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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2021 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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paycheck away from being on house program that hits in your eyes to turn it if you well today, this is what the picture looks like. the the world from a different perspective on houses. there's a this is al jazeera, ah, hello masterson. this is. these are live from doha, coming up in the next 15 minutes. israel hamas agreeing to a cease fire, and in the 11 days of violence, killed more than 250 people. mostly palestinians brought widespread destruction. the palestinians celebrates the truth from us victory and the conflicts, but one,
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if we act to any population's concern in india, about a fungal infection, the 1st and covered 19 patients, the health ministry, and makes it mandatory for states to identify. i've tried every case and reports that minimize the election commission times to dissolve all the signs to choose national need for democracy coffee. and he said with the sword, columbia is stripped of co hosting south america, big football. so, as it continues to deal with government protest, ah, new day has come in gaza with a sci fi and hopes for an extended break in fighting between israelis and palestinians. the 11 day war left more than 250 people dead. most of them palestinians in the gaza strip. these are the truth brought widespread celebrations
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and more are expected in the coming hours. we're going to cross to our team of correspondence shortly, but we're going to begin our coverage with this report and hurry, faucet in western with them. as the promised sci fi became a reality in gaza, there was a sense of liberation from days of destructive deadly strikes and artillery. also a celebration of what, how must, and its military lead him home, a death. se is a victory over israel. i sat mad, they killed young man, so my grandson was born and we called him mohammed death. we called another child, alexis thought they are in good health. they will grow up and be young men. god is gracious. the families who sought refuge in school is now able to return to the homes they lead in here. this is a joyful moment for all gaza. this is the victory from a done for eat for to resume a lot of celebrations to an occupied east. jerusalem hammer said it had one
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concessions in the fire, restricting israeli actions in the neighborhood of shakes euro and on the lock. so most compound, israel has denied that saying the sci fi was unconditional. with victorious chanting, spreading across the occupied west bank, how must clearly feels it has improved it standing among palestinians in relation to the rival satisfaction of thomas indian president bus molecule. what will come after the battle of jerusalem sword is not like what came before the posting and people have back the resistance and know that the resistance is what will liberate the land and protect the holy sites in television subjected in recent days to the heaviest, most concentrated garza rocket fire in any previous war, the sense was of where we relief. the fire is good for humanitarian reasons. so that the civilians relax a little bit on both sides. i'm skeptical though that it will really be kept for a while. unfortunately, i don't feel like we have much time for,
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for the next escalation. if anything significant will change, like come out, we'll get to the israel says the days of strikes and god, zone tunnels. miss l site senior commanders have set how much back years and restored israeli military deterrents. president biden said the us would help replenish israel's. i and he rocket batteries and aid rebuilding in garza through the palestinian authority. not how must i also emphasize what i said throughout this continent. i want to take you to a press conference which is being held by it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thank you. on your sean mentality, which allows you to achieve the goal. spiration on the new plan successfully.
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i like to send my condolences to the families of those who love one. i'm the pull up fan and get a warm hug to all those who are in change rooms and wish for state recovery. i'd like to thank you. the ministry defense was for my mom, the chief of me because clearly chief of police and minister all the warriors id yes. going to go to cups. now the border patrol is someone who goes into emergency service, foreign minister book and the staff in foreign ministry should defer to hire, recruited. we're not seen or to 40 as far as us explaining our position
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of our government. special thing to denny that be the data we students this united shown to shoulder, to be looking only one thing. bringing back security in quiet to give israel of the prime minister of israel. the only thing that instructs me when i decide on these things, safety and security of israel and keeping on citizens and soldiers are yonder description alive. i defined the main goal of the separation to heat, the kara harder and to bring back peaceful end to base got located and not everything is known to the public. this entered the from us and it will be uncovered during time. almost if age i can say
