tv News Al Jazeera May 16, 2021 8:00pm-8:30pm +03
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i now give the floor to the representative of area. radio the french ambassador to the united nations we're in conversation with kristen salumi. correspondent following what's going on on the diplomatic front in the united states so kristen the french really mirroring what we've heard from pretty much every other delegate so far which is this could get a lot worse before it gets any better. absolutely and he ended with a strong call for the security council to come together and make unanimous call for an end to the hostilities he started out by talking about the spiral of violence and concern there which he blamed largely on a lack of a political process and a lack of political prospects for the palestinians he also blamed the settlement activity and evictions and called for an end to those things in his capacity while
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of course also affirming israel's right to self-defense and decrying the civilian casualties on both sides since he also talked about concern about spillover pointing to the attacks coming from lebanon into israel as what the international community could face if the situation is not gotten under control but i want to come back to his call for a unified statement because i've been telling you all morning that the security council has been unable to come together with one voice and speak out we are told that those efforts are ongoing however the united states earlier in the week blocked. a statement to the press that was supported by 14 other members of the council china china's foreign minister holding the presidency chairing this meeting called the united states out for that and we're told that norway is leading efforts
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behind the scenes to again attempt to get a unified. statement through the council and presented at the end of this meeting we know a stakeout has been called that's where the massacre from norway a man with china and tunisia who've also been working on these aliments are expected to come speak will the united states change its tune and go along with the basics a man calling for an end to hostilities we don't know that yet but it will be interesting to see given everything we've heard here today the question we also heard from both representatives for the palestinians and israel they blamed each other for the recent escalation israel is killing palestinians in gaza one family at the time israel is trying to uproot palestinians from euro zone the expanding family is one home one neighborhood at a time israel is sick you think of our people committing war crimes and crimes
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against humanity some may not want to use these words war crimes and crimes against humanity but they know they are true this is not the 1st time that hamas has been discriminated lee fired deadly missed eyes that israeli civilians while hiding behind a listing in superior but this time it's different it was completely premeditated but by hamas in order to gain political power it was all a part of their vicious plan. well come out think the destruction of the state of israel it's also vying to day take power in the west bank to replace the palestinian authority and that was interesting was not christian because there was something of a contradiction going on the delegate delegate to delegate we had apart from the
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palestinians and the israelis we had everyone basically in effect saying the same thing echoing what tony terrorist has been saying calling for peace we had the israeli ambassador doing a show and tell bring in some emotive compelling pictures of people who've lost their lives and then we had the palestinian delegation doing what the israelis were doing which is kind of taking us through why we are at the point we are at. absolutely you see the different tactic used by the israelis focusing on the most recent violence focusing on hum os as opposed to the palestinian people they'll tell you they have no issue with the palestinian people per se it's hamas a group that they consider and that he described as violent jihad he's along the lines of i is soul and asking council members and rhetorically what would you do what would you do if your family was being fired upon what would you do to protect
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your children you do anything. the palestinians have the more difficult task of putting the most recent violence in the context of the situation on the ground there they talk about the forced evictions and the lack of a political process moving forward they too have casualties mounting more so on they are and they have less weapons to fire and so they are also asking questions of the of the international community asking what can you do so that we don't find ourselves in this cycle of violence of course the representative here for the palestinians represents the palestinian authority not hamas the palestinian authority who would have been challenged in elections by hamas had it gone forward and said here we are in the same situation we've seen play out so many times that the united nations where there is an escalation of conflict with no clear path forward in sight. and when we heard from the u.s. ambassador to the u.n.
