tv News Al Jazeera May 21, 2021 1:00am-1:31am +03
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helping to do that. no. so them weapons, not block international will and international law from being applied to the part of going on. and i think once again, it's very simple. i think a jeep sions, i think jordanians categories darks, and everyone else, including your opinions and americans could help both parties come together in order to live together in peace and security, not the way they are living. now. when one people live on top of another, people would want people to exploit and other people, one people in prison on other people, and that one people that is being the judge and prosecute that is themselves leaving and insecurity and fear. mom, michelle, thank you very much. indeed to have baton being if you're just joining us. just past 2200 gmc, i'm lauren taylor. this is andrew 0. live from london. let's update you on what's been happening. the last couple of hours. israel and palestinian groups have agreed to a cease fire. it's expected to come into effect at $23.00 gmc,
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that's in an hour's time, or the israel hasn't confirmed a time. the deal was broken by the egyptian government. i must official confirm the deal as a mutual and simultaneous truce with israel. the well, since the truth was announced, there been more strikes and rockets fired towards ash get on in israel from gaza. past 24 hours to crowded refugee camps home to tens of thousands of people came under attack from israeli strikes. 233 palestinians have been killed in these ready offensives that began last week. 65 of them children and this is basheba in the south of israel was several people were injured earlier . rockets were fired at towards ashley alone from gaza, causing damage than well the 12 people have been killed in israel in the last 11
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days. 2 of them children goes to hold up dummy in occupied east jerusalem, and hold up just an hour to go till the seas farce is due to kick in. yes, absolutely, just an hour to go by. that's our during that hour anything could happen. it's very likely that it wouldn't be surprising if really both sides continue with their military operations, each wanting to mark as many points as they can until they reach that cease fire deadline. so people from what i understand people in gaza are bracing themselves, but they're not the only ones. also, the silence have been going off in the southern parts of israel in several towns that are sort of bordering garza in that area. so, but it's only 60 minutes to go now and then after that usually sees
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fires could be well believe ended very early stages. but what we're hearing from both sides really is not much, but the little we're hearing that this is a mutual and unconditional cease fires. so i thing that people on both sides of the divide would read just hoping that it will hold from the very early stages. and how different is it from any previous situations like this that to have the announcement from egypt that the sending in a delegation to essentially monitor the seas for it is now very different in the sense that egypt has always played a role sometimes less, sometimes more but there's always been, let's say, an outside that foreign mediator who has sort of helped hammer any kind of fees, fire between the 2 sides. gardens have seen that back in 2014
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in 2012 in 2009. so it's not much different, i think everybody is going to be very happy and for the fact that they won't be any more air strikes or there won't be any more rockets fire from garza into israel. but then the day after comes, there are lots of problems in gaza. now they have been compounded by these 11 days of continuous bombing. life is going to be very difficult there, but all the problems who were there before this war are still very much there. after the war guards and still remain isolated from the rest of the planet, they're still limited in their movement as still not allowed to bring into the gaza strip, whatever they want or not. everything is monitored by israel and all the other issues still exist. the tensions here in jerusalem won't go away. yes,
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because my black keep them for a little bit. but the problems that have been here, jerusalem does have many generally that we're just going to go straight to a president biden and listened into his remarks. yahoo! earlier today i spoke with president, sees egypt minister premises, and y'all informed me that israel is agreed to mutual unconditional cease. fire began in less than 2 hours. egyptian now informed us that a mos in the other groups in gaza have also agreed my conversation is present. and you know, i commended him for the decision to bring the current hostilities to a close than less than 11 days. i also emphasize what i've said throughout this conflict. the united states fully supports israel's right to defend itself against indiscriminate robert rocket attacks and mosse and other gods based terrorist groups that have taken the lives of innocent civil is in israel. the prime minister
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also shared with me his appreciation for the iron dome system which our nations developed together and which has saved lives, of countless israeli citizens of arab and ju, i assure him my full support to replenish israel's iron dome system to ensure to fences and security in the future. over the last 11 days, i spoken to prime minister 6 times. i've also spoken president boss of the palestinian authority when once in part of our intent diplomatic engagement. and i want to also thank secretary of state sector and defense, our non national security advisor and everyone on our team for their incredible efforts to bring this about this outcome. the risk about to see, you know, we've held intensive high level discussions our by our literally egypt, palestinian authority and other middle eastern countries with the name of avoiding
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the sort of pro long conflict we've seen in previous years. when the hostile is broken out. i extend my sincere gratitude to president l. c. z and the senior gyptian officials who played such a critical role in this diplomacy. i also priest appreciate the contributions of other parties in the region who been engage and working toward the end of hostile days. these hostilities have resulted in tragic deaths of so many civilians, including children. and i send my sincere condolences to all the families, israeli, and palestinian who have lost loved ones. my hope for a full recovery for the wounded. united states committed to working with united nations and we remain committed to work with united nations and other international stakeholders to provide rapid humanitarian assistance and the marshal international support. the people are garza and the guys and re reconstruction efforts. we will do this in full partnership with the palestinian authority of mos authority in
