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tv   News  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2021 8:00am-8:31am +03

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drury scandal in immigrant detention on al jazeera play, an important role checking human. ringback face in the ones that a bigger with israel violates the alex the most st. jerusalem and the sites are red line more attention than not the bodies, jerusalem, where families are resisting, move to force and i, i'm down, jordan, this is all just a lie from also coming up. the us president, orders an investigation into cobra. 19. and was it really did come from
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a lab in china? not the 1st winner. abigail, just from silverspring. congratulations. you just $11000000.00 plus get a job and get a shot to being rich, the controversial experiments in a us ah, my master's political leader in gaza is warning of a religious war. if israel persists with its policies around alex, a mosque occupied east jerusalem, and elsewhere in palestinian territory. yes, yes. it was also accused the us secretary of state, anthony lincoln of trying to sto palestinian divisions are a force that reports from god the here on the street, you get an idea of the long term nature of the fall out of this war 44 people died in this massive building collapse and now 2 other buildings on the street, one of them right here behind us had been declared structurally unsound. their
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habitants had been told to leave. now this was the 1st day that we've heard from houses top leader inside garza ya soon was in a news conference that was on the record, but frustratingly for the most part off camera. he was interesting on the issue of reconstruction, saying that the suggestion by the secretary of state or the united states, as many blinking that any reconstruction efforts coming through the u. s. or its allies should evade hamas and be done through the power soon or 30 in the occupied west bank soon was said that was a trick to try to divide the palestinian people further. however, he also said that any reconstruction would be welcome, that hamas would not take a single penny of it on the issue of the seas far, he confirmed that it was on condition. nobody wanted more to be done by the international community to rein in the activities of israel in jerusalem on the alex the most compound. i didn't shake your in occupied easters them in particular here with some of his recorded remarks that he began the news conference with me,
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i hope will. i do not want it. the whole world doesn't mean to stop and put a limit to the practices of the occupation and alex, a mask, shake gera, and the holy city. in general, it will be a reason to ignite a big religious war in the region and bring in a state of worry and widespread chaos in the middle east. and the whole world was israel says the large number of civilian deaths here on the street was an accident that it was targeting military tunnels on the ground here. since says that there are new military tunnels of that nature in this location. and so denies that he also challenges the israeli narrative about what took place on the 4th night of the war. up in north western garza, there was a fake ground invasion attempted by israel. he said that was an obvious phase that they knew it was coming. that they did not allow any fighters to go on the ground and that they got the other ones who were in the tunnels out saying that there was 0 deaths from that attack. now israel says dozens were killed. he also said that we
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were here the media to verify exactly what was taking place. so i asked him if we also could go to those tunnels, see the military damage for ourselves in his words, to verify what had happened. he said he'd get back to us. well, antony blinkin has been in egypt and jordan offer intensive talks with his railey and palestinian leaders, the to get a boost to the israeli, my sci fi. and lincoln says he hopes to build on that. and i'm on my conversation with his majesty touched on again a range of topics including the urgent work we need to do together to meet you mandatory and reconstruction needs and gaza while ensuring that the palestinian people not a mos benefit from this assistance. we discuss jordan's essential role as a custodian of muslim holy places and the importance of preserving the historic status, quote attributes on all the sites. jordan also plays a vital role in the west bank. the u. s. re engages with the policy people in reopens are constantly jerusalem, will have
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a lot of work to do together as well. meanwhile, katara has pledged half a $1000000000.00 towards garza's reconstruction. the energy rich gulf state regularly contributes millions of dollars in the humanitarian aid to the besieged strip. cutter was part of mediation efforts to secure the cease fire brokers by egypt. well, the prospect of more palestinian families being forced from their homes, continues to cast a shadow in occupied jerusalem and israeli court adjourned a decision on forced evictions in the neighbourhood of sil, one less than 3 weeks ago. a similar case and check gera, spot violence, that led to 11 days of conflict between us and israel. and con, report. the more use of force by israeli police on the streets have occupied east jerusalem outside the district court protest as we show the move behind the security barrier. inside the court heard the case of 6 families living in 2 houses on the threat of forced expulsion from their homes in the nearby suwanee neighbourhood. israeli settlers say jews own the property pre the creation of the
