045000 muslims were working in mainland france on shop floors in paris in mass a soap factories or in the northern coal fields they were called beals as most of them came from kabillion in northern nigeria they've come to reserve here hossam zaki says 70 didn't come up as i'm older now the aforesaid next if they are. just full of offsets i thought he can set up more than this and then when members go back to their head of command of clear they could move forward here. the muslim
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workers from algeria started to adopt a certain number of french habits. but they wouldn't give up their most sacred rituals. of human. defeat. it took a selfie but it could be. your will from the mean down in. august 1918 war was declared a war that would take more lives than any before. for the 1st time france recruited massively from the colonies in algeria conscripts were chosen by the drawing.
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in the end hundreds of thousands of infantry men from north africa and black africa set sail for the battlefields. of. 2 nipping. these. ready. if what it is it this hour are
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in are so yeah it's awful the. seclusion. and i get out of this rhythm. to miss you really do mean while not home office go. on but i am fit. really well as is that. you. mean. the most i mean me to go back home for our prime again. shake up your pet name. my chick your for i get so many i gave me a day when i said purpose yet i was in about one song kitsune is i hope are confident again me about the deal good some are good i dunno it's now. over and.
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yeah i so can i am that every. just play a clip which was quite. new to me of like a toss league. disability measure or some money so the music that we dig up job is a question we don't want is you miss you it is a totally different. school i suspect. they did the city a cecum sucker disservice to something wanted a boy who they are politically vote of especially. when you mess young it up his ass don't disturb you know that you know p. said that. hardly express young. well
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put ideas in pretty database in a manner and a procedure something to me it's a measure of how to turn not to get i need to get. well the whole mood only could i need to speak to 2 more leaders. this respect for the muslim faith on the frontline was crucial as germany continually try to incite soldiers in the colonies to revolt portraying france as a colonial power and an enemy of islam who are. basically unity. families if i might have thought about it book you say you do. on family don't just i did it was a big no the nearly daily sort of museum almost sort of for the result was depicted mostly the more darkness you were sort of forced you know off of always all the usual. or early start. the authorities mobilize the
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armies film department there staged reports from the front were meant to convey a single message france loves its muslims. in 1916 but battles raging and the number of wounded mounting fast they created a hospital reserved for muslim soldiers colonial garden of note here 2 army cameramen and photographers were present. while the wounded tried to recuperate their comrades at the front continued to defy death. and if the strength of prayer was not enough other means were sought to invoke protection. memo the nerve to see their 400 projects show needed magic or an issue for the.
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ballot and he. should. small. in the panetta. if you survived a major battle you were granted leave. but neither civil nor military authorities wanted soldiers from the colonies coming into contact with french society. that might give them bad ideas about liberty and equality that they might be tempted to take home with them to limit contacts as much as possible the colonial conscripts were forced to spend their leave in camps run by the army. though the colonial soldiers were kept well away from french society the same
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wasn't true for the 10s of thousands of workers recruited in north africa to replace those who had left for the front. or. woods due to us mall. only. he sold. them up in even. 20 below. not good t.v. of the. so they can come in mathematics that security guys from monty consumer demand some of the. this is a c. and d. put a critical success. so the quest to the. top or at the. in . the last one is forcing the currency. to have a compact amp a school not going to have off the new year them in sandton ass from. a force you
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see on the top of the body to said he's open because. the choice of the said. to see is a spit up but of course your just yorkie you all have your city hall in the city because for. a political awareness that would continue to grow. do you feel. they're preventing. paying their way through the. day when they're going to remember 11th 1918 armistice was signed france was jubilant. going after. all
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we. had married people. eat. sleep. was. the price paid by the muslim troops from africa was heavy. 80000 dead at least as many wounded some badly mutilated faces that bore the scars of this terrible war. the colonial soldiers returned home france had to be rebuilt some of the north african workers stayed on going from the arms factories to major public works
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thousands of others joined them they came mostly from rural algeria soon the ranks of these muslim workers swelled 210-0000 some already settled in france took advantage of this wave of migrants gone tone deaf and i got to cut as you eat. only a paragraph cut off duty heard only on the journey. of new definitive plays on there are a new terrorist on shore the past hopefully pully is really really like i said there are no dyes any mean of some lost in the city but. from everybody see this is a movie the. city the city of in 6 put us yours to buy the ships of. but in the shell you can videos lord to be the source to get a movie field the yard. boy here please your loving charm of is the only cause your
