tv [untitled] May 31, 2021 11:30am-12:00pm +03
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needs to be approved by congress with the support of at least 10 republicans, making it highly unlikely at the gallic or old his era. miami, florida. new zealand government has deployed the military to flooded areas in the south following several days of heavy rain for hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes as rescue efforts continue. several bridges have been washed away and roads cut off a while. the warning and state of emergency has been declared in the cancer region, which is one of the biggest farming. ah, let's thank you through some of the headlines here now just here now netanyahu's record 12 year run as israel's prime minister could be coming to an end. rival nestali bennett says he'll do everything possible to form a coalition with opposition leader. let the delegation from egypt lead bites.
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intelligence chief is in gaza, talks with us to discuss reconstruction after 11 day conflict. israel the bombing campaign killed more than $200.00 palestinians and destroyed many buildings. you're going to say it has more from gaza. these meetings are going to be discussing the long term fees, fire between us and israel, and also the read the striking of the reconstruction process with all the challenges that it faces. whether with israel, which does not allow the entering of construction materials because it's considered as double use materials and also the reconstruction process itself, which has to be agreed on how it is going to be implemented by who it is going to be supervised chinese state media reporting the government is relaxing its family planning rules to allow couples to have up to 3 children. it's citing
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a demographic crisis as its birthright drops. molly has been suspended from an influential regional block, also a 2nd military coup in 9 months. west african leaders are calling for return to democracy, but did not re impose sanctions on by mikka. the search is under way for a group of students, abducted by armed men and nina. in central nigeria, one person was killed. the leaders of australia and new zealand to downplay the differences in their approaches to china. prime minister scott morrison is in new zealand for his 1st meeting with just in the return since the panoramic began. the government has been criticized for being too soft on aging. india's largest vaccine manufacture applying to massively increased production next month. the serum institute hopes to pump out 19000000 doses of the by own fact astrazeneca job. it's the stream now. paul, counting the cost in the other 6 biggest economy of policies of the world behind
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the numbers practice because of the world works. the competition is china financing destruction of forests. india is looking for new oil supply. us counting the costs on al jazeera. ah, for me. okay, coming up on today's bonus edition of the stream, some memorable moments happened during the show. and after the show, done by the here about a mom in a us, the immigrant detention center. and the doctor who tried to trickle into having hysterectomy, it is a real life horace story. and i'll take you behind the headlines of protesting columbia with amnesty international. let's start with denmark's controversial decision to review the residential permits the syrian refugees. now if their comments are revoked, they have to leave them walk immediately or that detained. the show was so
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contentious that the gas continued their intense debate, long after the broadcast ended. well, they're not in presence, they are allowed to leave this people who, whose residence has been provoked. so they asked to leave denmark and if they refuse to live and then they will be placed in a departure center. but it's not a present. you can walk out the door, but you're not allowed to to, to study. you are not allowed to work. it's meant for you to wait there until you're on your own. caught, leave, leave denmark. how long are you going to wait fast for? i think that's individually. i don't know how long as the norm. i think that most people it is the maximum 27 years so far. i think most people leave denmark and try to get asylum somewhere else in europe because and that's
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a good idea. you think it's a good idea that then my export, our refugees to other countries in europe is that a solution? so i think the solutions of the things, but as the less bad solution than having no consequences for having your residents permit. sorry, sorry, sorry. when i was taking away of residence permit, if you know already that you can't report people and it's too unstable to send them back by force, i think i need to need less bad. so less bad. it's so bad. bad is they? are they in, in denmark, this bad they are getting, getting away and seek asylum, other other place can you hear? so i'm sorry, news with all due respect. can you hear yourself? you say in a less bad. so, because you are from the 1st perspective, look into these people like bad or a problem for you. so either way you, they will vanish or, or you explore your bad problem. is that,
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is that your opinion on this? i don't think so. i don't think these people are bad and i would definitely to do the same in iverson death situation, but it's not sustainable to have auto zone for country market. it's not sustainable to have a free migration, and that's what you're going to have connie, your remote if you can just it well, and you sort of have bought us and that's no public. so for that and denmark and you know, the danes helping you refugees, then you have to respect that they want to refuse, but i have my wish and be and treat people like they are a burden or the cancer of the society, which they are not even in the labor market, when you are, you are standing in that labor market they, they never been better integrated and the labor market better than the last 4 or
