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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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we listen absolutely. nigeria with a woman precedent. it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of culture across the world. so no matter how you take it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. i me this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm not madison, and this is the news, our life from joe, coming out for the next 60 minutes studies of diplomatic activity, days into the israel palestine sees far egyptian and jordanian foreign ministers hold talks on the us secretary of state to the region international. how to asia as bella, luce is accused of piracy. i'm kid,
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nothing after that voting of flight in detaining an opposition activist. minimize i was to leader on time, so she makes her 1st court appearances a military to assess or parties will exist as long as people exist. a former leader of unarmed group accused of war crimes incident, doubtful region appears before the international criminal court. and i'm found the how much with all the $450.00 phil mickelson becomes the oldest major champion and gulf history winning the p. j championship. ah, the secretary of state antony blinking, traveling to the middle east days into the israel palestine seas fire president joe barton has set his quiet and relentless diplomacy helped and the conflict. but the vital ministration is facing growing criticism over its support for israel attacks
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have killed 248 palestinians in gaza while 12 people have been killed in israel. as rockets were fired from gaza under the blank and has treated that he's traveling to jerusalem. ramallah keitel and a man adding united states has engaged in intensive diplomacy to bring an end to the hostilities and reduce tensions. egypt. foreign minister, sammy suca, he's now in ramallah for talks for the palestinian authority. he's due to speak later this. we're going to bring you that alive. ballier he was in jordan, both foreign minister said it's important both israel and palestine, respect the sci fi agreement. his roof was mister egypt and george and we'll continue working together to keep an up on the legitimate rights of the palestinian people. we will ensure their creation of a palestinian state with eastern loosen as its capital. the palestinian cause is central to the conflict and the people there have sacrificed. a lot of our international regional partnerships are important to create the proper atmosphere to resolve the issue of the priority now is to coordinate and guarantee the
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truth is always respected and that there is no repetition of the israeli violations that exploded to the situation. and i am once again warning against the israeli siege of chic shara, it is very unwanted because this will escalate matters again. the issue over the illegitimate displacement of people must be dealt with and the international community must never elaborate. the violations that alaska mosque must also stop. now diplomatic, at a james base is joining us from west to room. it's going to be a tricky balancing act for us secretary of state antony blinking. isn't it? because he has to not only balance that between israel and the palestinians, but of course also with egypt and egypt has been leading, sees foreign negotiations. egypt played a very big role. i think it's interesting that you have had these meetings and all having these meetings taking place before secretary blinking arrives. and it's almost as though the palace and you know, authority,
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jordan and egypt are trying to get their positions aligned before they then deal with the united states. it's interesting that egypt had really very little contact with the biden administration before the final hours ahead of the seas fall, which was broken mainly by egypt. and egypt presidency was frozen out by president biden. hadn't had to call until those final hours. egypt, i think we'll be trying to look at this situation, but also looking at to use any diplomatic leverage from this to try and improve its situation with the us. pretty similar situation with the foreign minister shook re meeting the policy authority in the next hour for the policy and authority. because remember not only if they had very little contact with the biden administration, they had no contact for the last 2 years with the trumpet ministration. so when secretary blend came,
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does meet president abbas on wednesday. we think that that will be a pretty key meeting. the 1st high level meeting between a us figure and the palestinian president for 2 years and clearly important meetings as well. when secretary blinking goes to jordan and probably meets senior jewelry at dining and officials, i suspect also the king during that visit. jordan, very concerned about what happens in jerusalem is the custodian of the holy sites in occupied east, east jerusalem. and clearly concerned by the level of protests that they've seen on the streets with a large palestinian population and the delicate situation at home. different concerns from jordan and egypt. everyone looking ahead to the key event, which is the blinking visit. and another part of that, of course, is going to be under the bank and having to explain to the people involved in these negotiations. the biden administration's initial response,
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but also it's support for israel right from the get go. it's going to, he's gonna have to try again a fine line and explain why the biden administration has taken that stands. and yet the u. s. is determined to be central to these negotiations central to negotiations. yes. and he is saying all the right things in some ways he's saying that we now need to have a way of restoring hope and respect to palestinians. but that is where the negotiations, i think will focus. they are not going to focus on actively restarting negotiations, direct negotiations between israelis and palestinians. so i think that may well disappoint some of those that he's going to meet. probably won't disappoint these ready? prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we're going to have a phase of diplomacy, but it's not back to trying to get both sides round the table to,