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so clear thread your. complicated can quickly dig in if you know monkey and this ugly song then your horse's. ass surely think when you see people holler you need more cover you not get it you need a new deal of insecurity to thaw us a lot of these on what would be. the most of it is all they deceive the public what his boss could girl in a bar those at the museum or the local. college party could go on their own it excuses. present they lose each is a good years good all need those you don't get your collective defense. of the incident but david would emerge nick. so the war for 6 years. i have a pile of god let's kill our city of our ball but it was
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a vocal and i would use it'd only be. or since a certain individuals it is a solution found that bought a quark it up yet a pothole unify media it's easy on a p.c. more superior to the puzzle determinism a key boss a sort of the parties all over him or. far from their clan the muslim workers built a social life asked for other workers this centered on the local cafe. the more you're the. deeply soul before volcker who will you be. quality are. we left to worship at all those are that's what seems to start it. started to feel really badly needed to come on the real when we have a. bushel of yearly growth in our own equal to. the
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monastery she softened and martyred years in this business are beholden to. us with our. closeness with. your use of a year. in the arab cafes the workers came into contact with a small anti-colonialist elite rallied by the communist newspaper the back here. one of those founders was called a bill that had charlie. so from the larger political process eventually should i be pretty cross says that he had a funny take on token and appleyard but she turned upon us marrying a special. her. ex who won super pity.
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really looks too easy for us to book let me guss film set of separate scenes and made her some cost plus such and such an abode to hire a driver by example. supposed to consider. a missed invite her liver was on there was awesome of process you don't like it go something and avoid what to me for pov can consider. that the tribute. while some persians were voting for a colonial candidate others were beginning to develop feelings of rejection towards the north africans. in 1923 the press made the most of a gruesome story and i was cheery and murdered a shopkeeper who refused his advances as well as one of her customers. the newspapers the crime the double murder of the who from the stand were met by nigeria in
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a little muslim past him compound the press. and the classic some of the not there stigmatism you guys i am come a time. you're not the. look to shake you out of your report yeah could do to keep. the sea saucer also says a cliche the. less abducted in the borneo. the idea of the sawyer. this is a cauldron there always a dollar for dollar. bill for next bill for me so the blood you know your also. is even more like i was on the jury. i
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flex your. lease you can play. zim if. the baby is. soft you don't look at you. for the other one for the youngest one twat that priscilla found a patty. complex or the comments of all of. the services such as an edition of africa street we lounge 9 put this my get an african get this is mark or 20 to me as much as i am pricey that one continue to stand close on the. same is the subtle engine africa. my heart. and i think of france in the
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regard to the soviet isn't german course jockey for a sense of urgency to declare a 0.7 i just. thought it was a toss your skipper davis just couldn't your target audience was actually do police have a stator feed and get the opportunities that are pretty crappy to it off it. yes it does all the 4 years he does for political. force so it was very dilute. we saw the quarter as your disease dealing would. be looking for the absolute most of you to suckle city so it was. fairly lebanese price you know the effect. you could. almost hope earn on the bird like it's due. do so maybe i thought for no man to give us your comment though. despite the
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monitoring and or oppression life went on between muslims and french there were dates romance and marriage became more frequent especially among activists. who don't care to spread the misery the forces. of will prevail wardle latifa she's mix it up. by inducing me to toe evolution our job is to diffuse remember the meet i will show you. the best known of these activists was called messala had it was to have 2 children with his partner emily briscoe a militant anarchist from eastern france it was she who embroidered the 1st algerian flag dreamed up by her companion. they said mr chivery sent them to give up the tea but i 1st learned of the gentleman says. the
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more fair for course he'd year lets you dog put it in his father that he. would do the old her. little meat arjun's of the book are you what you boys going to build a muscle google study or for the russian you vondish all surgeries for you mustn't get sees or. upset honestly thought he will see if he's on top where sources stand of your fit or just. get yourself. a small boy and his brother rescued from war in gaza by the red cross so i hold was . the 1st placed on a red cross truck now a world leader in crisis management and a highly regarded doctor in chicago who still misses her homeland just one day pass without me thinking of returning to jordan al-jazeera world meets to sit. cesspool arab doctors in north america arabs approve the humanitarian and on al-jazeera.
