tv [untitled] June 1, 2021 12:00am-12:31am +03
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the head of the world health organization says it's time for nations to work together to prevent the next pandemic. more evidence vaccines work has a city in brazil records a 95 percent dropping corona by recess. following the inoculation of nearly all adults, a major policy shift in china, beijing relax his family planning restrictions allowing couples have 3 children instead of to fight a dramatic fall in the country 1st rate. i'm devin actually bought a huge story coming out the french open on day 2 in paris. well, number 2 and a sofa has decided to withdraw from read a girl saying it's best the tournament and her well being ah, the head of the world health organization is calling on nations to look beyond the current pandemic and learn lessons for future outbreaks. to address,
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identify gabrielle is pushing for an international treaty to help the world plan for similar crises rather than countries looking out just for themselves. the defining characteristic of the pandemic is the lack of sharing of data, information, pato genes, technologies, and resources. this out of the challenges we are facing, we have been facing scenes, the pandemic started and even before a treaty would foster improve sharing trust and accountability and provide the solid foundation on which to build other mechanisms for global health security. well, the new report says, the economies of some countries are going to recover faster from the pandemic than others, but it says,
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a lack of vaccines will hold back poor nations. south africa's economy as being one of the hardest hit, and it's likely to stay that way. next year, that's according to the organization for economic cooperation and development. the country has record unemployment with more than 7000000 people out of work. he can make gross has been halted by a resurgence of coven 19 and renewed restrictions in brazil. and india or the o e c, d 's, director of country studies. it says a global recovery depends on all parts of the world getting vaccinated. we believe that this year and next year, the growth prospects are certainly improving around the world. we have granted substantially in the past few months. our forecasts are north america for europe, for asia, and for most of the country in the world. but the big unknown is exactly that one that he mentioned. so why do we have for casting about 6 percent growth rate this year and you know, for
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a more or less 4.5 percent next year. the big risk is vaccination and the baby risk is exactly this, right? so the new strength. so what do we think is the best economic policy right now around the world is exactly the vaccination. and you can see that the recovery that we are witnessing in many countries is accelerating because vaccination, as accelerated. and so what happens on the lesson for everyone is that the fastest countries vaccinate the fact that will recover. of course, the big issue as you mentioned, is the new strength. and this is why it's so important that everybody get back in a list, in more than the majority of people, the world get better than it is that if we leave parts of the world, unvaccinated, the risk that those parts of the world will develop strains that might have variance that will be that our vaccines will not be effective. this will lead to a substantial blow to the, to the world economy to these, to be coming to. so vaccination at this stage is key,
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no doubt what. and the government in india says the economy will shrink this financial year with worse news to come. it's predict thing, a 7.3 percent slumps. their economy grew in the 1st quarter of this year. but that's before infections hit record levels with business is forced to shut in many areas. much of the country is still shut down with any growth likely to be cut back . india is one of the world's largest vaccine producers. but only 3 percent of people have been fully inoculated as the 2nd wave continues to spread. vietnam is suspending international flights as it battles and new cove at 1900. varian had also plans to test all 9000000 residents of its largest city. oh, she means city has been placed under new restrictions after at least 145 new cases where identified people cannot leave their homes unless it's necessary. and gatherings will be limited to 10 people or fewer than you very into detected in vietnam is believed to be
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a fast spreading hybrid of the u. k. and the india strings. but there is some good news, a city and southeastern brazil has recorded a 95 percent drop in corona virus. that's nearly all adult scene. sit around, which is the state of south power will have been vaccinated. as part of a study, scientists found that the spread of the virus was contained once 75 percent of the population had been immunized. the city appears to be a healthy aces in a country with the world's 2nd highest number of coven. 19 this morning, k u n, a kia has more now for many years, and a they decided they would vaccinate 90 percent of the adult population up. they were thinking of 80 percent they'd be able to, they were able to vaccinate more than expected. there were community leaders that were going out and convincing people to get vaccinated. and this is a small town of $45000.00 people that had
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a high rate of infection because they would commute to neighboring, keep it pretty up to which is the larger city to work. and so they started this, they vaccinated, everybody would, they saw drop in infections in depth after people had gotten the 1st dose. but the real real effect that they noticed was 2 weeks after 90, more than 95 percent of the population had received the 2nd dose. so in this city now, for example, children are back in school. people are feeling safe, they're even small businesses that are moving into the city because they see it as a safer place to invest money in whereas he be, i don't. but if the which is very close to her not, and which did not do that is right now under locked down, because the number of deaths has really risen over the past 4 months. so this was