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to deal with the fundamental problem of how you create a 2 state solution that i think is still for now being put on hold and prepared to be corrected when we see secretary blan blanket, but from everything that i am reading and hearing from state department officials. and from the interviews, the secretary lincoln is giving. it doesn't sound like they're prepared to make a big push at diplomacy on the big issue. i diplomatic at a james bay is talking to us from west to islam. james, thanks very much for days into this. he's 5 palestinians are clearing out the rubble during the air strikes. residential towers were demolished and families given little warning of attacks. and ta neighborhoods have been devastated. already faucet visited beta le here in northern garza, on the 4th night of the war, we watched as israeli artillery launched a huge attack on guard. israel latest said it was a deception to may come, i think an invasion was coming. the effect here in beta here was death and
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displacement. there were no telephone warnings here. nasa, ferris tells me about the 4 children he lost that evening. they died just a few short steps away where they gathered with the family on the 1st day of eat. now there are just reminders here of lives ended in the teens and twenties. i saw them, i was overwhelmed. i fell down. i woke up 15 minutes later, i asked what had happened. they said nothing. i went back in and saw the bodies again. it's not bodies, just pieces all over this area. suits about. i do like it incredibly. there were also 2 survivors, a 13 year old girl and 8 months old cousin at the rough man's father was 1st told he was dead then that he being transferred to the main hospital in garza city. which founded he was colored in blood. he was sitting in, i see you for 5 hours and there was one fragment in his that it was serious injury
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. and there was lots of shrapnel all over his body. but others were killed in separate glass. this is 2 doors down from the romans house. at 45 year old woman killed on her stairway. we've been seeing morning tends like this one being set up pretty much everywhere we go around garza usually. they are outside a specific home, a specific family. this one is for an entire neighborhood. the fake invasion was designed to send hammers, and other fighters into tunnels and defensive positions, only to be hit by artillery and air strikes of massive, concentrated power. and military spokesman told me dozens were believed to be killed. from a distance the landscape around butler, he does contain what could be new damage. we could only though, see from a distance, hamas does not allow the open filming of military installations still less damaged ones. invade le here nasa, ferris insist, there was no military target anywhere near his devastated street. across the street . i asked of the rough months father what he now hopes for, for his son's life,
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peace and safety. he says. as for all children articles it, i'll just hear a northern garza, there's been a stopping and tagging occupied east jerusalem israeli forces say the attacker has been killed. one soldier has died. another one is injured, and on con is outside. they are like the most skin occupied east jerusalem. well, there was a stabbing incident not far away from where i'm standing on the bar live road outside the national police headquarters to soldiers was stopped by palestinian man . he's ready, police say the senior man stop the soldiers was neutralized for that. reed, he was shot dead. it's only adding to the atmosphere and the tension in occupied history. islam. in the last 15 minutes, we had lots of sirens. lots of police cars raced by plus all the vehicles out on the street. but let me show you what that tension looks like in reality. the border guards, the israeli police, that you can just see questioning
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a man in orange. they've come out of the boat, a post guard post rather which is where they normally say they've come out in front of damascus gate. and what they doing right now is searching any palestinian under the age of $45.00. they weren't doing the earlier on in the morning. this is post the incident, they likely that they're going to be there for more of the day. and it's this kind of thing palestinian say is something that makes that life incredibly difficult. but clearly israel says, well, if they're all subbing incidence taking place, the security of people is foremost and the palestinian israeli man have been arrested and israel central city of lead is any forces say that were involved in protests and accused of attacking public and israeli properties a state of emergency was declared and led after writing by palestinian israelis 48 people have been arrested since the escalation of the violence
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leaders across europe are accusing bella luce, of hijacking and piracy, after the forced landing of a passenger jet there, calling for sanctions after bellows compelled, the plane to ground in mid scan arrested. a bela russian activist aircraft on route from greece to lithuania, was bella, russian aerospace, when the pilot was given a false bomb threat and diverted to minutes about loose. it's kind of jet, but denies the ryan airplane was forced to land same the crew were merely given recommendations, but islands, foreign minister says the grounding of the irish carrier amongst a state sponsored aviation piracy. and along with a condemnation that demands for the release of journalists, roman processing, which it was pulled off the plane and arrested the excited about the russian opposition leaders, atlanta to kind of sky or says she fears for his life, poll brennan has more the interception of ryan, at flight 4978, is now a full blown international diplomatic crisis. salary state media offense,
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president lucas shank personally ordered a military just to escort the passenger plane away from your roots and diverted to minsk. it's an act with european leaders, have branded state sponsored piracy, and there is now intense pressure for stone response flight track, as sites shared the ryan our flight from athens to vilnius change course. just 2 minutes from the lithuanian border. bella luce traffic control had flagged a supposed bama le to the aircraft, then scrambled a fighter jet to make doubly sure, the plane came to minsk, the target of the extraordinary intervention with this man. roman protests of rich and opposition. journalist and blogger, who fled belarus. after president lucas shanker claimed victory and last august disputed election fellow passengers on the plains say he reacted to the interception 1st with disbelief and then resignation. one minute he was like 20 negotiate but nothing to do,
