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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm +03

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change your mind, the british government, about any new laws designed to curtail people's rights of assembly damage. the country's democracy. ah, ah, this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm tammy's a. this is the news. how life from dolph coming up in the next 60 minutes. we see the fire, not as an end, but as a beginning, something to build on america's top that flies to jordan and egypt to rally regional support for the gaza, the fine a verdict with far reaching consequences, of course in the netherlands, hold royal dutch shell responsible for climate change, molly's qu within a qu,
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draws international condemnation. the un security council meet soon to discuss the crisis. it's completely krokus that someone like me should have been in edge seems as quite as the 1st also was in the choice of the last election was good or bad decision than that chaotic response form. our top advisors, the u. k. prime minister accuses the government the failing to handle cove it on jeff national sports. the right click final kicks off in an hour with manchester and i said hoping to in the trophy in 4 years and the growing pressure accounts will take you lympics is now coming from an official partner of the game. ah, america's top diplomat is in jordan to cement that sees fire between israel and hamas in garza, us secretary of state anthony,
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blinking has been touring the region to both to support for the truce, candid 11 days of conflict. he's met jordan's king abdullah, the 2nd who welcome the by the administration's decision to reopen its consulate in occupied east jerusalem for palestinians. lincoln though, says it will take some time. and i'm on my conversation with his majesty touched on . again, a range of topics including the urgent work we need to do together to meet you mandatory and reconstruction needs and gaza while ensuring that the palestinian people not mos benefit from this assistance. we discuss jordan's essential role as a custodian of muslim holy places. and the importance of preserving the historic status, quote, attributes on all the sites. jordan also plays a vital role in the west bank. the u. s. re engages with the palestinian people and reopens are constantly in jerusalem. we'll have a lot of work to do together as well. earlier blinking was in egypt was held talks
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with president of the c. c. lincoln said the 2 countries working together to let israelis and palestinians live in safety and security. he said they also discussed the egypt human rights record, our diplomatic get. it's a james base has more from west jerusalem on sex 3 been configured. jordan has a role, the hash, my monarchy as the custodian over the religious sites in jerusalem. so that's a particular concern for jordan, for jordan, i mean they have, i think over the years of the trumpet administration, those 4 years become privately very concerned about the situation. they didn't like the cushion plan, jared cushion, double drums, son in laws plan for the region. they run nerved by the fact that he was moving away from the traditional status quo. i think they will be encouraged by the fact that sex re blinking it operate some more traditional type of diplomacy,
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as does the biden administration as a whole bots. secretary, blinking for now is only focusing on the seas fall and keeping the calm. he's not going further and i'm sure jordan would like him to go further to restart negotiations towards a 2 state solution. now, the leader of hamas, his political wigan, garza says, a much larger conflict could break out in the future if the underlying issues are resolved. high false reports from garza here on the street. you get an idea of the long term nature of the fall out of this war 44 people died in this massive building collapse and now 2 other buildings on the street. one of them right here behind us had been declared structurally unsound. their inhabitants had been told to leave. now this was the 1st day that we've heard from hamas is top leader. inside garza ya soon was in a news conference that was on the record. but frustratingly for the most part off
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camera, he was interesting on the issue of reconstruction saying suggestion by the secretary of state of united states as need lincoln, that any reconstruction efforts coming through the u. s. or its allies should evade hamas and be done through the palestinian authority in the occupied west bank soon was said that was a trick to try to divide the palestinian people further. however, he also said that any reconstruction would be welcome, that hamas would not take a single penny of it on the issue of the seas far, he confirmed that it was on condition. nobody wanted more to be done by the international community to reign in the activities of israel in jerusalem on the alex the most compound and in shakespeare in occupied these through them. in particular, here with some of his recorded remarks that he began the news conference with your whole bill, i do not want it. the whole world doesn't need to stop and put a limit to the practices of the occupation and alex, a mosque shake gera, and the holy city. in general, it will be a reason to ignite a big religious war in the region and bring in
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a state of worry and widespread chaos in the middle east. and the whole world was israel says the large number of civilian deaths here on this street was an accident that was targeting military tunnels on the ground here. since says that there are new military tunnels of that nature in this location. and so denies that he also challenges the israeli narrative about what took place on the 4th night of the war up in north western gaza. that was a fake ground invasion attempted by israel. he said that was an obvious fake, that they knew was coming, that they did not allow any fighters to go underground and they got the other ones who were in the tunnels out saying that there was 0 deaths from that attack. now israel says dozens were killed. he also said that we were here the media to verify exactly what was taking place. so i asked him if we could go to those tunnels, see the military damage for ourselves in his words, to verify what had happened. he said he'd get back to us and occupy these jerusalem
