tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera May 24, 2021 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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understand the differences and similarities of culture across the world. no matter why you call. i'll just bring you the news and current affairs. algebra. ah, this is al jazeera, ah, hello there, i'm just all the attain. this is a news ally from our headquarters here and are coming up in the next 60 minutes. european diplomatic outrage grows off the battery, sty vets, an airline us, and attains and opposition activists and what's being condemned as piracy. stepping up international efforts to end the violence between israel and the palestinians. tucked up, the maps travels of the region to make sure a fragile piece by
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a home. the un says the world remains at war with the corona, virus health ministers from around the world meet, assess to face this pandemic. and me and was asked to be on your teammates, have fast a court appearance and some military truth and says her party will exist as long as people for history has been made. goals p. j. championship. 50 year old phil mickelson becoming the oldest ever major champion. ah, leaders across europe are choosing batteries of hijacking and piracy after the forced the landing of a passenger jet. there. now, calling for tough sanctions after better was used a fighter jet to ground the plane in minsk before arresting a better russian activist on board. a fury is expected to dominate and you lead
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a summit that's currently underway in brussels. a number of countries of already called for the suspension of all flights to and from that a ruth, while the head of the european commission, lavonne, de leon has said just in the past hour that sanctions will be discussed. there will be a very strong focus on the actually in exceptional hijacking a ryan their flight by level authorities. and there will be a very strong answer because it is an outrage of behavior progression. contest. we shouldn't have to understand that this will have to be a consequence. along with a condemnation, there are also demands for the released of journalist women protested that she was pulled off the plane and arrested the exiled bella. russian opposition need us atlanta to kind of guy says she fears for his life while pull brennan is following this forest from london and joins me now. pull strong winds going into this meeting, but i see also talk of potential new air regulations. well,
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it's been an extraordinary busy day, diplomatically over this diversion of this ryan plane on sunday. this is really developing into a full blown international diplomatic crisis to be frank about the timing. couldn't be wes, frankly, because the european council about some it's of european leaders and has the government was due to take place tonight and into tomorrow. anyway. so to have this happen less than 24 hours before they gather in brussels. was an opportunity for them to get together and start really putting some serious cloud against bella roost. you also question a v i the wisdom of. busy on the ship brazen this, i think of the brothers and president alexander, look a shank co because what the lithuanian said is that 126 passengers got on the plane . athens only $121.00 made the final leg from minsk to vilnius. so 5
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people, 2 of them were protests of age and his girlfriend. so 3 others got off in minsk and the very strong suspicion that's being expressed openly in some quarters is that those 3 others were either belly original. perhaps even russian intelligence agents who'd bins on who kept the blogger under surveillance, and essentially had guided him to his fate. so the, you know, this is not just, it doesn't look like an opportunistic snatch. it looks like a calculated pre planned operation, and that is making it even worse in the eyes of the, of the leaders who gathered in brussels, of course, and pull the condemnation from other quarters, has been fairly strong and swift as well. yeah, i mean, jen, saki has come out, she's the spokes person for the white house condemning it and, and insisting on the strongest possible terms. i said there's a combination of carrots and stick here. i mean,
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you mentioned in the introduction the possibility of sanctions. well, $88.00 individuals are already sanctioned dollar mission individuals who attached to the consent because regime 7 organizations, i think it is the already sanction. so they could expand the list of sanctions. but the land that she went in for that brussels summit was saying that there's also $3000000000.00 for 3 years. we're actually all of a potential aid that the european union is holding out to belarus and will continue to hold back unless beller is stuff to embrace a rather more democratic path than it's taking at the moment. the response to that to say it was not encouraging. lucas jenco today has passed assigned in some law, a new law risk yet further restricting media activity, news, media activity. so the news media and belarus is no longer able to take live protests. pictures are not able to do live protests, and the information ministry cannot shut down media outlets without media court all
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day. it's almost doubling down on the repression, despite the criticism that is coming in from all quarters in the international arena. and we'll just put this all in context for our view is, this is all obviously taking place within the context of a massive political crisis in the or is that the ongoing? yeah, of course. i mean, he is, while the, there's a couple of things going on dollars at the moment. does, it does. but what some analyst regarding, as kind of soft annexation by russia. russia, by the way, who's saying that the western reaction to this diversion of the plane is shock shocking. and you know, the variation authorities, according to russia, were what, within the rights to do what they did. but that's the side. the relationship between lucas shanker and president putin of russia has grown closer and closer since the august election last year. and there are close military ties. the been massive joint exercises extend the joint exercises are closer economic ties. and