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but i feel that i didn't find him real, something like that. the incident will dominate the summit of european leaders gathering in brussels later on monday, nato will consider its response when it meets on tuesday. there are demands for yet more sanctions against lucas shanker and his closest officials, as well as call to suspend all transit from dollars. if you look, the shanker is sort of testing the, the tolerance of the you showing that he can get along with, even at the, at the background of a strange relations with the west and being under sanctions and condemnation. and his legitimacy is not recognized by you literature can still make this powerful moves. prosecutors opponents even those who managed to escape route. alexander lucas shanker has been fellows, president, since 1994, a leader described in some quarters of europe. last dictator. the man who has
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a record of harshly repressing defense, if he is strongly supported by his ally, russia. he played the trump card thing that we, together with russia. i against the west against your bunkers and new purities. and that's what he's playing, and he is playing this card in order to ensure a russian support russian money and russian influence in light of very mild and very appeasing sanctions or grew up in america. it's now and at $125.00 passengers departed from athens, and only $121.00. arrived in vilnius lending credence to report the protests of which had been followed onto the plane by bella, roost intelligence agents. the middle interception is looking less and less like an opportunistic act, a more like a planned and coordinated snatch operation. and the dilemma for the west is how to respond to that whole brennan al jazeera. but the more ahead on the news,
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our including political crisis in some on the swearing in ceremony is held for the pacific on a nation's 1st female leader. predecessor refuses to give up power and lu pulled off one of the biggest shops and european football seasons, details coming out in the sport. ah, i said me and my de facto leader also a suit. she has appeared in court for the 1st time since of february to speaking to her lawyer. she set her national leave for democracy. party would continue to exist as long as people exist and lawyers matter for about 30 minutes. instead, she appeared healthy. so she faces charges of incitement to sedition, violating state secrets and other offences has been under house arrest since her government was overthrown. david madison's and independent analysts don't be in law, he says suji has been targeted earlier,
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but this time young citizens are not likely to accept the military's move. i think she's probably at the same level of risk that she's paying for the park more than 30 years. i mean, we're entering the full decade of this kind of military repression against or off that she's, she's been here before. it was 12 years ago that she was on trial to extend her how to rest order so that she couldn't run in the, in the election. i think this is a very dangerous game, but the military flying and i don't think many people in the country going to put up with them. and for at least many people, they will rally around and, and other leaders of the day and not put up with it. and then the military is going to take all of these other people in the country that a furious that they want to fighting back in any different way. in many respect, this is a much messy, a more complicated resistance to military rule. and i think the capital, the both of the st and several and for many older people,
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supporters of the data being through this before the party was made illegal and subject great repression during the 900 not to them, and many members incarcerated and tortured and even an even keel, so for a lot of older support, this is form a very good day. you know, they've been through this before. but for all the 1st time voters and others, the youngest supporters of the day, they're going to say that's what it is, which is a naked paragraph on the part of the motor that's discredit on saturday and the party. and i don't think people will fight, as opposed to the military. jones has seized a police station in the eastern time of year on sunday. it was set on fire, at least 13 security force members were captured or killed. and also facing any 4 months of a violent cracked on a growing number of young protest as a joining ethnic rebel groups. scott jaila has the story. the increasing numbers of protests are transitioning from stand offs on the street
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to military weapons training in the jungle. fronted by some of the ethnic armies that have been fighting me and my security forces for decades. last month in the city of fargo, north of yan gone, protesters faced one of the deadliest crackdowns by security forces. more than 80 people were killed. this activist from bogo was there, he was shotwell on the streets, protesting he does not want to be identified. he said the security forces were using rocket propelled grenades. after that day, he and 9 other activists wanted to do more. so they left a train with one of the korean ethnic armies, and i've seen the ethnic car, an army fight with me and my army on social media. i saw the car in groups fighting together against the army. i'm grateful for everybody that supports each other in the crisis right now. i want democracy to turn to mind more and that fighting has intensified in the career control areas since the coo and february,
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sending civilians fleeing for their lives into hiding 18 year old dog, guy lore is ethnic korean and she has witness the fighting between the rebels and the me, m r. army sits, she was a girl. she started training after finishing high school initially refusing to learn how to use firearms. but that changed once she saw the attacks on her, people come out with that. i want to help people and i want to have freedom in our lives. i don't want to just taking advantage of the people that the reason by the burmese protest is coming to walk out to receive training. so the majority from our ethnic group historically has not become involved with the ethnic rebel armies. that's changing. so what you have is the ethnic bama and the ethnic minorities coming together to fight against the common enemy, which is a military that has running a mock. and this extends also to the you, the gen ed youth in, in places like mandalay and young on. now have common cause with the ethnic youth,