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we need to delete the drain, a new scene without going into further upon necessary actions. i believed that we couldn't achieved better results without going to gather with a ground falling. she said, most of the israeli citizens so that we've acting determination intelligence and i'm ad queen her high responsibility to me and i, i see my mission lives as to keep the mother of the boys to prevent the unnecessary cost of lives. we
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cause tremendous damage to hum us. if you've been minimum emotional casualty in the beginning of the operation, i said come, we'll, we'll be here with them on imaginable mission come in, what they get the page. this is the day we destroyed the tunnels and we started doing it in july 2016 i brought to the cabinet. the decision was that holds up to families. shot is an underground when it's got the queue. root you must do about the so can we to men and wall and if they try to go above ground, they will be heat with huge fire so much if you want
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carrying have found in time to infiltrate foot hall of the keyboard and they thought they couldn't stop, but now stay in discovered that they are blocked because of the metal more that we're building. it's a smart wall. we senses which can track it on to an alert every time they try to get near column should be my favorite block on him, including the last minute of the separation, all those infrastructures, bahamas invested in the tunnel, it went down to drain and we've got we destroyed the defense tunnels of hamas under to gather strength in which
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month for they will hide and manage the war 100. with no interruption. we planned for an air strike plan to hate those underground channels that hamas invested huge amounts of money in those tunnels. and now between down to drag us can no tide. this is a huge achievement for the state of israel and not only have re teach more than 100 kilometers of the system. we showed that it's a death trap to terrorist. i think it's a tremendous achievement. when you're 40 ideas and i must say, a tremendous achievement that no army world changing, and we achieve that underground. and for now what we achieved above ground. that name is michelle. we can more than 200 terrorists. a lot of
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a few of them are seniors, are you still not up to me? destroyed. i'm an important command shane of the her mouth and she had done well and those who were not killed nose are a long way to retain funder and overground africa. we hate buildings of terror and these are the officers of the hum us district headquarters forgot me for any weapon. when warehouses of the us, we have the money while minimizing casualty of old civilians, huge efforts and ship warning ahead of time. civilians like
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no stage, no army is doing. the idea is the most moral army in the world. and if we have to drones issue the money to get an iron dome should protect and 19 percent of all the me sales where it's shown. that's where it seems we have to see unit of the us. we do appreciate if you are gonna, just as i promised from us, we have the most capability of how much, much, much more than what their commanders had thought go, give it to me. they thought we will be looked continued
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business as usual, but instead we hit them hard in a game changing way and i'd like to emphasize it more than anything else. we changed the equation not only during the operation, we changed it also for days ahead. if the commerce things we will be lucian, we will agree with rockets. marsha, a wrong. we will react on rockets aimed at us on any part of israel. they brought it into their own hands on and on to themselves. they always go out of the tunnel, bragging, but they know that what they brought onto themselves. they know our
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capabilities and we brought in years back in this type of operation, there's always international pressure trickle article in the international media. but now we got an international support from dozens of countries who stood behind us. i'd like to thank my friend, the president tonight in state show bite and we talked 6 times in the last few days . warm friendly talks with him. we took a dog and not speech and he expressed the unequivocal support. i told him that each country amongst which me science, wherein rock and rocketed towards its capital would not see and do nothing one
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sweet achieve the goals of the separation we were stopped and the president understood that. thank you because president joe biden, he was a female for his corporation with iron to him. and i like to thank old dozens of in the world. i saw people in the status of your other on buildings and it's because he's moving very moving. we meant foreign ministers who came during the war. she wanted to express the support i'd like or think all those leaders and, oh, faith, lots of people in the world, you know, to distinguish between a demo democracy of israel. then there's a mother's and blood thirsty terror organization that make dr.