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state of israel. and since the state came into being previous property rights are null and void that georgia postpone the hearing, saying he would seek further legal advice. the lawyer for the family says, despite the fact that palestinians have little faith in the legal system, representation in his ready courts is crucial. we don't have the luxury engage, and as lawyers, we have families, the families are at risk of eviction. we wish we had international people, not that we could go to and that international people, not dodge to get the case. but since the cases are being fight to the court, we cannot leave this field without any response from our side. outside the court, the protest is made clear. they see the full st explosions as the legal. so as you can see, emotions are very high. the police move the protest behind that barrier. just take
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a look at humanity, take credit over all limits the message really need to be gotten rid of a public need. this is still one and the neighborhood that is at the center of the court case tie it is a member of one of the families fighting to keep their home. they were forced out by the state of israel from their home in the old city in 1965. and we'll re housed here. he can't fall a court case to get his old home back. and now he might lose this one. and i don't believe in the israeli illegal system because in 1967, our house was confiscated in the old city. and if there's any justice in the course, they should return that home to us. when the settlers come, our life becomes miserable. they arrest our kids, they harass our women, and our elders. and life is just hard all of the houses on this narrow street or the threat. the court this moment has brought them some breathing space and they
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can remain for now. but for how long? those who live here don't know him on con, audi 0 salon occupied east jerusalem. now i us, president joe biden has all that report from his intelligence agencies on the origins of corona virus within 3 months. last week, the wall street journal reported 3 people working at a virus lab in the chinese city of wu, so ill in november 2019. in march, joint world health organization and chinese profound. it was highly unlikely, the virus accidentally mix from that land. but international scientists say beijing withheld key information. one theory is the virus emerged from human contact with an infected animal at hand with the market. chinese embassy in the us says politicizing the origins of private 19, but hamper investigations will get more reaction out of china shortly. but 1st doctor amish dodger from the johns hopkins center. the health security says
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evidence proves the need for a transparent investigation. we're starting to see a lot, a lot of converging streams of evidence that there hasn't been transparency from the chinese government that we're hearing about people who work at the institute of i ology, becoming sick with an illness. we know that this has been spreading since november . we've seen the chinese government been very reticent to allow press to investigate the origins of this virus. we know the wall street journal reporters have been detained by police. we know the b, b. c has been chased out of certain areas where people are looking for the origin. so i think that raises questions about trying to really get the chinese government to, to come to terms with what may have happened in the early days of the pandemic. and i think now there is enough streams of evidence that, that the, and not enough intelligence that's pushing a president biden to really want to get to the bottom of this and to get answers. and i think it's, it's long overdue and it's the right action. the investigation is likely to show
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how this virus found its way into human. it's going to look into the bio safety at the institute of ideology, where they're, where they lack about how they handled these pathogen. it will also give, give us some understanding of which corona viruses that lab was working with and understand what the procedures and protocols were. what is the most common? what's the most likely ancestor of the source koby to virus? there's a lot of important via level lucian eric questions that we need to get to the bottom because we need to be prepared for the next corona virus that threatens us. so let's get the view from beijing now and talk to on a tongue, and he's a political analyst, specializing in international affairs. unattended. many observers like the guests you just heard them say, president biden has ordered his intelligence agencies to investigate theirs because he believes china has withheld keen formation. and haven't been truthful about where this virus actually came from. what's your response to that? well, i don't know that an intelligence investigation of what is an essence of scientific
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matter will yield anything. the information is available. this notion that somehow this information about 3 people being hospitalized november. that's not true. it was actually mentioned in march by the australian government. so this is not a new revelation, it's simply recycled material that is being used in beijing site to continue vilifying it. but i mean in terms of origin in terms of origin, sharon, quite frankly, they don't know were each one. and one virus which originated manifested in the us where it specifically came from. you can go back to the spanish flu, you can go measles. so all the, you know, we do know that there were a lot of bad things, typhoid, et cetera. they're introducing tonight age by europeans, but you don't know where they came from. okay, but, but doesn't this, i and i just undermined the recent w show investigation findings. i mean china cabinet cook. i mean, this is