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5 years. i'm sorry, i'm sorry to say that you are wrong. and the problem is all of this for to use immigration or integration problem. it's like you are punishing the new comers. the last 5 used by all of these old flirted. i'm sorry, i'm talking to your human conscious nieces in the beginning. other program integration is actually working better now than it has ever been working. and you know that so stop talking about refugees who came 40 years ago. that was another situation. another society, we didn't know how to solve problems back then, but we have to now we know what to do, it's working. if you look at the retreat and will come from an even more undeveloped country than i don't, i wouldn't say serious, undeveloped at all. but trade is on develop in many ways. it's very,
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very different from denmark, but still the re tran, men. they work now after 5 years and been marked for the same extent as we, they need women do. that's miracle. in my views. i mentioned to me, i'm sorry, it's a new, you know, or maybe you will have access to the database and, you know, the most of syrians are young. so this is manipulation of the labor market because most of the syrians are in, in, in, in the school. they are getting some, some study and university institute in order to be human and contribute to the site that you know that they are. most of them are young people and they are in the, in the way to finish their study in universities, institutes college, you know that so we don't really care when we take that labor,
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labor card, labor card. it's not working for the student because you know, and we all know, i'm assuming i know you, they are young. they are not in your statistic because just they are simply in the, in the universities and school. and if you look, 2nd generation of refugees, the children who come as refugees, they actually perform better in the education system now than danish young young young people do. so it's just the, it's not true. so we still use things that statistics syrians, they don't fair to well, but i think there's 2 different tracks here. one is the emigration and what kind of skills and what is god for the danish economy? and also not just let me just ask one thing, niels for was mikayla they,
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i'll try and reach out to persuade you. is there anything they could say that would persuade you? the syrian refugees who have lived in denmark for a very long time should not be sent back to series. so let me see if there's anything, anything that you can take. if you've worked really hard i don't think there's a chance of convincing danes to help refugees. if they know that residues will eventually become immigrants because danes would like to help refugees. but there's not a lot of, well, so have an uncontrolled migration to denmark. and if we keep making refugees into immigrants, i think the public will help refugees will broach. so sort of not a thing. i'm also trying to convince my to co panelist and that's probably working just as well. let me tell you something, you start off and i really do you because it's not by choice,
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it's something that happens to you. suddenly, you are not prepared for this. nobody chooses to be a refugee, it's a terrible thing that happens to you. and then you go to your home country and you find some kind of tranquility, some kind of future that you start building up and make a new life. and then you become a citizen in that new country, you don't become an immigrant. it's nonsense. you are a refugee, which you didn't choose to become and then you become a dame slowly. that's what happens mikaela for was i knew that proving that a great debate, how the leads me to be in it at all. now a new film from my colleagues at fort lyons, in spite an entire episode of the stream this week, no consent focuses on an immigration detention center in the us state of georgia. we've been detained, complained about abuse, neglect, and forced medical procedures gets her own. we navarro, laura, luca,
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g and cetera. can the hardy tell me what went so wrong? and why the, the main thing to note here, right, is that erwin, unfortunately, and sadly, is not unique. and it's not just private detention, it's all of the detention center is across the country, whether they're private, whether they are local and county jails, whether they are run by the federal government. there has been countless reports from advocates, including the pension watch network, and many others. over the years, the government's own inspectors have documented physical sexual abuse, medical negligence, really throughout the us immigration detention system across the country. so this is really a big problem and the fact that we are able to get this when or when, because the bravery of women like her own me is a huge, huge victory. and i'm just so honored to be here with her. let's start talking about some of these, laura, if you could lay out where these complaints of neglect and abuse started from
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this particular facility in georgia to the bad. yeah, bad. starting as early as 2018 lawyers representing women at the erwin county detention center, notified both eyes and the private prison corporation lasalle that women were being abused by the guy to call the gynecologist who is providing services there. and as early as 2018 lawyers raised an alarm saying that this doctor leaves women traumatized and abused and they don't want to go back to him. but for years continuing through last fall, when the whistleblower complaint was filed, women kept being brought to this gynecologist and woman after woman after woman
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was subjected to nonconsensual, medically unnecessary gynecological procedures and surgeries. so surgeries and procedures that they did not need surgeries and procedures that left them in trauma and in pain lasting to this day. now what happened is that the women brave women like her, oh me organized inside the prison, to shed light on the truth of what was happening. now woman after a woman after woman was being abused there. i can't underscore enough this point around you know retaliation. because i send attention center staff are able to act with impunity. the threat of retaliation and abuse when people speak out is very, very real. you know, people are, as she said, put in solitary confinement. their deportations can be set up. they're often denied . you know the most basic necessities and due process when they speak out physical
