tv [untitled] May 30, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm +03
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the 44 year old teachers return safely from the mountain. well, i'm not looking for freaking. i just want to challenge myself and i always tell my team, my working team, my friends. when you aim high, high you can achieve high. so i feel relieved because i can prove my work to my friends, to my students. ah, this is not to say that these are the top stories west african leaders have begun that emergency meeting about the political crisis in molly. the session was called after last week's cru. see me going on, is the colonel behind that take over? he was named the new interim president and he's also attending the meeting. nicholas hoc has moved from buckle. since he wants to get the trust of the west african heads of state that he's actually going to follow through on the promises
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that he had made when he took over power in august. and the reason why there was a lack of trust is because he had promised back in august that he would ensure that its civilian would lead the transition this period of transition. and last week he fired the president of transition and the prime minister over government position that affairs the political uncertainty and money could make it security situation worse and the size of the country. 5 people have been killed and shooting a gun when attacked. a police checkpoint along the road between molly and ivory coast. there's a scramble of political view making on the way in israel. white's wing politician natalie bennett, is in talks with a centrist party leader. if the talk succeed finance or benjamin netanyahu could be replaced. israel's foreign ministers in cairo for talks with his egyptian counterpart, gabby asking as he has treated about the meeting, saying amongst the 1st such formal visit in 13 years, they also had the 2 officials with disgust prospects of a permanent sci fi with hamas. at least 2 people have been killed and 20 injured in
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a shooting in the us state of florida. police in miami say 3 people, shot indiscriminately into a crowd outside of billions club where people were gathering for a concert. the president of democratic republic of congo says the situation is serious, but under control, days after the option of africa, the most active volcano, at least 400000 people have abandoned their homes. indonesia is released, time goes from iran and panama seized on suspicion of illegally transferring oil. iran's n t horse and its crew have not been started out of indonesia waters. panamanian tankers seized at the same time was also released on friday. the captains of both vessels was sentenced to a year in prison, but causing environmental damage, but they were released on probation. those are the headlines coming up next and i'll just say that it's one 0 one east. goodbye news.
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news. news. news in the switch city of geneva, thousands of undocumented workers aren't able to legally rent a home instead before to rely on so called slumlord, paying them exorbitant prices to live in overcrowded apartment. it has not been e c or a money. it is like blood and sweat for us. the only solution for us to find a place is to share some slumlord rental dozens of properties to vulnerable workers. she doesn't give receipts why she get payment. she only gives like
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a text message. like thank you for the food. it is a sign that she got money when i went east make the filipino tenants being exploited in one of the world's richest country. ah ah, in downtown geneva to see you. she is a 40 square meter, one bedroom apartment. this is mary anne, and is marina. this is judy nice. this me and the coppers behind there 6 people in the senior flatmates are all filipino. they only come home at night. the official rent for the apartment is about $1200.00 a month, but the sick tenants pay more than $2200.00,
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almost doubled. the difference is kept by the landlady. we have to bear with a shudder. so it is not like it is my own room that i can have my own privacy. he does not like that. if you're going to be alone, you can go to the park, you can take a walk, just like that. so how does everyone i'm calling on t? they're okay. taking care of them to see you is 48 years old and has 2 children who is studying back in the philippines. she came to switzerland to make money to send home for their education. i haven't seen my family for 4 years already and it is really difficult for a mom to p l. e from them. it is. it is hike breaking, i say because i wasn't able to witness their lives. they go to school. i wasn't
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able to i wasn't there to prepare the food to greet them when they come home to send him to school and you know, as a mom, i miss oldest opportunities, but then it is really tough but you know, he need for family. we have, i have to goodness, so i decided to come in work we cannot afford to pay for the apartment because it's very expensive. so the only solution for us to find a place is to share ah, across town these duplex is many by the same landlady. ah,
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it's sunday loaner lisa's day. oh oh yes. yes. yes. they're following an evangelical service back home in the philippines. they live in the small apartment with 9 others together. they pay the landlady about $6.00 and a half $1000.00 a month, nearly double the market range. well it's, it's really difficult because half of our salary will need to pay the, the house for our room is $1100.00. so 125 square meter apartment has 5 bedrooms and only one common room, a small kitchen to stay out of each other's way. they meticulously time their
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activities, according to a tight schedule. i am the 1st one who walk up in the morning. i turn around 5 b m because we have our own schedule for me because i am the 1st one. so i have to walk up by 5 in the morning and i'm using the bathroom for 30 minutes. so after dark, i need to lay down again with my bed because i'm, it's still early for me to go to work. sometimes at 730 or 8 o'clock, there is no hot water anymore. so we need to hear from the boys growing there to use her thought there for those who, who are not having their best during summer, it's a very, very hot and now it's winter. this heat, there's not working me began at school all together. we had this schedule, we are all doing miserable here for all of us 11 who are leaving you.