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a fat. china heavily choreographed that investigation. the movement of inspectors was highly restricted. many observers say china, white clean the evidence trail, any way they delayed inspectors coming in. and experts we've spoken to say that joint china w report isn't worth the paper. it's written on. that's a fact. well, that's not a fact. and so their opinion, quite frankly, china has been very wary of the fact that people have already judged it. basically they, they want to have a trial before they have the hanging. they've been very reticent about allowing international groups to come in. and in essence, try to twist what they see are the actual size of this thing. the, the, you know, the simple science is that we don't always get to the bottom of where things come from. it is very important, i agree with the doctor about, you must do a forensic analysis of this to make sure that you're prepared for the next one. but
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this, this idea that somehow you're not satisfied were other people aren't satisfied with the fact that they don't know something is therefore an indication of guilt by a 3rd party. if that was the case from the us and euro would be on the hook for lo, these many hundreds of years of what is ok genetically in biologic, but on the world have a right to know where this virus came from and how it managed to escape from hand, because it's important day to the, as you say, could affect how the world deals with subsequent cobra. pandemic se. well, they actually do darren, i mean, they know that it's french europe and from your united states. and you know that that was a matter of how the government set it in terms of knowing yes, there should be efforts. but as i keep trying to tell you it, those efforts haven't always been successful in the past. if you look at all. busy the pandemic isolating a downs patient 0 and what happens is there now,
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when you say that it state from hon, you're indicating that you believe you have the knowledge prior to anybody else. right down there is not enough information. people are connecting dots that aren't necessarily connected. and you know, china appeal beijing fuels that it's being vilified without any real information being provided on a tank. we have to leave it there. thank you very much indeed for your time. so thank you. so it's a company and i'm just there including we want to be recognized and we want to prosper and we're willing to fight for it until the end. we meet young people on the front lines of protest against columbia as government want to georgia, the most celebrated war heroes returned home with full military on its 50 years after his death, horner ah,
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i once again, hot and dry sums up the weather across the middle east as per usual, barely a cloud in the sky that maybe one or 2 light, spotty showers across the far north of the region, but that aside, more very hazy sunshine coming through 42 celsius here in doha of 45 and q way warm enough in dubai, and also in most scots and as we go through the next couple of days, we're hanging onto the won't know quite as high as those temperatures, but still warm enough level less further north. you might see a shower too, into our northern parts of you might just capture spots of rain the over towards i've gone is done otherwise it large. he is clear skies and hazy sunshine coming through the sunshine extends down across the whole of africa. but we could see on shore showers just drifting into southern parts of somalia. wanted to show us just around the european highlands can you could catch a shadow to the wet weather over toward central african republic. northern parts of d. r. c. easy over towards the gulf of guinea,
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where the showers now looking really rather lively, but to the south of that much southern africa valley. a cloud in the sky. we got some showers just around south africa. having said that, just around the southern cape, the cloud starting together here, knocking the temperature back in their port. elizabeth as we go through saturday with a re moving east the the world of high frequency share trading exposed. i had this engine that was basically trading. i couldn't last $30000000.00 was a terrifying experience. how artificial intelligence is raised for stakes and risks on the money markets. there's markets go faster and faster. we're opening up the possibility for an instability, for no money bought on our jessie. ah
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ah, welcome back and pick your mind about top stories. this out the lead up. how much in garza is warning of a religious war. israel persists with policies around alex, a must occupied easter islam and elsewhere in palestinian territory walls, accused us secretary of state. i'm trying to study allison in division and israeli court of agenda decision on more forced evictions in occupied east jerusalem. there were demonstrations outside the court, 6 families, and still one could lose their homes. and joe biden has ordered us intelligence agencies to report back on the origins of the corona virus within 3 months. it's an indication of administration, a seriously considering the possibility for the virus accident from me, from