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and israeli caught his agenda decision on forced evictions. there were demonstrations outside the court. 6 palestinian families in phil. one are risk of losing their homes. him on counterfeits from occupied east jerusalem. more use of force by israeli police on the streets have occupied. he's through slim outside the district court protest as we show the move behind the security barrier . inside the court heard the case of 6 families living in 2 houses on the threat of forced expulsion from their homes in the nearby. so one neighborhood israeli settlers say, jews own the property, pre the creation of the state of israel. and since the states came into being previous property rights are null and void, the georgia postpone the hearing, saying he would seek further legal advice. the lawyer for the family says despite the fact that palestinians have little faith in the legal system, representation in his ready court is crucial. we don't have the luxury engage in as
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lawyers. we have families. the families are at risk of eviction. we wish we had international people, not that we could go to and that international people, not glad you to get the case. but since the case is being filed to the court, we cannot leave this field without any response from our sites outside the court. the protest is made clear, they see the full st explosions as the legal. so as you can see, oceans are very high. the police move the proto, behind that barrier. i just take a look at humanity. take crazy over all limits the message really need to be gotten rid of a policy need. this is still one and the neighborhood that is at the center of the court case. tie it is a member of one of the families fighting to keep their home. they were forced out
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by the state of israel from their home in the old city in 1965. and we'll re housed here. he can't fall a court case to get his old home back. and now he might lose this one. and i don't believe in the israeli illegal system because in 1967, our house was confiscated in the old city. if there's any justice in the course, they should return at home to us. when the settlers come, our life becomes miserable. they arrest our kids, they harass our women, and our elders in life is just hard. all the houses on this narrow street are the threats. the court postponement has brought them some breathing space and they can remain for now. but for how long? those who live here don't know him on con out, is there a salon occupied east jerusalem on shot. a daughter is a legal researcher and advocacy officer for our huck organization palestinian human rights group. she joins us from ramallah good to have with us. so let me present to
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you these ready narrative and i've spoken with israeli officials, they say these sorts of legal decisions about expulsions. they are purely legal matters decided by court based on evidence. they are not political decisions made with the political agenda. do you agree? hello and thank you for having me today. now, of course, i wouldn't think we that is used by the whole 9 good going after the gym and i think you would expect from an occupied and from an accurate regime. now let me just highlight, but then you can framework applicable in the occupied with bank is international material into national now following its occupation and a local and i think things of instituted in israel has exceeded its application of
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its own domestic. this is vision to the 3rd graders occupied such extra fees, the palestinian people any further in the creation of their property. now because the men had this discussion and the statement issue with them, did we get administrative matters in 1970 and this law exclusively. and now choose to claim to that property, and they should be owned by choose an issue before the establishment of a state of jails. so why in the long might be the system in israel, the mirror, the fact that they're being applied in an occupied is that under international law, get them in front of that. israel is alex and alex is still an under international. right. but it's not, let me jump in here. it's, it seems,
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it's not just the application of israeli law, but israeli law itself, which has come on the criticism by organizations like yours, by. i notice use the word apartheid to describe it. that word was used by bates fallon and israeli human rights organisation was also used in a report in april by human rights watch. explain to view as what the, the allegation that israeli law has different standards for jews and for palestinians. especially when it comes to things like property transfer, there is one rule for one and one for the other. definitely, i mean we're coming to that point. so basically kind of going into like it, we're going to zation has for decades. and along with reason, organizations highlighted and analyzed court system and we've reached out to the conclusion that it is just that it is in the gym. and of course,
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we're better glad that other regulations are also adjusting issue. now, like i said them as you mentioned, but also the right watch. now, following the establishment of israel in 48, israel has inactive and designed for multiple laws and policies that africa region over the kind of people at the board. and i see over the kind of people as a warrant because as a whole, we believe that the technology is not restricted over the radical area, rather over the kind of people on both side to be in line. but also as you're living abroad, i mean, so going back to my point if we had, if we can get beyond that sort of generalities and in the practical situation for the life of, of people living there. if a jewish person wants to transfer property and a palestinian wants to transfer property, tell us, does the law give them equal rights?
