tv News Al Jazeera May 24, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm +03
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with my life, let us love one. love doesn't cost one cent. makes your heart happier. my heart if he doesn't bring any loss for a symbol. let us practice this. the stepping up international efforts to ensure lost in peace between israel and palestine. top diplomats push to make sure a 4 day cease fire can hold a number about this, and this is just a life from dill, have also coming up international outrage as bella ruth is accused of air piracy and kidnapping. after diverting a flight and detaining an opposition activist ousted later on,
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so she makes her 1st court appearance a military crew and says her party will exist as long as people exist. political crisis and some of the pacific island nation swears in its 1st female prime minister, but the predecessor refuses to give up power. ah, secretary of state onto the blanket is traveling to the middle east days into the israel palestine sees far. president joe biden has said his quiet and relentless diplomacy helped and the conflict, but the bible ministration is facing growing criticism over its support for israel . any attacks of kill 248 palestinians in gaza, while 13 people have been killed in israel. as rockets were far from garza and the blank and as treated that he's traveling to jerusalem ramallah. title and among i think the united states has engaged in intensive diplomacy to bring an end to the
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hostilities and reduce tensions. egypt foreign minister shook his in ramallah for talks for the palestinian authority. and here he was in georgia and both pharmacist said it's important both israel and palestine respect the cease fire agreement. his roof was mister egypt and george and we'll continue working together to keep an uphold the legitimate rights of the palestinian people. we will insure the creation of a palestinian state with eastern cities as its capital. the palestinian cause is central to the conflict and the people there have sacrificed. a lot of our international regional partnerships are important to create the proper atmosphere to resolve the issue and learn about the priority now is to coordinate and guarantee the truth is always respected and that there is no repetition of the israeli violations that exploded to the situation. and i am once again warning against the israeli siege of chic shara, it is very unwanted because this will escalate matters again. the issue over the
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illegitimate displacement of people must be dealt with and the international community must never elaborate. the violations at alaska mosque must also stop on our diplomatic editor, james base is joining us from west to jerusalem. james must be a lot of speculation about what can actually be achieved during anthony lincoln's visit, given the level of distrust. of course, there is on both sides in the fact that nothing seems to have changed since the seas far began. know, in many ways we are back to the old status quo. this though, is the 1st visit by a senior official from the biden administration. now, in office for 4 months and the formal announcement we've known about the visit for days, but the formal announcement to the visit, which came a couple of hours ago, came in a press release from the white house. president biden issuing a statement declaring that this visit was about to take place and the visit will
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take place in the matter hours. and i think that putting the personal imprint of the president on it, showing that sex treat blinkin, his talk, foreign policy official, has his, the president of dorothy, when he's here on this particular trip. the statement from the white house said that it was on the railey side, going to reflect the iron clad commitment that the u. s. has to israel security. and on the palestinian side, it said they were going to rebuild ties with palestinians after years of neglect. so that setting the scene, i think from the white house, for lincoln's visits, also in the last hour or so. there has been a briefing to reporters state department reporters by a senior administration official. now that i think was interesting because lots of those reporters asked the obvious question, which is yes, you're talking about humanitarian aid. yes, you're talking about reconstruction and funding to help palestinians. but what
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about the fundamental problem? what about trying to get a 2 state solution? what about restarting negotiations between direct negotiations between israelis and palestinians? of those questions we're all batted away with exactly the same answer. we're focusing right now and making sure the seas fostex. james, as i mentioned before, egypt foreign ministers, i'm sure creek is in ramallah for talks for the palestinian authorities. he previously today held talks with the jordanian foreign minister. it's significant business. but those talks are taking place, a hand all the us secretary of state arriving well, they are exactly the people that the us secretary of state is going to be meeting. he is going to be meeting, we think, in this order, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. then he's going to go and see balancing, you know, 30 president boss. that'll be the 1st day of his visit. and the 2nd day of the visit, we understand he'll be going to caro. i assume speaking to president cc and others