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to prove really that vaccine works. the doctors say it will not eradicate the virus, but it will certainly help. the health officials control it. some good news coming out of brazil, but tens of thousands of cove in 1900 cases of being recorded every day in latin america and the caribbean. medical experts warn that health systems are a breaking point, but as daniel shambler reports from one side as people are increasingly pushing for restrictions to be eased so they can get back to some of their most that love the past times. the these workers have never been busy. tina is among several countries in the region suffering. a 2nd wave of the code is $900.00 pandemic per capita death and infection rates are among the highest in the world. and the red cross is one that health systems are a breaking point. because today, there are patients in critical condition and intensive care and their own respirators in
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a common room. or there are patients on respirators in the can team or the patients are in the corridors as well. the health system is saturated. vaccines have been flu to arrive about 5 percent of the population being fully immunized, until people are and not kill a new advice or therapies have is to repeat what they've been saying with a long stay in doors. and if you must go out, keep your distance. but now more, more people are prepared to risk returning to the activities they say make their lives worth living. the some here in argentina it's tango is holding a musical protest in the heart of one osiris against further locked downs. i'm for an end to social distancing. today, mostly got yet i will say, okay, we believe our immune system needs this year to stick expression and the work out. we need to be among our community as we, as social beings. there is
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a lot of depression and that's killing us more than the virus. is that. let me don't get a middle middle tango is everything. tango life a person without love cannot live and tangle for us is love. it is 4 minutes of love. it is the most important thing. in mexico, one of the most popular that lease socially distance activities is back off. more than the years. absence. 17 measures in place. only a few 100 spectators are allowed into an arena that normally holds thousands excited. of course, i love wrestling. i have since i was little since i was a kid, i was running these facilities this place because already generations old will mexico allow the sport to return because the falling covey 19 rates. other countries in latin america is still wrestling with when they can resume social and sporting events and under what conditions and why they're out era. when osiris
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will, meanwhile, if everything goes according to the government's plan, england's locked down will effectively be over in 3 weeks. but the 1st signs of another spike in infections warned in the script what's become known as the indian variant of corona virus is spreading in several parts of the u. k, leading to calls to slow down. the unlocking agenda needs. barker reports from london, you case basking in a long overdue heat wave. daring people to believe the pandemic, nearly over on june. the 21st. the government plans to scrap all cove and restrictions in england. ready 1st summer to remember with the frustration going down and quite soon i think it should be not normally it's becoming quite quite quickly. definitely that mood has changed in the last few weeks. and i think everybody is desperate for a bit of a break. but scientists are increasingly nervous, according to the latest state of the countries in the early stages of
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a 3rd wave of infections with a right growing fastness amongst 10 to 14 year olds. this bank here that they're in the public health crisis now and right now, cases and hospitalizations that increasing drifting rapid spreads with the more transmissible variants while only about 38 percent of our population is fully vaccinated. and we need to really cope that early on. so that we don't end up in the same situation. we work several times so far we've active late, which is led to sort of locked down that have been very long on sunday that you can record it 3000. you can write if i was cases for the 5th day in a row, the highest figure since the start of april, the so called indian very forward to be much more virulent than other variance is now dominance in several parts of the country. if the last 12 months of tort as anything is the waves can stop small and quickly grow. even with the countries successful vaccination program cases
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a doubling every week providing opportunities for even more potentially harmful mutations. the governments now racing to get as many people as possible vaccinated with 15000 jobs administered at this bug b stadium. on monday alone, the government says that could be no room for complacency, but as yet there were no plans to delay next month on locking heat wave or 3rd wave . a return to normality feels tantalizingly close to close for any last minute mistakes. they've barker al, jazeera london, phil to come on the news hour to the police, a law and order to palestinian israelis, a victimization. why they live in fear of arrest every day. divided by a volcano, one mother search for her children ends in joy, but there is still danger for thousands in democratic republic of congo. and a member of the olympics organizing committee wants the tokyo games held without
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any japanese fans. best story coming up in sport. ah, chinese state media says the government is relaxing, family planning restrictions to allow 3 children per couple. it's a major policy shift from the existing limit of to only introduced in 2016 recent data shows a dramatic decline in births in the world's most populous country. katrina, you reports from aging as thousands of children participate and passivity across china to celebrate the country's children's day. its leaders announced a policy shift encouraging families to have more of them. chinese couples can now have up to 3 children. it comes just weeks after national center results pointed to the slowest population growth in decades. the workforce is also rapidly shrinking
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with roughly 20 percent of people. now over the age of 60 and analysts say this could hom, china's economic growth, be what it india. this will lead to the chinese economy losing its vitality. there is an aging problem with threat has not only china's economy, but his defense and foreign policy. previously, the chinese government predict the economy would be double in 2035. compare with 2020, but that will be mission impossible. now. the ging ended its decades long one child policy in 2016, raising the child limit to 2. but this failed to significantly boost the number of children being born. china's birth rate has fallen for the 4th year in a row. 12000000 babies born in 2020 short of government expectations. chinese social media pages are full of comments about the new 3 child limit. many a critical or ridiculed governance dramatic policy turnaround from the 1900. 80 until 2016 millions of women were subject to fines and even forced abortion and