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a manner that does not permit a mark to simply restock its military arsenal. i believe the palestinians and israelis equally deserved to live safely and securely and enjoy equal measures of freedom, prosperity and democracy. my administration will continue our quiet, relentless diplomacy toward that end. i believe we have a genuine opportunity to make progress and i've committed to working for it. and i want to thank you all, may god bless you all and pray that this continues. thank you so much. i think that to president barton, with his 1st remarks since the announcement of that cease fire, he confirmed that he had spoken to nathan yahoo, the israeli promised to 6 times in the last few days. and he also had spoken to the to, to a boss from the palestinian authority. and he said that to us fully support israel's
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right to defend itself from rocket far. but he also spoke about the need for palestinians and israelis to enjoy equal measures of stability. let's bring in that gabriel is under who's munching this 1st in washington. so interesting that he did again reiterate his support for israel, but spoke to the need for kind of the future to be more fair perhaps in the region a little bit. but it was a tepid, quite frankly, in that regard. i mean, he basically was saying a little bit of what he has been saying for the past week, of course, saying israel has the right to defend itself. that's something that he has said before that administration officials have been saying before. notably, when some officials within the white house and elsewhere asked, do palestinians also have the right to the 7 themselves. they're not quite as strong in their language when it comes to that. but what the president biden did
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here is reaffirm that he did talk to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to be 6 times. now. in the past 11 days, he spoke to the president. now cc of egypt as well. didn't reveal a lot of new information about the ceasefire. the details of it there were no more details that the president revealed at all. did say that he plans to work with the united nations the united states will work with united nations on humanitarian aid to gaza, working with the palestinian authority. but he also said that in general, that made passing reference to all of the families that have suffered during the last 11 days, but didn't necessarily at all point out how disproportionately the number of palestinians have been killed in a conflict to the last 11 years. he did not mention that at all. so bottom line is
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what you have here from president joe biden is, is, is, is pretty much what you might expect from joe biden. someone that is treading very carefully if he will, clearly is not going to break his alliances with israel at all. but wanted to at least accept some sort of credit to, to brokering this this ceasefire and new mentioned at this stage of what any potential future roadmap towards perhaps resuming any kind of piece process might be no, there wasn't here. but earlier on thursday, vice president come out, harris spoke to the jordanian king abdullah and according to read out from the white house on thursday, the vice president told jordan's king that the u. s. still wants to pursue a 2 state solution. but very clearly, the middle east,
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in his conflict in general or specifically is not very high up on jo biden's agenda . he's mostly focusing on china, russia and to a lesser degree iran on the 1st stage of his presidency. he was not expecting to have to deal with the middle east right now in terms of foreign policy. but of course with what's gone on. the last 11 days, events on the ground have changed best plans to he perhaps had so now i think the question becomes for the white house is, does joe biden, and does the president use this cease fire to advance the peace process or not? or does he just back out of it? and we simply don't know the answer to that, but probably will get a better sense of that in a coming days and weeks. get really don't to. thank you very much. indeed. a short while ago. uh huh spokesperson has him. gus him confirmed the truth to end 11 days
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of israeli palestinian hostilities. bill felton had got the mister at the moment. yes, we were informed by our brothers in egypt to cease fire will start at 2. i am today . the resistance will be committed, designers regime is committed. we fought in this war to defend l. x and mosque and jerusalem. we had accomplishments. we are monitoring the occupation behaviors in the field. we will be committed as long as the occupation is committed to this face by ideal well you in general assembly as me meeting for the last 8 hours on the conflict and gaza representatives from around the world have been speaking about the latest escalation and violence between israel hum us and its allied groups. several for ministers been pushing for a cease fire meeting for his days of israel's main ally, the u. s. blocking efforts of the un security council to agree on a resolution calling for an end ta, still tease. you inspector general antonio terrace,
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open that meeting with his urgent appeal the fighting must stop immediately. i appeal to all parties to cielo, to seize or steal these now. and i write to write my call on all sides for an immediate cease fires. you'll still have cause serious damage to vital civilian infrastructure in gaza, including roads and electricity lines contributing to you many times in the emergency crossings into gas been closed and par shortage is affecting water supplies. under the billions buildings and homes have been destroyed, damaged, or randall and inevitable air strikes and damage. several hospitals, which would already short of supplies with the use of the billing thinking closures exists. invited by the coffee in 1900 pandemic. as close to her since lou me at the united nations and christian, we had a short while ago from president biden praising the role of egypt in bringing about the she's fun. and they also spoke just as the news was coming through,
