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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2021 10:30am-11:01am +03

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just look at the bow to democracy. to democracy what are you on the dishes bobby wine says that he and he told party officials are still being harassed he says that the military and police have been deployed to he's home and party headquarters he said they wanted to have a pray day to day power to the swearing in but that was impossible to happen because of the huge deployment of security forces so a lot of people are saying going forward the president really should do much to deal with the security situation and also to heal the political divide in the country right now.
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are adrian filling in with you here in doha the headlines on al-jazeera there's been another bout of ass trikes in gaza as israeli jets bombed high rise buildings and other targets 69 palestinians including 17 children have been killed these are live pictures of the skyline where a number of explosions have been seen in the past half hour 7 people have been killed by strikes fired into israel by gaza's armed factions israel has vowed to continue its military campaign. abraham reports now from ramallah in the occupied west bank. there has been a fresh air strike that targeted coming from israel and there has also been in the bharat of rockets fired from the gaza strip into israel the israeli army says that since 8 pm on wednesday. fired more than 130 rockets in the hands of them were intercepted by the ira in general.
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with this. system has intercepted at anywhere between 85 to 90 percent of the rockets that have been attacked from gaza and these really are me it says that there has hit more than $500.00 targets in gaza since the beginning. monday farland says also spread within israel into communal financing at a scale not seen in decades between palestinian israelis and jewish residents in several cities. he'd held without incident a. storm by israeli forces just days ago religious leaders are calling for calm the 8 holiday marks the end of the holy month of ramadan around the world more news for you here off the inside story next. it's a very bleak picture for
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a lot of americans out there white supremacy impacts all of our patients you're putting more money into the hands of someone 1st taking money out of the hands of other workers and everyone goes to their camp and becomes a us versus them this is the deal about constraining your nuclear program the bottom line the big questions on out is there. 2 letters and many warnings a group of former and current military soldiers accuse the french president of giving in too much to islam as they claim the country's survival is at risk a political maneuver or does it reflect a real malays of french society this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program i'm homage to him civil war is brewing in france that's the warning from a number of french soldiers to president emmanuel mccrone for the 2nd time they
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accuse the president of granting what they called concessions to islamism the open letter was posted on a far right website that. echoed a similar text published last month by a group of retired generals but this time it was open to the public and the website says it received tens of thousands of signatories at least $800.00 soldiers involved in april's letter face sanctions before a military court both letters were condemned by the french government but welcomed by far right leader marine le upon who is seen as micron's main rival in next year's presidential election in parts of the letter addressed to president micron and his cabinet soldier said we are not talking about extending your mandate or conquering others we're talking about the survival of our country the survival of your country they describe themselves as part of a younger generation of soldiers who quote have offered up their lives to destroy the islamism that you have made concessions to on our soil they went on if a civil war breaks out the military will maintain order on its own soil the french
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government reacted to the letter with fury prime minister's own classics told the person on newspaper that the letter was a political maneuver by the extreme right interior minister damani and accuse the anonymous signatories of the 2nd letter of lacking courage defense minister of florence part of the dismissed the text as part of a crude political scheme. france has seen several attacks in the past year mainly blamed on what the government calls terrorist groups among them was the beheading of a teacher after showing prophet mohammed cartoons to his class the attackers outraged the french who called for the defense of republican values across launched a crackdown on muslim groups following the attack a number of mosques and islamic organizations have been forced to shut down micron has also proposed a controversial bill to tackle what he describes as islamist separatism he was condemned by muslims and leaders in several countries critics accuse the president of unfairly targeting muslim groups. i alright let's bring in our guests in paris. chief foreign correspondent at le