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that was the 1st fully effects emitted flight is a clear demonstration of all the measures that cut that everybody else has put in place to ensure the highest standards of safety and hygiene on both p.p. if. you don't touch in-flight entertainment system you'll be kept in cleaning systems disinfectant robots. today is an important day for the airline industry and the message for travelers is that we are working tirelessly to implement every measure to safeguard their health thank you.
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although i'm maria minimizing on them quick look at the main stories now afghanistan's interior ministry says 21 people have been killed and 91 wounded in a truck bomb attack this happened in the city of put island which is the capital of logan province south of kabul no one has crime responsibility for the attack which is one of the deadliest in the country in recent months and it comes a day before the u.s. and nato start withdrawing their remaining troops from afghanistan. calls are growing for a public inquiry in israel after the country's largest gathering since the pandemic ended in tragedy at least $45.00 people were killed in a stampede at a religious festival at mt meron tens of thousands of ultra orthodox jews had
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gathered there on thursday for the annual flag the american memorization people became trapped in a narrow passageway with sheets of corrugated iron torn from the walls to try and help people escape work is still going on to identify the victims. well this precipitous pathway is the bottleneck on the way out but one of the main events that was taking place last night it's where thousands upon thousands of people were squeezing their way through trying to get out of the event itself and it seems the focus of the scrutiny is now on as they came down this pathway they were confronted by these steps and beyond them these metal sheeting again we saw images of police ripping those down for the people to get through this tiny gun and try and save themselves the 1st shipment of medical supplies from the u.s. has arrived in india is not likely to stop the country's deepening crisis more
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global infection records were broken there in the past day with more than 386000 new cases and 3500 deaths backs nations of being opened up to adults of all ages now but several states say they've run out of doses it's cost in doubt on the government's ability to vaccinate the 600000000 newly eligible people in another of the world's worst outbreaks brazil has now recorded 400000 coronavirus deaths activists have protested on copacabana beach in rio de janeiro bearing flags and mock body bags a quarter of those fatalities have been recorded this month alone i'll have more on that story and everything else in the news hour that's coming up at 2100 g.m.t. i'll see you then muslims of france now continues. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools school supplies and
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training to help the world's most found people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that. working with scientists and health workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthy a world for you. for everyone. this man visiting the eiffel tower a sikh adored by. a civil servant in the french ministry of foreign affairs and
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a faithful disciple of mother friends who was the polar opposite to the separatist leader hatch. on march 9th 1922 and the company of one of france's top generals bend operate laid the foundation stone of the paris mosque this faithful servant of france would become the chief cleric of this place of worship and prestige. officially the building of this mosque was a tribute to the muslim soldier sacrifice during the great war but that didn't exclude more political motivations. often enough to put the kibosh on the newstands i feel i can share. a script because often even men of course were much keep on many defeats just don't the english keep.