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you can, as many analysts see, this is, i mean, they're stopping short of predicting the beller. bella is one day, simply become part of russia. i don't think that's on the cards eminently, but it's clear where beller is, wants to be. and lucas shanker is keeping them very much under the wings of. busy the kremlin, but at the same time, as i say, live on the land, there is the possibility of age and european coast time with europe. the bellis just seems to be telling us back on that at least under the look at shanker presidency, poll brennan, the across sort of that forth from london. thanks very much for. well, i spoke to alex peter of he's electra and modern european history at queen's university belfast and just picking up on what paul was referring to that lucas shank is a close relationship with russia. he says, is sheltering him from any serious repercussions here. i think they recognizes that there is kind of limits to the sanctions in terms of changing his behavior or the
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money he is real paula. and that's kind of really the dilemma they facing. on the one hand, they have to do something about it. but at the same time, i think it's understood that location, but whatever you do to him, as long as you enjoy moscow, support your same power. but i think there was, there was already a long letter angel sanction being talked and repaired before this incident. so i think what they will do now is just simply speed up the introduction and adding as well. so you want, particularly relating to ad tropic, through and around bella, which i think will send some, some sort of signal to the location of a t really is kind of getting out of hand more at this stage, essentially beller, which is not in itself a significant re paula, but roger is and that, that's basically is, is the calculation where with it, where it was, i really said with it with, but i look a shank of that that will not such him in my, in
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a material way because i'm afraid to getting roughly involved in that as well. but yes, those tractions, i mean there are going to very strong and they to members not strong, but still members with strong opinions about it all in the area. in particular, which neighbors will build was which are very pushing for much of functions. and that certainly will create more problems for billers in terms of and relations with made. that will be, you know, further deteriorated because of the section i'm living on now. and your secretary of state, anthony franken is on his way to the middle east days into the israel palestine cease fire presently. biden has said his quiet and relentless diplomacy helped to end the conflict. but his administration is still facing growing criticism over at support for israel. doesn't matter, get it. james page reports now from occupied eastern the us secretary of state antony blinkin is on his way to the region in an effort to cement the c spar,
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which ended 11 days of conflict. some of those secretary blink and we'll be meeting have been comparing notes ahead of his visit. here. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas with egypt and foreign minister summer shook free for president bass . this will be his 1st meeting with a senior us official for over 3 years. after relations with the trumpet, ministration deteriorated badly, egypt foreign minister also represents a government trying to repair relations with the us. having played the leading role in brokering the c spar that ended the 11 day bombardment of garza, the gyptian will be hoping to improve relations with the biden administration, which had been shunning caro now. his full cold nation and consensus between president mahmoud abbas and president l. c. c. in order to consolidate all means to reach the common gulf, which is the establishment of the palestinian state. we are keen to support the
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palestinian people in the west bank and the gaza strip to eliminate the palestinian people have been subjected to. this show cri earlier met with his jordanian counterpart, aim, and safari, jordan, the custodian of the holy sites in jerusalem. one of its main concerns is what happens here in occupied east jerusalem. jordan has also seen large protest, even with demonstrations gathering close to the alan b bridge. jordan's border with the west bank within sight of his railey security forces. one in la and sannie, the humane aggression by israel has been announced by the world we worked with a world in order to put an end to the violation regarding what's going on in jerusalem. would refute and denounce all israeli practices that are illegal that are against the 2 state solution. there are hopes that reconstruction mechanism can be set up to allow garza to be rebuilt. secretary blinking has spoken of giving
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palestinians dignity and hope there appears to be no current plan to restart peace negotiations to give them their own state. james space al jazeera, occupied east jerusalem. when i spoke to mow rabbani, he's the co editor of john leah. that's an online magazine dedicated to covering the contemporary middle east. he says us involvement is very likely to have an impact on the prospects. that's a piece. i think what's happening is that the americans are gradually taking charge of israeli palestinian related diplomacy. and i think it's important to understand where they're coming from to understand where they are going at the outset of the biden administration, both biden and his secretary of state, lincoln made very clear that this issue was for them not a priority that they had more important domestic and foreign policy chapter challenges they wanted to deal with. and then because of developments of the ground on the ground, they became involved once again. so against that background,
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i think the priority for the americans now is essentially the pacification of the palestinians to seek to strengthen the palestinian authority and weaken hamas and islamic jihad as part of that general strategy. and also i suspect to ask nathan yahoo to tone down israeli provocations that could lead to renewed palestinian protests or worse in the coming days and weeks. meanwhile, israel has launched a wave of mass arrests of palestinian israelis who took part in recent demonstration supporting palestinians. and occupied east jerusalem and gaza. palestinian campaign of denounced this operation as a war against protesters and activists. among con, house the details. these ready police have announced