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luna has never seen her grandchildren in person. she came to switzerland 9 years ago to support her family. oh, an agency based in the philippines, capital manila organized to travel and put her in contact with the landlady the cost of 15000 francs or some. it depends upon the processing of the papers because we don't have any, we don't do anything. all our for the agency, we just had to give the initial premium. and after that,
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everything is already ok. the arrange every day. and the loaner still paying back the agency, they just get her financial situation is precarious, largely because of the amount of rent she pays, but she has little choice. if she leaves her in the others, want to stay here. they have to pay me. i, being undocumented in switzerland doesn't just affect accommodation. it's also impossible to have a legal job. all these women are informal, domestic work, and the facility is a cleaner. in this up market apartment i, i do part time. can i am doing cleaning housekeeping
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for 4 hours and in the afternoon i have to pick up kids. okay. bring them from schools to home and play with them for an our i work like 8 hours a day. from monday to friday, i get touring like a decent amount and i was i 2003. and then i have to pay my rent $342.00 pay my bills. i have to buy it for my food. it is not been easy or any money, it is like blood in sweat for us. so every sand should be spent wisely. oh, so celia spend 11 years working in south korea before coming to switzerland attracted by the high wages. but she was quickly reminded of her
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vulnerable position. they don't teach you as an employee, they treat you as a slave. is like any time they tell you, you have to be there. you have to come now. it's like people cannot wait and sometimes we don't get paid the right way the right amount. me i it is always in a bar again situation. it is like take it or leave it situation because we are already here. we don't have a choice in the law about $3000.00 a month. she baby sits often 7 days a week, even following her employers on vacation. but the curve 19 pandemic has made
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a work more regular. lead to the not for the whole week, but at least half of our food do we need in one week. we can get there in the car. since 2015, the age group solidarity caravan has given essential to those the need it seen an explosion of people needing help during the pandemic feel? well, one of the co founders of the organization is filipino activist charlie hernandez. he's well aware of how precarious the lives of his countrymen and women all applaud message is, who was the minimum source of approximately see deeper. hola, thanks you, tony. did i mean vsl molly could put legendary the defeat by the let you know,
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a little mingle who there's this whole found the me call provide the family to get school with every city that actually successful to me, i'll tell you what it was. you know, you decided to keep the tape to despair. imagine and up after mall on computer bottom, on the dps percentage from the no, no, it's an outside of the legal housing market. these workers are done ruble to exploitation by slumlord, alexandro, filippo coordinator, support network for undocumented. foreigners in geneva, one 3rd of those who come to him, a filipino. and you know, by the way, we just came home. she got more put than those most. flexible. not there is
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a p v system or anything similar with the best. and lou does any, did you end up after mall salerno? da shackle? this is up at the mall. yep. is your son keep a 2 on way? yeah, nope, up all of my point. bless for lee, for matlab to me on the list. so when i come back, that gets all the filipinos we've met, have the same landlady, profiting from the situation. will call her nice k. introducing herself as a pilot, she's believe to be in her forties and makes a good income from sa blessing. when miss con, get the rent. she always comes very late. like 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock, we are already asleep actually. and then she next on the door. sometimes because we
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are already asleep and we have to go to work early in the morning. we don't open it anymore, but still she goes up and down from the building, knocking, knocking. sometimes she has the key. so she, she opens it. she doesn't give receipts when she gets payment. she only gives like a text message. like thank you for the food. it is a sign that she got money in this building as she has 6 under flats, including us, but it is not under her name. she uses other names like her sister, history and brother in law. you know, countryman, cousins, i don't know. miss k has been managing around 30 apartments in geneva and across switzerland. since 2011. she's health,