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idolizing death while using their st. billions as human shields the citizens of israel. we do not forget our missing people and captured, do some sort of in it. that's the result of the separation. and i hope to get us into a better position to bring them home soon and we will bring more age to doze, leaving in the south end to africa, learn to 1000 me silent rocket and then they will get more economic benefit. i remind you after 2 k ton, we brought the south and settlements to pies of development and they were
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growing more than anywhere else in these rounds. this will be the case now because they grew and they will continue to grow up to be signing. but we also we had to phase like an internal up front. it's exponent with in israel, we've seen a rated to force himself. the police with the border. police are going to prosecute all the criminal. it's not simple. anyone who heard you kill and then you find a go and shops and destroy and destruct will be paying high price for it because it's supposed be it will do i keep requesting the leaders
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arrows? well, i'm going to condemn this little bit a little bit. and i said it's not all or even most of the arab public, but it's a significant minority that needs to be ousted. no one will take the law into its own hand, nor arrows or jews. but i'm going to be, you know, so we are state of law and we are one stage. we saw it in the co independent we will go back to recover the co existence for everyone so that everyone will join the huge success of this country. mother, we went for a pickle days on me styles and fire struggle did not begin today. it started last more than 100 years. each generation needs to
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stand to it in the young people war. and then till now. we will know when we are winning a moment of 2700 years ago before the prophet thomas said, when i set fire to gather the wall and palaces were destroyed. but the prophet said, another thing i show that day is now in coming to me so much and the country of israel, the state of israel, is stronger than ever prosper. and we will continue to assure eternity of israel, ministry of defense. you're watching out here that was a press conference been given by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he was talking about the recent attacks being carried out in guys against the hamas
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organization. he said, i defined the main goal to hit the ted on organizations as he called them. he said, not everything is known to the public. we did grave and new things i want to bring in iran con show. because joining us live from amazon. thanks very much for being with us. enron. we were just listening to benjamin netanyahu, their chair that and we just heard him talking about. the phrasing that he was using was very much sounding like a victory speech. make no mistake, grove, that was an actual victory speech goes a few things i want to concentrate on them to take them as they came in chronological order. the 1st thing is this degradation of mass and he saying that the tunnels have now gone. they're not a problem any more. the tunnels is where we're able to get around the gaza strip to
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be able to launch rocket into israel, a significant capability within how masses. also those those capabilities have now gone. the state of israel has prevailed both above ground and underground. he actually did mention the fact that there is a wall of sorts ones. i haven't seen it, certainly, but it is described as a wall of sorts that runs underground stone. i'm coming into israeli territory now . he's also said that this is the most significant degradation in any conflict of her classes are still of a massive ability to strike israel bose, a very, very strong word. he's very proud of the way the israeli army and the way he's acted in this war and he's really selling that to the people as being the key purpose, the key way that mass were defeated. now, after that,
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he once again reiterated his idea that he is the security prime minister of israel . no one else just him is the only person that can defend israel from us, from international pressure. you mentioned that the idea that there was pressure coming on from him, from international governments, from critical articles in the media, and he was effectively saying i could deal with that. i can deal with all of that pressure. just trust me. now. i know who's always been the security problem is that his bag, he's always said to israelis, and that's why they supported him in the past. he's also said, i'm the one person that can deal with american. that's another point i want to come across. in this speech, he actually said i spoke to prime minister as president joe biden, 6 times those conversations, warm and friendly. that's not what we're hearing from the american media. certainly, there was a frustration from the president joe biden. i know he's slow pace to try and get
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this season via agreed to. but yes, this was an absolute victory series. but one of the things, and i haven't ever heard him talk about palestinians who have israeli idea living in central israel before this. i think the 1st time i may will be wrong, but i think it's the 1st time i've heard him mention those people. he says that that could be not a new front the will, but certainly something of concern is also our politicians with in israel to condemn the actions of those people in central israel. now these are mix cities between jews and palestinians who old israeli pulse was. israeli id have been living fairly peacefully with each other for a very long time. after the shake jo, where an incident occurred, evictions occurred. those mix cities also rose up as well. however, he didn't mention here, he said, looked, this is a state of law and people will prosecute to do or arab will be prosecuted. those are his words if they broke the law. but he actually singled out the fact that
