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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2021 3:30am-4:00am +03

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the highest in decades. these families have found temporary shelter with the priest they're among the lucky ones allowed to remain in the u.s. while their cases go through the immigration courts and i think there's cared and hopefully you know they're hoping to make it. to the united states and find a good life the biden administration is expelling most migrants back to mexico where they will again face the cartels but still more arrive at the border believing it's a chance worth taking castro al-jazeera macallan texas. there again i'm fully back to go with the headlines on al-jazeera israel has launched dozens of s strikes on gaza in the last few hours on a syrian factions have also fired a barrage of rockets towards the israeli city of ashkelon south.
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all the southern just. 55 israeli airstrike shake gaza city we have been learned that the targets included several military bases and security bases in gaza some empty lines. and east of gaza city also next behind the main compound of shifa hospital which is the biggest hospital in gaza city. at least 197 palestinians including 58 children have been killed since the conflict escalated a week ago 10 people in israel have also died israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the offensive will continue with full force the u.n. security council met on sunday to discuss the escalating conflict but was unable even to agree on a joint statement china accuses a binding administration of blocking it with the us being israel's most powerful ally in other news polls have closed in chile following of otay elect 155 delegates
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to rewrite the country's dictatorship era constitution seats are reserved for women and 17 for indigenous people many say a new constitution would dress social inequality issues britain's government says it's confident existing over $1000.00 vaccines will protect against a more transmissible variance now spreading across the country a strain 1st detected in india has now become the most dominant in parts of the u.k. vaccinations and testing have been scaled up in more than english towns and a 3 day cease fire in afghanistan to mark the eades holiday has ended officials say they were clashes on sunday morning in a solemn province of helmand which has seen increased fighting since the u.s. began to withdraw its troops the truce has was initiated by the taliban and agreed to by the afghan government those are the headlines on al jazeera more news coming up after inside story stay with us.
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the media under attack in gaza israeli airstrikes flattened the tower containing the offices of al-jazeera the associated press and homes for palestinian families but in the age of social media can any side take control of the message this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program on how much i'm jerome one of the main places for journalists to report on what's happening in gaza is now just a pile of rubble israel is being condemned for carrying out airstrikes on a building that houses the offices of al-jazeera the associated press and other
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international media staff were given just an hour to get out of our families and 60 apartments inside also scramble to collect what they could israel's military said how mass operatives were using the 11 story building but hasn't provided proof that building is where al jazeera is offices are there we are another strike or not terror and the terror has come to. the destruction was broadcast live around the world as you see it a call that a clear act to stop journalists conducting their sacred duty to inform and the associated press said the world will know less about what is happening in gaza because of what happened. but the idea. isn't. on the ground people recorded and shared their footage online social media has transformed the flow of information about the conflict but activists have accused sites like instagram of blocking their posts israel's defense minister urged
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facebook and to talk to remove content that he says incites violence and terrorism a palestinian activist told us recently why social media is so important to people like her israeli media is really poets and israeli propaganda israeli poet for. stories couldn't reach anyone in the world today new. teaching many people on the roads because we. could use our study new could use the story we take the photos we took take the footage we take the stories and share them to the world and this is why they started fighting against our stories and fighting against. press freedom advocates have accused israel of targeting the media since the start of its airstrikes on gaza over a week ago several journalists have been injured arrested or attacked and dozens of media offices have been destroyed reporters without borders condemned what it
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called israel's disproportionate use of force against journalists saying they should under no circumstances be treated as parties to the armed conflict in 2014 a palestinian rights group said indiscriminate attacks on media buildings have been a significant feature of israel's military offensive 5 years later amnesty international accused palestinian authorities in the occupied west bank and gaza of arresting torturing and violating people's rights to freedom of expression. a 2017 law in the occupied west bank imposed tight controls on media freedom anyone who posted criticism online faced up to 15 years in jail. all right let's bring in our guests in ramallah nor are they a political analyst in tel aviv arson ostrovsky c.e.o. of the international legal forum and also in the ramallah saga has you as the deputy regional director for the middle east and north africa at amnesty international a warm welcome to you all nor to let me start with you today press freedom groups
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have condemned this attack on the tower they accuse israel's military which claims that the building housed house military intelligence of trying to censor coverage of what is happening in gaza what's your reaction. i think what happened was a war crime and there is really no room to kind of debate that it was a building is a huge building it's not doesn't just caus media organizations including and as you know a.p. it also had many many holes it's a huge building in the center of gaza a very prestigious building and it's the 3rd media building that israel targeted this round of escalation of course targeting and killing a palestinian journalist is not new to the way israel operates during rounds of escalations we've lost many friends and colleagues along the years while they