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figaro in if ron morocco newsarama sorry associate professor of international studies at the university and also in paris yes a while to human rights activists and head of the committee for justice and liberties welcome to the program yes let me start with you today how significant is this 2nd letter compared to the 1st open letter. well unfortunately it's really a doubling down on how it's things are going way to the far right seat in france now the 1st letter was published on 21st of its 42021 in commemoration of the aborted a coup d'etat against a general in charge of the go to back in in 1961 of us and we have now what the military meddling in civilian affair is a speaking of civil war and the thousands of deaths and we have no people who are in active duty in the military you know doing the same thing but what people have also missed is that was a 3rd to call it by
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a french 40 union and this time it was calling for the uptick ation of israeli methods of courts and courts and like the checkpoints that you define as to new territories and even to find inspiration from there to in fact if it had pins and personnel in residence it's what we see today is a difficult normalization of the far right because we have normalized this are done at the turn and to have a reality in which listings are the enemy within conspiring to overthrow the french republic nobody speaks of terrorism in terms of what is happening abroad in terms of foreign intervention house consequences here are told and that functionalism is in the overwhelming majority you just want to be french and want to be left alone and molest point sir when this when people are going to accuse muslims of or sulk or the radical islam of being the problem just give me one list of organization or listening leader that has scored 0 for separation from the republic let alone to
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a spark a civil war this is the problem today we have white supremacy in the military and we hope the normalization of this rhetoric that the military is this solution and i know from your perspective how is this 2nd open letter different from the 1st one and also do we at this stage know how many active members of the military actually signed the 2nd letter for me. it is you absolutely cannot draw a comparison with the putsch the generals in april 61 in nigeria there ringback were real troops there were it was a huge charge to go the 1st photo was written by a retired general 'd of ok if there were a lot bit i don't know he'd about. danger of syrian
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war 'd but as you know about this our former chief of stop wrote him a few you know or. don't 'd speak he area of their own expertise. this week as citizens so of course you have freedom of expression gives it whatever you like in france but maybe it would have been better if they had not put the rats in front of the name general so little so whatever. so but for me it's still bit in there as you say in english is storm in a teacup it is not a real movement there is no rebellion and so the whole army is several offices other offices i've written to the 1st stop stop they all think they said in the few go it's because you know about this up so 'd i think the minister not overdo this
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crisis yes you can take some sanctions because generals have what we call a publication of reserve they cannot see you have to speak with accordance with their minister but it's not that big big of it's dog 'd make a storm in a teacup yassar i see you reacting quite a bit to what they know is saying there did you want to jump in. i mean i would have loved to be able to minimize and agree with this issue the problem is it's in 3 days now for the government to react so the days of and if there is to open it up by a retired indeed general or as has been a companion to or there was a 2nd parent assigned but this time by active duty military personnel and we saw no investigation whatsoever and we have not seen a reaction to actually call these people buckle into order and yes of course the
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head of chief in chief of stuff that did to react and he did that his job but the problem is deeper don't take seriously the amounts of threat this represents when the military personnel intervened in civilian life but also when you had a 58 percent of surveyed people in a function as i look at agreeing with the net there so no i mean i would love to agree with that but when you take a look at the overall atmosphere in france the anti separatism that been debates we have seen and this or this and i'm listening to rich rick i'm not fear is that we have crossed a another or went up another notch and people keep pushing forward them and this time asking for military intervention unfortunately the government is not up to it and now it's going to be on emanuel mccall and he's a people to be in the army but send him back into their recent operation which means that there would require they call it because they're on them and these are if we can just take a step back for a moment to look at the larger picture here these letters are alleging that
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president micron has made concessions to fundamentalist islam what exactly does that mean. it means that he's not getting seriously with what they see as extreme 'd or extremist islamist movements in in france which is not correct. in these 2 letters these are some of the retired military and some of the current mates are saying that they went to the front on the give their blood or risked their lives for france but when we see the conflicts in which they were caught contributing in afghanistan in mali we see that there were confronted in this so-called. islam and justice islam and i think that this is how the seed worked this year a word in which we have us against them and this and deceit that the.
