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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm +03

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i reports from the tasting i wasn't lucky enough to be there because it was done in march in port au at this year the reports are that mature it fantastically well so so that's a great news problem or rather that's our web site al-jazeera dot com is the address all the news recovery and plenty of comment notices to al-jazeera dot com is the address. so this is out there these are the top stories in corona virus restrictions have been extended in japan's capital just 77 days before the shuttle start of the olympics a state of emergency was due to end in 4 days but cases are still searching there are fears coronavirus numbers in nepal are reaching similar levels to neighboring india it has $57.00 times more cases than one month ago down has been extended in the capital of katmandu from coming to his room got
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a liberal who has more on the government's response it took a couple of decisions to round up oxygen cylinders in the capital so that it could distribute it to the hospitals in in that mine do in the valley it has decided to look force base to manage 4 bodies of people who have asked that we all died from a virus and it is so it is so i don't think it's actually bought that far and it is of course there's a lot on and these are not there which is being. rather for another week and we have halted international flights and domestic flights all the time but i think it's a little a little too late this is what critics and health and the public. maybe 3 people are dying occurring a virus every minute in india on friday reported another record daily rise of more
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than 410000 cases many states say they're still waiting for emergency equipment and medical supplies to reach the hospitals the former president of the melodies says said to be in a critical condition after being injured in a bomb attack outside his home doctors say mohamed nasheed has undergone multiple surgery. a federal grand jury has charged for former us police officers for violating the civil rights of george floyd the new charges come nearly 3 weeks after their chevron was found guilty of 2nd and 3rd degree murder and manslaughter for killing floyd last year britain's governing conservative party has secured an election victory in an opposition labor stronghold the parliamentary seat of hotly pull in england's industrial northeast as very conservative for the 1st time in its history he was there with headlines more news here on al-jazeera right after the straight. english streaming
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on the teaching channel. last thousands of our programs will be documentaries. subscribed to eugene. al-jazeera english. hi i'm femi oke a today on the stream we are looking at the future of child off the killing of the former president interest stevy last month i would like to start by taking you back to april the 20th that is the date when chad's military announced the person interest eppy had suffered fatal injuries while visiting troops fighting rebels on the very same day the military announced that deadly son would lead a transitional military council while also serving as interim president phosphor to a full of the 27th we see protesters asking for civilian trials ition not
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a military one and that on may the 2nd the military council names a transitional government but not all opposition members are happy and they do not feel that it is a true civilian led transition so now we are up to date what would you like to ask our guests if you're on you tube you could be in the comments section and be part of today's show. joining us today we have we have john we have read so good to see you gentlemen introduce yourself to ass stream audience go ahead and start 1st. well when i recently did greece i work for a correspondent in the west and central africa region and i recently returned from chad where all the while all has that happening the demonstrations that changes with the you know over the last 2 days or so yeah a lot of action happening down on the ground hello john welcome to the stream introduce yourself to add level audience my name is john. a professor of economics
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at we will state university and you tell us a most nonresident syria fellow at the brookings institution. specializing in international human rights and constitutional issues and most of my research is on africa it's happening and how to tap until reset in just a moment i read introduce yourself to the stream of audience what do. i read prodi with human rights watch and heard the last 22 years i worked closely with the victims of the former president of chad he said harbury to get him convicted for atrocities by a court in senegal and i think going back and forth a job for 20 or 20 years or so on that is just got back from chad and while he was the he follows a number of polls including what is going on politically have
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a look. the crack in charge of the united opposition is widening there are no more into government demonstrations on the streets and on to belittle rhetoric has been torn down. and opposition candidate in the last presidential election has been appointed as transitional prime minister and is currently selling the idea of dialogue and unity to others who opposed the military takeover. we need to come together for the nation's interest everyone is their role to play for the peace of the country we need to do that to restore democracy where from now on power will come from the ballot box. on what was the atmosphere like because the military took. up protests and then there are some opposition members who are not happy with the current governing situation how would you describe the atmosphere he just. what i mean. is in a transition transition to where and how it's not very they have the moment yes
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it was that he died on the battlefront his son took over now they have a prime minister who was once a prime minister and former president and the president idriss deby was also stood i guess there be in the last election he is the prime minister now now the assembly that column and which was suspended earlier by the military along with the constitution is back in business that the breaking on knolls and then you have the opposition being courted to join the unity government or transitional government yes some vocal opponents of the military takeover have been appointed into the parliament but i understand that one of them as the judge to the post and said she will continue to push for the military to leave unsaid about the transition either really really it's the transition program now and the situation in china is so dedicated that's why allies in particular false and regional allies like the