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whether it be the qur'an or the kitchen, or the crania the mon use. even though the 2 groups have different views and experiences in fighting the army at the end of the month long training, they're drawn closer together and what appears to be a growing and more unified front against the justice forces. scott hyler al jazeera around told the un nuclear watchdog is going to extend a monitoring deal with the agency for a month. the 3 month deal agreed and february was set to end this month. around a told a regulator, it would no longer have access to data from its nuclear facilities. once the agreement expired. that threat and ongoing talks from vienna to reinstate the 2015 nuclear deal between the u. s. and other world powers, the equipment and the verification and monitoring and activities that we agreed will continue ass. now us the are now for one month,
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expiring. then on a june 24, 2020. what i said begs intact ron, and he explains why iran has agreed to the extension what they're saying to the i am the western powers, is that although there had agreed a 3 month temporary agreement of extended it to allow for those negotiations in vienna to have some sort of, breakthrough of some sorts of an agreement. and the initial agreement meant that after 3 months, that footage, that data collected at those specific nuclear sites or sites would be deleted. no, only thing they won't delete, it will continue to recording for another month. and then if an agreement is reached they would handle that for dish to the i a e a so they could carry out their verifying and monitoring activities. so, but so iran is essentially saying to the united states and the western powers is that you have one month now that the 24th of june deadline retake iran. and those countries past the presidential elections we just set to take place at the end of
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june. read the 18th of june, so it does give them a short timeframe. but iran has said that they are close to reach in some sort of agreement, but iran position still remains the same. they want all sanction lifted before they return to their commitments. as part of that 2015 nuclear deal. iran also wants to verify that those sanctions have been lifted. and if an agreement is reached, then the i a e, a de axis will be reinstated in the world as a war against covered 19. that's a declaration from the head of the un. antonio terrace was addressing health ministers from all of the world that took part in a virtual world health. assembly session is focusing on post pandemic reforms. john house following the meeting from london, and he says, ministers have spoken of being at war with the virus and criticize any inequity in the distribution of vaccines. doctor ted ross and to an extent secretary general,
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good harris as well in those comments, pointing to the sort of wider point and purpose of this w h o assembly gathering of a 194 members its annual assembly in this the in this case this year the purpose is reform, namely to pick up on 3 independent investigations that have collectively. so to pointed the finger at the w h. o, in its response to the pandemic, saying it was too slow that it was inefficient, that the member states didn't coordinate sufficiently with one another. member stations. institutions themselves were woefully under pret, prepared and evidence for that is in the vaccine shortages around the world. the w h o 's own kovacs initiative aimed at getting doses to the developing world is very low on supply because the serum institute in india, its chief supplier, has stopped exporting vaccines so that it can deal with the situation in india. specifically, on this talk over the next 9 days of the member states coming up with the sort of
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bones of a global pandemic treaty for future pandemic, specifically to deal with these sorts of problems. but mister ted ross, having to deal with the situation as it is his call going out to member states to particularly the rich world who hoarded vaccine doses, to hand them over as quickly as they can to kovacs. and for vaccines suppliers to commit up to 50 percent of their production in the coming year to kovacs and to the developing world. more than 300000 people in india have now officially died from covered 19 making it the 3rd country to cross the milestone. journalists, doctors and stuff that come atoria say, many debts aren't being counted, andy housman is reported, 4400 fatalities on monday. and then all the state of punjab says vaccine make a mcdonough has declined its request for more jobs. with major shortages, several states are trying to get more supplies. giovanni has opened its 1st mass vaccination centers ahead of the tokyo olympics in 2 months time. it's racing to
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inoculate thousands of elderly people as it battles. a 4th wave of infections. some government buildings until you have been converted to accommodate the demand. in argentina, many intensive care units are almost full country bottles, a new wave of cobra, 1900 cases. the countries back under locked on the economy is struggling. and that's why my reports from one status we've been here before the start of the pandemic. it was grim then, but it seems much worse now. then there was hope the virus could be contained later, the vaccines would provide salvation. that so far hasn't been the case. so we can see, and i'm very aware, i mean, fully aware these restrictions create difficulties. faced with this reality, there's no choice but to choose the preservation of life. i'm not going to accept