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or if not, how explain how it makes a difference when we want to get building residence, building permits, residency permit. when you want to transfer property, how does, how do these things actually work out on the ground for people? so it cause you to do different experiences for jewish israelis. they're allowed to come back to or to, to turn to israel under jane law palestinian refugees, who are she kilometers away from their home? they're not allowed to go back to the original homes and properties that didn't sell in the simplest way hoss been explaining the models that are inactive over. it's kind of funny and living inside the green line. but also, as i said, an issue in it because of the fact that israel had and inactive it flows in the occupied to the city. so basically you find 2 people and one is usually the
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other, another in the city and be exposed and important. these law palestinians are unable to go back home, whereas as a jewish jayleen are jews engender and have the right to jail. and all of this is nathan, because it is just because a lot of the policies which connected right before, right after the state of jail wasn't stablish. all right, just to give i'm of ok very, very quick tricia because you are out of time very briefly. very quickly, in 1950 is really not to the property law, which basically they believe the property of the man who had abroad or for the fee doing that to do finding how to use and the person this law had assign, assigned a property for a probation by the state,
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these absentees have been denied or the right to victor and under discriminatory national identity and roger law. right. where? yeah. all right, thank you very much. i could do it other the occupied westbank artists have gathered to show their support for people in garza and voice. their hopes that the humanitarian situation will one day improve their abraham spoke to them in ramallah . i was glad to be one of the song you're closer to the people they got to do with young god. many of them only know that you were born.
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why can't we last drusilla's, but up to the bombardment on gaza? i felt i shouldn't have given up. i started posting about palestine on social media and i did not bring them in. they asked to come, they asked many questions about gaza, jerusalem and shaped her up. sometimes i don't find answers that have shift. whereas you do things i'm or you can do it, can we keep we keep culture or always related to the process over the past few weeks we've been seeing more. 6 and more people go to approach, and then we're setting up that this is the 1st time that they do, so they didn't used to participate in process and organize those events. say they hope to keep this feeling of unity. the momentum going on the islands government has supported a parliamentary motion criticizing what's being described as israel's de facto
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annexation of palestinian lance. if past the government can impose sanctions on israel and found its way back to the vote on the draft is expected. later, members of iraq's popular mobilization forces have been blocking access to a bridge leading to bank heavily for 5 green zone. i show her name is live in baghdad, so natasha, understand this is over the detention of a member of the p a. f has now been released the popular mobilization forces r p m f is saying that a prominent commander, his name is cason, must law who is arrested earlier today has been released. we're hearing that the p . m. f. forces have retreated from their positions where they were blocking access to the bridge. this was an hours long standoff that began when news began to league
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about muslim being arrested. he is linked to an iranian backed group. he's in charge of the p. m. f. in and bar province and anger over his arrest mounted with his supporters. sources are saying that muslim was arrested in accordance with the countries anti terrorism law. he is suspected of being involved in recent attacks on us, on bases rather with a large contingent of us troops from there, the p. m. s. released members of it's group to, to access points on a bridge that goes through the green zone. as you mentioned, it is heavily fortified. it's where the prime minister's office is and the u. s. embassy, and these areas are typically manned by iraqi security forces. there are checkpoints there, but for hours today, they were banned by members of the p. m, who demanded the release of muslim and he was released
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a short time ago. they did retreat. all of this is an example of the enormous influence that iranian back groups in iraq wield. and this is yet another example in less than a year of this type of thing happening last june. when at the time the new prime minister had only been in office for about a month, he took a bold step what was considered a bold step to try to tamp down on the attacks on us interests in iraq by reading a bass in baghdad tied to another armed group attached to iran, at that time, 14 members of the group are arrested. and in response, members of those of that group came to the green zone, took over a counter terrorism unit and demanded those people be released. the prime minister later said that he had released all but one of those members. so what you see is the enormous pressure also that the iraqi government is in the iraqi government is
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attempting to govern a frustrated and angry populace that continues to protest. it is also facing pressure from the united states to stop these attacks. and analysts say this is all characterized by a broader issue of the conflict between the united states and iran playing out on your rocky soil. ryan natasha, thanks for explaining that to us from baghdad. dodge cold is order the oil jain, shell 2 companies, compet emissions by 45 percent by 20. 30 greenpeace, and friends of the earth. the case being hailed as a major victory for environmentalists shall unsuccessfully argue that governments and non companies are responsible for meeting targets under the paris climate deal . when the company says it will appeal the ruling, the verdict could have major implications for similar cases around the world. step
