tv The Stream Al Jazeera May 15, 2021 5:30am-6:01am +03
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in congress that he doesn't like he's also spoken out to criticize them in that would often cause them serious problems with their own voters but there are republicans willing to speak out against them and there's a lot of talk that lose cheney herself might be the one republican voice with this strength to oppose the other wing the donald trump wing of the republican party and run herself in 2024. well again i'm fully back to bill with a look at our headlines on al jazeera a refugee camp has been hit in the latest israeli air strikes on gaza at least 8 people have been killed including 6 children rescue workers a digging through the rubble for survivors in the shot refugee camp after a house was hit there at least $137.00 palestinians including 30 children have been killed since the israeli offensive began on monday. also if the thief it's my
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cousin's house we were surprised by is struck it hit the house without any warning we ran outside we saw the full story house get completely demolished it was completely leveled his sister and her kids were visiting and they were all killed all of their. elbows on us so what is the missiles hit in the windows got shattered there was glass all over and it hit our head we got wounded we started running barefoot and my sister left all our belongings behind. we are still trying to recover more bodies and figure out who is who this is truly a massacre that cannot be described in words the only survivor from that family is this little baby we don't know how he managed maybe he just stayed alive to be a witness of what happened to the rest of his family. has responded to the latest attack by firing a new barrage of rockets towards israel one hit a building in emergency services say the apartment damaged on the 64 had. 3
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occupants who were in a protected room and were not harmed a factory in the port of ashdod was also hit causing a fire there were no casualties in this incident even meanwhile 11 palestinians were killed during protests that swept across the occupied west bank on friday flashes between israeli police and palestinian demonstrators continued into the night in occupied east jerusalem funerals have been held for some of those killed during those earlier protests across the west bank more rallies are expected on saturday and one person has been killed after hundreds held a rally in southern lebanon near the border with israel and on friday they were joined by religious leaders who said their congregations to united with the people of palestine now the news india's prime minister has expressed concern over the rapid spread of covert 19 through areas where health care is limited there and ramadi says the government is doing everything to contain the virus next on on jazeera the string. it's a very bleak picture for
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a lot of americans out there white supremacy in fact all of our youth if you're putting your money into the hands of someone 1st keiki money out of the hands of other workers that will goes to their camp it becomes us versus them this is the deal about constraining your nuclear program the bottom line on the big questions on out is iraq. i am for me ok on today's bonus edition of the stream an exclusive interview with far a baker a palestinian social media activist who lives in gaza our connection was interrupted by israeli airstrikes stand by for your questions about the queen of virus in india and we revisit a passionate debate about covert vaccine inequality. look we need the u.s. to act immediately the short term solution give us the dollars as you don't want you don't like astra zeneca give it to us were to get right the long term solution from factories near term solution force companies you funded to share their deck
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knology with manufacturers who can begin and use it you know this is not funny anyone that this is sick what's happening in india is we need to happen to every unvaccinated society whether it's in sub-saharan africa or southeast asia and if we don't act we have to explain that to our children and i grandchildren and i would love to see what they have to say. that was actual proper public health advice based in bangalore getting an a round of applause from dr day. co-chair of the african union vaccines and if we as also on the panel not to krishna all die a comma from state he's not in favor of waving that same patents have a listen but we have to get to a more distributed model of vaccine manufacturing globally india has traditionally been the workhorse of manufacturing and we saw that that model isn't fit for purpose in the midst of
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a pandemic right now india is manufacturing 70 to $80000000.00 doses of vaccine a month which isn't enough just to meet domestic needs much less the needs of the rest of the world so we've got to look at other parts of asia africa latin america especially to invest now in building up capacity even if it takes 6 to 12 to 18 months to come on line my worry about ip waivers is that right now it's a distraction in the long term i think it's a positive indication that the u.s. is taking this very seriously want to play a leadership role and is willing to invest and partner with others around the world unfortunately an ip waiver even if granted today wouldn't increase the amount of money and wouldn't increase the number of doses in the next 3 to 6 months that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it i just hope we don't get distracted by that and forget to do all the other urgent things that are still needed there you know to jump. after senator max yeah sorry i mean i have to say i absolutely disagree that
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vaccine waivers are destruction right now i think the distraction is trying to move us away from that scene waivers because what vaccine waivers do in this moment is that it shows that we're grabbing the opportunity within this crisis with those hands we are i do disadvantage of the low and middle income countries of the world because for instance let me use africa we have we have 25 we use 25 percent of the world's vaccines produced in any given. we produce one percent of those vaccines 99 percent we import we have seen that when a crisis like this comes as you said that the vaccine manufacturing is not that plotless i would argue that the anti global health infrastructure that we have at the moment is shown not to be fit for purpose it isn't just delivering for you in the u.s. it isn't delivering for the u.k. it isn't delivering for india and it isn't delivering for africa if yes it is not a quick fix way doesn't it quick fix in this moment right now but waivers if we if we get them in place and if we get the technology transfer and we get the know how put in place then what it will show is that this this virus isn't going away we've