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a chinese lab. australia, 2nd most popular state has been put into another snap locked down at least 26 new kind of in 1900 infections have been reported. this week and victoria contact tracing as identified 10000 people who may have been exposed for the next week. people can any of their homes for essential reasons. but catherine bennett, his chair women in epidemiology at deacon university institute for health transformation. she says the indian varian has been identified. among the cases it's difficult to assess because we're actually working backwards to find cases linked to or context linked to cases that have been in the community for a week or 2. and so that gives you a very accelerated impression of how quickly the virus is spreading. what will be far as you need to do now is to try and get far enough ahead of the virus downstream to stop to the sprayed while they assess what's been going on behind us
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. and, and have a link back to the unknown league from hotel parenting. we know this ties back to a case that came back at the start of the months from interstate hotel quarantine. they just trying to connect as current cluster. back to that case, contact tracing is everything and really snap lockdown to design just to give that health department contact pricing, team parking chance, you know, it gives them a bit of extra time to get everybody they need to contact. so what you're doing in effect is putting a population into quarantine until you can narrow it down and make sure you've got all as likely to have been exposed, socially quarantined before you open up. the ranks of vaccinations has flowed in the united states. half of all adults have received at least one dose, but opposed to just a quarter of the, of the population. don't want a job at all. so some states have creative schemes to encourage people to roll up their sleeves. how does your cast a reports now? in columbus, ohio,
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we are excited to announce no 1st winter abigail from silverspring. congratulations . the odds of winning were one in 2700000. that's the number of people in the u. s . state of ohio who register for wednesdays lottery drawing to win $1000000.00 for having received the covey 19 vaccine. i hope i will. tommy cole erik name wasn't take this time, but he still has 4 more chances to win in following weeks. he says he actually feels pretty lucky just to be vaccinated, so i can go out and enjoy the world and keep everyone safe for doing. the $1000000.00 prize can go to any vaccinated adult vaccinated. teenagers can win a university scholarship. but most of the people attending this hearing epi, ohio state capital, say they refuse to be lured into accepting the shot. they back a proposal protecting their choice to refuse the vaccine. i'm not going to sell
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myself or you know, a ticket for college or, or, or money. i mean, i think our bodies and what products we put a number for our lives are far more important than, than money. recent polls show about a quarter of americans, and more than half of republicans say they will not get a code 900 vaccine. public health experts worry that would allow the virus and it's variance to retain a dangerous foothold in the us population. and if we want to get to the other side of the pandemic, we need as many people in our population vaccinate as possible. we'd like to get to as close as at 70 to 80 percent as we can in the us. the most common reasons for not getting vaccinated against coded are safety, concerns, and doubts about the disease. it severity, despite nearly 600000 americans dead, and another 500 still dying daily. ohio governor says that's justification for
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spending government money on the deliberately named vax a $1000000.00 lottery, or something magical. it seems to me, there always has been about a 1000000 a $1000000.00. i don't know that we kind of cheese the same results with a $1000.00 or a $100.00. everyone we spoke with at this vaccine dry through said they'd heard about the lottery but would have gotten the shot. any way. no rish ringo saw me says it's made him very aware of his fortunate position in the world. we are from india and we still we are hearing that there is a scarcity of vaccine and people are not getting it. when i mean, even though they're wanting other us state to follow suit with lotteries of their own and businesses are offering everything from free donor to a spin around a professional race track. it's unclear whether these experiments will work, but at least in ohio, a handful of people will be both vaccinated and very rich. heidi jo castro,
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al jazeera columbus, ohio protest as of march across cities in columbia, demanding more economic help from the government. have been demonstrations for maybe a month now. and rights group say at least 40 people have been killed by security forces many a young and poor and say they've nothing to lose alessandro pet reports now from but it's becoming almost nightly occurrence for nearly a month. the police clashing with columbia youth angry with the government in a system they say, has failed them during the day at the so called resistance portal in baton, where together 21 year old magius painting a message calling for him to police violence. but at least the grievances against the government, as long as the game and the injustice in this country, the lack of opportunity for many young columbia, many can't access education at all. so we're here exercising our right to protest