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this amount of contagion or death as something natural yes. only essential businesses remain open. school is a close or religious social and sporting events have been suspended. or non essential workers mistake home between 6 in the evening and 6 in the morning sierra to say i don't, i'm going back a year when he's worse because people are worst of economically. yeah. feeling down . in other words, everything is going backwards. everything backward up, but i mean that, but i think it's good because this way we can control it because the virus going to be controlled. any other way should be more than 9 days. the may 15 days would be good. the 2nd wave is killing an average of nearly $500.00 people a day, one of the worst per capita rates in the world. another cold, mr. of all day when a fire is no it's ago and nothing to do with the corona virus more virulent. and before and the vaccine flow to arrive,
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most he reluctantly accept the nother lockdown is the only way to fight the virus. less than 5 percent of people in argentina receive both maxine be more more than 90 percent of intensive care beds in some regions are occupied. health workers are exhausted. the locked down those on entwined. there are 201 a cyrus for the weather. here's jeff. hello, 1st things 1st i'll take the rates of the bay ban gall, where this disturbance has now formed into a psychologic storm. the winds, a 130 kilometers per hour. but here's the thing. it's going to continue to intensify as it makes landfall on wednesday. so here's where we think that will happen tuesday into wednesday, northern areas of odessa, there's the eye of this storm. so a dish and west spin goal are going to be impacted big time by this. and it's concerning because it's such a low line areas where we could see up to $300.00 millimeters of rain. we do have
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a batch of rain moving across the korean peninsula on tuesday, it's going to settle into the sea of japan and some heavy rain toward taiwan, where we have the worst stroke conditions in more than half a century. check out what happens on wednesday. our plum brains really set up along the yangtze river valley will hon to shanghai by thursday. we may see 75 millimeters of rain as this pushes through. ok, before we go, let's take it to the middle east right now, and we do have some gusty winds into kuwait. that's kicking up the sand and dust with a high of 45 degrees. but you know, wait, you may also see some thunder storms and we do have weather warnings in play for the dust and sand being kicked up toward northwest sections of oman. still ahead an order 0 gonna is facing an unemployment crisis. and young people, a calling for change struggling to get onto the property ladder. how england's overheated housing market is pushing prices out of reach for many kind of support
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the state voters who have a limited screens, shaft to all the details coming up later on in the program. a on kindly because china is in terms of millions of wiggle, has less than companies grambling plus one compliant change off the huge job loss way and will the tourism industry recover philosophy, how robot could transform things right? counting the old al jazeera frank assessments that the government in 11 exactly have and what major taking situation might not be just again informed opinions is the us with thinking military positioning them. and it was just simply of reorganizing military. this is a message to the region that the united states is rethinking its military foster. in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our jazeera
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play, an important role protecting human face in ah ah, i want you to see that reminder of our top stories. this are the secretary of state, departing for a mid trip to firm. up 5, jo sees 5 between israel and palestine. washington, the place to rebuild garza after israeli air strikes, left tens of thousands homeless, a latest calling for sanctions and bella luce, after what they say was the hijacking of
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a commercial airliner. a faint bomb threat forced the plane to land, so an opposition journalist could be arrested me on my own side. so she has appeared in court for the 1st time since february military could to set a national lead for democracy. party would continue to exist as long as people exist. she's been in detention since her government was overthrown. a suspect accused of war crimes in sedans, da for conflict has appeared before the international criminal court for the 1st time. rockman is charged with $31.00 tons of crimes against humanity, including rape and the killing of civilians. it was a leader of the genre, weed militia when the war began in 2003. the, i think conflict between various on groups killed 300000 people and displaced 2000000. the evidence shows that mister man was a knowing, willing and energetic perpetrator of these crimes. he played a crucial role,
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leading attacks, committing murderous ordering, other murderous, the victims of the suspects, crimes, countless and their suffering. immense. the pain inflicted on the victims of these crimes persists here by morgan's in cartoon. she says the hearing is a milestone for justice. now let's remember who annie after a minor article shape as he is known as he's the head of the gender lead, which is responsible or accused of work crimes and crimes against humanity in human rights atrocities in the western region of dar 4. during the del, for worth in 2003, up until 201213. so that group agenda, we'd have been accused of atrocities, of human rights violations, as well as work crimes and crimes against humanity. and the man was a part of that group. he is also a member of the paramilitary popular defense force. and he was responsible for
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commanding forces in the western region of r, for specifically west r for that's where the accusations of those were crimes and crimes against humanity come from. now, the transitional government has signed an agreement with international criminal court thing that they want to see just being deliberate for a lot of people, especially people into, for who are 0 spoken to over the past years. they say that they want to make sure that those who are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity and their displacement being held to account. and one of the reasons i am the man had himself over to the i, c. c, according to statements, is that he was worried about the sudanese transitional government, which says it's keen on delivering just a resting him and that he prefers the i c c. so this is something that a lot of people say they wanted to see happening for a long time since the work crimes reports of war crimes started showing up and are for. so this is indeed a milestone in terms for delivering justice for people in the capital as an