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synagogues were attacked. he talked about the attacks on the jewish communities that not a single word about the jewish tax on the policy, israeli communities there. so whether that was deliberate, whether that was a language thing, we don't know, but certainly this speech was a message to the international q and she for much. but secondly, a message to her last as well that they grew the technology. there also has been degraded the bus are going to, going to say actually we prove to you that miss rockets can launch further. and further. busy into central israel, we can put television on notice and things of that nature. but this was nets and yahoo saying to both israelis and very much because the message was in hebrews or message to the israeli saying that i did it. it was me and i was true, i withstood the pressure from the international community. i withstood the pressure from everybody and i delivered your victory
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a man. thanks very much indeed. that same man come talking to us from shakes out an occupied easter. let's go. so you know, our hide who's talking to us from gaza once again, palestinians in gaza returning to destroyed homes and having to rebuild their lives . yes, i think it's be behind me. i don't know if the camera can bring the image. this is also another residential building with their relocating from place to another. residence has come back to and trying to get whatever they can get, whatever they can find out because the rubble of their buildings. i mean, what's the palestinian civilians have lost so far is almost everything. i mean yes, the complex has ended, but they are living with this anguish. and yes, they want to go on with their life. been, and truly life is beating in the streets. have got it today,
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but still more the policy really is who have lost everything and have left their home. and these homes have been totally destroyed. are now living the english of losing everything and not being able to to know what is going to happen with them in the upcoming period. i mean, yes. now the escalation has, has been these the fire, but it to be believe there is a lot, a lot of sorrow. there is a lot of tragedies in their life constraining the amount of loss that they have loss now. so you talking to us from guys i want to bring in daniel levy, he's president of the us middle east project. he's joining us from london by skype . good to have you with us. is it too soon? do you think to declare this latest conflict over well,
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i think the chances of this specific sensation of hostilities holding are quite significant bought on the box here are also significant. this wasn't just about god . it began in jerusalem and i imagine attention will shift bear again, but possible for the removal of palestinian families from their home and occupies east jerusalem. shift rock, where in brown was just reporting from events on alex, a mosque, provocative israeli policing measures. we've seen protest in the west bank and of course and this is very important indeed. what's been going on inside 48 israel because i think him, ron did a fantastic job, feel view as of dissecting the speech of the prime minister netanyahu. i think he even underestimated the extent to which this was an aggressive almost declaration of war or much of the palestinian arab citizens of israel. he never once turned
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to the jewish politicians who he had brought into the connecticut, who in sight against the palestinian citizens, day and night, and said you'd go to hush as well. this was a very, very aggressive, very political attack on that community. given that tone that you're talking about, one would get the impression that israel has the military capability. if it wanted to, to essentially get rid of hamas completely in whatever form. why is that not happening, given the level of antipathy that has been between hamas and israel in the past? well, i think many people say that hamas is convenient for not on yahoo. palestinian division is of course, very convenient for nothing. yahoo, he likes to be able to depict this as israel against terrorists rather than what we see, which is a permanent occupation and denial of palestinian freedoms. not just the blockading
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garza but everything that goes on elsewhere in areas controlled by israel. so there's a convenience that, but it's not just that welcome to the realities of a symmetrical warfare. if this was indeed the greatest military achievement of any army anywhere in the world at which was the claim of the prime minister, then i don't think you need to go. why so far in trying to prove it to everyone, it would be self evident. and in fact, inside israel, the criticism is huge. that this achieved very little. why? because israel is a military superpower in nuclear state, but it cannot be a non state actor. that is blockaded in god. i must call bring in weapons and rockets. most of it is manufactured inside this prism that's called gaza. why? because there's no military solution. people who are treated and deprived of their basic rights and freedoms like the palestinians are, will also,
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i don't like to see it, but they will also resort to whatever they can, including armed resistance. so if you look at this from the outside, i do not think that israel is looking militarily great today. either some of the israeli politicians, particularly those to, to, to further right have been relying on a weak palestinian political situation. and of course in palestine. but the palestinian political situation at the moment is fairly fragmented. what happens if it appears as though hamas is unifying palestinians in a way, for example, that the palestinian authority hasn't been able to? well i think again, a very important outcome because the was that israel builds on not just between palestinians in his rate there between palestinians and palestinians. these railey strategy is to disaggregate silo separate the palestinians from one
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another. unfortunately, palestinian political division has contributed to that. but what we saw these last days, beginning in jerusalem, spreading with what happened between gars are in israel. eveningside 48 israel in the west bank on the borders in jordan, people coming to the board as we saw, i think. and i hope i'm not exaggerating a very powerful moment of palestinian consciousness. the question is, will it be maintained by the way, i think both fata and how must work to suppress that quite often. but it's gonna have to be driven by regular palestinians. i think whether it's now, whether it takes more time, the reality that today in israel and television, people will be going back to normal back to beaches. but they can do that. but at the same time, it can't be the case that garzon going back to be being blockaded. and palestinians are going back to an occupation and discrimination everywhere they reside under