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voss and from the hague. there was an absolute outburst of joy here at the court and the hey, people hungry each other, some even in 3 years, even people here will work at the court said it was a very special day. it seems like something has changed. the friends of the earth called it a monumental victory for all planets and for children, because indeed it is for the 1st time that a corporation is being held responsible for climate change. and not only governments are responsible, so shout is now ordered by the judge to cut down emissions. and that's a very 1st, i should say 45 was 10 by 2030, which is a nearly half. and that's only complying with the power with agreement. so now there is a court ruling option, a company to abide by the power agreement, of course, as the friends of the earth, and also all the other organizations have filed this case. and clearly one this case a that could mean that this could have huge implications for not only oral companies
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worldwide, but any company was involved in any way of global warming. while andy palin is the director of greenpeace, netherlands, who were on the petition, is in that case, he joins us from trex in the netherlands. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, were you surprised by the well, if you are in the court room and so you feel the pension, but to be frank, i wasn't surprised because as soon as i heard the judge speak, i could see and i could feel that she was really using the arguments we brought forwards and actually it's a clear victory. and i really felt in the room that we were going to win. so no, not surprised, but totally happy. all rights being held as a turning point. what will it mean for environmental protection efforts? if companies not just governments are responsible for climate change?
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yes, so it's clearly, as you said, landmarks victory. and that's because it's the 1st time that a major bowl company is really held responsible for it's, it's part in climate change. and that's, that's a breakthrough case. so what i think will happen is that it will spark more. so it's all over the worlds and i'm sure that the environmental movement including we, we will chase those companies that are still polluting and not doing enough to prevent climate change. so that's one. but i can also imagine that there will be away from divest lens, because clearly investing in fossil stocks is a risk. it's a liability. so i can see a shift towards renewable energy and investment and renewable energy. and that's a break through the routing, perhaps open the way for you and maybe others to take further cases. now you kind
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of looking at your list of issues, shall we say with rolled shell and maybe other environmental although energy producing saying ok, now that we have this ruling, we can go after them for other things to yes, definitely, definitely. and we've gone don't have concrete bands at the moment, but on my whatsapp, i received dozens of acts saying we should change this one or we should take this accompany of course, we will figure that out and i'm confident that a lot of other environments movements and other groups will do that too. and what else i hope to be frank is that this also sparks. i hope, among the new generation climate activists. because we don't the last as a grade, but we also need to march the streets and go out with banners. and,
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and protest is still really, really important. so this is really a when of the environmental movement that's only friends of beast. this is when of the movement. all right, thank you so much for coming and sharing your thoughts. thank you very much for having me. and we'll have plenty more ahead on the news our on the climate crisis. new research shows, climate change and your mental health link details coming up. why runs president hospital honey, speaking out against the countries election vetting body? with the french open, starting in 4 days, will number 2 is on the happy with some of the coven restrictions following that they are in for a un security council. the you to hold an emergency meeting on molly after the
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countries military pushed out the transitional leaders, the inter and vice president, colonel a see me go to says the prime minister and president of being held in the military facility near the capital. french president emmanuel macross says the european union is prepared to take sanctions against those responsible well in august last year, colonel going over through the government and then president bramble bucket, cater followed months of protests over worsening security, a legit corruption and economic problems the next month. retired colonel bon dahl was sworn in as inter and president, he was responsible for leading an 18 month transition to elections. the monday to military figures, instrumental to last year, who were replaced in a cabinet reshuffle with an hour's president, along with the prime minister in defense minister with detained and taken to a minute tree base. joining us now from baller co is moose,
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a condo. he's the country director of accountability lab. molly, good to have you with us. first of all, what do you think we'll get out to the un security council? as i mentioned, is going to be meeting on there soon. yeah, thanks so much for having me here. i think it's degree 3, call me happening now in molly because they have been august 2020. and now we have another cool again inside who charges not at transitional period and it's not what we did. so we expect that what we been may happen is out together, it's a national community and design process. how to get malia is we got the military and the leadership position. so this is what we expect. and
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what going to play right now, you know, in the united nation, did you think you really think international pressure will be able to restore the transitional prime minister president? not really, not really because during the last, when did happen, we had a lot of pressure from the national community in the us reporting and and what the long time, money and community then also malia the country to the pressure we put in place. we design solution, we don't really respond, denise collision. would you very much change, which is filing of governance into what i can do it. but the thing is for this time is a really important to walk alongside the leadership in molly, you should be not personally having military in the, in the that issue position. but how to design things. so we can move forward if the