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a major operation that is now currently under way to arrest hundreds of palestinian israelis. and that's worth reading. you some of the statement, they say the operation is called law and order, and they say thousands of police and board of fighters last night, all over the country, arrested hundreds of people. now they say that this was in the wake of violent incidents, the before than the state of israel in the past 2 weeks. and that's why they've launched the operation. now this comes off the back of 1500 palestinian israeli, that have all ready been arrested in the last 2 weeks. now they say that during the day today they arrested $74.00 people and more arrest will come in the coming days . but this is worrying activists, they said that the rest are taking place in over in nazareth, and i'll go and go for yes, all over the country of israel. now here's the problem. the active is also very
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worried that it won't just be people who may have taken, taking part in public order. but it might just be people who are activists, people who want some sort of change in israel. they'll be worried that they will be rounded up as well, and they're very concerned about these arrest. i'm this major operation. well, there's plenty more ahead for you. this is our, including. we take a look at how often tina's economy, as well as a hospital struggle with a number of new corona virus cases struggling to get on their property, how england or the he's a housing market is pushing prices out of reach for many and, and for one of the big name play set to miss out on the european football championship. now the world is at war against coven 19. that's the declaration from the head of the united nations. and tanya,
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tara was addressing health ministers from all over the world who are taking part in a virtual world health assembly. the session is expected to focus on post pandemic reforms. and the wells health organizations chief says it's time that globally to step up and make bold decisions to prevent another pandemic from happening. again. if we gone the same old way, we will get the same old result, a world that unprepared, unsafe and unfair. make no mistake. this will not be the last time the world faces the threat of thunder me. this is the moment for bold ideas, bold commitment and bold leadership for doing things that have never been done before. which i haul is following this meeting for us from london. and he says ministers of also criticize the unequal distribution of vaccines. doctor ted ross
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and to an extent secretary general, good harris as well in those comments, pointing to the sort of wide appointed purpose of this w h o assembly gathering of a 194 members its annual assembly in this the in this case, this year, the purpose is reform, namely to pick up on 3 independent investigations that have collectively. so to pointed the finger at the w h. o, in its response to the pandemic saying it was too slow that it was inefficient, that member states didn't coordinate sufficiently with one another member stations . institutions themselves were woefully under pret, prepared and evidence for that is in the vaccine shortages around the world that w h o. 's own kovacs initiative aimed at getting doses to the developing world is very low on supply because the serum institute in india, its chief supplier, has stopped exporting vaccines so that it can deal with the situation in india specifically. and this talk over the next 9 days of the member states coming up
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with the sort of bones of a global pandemic treaty for future pandemic, specifically to deal with these sorts of problems. but mr. ted ross having to deal with the situation as it is his call going out to member states to particular in the rich world who hoarded vaccine doses, to hand them over as quickly as they can to kovacs. and for vaccines suppliers to commit up to 50 percent of their production in the coming year to kovacs and to the developing world. meanwhile, more than 300000 people in india have officially died from cove at 19 making the 3rd countries across that milestone. john las doctors and staff at crematory, and say, many deaths are also not being counted in the health ministry reported 4400 fatalities on monday. and now an acute shortage of vaccines is forcing several states to seek it from foreign drug makers. and 2 of them say they've been told that pfizer, madonna, will only deal with the federal government. there's a big problem has the laces from new delhi be official death. toll only takes into
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consideration people who are dying in hospitals, and most indians don't die in hospitals. and only around 20 to the fenton, that's medically certified. the death have remained very high, but the good news is that cases are coming down and they coming down to the level of testing, remaining the same. the death remain high because it takes around 2 weeks to follow cases and it was around 2 weeks ago that india was recording its highest numbers of cases, you know, more than 400000. they have come down to the official told to around 220001 sunday. the cases are coming down so much that danny's leader has said that they will begin to ease restrictions from this next week. but the situation does remain bad in some parts of the country, the southern states of thumb and not the words affected. and so they're going into a complete knock down on monday they do and many other states in the country have the government expanded the vaccination program to include everyone above the age
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of 18 from may. but because they weren't enough doses, they told states to make their own agreements own arrangements with manufacturers, both indian and foreign a number of states have been trying to do so. and the state of pun, job, which is one of the worst effected, has said that medina has come back to them and said that they're only going to make deals with the central government. but it's a central government. it's asking states to make its own arrangements. so the number of vaccinations over the past month have fallen when japan has opened its fast mass vaccination centers ahead of the tokyo olympics in just 2 months time. it's racing to create thousands of elderly people as it now battles a 4th wave of infections. some government buildings in tokyo have been converted to accommodate the demand. while in argentina, many intensive care units, there are almost full as the country battles, a new wave of cases. the country is back on the lock down and the economy is