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that then ending the visit in jordan. well, i'm assume he will speak to officials there and possibly have a meeting with the king. it's almost as though some of the key players who will be meeting mr. blinking, wanted to speak together to get their position straight before meeting him. and of course was telling you who that who is not meeting. of course secretary blinking will be continuing the long standing policy of the u. s. a. not meeting hamas, so meeting everyone other than one of the most important players. james, thanks very much. indeed. that's james base diplomatic editor in west jerusalem. there's been a stopping attack in occupied east jerusalem israeli forces say the attackers be killed. one soldiers died. another one is injure him. i'm con. has more from occupied east tucson. well, there was a stabbing incident not far away from where i'm standing on the bar live road outside the national police headquarters to soldiers was stopped by palestinian
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israeli police say the senior man stop the soldiers was neutralized for that. reed, he was shot dead. it's only adding to the atmosphere and the tension in occupied history. islam in the last 15 minutes or so. fire and lots of police cars, grace light, i plus all me very close out on the street. but let me show you what that tension looks like. in reality. the border guards, sorry, the israeli police that you can just see questioning a man in orange. they've come out of the board post that god post rather which is where they normally say they've come out in front of damascus gate. and what they doing right now is searching any palestinian under the age of $45.00. they weren't doing the earlier on in the morning. this is post the incident that it's likely that they're going to be there for more of the day. and it's this kind of thing, palestinians say, is something that makes life incredibly difficult. but clearly, israel says, well,
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if they're all subbing incidence taking place, the security of all people is foremost your be leaders are accusing by the rules of hijacking. and piracy offered forced a passenger plane to land and then detained an opposition activist. the jet was diverted after reports of a bomb threat that calling for sanctions and an investigation into the incident which has been described as unacceptable port brendan has more the interception of ryan at flight 4978 is now a full blown international diplomatic crisis. salary, state media offense, president lucas shank personally ordered a military just to escort the passenger plane away from a shed your roots and diverted to minsk. it's an act with european leaders have branded state sponsored piracy, and there is now intense pressure for stone response flight track. as sites shared the ryan our flight from athens to vilnius change course, just 2 minutes from the lithuanian border. bella luce traffic control had flagged
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a supposed bama le to the aircraft, then scrambled a fight to jeff. to make doubly sure, the plane came to minsk. the target of the extraordinary intervention with this man, roman protests, of which an opposition journalist and blogger, who fled dollars after president lucas shanker. claim victory and last august disputed election fellow passengers on the plane say he reacted to the interception 1st with disbelief and then resignation. one minute it was like point negotiate me just to all but nothing to do, but i feel that i didn't find him real, something like that. the incident will dominate the summits of european leaders gathering in brussels. later on monday, nato will consider its response when it meets on tuesday, there are demands for yet more sanctions against lucas shank and his closest officials, as well as call to suspend all transit from dollars. if you look, the shanker is sort of testing the,
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the tolerance of the you showing that he can get along with, even at the, at the bed grounds of a strange relations with the west and being under sanctions and condemnation. and his legitimacy is not recognized by you literature can still make this powerful moves prosecuted his opponents, even those who managed to escape route. alexander lucas shanker has been fellows, president, since 1994, a leader described in some quarters of europe last dictator. the man who has a record of harshly repressing defense, if he is strongly supported by his ally, russia. he is the place, the trump card thing that we together with russia, against the west, against the bunker senior bureau. and that's what he's playing, and he is playing this card in order to ensure a russian support russian money and russian influence in light of very mild and
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very appeasing sanctions or grew up in america. it's down and at $125.00 passengers departed from athens, and only $121.00. arrived in vilnius lending credence to reports, the protests of which had been followed onto the plane by bella, roost intelligence agents. the middle interception is looking less and less like an opportunistic act, a more like a planned and coordinated snatch operation. and the dilemma for the west is how to respond to that whole brennan al jazeera. russia says the west reaction is shocking and accuses the west of hypocrisy. the foreign minister says bella says evidence which shows minsk, acted within international aviation law. latisha was still going 30. we are in favor of assessing the situation. not in a rush, not in a hurry on the bias of all available information reach well over the representative of the foreign ministry of ballard straits. the readiness of the bella, russian authorities to act in this matter transparently follow all international