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muslim community france is. no it is the other it's not part of france and the see it as a threat which is absolutely the misleading to how that's community in a trance and once just to it's live and let alone so i think that if we want to step back we will see that these people bring a reading or interpretation of the word that is. a confrontational and they bring they don't read only the words but they read also friends called into those lines of confrontation and then oh the sentiments that we're seeing expressed in these letters how much of an impact are they going to have on the upcoming elections. it's true that you have like upsetting
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events of what happened in france recently you had this. is to mr dance few years ago 'd. shall you go on in a concert of the fact that plants are and you had recently. a postman killed a levy police and killed by. an islamist and so 'd it's true that you have problems but. i would say that this ok it. is. grassed exaggeration of the threats that. front is confronted too but yes you have a freedom it was it's very difficult to draw the line between 80 used
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full i would say freedom no expression and happy enough charles de gaulle before the war could express his views that were against the chief of staff of the trial and said that the french army was not well prepared and it happened that generals who was true because financially with egypt a german and 148 and probably today it would be expelled from the army for writing it gave it the measure of the chief of stuff but. under the current crisis or fair we can see that it's an exaggeration and especially we do not need to the army in france 2 men deep well or there were police revelations about a movie and this is totally enough so 'd it's
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a little bit exaggeration and it's true that this general also and it's a little bit a problem they they took without and it was said in an expertise in mali or in afghanistan fun this iteration is not the same of course in france there are 3 vo there are problems in france there to be addressed this problem of violence and of i would say decreasing law and order in france. is not. think the rant of the right we all know. is the no i don't know sorry to interrupt you let me let me stop you there i'm going to i'm going to pick up on that thread in just a few moments but let me go to yes or right now yes what i want to ask you specifically about the fact that there analysts in france who have said that of
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late president micron has been tacking right word that he's trying to appeal to more right wing voters do you believe that micron is going to be embracing more right wing policies and a more right wing vision of how france should be ruled in the run up to the election. well actually in many ways michael has a corner of the sense that he thought that by using the far right or the far right civil it's a reason that you would somehow get inside of an edge over the rest of the problem is this is brilliant up in his face the 1st time the top and when the dominant chords might have been quote unquote too soft on islam that's the minister of interior or they might be michael calling her soft on list in the 2nd bush is not is commemoration of an up when you don't and not going to go to slavery for an after we passed and know that 20 years ago to call it a crime against humanity or these are signs that emanuel mccall will continue to hold this a right wing down ward spyware or the primaries that's or is that's not only is it
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doing a thought but you also have an overall normalization of the far right rhetoric and as these opens have been signed us a man who in a cold is a shift to the to the far right think he's going to win in the 2nd round i guess but in a band we also have a person not should do if you're a former general or in the middle french military positioning instead of us potentially a candidate and he has been making you know i'm going from presidential branch for him on how low or there should be reestablished a hotly debated area called to save the frogs given their experience with the already reasons to worry so of course the open wasn't over exaggeration yes the problem is that the overall context and the week of government we haven't and is so sure constance is in france mr duck the these op eds would go far beyond the initial intention yes you meant the bosom but afterward you're normalised the idea that far right ideas are for the country and these are is it at all possible to
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extrapolate from these 2 letters just how much the writers actually represent opinions that are shared among rank and file members of the armed forces. very difficult to do to do so because well the 2nd letter was not even signed the anonymous signatories of the letter. but this is not something new in the french army 'd. i mean it's the french or the french army let's remember is that 'd. some part of the french army aligned itself with with. the government of the sheens the french army was also in 1961 resisted the 'd independence of. the guns the goal so this fact of leni due to the extreme right is something that has existed in the
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french army for some time and these 2 letters are revealed enough that's what i think that the 2 letters revealed also all of the most amazing in france indeed in with the diversity. 'd 'd 'd and the challenge of inclusion the french model is not 'd far from being a total failure but you know has failed in many ways and the rebellions in in 2005 reminded us how the french model. or did not meet the expectations of this new generation of french purely french people and we keep seeing this repeating itself so i think that the letters are not as much and revealing often but is read in the army as they are revealing of. a malaise reading french society french society that is the does not know a freshly sighted that does not know how to deal with diversity and that does not
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know how to deal with that to accept this diversity as a richness instead of a challenge as it has been the front and then our few moments ago you were speaking about the far right in france let me ask you this does this whether or not as you said you believe this is an exaggeration a storm in a teacup but does this in the end benefit the far right in france does it benefit far right leader moving the. it's too early to say. what is in the days of demand in france and there was a poll recently that the 1st request from french voters is low on order safety in the street light. and. and the private moment was only a 2nd and to me was only 3rd so it's very important to understand that