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checking book is and put something in which will not work as we've seen 9 months ago. what does that ultimately mean for next year? for molly, you think elections are really going to be held? they have been very, i mean, but on answering this question because they books based in the native date and he wasn't vague. yesterday he made a statement saying, hey, we're still on track for the transition. we're going to have elections next year. i guess the question comes down to, do you believe him know, personally, i don't believe it because right before we had election day in the calendar. but during yesterday's declaration the election will be on 2022. so would be the last day of december. so that means
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that a really not clear, and for me, one of the best thing we should get out from anyone around at the national community is to get something they did is what we want to be done before they and will be picking up. but didn't really looking time looking to love and altogether as a partner this proration than just putting pressure are function which would be a lot of mine and people then do leaders. why did you really right position in terms of the economy in. ready terms of conference done by the real population would suffer. as you may know, we just coming back from out, you may not pretend with days 5 days off from it may be what could union and also the economy collapse with that. so that
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mean there will be a lot of pressure on bleach and then in the military. so that's why is a very important to have a smart ration with maryan is now. so we can go outside of this before getting more frustration because people also, you know, thinking between the, the reason being and also because it's been happening in the money now, which is not just in enough in region, even stop in region because we have some very very important moment and to know and understand we can not just dive it as low more time. but how to say really my with dish and out of like not admission outreach. they get pressure or just put attention, which will not lead us to so far as we've seen, a couple of. all right, thank you very much for your analysis, mussa condo. thank you. so head and i'll just sarah,
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south africa, the former leader back in cause were facing charges of corruption and fraud was severe rain and flooding fil a threat. and yass rips across the east in india. and it's for the interval i'm looking for a new coach. how do you what happened with antonio conte? ah hello there. those hot and dry conditions we've seen across much of the middle east are going to continue as well as for the levant region. across the gulf states, we will see temperature's dip slightly. we've got a shall wind blowing in across q weight and into guitar. that's going to see. temperature is dipped down slightly, but the heat will still be there. re add at 40 degrees. doha, at 42. now
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a man has seen some really hot weather temperatures in musket, edging up near the fifty's. and as we go into the we can, those are going to cool because he temperatures dipping down, nestling in the high thirty's. but the heat is going to come through elsewhere, particularly in the horn of africa. we've got some hot dry weather. he has showers across the p. o. p, and rift valley. one area that is looking pretty settled, we haven't seen too much action across the tropics. we've got storm clouds there, but many across northern areas of the democratic republic of congo and temperature c a higher than we expect to see for this time of year out. whereas we moved to southern parts of africa. the things are looking relatively fine and dry. lots of sunshine coming through for some bob way and for south africa and that the head of rain that's coming to cape town this weekend. the
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black and brown immigrant women at the mercy of the private prison corporation. 4 lines investigate allegations of medical abuse of women, held it a privately run immigration detention facility in rural georgia. you still don't know what happened here saying that you don't have a chance to read everything. an ordeal exposed by a nurse turned whistled our below the with a 1000 times over. if i had no consent, surgery scandal, in immigrant detention on al jazeera, most people will never know what's beyond these doors. the deafening silence of 100000. how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to work with. every breath is precious, with fear is not an option. but when most people
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oh a come back watching out there. it's time to recap our headlines now. america's top diplomat is in jordan to some and to seize 5 between israel and hammer in garza secretary of state entity, blankenburg, king of dollars a 2nd, who welcomed us administration's decision to reopen his consulate and occupied east jerusalem. a dutch court is ordered oil giant shell to catherine's compet emissions by 45 percent by 2030 being hailed as a major victory for environmentalist. verdict could have major implications to similar cases around the world. to a developing story out of the us where
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a government is killed at least 8 people as a railway out in california. the attack happened in the san jose facility were trains a stored police say a number of people have also been injured. the suspect is also dead. the former chief advisor to the u. k. prime minister is told the parliamentary committee, the government failed the public and its corona virus response. dominant coming says he and other officials acted too late. cummings, without it from downing street in november, amid rumors of a rift with the prime minister. because no doubt at all that many senior people performed for for disastrously below the standards which the country has a right to expect. i think that the secretary of state for health is certainly one of those people. i said repeatedly to the prime minister that he should be fired.