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rules. and if necessary to ensure the reception of international expert, i think this is an absolutely reasonable approach. us miramar, defacto leader, also. so she has appeared in court for the 1st time since the february to speaking through her lawyer. she set her national leave for democracy, party would continue to exist as long as people exist. the lawyers met her for about 30 minutes and said she appeared healthy. so she faces in charges of instruct them to sedition, violating state secrets and other offences. she's been under house arrest since her government was overthrown. david matheson as an independent analyst on me and he says suit she has been targeted earlier, but this time young citizens are not likely to accept the military move. i think she's probably at the same level of risk that she's paying for the park more than 30 years. i mean, we're entering the full decade of this kind of military regression against or off
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that she's, she's been here before. it was 12 years ago that she was trying to extend her how to rest order so that she couldn't run in the, in the election. i think this is a very dangerous game that the military client and i don't think many people in the country are going to put up with them. and for at least many people, they will rally around on that and, and other leaders of the day and not put up with it. and then the military is going to all these other people in the country that a furious that they want to fighting back in any different way. in many respects, this is a much messy, a more complicated resistance to military rule than i think the capital, the both of the st and several and for many older people, supporters of the data being through this before the party was made illegal and was subject great repression during the night, not to them, and many members incarcerated and tortured and even an even keel. so for a lot of older support, this is form a very good
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a date for this before. but for all the 1st time voters and others, the youngest supporters of the day, they're going to say that's what it is, which is a nice paragraph on the part of the motor that's discredit authenticity and the party. and i don't think people will so had an i'll just hit the world's top court holds its 1st healing on death for one of the leaders of the johns. a weed armed group is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity, nuclear negotiations. iran exchanges monitoring agreements with the un watchdog for one month. ah, ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. hello, right off the bat. we're going to start in the bay of bengal where this disturbance has formed into a psychotic storm and it will continue to intensify over the next little while
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windsor right now. what a 130 kilometers per hour will become a very severe psychotic storm. that's equivalent to a low end category 3 hurricane. so we take it to state into wednesday project. it landfall there's the eye of the storm is in north odessa state, but this will also have an impact for westbank gall. and this is very concerned because these are low line areas that could be inundated with up to $300.00 millimeters of rain. off to asia pacific, we do have a batch of rain moving across the korean peninsula. it's going to settle into the sea of japan and we have some heavy bouts of rain for taiwan. not good news when you consider the region is suffering, it's worse stroke and more than half a century. watch what happens on wednesday. we really see our plumb brain set up across the yangtze river valley with hon to shanghai. by the end of thursday, we could see $75.00 millimeters of rain, high pressure for south korea and japan is walled temperatures are running a bit above average. for example, in tokyo and for se, asia,
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we have had some very heavy rain towards southern sections of vietnam. and that will continue in the forecast on tuesday. sponsored pay cut on airways. talk to al jazeera, we can, the army were attacking ringer, and now they're attacking everyone in the on my do you regret? well, it's like that we listen. absolutely. nigeria with a woman present, it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on sera i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. we're really interested in taking you into a play. you might not visit otherwise and feel that you were there. ah ah,
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if you want to, i'll just remind you of a top stories this the secretary of states traveling to the middle east to firm up the seas, 5 between israel and palestine, washington's place to rebuild the guys after is really air strikes, left tens of thousands homeless e leaders are calling for sanctions on south to what they say was the hijacking of a commercial airliner. they say a fake bomb threat forced the plane to land, so an opposition journalist could be arrested us and me and my leader on fast food . she has appeared in court for the 1st time since the february military. she said a national need for democracy party would continue to exist as long as people exist . she's been in detention since her government was overthrown. a suspect accused of war crimes in sedans, da for conflict has appeared before the international criminal court. i am the man