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were here, demanding health a home. and in education, but we were attacked by the police, the policeman armed. well, we have brushes been pain like practically a 3rd of columbia as youth magic jobless, and has been unable to continue her languages studies. unemployment in school dropout rates at k rocketed doing the cobit pandemic, increasing the numbers of these affected young colombians who responded by protesting, despite a brutal police response that is left dozens dead. they call us nini, or neither norris, because we don't work nor study but how are we supposed to study if we don't have the resources? how can we access public university if there are 5000 people from 100 spot? there are so many like me who simply don't have anybody to help them pay for an education. i think we took so much away from us that we don't fear them anymore. and if we don't fear them, they lose their power that the government has begun negotiating with the unions
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that started to protest in april against and now withdrawn tax reform to address these issues. but many engaging daily here in sit ins and performances, say they don't feel represented by the unions and want their own seat at the table . protest they say is their only available weapon and night. the atmosphere remains communal and festive, but as the hours have sanctioned rises, as professors blocked the roads challenging the belief. minutes later security forces moving for another long night of rock steer, gas and violence. get him on, we want to be recognized and we want to prosper and willing to fight for q till the end. no one knows what the end looks like in a country that seems to be repeating a history of repression of protest and descent. but despite the police efforts, these young protesters say they are determined to hold their ground. ellison,
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i just got that report by the norwegian refugee council says the democratic republic of congo has the world's most neglected number of displaced people. it describes it as a mega crisis fuel by conflict and reco. honda, 2000000 people were displaced. last year. its got worse. after volcano erupted the city of goma on saturday. tens of thousands. i've been forced to flee and more could follows. as, as the threat of a 2nd election group of staley and teenage environmentalists have lost a legal attempt to force the government to block the expansion of a coal mine. the activist argued environment minister had a duty to protect young people against climate change. susan lays, considering whether to approve of mine expansion in the state of new south wales would lead to an extra $33000000.00 metric tons of coal extracted in the 25 years. at least 5 people have been killed along india's east coast for
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a 2nd cycle. and hit the country in less than 2 weeks. 2000000 people were moved to safety just for psych county asked in a landfill on wednesday, the government's deployed 5000 responded to reach communities cut off by floods. georgia has ribeiro its most famous military general, whose remains were brought back from france general georgia giving he died and exiled the georgia was defeated by the soviet union's red army. robin forest walker reports now subleasing a full state funeral for a celebrated general a century owned from your community. this separation from his homeland. george is president, is herself a descendant of georgians, forced to flee the bolshevik advance in 1921. grannie. much and your belief and the belief of my father and all other georgia and emigrants has been justified. georgia is immortal,
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and the restoration of independence is inevitable. so they will be gone level, but she exuberant and repatriated from france. the bones of the general and of his wife lay together in one casket. the generals return comes 30 years since the restoration of independence, georgia after the collapse of the soviet union. and it's been a 100 years since that independence was taken from georgia after the invasion of the right of an invasion that sent the general and his family into exile. as commander in chief of the army general committed to a secured george's borders for its 3 brief years as an independent democratic republic say as crazy. but after the bolsheviks victory, he and his family found sanctuary in france. tommy and nano fernando, my mother,
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my grandfather was getting older and he had about 4. and he was so sad to not be able to go back to georgia in dying, georgia. he was so sad that georgia was still part of the soviet union and that his dream was to come back to democratic independent, georgia. and it's very moving for us that it's happening now today. but communities is few room fell on george and independence day. a display of military endurance, in the face of ongoing threats. russia still occupies 20 percent of these countries territory. i don't know if somebody, georgia is democratic story, as old as the general, and he's missing from today's narrative here war many battle. and he fought even 121 battle. well. but all the other hand car,
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georgia ignores democratic legacy. we still don't have even a siegel monument dedicated to the founding fathers of the 1st republic. the general has a new resting place into beliefs sees panty in his nation's identity. renewed his military legend restored. robin burst your walker. al jazeera tbilisi. ah, doctor krycek of the headlines here on al jazeera, how much his political lead and gaza is warning of a religious war. israel persists with its policies around alex, a mosque occupied east jerusalem, and elsewhere in palestinian territory. yes. in walls or q u. s. secretary of state anthony of lincoln of trying to stoke palestinian divisions. but lincoln has been in egypt and jordan after intensive talks with israeli and.


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