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kristen did you get the feeling that she went perhaps about halfway through just a touch just a touch the mr biden has gone so far. she did she did talk about even actions and she talked about the 1967 lines in jerusalem albeit very indirectly she did acknowledge some of these issues and call for respective past agreements which. when joe biden speaks and then spoke out about the ongoing conflict 1st thing started with the right to self-defense of israel and didn't get into the nuances quite so much but the united states is really been on the spot here the united nations so heavily involved in the middle east process and aware of the context around which these
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latest hostilities have sprung up she's had to answer some tough questions and have a listen to what she said earlier. prolonging this current cycle of violence will only make these challenges more complex and difficult to stall and will only a negotiated 2 state solution further out of our reach so the current cycle of violence must invent it. it is critical parties for church to working in good faith toward the vision of israel and palestinians living side by side in peace. and the ambassador there linda thomas greenfield for the united states also offered us assistance working out a cease fire should the parties be ready to proceed there will the united states lend its voice to that statement coming from the security council to the press
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after the meeting we'll be watching to say ok kristen many thanks well let's go back to gaza because looking at the figures on the stats for today day 7 it looks like day 7 is heading towards being the worst day of the conflict so far we were hearing from our correspondent in gaza he was making the point $38000.00 palestinians minimum of being displaced with in gaza they're moving away from where they live close to the border with israel has more on the aftermath of the overnight strikes. calling for survivors in a room flattened by rocket fire. and the fine apply for a man comes back into my goodness. and this residential building was struck by israeli rockets in gaza city. is a lawyer our team talk to him and we'll get him out in a minute we hope that his sister is alive as well and we can get her out to others
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didn't survive. it delicate work the rescue team and the government pulling survivors out with their hands ensuring there are no people alive the 4 the inch forward with an excavator the last car stuck to. the number of people under the rubble is still unknown as we heard from the families and the neighbors it's a large number. from a number of people buried under the rubble it's clear they didn't have enough warning to flee before the residential. buildings were destroyed. israeli rockets and artillery fire in the gaza strip have been the heaviest since the bombardment began a week ago $21.00 members of the same family were killed in one explosion what happened be targeted for hours continuous mom boardman launched on one specific neighborhood as has happened and i witnessed 3 whole neighborhoods where bombs were continuous hours and they did not only bomb both residential buildings and people
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innocent civilians they targeted the roads to the snippet of those neighborhoods. a teacher and mother tell to syria their children are too scared to close their eyes at night when the bombing is at its heaviest. they're not coping actually they are terrified on the time they're just listening carefully if it's going to be any warning. they just afraid to close their eyes that the night they don't want to sleep my struggle every single night put them in their beds they don't want to go to sleep because they know once they close their eyes something bad was. during the bombing many families being forced to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones from the snake. handlers and now the father devastated by the loss of this child who never got a chance a grown up. noor a persian ali al jazeera. well the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu took
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his message to the american people speaking on us t.v. he said hamas does not want peace. they're doing everything in their power to turn it into a fortified terror camp in order to destroy israel and they openly say their goal is to destroy israel they're not interested in any kind of any kind of coexistence of any kind of the kind of peace the for peace treaties that i've made with arab countries are changing the middle east they're trying everything in their power to avoid the path to peace and reconciliation so i think any any objective observer understands of hamas is out to destroy the state of israel and they're not they're not a partner. 4 israeli police officers have been injured after a car ran into a checkpoint in occupied east jerusalem the attack happened in ching java that's the neighborhood where israel is attempting to forcibly expel 4 palestinian families who live there are a force he joins us now from occupied east jerusalem in that sheikh neighborhood so harry just take us through what happened there. oh yes it was
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a little after 3 pm local time this afternoon so about 5 hours ago that the police checkpoint the border security forces checkpoint it has been placed here at the entrance to the road which is been the scene of so many of the protesters so much of the tension here in occupied east jerusalem throughout the month of ramadan a car approached it it seems to do so at speed we've had witnesses 2 of them at least telling us that the driver appeared to shout bar god is great as he approached the checkpoint and it rammed drove straight into where the police were 6 of those officers were injured the police spokesman says 4 of them lightly 2 of the moderately but it was a very violent impact and it looked to be potentially quite serious to say the least to be to the well being of those police officers as for the driver himself he
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was shot dead in the moments after the attack in the moments after the impact has been as i say the center of. a long simmering protest which is really gathered pace in the last few weeks. on the basis about 4 families who faced the imminent threat of forced remove all from their homes it was part of the wider picture of tension throughout jerusalem which exploded on that last monday and now we have the violence which has been erupting throughout the area and on this day this afternoon that violence also felt very keenly here and tell us more harry we're getting these reports saying there was trouble at a synagogue. yes this is a synagogue in the illegal settlement of give out in the occupied west bank not far from jerusalem northwest of jerusalem and it was on the eve of shavuot which is