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got another year another sadly another 2 years perhaps so we can prepare it's about preparedness it's about being ready for that next thing that is that is coming our way so i disagree that vaccines are just as our destruction i think they're absolutely critical and i think the signal that has been made by the u.s. is very welcome and we call for the rest of the world to do the same i think it's crucial that we vaccinate as much of the world as possible as quickly as we can but i don't think that patterns are really the dominic murderer has opened up theirs and there hasn't been a takers yet that's because the real bottlenecks are expertise supplies are key ingredients and a lot of technology that's very hard to replicate if you haven't done it yourself so it's already scaling up in north america in europe and india and china i think that's a good place to put the effort in the bigger scale factories which are already being enlisted i mean bursting with information so this is this is this is
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something that's been repeated and you hear there's a lot if you've been out of foreign affairs you if you're not to go to do on this if you open up the wall street journal you'll see another goodbye a board member of pfizer saying this is the vaccines are complex not this is the sort of praise that is now giving me i was actually i mean it literally makes me bring out into high explosive and so i apologize for being so excited but i'm in the. and i really you know it's become so personal love that i can't be rational about this but let me just give you the modern a i said that they would not enforce the f.b.i. agents on their vaccine during the pandemic but guess what but they're not doesn't actually not they're baited so one of the bit ins in the modern iraq scene is owned by the national institutes of health and i imagine that licensed it by the n.h.s. in the united states another bit of it was developed at the university of pennsylvania license to a biotech company who then for the license to do more than a and devise a model and i cannot give away its breed and even if it's one wanted wanted i'm
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sorry to say so the only way that this is possible is by a blanket waiver that suspends pharmaceutical monopolies in intellectual property in the pandemic in order to get that clutch of intellectual property rights around this vaccine otherwise you're going to go one by one case by case and my god if you tried that the legal really you would be spending the next couple of years trying to untangle that mess right it is it is absurd but the 2nd point i want to make is that derek lowe is talking about the m r n a technology which is a revolutionary platform that pfizer and what it used with great success it's had great results so far but you know the interesting thing about it is you know there their story is that because it's a new technology it's more complex and no one can make it i've been in conversation and we wrote a piece about this in the atlantic last week with my colleague chelsea clinton where we talked about the capacity that exists the m.r. name accidents do not use biology that grew viruses so because there are chemical
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processes guess what they're easier to me and because of that guess what there are potentially $250.00 plus companies in india who make injectable pharmaceuticals who are manufacturing units that are perfectly capable of attempting to make an m.r.i. on a vaccine and possibly succeeding no one's ever done a job but this is what that is. it's guess like actual that make me excited about coming to. every day and the live conversation that stream has with you is joining the show when the team notice how many questions you had about the crisis in india we put together an episode to answer them and you to go show wants to know about the black fungus infection that's being seen in covert 19 patients in india he stopped to calm the kuchar explaining what it is. we are seeing a rich. president with a new coat of my courses that's the name of the disease that has been done does that fungus so patients who are out on stood oyez of patients were
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immunocompromised or you know going on steroids so these are the kind of patients who are more susceptible to put out infections which may be betting fiction's which may be fungal infections so this is something that that's going around in. this is where we saw that they can live only even in delhi within a few cases people are coming up with being in their around that. you know in the food head so the you know the patients who are going to put it as the medicines without antifungal medicines and. what immunocompromised patients who are you know that kind of vision we need to be very careful with amount of studio their digging start with steroids and then this dog. a lot of people i nor who are far for it mind you this is something that's not recommended anywhere people are just. you know. there's something that's not recommended anywhere in the world and
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i would say did anybody was watching this read you do not know it if it's not indicated by your doctor or somebody who was actually treating your do not do it on your order. so what i'm showing here on my screen is a tweet and it's also on your instagram post about what that fungus is dr so in that it people your ideas of exactly echoing dr tucker about when you should use steroids when you shouldn't and the complications that happen from that the cause of black fungus so that is there is you can go to dr alvin dissing so ins instagram or so his twitter and you'll find that information there it is potentially deadly this is one such handschuh said when she says i really want to ask about the hour it can survive prime minister it has destroyed us there's a lot of complaining on the you tube comments about prime minister modi
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because of the way he has handled this entire situation with a 2nd wave in india as a reporter how is that being played out in india. absolutely and there's good reason babs whatever doctors may not be able to would they need to do their job. we have a prime minister this is the 2nd dome that he's the prime minister he's been he's won with an overwhelming majority so he's an important man and i have wondered as a reporter watching several broadcasts that he has made to the nation why on any of these broadcasts he wouldn't have used that amazing time that he has with the whole country wrapped around his finger why he didn't use that time more effectively to just tell us the kind of things that we need to tell us you know he's a prime minister will speaks in hindi in the is the is the language that's spoken by large majority of this country just speak to people in the language they understand you know there's so much of all in adulation for this prime minister