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force rubber, bullets, pepper spray. these are all very often used, including also force feeding or threats of force feeding, hunger strikers. you know, last year, thousands of people across the detention system took part in hunger strikes to bring attention to the situation they were facing inside because of covert the lack of p, p e. the lot of testing the lack of soap and many of them were subjected these, these types of retaliation. so it's a real, a real threat. i didn't live in confusion on my way to surgery and it was a bad experience with scary. the 1st time i met doctor man, he said i needed surgery the 1st very 1st time you ever met me. he said, you me surgery because you have when you're right. oh great. i had to kid was 27 at the time and i had never heard of a dish. so i was very surprised when he told me that what i picked up from your
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story that shocked me and brought me back to the history of experimentation on black and brown people. united states was that you came to the doctor with cramps and the doctor was planning on giving you a hysterectomy that you had no idea was going to happen. i'm, i'm going to leave it there because people can follow more of your story by watching the fort lines episode no consent, but just hear that audience, because that is shocking in the document. you know, consent, your little girl makes an appearance. and i want to share with the well, because monica who as the correspondent also little go about you because when you were billed what was happening at the detention facility, you were very swiftly deported. and so now you are in one country. your little go
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is in the united states, you're not together. this is what a little girl had to say about that. we have so much memory with her and let me cry all the time. so if we can just have one memory and play together with my sister and be amazing. and what would you do with the, what's the 1st thing you would do? i would really hi me this way that you spoke how he stood up for yourself and the other women. would you ever think about taking that back, rethinking where that got you or would you been deported any way? i would speak up 1000 times over again. i would never show it because it's pain that i have never experienced, but when i did,
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it was her or it could've lost your mind. you can see more of her own ways hurrying story in the fall line film, no consent. it's streaming online now at our very dot com. i can highly recommend watching the stream live on you cheap. so you can comment debate and maybe even get your point of view into the show. following the cease fire between israel and her mouth, we asked what's left of garz's fragile health system almost 6000 view as jumped into the live chat during the show and show as was one of them. she had a question for gas, dr. hassan, he's a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who works regularly and gather michelle rhodes white. her mom can't afford to give people bomb shelters, but they can afford to give them plastic surgery. his doctor son who had just finished operating on patients all day in gaza. so i am older than high
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mass, and i remember israelis were killing palestinians in plaza before 88 and before 82. and, you know, before i was born and before the p, a low was born and 65. gaza was under attack by continues, is rady raids. there was a big massacre in newness when ariel sharon, as a young commander and these really army, led a raid into her newness in 56 and killed over a 1000 people. line them up against the wall and shot them. so this idea that a kind of amazing view of garza history as starts and ends with us. the other issue is plastic surgery is reconstructive surgery. you know, if you cannot use your hand, you cannot use your hand,
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you cannot use your hand. it means that your, your income generating ability diminishes greatly. it means that your life is heading in a trajectory. that's my barber needs, plastic surgery, so he can stand up not so that he can pace this and a little large but know so he can feed himself and his children so he can try to undo even by what ever measure that we can give him the damage that the weapons of war had been shifted on his body and his life. so this idea that these people are having some kind of luxury surgery is false and an insidious. in the bonus edition of the stream we aim to bring you tiny, my wits that you don't get to see during the lie show after iraq top the discussion
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about golf is crumbling health system, the guess. and i talked about the mental health palestinians living under occupation, a video comment from the red cross kicked off that conversation. at 47 percent of the population are children under 18 years old. and we can assure you that 100 percent of these children will experience some kind of trauma following the end of this, of this, of this conflict. so it's important here to highlight the fact that with bonding to medical care to mental health to mental health needs and providing mental health assistance could be as high as saving as providing urgent medical care or providing clean water mental, this is very important and i came to know this before the war, unfortunately, in a very harsh way. and during one of our projects,
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one of the people who was shot in his lake as a result of the great marshes of return at the borders of gaza. he was getting the gordon standards of treatment and terms of physical treatment. however, he committed suicide, he burned himself alive. that is due to the fact that he was mentally affected so much by his injury that he committed suicide. this is to add to the fact that, for example, my children as a result of the live in days of our so my, my eldest is 60 years old and my sister is 40 years. they can now distinguish by the sound, if 35 pockets from f, 16 buckets from palestinian pockets from naval fire incidents from from, from how are you going to recover the maintenance of those people? adding to with the fact that not only children are in need, like what the lady said in the video, we others are in need of mental health,