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a holy religious festival for jews signifying the handing down of the handing of the torah over they were $600.00 ultra-orthodox it seemed young men largely on a very steeply raked stand in scenes that you see very often jumping up and down dancing together and that syncopated sort of rhythm seemed to help collapse a large part of that stan a large number of those people just simply vanished from view the ambulance services are saying 60 people have been injured 10 of them critically and it follows very closely on the heels of what took place last month in mount meron another religious festival when there was a stampede a lot of questions about the kind of safety regulations in place whether the israeli government itself feels able to properly police and impose safety regulations. on orthodox areas which largely try to run themselves and don't take
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kindly to government intervention this is going to renew all those sorts of questions and calls but most importantly now of course there is the treatment of the injured and the investigation into exactly what happened terry thanks very much kerry force at the shake up let's go to 0 self what is in gaza stuff what the end of another difficult day just get us up to date what else do we know what's the latest. it's the end of a difficult day and hopefully it's not the beginning of a difficult life. now we can see it's behind us quite dark and we are just iraqis the only team deployed in this area most of the people there wherever they are back to their homes. we could see all if you want girl answers just moving. nothing special happened in the last half an hour let's say we couldn't hear on the explosions from either side at least so far. still i
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could i could see the dark everywhere i said earlier of the people they get 3 to 4 hours electricity a day i think to doctor the humanitarian difficulties that the people here are facing now it's 7 days they are staying home because we mentioned no shelters in gaza so the only shouldn't shelter is your house and you out of that you are lucky if you are a house is not. ordered damaged by the bombardments. 'd also for the 7 day now there is a continuous shutting down the border that is mainly. a commercial course in which the only crossing that provide gaza with humanitarian. material including food including medicine including cooking gods so. i spoke to a canonical expert he said that gaza will soon. be at the age of
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humanitarian crisis especially when and when they consume the products and the food that they have already said before the closure of the borders and on the other side of the sea of gaza was also closed the fishermen are banned from fishing for almost 8 or 9 days even before the escalation 2 days before the escalation in the farmers also. not able to reach to their fire to collect the harvest to provide the local market with their with their harvest just. today often when we hear that some of the farms across the border that was in the south of gaza to have been burned as the israeli artillery or the shells of the artillery have been landing and the palestinian farms ok so many thanks. let's bring
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in my one bashar al sadr a senior political analyst joining us from doha when we understand the secretary of state mr blinken of washington has been having a conversation with the cattery foreign minister so the heavy hits is really stepping up and getting involved. yes i think it's pretty normal for this current state to be caught in his trunk or parts in the middle east especially those with influence or leverage over the various parties involved in the conflict for some of us were been following its course we know that the ones who have been most involved in the humanitarian. efforts in gaza over the past several years have been the cut that is they've helped invent it kristie in the water and the rest in building units and so on so forth so they do have some leverage at least as those who were involved in humanitarian efforts there and clearly the united states now
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needs all the parties that it could muster in the region in order to project some sort of an influence. where does all the diplomacy go next. that's a good point and you know since you and i talked about president biden and his. effort or indifference towards this issue it just haunted me that there's perhaps not another explanation but that an explanation as to why a president by the night is not yet that didn't fit i don't buy into this thing that he's busy with china you know washington is a superpower there are 30000 people working at the state department washington. does not work on an on a single issue it works on the whole world is the world's superpower so in a sense i think the delay in getting with this issue i think it stems from too but a doc circle idea one is that by then and by then mr should support is read and support
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the so-called is there the right to defend its. attacks how much for being a terrorist organization i was also on the other hand and this is my point is that i'm by going does not want to ask prime minister nothing else for a favor he does not want to ask nicely. prime minister netanyahu i suspect doesn't like at all meaning president biden supports israel fully but doesn't really like prime minister netanyahu because of the treatment he ziad along with president obama during 8 years plus the extra 40 years of netanyahu siding with the republican party and. trump so here we are today where right in is not simply weighing in with the prime minister because he doesn't want to have that sort of relationship where he needs to proper action by that the now to washington and we all know and we spoke about that
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a lot the last 3 days if not then you know is resistant to diplomacy because he has political calculus and that is staying in power forming another coalition government or go perhaps we're just not to go into another elections because if he does not stay in power he could very well go to prison because like his predecessor it would all murder he is on trial on a number of serious charges that everyone almost swears that he will probably end up in prison if he doesn't maintain the premiership and some very well respected israeli political journalistic voices a saying that one of the consequences of what we're seeing playing out into what we're heading towards day 8 tomorrow when we can one day since this all kicked off is that this will in effect by mr netanyahu another 6 months in the highest political office in the land absolutely and you know it was it was i think you had
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let be the opposition leader who was supposed to be forming the alternative correlation government that said only earlier this morning that it's such a coincidence that whenever not that he was in trouble of violence breaks out. that's a that's a serious charge better very serious charge considering that many deaths the huge destruction that's taken place the even even the destruction and and the and the and the damage to israel's deterrence i mean the fact that the leviev. as heads for the 1st time in any conflict was gaza this is a serious business it isn't an israeli as you know of course as we well know i was just worried so the fact that the opposition leader says this is not a coincidence that every time not that he wasn't trouble we have ryan as it means indirectly or implicitly some people even there in the high ranking of the