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associate director with the international justice program of human rights watch. he's joining us about from new york. thanks very much indeed for being with us. how do you think people into photo reacting to this this is such an important moment for people in dar 4 who have had no accountability for widespread crimes committed across dar for they've waited more than 15 years to see any moves towards justice and seeing the job leader alley crushed in the job in these hearings to see that the case goes to trial. that's what the judges will be assessing today. whether this week, whether or not there's sufficient evidence that the prosecution is put forward, is a truly important moment for those who suffered the crimes to have access to justice. the must still be concerns, however, that even though the process has begun, that as you say, there is still evidence that has to be produced. the case has to go forward. there
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must be concerns among some people that what they believe to be justice may not be carried out if they don't get the result that they are hoping for. the that's always part of the process in criminal proceedings, and it's important not only that alleged perpetrator space just in the process, the fair and that it be based on adequate evidence. so the just plain important role in assessing the adequacy of the evidence. but let's not forget that today's case, and the heating in today's case are one piece of a larger puzzle. and i'm thinking here of the out standing fugitives, former president and omar bashir and 3 others who are still stopped by the international criminal court to face charges for dark work crime as well. and we are looking to the student as authorities to transfer those remaining suspects to the international per month. or how confident can you be that the city needs
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authorities will do that, particularly in the case of the former president, it's important to note the transitional government has made clear it commit to justice and to cooperate with the international criminal court. so to make those commitments meaningful, they do need to transfer the suspects to the international criminal court. there's an outstanding express legal obligation that is part of the un security council resolution that center for to the international court that provides us to dan must cooperate with the international criminal court. and time is moved on. so whether or not they might be considering trying the suspects at home. there's an outstanding obligation to transfer and surrender assess back after wish there could be further engagement and interaction with the key to assess further options. but
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right now, the key is that if the student needs authorities are serious about their commitment to justice and to cooperate with the i t c, there is no more time to wait in transferring no suspects. and he's kept with the international justice program at human rights watch, and we appreciate your being and i'll just, you know, thank you very much. indeed. my pleasure. thanks so much. there's been another unprecedented twist in the political crisis gripping the pacific island nation of some law. the leader of the opposition fast party has been sworn in as prime minister during an ad hoc ceremony that a rival says was unconstitutional. alexia bryan reports. sienna not only about the affair, took the oath of office and attained outside sama with parliament. she was due to be sworn and inside the 100 nations 1st female prime ministers, but was locked out by the parliamentary speaker. the head of the legislative office
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locked the building so we could decide the supreme court ordering parliament to reconvene the chief justice and fellow judges joining a march to the building. concerned to the rule of law wasn't being followed by will also kept out. and that's because this man caretaker prime minister to l i. s i lily malia oil. he's been in office for 22 years since the ceremony was unconstitutional. at the time there was only one governor and the custodian governor. but to it is also refusing to be sworn in saying a part of psalm with constitution covering the number of women and parliament hasn't been observed. analysts say it's because he doesn't have the numbers to lead . i would say that it's what the nice thing aspects of the constitution to maintain power. there was a free fair and transparent election that happened in mind. april and member of the
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parliament were elected. the people spoke and democracy was absurd. it just hasn't been carried out. so you may say she went ahead with the swearing in as she has the numbers she needs. and because parliament must search within 45 days of the election, monday was the last day. the power struggle began when fiance, who was once to allay his deputy broke ranks and started a new party, criticising her former boff 5 months. this dog of the 1st prime minister of san juan with 3 other politicians, was able to get the support of the diaspora, but also san ones across the nation. the outcome will affect not only saw more stability, but also its relationship with china. with b, m a promising to scrap $100000000.00 port project backed by beijing pacific neighbors. a watching closely. we hold
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a huge amount of trust and faith and the institutions and some are in the judiciary and the democracy. and of course, and the outcome that the election delivered and alco would simply be for all of those things to be upheld. many and sama urging derive in parties to come together and find a way out of it's unprecedented constitutional crisis. alex o'brien al jazeera, the family of george, florida, and those of other black victims of police violence and the u. s. have gathered to commemorate his death tuesday, march 1 years since his killing response protest around the world. the officer found guilty of murder is awaiting sentencing and many said they'll continue to demand justice. why kind of reports minneapolis? ha, ha ha ha. people gather to remember george floyd who went out for a packet of cigarettes just under