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israeli control. that's going to drive the continuation of this moment. but let's hope that the palestinian leadership is responsive to its people rather than the other way round. daniel levy is president of the us and middle east project and we appreciate your time, so thank you very much indeed. thank you peter. ok. let's go to my one shot up. he's al jazeera senior political analyst. he's joining us from doha mall. one. where should we be looking for signs that this cease fire is not going to hold on the strategic level. and that's, that bring me directly into the answering of the good questions you've been asking before. because i think there is largely a misunderstanding or lack of nuance about the difference between strategic military and political levels and one at the now addressed. notably,
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the military level, the strategic and the political are as important perhaps more important than the military level. and why is that important? especially to address? asked nathan ja speech because nathan, you know, it's not the general now is not the army. and certainly, israeli army is one of the strongest military in the world. and it certainly could crush garza, it could milk. got so that's, that's never an issue for the israeli military to defeat mass. if anyone is surprised that israel could defeat, i'm asked me to thoroughly then, you know, i'm not sure what planet they've been living. the question is, once i was able to head and bound and strike at various amass fight infrastructures and so on, so forth. what was the strategic result was a, was,
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is able to dictate its conditions the how much know from the fees fire we understood that was on conditional. so it could not dictate it strategic objectives to how much it could not force him as to give up its arsenal of rockets. it could not force her master stop developing rockets, it could not stop from ruling over gaza. so clearly the strategic objectives of this war, as they were 1000000000, they said after the 2014 war which basically says, we have to make sure that how much could not attack us again and the next. well, certainly how much is in a better position now that that is rather than before 2 weeks ago. not because it has more rockets because clearly is there it has hit all the objectives, it couldn't hit them and gotten, and that takes them to the 3rd level. quickly. the political one now is government is not better off today, but other in terms of its international status,
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then it was 2 weeks ago. it's a much more, it's much worse position than it was 2 weeks ago. it certainly owes the obama mess sorted by the administration much more than it or the 2 weeks ago. it's international standing and i will include in that the so called the hash tag war. clearly israel last, the hashtag was clearly the national public opinion turned, i guess israel and a number of ways clearly and the social media. clearly i got a young among the young demographics. so all in all, you could say that why is that i one minute adelaide secondly defeated, how much media thoroughly it to last, strategically and politically. i want to talk to you very briefly about the involvement in the u. s. in this, which was something obviously the benjamin netanyahu referred to at some length in his speech. we know that president joe biden has been making his own comments about
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the, the sci fi and what's going on. what role can the us actually practically play in the situation when it's providing military equipment to israel? that's what i think up $775000000.00. and at the same time, it won't talk to hum us you know, it is famously said that takes the weapons, takes the money, but to reject the advice. well, i think it's about time after 50 years of more of the same blunders and fiascos that the united states, the by that message and makes it clear that it is not just expressing an opinion or giving advice. but it is using its leverage where israel, in order to influence israel to change course because the course that is there and especially prime minister anthony in particular, is taking is not good to the security and national interest of his wrong, the long term and region. neither it is, is it for the united states and the united states. israel of patrons that has
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protected and defended it and promoted it for the past 70 years. the united states that without it, they would not be able to survive in the region with its occupational sting and out of 10 authorities. this united states is and does have leverage on israel, which is rarely meters, to force them into sitting down on the table. and reaching a peace deal, and just a quick note on that, this very particular presidency, the by the presidency during 80 years when obama by didn't, was able, when it was obama, once again to reach a peace agreement with cuba, a, a, to start a to start the piece process with the tyler bonds and i've gunston to reach an agreement with the one. these were the 3 nemesis of the united states. but under the by then obama administrations,
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they started the process and concluded 2 important agreements would with, with america's enemies. they certainly could force israel to do the same marvel and shot it is all just as senior political analyst, my one, as always, thank you very much. indeed on alarming new health problems complicating india's battle against corona virus. doctors dealing with an increasing number of patients diagnosed with so called black fungus. it typically affects people whose immune system has already been compromised. some dr. suggest steroids are being used to treat severe cases of covered 19 could be one of the causes live now to popping missile in new delhi. tell us more about what's going on here. this is a disease and has cause major concern because as you know in, in the middle of a raging pandora making the case is often very, very high. and now you have concerns over patients who have recovered or recovering