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it. was a. good day of the mosques inauguration july 16th 1026 france lavishly hosted 2 of its proteges the sultan of morocco and the bay of tunis. getting out from their cars they were welcomed by chief cleric then governor 8 the ceremony was a national event in new york that drew cotton as to say focus on that it completely . prepared it to the hard core. and appears on studies used on his bus each decision to kill him in a little history limited battle. he did pastor quatenus something a primitive. school and
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a mosquito eat eat fish live for the. environment is icky very long delete the. east don't put text or did. he do. do to. develop. feel as if you don't that. the state's much proclaimed affection for all things a slum ik did not find favor with everyone famous monarchist author wrote of the mosque this trophy of the quranic faith a top senate have held represents more than an insult to our past it is a threat to our future. but many persians regarded the mosque not as a threat but as something rather exotic and the heart of their capital. then get really but do need and i must be honest even to the side the. numbers
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given should pick the one on the maybe needed 2 more to take care of us to the body look like not but also because this is our home but totally free of the spiritual. best of all the mystic does you know joseph could be the smallest if you bring up badly ballet like as the face of the magnus when you say elect you don't know about a week in the business not just in the last. aaa soon we'll make a very image you know cleared off awesome been. left to. do many of us he did screw the books a while but. only be. perfect much. around the time of the mosques inauguration
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and early i'll jury a nationalist organization called 12 north african held its 1st meeting masella harish the secretary general of the new group denounced what he called an advertised mosque an oriental cabaret built with the money of workers were excluded from it an insult to the spirit of islam. opposed what he saw as colonial france's exploitation of islam and position himself as the true defender of muslims. so that they're trying to stir my ass in this one which men stem i am pulling arsonist. says closure here by saying don't wander around but proudly point us in good stead bingo had to sit down sit then stand no put it easy. he said yeah. with that that's natural for sale sample a bit more than a snowman just to undermine bangor breit the nationalists laid siege to the
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strongholds of popular islam islam of the suburbs the effectiveness of their propaganda elicited a reaction from the french state your petunias was under do they mean us no key bridge won't you politicize break us you know we don't do for who this time not to because they knew it was not likely is the thug who is interested more good solid. good to sell nuclear year l.b.p. example be done learned enough support to let. the funny part about or now. look upon our. children or if you run sap or not veiled enough for me moxie slowly . become so. rudely unidos in so deeply year. we don't want to. predetermine a severity. of funding.
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indeed the native workers had every reason to protest their work and living conditions were the worst to be found in france in the 1930 s. but consider whether you have. walked out on the wall. to either fix what had 6 it's or sitting populous you. saw the. last bask in the scenic. b.c.g. but on energy he. want only protect aha with every number the happy days alarm. sent there. the music of course. don't use only celebrant don't conflict have i to to bed young may continue type bar on the bell you do sure mars 2nd most up was
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a problem and don't lose beneath but the member. but they did say he told them all. new voices steve they mock up us that's. all they are simple so i could go on the to do city bulis your thoughts i guess you did you feel productive should sit in the oval just. for the fed to believe you stupid and welcome to color your false. was. bad. and if. some this plan on sauce who i. am but still kind of the town says is a german jewish are quite crazy seeing. someone for the display of gin you want forked tongue smack straw that in your hand basket but sit by more from the
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toes here today if you're pretty cross says. the algerian nationalist organization yet while north african participated in the popular front foot massages movement continued to demand independence for algeria french prime minister leon blum opposed any such idea in august $1037.00 blum had met sally how she arrested and the 12 disbanded. on the one hand for oppression on the other solicitude the incumbent left granted north african workers the right to both medical and employment insurance the state began showing an interest in the north africans health in 1935 a franco muslim hospital was opened in bobby me in the presence of the chief clerk of the paris mosque and the minister of the interior model of the popular committee about the rod i would have killed that money to get. in many of your norway but after you do not repeat it i will never happen i'll need your help yeah but i know
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you got your god or not you got your you know particularly me up at a. good you need like i'm going up. rather should be had. and ultra modern hospital for muslim patients in opening this establishment the authorities were finally addressing the serious health problems of north african workers that took the opportunity to proclaim the love of the motherland for its children from the colonies. look up maybe not so silly. and there's a big but. it's not at least they don't they haven't. really got it but. it's what. i think.