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were doing their jobs because they were in their jobs in different circumstances and in different years arson from your perspective when it comes to these rights groups and analysts who call this an attack on journalism that this is an attack on freedom of information and the free flow of information what do you say because i don't think this is an attack by any means on the media this was an attack to you in squarely on hamas the question we have to be asking though is why would these media companies companies paying rent to an internationally recognized terrorist organization we know for a fact now that hamas had operations within that building we not for a fact but hamas had the research and development and the technical units that are planning and carrying out terrorist attacks and all the time under the noses of al-jazeera a.p. and the other tenants presumably that were building so the question is why were
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they there and did they and how did they not that a mass was not under their noses the entire time at the end of the day. israel isn't trying to the right of self-defense israel is. and trying to live in freedom it is that some us that is responsible for placing a big piece of their terrorist operations in there in a civilian building an infrastructure and therefore making it a military target any country know what would have done the same sense with this threat but nonetheless israel did still give tranced notice in mourning to all tenants but at the end of day the responsibility for this is so he was a must for putting the media and jeopardizing the media in civilian areas which is in so an egregious violation of international law and arson let me just follow up with you very quickly about something you mentioned because you know the i.d.f. of course we know says that the building contained hamas military intelligence assets but you know a.p. c.e.o.
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gary pruitt he's called 'd on the israeli government to put forward the evidence that they have he said that a peace bureau has been in this building for 15 years that they've had no indication hamas was in the building or active in the building my colleagues up with the guy who lived in gaza and said that there was no indication that hamas was in the building is it not a reasonable thing to ask the israeli government to produce the evidence that they have that they say show is that how mass was in that building. i mean i find it very hard to believe that someone of the a.p. stature would not have not and that they're operating right and. right by us from us as nice as i must has been there for a number of years now the questions we should be asking is why any jonathans of the questions that any decent professional journalist wants have been asking is why from us was operating and why were they willing to try quis so that for their sons i believe there is ample evidence evidence that that israel has certainly i believe
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shared with the united states administration but it is known for fact that this was a place in which for months had planned terrorist attacks in which they had been taken to a unit in which the carried out research and development and again all under the noses of bikes al-jazeera and pm the questions really going to be asking means why even an american company or to be renting. from any internationally designated and us there's a major terrorist organization some of us are so i just want to add again that both the and the a.p. have have denied those allegations that you were making against them nor i see that you are reacting a lot to what arson is saying so i'm going to give you a chance to respond and they need it's just outrageous outrageous to find a way to continue just repeating spent in line to justify targeting not just media organizations again i want to remind the audience we're talking about scores of apartments scores of families that were made homeless by his bombardment there is
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such a thing and that is you know called proportionality in international law even if we were to believe israel's allegation which i again say is false and and as of yet unproven and israel never needed proof to attack journalists in the past. who was killed at a reuters. journalist the religious cameraman who was killed a few years back was killed while he was filming he killed his own democracy he wasn't in a in a building controlled by a hammer that had mass or anybody else he was doing his job and yes that is what it does and so many others so you know to to entertain with this line is just really beyond. beyond bearable there there should be no circumstance when attacking journalists and crippling the work of journalists who are there to do their job to tell the story of a people under siege and under occupation this is inexcusable and any excuse to it
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is really just completely outrageous sought to have let me turn to you now amnesty international has over the years documented what it calls a pattern of israel restricting and attacking the rights of free expression do you consider what you saw yesterday the attack on the edge of that time. our in gaza to be in violation of international law absolutely and we think dicey should look into it as a possible war crime. that will of course took upton's the 1st as a part of collective punishment against the palestinians in gaza according to whose own human rights organization working on the ground there okies $51.00 residential buildings and high rise towers that have been destroyed in the recent military operation the other parts unknown is silencing those who want to report than and express what is happening in terms of the pattern of violations let me remind you
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interviewers here that i understand the national has been prevented by israel from entering and the like by the gaza strip since 2012. this also fits in that into that pattern and indeed. we were what is happening currently in gaza we see it has happened before in that 1014 military operation and since then in dogs by the west bank in newsrooms with also attacking peaceful activists and attacking the price so it definitely puts these 2 very very worrying patterns arsen you heard there mention the international criminal court and this gets to a point i wanted to ask you about because the i.c.c. opened an investigation into possible war crimes in the occupied palestinian territories the top prosecutor for the i.c.c. fatou bensouda said that the i.c.c. is now monitoring current violence closely and that the evolution of these events could also be something that they look at is israel not concerned about all this.