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sterilization of having one child. in 2014 liberty film directed young, the more was find more than $1000000.00 for having 3 children. though these penalty is no longer apply, china's rising cost of living remains a barrier for families. many i'm able to afford having more than one child. increasingly educated women are also putting off or foregoing having children together, largely because of workplace discrimination. if the state really wants the birth rate, the crude rate to increase, it has to produce more welfare. the government will delay the retirement age and offer support to families who have more children, but to earn a living demographic crisis. some say it may be too little, too late. katrina, you all to 0 paging. we achieve wang is a china researcher for human rights watch and she joins us live now from new york
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by them. thank you so much for joining us here on al jazeera. so it seems that in china, they've gone in 5 years from a one child policy that used to be incredibly restrictive fines. you know, of course, sterilizations, you know, we heard a lot of cases of selective abortions. they created a gender and balance from that from that to now, 5 years later, a 3 children allowed a forty's must be really worried about the demographic figures that they're seeing . absolutely, i mean, the government just released the testers and it was an absolute indicator that a chinese fading, a moving demographic crisis and almost nearly one 5th of the population is now over 60. but so they've now made it legal to have 3 of those, some initial, i guess, i don't know whether you'd call them studies. but just looking at some of the reaction on chinese social media doesn't necessarily signal that
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a lot of people will go for it. so what are the other factors that the chinese authorities have to take into consideration to get the kind of numbers that they want? well, i've been reading that social media the whole morning and the people are mocking and the chinese government for their policy and some very angry. i think it because 1st of all, i mean it's our infringement on women's reproductive rights. whether it's one child to reach out to the child. so people are angry. you know, you 1st had told me that i can only have one child and now you want to meet him, what children. and you know, you're taking away my freedom to decide what i want to do. secondly, people complain because the, the cost of child rearing and the cost to do education and cost to housing. they just can't afford to have more than one children. my child. but it doesn't look like the government is trying to address some of those other issues you know, from i don't know from dowries for example, a lot of other other fields. do you think that that is a realistic way to go about it?
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where i think this is a good step. i mean, how about, let's say provide equitable charity leave policies for women and men. because you know, the chase job market always favors men. why? because there's mandatory maternity leave for women, but no mandatory for turkey for men. so companies want higher men. they don't want to bear the cost of a high and women because women can take maternity leave. now women can have 3 children, which means that could possibly take 3 maternity of lease, so possibly inquiry or even less willing to hire women. so the government needs to enforce, enact anti discrimination laws. so women can, you know, do their jobs as well as have children. okay, we're going to have to leave it there yet. you one for human rights watch. thank you so much for talking to us about that issue. thank you. thank you for having me
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. now israel the opposition leader says there are so many obstacles in the way of a coalition just 2 days before the deadline for a new government expires. yeah. de la p that is in talks with ultra nationalist after the gen ed replaced, replaced the current leader, benjamin and now israel's longest serving prime minister says an alliance between the centrist and right wing rivals would be the fraud of the century. the country has faced a 2 year political stalemate to for inconclusive elections. harry force has more now from west jerusalem that have to be various deals sorted out between the constituent parts of this coalition. and there has been already a pretty public argument between 2 of the parties involved over which one is going to get the agriculture ministry. so as with these sorts of negotiations in any situation, they are pretty fraught each side. one thing to get what it can ahead of the signing and sealing of the entire deal. he talked about it as the money time as in
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this is when people are negotiating. he said that there was still the prospect of getting this done. that he wanted to do so as soon as possible before, certainly the wednesday midnight deadline. and he talked again about the prospects of a government that would be quiet that would come to work and do what was necessary for the people of israel. contrasting that with what he called, nathan ya. whose behavior saying that he was increasingly unhinged. and with the breaks off, as he tries to prevent this from taking place. we've also heard from get ansari's another right winger who has a smaller party but which was also very much devoted to the object of getting rid of benjamin netanyahu. he also talked about there being no certainty that his government would come about, but that he was all he and his other colleagues were working as hard as they could to ensure that it did. 10 days after
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a cease fire and that 11 days of was still if he's between israel and palestinian groups. the com is holding. but for some that doesn't mean a return to normality israeli police are continuing what they call operation law and order making arrests across the country. and as for the bill, meet reports, the vast majority of those detained or palestinian israelis. he was on his way to buy some bread, but ended up at the police station, 16 year old. it's subtle, a palestinian israeli. phil doesn't know why. in i'm of the moment he was a was caught on video. when i was one of them yelled, but he ordered me to stop and i didn't like it. they dragged me and started teaching me each time to asked a question. they wouldn't let me answer. they would just hit me mohammed las fried a few hours later. his is just one story of many young palestinians living in israel being detained, often randomly in what is called operation law and order. but for the