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struggling. daniel trying to report from one is very we've been here before the start of the pandemic. it was grim then, but it seems much was now. then there was hope the virus could be contained later, the vaccine to provide salvation. that so far hasn't been the case. so you can see empty, i'm very aware, i mean, fully aware these restrictions create difficulties. faced with this reality, there's no choice but to choose the preservation of life. i'm not going to accept this amount of contagion or death as something natural yet the only essential business is remain open. school is a close or religious. social and sporting events have been suspended or non essential. workers mistake home between 6 in the evening and 6 in the morning sierra to say it or not going back to year when it was because people are worst of economically. yeah, feeling down. in other words, everything is going backwards,
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everything backward, but i mean that, but i think it's good because this way we can control it because the virus going to be controlled. any other way should be more than 9 days. the may 15 days would be good. the 2nd wave is killing an average of nearly $500.00 people a day, one of the worst per capita rates in the world. another coldness of all day and what a fire is, no, it's ago, and nothing to do with the corona virus more virulent. and before and the vaccine slow to arrive, most he reluctantly accept the nother lockdown is the only way to fight the virus from 5 percent of people in argentina receive both maxine me more, more than 90 percent of intensive care beds. some regions are occupied. health workers are exhausted, the locked down those on and trying to 0. 1 cyrus, across much of italy, most adults are having to wait
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a month to sign up for the vaccine. but off the coast of naples, public health officials on is rushing to vaccinate. most of it's 60000 adults in one girl. as adam brain reports, this is my, the a p, a cause shallow 2nd covert jack, a short visit with long reaching effects. i've been one of those. we were afraid we couldn't go shopping. i want all of easily to be vaccinated, so we can get back and normally run out on our money. all of italy, not just yet, but nearly all the adults on an island off naples coast on their way to being fully vaccinated by the end of june. hopefully this past weekend, local officials proclaimed the campaign a success. 75 percent of adults on east year and a smaller neighboring island had their 1st dose. it's part of a pilot program to natalie, isolated populations against covey. 19 it's all,
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it's on all. islands are difficult areas to deliver immediate medical care. although it has a hospital with 60 beds, we took these steps because we can't risk turning it entirely into a corporate ward where we want to be able to care for all the other sick patients. for the 19 year old elisia burley wouldn't have got a vaccine for several months on the mainland. she's now vaccinated. as are her parents. the family is returning to activities that were restricted for months. now give you the most money for those of us who live on islands near the water taking away the sea was like killing us and we'll let you know being vaccinated now. it's like a dream. a dream many on the island want to share with the outside world. if you like. much of italy relies on them. 2020 was the worst here for tourism here. a decade. officials are hoping that vaccinated population along with transparent water, sun spec will be to, are going to convince people to come here because it's safe bookings for this
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summer across east year or 65 percent below pre pandemic levels. hotel association president, look down for explains why he thinks he needs to fast track vaccination times. there are 2 main reasons actually, which will put on the same level once, of course is for the safeness of our citizen on the scale. and of course of our clients they are coming and on the other side is because the economy starts again, it leaves about to region. and it's important for us to turn back at the normality as we were any returned to normality, though we're required the outside world to catch up to this outcrop of immunity. adarine al jazeera on the italian island of the scale, while speaking, not returning to reality and normality. some students in mexico are returning to classes. and in one of the longest foreclosures because of the pandemic,
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the government had ordered remote education with televised teaching sessions. but experts say the program has failed, and more than 2 and a half 1000000 students have dropped out of school out of their spoke to a teacher in the state of guerrero. so again, i am janet cruz. i am a primary school teacher in the community of crucis cocoa at the pick up the list is like i was the big he said really, really far from a couple of classes will 9 out about a year ago and might, it was all over the news that up and demetrius affecting much of the world. so if you decided that you wouldn't travel to community mental to protect our children on the phone once a year has passed and has not returned to use or learning afternoon when we left in earning at home is a program used throughout the country for children to take classes at home, according to this school. great. but it didn't work in this community because they
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don't have tv sits. they don't have internet either. i think it so we decided to travel to the village every 15 days, but i give children the homework on paper or you 6 weeks. where's that idea? it's quite a long journey. we can leave it to be on the road. i'm going to get him on, we have seen how i could do cation has declined, because we have to be in the classroom. and a lot for you to look from having has not been what we hoped for you, because most of them can read or write for the big work, the fields only they and the children stay home with no one to help them with their homework. i would if you open the books and there is nothing and they no worries me the parents, they them with them to work in the field and they might quit school. oh,
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i see us and we see it going to be hard to get back on track. but with the help of parents and teachers he had to school. it's possible we weren't too much of a children to have them continue to do the homework. that would be every turn strategy. while still ahead here on al jazeera, the wild tough court holds its 1st hearing on the for one of the leaders of the judge. weed on group is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. political crisis and someone swearing in ceremony is held for the pacific island nation as the 1st female leader had predispose that refuses to give up power and fort kind of in 1900 d, rails, of the national skateboarding team far will be here. with that story. ah,