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didn't that the un they did. and the primary goal of this meeting, which was called by the era group here at the united nations, the organization of islamic cooperation and align movement. and the president of the general assembly was to get a cease fire. that was the aim. that was their goal. and that has been accomplished, so there is a lot of relief here at the united nations, but the meeting was called after 11 days of conflict. more than at least for security council meetings. 2 attempts at a security council statement that didn't work. and one attempt at a security council resolution, which also went nowhere. so in addition to the calls for the cease fire, we heard many speakers putting pressure on the security council calling out the security council. and specifically the united states, which was against
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a security council statement. or any kind of action on the part of the council for its rule. they are the u. s. of course, saying that it was working through other channels to achieve this and of a cease fire. but we also heard a lot from speakers about the rising, told this is taking on civilians is to there's a civilian casualties which have been overwhelmingly palestinian in this case and the humanitarian crisis that's ensued. and many also focused on the need to address underlying issues here that lead to the conflict, namely the lack of palestinian autonomy, the lack of city and state. and the egyptian ambassador spoke to that as he welcomed the cease fire. mister president. mister, by way of conclusion, egypt confirms on the basis of its historic responsibilities with regard to the
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palestinian question that we will miss you all efforts. and we will provide our full capacities and efforts to ensure that the call to new people can enjoy security peace and stability in the within a palestinian state home. the lines of the 4th of june 967 with east jerusalem advocates capital. so now the most pressing concern for the international community here at the united nations will be the humanitarian response, particularly in gaza, palestinian territories in general, given the extensive death and destruction there. in addition to more than 200 civilian casualties are 200 casualties. we are hearing of hundreds of buildings that have been destroyed, including schools that serve as shelters. we've heard about power shortages and
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loss of infrastructure. and in addition to dealing with that, the in the attempting to raise money to deal with those issues. the un will be focus again on advancing the talks towards a palestinian state that has been the call. we've heard over and over again from member states to remember the underlying cause and push for resolution on that front. and the general assembly president, for one has vowed to call more meetings to advance that cause. perchance you do me live at the you and 1st thank you very much indeed. as governors who garza and under 0 suffer telecommute for about 40 minutes left until that that didn't i'm, it was interesting that president biden seemed to say that it would see if i would begin in less than 2 hours and he was so he was not being quite so specific about the timing of it. well and you said 30 minutes more or less
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left for the t p to pm. and the bag that i know has been monitoring the borderline from here we put she that north of the gaza strip. usually if you buy type office start and during every life we could see that that gets fired from guys and even days really like. and the last 20 minutes. we haven't had an explosion either from into or from gaza and even dian never stopped. also, we couldn't hear it in the last 20 minutes. that is the only thing that we could utilize those that are drawn hovering over our heads. but we can say that there are explosions or attacks for them either side. and the last 20 minutes, at least as i can see, the relief in your face almost it's, it's been a, it's been a, it's been a terrible time, isn't it? for people who are actually in gaza. witnessing was was this
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lead make me up to mr. gall, helpful as well. and one hour from now, we had seen infections. they called for random rallies to celebrate the fire or what they call the victory. and they will also pass by the house at the destroyed houses, the houses of the victims of the escalation anew. and if they will also pass by the leader or the commander of the car, some brigades, my mother, and it will be like a kind of soda celebration and got celebrating the victory of jerusalem or particular selim we will try to move and get the celebration if the cease fire is respected and coming to force into a special on these situations. both sides want to claim credit, also claim victory if you like. but in the end, the people who've suffered death,
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whether it's and in israel, when garza, it's, you know, it's, it's a sad time, isn't it? and a time to start rebuilding and trying to put their lives back together while they call it victory. i'm just telling what they said look in gaza. the most important thing to fix is the economy of god. the economy has almost collapsed after 15 years of located on the last year also did more crisis for, for the economy of god. because of restrictions on the look down of, of corporate 19 for pitching protocols that the ministry and the ministry of interior imposed in so many of the business men, they moved their business outside garza because of lack of political stability here . security as well. in case of reconstruction,
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re start off started in case that the plan stuck to that will be the construction process, the money of the philippine and businessman and those also qualified people who lift does he can are looking for a good life at the other side of the world or in the other side of the world, they will come back of course in case of the any and the political or security stability. so that this, this reconstruction process, in case it's not, it will solve big problem in terms of the unemployment in gover. 50 percent in the unemployed, which is the highest ever in gaza. 2 thirds of the population here depends on food and humanity and aid by international organization, which has never been in the case in gaza. so in case that the construction of god, the star and people start healing their wounds, which they are used to after every escalation, then this was