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is charged with $31.00 counts of crimes against humanity, including rape and the killing of civilians. he was a leader of the jungle read militia when the war began in 2003. the i think conflict between various on groups killed 300000 people and displaced 2000000. and he's capital is an associate director with the international justice program at human rights watch. she says, while the case is significant, other key players must also be brought to justice. this is such an important moment for people in dar for who have had no accountability for widespread crimes committed across dar for they've waited more than 15 years to any moves towards justice and seeing the job to read liter alley crushed in the jock in these hearings to see that the case goes to trial, that's what the judges will be assessing today. whether this me, whether or not there's sufficient evidence that the prosecution is put forward is
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a truly important moment for those who suffered the crimes to have access to just se, but let's not forget that today's case and the proceedings in today's case are one piece of a larger puzzle and i'm thinking here of the out standing fugitives, former president and omar this year, and 3 others who are still stopped by the international court to face charges for dark work crimes as well. and we are looking to the student is authorities to transfer those remaining suspects to the international criminal court. iraq is told the you nuclear watchdog. it will extend a monitoring deal with the agency for a month. the 3 months deal agreed in february was said to end this month around and told the regulator it would no longer have access to data from some of its nuclear facilities. once the agreement had expired. the equipment and the verification and
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monitoring and activities that we agreed will continue ass. now us they are now for one month, expiring. then on a june 24, 2021. offered beggs into ryan, and he explains why iran has agreed to the extension. what they're saying to the i am the western powers is that although there had agreed a 3 month temporary agreement of extended it to allow for those negotiations in vienna to have some sort of breakthrough of some sorts of an agreement. and the initial agreement meant that after 3 months, that footage, that data collected at those specific nuclear sites or sites would be deleted now or anything. they won't delete it to continue to recording for another month. and then if an agreement is reached, they would handle that for dish to the i a e a. so they could carry out their verifying and monitoring activities. so but so iran is essentially saying to the
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united states and the western powers is that you have one month now. the 24th of june deadline retake iran and those countries past the presidential elections we just set to take place at the end of june run 18th of june. so it does give them a short timeframe. but iran has said that they are close to reach in some sort of agreement, but iran position still remains the same. they went all thanks and lifted before they returned to their commitment. as part of that 2015 nuclear deal, iran also wants to verify that those sanctions have been lifted. and if an agreement is reached, then the i a e, a, the axis will be reinstated. there's been another unprecedented twist in the political crisis dripping the pacific island nation of similar. now, the leader of the opposition fast party has been sworn in his prime minister joining an ad hoc ceremony that a rival says was unconstitutional. alexia bryan reports. sienna, not only mother, after took the oath of office and attained outside samo parliament. she was due to
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be sworn and inside the eyelid nations, 1st female prime minister that was locked out by the parliamentary speaker. the legislative office locked the building so we could do extra that's the site, the supreme court ordering parliament to reconvene the chief judge, fellow judges joining a match to the building concerned to the rule of law wasn't being followed by will also kept out. and that's because this man care take your prime minister to l. i. s i lily malia ling oil. he's been in office for 22 years. this the ceremony was unconstitutional. at this time there was only one governor of the custodian governess. but to enter is also refusing to be sworn in saying a parted with constitution covering the number of women in parliament hasn't been
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observed. analysts say it's because he doesn't have the numbers to lead. i would say that it's what the nice thing aspects of the constitution to maintain power. there was a free fair and transparent election that happened in mind. april and member of the parliament were elected. the people spoke and democracy was absurd. it just hasn't been carried out. so you may say she went ahead with the swearing in as she has the numbers she needs. and because parliament must sit within 45 days of the election, monday was the last day. the power struggle began when female, who was once to allay his deputy broke ranks and started a new party criticising her former baath 5 months. this daughter of the 1st prime minister of san juan, with 3 politicians, was able to get the support of diaspora,