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from cobra. 19 being diagnosed with black, fungus or musical. my courses. now at least 7000 cases across india has been detected and at least 200 people have died. the movie government has declared it in notifiable disease under the epidemic act. what this means is that whenever a case is detected, the state has to notify the golf one and also follow certain guidelines issued on testing on screening on treatment, et cetera. now today, the prime minister address, if you have workers and also refer to this disease black fungus as it's commonly called as a big challenge. actually 6 states including roger tom, helen gonna, and i'm allowed to have also caught in notifiable disease under the epidemic act. now this disease has a high fatality rate, according to the c, d. c,
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at least cost the people who do in get infected do tend to die. still, it is treatable if detected ali. so now 7 hospitals across india have dedicated wards to treat the disease. the big concern, of course, is around the available, the drug used to treat black fungus. the daily government has now regulated the same office drug to ensure people don't audit. and also the movie government has allowed 5 other companies to start manufacturing this drug, so that it is available. bobby, thanks very much probably. mitchell and new denny. spain says it sent back more than 6500. microsoft are a huge influx of people from morocco. we don't have of filter in mainland africa, around 8000 people, enter the spanish during this week, madrid accuses morocco of temporarily relaxing its border security, allowing people to enter. well, let's speak now to ben smith. he's joining us live now from there. bernard,
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what have you been see? fall, rob. it's clear that americans did relax temporarily. that controls along the border because the migraines we've been speaking to made it over to this, the tiny little bit of your up on the tip of north africa. tell us that yes, there was little security on the opposite side. why? well, we know that morocco is displeased with spain, allowing the leader of the policy mario from brain golly. he was left in last month for hospital treatment because a was suffering from complications all cove it on a sorry from want independence for moroccan controlled western sahara. so we know there's been tensions in the relationship between spain, a morocco and spanish defense minutes, actually get cues. americans of black male by allowing so many people to cross and to people we know off a call from that lives one body washed up on the shore here. yesterday we saw that
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happen earlier on this week there was another body discovered in the war water. so it was a, a diplomatic incident really with deadly consequences. all right, and thanks very much indeed. it's ben smith talking to us from say a time and the political body minimize ousted leader, also to cheese being dissolved by the countries electro commission. that's according to reports from some local media outlets. there. the commission, which was appointed by military rulers following february's crew accused party of electoral fraud fines. louise following developments from calling them for the military when they took over power in february, it justified it's position on the basis of electro fraud. so it's following that line. now, one of the 1st things it did after the coup was detained election commission officials and investigated senior members. then it appointed its people, people that trust it to the election commission body. now there's new genta
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appointed electron election commission held a meeting on friday, and it's chad person said that they've made that decision. this was a meeting attended by political parties as well. but many of the pro democracy parties refused to attend. so it was attended mostly by the pro military parties. now the chairperson is non said that the election commission intends to dissolve the national league for democracy party. this is a party lead by on sushi and it 182 percent of elected seats in last year's election. now the chair also said that b l d 's leaders, were he considered them traitors and he said action would be taken. that's as far as we know now, it has to be said that no credible election monitoring body has supported the military's claims of intellectual fraud. in fact, quite the opposite. there were 2 for an election observer missions in myanmar during the polls last year. and they both said that by and large, the voting and the results result reflected the people's, when the military did say that when it took over power in february,
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but it intends to hold an election. but i think from what we're seeing that whatever election, whatever shape the election takes, it's not going to be one that will be free and fast. the situation for journalists covering the military cracked under mamma has grown increasingly dangerous. many have not gone into hiding or escaped in neighboring countries. scott jaila has more from bangkok. night rates like this, one of the many dangerous journalists are facing in myanmar tongue me a lie was live streaming for the democratic voice of burma, known as d v. b, when he was arrested in march a few days earlier, he'd reported on a deadly crack down by security forces. since the coo, on the 1st of february, more than 70 journalists, have been arrested. many independent media outlets have had their licenses revoked, including v. b reporters face intimidation, torture and are in constant fear of inform. it's turning them in. i spoke to don, went to d, v
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b in an undisclosed location. he escaped through ethnic rebel held territory. all was all the people who know you will be at the same time, you know, some information secret informant of the police. the military around you, you can know who's going to install us to the ministry. he says he suffers from survivors. guilt, he's left, but many of his colleagues remain. the need to continue their work is paramount. he says, and he's not alone. many other journalists have gone into hiding or fled to neighboring countries, including thailand. but 3 d. v be journalists and to activists were arrested in the city of chang. my earlier this month for entering thailand, illegally, they said they had to escape me and mar, fearing they might be killed. they're being held in jail awaiting a trial that could lead to deportation. so with thailand they had law played host to many displaced communities. and so we really urging the times already to continue providing safety not to court, these journalists and activists,