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african union which of course was delegations just left. i really in a fix are still to do with the situation i spoke to women will be a you did against him before i left i was asking him what did they get out of the transitional military council and what is the opposition telling them they said well they still need their western meeting but the fact of the matter is this shouldn't be russia to take a decision they were on a show about what what suspending charts from the e.u. . is all sound the same as no. i will not unless and i think that we have no idea what we're doing with this is going to be a huge upset when you have a lead to impose for us is this got to be some kind of vacuum or is that what do you see. well there's a total vacuum i think that the personal rule of you dress debbie for 30 years we
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can chat institutions i mean in fact under the constitution if the president dies power goes to the head of the legislature that did not happen what we saw here was a coup d'etat in the 2 days between debbie being killed and the announcement. various factions of the military came together to impose. mohamed kakababu is that he's half son as the president and 15 you know this is a military junta and many people would say that those civilians who have gone into the government are providing window dressing for what is essentially a military coup i say who so well as the solicitor i for my my but when i saw all full story about preston just killed while fighting rebels i. didn't quite believe it. well
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a lot of people don't believe but we don't actually know his face for it often is that we actually don't know the story we've heard a lot of different accounts and there is a lot of dissension within debbie's former party the m.p.'s was in bed he's ethnic group there's a how is who have been ruling chad for 30 years and so this could be there could be score settling we don't actually know what happened national dialogue just what does that mean false moments. what. national battle in merrill pinion is not going to work better where primarily because. with the military. in the background whatever arrangements to would have to satisfy the military group would read what should have happened is that the. government should have been handed over to department so that the constitution
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would be followed under civilian government would be installed and a process of national dialogue to institute a government of national unity then flow from that. trying to allow demitra to continue to work from behind would not achieve real change in shock primarily because the longer diminutives days i don't yeah. it's going to be for them to become equipment and. part of the government sit up and 30 years ago what do you say i guess i'm right and i think what this report. is you know i think you have to start with i mean that's right you know let's let's understand that power in china has never passed democratically. and that what you see i mean there's been basically a deal. chad if you look at the map chad is an island of stability in a sea of chaos to one side of chad you have sudan and the dark for
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conflict and the crimes that were committed there yet sudan split in half to the north of chad you have libya which is a failed state with chaos to the south of chad you have another practically failed state central african republic and to the other side you have nigeria and you know with boko herat and the deal has always been that each risk that you just debbie for 30 years the president had to keep. where it is always stability stability stability either a steady has basically been built linchpin not only of stability in the region but of the fight against terrorism and you've got chatty and troops in in in mali to help the french to turn back an islamic takeover you have them in nigeria doing what the nigerian army should be doing against boko haram you have them throughout this that how this very dangerous region where terrorism about history i think and
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i think it was true that let me just finish what i agree that i need to ensure that france france and the u.s. have basically supported the. chatty in government to the detriment of democracy in the country sorry i think what the death of. that stability is a news disappearing very fast what you have now is the resurgence of book or r m one we were there there was an attack on the military there and some of the soldiers like killed there also a rebellion in the north of the country not one but many other rebel groups have been fighting to get in to chide into germany and to take over power yes agreed to have appointed a respected former foreign minister to take charge of the national dialogue but it's hard to see these rebels abundant in the course with this falls outside of china to join the negotiations and can show stability in china so it's going to be
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about i'm just going in terms of transition that's what i said child child is in the transition but transition where and when the mighty may be there for a very long time on it we have a question we ask questions i want to pick your brain all right jensen i'm going to ask even still at some you tube you have got to apply very briefly so john this is from al hilton i was tonight called chad just put past fresh elections brief response john well the problem was. prepare for elections is that the institutions that they have in the country right now even if you have crucial actions and you have a new president that president would. face 6 since significant problems because of the nature of the institutions that you have in the country at the moment and that he shouldn't do that. i wonder to make a common with respect to what reid just said and that is this issue of stability
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stability for whom. having such a high tea but with significant levels of income inequality extreme poverty the question is stability for whom we are interested in chad we need to make sure that we address those issues that are causing the instability we can't just assume that instability is due to really just extremism there's a lot of poverty in china spoke to the last i was in china i talked to a lot of people and they were very frustrated by the fact that they've been independent for sale for so many years and they have not been able to sell the money was all since john and chad is not risen also all right now only to me on 3 darker sources redefine if i say i decide to go for the year she would have to get in this is not. a my sense that this is an ethnic division it's not the way for his system but will create more escalations and dismantling of the nation