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political echelon of the country it reckoned that the cynicism is so hard on the card. that he's willing to plunge the country into war in order to save his own neck that's a serious charge and when we listen to all those u.n. delegates 3rd session of the u.n. virtually of course all talking into new york from wherever they are around the world lots of them repeating the mantra which is israel has the right to self defense of course any country meaghan as we've discussed hour after hour here has that right but nobody was talking about another word nobody was talking about proportionality whether the israeli reaction was proportionate to what hamas was doing or whether indeed how mass what they are doing is proportionate to what israel is doing and watching the pictures of the consequences why is there nobody
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high up in the israeli military big powerful well staffed well resourced incredibly well funded. a nuclear superpower let's call it what it is if a military that big and that powerful can't quote pacify gars nobody is going to pacify garza and yet the military planners don't seem capable of working that one out. actually the most recent report and then during the centrist then the outer us says that. there are a lot of war he is in the in the security issue and owns and israel that the government now government does not have a strategy. or an end game for its war in gaza again see that's a really warning sign that if there is such a perception in the israeli establishment that the government does not have a start the jordan end game it once again takes us to the idea that that the now is
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primarily preoccupied with his political and personal future with the security of the country now to your question about proportionality it is unfortunate that when president biden was asked about that he did express in a sense that israel has not yet acted this proportionately to the threats but of course condemning how much he misses and i think the issue here and i noticed that especially now that i heard the french. politician after we spoke but like the british and like the american there's a certain sense you can you can tell from from the european tone and the american tone that they want to go beyond this war they want to go beyond this is during the offensive they need to get beyond it in order to talk about the issues that they feel comfortable talking about and they get opinions talked about the settlements
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the illegal settlements is there at least squeeze a supplement although this is not exactly the issue today it is one of the root causes for that continued escalation for the continued occupation and song support so the europeans are eager to talk about the 2 state solution as a necessity political way out once. the cease fire is you know it's figured out i was also works because for this in any particular issue of the escalation of war i don't think any of the parties aside from expressing regrets and perhaps alarm as did the secretary general of the united nations none of them are throwing their weight. then another ridge not to be with the israelis in order to stop the war now and thank you very much more when bashara a senior political analyst here on al-jazeera. well. ok let's step away from events in the middle east and wrap up some of the top
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stories for you the u.k.'s health minister says a fast spreading variant of covert 19 first's identified in india is becoming the dominant strain in parts of the country vaccinations and testing have been scaled up in the northern english tons of bolton and blackburn despite the presence of the variant the number of new cases across the u.k. is steady at around 2000 per day jonna holes at one of the vaccination centers in bolton. well take a look behind me you can see the response locally to news of the indian variant hundreds of people in a queue as there have been all weekend waiting to get vaccinated basically as quickly as they possibly can we'll swing around and show you the scene this is a mobile pop up vaccination center here the white tents over there the bus beside it 42 vaccinators at work in there and they have been pushing people through this center at a rate of around $600.00 an hour throughout the weekend as i said everyone very well aware of the presence here of the variant 1st discovered in india aware that
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it is thought to be up to 50 percent more contagious that over half of the new infections being recorded here in bolton are of the indian variant and bolton here in the northwest is currently posting the largest number of new infections of any part of the u.k. at the moment a number of measures in place to try and contain this so called indian variant in the areas where it exists parts of the northwest pockets in the middle and pockets as well in london there is surge testing going on daughter door the vaccine program stepped up scaled up as well as you can see the army said to be on standby potentially to intervene in the days to come logistically to help all of this be carried out and you know the great concern is that if these measures were to fail if the indian variant was able to escape these localized pockets and spread more widely well then warnings from leading scientists scientists at the moment that that could provoke a 3rd wave potentially a very significant 3rd wave of infections and hospitalizations voters in chile are choosing delegates will rewrite their dictatorship iraq's constitution many hope
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the new draft will address the social inequalities that led to violent process nearly 2 years ago in america edison the sea and human reports now from santiago. it's a historic election in more ways than one. it's the 1st time chileans will have a say in who will write a new constitution a document that will determine the country's economic political and social roadmap . beddes and her husband believe it's no small feat if he had one this will define our future that's why this day is so special and a quarter of them in order to make the mystery changes the social changes that we've been waiting for for so long that if the chileans are also lifting mayors governors and city council members but the constitutional vote is regarded as the most significant the current constitution written 40 years ago under the
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dictatorship is regarded by a great many as illegitimate and the source of many of chile's ills for the 1st time anywhere in the world 50 percent of delegates to a constitutional convention will be women 17 of the one $155.00 delegates will also represent choose indigenous people their existence isn't even recognized in the current constitution. and another 1st to prevent long lines because of the pandemic the election is taking place over 2 rather than one day that means these votes won't be counted until sunday the end of the 2nd day in the meantime these bins will be taped completely covered with seals that according to electoral authorities will break of anybody tries to tamper with the votes and then there will be taken to a special security area and kept under guard by the army even.
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