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a year ago and ended up dead at the hands or knee of a white police officer yards fried, should not go down in here. say has just some one. would it be on the mic? george fraud should go down. is the state that broke the neck up? well, racism, or lose brutality, and least he li, gathered to i will stand and be the voice for him. i was fit and be the change for him. i will spare could see you to be the legacy for him. by and the defendant guilty, derek show, who has been found guilty of murder and manslaughter, and will be sentenced on the 25th of next month. you cannot separate just from pete, but the debate continues to rage as to whether meaningful police reform is taking place. how can they reform something without including not,
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once you can't reform anything, you don't exclude the people who are directly affected by want to go up amount. but we finally got to the base of the man we didn't get to the face. now we're at the base of them, but it's still a mountain eye off to the rallies over those. remembering george floyd, reclaim some streets of downtown minneapolis. the numbers significantly smaller than the 10s of thousands who marched here in the months after the murder remain the president to a place then we'll just talk. there will be a new law mike. oh, just minneapolis in the us is imposed economic insecurity restrictions on e. c. o, p r over it's that role and alleged abuses in the region. it will not get visas to
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e, c o p. and that a train government officials implicated in the killings of thousands of people since november. the secretary of state says the actions aimed at forcing if you appear to resolve the crisis which began after regional forces attacked federal military bases in t great young people in ghana facing rising unemployment. even highly qualified graduates have difficulty finding work. the government's promising to spend millions of dollars to fix the problem. but that's done. little duplicate critics who say corruption is to blame even to booker reports from the capital action. more. thank you. god rated was a degree in economics 3 years ago, but has been no help in finding the job. he guessed by some into and in 10 business days to support himself. his mother and 2 brothers from one house, 2000000 before you get the job. and that is across the newspaper,
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getting jobs when i, physician, not married. so if this is what's going on, how can the country move forward? your unemployment is one of the biggest challenges donna is guessing where nearly 10 percent of the moment on the world bank. it will have to percentage young people are channeling give restriction in math action. no police to be ready, but not the moment. critics of the government have taken their protest online under the hutch top fix, the big country is gone. the biggest online movement so far tells them have joined in resent today, and more i run into the course, especially young people. the grievances include challenges from job to full prices and erotic water supplies to poor health care and corruption. our biggest problem
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is our ship. by governmental fisher, some people have worked with content and this, and you seems the government about the government to spend $200000000.00 to encourage the private sector to have more young people. we are 1st tracking the implementation of that to 200000000 jobs and skills program and economic transformation program to enhance the job creation significantly as an leader, nanette referred to frequently called for us now and is 2nd term as president. he is calling for patients. many people see the a waited long enough, even at the book of arches 0 gone on. the property market in london is booming despite a downturn in the u. k. economy, due to the pandemic, prices are being driven up. but economists warning of a market crash me bulk of reports from london,
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but the latest in our cities in devising cost of housing, choosing westlan, one of the case most desirable areas. the economy may have nosedive during the pandemic, but the housing markets booming with a number of sales at their highest since records began on the market. there's 3 and a half $1000000.00 home. remote working normalized during the pandemic means the sellers no longer need to be in the capital for work. and many buyers looking for more space, especially outside. so 180000 transactions is what the government data is anticipating for march 2021. and that's the highest level on record since the they record the data from 2005. so it's, it's miles above what we, what we typically say. the average across the last 16 years has been sac 80000 transactions a month. housing market is so important to the nation's economy, that the british government simply couldn't let it fail,
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which is why it introduced a property tax holiday, allowing buyers to save thousands of dollars on purchases. buyers was, are allowed to take 95 percent mortgages from banks. and lending agencies, the problem is in cities such as london, they're simply old enough houses with the kind of space, especially gardens that people now want. and we've seen house prices go up steadily by several $1000.00 every month. according to recent findings, most people in the u. k. thing owning a home is more important than getting married early retirement for the countries no exception. house prices have risen in many big western cities. fueled by a mix of low interest rates, land shortages and construction that cannot keep up with demand. when the british government cove at 19 support schemes such as the property tax holiday come to an end in the next few months, the bubble worn economists who 1st house prices now higher than
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they've ever been before. anything, it's not stable positions that we're now in, particularly given that the half of the holiday from stamp duty is time limited. people know when it's going to stop. so when it stops that may trigger quite a significant reaction, particularly as the economists service as well. the over heated markets also push price is well beyond the reach of many, especially 1st time buyers. for the past 20 years, prices of our pace, the rise in average earnings despite the current surge and sales that just simply aren't enough. affordable houses available for many buyers owning a home has rarely felt quite so insecure. the fall can. i'll just era london. the still ahead and i'll just 0 history is made of the pga championship golf action coming up in just a
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with me.