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but also found one's across the nation. the outcome will affect not only samo stability, but also its relationship with china. with vienna, promising to scrap $100000000.00 port project backed by bay ging pacific neighbors, a watching closely, we hold a huge amount of trust in fight and the institutions and some are in the judiciary and the democracy. and of course, and the outcome that the election delivered and alco would simply be for all of those things to be upheld. many of urging the rival parties to come together and find a way out of it. unprecedented constitutional crisis. and sir bryan l g 0. the us as imposed economic insecurity restrictions on ethiopia over its role in alleged abuses in the t great region of not asia visas to e. c. o. p, and editor and government officials implicated in the kennings of thousands of people since november. the secretary of state says the actions aimed at forcing
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ethiopia to resolve the crisis, which began after original forces attacked federal military basis. and right now the world is at war against covert 19 dots. the declaration from the head of the un antonio terrace, was addressing health ministers from all over the world. we're taking part in a virtual world health assembly session is expected to focus on post pandemic reforms. well, health organizations chief says it's time global leaders step up and make bold decisions to prevent another pandemic from happening again. if we gone the same old way, we will get the same old result, a world that unprepared, unsafe and unfair make no mistake. this will not be the last time the world faces the threat of bond. this is the
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moment for bald ideas, bald commitment and bald leadership. for doing things that have never been done before. gentle house, following the meeting from london. them, he says, ministers of criticize the unequal distribution of vaccines. dr. ted ross and to an extent secretary general good terrace as well in those comments, pointing to the sort of wide appointed purpose of this w h o. assembly gathering of a 194 members, its annual assembly in this the, in this case, this year. the purpose is reform, namely to pick up on 3 independent investigations that have collectively. so to pointed the finger at the w h o, in its response to the pandemic saying it was too slow that it was inefficient, that the member states didn't coordinate sufficiently with one another. member statements, institutions themselves were woefully under pret, prepared and evidence for that is in the vaccine shortages around the world that
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w h o. 's own kovacs initiative aimed at getting doses to the developing world is very low on supply because the serum institute in india, its chief supplier, has stopped exporting vaccines so that it can deal with the situation in india. specifically, on this talk over the next 9 days of the member states coming up with the sort of bones of a global pandemic treaty for future pandemic, specifically to deal with these sorts of problems. but mister ted ross, having to deal with the situation as it is his call going out to member states to particularly the rich world who've haunted vaccine doses to hand them over as quickly as they can to kovacs. and for vaccines suppliers to commit up to 50 percent of their production in the coming year to kovacs and to the developing world george for his family and those of other black victims of police violence in the us have gathered to commemorate his death. tuesday marks one year since the killing with spock protests around the world. the officer found guilty of his
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murder is awaiting sentencing. and many said they'll continue to demand justice. my kind of reports from minneapolis said may i say the people gather to remember george floyd who went out for a packet of cigarettes just under a year ago and ended up dead at the hands or knee of a white police officer. george fried should not go down in history as just some one would it be under the mic? george fraud should go down to his take that broke the neck. uh black. nice racism told liz brutality and least he li, gather. i will stay in and be the voice for him. i will sped and be the change for him. i will spare it. could see you to be the legacy for him. by the defendant
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guilty, derek shogun has been found guilty of murder and manslaughter, and will be sentenced on the 21st of next month. you cannot separate gutter from peak, but the debate continues to rage as to whether meaningful police reform is taking place. how can they reform something without including not, once you can't reform anything, you don't want it to the people who are directly affected by want to go up amount my we finally got to the base of the man we've been journey into the face. now we're at the base them on, but it is still a mountain i off to the rallies over those. remembering george floyd, reclaim some streets of downtown, minneapolis the number significantly than the 10s of thousands who marched here in the months after the murder remain
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riveted to the place and been able to live. there will be a new lot, mike. oh, just here in minneapolis. ah, this is all just either. these are the top stories. the us secretary of state travelling to the middle east to firm up the seas, 5 between israel and palestine. washington's place to rebuild garza after israeli airstrikes left tens of thousands homeless and calling for both sides to respect. the truce. james bass has more from west to them. is the 1st visit by a senior official from the biden administration now in office for 4 months. and the formal announcement we've known.
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