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so to the covenant secretary, so did many other senior people, u. k prime minister barak johnson has responded to dominant cummings accusations in parliament. the handling of this pandemic has been one of the most difficult things these countries had to do for a very long time. and none of the decisions have been easy to get into a lockdown is a traumatic thing for a country to deal with. dependent on this scale has been appallingly difficult and we've, at every stage, i tried to minimize loss of life to save lives in it. and we followed the best scientific advice that we, that we can iran, the president is urging its supreme leader to allow more candidates in next month. presidential election has been re, honey says, he's written a letter to i politely home and i as a final sales state matters ro, honey, criticize the decision by the election watchdog to reject nominations. the council
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is approved 7 out of nearly 600 candidates dealing moment husky, g. i wish the conditions were different and the guardian council would have allowed more candidates to be added. the nature of the election is competition. if you take this from the election, it becomes a body without life and falls down. this is the essence. there must be a tight race for reelection to happen to a high turn out an important election guarantees to legitimacy of the establishment . and this is a fundamental thing. we've forgotten this. thousands of syrians have cost that balance in the controversial presidential election that sent to extend his grip on power a shuttle asset. and his wife voted in damascus sub a key rebel stronghold before being retaken by government forces in 2018 voting is being held only in government control areas, faces few rivals and is expected to win a 4th term despite the decade of war policy and an economy in free fall, he's list all criticism that the election is
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a sham. but on the other stage we do not care at all about such statements. but more important than what the government say's or does not say is what the people say. i think that's what we have seen during the past weeks. it's clear answer to all of those people and it tells them that the value of your opinions is 0. the former south african president jacob zoom has pleaded not guilty to corruption charges and an arm steal case. zoom. a face is 18 charges of corruption, racketeering fraud and money laundering. so related to a $2000000000.00 deal in 1999, soon served as the deputy president. then summa has rejected the charges. he says he's a victim of a witch hunt by a rival faction of the ruling african national congress. somebody the middle report from janice book, former president,
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jacob's whom i pleaded not guilty to those charges. it's the 1st official, please by the president. he has on many occasions prior to that said that he's done nothing wrong, but this is a which i think it's politically motivated. it's been going on for almost 2 decades . and this really is attached to these factional battles with if the a and c also said just following the adjournment of today's court proceedings, that as far back as the time as he was deputy president, these charges were made. they were late to dropped and reinstated, he said, there's always been a plot to get rid of him, and he's willing to clear his name. at the same time, critics have said that he's doing anything he can to avoid prosecution. and in today's court proceedings, we saw some of that when the former president's a legal team put forward an application, a special plea to remove the lead prosecutor in this case, saying that he would not be objective. he would not be impartial,
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is not independent. and that he is political interference. some would argue that this is again, another ploy to try and derail the legal process. the former president, on the other hand, is saying that this really is about the vacation of, of his presidency and him as a person. and it really talks to this ongoing fight against corruption in south africa that current president's little, i'm a post a is trying to spearhead, but many would say it's not going as planned. in the democratic republic of congo, thousands of people are leaving the city of government to escape strong earthquakes caused by the option of a volcano, saturdays, or options and rivers of lava streaming down the hill side from the mountain, strong hundreds of homes and forcing thousands to flee. dozens of people died and the un says hold and 20000 are homeless. 5 clothing the ass made landfall on
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india's east coast on wednesday, bringing strong winds and heavy rain. more than 2000000 people have moved to emergency shelters. our india correspondent, elizabeth bron reports from new delhi heavy rain and high tides batter, the eastern states of edition and westbank gold, severe weather caused by psych loan, yas, i have never seen such a storm in my life. in the last 3040 years. my houses, i'm witnessing this for the 1st time. the water may cross the main doors for the 1st time in the west. bengal government says 300000 hollands have been damaged in one of its was defected districts south 24 paragon as not. my baby says she has nothing left. she had her son moved to a safe area and now her home has destroyed more than 2000000 people have been moved from low lying areas of west bengal and addition to emergency shelters. why do you
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maybe we are inside a shelter sleeping by putting papers on the ground? our situation is really bad. health experts are concerned about the conditions in evacuation centers as india battles, a devastating 2nd wave of the corona virus. so the psych loan is suddenly going to affect effect because containment measures. and this type loan shelters are going to be potential areas that could actually enhancements spread. it doesn't. psycho y'all's has weakened but it's expected to cause severe flooding across many eastern states. elizabeth per on al jazeera new delhi team of research is that the u. k. is imperial college london has concluded climate change. the thank thing the mental well being of hundreds of millions of people around the world. there is a clear link, they say, between higher temperatures and increased rates of suicide and clear evans, climate disasters cause severe emotional hom,