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just tell people the kind of things they need to hear this is also a government that likes to brag and as a journalist closely tracking statements from this government watching their press releases they have lagged but you know the evidence right now does not allow it any more bragging and. you know my sense is that all that and i like wheat and i took a look at it it's going to be to the some time ago i said if there's an election to be this government will still win again i do believe that because that a number of reasons why there is love for this government in this prime minister. you know i think. everybody whether you support his government or you don't whether you have had your business prospered or you have and everybody has lost someone this pandemic and that will impact at some level the next time we go to vote so we have so many questions on i.e. cheve comment sections thank you for what he said taking part in this program it really shows how much how much the information is needed and our experts have done an excellent job one of the things i haven't done there is they're taking care of
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you i'm wondering he's taking care of us dr tucker how medical professionals do and how is that paying scenes that we've seen in the last few weeks excruciating how is your mental health how your colleagues mental health. but i know i know a lot of people around me who are on a good depressants right now who are digging on the end i did gobbler to out on pedigree date now a lot of my colleagues who just want to resign did just want to get out of medicine as a good he had it as a little. we are hanging by a thread we are. but i'm proud we had a look and it's really hard to put into words how you know young doctors in dylan's doing it as has been seen it is going to put in there that heard it doing this last one well your and even now the band doesn't seem to end just just witnessing so much misery even witnessing so much that. we were never prepared for this never
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never but. don't you go don't you go to work everybody like you don't. why do you go to i don't know red it's just emotive words because you still have that you still have god zealand side you do save lives i think that is what is driving us so why you what you said is absolutely true we had all of the end of our we all obviously we want out of this but i think that the moron in the spirit of the workers is still beating and you know they may be suffering on the bus not trent but on the professional front i don't think there is any let up or told everybody the asian i think partly because the emboldened by this time the all blacks need to. be you know but example i had my 2nd bout of starting about 3 and a half weeks ago madison's this for about 5 you know i had symptoms for about 5 days but luckily after that i was ok and through the 15 days that i was isolated i
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was doing about 20 to 25 crossroads a senior adult encouraging a young doctor joining a global pandemic we had so many reactions to that shadow on you doug hunt what adult so and it was one of the most moving things i have seen in ages these people and nothing shows of heroes j.t. responds yet that stray you never catch things like this on the names that within a cheesy scene if it were in a movie now because this is a bonus edition of the stream i can take you behind the scenes and say moments that have never been seen on t.v. until now after the hour because anything about covert 19 in india episode the guests and i still have plenty to talk about this is what happened after the shot. at our hospital people who test positive for among the health care workers who are suitable to be are starting to the cold war so they are cool with all the troops
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character workers who are lots of dramatic were actually working and taking care of . they're doing good we're doing fine but it's just every day that you know someone are there are there is having a breakdown and somebody somebody is infected and they're an orphan we're doing double duty they're doing that well shit i'm just wondering when you see you as a janis we train ourselves to reality tells a story whatever the story is but at what point did it get. i don't know what at what point of god and we when i think. i would say that you know your specific question regarding how my mental health is or how you know some of my colleagues are doing we're not doing well at all and it's not ok and i wish there was more you know support that we could get but there is no break and you know a lot of therapists or people concerned about mental health the docking about how you know you need to take a break from the news limit your social media uses limit your news consumption and
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for me i you know there's been blinking i haven't been able to blink for your i am now into my 2nd year i mean you know so this is not till the end it's not ok and we should not have to be in this state where we you know as every country we have to be vigilant 247 because you know our governments have dropped the ball and you know have abdicated their responsibility and it's not ok for bookers to be going through this offer journalist to be going through this why continue to bring you the coverage story in india and around the world and make sure that your questions are answered right here on the string. one of the biggest stories we've been covering at altus a way this week is israel's bombardment of the strip after weeks of violence in occupied east jerusalem on monday i wanted a personal take on the headlines so i spoke to social media activists far in gaza on instagram life well i tried to put a connection kept dropping when it finally stabilized far explained what the
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problem was. because of the continuous chilling and israeli warplanes and the drone so i think that they aren't there interrupting the connection so this started as i told you israelis are attacking al aqsa mosque with the players. and the soldiers are defending settlers they are attacking worshipers and the holiest month of ramadan the holiest days so we people and. could understand this still we try to do to stand with them on social media by tweeting and using cash. and today the palestinian resistance 13 and israel if they don't leave the force i mean that israeli forces and settlers if they don't think. by 6 pm they are going to fire to israel and this is what but then absolutely israel should back. there 27 people died in gaza today while they were preparing for it if but i'm sure