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the hello, we're going to start in the middle east where kuwait's we have seen some pretty strong winds that's kicking up the sand and dust. and there is also a risk if it's under storm in weight on tuesday, in time temperatures and bag that have dropped your 40 to just the other day. your temperature was at 48. we also have whether warnings in play for sand and dust toward northwestern sections of oman. give you a look at the weather in turkey right now and toward the south antalya 35 degrees. that's a temperature that you should see in july. also high heat on cyprus, nickos thea, we've got 36 in the forecast for you on tuesday for central africa. you'll be hard pressed to find our usual tropic rains falling. i think really the most of it will be toward gab bond camera rune into the gulf of guinea. ok, off to south africa. we go and you know, not a whole lot going on,
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but toward the western cape or just getting grazed with a bit of a weather front. moving through. this is nothing major, but if i show you the next 3 days and what it does to keep town, just some light instability. look at this about a 40 percent chance of showers on wednesday, but temperature is here. leave a bit to be desired because we are running below the average of 20 thursday. and northwind is going to press your temperature down to just a high of 70 the the world of high frequency share trading exposed. i had this engine that was basically trading. i couldn't last $30000000.00 was a terrifying experience. how artificial intelligence as raised for stakes and risks on the money markets. as markets go faster, faster, we're opening up the possibility for an instability. for no, no use of money bought on our jesse. rather
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most people will never know what's beyond these doors, the deafening silence of 100000 how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to work with. every breath is precious, with fear is not an option. but when most people o a again, i'm the se, hey, and are home this remind you about top stories here. the fallon,
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you need is quoting for tough sanctions against better roost after what they say was the hijacking of a commercial airliner. they payments for the plane lands, so an opposition journalist could be arrested. the secretary of faith is on his way to the middle east to fall off the c 5 between israel and palestine. washington has pledged to rebuild garza israeli strike left tens of thousands while there's been a stabbing attack and occupied east jerusalem. israeli forced to say the attack a husband killed, one soldier has died and another is engine. now the property market in london is booming despite a downturn in the british economy due to the pandemic. prices are being driven up, but economists warning of a potential market crash need bunker reports now from london with the latest and series on the rising cost of housing, choosing west london, $1.00 of the case most desirable areas. the economy may have nosedive during the
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pandemic, but the housing markets booming with the number of sales at their highest since records began on the market. there's 3 and a half $1000000.00 home. remote working normalized during the pandemic means the sellers no longer need to be in the capital for work. and many buyers looking for more space, especially outside. so 180000 transactions is what the government data is anticipating for march 2021. and that's the highest level on record since the they've recorded the data from 2005. so it's, it's miles above what we, what we typically see. the average across the last 16 years has been stuck 80000 transactions a month. the housing market is so important to the nation's economy, that the british government simply couldn't let to fail, which is why it introduced a property tax holiday, allowing buyers to save thousands of dollars on purchases. buyers was, are allowed to take 95 percent mortgages from banks and lending agencies. the
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problem is in cities such as london, they simply owned enough houses with the kind of space, especially gardens that people now want. and we've seen house prices go up steadily by several $1000.00 every month. according to recent findings, most people in the u. k. thing owning a home is more important than getting married or early retirement for the countries, no exception. house prices have risen in many big western cities, fueled by a mix of low interest rates, land shortages, and construction that tunnel. keep up with demand. for when the british government coven 19 support schemes such as the property tax holiday come to an end. in the next few months, the bubble worn economists who 1st house prices now higher than they've ever been before. it's not a stable positions that we're now in, particularly given that the half of the holiday from stamp to teach is time limited
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. people know when it's going to stop. so when it stops that may trigger quite a significant reaction, particularly as the economists service as well. the over heated markets also push prices well beyond the reach of many, especially 1st time buyers. for the past 20 years, price is about pace. the rise in average earnings despite the current surge and sales that just simply aren't enough. affordable houses available for many buyers owning a home is rarely felt quite so insecure. the fall can, i'll just era london. and in the final installment of our special theories on rising house prices, we look to the united states, low income families that are being priced out of the market. and a shortage of building materials is only exacerbation the problem. you can watch that here on out of era from tuesday. now, as to nearly the onset, she has appeared in court for the 1st time since february cru. her lawyers who are
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able to meet with her for about 30 minutes, said that she did appear healthy, searching faces charges of incitement to sedition violating state secrets and other offences. she has been in detention now since her government was overthrown by the military jumper. at least 4000 others are also being held on. david madison is an independent analyst on miano. he says she has been targeted earlier, but this time round, young citizens are not likely to accept the military's move. i think she's probably at the same level of risk that she's paying for the park more than 30 years. i mean, we're entering the whole decade of this kind of military regression against or off that she's, she's been here before. it was 12 years ago that she was on trial to extend her how to rest order so that she couldn't run in the, in the election. i think this is a very dangerous game, but the military flying and i don't think many people in the country are going to put up with them. and for at least many people they will rally around on that to