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or anyone really from me and my who is coming for safety for ty, foreign ministry, said they are concerned about the case, but they are seeking a humanitarian solution for the group of 5, but it's a very delicate situation for the administration here. tie prime minister pro 10 or a former general, who initially came to power through a coo, has a close relationship with me in mars. jones leader gentlemen, on line for the journalists still in me and mark they have a decision to make almost every day stay and continue to report. or if they have the means go into hiding or leave the country and continue to work in exile. got either al jazeera, bangkok, a famous deadline for a run to a lot of international inspections with the facilities is set to expire. european signatories to the monitoring deal wanted to be extended. it includes inspections of iranian nuclear facilities by the u. n. watchdog appeals important to ensure the continuation of n direct talks between iran and the u. s. on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal or
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dosage about his life for us in vienna with the talks resume next week or so, just give us an idea of how the talks are being progressing and what impact if any of that is going to have on the deadline while as far as we understand it's a decision of whether or not to extend this technical agreement, we'll have to come from town in the coming days. but it is most likely that they will extend this agreement. that means that they will, the iranian officials, will continue to store security footage from the 6 nuclear sites, as well as limit access to spectra. so they don't have snap inspections to those facilities. the talk here, according to the political director and re k mora, he's confident that there will be a good feel reach. it's not a matter of, if it's now a matter of when the americans are also optimistic, they said that following the 4th round of discussions that wrapped up on wednesday,
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they are beginning to see the contours of what a final agreement would look like. and the ratings are now saying that the next round of talks should be the 5th. do to be held here from next tuesday could be the most crucial. there is a sense that time is of the essence because the europeans are, are really looking to try and secure disagreements that will see the united states return to nuclear agreement of 2015, as well as iran to return to for compliance before the presidential election set to take place in iran on july 18th. there is a sense that these next rounds could be the most important. and as for the deadline for the technical agreement, it is expected to be extended in the coming days by raining officials, dosage about a live 1st in vienna door. so thank you. still ahead on, i'll just say that we're going to hear from one of the most successful gymnast cinnamon pic history. she prefers for our final games that's coming up in sports for peter. ah
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cruise me
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ah ah ah, us president joe biden has signed into law and anti hate crime legislation to address arise and attacks against asian americans during the pandemic. it seeks to speed up investigations into hate crimes and make reporting easier for the victims . it's going to expand public education campaigns and boost justice departments resources and police training. biden says the legislation is part of the nation's 1st step towards unity. time for the sport, his peter, bro,
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thank you very much. the international olympic committee has just finished up 3 days of meetings with poker, organizes as pressure builds on them to cancel the games and the current of ours pandemic. but senior i o c official john coats says it's going ahead and they've moved into the delivery phase of the games codes to speaking. a briefing right now also says the se will bring in medical personnel from abroad to support games organizes but one man who looks at to miss them all together is double elim began. well trouble jump champion, christian taylor, the american tool. he's achilles tendon at a meet on wednesday and have had surgery in germany. his coach has ruled taylor out for the rest of the year. 2020 will be the last limping for americans. most successful gymnasts and own biles, who's found all the disruption surrounding the games, tough to take files to one for gold medals in rio, 5 years ago, says she was in the best shape of her life,
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heading into the start of last year. so was frustrated when the games were postponed, but her coach then she closed her food potential as she tries to become the 1st gymnast to defend the all around title. since 1968, the uncertainty of how long it was going to be postpone in. i was kind of angry, i was mad. i was annoyed, i was upset because i felt like i had just been so prepared. never in my life. have i been that prepared? so i felt like does it sucked for me personally? obviously i wasn't the only awfully going through it and i know some athletes were as prepared, says like, okay, we get more time. but for me it's like no i was finally ready. finally on top of my game, finally confident was all my team. columbia has been stripped of co hosting next months. cop america, as the country continues to deal with anti government protests on thursday. they had asked with south american football confederation to delay the tournament until november, but con the bowl refused, saying they would re,