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and that it was not what they worship we're going to look with in actual fact the north africans of paris greeted the opening of the hospital with suspicion to the point where a police bus was detailed to do the rounds of other hospitals to collect any non-compliant arab patients and bring them by force to look. he. didn't come from cat still. to. fit to. shave. in. this hospital manager was head of the north african brigade of comfort he
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duly brought his methods of blanket checks and systematic interrogation of patients to. this crossover between medical and. police business attracted fierce condemnation from a 12 north african to messala harish this was proof that arabs were treated like plague victims belonging to an inferior race. according to the law only patients who died in the hospital could be buried in a cemetery in actual fact it would welcome all muslims who died in the paris region the burial certificates were jointly signed by the hospital manager and by the chief clerk of the mosque she could do it been complete. what do you mean what you. mean while a hold on to that there's a little false that will skew. the guy well while.
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i end up with us the injured will fall school i'm. by september 939 for the 2nd time in 20 years france and germany were at war once again there was massive recruitment from the colonies. deep in many my mother did i do she know to make island glad you need me i got got to them it was only a little spot of the love between the people got to be done to do to each of us if you can't face your. day to depict it that you need offer to do to put it all be that the fault but it was to me it's not ok with me i let the let me put god in the box you know it they couldn't eat either you know but they come in at the dump you live maybe the island the body people eat. the so called common motherland had to heed political realities and black africa or algeria france organize recruitment as it saw fit but morocco and to musea were
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different they were protectorates with sovereigns who had to be can. sultan despite the strong nationalist sentiment in morocco so time mohammed the 5th had an appeal read out an almost from the kingdom in which he declared from this day on until the standard of france be crowned in glory we owe her our unreserved aid. and committed by the. board that ship with the horses buffy didn't there's always more to send people. so that they'll be here today for the. festival to start doing. their father. i guess did you. know. for the. horse for 8 months it was the so-called phoney war like everyone else the colonial troops
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waited some even had time to celebrate the muslim holiday in the paris mosque. they delayed it could be that they didn't don't you come in the 32nd you can use it then you see your fix it should then i must get it back i mean if you can or will not do or say to you you see if you don't you can say you got to get me to this to give you didn't matter which way you think. and may $940.00 the germans attacked one month later the french army surrendered tens of thousands of muslim soldiers were dead as many again were taken prisoner and the multi-racial army which was the pride of a greater france became to the nazis the symbol of its humiliation. even call on him dependent upon tools and the money you've got i'll be modest
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indeed i'm alive i'm tip well enough in my kind and in even. in the video that david did write to but i would much rather i let out some. need to be ignored and bottom up the burden gun starts i'm too into your. skin deep shots and we do this bloody. the nazis saw the colonial soldiers as subhuman carriers of strange diseases in order to avoid all risk of contamination and preserve the so-called purity of their air and blood they were interned in special from still like camps. but then they met and then a friend and. i. must have egg on cousin and mom. to visit
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it. because i knew the sickly disorder she thought of as. the sick. says on the flipside i get excitement to make some noise in the garden stigma. when you sign on and money. he hated the noble easy own son counts like indian the bliss you said and part of opposite a kiss short of said it and i on misc. it is. wrong member of the on the ties of these you're going to par standard could release usually is are due to come. good with you. says most of us.
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paris was occupied the nazis here as throughout most of europe imposed their order on a defeated nation and discovered a world that didn't expect. their reaction was surprising racial ideology was relaxed and replaced by a fascination for an orient that had taken root on the banks of the same. response . be dismissed clear obligations to all units down to his bid to eastlands his puppies or his stumps. just because a big doesn't step in that hole and dust staff. because the massage. gets tough it turns on and again you're going without sound from the same function and by something that sounds come begin to educate her.