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and, and other leaders of the day. and not put up with it. and then the military is going to take all of these other people in the country that a furious that they want to fighting back in any different way. in many respect, this is a much messy, a more complicated resistance to military rule than i think the capital, the both of the same and several and for many older people, supporters of the data being through this before the party was made illegal and subject great repression during the 900, not to them many members incarcerated and tortured and even an even keel. so for a lot of older support, this is form a very good a date for this before. but for all the 1st time voters and others, the youngest supporters of the day, they're going to say that's what it is, which is a nice power grab on the part of the motor discredit on sensitivity and the body. and i don't think people will that up with that. while, meanwhile,
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fight as opposed to the military gender, have seized a police station in the eastern town of mafia. on sunday, it was set on fire and at least 13 security 4th members were the captured or killed . and after facing nearly 4 months, violent, crack down, a growing number of young protest joining ethnic rebel groups. scott jaila has the story. the increasing numbers the protesters are transitioning from stand offs on the street to military and weapons training in the jungle. fronted by some of the ethnic armies that have been fighting me and our security forces for decades. last month in the city of fargo, north of yan gone protestors faced one of the deadliest crackdowns by security forces. more than 80 people were killed. this activists from fargo was there, he was shot while on the streets, protesting. he does not want to be identified. he said the security forces were using rocket propelled grenades. after that day, he and 9 other activists wanted to do more. so they left
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a train with one of the korean ethnic armies, and i've seen the ethnic car, an army fight with me in my army on social media. i saw the car in groups fighting together against the army. i'm grateful for everybody that supports each other in the crisis right now. i want democracy to turn to mind more and that fighting has intensified in the career controlled areas. and since the coo and february sending civilians fleeing for their lives into hiding 18 year old dog, guy lore is ethnic korean. and she has witnessed the fighting between the rebels in the me. m r. army sits. she was a girl. she started training after finishing high school initially refusing to learn how to use firearms. but that changed once she saw the attacks on her. people come out with that. i want to help people and i want to have freedom in our lives. i don't want the gent taking advantage of the people. that's the reason why the boonies protested, coming to walk out to receive training. so the majority from our ethnic group
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historically has not become involved with the ethnic rebel armies. that's changing . so what you have is the ethnic bama and the ethnic minorities coming together to fight against the common enemy, which is a military that has running a mock. and this extends also to the you, the gen ed youth in, in places like mandalay and young on. now have common cause with the ethnic youth, whether it be the qur'an or the kitchen, or the crania the mon use. even though the 2 groups have different views and experiences in fighting the army at the end of the month long training, they're drawn closer together and what appears to be a growing and more unified front against the justice forces. got hyler al jazeera, a suspect accused of war crimes ensued on stuff for conflict has appeared before the international criminal court alley of rahman is charged with $31.00 counts of crimes against humanity, including rape and the killing of civilians. he was the leader of the john to weed
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militia when the war began back in 2003, that ethnic conflict between various armed groups killed 300000 people and displaced 2000000. the evidence shows that mister the man was a knowing, willing and energetic perpetrator of these crimes. he played a crucial role leading attacks, committing murderous ordering, other murderous, the victims of the suspects, clamps, countless and their suffering. immense. the pain inflicted on the victims of these crimes persists. hipaa morgan is in cartoon for us and she says this hearing is a milestone for justice. now let's remember who annie after a minor liquid shape as he is known as he's the head of the gen joey, which is responsible or accused of work crimes and crimes against humanity in human
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rights across the teeth in the western region of dar 4. during the del, for war, since 2003, up until 201213. so that group, the ginger weed, has been accused of atrocities, of human rights violations, as well as work crimes and crimes against humanity. an idea of the man was a part of that group. he is also a member of the paramilitary popular defense force. and he was responsible for commanding forces in the western region of jar, full, specifically west r for that's where the accusations of those were crimes and crimes against humanity come from. now, the transitional government has signed an agreement with international criminal court thing that they want to see just as being delivered for a lot of people, especially people in dar for who they are spoken to over the past years. they say that they want to make sure that those who are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity and they displacement being held to account. and one of the reasons i'm, the man handed himself over to the i, c. c. according to statements is that he was worried about the sudanese
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transitional government, which says it's keen on delivering justice, arresting him and that he prefers the i c c. so this is something that a lot of people say they wanted to see happening for a long time. since the work crimes reports of war crimes had a thought of showing up and are for so this is indeed a milestone in terms for delivering just for people. now george floyd's family and those of other black victims of police violence have gathered to commemorate his death tuesday marks one year since his killing, which sparked protest around the world. the officer who is found guilty of his murder is awaiting sentencing and many se, they'll continue to demand justice. my kind of reports from minneapolis, they said they owe people gather to remember george floyd who went out for a packet of cigarettes just a year ago. and ended up dead at the hands or knee of a white police officer. george fried should not go down in here. say,