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even people who are directly affected are showing signs of eco and zion. he mental distress because of climate change. dr. m. a lawrence's with imperial college london and lead that report. she joins us live from adelaide in australia. good to have you with us. so as we saw in our report that in somebody the, i guess we talk about fi clones and people being made homeless, some of the effects of climate change. while you can understand how that would impact one's mental health. but other things in the reform maybe a not so clear how does for example, changing temperature increase suicides? yes, thank you very much for having me festival. and as you say, there are the report outlines a number of ways that climate change impacts mental health and the link between higher temperatures and mental health impacts is one of the most surprising, i think, to people. and we see a range of effects. so we say that higher temperatures are associated with
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increased suicide that the mentioned also more hospitalisation for psychological distress. and also wes and population mental health and wellbeing. and the thing is, we don't know exactly what causes this. there are a number of potential reasons we see increased violence and conflict in society with higher temperatures, which reduced economic outputs, we see impacts on sleep and also biological changes. so disruptions to the way our blood flow and cognitive function and also medications that people with mental illness can take to help their disorders. can also impact the body's ability to regulate temperature. so that might be another effect, but the, the picture needs more work as well to understand those mechanisms to also talk about sort of in direct the indirect impacts and something called e cohen zions. what exactly is that? explain the symptoms to us?
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yeah, thank you. so we say that when people not only directly experience climate change, but also are aware of a witness, the impact climate change is currently having around the world or in the future. certain 3 face that for, for many, this is understandably associated with a range of very strong emotional responses to that threat. and that can include sort of anger, grief, loss, guilt. and for some this is leading to really significant distress that ultimately impacts that of sleep. and that daily life and so eco, anxiety is a term that's been used to sort of capture those experiences. but it is not a new disorder. and it's different for different people. if the thanks of climate change or mental health of that pervasive 11 does how much of this is detected and treated? yeah, so at the moment the impacts of climate change and mental health are really big on
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accounted for cost. when we look at the cost of climate interaction, but also the benefits of action and it's really important that we get appropriate measures in place to support people. as you say, we know that with these high temperatures are extreme weather events that have big psychological tolls. in some places, there are great support programs that are happening on the ground and community support that is helping out to help people in the face of more frequent and severe disasters as we're seeing with climate change. but there are many people for whom this sort of distress and grappling right is sort of emotional responses, right. you know, that support is not that we need to say thank you so much for coming in joining us m lawrence. thinking still ahead on al jazeera and sport, a chance man to see united to finish that season on
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a real high details coming on. ah ah cruise with ah
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ah ah ah ah, it's time for the sport his gemma. thank sammy, he's just guided in similar to that firstly title of for 11 is head coach. antonio conte is now leaving the club into have agreed to terminate his contract one year early can say was reportedly in a dispute with the clubs owners. he wants to sell up to a $100000000.00 worth of players because of the sake of the finances that make
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before the child people could make a return to the premier league with them. he's amazed is one of the favorites to become then the manager, manchester united to kick off again, it's very out in the you are fully final in around 10 minutes with united and looking to enough 1st trophy in 4 years. and if they do get the victory in poland, it will be only going to socials of 1st piece of silvo as united manager. and he says it could be the stepping stone to a bright future for the club. the spanish opponent saw and beaten in european competition this season, and a coach by former awful boss, emery, he's looking to become the 1st manager when the torment 4 times. every player he goes into final has the expectation pressure to win. you have to be prepared to win . we, we plan to win. we expect to win, but i'm sure who feels the same with his team and his players and their players. so that's no different. it's been a long qualification to get here on it. 5050 when i get to a final and i feel,