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48 you very active online when you see the hashtag general which is that we you. actually there is nothing to do i just keep shooting tears and my heart to breaks for everything that we see. it although we use hashtags and everything but i just see the point is that i still don't understand how can some people and especially at a country's like running towards to normalize with israel i think that this is so enter your mind and illogical this is i don't understand how they do this. i think that people don't have to be pro palestinians to stand with us and they have to be humans only they rates that were taking place to my conversation with our new throughout the week this is video of phonology tower collapsing after was hit by israeli fighter jets and we showed the footage on the gas no all day pause
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for a moment with sentance. this is ringback a an area that has been battered battered continuously for over 14 years psychologically what we're talking about is a population that is trapped with nowhere to go oh you know you're showing a building that houses a lot of our memories as journalists and houses housed many offices. and media offices including the a.f.p. and reuters i think at one point or a.p. . but anyways so when there is talk about you know more or maybe ground troops in gaza we know what that means we know that now that the death toll will go dramatically higher now the pain will increase more and now the the attempt to even reconstruct the pieces put the pieces back together in gaza
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will be all that much more difficult. and to know that this is done for political expediency just makes it all the more difficult to be honest and just swallow even given all of this what about isn't that we're hearing yeah i mean i think you know time tunder still in the situation today we have to look at sort of how we got to this point in terms of some of the shifts in israeli politics and you know i absolutely agree with with that guy on the fact that it this seems like a very sort of deliberate and calculated process that led us to this point even before the original court date for the ships are often leigh's the israeli authorities had several opportunities to deescalate the situation in jerusalem and chose time and again the path of escalation and further confrontation with people closing off public space shutting off the speakers in the al aqsa
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mosque closing access to the damascus gate and ultimately coleman aiding in attacks within the mosque. itself then raging site to people all over the world. and i think to understand how we got to this moment you also have to see the dramatic and increase shift in israeli politics to the far right and today you know israeli politics is dominated by right wing ideologues to an extent that we have never seen before. really today in the knesset the vast majority of the knesset seats are held by right wing ideologues the choices today are between you know the party and the crude light extra could all draw it's all saying you know various flavors of the same right wing ideology this is come to dominate israeli politics and we have columnists today that are within the israeli knesset and one thing we
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should keep in mind about benjamin netanyahu he is perhaps unique among israeli politicians of his stature and his ability to utilize communal violence and to motivate activists into taking extreme measures when his when his political prospects are in jeopardy and you know anybody who watched the role that he played prior to the assassination of yitzhak rabin and the 1990 s. knows knows exactly what he is capable of so when you ask about the by an administration look really politics has moved in this direction within the context of complete and total impunity because of american policy and protection when we have sent a message time again to the israelis that the more aggressive you get the more belligerent you get the palestinians we're going to continue to reward you with our support and with our cover and with our tax dollars we've incentivized the race to
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the right and that's and that's exactly what happened the united states has a great degree of. complicity in the monster that's been created today and it's only getting uglier you know you have less than a minute but by you know what 3 and a half years to address that do you see a change of course in the way us till his role i think is change that you're starting to hear in conversations about this that's increasingly coming into you know the the spaces where elected officials exist but it's not yet with the administration that said they may not be in a position to ignore this particularly as things get more and more violent and ugly and more people are calling on them to recognize their role in enabling it. thank you nor your public opinion in the u.s. is shifting on this including within jewish communities i think there will also hopefully play a role in getting the administration board to. act and change and that's it
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talk to al-jazeera we are. we were attacking wrecking again and now they're attacking everyone in myanmar do you regret words like that we listen absolutely nigeria with a woman president it would be great we meets with global news makers and about the stories that matter on syria getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often dangerous but it's absolutely vital to the stories to be told lots of side of this area we push this fall forward as we can to the frontline now the smell of day is overpowering a lot of the stories that we cover all high the conflicts so it's very important that we make them is understandable as we can to as many people as possible no
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matter how much they know about a given crisis or issue as al-jazeera correspondents that's what we strive to do. the 1st to european countries the food free space and public places it's home to more than 6000000 followers of islam many who want to assert their religious and cultural identity in the light of france's 2021 contentious so-called separatism law as we look at the recent history of muslim immigration to the country in the final episode of this report see its muslims of from this episode 30. it's one of the most recognized sites around the world famed for its support from far and wide but for the fans back home it's more than just a football club and what is politics should be left out of for. politics and. the passion and the politics of liverpool f.c.
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the defiant giant. part of the fans who make football series on al-jazeera. play an important role in checking in with. ringback each face. an israeli airstrike hits a refugee camp in gaza at least 8 people including 6 children are dead. silence the whole romany watching out is their life my headquarters here in doha also coming up. in the occupied west bank after 11 palestinians are killed during a day of widespread protests.
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