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so he's saying to the young people of child don't be put in washed by roque politicians thoughts read 3 full thoughts well yes i mean chad every people should understand that chad is essentially divided between a muslim. north and a many christian animist south but within that there are hundreds of that nick and the government of the day has always kept power by by you know co-opting ethnic groups and co-opting opposition parties that's the interesting thing here you see. why you know there is no percentage in being in the opposition in a one party state because you can't win an election and come out so the only way you can get your little part of power for you and your people is by joining a government and you see that that's what's happening there the military everybody trashes the military government but then people running to join it some of them i mean their opposition politicians like 6 a missouri who have refused to do that and of course civil society human rights
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groups and the development groups are very upset but you always have this idea that the way to get a part of power if you go into the rebellion get some troops to make it the 0 or become a political party get 5 percent make another deal and i want to see if if if i'm right this is a senior research of the regional office for west africa bringing up the point of how do one's one themselves have a listen have a look and i think some of the bottles comment. sold to completion of this country house or so experience rub down i want to return here in moods of governance and the top i'm not i'm no different in certain expression from the mountain we don't see reading the freedom to choose one's needs clearly then and the people of this country especially i'm thirsty for freedom and democracy and they also are spying to wear you down and most table more prosperous country doctor who offers them
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a social economic opportunities and will be dissolved in important teams to which i do transition and mr cummins and our political activists should actually pay attention to. in fact that's the problem now the youth constitute more than 95 percent of all the protests we're seeing on the 27th of last month on the streets and in the other ways in germany and the problem right now is the division and the law of the sense of i want to be part i want us part of the or slice of the cake the opposition i'm not so all going ice many of them i joined russian to join the government a lot of them joined to indulge president idriss deby in the last election and that's where the problem is and if you look at the equality aspect of it there is no equality in tried and they cannot make prospects i really really did me in the hotel we stayed for example i can tell you that less than that it has less than 25
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capacity utilization most of the guests i'm not coming in a most of them have left some must come down to nigeria and some would just have shut down even the hall and tell why the president and the prime minister the newly appointed prime minister lives is a formal hotel that's his residence now that's his office and so in terms of economic activity nothing is happening in charge at the moment and they trade with nigeria one of their biggest trading partners is now a distance to because boko haram has blocked the opportunities of transporting goods from china into niger and vice versa now they have to access negative they have to go through the reroute little camera before entering the northeast and buy to lead there to trade with niger so it's a very difficult and very delicate situation that the use of hungry for recognition hungry to contribute 100 to see that the country's on the right hunger for development but the institutions are failing them and the old politicians just refuse to go. it's really impossible it's impossible to have this conversation we
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thought talking about front son and the role of the friends. i have seen says that mccall he was on the phone present to stephanie's funeral he spoke to his friend what is this friendship based on well it's based on i am here i agree with john on a very false notion of stability. the military plans has no. economic interest in chad it is all about that you know stopping khadafi in the past i mean the former dictator case i worked on the 1980 s. . his'n heart rate was supported as a boat work against moammar gadhafi debbie is supported is the boat work against terrorism and what is your every this got there that doesn't mean that there haven't been rebellions all over the place but the chad relationship with france is a military to military relationship and one friend and meant crone went to paris
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went to suit your maina and said that they france will be the guarantee of the stability in the integrity of chad it was as if he just accepted the coup d'etat as if the chad in people and their voices did not matter and i think there's no contradiction between having a democratic country and having a military to fight terrorism and but france has always seen it that way unfortunately i want to pull along and what. i mean i mean the demonstrations that that happened are they tend to sometimes underline or of course lead to a crack in the relationships insisted that no they're not going to support this guy to state interest or interest there be some to stay in power and even make a you which supported the move the minute you take over as necessary is trying to reassess itself after the crackdown on demonstrators so it's a very delicate situation for us is. intent on saying that this succeeds its best
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option to success is to see that the transition process and in 18 months or less than i wanted to i want to ask you about this one i suppose 1st have a listen to this alice this is jerome to be on a he spoke to us earlier about this relationship between science and child and then john a constant. presence problem is that it only says chad has a good provider of military forces to fight terrorism in the sail and france war is that an uncertain transition to make the child an army and available to intervene abroad these however neglect the fact that there are possibly even greater risks within china itself and those are not only risks of terrorist attacks but risks of ethnic violence which could mirror what has been taking place since decayed immediately next to chad in darfur in sudan. john your compadres are not what you tell. us what i was trying to. make sure we emphasize here is that.