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law and order now is a challenge is a big question in front which is it was not so important like 20 or 30 years ago so it's true that either i had the image in my coat in his last year he fenced strong measures to. put back if you lived busy. no other order 'd in france and we had because where you live terrible examples just recently elected in avignon a drug dealer just purely political and in the street in front of everybody and so . so. they request by the people by the nations and not by the i classes of the popular classes is west of morse if he was security and maybe of more severe punishment by judges this
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is true it's very simple if michael is not able to deliver on that matter which is requested by the french people and we still have a democracy and still people get photo whatever mainstream media estelle didn't do . if michael doesn't meet these challenges there's a possibility that the man of ben is elected president yes. yes or i saw you reacting we are sorry run of the times can i ask you to please keep your answer brief but if you want to jump in. yes definitely a much more akin to many when michael do he cracks down on civil liberties in the rights we the muffler somebody else expression freedom of the press for mr duffy emergency laws and lesser offense now the middle click on to do more than is so but what you can say it is a month into it then it can benefit in the short term but in the long term she has a credibility problem and only time will tell whether a person from outside of the political spectrum made
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a rise out of calls did or if you mean the closeness of the election to be about him i guess but it depends and in which case it would play the corrida i am hard on a her but a come with a core the ability of how to be a president these are let me ask you this what can emanuel necron do right now when it comes to these letters we have seen repeatedly that members of the government are quite upset that these letters have emerged. actions to punish some of the officers have been proposed but all in all what can be done and if more action or more punitive action is taken would that backfire on micron and his government. i think i would agree with your the 2nd part of your question absolutely i think that very little can be done because it has been said here previously that there is freedom of speech in the country so people who are 'd
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should should be able to express their their 'd month. but under the sent the victimisation. replay in favor of these people is down. 'd and as it was also mentioned the opinion polls show that some of the arguments in these letters of the support of a substantial part of the french population so i think that the mannion but call those notes of that the choice of free press in. the signal to those who signed those letters has to do his policies but if his policies are to keep siding with the right i think he might be losing to the leaning to the far right i should rather say i think that people might think well why and why are we going to vote for the mutation let's go to the origin and that's the risk for french
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democracy from my point of view and theirs are very quickly also one last question are there actually any laws in france that forbid members of the military from expressing opinions like this in public and in a more broad way of looking at it what does the military or most members of the military what would they think about the fact that there is now this mixing between the political and the military based on these these statements these letters. the leaders of the army the army our guns in the exposed is clearly that these letters are against the spirit of the army on the normal length of the hour lunch in the french political spectrum so the leaders of the military 'd are clearly position as the gusts letters however this some measures would be taken against those who signed the 1st letter says the 2nd letter was unknowns but i think that there is in politics there is what is legal and there is what is doable but it's from
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a political point of view of that is what's cohen to his. assistance we need to take each of us at the ration at this stage all right we have run other times we're going to have to leave the discussion there thank you so much all of our guests i know here on his arm a sorry and yes in a lot. and thank you too for watching you can see this program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. inside story from am i am a gentleman the whole team here by for now. a day like no other we will never give up we will never get a seat that shook us politics to its core you reacted. faultlines
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examines the fallout i don't know what the hell happened to the republican party and asks what next for the grand old party everything is anger everything is prevent this is trumps party will the fire overtake the party will it overtake the country fault lines capital attack the republican party off to trump on now just sarah. al-jazeera. and. write. that. it's a very bleak picture for a lot of americans out there white supremacy impacts all of our issues you're putting more money into the hands of someone 1st taking money out of the hands of
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other workers their own goes to their camp it becomes us versus them this is the deal about constraining your nuclear program the bottom line the big questions on out is they are cultivating food is the foundation of human civilization but food today is a global commodity if the industry did not make money how many people would be and where and how it's cultivated a contentious debate public interest in the public safety is definitely not taking precedent and in-depth examination into our great business and the conflicting interests that play industry doesn't want any regulation interest want to put the products on the market the price of progress on al-jazeera the it's one of the most recognized sites around the world saying for support from far and wide but for the families back home. it's more than just a football club and what is a policy should be left out of football. politics and.
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the passion and the politics of liverpool f.c. the defiant giant. part of the fans who make football series on al-jazeera. israeli airstrikes bombard gaza into the early hours of thursday 69 palestinians have been killed in the west violence since 20147 have died in israel. hello i'm a very emphatic and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up violence spreads in israel's ethnically mixed towns and cities with one.


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