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to. think he can take. her to chief clerk of the great mosques he could do it been got pretty tight but he used this german fascination for parisian oriental life to his advantage. well if it could but he's wealthy big lul they are actually more power the economy they are who supported the said hume the continuous it political 1000000 man the up force. could do gather the most kill we're. then give everything save dollars here. to. the datasheet to tell more lumber skidoo to ski it's a critique of the. ideology imo. syllabus k.a.c. a wish you wouldn't approve it of the limits you know not even legal here weeklies
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and more to don't put reason on this if you do confess your museum or are certain normal. discrete. evolve. or see. a source of flesh and will think use east to call them if they see you see did if it's just all did it of course and you removed or said they see you call them the. disease started good day for the most it's back in the days or balaclava was for the bodies and the calico cat for the. good chris were recruited joined to party that had been given 8 and he's left out on cat leave it to be seen if ever busy believe is a toy delamont so i must get back he eat our fizzy to be effect.
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a more. symmetrical to do this and more. if we don't pull it out and we have to order to be sure lot of people who we have to be difficult. to look at the music more do but beneath get it over me and. only get our place are signifiers upon like you are not going to come out on an a plus the body. minus your money. i think that in all what is a better never. use music. during the war 15000 muslims lived in paris workers and former prisoners some were unemployed because their factories had been bombed all were looking for an anchor and those difficult times for the 1st time since it opened 15 years earlier muslims from the working classes attended the paris mosque. the city did new. the.
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difference the 1000000 mom don't i get is the plessy do. be a people. no fan of prepared to want a good youth someplace. and leave the. no me. to no one but. i don't. like all the french people the muslims were faced with a choice to resist to collaborate or to keep a low profile a personal choice and silenced by their pre-war political allegiance. and the. means donate an awfully. good. dispersal of forces in the gulf. yet by massive lorries of.
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less use more little needles lawsuit. in late august 1940 paris was liberated in part thanks to the sacrifice of 3000 resistance fighters how many among them were muslims we will never know pictures of muslim resistance fighters in the 2nd world war are rare but a few remain like this photo of senegalese fighters invesco and a few names like muhammad. and mohammed bonus or shot by the nazis 2. mohamed lockhart and. deported to dock how they were born as north africans and they gave their lives for france but post-war france was to care little for their sacrifice.
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the temperature in perth has dropped recently as this cloud went through the cold front it's not extremely you haven't dropped a temperature hugely un that with a forecast of a round about the 22 mark and then that front falls apart rather than bring something rather more active through adelaide and melbourne it doesn't get more or less disappears big rigs that are rain into victoria maybe tasmania the more significant rains is unspecific didn't show or long shore wind queensland and new south wales has enough moisture to give you outbreaks of light rain showers all the way up through the queensland coast and in new south wales right has been
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a subject in japan has subject worthy of warning because it could produce landslides but those brief is more if so again potential for warnings here and that right extends back into the korean peninsula as northern edge is cold and the 3rd a star in north korea and that's it 3rd china it's a largely dry picture whereas a seasonal rainy would ask yeah but it's not really there yet it's trying to form again in chengdu it's working its way slowly northwards and this was weather wise you got a couple of dry days in china and india increasingly hot and humid we'll see some pretty big thunderstorms in bangladesh in particular and they are dangerous. well if we cannot have palestina my government was suddenly not allowed britain to control the french palestine would be an outrage but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows 100 years ago britain and france made
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a secret deal that would influence the shape of the middle east for a century to come and so. now we can draw on the. psych speak of lines in the sand on al-jazeera. from inside the walls of a west african prison comes home. a chance to create to express emotion and take the 1st steps towards rehabilitation. a renowned choreographer shares his passion for dark inspiring prisoners to perform and to reach beyond the ill deeds of the past and the confines of their present to the dance of the witness documentary on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call. al-jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to. al-jazeera.
12:00 am
al-jazeera. hello i'm maryam namazie and watching the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes at least 21 people have been killed in a truck bomb attack in afghanistan in one of the deadliest attacks there in recent months growing anger and calls for a public inquiry after dozens of ultra-orthodox jews are killed during a stampede in northern.


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