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ah ah ah. the southern sport, his son, are you very much a rob? well, we thought with gulf in history was made at the p. j. 10 bishop phil mickelson, won the title to become the oldest player to win a gulf major sal malik reports without further ado. foyce now i want to make 50 years old. the us, the phil mickelson has become goeth, oldest major champion by winning the p. j championship. is main challenge. brooks kept go made and work hard for the when momentum turned several times in the final
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round and kept to himself even spend time at the top of the leaderboard. but nothing was going to stop mickelson. he turned back the clock, reminding everyone of the form that helped him win 5 previous majors. off the burden on the 16th for 3 stroke, lead. the result, the inevitable. and by the final hole, a record breaking when was beckoning. yeah, the fans on hand could hardly contain their excitement. mickelson did have a slight stuck on the green. nonetheless, he would go on to seal a memorable to shop the victory. 50 years, 11 months, 7 days you are the oldest, major championed in history. yeah. yeah. and this is just an incredible feeling because i just believed that it was possible,
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but yet everything was saying it was. and i hope that others find that inspiration . it might take a little extra work, a little bit harder, effort to maintain physically or maintain this the skills. but gosh, is it worth it a history making day? and one that few girlfriends with, they get in a hurry to have malick g 0 or al madrid defend federal ramos has been left of spain squadron for the european championships. 5 year old has struggled with fitness, the season, and only started 15 games and let ega is the 1st time the center back has been left out of the national team for major tournament since your 2004. since then he's helped his country when the wolf cup and 2 european championships have one francis tub division for the 1st time in a decade. they beat ours out to one that to finish it, just the point ahead of defending champion by salma in the table. p s you would
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have won the title 7 times in the last 8 seasons, they beat us to nil and their game, but it wasn't enough. one call finished a 3rd the. well, the tramp was greeted with wild celebrations on the streets of lin thousands parties late into the night. no fans, of course. or the magic guest tutuco with 19 restrictions in italy. event is made it into the champions league, but only just that they had to beat bonia. and the final theory match which they did for once chris down or and although didn't even feature, but when wouldn't have been enough on its own you. they also needed napoli to drop points, and things went in their favor as not, but he could only draw with halo federal. and i mean, you finished a point above them in full livable until they have secured champ is eager football for next season. but less to have missed out. said you money school twice for
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liverpool as they be crystal palace to now and failed to finish said in the permitting. chelsea will be to by asking villa, but ended up sneaking into the top 4 because left the lost their match against them . and here's a confirmation then the liverpool and the season, the 3rd on 69 points ahead of chelsea listed just to the point further behind in 5th and having to settle for european league next season where time we'll join them in that competition after the highest for emily finish in 22 years. yeah, it's big. it's big. come on. somebody would have told me weeks ago, 56810 weeks ago we can finish this season if it was absolutely out of reach. that was that felt impossible, but certainly obviously bitterly disappointed. and it hurts at the moment, but we will do for a few days. fighting through this and finishing here is the best lesson on the 3rd
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is the best less than you can. you can learn for life. i couldn't be more happy that i'm that that was around when that happened again, from nowhere, reflect on what the players have given despite the obstacles, with my injuries, nothing else. and yeah, i'll be of great pride and what the chief, the season can his manchester city fast advocate and 5 mil with sergio. whereas point twice on the final primitive appearance for the club cities. old time top score is moving on after 10 years as it has stadium and manage a pip. guardiola was reduced to tears when paying tribute to him after the much isn't, especially for the me a lot of good we can replace them. we get not a team of australian skateboarders would disqualify the form an limpid
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qualifying event in the united states. after 3 members of the squad tested positive for corona virus. the teammates were also barred from competing self isolate australia started vaccinating is actually 2 weeks ago after the national limbic committee secured approval for power to access to vaccines. k boarding will make its lympics debbie at the tokyo games which starts on july. the 23rd. we are saying replace games is that if they're very different games and we just have to accept that there's going to be unfortunate consequences for some people who can't make the guys. but daniel will go ahead and that's a great thing for the athletes the world. and that's always for, for me, we'll have more for you later on with far smell. but for now one hand you back to up. santa thanks very much indeed. and that's it for me, but i'll be back in
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a couple minutes with more of the days news, including more in the us secretary state department for the middle east trip to try to shore up that sci fi between israel and the palestinians by ah, the world of high frequency share trading, exposed, i had this engine that was basically trading. i couldn't last. $30000000.00 was a terrifying experience. artificial intelligence as rates for stakes and wrists on the money markets. there's markets go faster, faster. we're opening up the possibility for an instability, for no money bought on our jesse or discover a world of difference determination. i'm coming down, we are moving the freedom shot. so
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the 16 people corruption and compassion, the just 0 world selection of the best films from across our network of channels. on march, 15th, 2019 zealand sense of security, which was 51 people was shot dead into christ church. another 40 wounded when a gunman began shooting at a christ church, moth with tech worship and attending the friday service. for those who lost loved ones finding ways to deal with the trauma. it's crucial. she gave me and she asked me, what was mom? i told her mom was with me 4 months later, i feel much quiet and i feel much more calm and really focused with my life. let us
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love when love doesn't close once and it makes your heart happier. my heart, if he doesn't bring any last foot into a symbol, let us practice the stepping up international efforts to ensure laughing peace between israel and palestine. top diplomats push to make sure a 4 day cease fire can hold a robot this, and this is a life. and we'll have also coming up international outrage as bella ruth is accused of air piracy and kidnapping. after diverting a flight and detaining an opposition activist.


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