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a big part of the problem and case of the both sides of each i mean does. and is that each real agreement that will guarantee a long term stability. tell us about the role of egypt in terms of monitoring this . what are the practicalities of monitoring, and he's fine on this as far as we learn from gaza sources here that there will be a junction delegation to egyptian that additions one in israel and one in gaza. and they're coming 48 hours to watch on to monitor the fire and also to discuss the terms or the items related to judas. and it because this, this collision was quoted you on egypt will also keep watching the items related to judas. i mean the, the items related to the fire, all of them for you to sort of so it is playing very important role induct. and
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without egypt goes, i believe the other fractions believe without egypt, nothing could be achieved because the southern borders which is the only one to the other one is controlled by egypt without it or without the rule, the fortunes of egypt, they cannot reach any achieve real agreement or stable good, even so egypt road is very important. it will open the gate for god, for the rest of the world suffered because we thank you very much indeed that's bringing our senior political unless demo and show our live and do offer a similar. i just want to ask you what you made of, of president biden's remarks so short time ago. no surprise, no surprise, bear new. expect him to the credit. of course recounting the efforts that was done, you know, selectively mentioning certain things and not others. of course, gratitude to,
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to the is rainy's point, accepting it, but nothing for the stadiums. and certainly lots of thanks with instructions on so forth. but i think there were some interesting openings into what we expect moving forward. one, he emphasized future dealings with the palestinian authority with a pillow. meaning, you know, he made it clear that his, his look a 3rd is not going to be us. that it will be the palestinian leadership proceed 40 . and that he is looking forward to some for the engagement. so, you know, these are on the surface of course positive things. but as we've been speaking throughout the evening at the c spider remains fragile. and there's going to be lots of lots of steps that needs to be taken and you know, as, as the british se,
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and the proof is in the pudding, we will see how things move forward. and how much these are these scenes would abide by the fire and how would they when turn it into a more permanent one? you mentioned the palestinian authority there. well, what kind of state in all a given selections didn't go ahead to talk through a bit of the mechanics of, of the, you know, how they would deal with the policy, you know, sort of at this stage. you know, of course i never really thought they actually were so important. elections under occupation or not, not that great deal of importance. but it was important as a symbolic step in order to reinvigorate the punishment people 93 percent of whom registered to vote. so that's an important thing, and i think it's, it's probably indispensable now for the policies to insist on holding selections, including a nice jim salem, unoccupied territory. so that to move the process of sting in
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reintegration forward. there's, there's also another very important element and that is there is an opening now for a mass on fact that the 2 main factions, the secular nationalist and nationalist to come together. and that was their plan. originally, they wanted to go into the elections together. so that's fine, but they don't need that actually to unite. and it's not going to be possible for them to accomplish much in any diplomatic process or they are not united. so the part of city unit, at this point, is indispensable. in order to engage the international community in order to ensure that the fireworks and in order to make sure that their demands the basic demands are met. now, as we've heard earlier, and i think that's pretty much important is the construction. and the sooner
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thought the must play a major role in the construction of because i'm very construction of the policy in front of the student territories in general. and lauren, that the reconstruction is not only concrete. it's not only buildings. and rhodes and the reconstruction is going to have to happen on the level of the families, the youth, and the childhood. there has to be re reconstruction of the palestinian human being because as we've been speaking over the last 2 weeks, what has been most damaged is not the buildings. it's psyche. it's that is the character and it's the well being of palestinians. so i think the policy, you know, sort of how much everyone else would help with that. i should meet the needs to step in help rebuild got the policy in society, not just in terms of its concrete buildings and so on,
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so forth. but in terms of reintegrating, this is site in a whole new way that is going to be very important in order to re engage just to go back to the foreign cell from israel. claim that of about 4000 rockets were fired from the gaza strip during this and they use the on dome. extensively president biden said he's, he's assured nathan, yahoo, the us will replenish israel's on don't defense system during this the last couple of days or so on. has been pressure pressure in the united states from some quarters within a particular democratic party to try and limit us sales of weapons to the, to israel. how does this play into it? because the idea that they're going to keep refreshing that on don't system and, and continue selling weapons is, is that something that is likely to be revisited as an issue or not? this is, of course, one of the paradoxes of international relations. right?
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i mean, here you have prime minister and it's a narrow and israeli defense establishment at founding, mostly civilian population of gaza getting so much and distressing so much and they're going to be rewarded towards. but this is, this has been the history of the u. s. is relations launches, wars committed war crimes, and then it's awarded by the united states with more money and more weapons and more support. unfortunately, i think we're going to see that, you know, judging from biden's short speech that, that he will be taking care of israel as it works. what i've been saying earlier is that there isn't much loved last between by them now. but by didn't remains a major supporter of israel, if not, nathan. yeah. and hence, yes, we will see probably a lot of that moving forward. i think nathan,
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