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hundreds of people ah, a well will system. it was suddenly exposed in march 2020. after a series of dawn rains by the police. we walk up the big bang on the door. someone is looking so loud in the door at 6 45 in the morning and then we opened the door. they walk up telling us to wake up and get our passport, other documents, documents that we have, and we should all move in the kitchen. i know all of you here. don't have papers. please don't be afraid. we just want to ask something about the owner of this house . despite the risks, some tenants made formal complaint against miss k lawyers to lean moreau represent some of them up and if it does what he does on the calendar police and dr. big,
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some of that was the look, you know, sit there. if so to basketball, yo and the bad alternator down, she knew no different chickens aren't in any play. no white put him on that they won't get pointed you. luckily, don't live about knowing that i didn't have the document, it is the best thing to do because no one can give us protection anymore. it is only that we have to rely on the government. there are 2, i repeat that maybe just telling the truth in supporting them. they could support us back me. ms. k. was arrested on charges relating to usury daddy's making unlawful financial gang through exploitation. flexible jewels in question kept what was possible. now don't let him know about it. yeah,
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yeah. let's put this on said now i did. did it tree. yeah. in just put boxes on his keel fair a don't kid monday, but it was pretty simple. hostage for the flexibility when they would love to lodge chic hip hop, we will get there and they would lead to but not fair for the value. i don't actually know when they come on don't when this choice, when did you so she looks like she has money. if you look at her, she has nice out fee that expensive like this she, she looks like. and yes, of course when she comes, she has lots of money in her bag because she came from other places already let to get rent. mm. we contact ms. kay, to ask her about the allegations, but she directs us to her lawyer hyatt solely. she already
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gave them all surely do county students and it doesn't cost you. so he she a member of 21 gun ships the shed said if i don't go do you though you fool, i pray all the little to a note and asked him notary there are new g o t g as in lieu skip oss could pass it better than looks gloom, sulu i been showing yes upon a risk that though it for i press you so now at 1550 for the booth of remote the way you're set up with some tash upon the least he should do more of it she w oh according to the police miss k owned more than $21000.00 per month from subletting. yeah. and i don't know if i'm
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the fan elm and don't be yellows and found the key c. c proposal in the public really want to i can see cur, tom boned, let me show you how this team as an ed kid the let's see the trick level laska and permit. and never he said popular show that was early june met in his di and boys, if most of the kiddos on just to the, to when she comes to replace and get our rent. if it is just like business is in business conversation, you pay and she said good bye and that's it. she doesn't stay long. she doesn't spend much time talking with us now. she doesn't even say where she came from or where she's going next or what? she just needed fast. okay,
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faster i'm late. i'm late. always late. it's always lake drive for her nice. k also has all the rooms advertise on a be in be making her see more business woman than benefactor. but she does provide a roof for those who can't use the traditional rental market. people without legal status or did he job christophe gerad, it's c e o we'd hospice general week, implement geneva, social welfare policy events, preserve re key. so some of that, i say it's a little easier to get the more loc grenada sauce. good. and that good news, 70 sco more. come up with a new result. the ball saw to the fair lego equal phone, a big the modem. you sort of a dolly behind that it was, you know,
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you in the system poplar. don't look at your side law ms. kay, was clearly aware of the welfare rights. she'd asked the maximum possible amount $1200.00 per tenant, often for just a simple room. according to the investigation fall, she held at least for welfare recipients, one who was unable to manage spending her benefits pay directly into miss kase account. and his doesn't seem to be an isolated case. goodness was done on the matter on sunday and may in fargo, sidney bundled mother teagle to live in a man. it would don't good label anymore. don't you don't get the law until august is another don't get as much. feels he don't do the most. he told you consider drainage and these are the key thought that it would in