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but israel is very concerned about the situation and had its concern about the loss of life its concern of that fact that we have had over 3000 rockets raining down upon civilian areas in his truck by the famous in a post an islamic jihad terrorists there been at least 10 people that have died there been hundreds that have injured and thousands upon thousands of families including my diary are in that have been forced to run to bomb shelter your previous guest spoke about proportionality let me ask what is a proportionate response here when arbitrate 1000 rockets have been there's surely more israelis should been killed i'm sorry but any time there are an innocent civilians to die that is a tragedy but israel will not and shall not defend or justify why we're defending our citizens from this exceptional tremendous weight loss terror from gaza at the end of the day it is this from us that is committing a double war crime yet on the one hand by hiding behind palestinian civilians
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including a civilian structures like the media building here whilst they are targeting innocent civilians in israel no country in the world not israel or any country in the world what's to stand by that and will defend that and the i.c.c. for it's going to be prosecuting if it's going to be investigating and when it ought to be investigated by the from us and the palestinian islamic jihad as well as the best sponsors iran for initiating inflaming and carrying out these incredible waves of terror that we're experiencing right now no arson of course just pose a question to you about those remarks you made regarding proportionality so many give you a chance to respond if you like. well i mean you know this this is a an old line that we've gone the whole used to a specialist in eons but let me just remind the viewers palestinians have been under israeli occupation for over half a century our daily reality under
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a foreign colonial military occupation it is violent every detail of it is violent palestinians in the gaza strip live and have lived under siege for 15 years under any israeli siege every detail of their life is controlled by israel their basic rights are denied by israel so when we talk about violence we need to put things in perspective and when we talk about israel defending itself we need to also remember that israel is the occupying power it actually has obligations towards the safety and well being of palestinians not just israel as it certainly has no right to traumatize groups allies in this process and that kill palestinians at will why is claiming self-defense much must maintain an illegal occupation for over half a century that's the context of the story the story didn't begin with how much fire it rockets it didn't even begin with the hamas creating rockets or manufacturing
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rockets or even importing rockets if you will if that if that was the case it began with israel's occupation 8 percent because of israel's occupation because of israel's impunity because there are countries that are still willing to provide israel with cover to bankroll its violations and to provide it with military assistance that's why we're here we're not here because there's an organization a palestinian organization that suddenly woke up and decided to bring terror on israel as your guest would have that we're here because an entire people is denied their basic rights crushed brutalized this process and then he you. not by the kind of rhetoric we've heard by an organist so it's you know we keep going back at this and we won't tire them out by reminding the world that we are. human beings entitle to the same rights as a lot of theirs and to have the colonizer claim the high moral ground this is
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simply not possible arson to look like you want to jump in go ahead. yeah except perhaps that some people think that hamas is some kind of civil society it's organization or just operates a soup kitchen hamas is anything but terrorists jihad a civilization so i'm remission and that is being sworn to israel's very destruction and i want to remind of a very very simple fact israel who left gaza entirely $1005.00 every person every settler every soldier left gaza completely we had hoped that gaza would be a big peace but instead some us took over and it has now had a stranglehold over the people of gaza as well as the people in that in the south of israel right now instead of stockpiling covert vaccines hamas has been stockpiling rockets and rocks and tunnels to carry out terror attacks against
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israeli civilians are holding the very people of gaza hostage as well so we go to respect what people want gaza and israel serve a better future but it is a must but it's holding by the people hostage and that is a basic fact that we must recognize saw the human shit earlier that amnesty international is not allowed to work on the ground in gaza obviously that is an impediment to your work at a time when it is so critical to get those stories out of gaza and at a time when israel is being criticized for this attack on the other so that tower i want to ask you how important it is for rights groups like amnesty international and others to get those media reports out of gaza not just those traditional media reports that we've seen t.v. outlets but also now more and more of the types of videos that are being shared on social media by far 'd younger activists you know stuff that's being shared widely
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be they video is be they info graphics about what's going on how much to groups like amnesty international and others rely on that to do the kind of work that your doing. first of all it is really crucial for us to be able to be on the ground and investigate allegations of crimes under international law and human rights violations by both sides i mean when israel prevents us from entering gaza they're also preventing us from being able to investigate violations by the palestinian groups then to your question about videos posted they are especially when we don't have access and even if when we do have access they're very crucial at this time we look at these videos we invite we verify the information that geotagged information behind them and then we're able to cross match them with that's the morning and pictures that we take from elsewhere this is how we monitor the situation and this is how we're able to document especially when we are prevented from israel well i mean if you allow me to come up just to go back to your on some of the comments