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should do the 15 games. columbia would use a hole between them and features all 10 south american nations. earlier this month, a number of club games were moved outside the country because of security concerns, and another in the city of byron kia was stopped as t a guests from protest affected plays on the pitch. one of brazil's most famous football, his name is expected to play it both the comp, america and the olympics. and the forward has been preparing himself by getting a coven 19 vaccine named post of the city on social media, saying he was happy, he's time had come and hoped the entire world would be vaccinated soon. meanwhile, european football fans will be allowed to travel to russia to watch their teams play euro 2020 matches in saint petersburg. russia has limited foreign entry into the country because of the pandemic, but ticket holders will be allowed to enter the country without
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a visa. although they'll still need to have a negative taste. saint petersburg is said to host 7 matches, including the quarter final with the stadium at 50 percent capacity. canadian gulf cory connors leaves in the 2nd round of the pga chamber trip in south carolina. condos tamed a wind swept ocean calls, calling a 5 under $67.00 to lead golf 2nd major by 2 strokes from a group including former winners, brooks kept, and keegan, bradley i'd say it's impossible to be stress free her on the golf course now it's can't fall asleep there on any holes, it's very challenging and fortunate to have a good day made it as least stressful as possible on myself. i had a lot of really good shots, hold some nice spots early in the round and that really kind of helped boost the confidence and played with a lot of freedom rating champion column or recall ways looking to add
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a 2nd major to the trophy cabinet in these in a good position, 3 shots behind con, as in a large group of players at 2 under par. but could this be the most rubbish shot in gulf, sebastian munoz, his way would be sure that the 18th went straight into a been below one of the sands when you was able to fish it out of the bag. and the colombian would take free drop and ended up with a pause. well then he sits at 5 over paul now overall and could well end up missing the cuts for me to one is back in monaco, after last year's race was canceled blue because of the pandemic. ferrari surprised most people on day one of practice recording the 2 fastest times. local favor. charlotte clay edged out he female carlos fine. main champs of rivals, new hamilton mex. something with food and 4th, respectively. well to time will champion. fernando alonzo struggled around the streets. i felt quite at ease with the calling s b 2 and managed to put that lab.
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this still a bit of margin, but on the other hand, i'm sure the methodist and read we'll have more margin than we have it. rapid attractive, absolutely. mesmerized every time you get the opportunity to drive. so yeah. generally enjoy today it's been challenge naturally. i think for our is a really strong rising to see them improve so much for the freight. we have long enough just a little bit. i didn't quite a bit, so we need to really find some bass because everyone i was trying to look a bit more to like 5 or factors. and we are quite on the washington wizards or on their way to the n b. a playoffs of the clenching the 8th and final spot in the eastern conference. they were one or 4 sides that had to contest the short play into amend ahead of the play off. as part of league's new rules. russell westbrook and bradley bill were in great form on the night for washington. as they
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overpowered the indiana paces, 142100 15 wizards will meet the philadelphia 70 sixes in the 1st round of the play . and we know that i forget the physicals for them. sometimes things can get quite rough on the ice. but jones of our is certainly would not have anticipated this. the toronto maple leafs capital was involved in a hard collision that sent him down. but upon trying to get up, he was accidentally hit by the knee of montreal. canadian forward cory perry, of ours will stretch it off as toronto lost to one with game. one of the 1st round of the play of taurus did manage to give the crowd a thumbs up on his way off. the ice. meanwhile in tampered with game 3 between the current stanley cup champions, the lightning and the florida panthers ran lumbered school in overtones to give the panthers a 65 when temper bay off. the 2 went up in the best of 7 series, though. that's almost 4 things for now, i'll have more again later. thank you very much for the people. we're going to be
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back in a couple of minutes more on all the stories i'm robotics and thanks for being listened to by ah, news, news, news, news, covert 19 has compound of the homelessness crisis and abandoned impoverished families of forcing radical jane decided to say, hey we're going to spend the human rights by claiming property left vacant by the state. the 1st thing i did was i changed my duty is to get my daughter safe. that
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means breaking the law that i'm willing to do that for one shelter in place. ellie's fight for housing owner to 0. when the new break had been waiting for more than 12 hours but was hospital out of beds and oxygen when people need to be heard . 70 percent of the people here are dead. many for trying to find food and the story needs to be told. there's no safety in my country. how can i go back there and live with exclusive in to be fighting against them? and i'll just have teams on the gwendolen. we're award winning documentary and light news in the 1st episode of science in a golden age. i'll be exploring the contributions made by scholars during the medieval slamming period in the field of professor jim alcholay brings the videos of a pass to light point incredible. so it doesn't really, all we've done is block out them like from a room and then allow it to come to the school episode one of science in
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a golden age on al jazeera. there are some of the media stories of critical look at the global news media. right about the on al jazeera government shut off, access to so, ah, israel and i'm ass agreed to a cease fire ending 11 days of violence that killed more than $250.00 people, mostly palestinians, and brought widespread destruction. ah, peter w are watching out 20 live from are also coming up palestinians celebrate the true.


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