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a way difficulty a cool and optimal. you would probably at the tip and buy your plan to nearby alone . all pulled the situation plays into the hands of slum lourdes. and it seems to me the case business is just the tip of the iceberg in geneva, it's estimated more than 10000 undocumented migrants struggle to find accommodation . it's a market that could also appeal to property management company. ms. k has winded 20 apartments to zimmerman. a company with $11000.00 and tenants on its books worth more than a $160000000.00. lawyer saline. moreover, since it's difficult to believe the company was unaware of her activities. if it is aftermarket dear, you're welcome and she doesn't show me on the dish. was it lunch?
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which is us from off the particular mune. the remember love, you know, when we came to say, sancho, tell me. oh no. i'm just to now remember the piece on the average. you have, if i'm not going to the harvard, don't don't mutual nonfiction. oh, in 2018, a subtenant with a residence permit alerted the company to miss kay's activities. i contacted him, her mom. i told them see, charging us much, much more. i send to them everything, all the i've done say harder. i told them she was ready and 2 people even without pay, pears, excessive price. i sent them a lot of domains. i called them. i went there too dear, all feats they told me,
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ah, okay, we are not sure what to do in the situation. someone has to report it. um, but nothings popping. we contacted zimmerman management to ask them about ms. k. we issue that blair can sell no less sell them count budget for the pool. the director of the company declined to be interviewed, but told us he was stunned to hear about the actions of miss k. zimmerman's history with the landlady suggests otherwise me. after a quarter investigation began in 2015 management terminated her leases, but by 2016, the company was back in business with her. and according to
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a search zimmerman had leases with at least 2 of us landlords even more damning documents found during last year. police raid showed that in 2018 when ms. k made a request for a lease, the company is administrator. judged it too dangerous, but the director asked him to turn a blind di, me ms. k is still under investigation. if convicted, she faces up to 15 years in prison. for those at the heart of the case, the struggle to find affordable accommodation continues. forced out of their apartments after police raids, some no living rooms managed by others, some more said keep to a demand that have seek the community, exist, basking sister said to said popular song, particularly a movie nab,
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but she said popular some particular more. we now have existed at the moment when you would see with a memorial in passivity that you'd see. so it doesn't keep what i sought. you decide to keep it don't please. as i did the multi lacorte fondle such a criminal need to me while geneva slumlord make a process, undocumented filipino workers trying to find the best they can fall from the families they're providing for. i would be home by guest grace a few more years story here. if i would be able to have a dish and saving, then maybe it's enough for me to call me. ah, ah,
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japan is building a massive sea to protect against devastating toonami. what i want you to investigate with nature can be can or if the world will expose abuse to greater danger on al jazeera, ah, ah. ah, warring drug costs on vigilante groups been a population called in the middle portion. the reason being in which was why do you want this territory? i'm reporting from an empty center of mixed violence to investigate can an upcoming election change anything the people living here?
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so we're getting to join me john, home and the full report on out. oh, be the hero world. nice right? ah washer. in the west african leaders hold crisis talks with a man behind molly's military crew. ah, this is all their life and also coming up in israel. benjamin netanyahu, long tenure was prime minister, may be in jeopardy. local media reporting the opposition has agreed to form a new coalition without him. i know radians like tango suspected of trying to.
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