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you know, support. and i am telling you like we have been working tirelessly during those 11 days. and sometimes we were pushing our service to be honest with you because we knew that if we didn't provide the service, people would be dying. that after the 11 days of assault have ended on guys when we spoke to each other at the office as colleagues, we were really, you know, shocked by the stories that you were hitting and how, how did we actually sort of why so 7 days mentally. that's really tough and helping the helpers is one of the most important also aspects in addition to helping the population who are suffering during those even days. one thing just to keep in mind is this is a population that has gone through a lot. it's not always the acute violence and it's also the violence of everyday life and everyday life. and that is also very difficult. and i think,
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you know, what we do need to think about is when we're talking about mental health. it's also, again, going to sound like a broken record addressing the root causes, but then also thinking about what are the best ways that people could actually heal and a lot of the time, but also needs collective healing. and it also needs dealing with a more maybe a q or severe cases by keeping in mind that we need to try to prevent the re traumatize ation from continue taking place. and finally, an interview from the streams. instagram live serious it as monday to wednesday at 2030 g m p. and you can find it, or if the conversations will be a streams id t v page. now often we discuss stories on instagram that aren't getting much news coverage anywhere else, like the current protests in columbia. when i spoke to erica with the process, the america's direct that amnesty international. he talked about how activists in colombia are using digital platforms and how some social media companies and
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authorities a trying to stop them. yeah. but social media has become an important tool for organizing the mobile station or over the world. use, you know, movements i was teaching, know how to use social movement at social media, ask for tool of social change, and it's been extremely powerful from the hundreds of videos. so we are getting from the ground that we are very fine. they come from social media, right? they, they kind of toggle us and say, look what's, what's going on in cali or what's going on in both our met the g. right? so we are able to look at the speedo sudbury by and look at the weapons that the police are using. so they have become such an incredible tool for the human rights word that we do. but on deal that we also have the companies and the companies are becoming an extremely powerful force that consists or that can support government to persecute people. that can silence people who are utilizing social media as the
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only tool they have to call for action. and to call for help, and this is something that important and misty has been working in, not only in documenting the censorship that has happened in the silence that it's happening, but also the violence that sometimes is per meet that i'm perpetrated by the company from the social media platforms, right? we've been denouncing, we've been also talking to the companies and ensuring that they also fulfill the responsibilities on human rights protection. and also very important that the social media platforms are used in both responsible way for these, for these companies by these companies. to give people, you know, to be people, the space, to demand the exercise of human rights and accountability for the government. so it has been for tony for them to and guess we've been already documenting. some of the cases that you are mentioning people were posting videos on line of disappear, you know, where it case, for instance,
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what we're posting as social media. some of the videos that we have $35.00 to. but now we're going to columbia. we have also been sent, store and have some of these restrictions our cell, the way that people are organized and particularly use particularly feminist movements in, within these brought this movement is so powerful that exchanging, you know, this experience, this can also help people to not only to feel the saudi very, but also to come up with a turn at the right to the issues that we are facing and confront the and so, and this is a role that obviously is trying to play given the fact that we have presence in many different parts of the world, we are trying to serve a platform so the beast movements can connect this protest. movements can connect and can come up with, with alternate solutions to the issues that they face. and that does show for today, i'll leave you with scenes for recent protests across colombia and watching the news
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with me doing drug cuts on vigilance groups in a population call in the middle. what's your reason for being mature? why do you want this territory? i'm reporting from an empty center of mexico, violence to investigate can an upcoming election change? anything for people living here? so we're getting to join me john holeman for the full report on audi. bitcoin flock chain and crypto guarantees. disruptive technology joined with me and introducing a bill to outlaw crypto currency all the way to a fair financial system. with big open for software,
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we can create more money without paying for government award winning filmmaker toast and huffman looks at all sides of the complex crypto crypto bit going no change in the internet on out of sarah aah. a major policy shift in china. beijing relaxes it to child only rule in the face, the falling birth rate. ah, i'm sammy. this is al jazeera alive from dell hall. so coming up.
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