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palestinians, it's more an operation of intimidation. just a few days ago, police pro rated here jeff, giving traffic tickets to palestinians. mostly. the point city under suburbs of tel aviv has been on edge ever since protest in support of palestinians, injectors aurora and occupied east jerusalem took place. and in many ways, palestinians here share the same plight with many families, also facing force expulsion. oh, my med was sitting at home when a group of people walked in with restructuring plans and cameras. her hope was sold by the state to a nearby religious school. while she still lived there, that's not the fan they tell me to get out. they want to kick us out. so my 2 sons were detained because they're defending a home. that's a crime. her sons and now under house arrest during the 11th day guys, that was dentures were very high between the 2 communities. and they were riots in
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several mix cities across the country. that actually took me by surprise here. since the government has rounded up more than a $1500.00 people, the vast majority being balancing in some were released within a few hours days. but very few jewish is really were detained for their role in the writing. jada aloof was among palestinians. protesters when police crackdown, she admit that as a jewish citizen, there is a slim chance. she will be a pretended. i've never seen something like that here in the past weeks. i've been constantly in the streets. i didn't see any jewish person being the things in the same sanders and you see people on a bike without helmets and the 3rd jewish, they just go by and the for the senior there. the thing for the doubles your header that is a concerted effort aimed at palestinians wherever they are. it's
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a system that is working and, and it's not a political, it's not nathaniel, it's nathan, you know, and it's guns and it's about the court system. it's a single and i sent them that it's working against them. as israel continues it's wave of arrest in the name of public order. these between the 2 communities in places like jaffa will remain precarious. put up there, i meet al jazeera jaffa. an egyptian delegation led by its intelligence chief, has been in gaza for torps with the armed group, half they've been discussing reconstruction. after the 11 they conflict. israel's bombing campaign killed more than $200.00 post indians and destroyed many buildings . how much fired thousands of rockets into israel, at least 13 israelis was killed egypt to help mediate the sci fi between israel and her last and is looking to consolidate the truth. you know, i'll say it has more now on the talks from gather. so according to her mass officials,
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they have stated that the meeting with the bus cabin and was the head of movement in gaza. has discussed 4 main issues. the 1st of which is the obligation of these rarely occupation to the top aggression, to jerusalem. and because the strip and to abide to the resolutions and international resolution towards the death policy and cause has been subjected to and the rights of refugees to return to their homeland. and this, if this is done, then this is going to be the major step for a very long call and to build a team between israel and gaza. the 2nd was the reconstruction process and the need to expedited and to start with with, with this process as soon as possible because of the amount of devastation that the people of the god, this trip
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a living through in these times after the destruction that has affected their homes and mos promise to contribute and support the process as much as possible. also the discuss bilateral relations between egypt and gaza. and a firm that does the, the file of the prisoners exchange will not be part of the reconstruction file. and it will not be mixed together because this, this is a file of prisoners who, where hostages of wars and not civilians. and it will not be mixed with the reconstruction process of the gods distress. this is the news our from london still ahead promoting tourism or targeting muslims. anger over proposed proposed new laws in an indian archipelago on the anniversary of a massacre. the u. s. is urged to confronted racial pass as grapples with race in
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the presence of manchester, cities record goals for fines, a new home and parcel. oh no more details coming up in sport. ah, hello no sir. here's what's going on across europe on tuesday, and i'll tell you what the volatile weather to where the eastern portion of the continent there it is right there. see there is darker use of blue through ukraine, moldova, and romania. that indicates we will get some downpours of rain and for eastern sections of romania, we could see upwards of 70 millimeters of rain within a 24 hour span. still a bit unsettled as we had towards serbia, north macedonia, into areas of greece and widespread rain across turkey. i'll take you there in the 2nd, but 1st let's go to se france into the erie and peninsula as well because the risk
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is certainly here for some thunderstorms and hail. i do think madrid is going to get in on this action. that is the thunderstorms. we'll just have to watch and see if we do get some of that hail, especially toward the sections of southwest france. ok, i promise you we will get to turkey. and here we go. so from is mere to and tally at the risk and seen some hail here and from on camera as we head toward northwest across the country, but really wide spread instability across turkey on tuesday. and these temperatures are all correct. 20 degrees. that's usually what you should see in april across north africa. we do have rain for northern algeria into northern tunisia, tunis a hive 23 on tuesday. the warring drug cartels on vigilance groups in a population call in the middle. what's your reason for being mature? why do you want this territory?
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i'm reporting from an episode of mixed violence to investigate. can an upcoming election change anything the people living here? so we're getting to join me john holeman for the full report on audi. o, welcome to portal. your gateway to the very best advantage there an online content that you may have met a new program that this through our platforms makes the connections and presents digestible. seeing each the award winning online content on their audience portal with me, sandra,
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