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as i've said so many times now confident in that we are ready for this. she organizes as the take your lympics have made it very clear. then not discussing a possible cancellation, increasing pressure to scratch the event now coming from an official partner of the games. charles stratford has more despite growing pressure on japan's olympic committee to cancel the games, it seems the executive members are not listening. and what is going on? i got this during the executive board meeting. we talked about the fact that some people are calling for the cancellation of the olympics. but we did not discuss whether we should cancel up on it. the meeting was held ours off to one of japan's most respected media organizations and an official partner to tokyo olympics court for the games to be canceled. the editorial piece in the popular a saw he shim with newspaper, said the olympics should not go ahead because of risks,
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the public safety and pressure on japan's medical system. during the pandemic, tens of thousands of officials support staff and journalists are expected to travel to japan in the coming weeks. the games opening ceremony is scheduled for july. the 23rd. japan has reported around 720000 cases of covey, 191-2400 deaths. since the pandemic started but more contagious variance of the virus of cause the surgeon infections in recent weeks. there is an ongoing state of emergency and prime minister, so got it expected to decide on friday whether to extend that in 9 prefecture, including tokyo. and while recent efforts have been made to sort of bolster and quicken the vaccine, roll out in japan. whether that's going to be enough to hold the game safely, is still a big question. the vaccination rollout has been slow, only around 5 percent of people in japan have been fully vaccinated so far,
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that some experts warn the games could become a super spreader event. poll show, the majority of people in japan are against the games going ahead. the government seems determined. so damn the torpedoes full speed ahead and the people are scratching their hands. why? only 14 percent of japanese favor who's in the game said about 80 percent. want them postpone or canceled. we have a who's who of c, e. o. speaking out against the games, one of them call them a suicide mission. according to the contract between the international olympic committee and tokyo only the i o. c can cancel the games. if your palm was to unilaterally cancel, then potentially billions of dollars in losses would fall on the local organizes. the contract says one reason to justify canceling,
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the olympics would be if the i o c has reasonable grounds to believe that the safety of participants would be seriously threatened or jeopardized for any reason whatsoever. for those who oppose the games going ahead, toby 19 could be just such a threat. john stratford al jazeera the franchise and tennis starts on sunday and well, number 2, daniel metadata had a few strong words to say about corrina far as restrictions that the tournament, the russian that will be trying to in his 1st grand slam title. having been a find this in both the 2019 us, i said, and this is australia as well. met the death and the rest of the plans that girls have had to follow a strict set of guidelines, including only having a very limited support team in paris. the thing is that if the rule is the same for everybody, i have 0 problems with it. that's a rule, it can be stupid, and i'm going to maybe say stupid, but it's the same for everybody. but then comparing for example,
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to last year i was seen top 10 players with 4 or 5 people, members of their family members of their saw. and that's where i ask the question well, met with that is going to compete at the olympics under a neutral flag. no more than 10 russian athletes will be able to compete and track and field. the games are currently banned from major international sporting events because it states once a doping, suspension runs until december 2022 after being reduced to 2 years by the court of arbitration for support in switzerland, gothics integrity unit. believe russia yet to show a new attitude, when it comes to following anti dosing rules, i think even adopting a big picture view of their approach to the wilderness doping agency, they could have done a lot more a lot quicker and avoided a lot of the problem is time went on, but what i did time and time again was not to front up and deliver what they had said they would in fact delivered information,
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particularly to the world anti dumping agency that was manipulated, destroyed, and so forth. in a situation where it could have been easily delivered in pristine condition. so that means that a number of russian athletes have to die not being sanction for probable anti doping offences. and that's that. so the concern, because there was a lot of hope that in dealing with these matters, the russians would show a new attitude toward anti doping. so would be to see that we hope it will come, but it hasn't come yet that so your thought for now i'll be back with more later. thanks so much jim. well that's from me, sam is a then, but barbara sarah is back in a moment for my mom, the new center with more of the day's news. so stay with
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the news. news, news, news, news. julie, the debates don't receive the picture and amplify your voice. they're only given a certain narrative, the media will miss the true story, know topic it off the table. why in the world, what do we humanize an individual domestic care? this was an illegal occupation of a country. what they're doing is they're removing knowledge vision at the the stream where a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera. ah,
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asia and the pacific on al jazeera, the news hi mass warns a much bigger religious war could break out in the middle east if underlying. 7 issues are not resolved this made new tension in jerusalem were more palestinian families are fighting efforts to forcibly evicted them from their homes. ah, hello barbara, are you watching? i'll just say we're.


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