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all those countries the us the european union france that i had ping working together with china with interests from former president to fight terrorism not forgetting that if you want to fight terrorism effectively or sustainably you have to address the issues that are contributing to terrorism this idea that terrorism is based primarily on oil exclusively on religious agenda that your religious extremism is a faulty were to look at terrorism then i suggest serious economic problems in china my experience talking to young people especially young girls is that they want to go to school and develop skills that will allow them to become productive members of that community but this groups are not the. facilities are not there and
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so to to to simply to. look at china as simply an issue of terrorism and so that france and the u.s. participation in those countries is primarily to prop up the military which then turns around and suppresses the people is not a very effective way to look at chuck we need to consider that the fact that most appear to pull this so far from extreme extremely high levels of poverty and an inequality and that if we can help them develop the economy especially with the resources that they have we would have gone a very long way in. getting rid of those issues that make young people very susceptible to recruitment by extremist forces some time to really look at what happened when one of the speed round was a right at the end of the shop and i thought i want to share something with you the have a look here i think streams hung pounds chat a true transition in israel changing chad possible i am going to give your 32nd
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response to that i think 3 if not different perspectives on that will change interest. i think it's going to be difficult to say whether this transition will succeed or not because the military has this unsettled and the fact of the matter is that all the support you're seeing from france and other countries is because they are afraid to chide but withdraw its forces fighting other swards in africa or beyond to blow most of the security forces at home to keep the current military transition in government for 18 months or more but beyond that but i think the transition may last more than 18 months them then than when it's expected john well it's time to japp astable yes change is possible but in order for that to happen the military has to extricate itself out of the whole process and hand over the government today. telamon dictated by it because what would you say tell him to the
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minute change to ask him to step down that would be famous might have i mean i think it's possible because the military in charge come lots of i would definitely support. it for support is really interested in trying in transforming chuck he should stop i learned the military to do what he's doing to many friends does the military to stop do what he says do right now i'm sure you do so because with that france and the us are vast that's the true power of fonso rights. all right leads to your thoughts i mean i think there is a chance it a lot of it depends on the courage of the chatty and people of the civil society to keep on but it also has been said depends on countries like france and others not signing a blank check i mean looking at all their riches or chad and saying that we should be democratically distributed power should be democratically distributed on but i
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don't see that so far i don't see that happening unfortunately the reason john and i could tell t. for alice is such a good topic to talk about because to add. has so much potential and yet so hoffa cha to even reach to democracy gentlemen thank you so much. thank you so much excellent questions and comments that let me share something with you here at al-jazeera dot com this is what i did i typed in chad into the so it's ball and then i found not just stories but many stories that way al-jazeera dot com and out of there the network covering you can get up to date with the latest and then follow the progress is change in chad actually possible you can follow the nice thank you so much for being part of today's program really appreciate you us the next time.
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is underway and will be completed after the may 1st dad lives from there around the world all these demonstrates the team to revive the british government without any new laws designed to cattails people's rights of assembly damage the country's democracy. on currency because redrawing the geopolitical map for a post or a world where does that leave the oil producers colombia's tax revolt but the n b a nation still needs to figure out how to cut its debt and where are the self-drive cars. counting the cost on al-jazeera in 1905 for young anti-apartheid activists were murdered by south african security forces if you're gone solve the problem by the moving the guy then you could keep 36 years on a family's quest for justice reveal systemic resistance to prosecution they must all be convicted. for. and exposes the influence the former apartheid establishment
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still wielded in the new south africa my father died for this the people in power investigation on al-jazeera. holding the powerful to account as we examine the u.s. is wrong in the world on al-jazeera. al jazeera. you're watching the news hour live from headquarters and. coming up in the next 60 minutes warning of a major crisis in nepal as a register is a massive spike in clover $1000.00 infections with hospitals running out of beds and oxygen in japan extends coronavirus restrictions in tokyo and 3 other areas raising questions about the.


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