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that you got from israel me 3 things 1st that if you would be investigating in on the groups and see international otherwise groups have condemned the rockets indiscriminately rockets are a war crime and the i.c.c. would be looking into this 2nd issue of proportionality that test of proportionality is very specific to that into that it says 1st we need to be able to tell whether there was a larger building a legitimate military targets and a 2nd that that support personality applies to that one incident not just that the target of the of what's happening in the conflict sir the issue of gaza and israel pulling out let me remind everyone that gaza has been under an illegal located 15 years since 2007 controlling every single bit that comes in the house in and out of gaza limiting how much fishermen can go into the sea and farmers can farm along the israel gaza border this illegal blockade is collective punishment as well as fatah
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how me just follow up with you very quickly about you know we've been talking a lot about the i.c.c. during this discussion the specter of the i.c.c. in all of this and you had said that perhaps they will use you know these videos that are emerging as part of their investigation do you think that the attack on the edge of that power is actually going to factor into the investigation you know in the long term. so i just said factors into our investigation you know. it doesn't it i see it go you know they have their own question of ways of doing that but i believe that it has a that's a rights group but as a rights group that's documenting this and you know as a rights group that's you know alleging the war crimes were committed and saying that it's important the i.c.c. looks at this do you think that it will factor in a major way into an investigation at some point what that's what we're going for we're going to for that to be factored in as well as the other 50 residential stars
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that israel has destroyed says that this military operation plus all the attacks that have caused the videos to lose their lives and that has started this civilian infrastructure is indeed we call on the i.c.c. to have a comprehensive investigation into a thing that is happening at the moment and going about since it started its jurisdiction into those bt which is joint 2014 so we certainly hope that it does addition will be as comprehensive as possible nor there is as we mentioned before in the program sort of a new dimension to all of this in the fact that social media is playing such a large role in how information is being disseminated right now and you know we've spoken a lot in the past week to palestinian young palestinian activists who are really frustrated with political leadership of the palestinians and really feeling like it's ineffective and that they basically need to take ownership of their stories and get them out to the world in a way that makes the world understand their plight better so let me ask you do you
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feel that at the moment these videos that are being shared widely these info graphics that are being created that are being put on sites like instagram and shared so widely do you think that this is changing the perception around the world is it changing the narrative is it changing the coverage. i think there are no paramount significance what is happening on social media was a long time coming for posting eons it took them years decades to be able to crack open a small opening for their narrative and their voice to be heard by mainstream media but once a little media chain it was it was heaven sent it was an a and a porch and a few for the boisterous to be heard not just and but of palestine but in other places that do not usually invite media attention and focus and quite frankly you know these platforms provided the list indians with
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a chance to connect with the outside world to tell their story their personal story not just their you know the story of what was happening and the politics of it of the gruesome details of it but just on a human level and to see that being censored and curtail the deceit palestinian voices being used to is really worrying because at the end of the day that free space that we thought we were you finally able to to you know reach out to the world through an end and receive solidarity through and offer solidarity to our others through is now being you know that space is shrinking of course before that we've seen palestinian journalists also detained or harassed by israeli intelligence because of their posts on facebook a colleague of ours i met him out he was recently detained and sentenced to more than 3 months in prison administrative detention that is not charged no trial and
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he was specifically told this was because of his journalistic activities on social media at the time it was related to the elections so that space is very important and it has been on the you know under assault if you will but now that assault is far more comprehensive and system. not take and i think you know these. should be ashamed of themselves for doing what they are although the higher end they are kind of. told a story before it began. all right we have run out of times we are going to have to leave the conversation there thank you so much to all of our guests knew it all day arson ostrovsky and saw the hejazi and thank you too for watching you can see this in all of our previous programs again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. inside story from the whole team here bye for now.
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al jazeera. and. understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. warplanes launch another series of heavy airstrikes on gaza palestinian factions fire more rockets at israel. you're watching al-jazeera live from doha fully back to go with the latest on the israel palestine call.


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