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as just some one would it be under the mic? george fraud should go down. is this thing that broke the neck of black? well, nice racism told liz brutality and least he li gathered to i will stay in and be the voice for him. i was fit and be the change for him. i will spare could see you to be the legacy for him. find the defendant guilty, derek show, who has been found guilty of murder and manslaughter, and will be sentenced on the 21st of next month. you can separate gutter from pete, but the debate continues to rage as to whether meaningful police reform is taking place. how can they reform something without including not once or you can't reform anything, you don't. the people who are directly affected by want to go up amount,
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but we finally got to the base of the man we didn't journey into the face. now we're at the base of them, but there's still a mountain. yeah, off to the rallies, over those. remembering george floyd, reclaim some streets of downtown minneapolis. the number significantly smaller than the of thousands who marched here. in the months after the murder proposed legislation remain the president to the place and then we'll just talk there will be may new law might oh, just minneapolis. now iran has told the un nuclear watchdog, it will extend a monitoring deal with the agency for a month. the 3 months deal that was agreed back in february was set to end this month. and iran had told the regulator and would no longer have access to data from
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some of its nuclear facilities. once that agreement expired. and that threatened ongoing talks in vienna to reinstate the 2015 new key deal between tara, the u. s. and wild powers. the equipment and the verification and monitoring activities that we agreed will continue ass now us the are now for one month, expiring. then on a june 24, 2021. while there's been another unprecedented twist in the political crisis, gripping the pacific island nation of someone, the leader of the opposition fast party has now been sworn in as prime minister during an ad hoc ceremony that her rival says was unconstitutional. alex here, bryan reports the you may not owe me matter of her, took the oath of office and attained outside samo parliament. she was due to be sworn and inside as the 100 nations 1st female prime minister was locked out by the
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parliamentary speaker. the legislative office locked the building so we could do extra that's the site, the supreme court ordering parliament to reconvene the chief justice and fellow judges joining a march to the building concerned to the rule of law wasn't being followed. they will also kept out. and that's because this man care take your prime minister to l . i. s i lily malia ling oil. he's been in office for 22 years since the ceremony was unconstitutional. at this time, there was only one governor of the castilian governors, but 2 is also refusing to be sworn in saying a part of the constitution covering the number of women in parliament hasn't been observed. analysts say it's because he doesn't have the numbers to lead. i would
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say that it's what the nice thing aspects of the constitution to maintain power. there was a free fair and transparent election that happened in mind. april and member of the parliament were elected. the people spoke and democracy was absurd. it just hasn't been carried out. so you may say she went ahead with the swearing in as she has the numbers she needs. and because parliament must sit within 45 days of the election, monday was the last day. the power struggle began when fiance, who was wants to ape his deputy broke ranks and started a new party criticising her former boss 5 months. this door of the 1st prime minister of san juan with 3 other politicians, was able to get the support of the diaspora, but also found one's across the nation. the outcome will affect not only samo
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stability, but also its relationship with china. with fan a promising to scrap $100000000.00 pool project backed by beijing pacific neighbors are watching closely. we hold a huge amount of trust and faith and the institutions and some are in the judiciary in the democracy and of course, and the outcome that the election delivered. and alco would simply be for all of those things to be upheld. many and urgent do rival parties to come together and find a way out of its unprecedented constitutional crisis. like so. bryan l. g 0 knox mosley, the former head formula, ones governing body has died at the age of 81. the son of a prominent fashion politician mostly had careers as a racing driver and a lawyer before becoming f. i a president in 1993. he serves 3 times before stepping down in 2009. he'd been suffering from cancer while still ahead here on out there. and for history is made at golf p. p. a championship. that story coming
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me ah ah ah ah, welcome back. it is now time for sport and his far this saturday. i thank you so much. history has been made at golf p g championship in south carolina. phil mickelson one the titled to become the oldest player to win a major championship for home. malik reports, without further ado hoist, now i want to make 50 years old. the us these phil mickelson has become goeth, oldest major champion by winning the p. j championship. is main challenge of brooks
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kept made and work hard for the win. momentum turned several times in the final round and kept himself even spent time at the top of the leaderboard. but nothing was going to stop mickelson. he turned back the clock reminding everyone of the form that helped him when 5 previous majors. after burning on the 16th for 3 stroke, lead the result, the inevitable. and by the final hole, a record breaking when was beckoning. yeah, the fans on hand could hardly contain their excitement. mickelson did have a slight start on the green r nonetheless, he would go on to seal a memorable too short victory. 50 years, 11 months, 7 days you are the oldest, major championed in history. yeah,
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and this is just an incredible feeling because i just believed that it was possible, but yet everything was saying it was and i hope that others find that inspiration. it might take a little extra work, a little bit harder, effort to maintain physically or maintain those skills, but gosh, is it worth it a history making day? and one that few girlfriends with, they get in a hurry to have malick g 0 around the grid defenders. sergio ramos has been left to add a spin squad for the european championship. 35 year old has struggled with fitness this season and only started 15 games in the league. as the 1st time the center back has been left out of spain squad for a major tournaments since here with 2004. he's helped his country when the world cup and 2 european championships. can you agree on this moment or no? this is not the score. i wants it, the replies that cannot be in it because they're injured. in fact, it's the place that i wanted the most. they cannot be here, they're injured. so no,
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there are some major absences, spain or grades alongside sweden, slip back here and pollings. poland will be led by striker robert low and dusky, who's just wrapped up a record breaking season with byron munich with the leadership for, for all that and asking, and at the expedience of a group of players. and we have we that were harms. we looking also to compete to win the state of european football, governing body is also organizing a new club competition next season. this is a trophy teams will be playing for the conference link. it will be the continents, 3rd tier club tournaments behind the champions league. and the euroleague, this competition is for everybody, but especially those gloves who would not normally have a realistic chance of winning the u. f. a champions league or the u. f. euro colleague, the f i roper conference league,
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will also give more players the chance to experience european football, which can only help with their football. developing. japan has opened its 1st mass code with 1900 vaccination centers and a push to protect more people before the start of the olympics. tokyo sumo stadium is one location being used. it will be repurposed as a boxing venue during the games. the city is still under a state of emergency caused by a search in corona, virus infections, organizers and sets the lympics will start to as scheduled on july 23rd. more than 11000 athletes are due to head to the, to tokyo for the games map. max whitlock, 12 gold medals in gymnastics at the last olympics and the british athlete is hoping you will get the chance to defend his titles. it's not ideal for progress further, but you know what he's been said, but you know, competition just i've been kind of left right up, you know, the preparation in terms of how many competitions we would like to do is definitely
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more on the build up is what it is, and you kind of have to take one that is where you can utilize the time of the time of being locked down, being in and out of luck and type it back into training and just kind of make it the most of it, you know, how to promote to nicole it and at one point to keep it, you know, and keep my mind coming up and i'm doing. yeah, there's a lot of noise. i try to swing by too much. there's a lot. there was a lot of noise for london. you know, there was always noise around in major major event is pretty normal, of just not taking away the big reason why the noise is actually around the mid one and the berg team to beat and it picks up any place to make it as possible. so in the back of mind, to kind of i need to stay focused on my job because i know everyone is like it helps make it as possible to make it possible. and challenges facing athletes ahead of the gangs has been highlighted by australia, skateboarding team. they were disqualified from event in the united states after 3
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members of the squad tested positive for corona virus. it means at least she will. the country skaters won't be able to secure enough qualifying points to make it to be on picks. what we're saying replace games is, is there very different games? and we just have to accept that there's going to be unfortunate consequences for some people who can't make the guys, but the gangs will go ahead. and that's a great thing for the athletes. the boston bruins her into the 2nd round of the n h l. playoffs. a bruin's be the washington capital $31.00 again, 5. when their 1st round series brand will next phase. either the pittsburgh penguins or the new york island and the colorado avalanche beach, the saint louis blues to complete a 4 game sweep in their series. they then to play the winner of the contest between the vaguest, old 9th and the minnesota while. okay, and that is all your support team here. thanks so much for. well, that is it for me and install it, hey, and durham. but let me hand you over to lauren and the board call center in london,
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who have much more for the day's news for you in just a moment. do stay with us here on out there. ah, me. julie the debates don't leave the fiction and amplify your voice. there are only given a certain narrative, the media will miss the true story know topic it off the table. why in the world, what do we humanize an individual domestic care? this was an illegal occupation of a country. what they're doing is they're removing knowledge vision at the,
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the stream where a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera. they may not be held at the table. they might not have the biggest stadium, but they stand tightened in the face of the flashes fall right movement. you want to show the world that the good guys can sometimes when they are the fall behind germans and poly phenomena, the funds you make football just feel like i'm brown, immigrant, women at the mercy of the private prison corporation. 4 lines investigate allegations of medical abuse of women held it a privately run immigration detention facility in rural georgia. you still don't know what happened here saying that you don't have a chance to read everything. an ordeal exposed by a nurse turned whistled. our blow the whistle
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a 1000 times over. if i had no consent, surgery scandal, in immigrant detention on al jazeera. oh, be the hero. the world right. ah marsha, in the. ready news european leaders consider consequences for batteries after a passenger plane is forced to land and an opposition activist is detained. ah, lauren taylor, this is al jazeera life from london, also coming off on a diplomatic mission, the u. s. sexual fate, head to the middle east as a federal sees far between israel and palestine continues to hold for the 1st time since the horrors of the da for.
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