tv [untitled] June 1, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm +03
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eastern cape that is pushing into durban is while a very what day on wednesday the the morning harry with them. and they were well health stories of for iconic to nicea area and meeting the people in the places and giving you some writers and musicians who composed the songs from north africa on which is era it's all too familiar. innocent lives ended in an instant then great anger and the debates around firearms, but for survivors and families of the fall, in reality,
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often changes forever. phone lines investigates the long lasting trauma inflicted on communities the aftermath. my shootings in america on al jazeera. ah, the ah, you want to go to 0 reminder of our top story, this out europe top disease agencies urging leaders to think about supplying vaccines to put our nations before inoculating their young people. that's his jobs for lower risk. young adults of gold, despite in many countries struggling to get enough supplies, use envoy to the palestinian territories, calling for international support to rebuild gossip. after last month's 11 day
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bombardment by israel. more than $250.00 pounds standing were killed and building infrastructure were destroyed with more than 90 percent of people in the field is northern. c, 3 region are in need of emergency food date. that's the warnings from the world. food program. thousands are being killed and 2000000 others have been displaced in spite and began in november migrations marking the 100 anniversary of the tulsa race massacre being held in the united states as president joe biden is making his way to tulsa, where he is going to meet surviving members of the black community. as many as 300 people were killed when the fight mobs launched attacks and black homes and businesses in 1921. no one was ever charged with a crime for the violence are compensated for the loss of life and economic devastation. alan fish is joining us live now from washington. dcs. why does joe biden feel it necessary to go to tulsa while he's on his way?
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he left the white house just a couple of minutes ago. he'll fly to under the air force base and then take the flight to oklahoma. he sees this is an important part of the platform that we'd like to do, and he's aware that black votes largely helped him get elected. it was black voice that essentially tundra and the primary campaign. so he became the predominant democrat in the race and eventually secured the nomination and many times throughout the election campaign he said to the black community, we've got your back. this gives him the opportunity to develop that platform when he gets down to tulsa. he's obviously going to address what happened 100 years ago, which was the, was the example of racial violence in the united states history. but he's also going to talk about how we can improve things for the future. he's going to talk about the racial wealth gap and what the federal government can do, how it can help small businesses that are owned by minorities, how we can funnel federal funds into a small businesses make them part of the contracting circle. he believes that the
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federal government has in the past, essentially discriminated against black and ethnic minority communities and made things much worse. he wants to address that. he's also going to talk about housing . he wants to see his own housing department, introduce fair housing rules. and so he's also going to address the issue of how he makes some of these areas, not just in oklahoma, but around the us, better wealthier. and he believes that will help lift a lot of the stigma around black communities and make things much better for them. it is a big job. it is like turning run to noise tanka, but suddenly you're buying believes what he's doing now will go some way to help the situation significantly. as you say, it is going to be a big job because there is going to be pushback, isn't there when all of this comes to the senators and the votes in the congress? well, it's exactly a year ago today that president donald trump walked across the lawn. he went
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through the gates of the white house and off to the church, which is just over the other side of this square, which of course was clear for by protectors by tear gas d. c. police as admitted that just in the last few days that tear gas was used so that he could stage a for 2. and the reason he wanted to stage 42 was to show that he was in control while across america, there were protests because of the death of george floyd. now, many people will say that in the years, things that happen, things haven't improved. it's significantly or in some degrees, tall for the black community across the united states, that there is still institutional racism. and so that is a concern that they think has to be addressed. but there are many people on capitol hill who simply don't see that they refuse to accept that there is a problem with race in the united states. they believe that everyone is given the opportunity and is treated the same way. yet, if you look at things like the george lloyd arrest and the derek children trial,
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there are people who believe that america still has a long way to go. and joe biden hopes that the steps here in tulsa will at least be a start. our thanks very much, and that's alan fisher talking to us from washington dc. we're just going and show you some live pictures of joint base andrews air force base, as it has been known, waiting for the helicopter, carrying joe biden to touch done, whereupon he will be transferred into air force one as it will be, come, the aircraft is sitting on the right hand side of the screen, i believe that could be the helicopter itself. just beginning to touched on on the time. once the aboard air force one, he will then be flying along the sink, to tulsa, to fire on board a cargo ship off the coast of sal lanka has finally been put out after burning. for 13 days, the vessel was carrying large amounts of toxic nitric acid. and micro plastics,
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much of it is spilled overboard, causing widespread damage to beaches and see life shrunken authorities are begun a criminal investigation. we know fernandez has more from colombo in terms of the community. as you can see, the huge number of boards that are dotted behind me here in this fishing in lead, which is a little bit north of colombo now for over one and a half weeks. these communities were not allowed, obviously, to go to see because of the situation in terms of the toxic chemicals and essentially that flaming vessel which had floated so much of the dangerous cargo in that blaze. and in terms of the communities here, they had been essentially having trouble, obviously, with things like corona lock downs and restrictions livelihoods had been affected. and when they couldn't go out to see obviously that really, really affected most communities, that sort of data being come,
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particularly the smaller boards that essentially find the living that equal to living in terms of their daily sort of phishing sort of produce. yesterday. however, we're hearing that the state minister of fisheries came, did meet with some of the communities. and there has been somewhat an easing of restrictions on some of the votes they have been allowed to go out to sea. but at the same time being given an area to avoid a fishing within. but there is some sort of dispute within the different sort of factions or different groups within this community. because not everyone agrees with this decision to go out to see. but obviously where, you know, your family is hungry, you need to put food on the table. you know that that is the primary consideration . and for many of those who did take that risk and ventured out,
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basically that's what their motivation has been. doctors in india have held a protest against a yoga tycoon, but i'm dev is accused of misleading people. about covered 19 is blamed modern medicine for corona virus deaths and is promoting an alternative matching. but she claims was approved by the world health organization. elizabeth put on a reports new delhi me. this is the man doctors in india holding a national day of protest against yoga. go to an businessmen. barbara davis promotion has her before me to court coronel to find the corona virus while blaming modern med since india is high number of quoted 900 debts. and that's prompted doctors to launch. they protest in a fancy like india, where people tend to follow it through your rules and that to blindly or when people like that they spread mistrust misinformation. it becomes very difficult for us, as you know, science based people,
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as doctors do. why is that misinformation? doctors are taking part in what they're calling a black day by turning their social media profile pictures into a black background. this group of doctors has gathered here to call for government action against rom they've, they say he's taking advantage of the pandemic and has large public following to persuade people to buy his unapproved and dubious products order. so how about big or not? the health minister hush about then attended the launches coronel, that rom they've claims, prevents treats and cures close 19 about then as the chair of the executive board of the world health organization or w, a chill ran, dave has claimed coroner, was approved by the global body but the w a chose denies that a senior journalist who had his car tires slashed while investigating rom, they've business interests. claims he's protected by the government invested in
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there in business. because 80 what is behind the sham of being that you have seen and it's been documented to some extent just completely conical during the delays of the government. he has a political sanction. round the splits person didn't respond to l 0 request for an interview, but the go to count millions of indians his followers, including any solid wall who sells his range of products called patanjali. all hockey met, but then liberal, i'm going to have a thought. i don't potentially products just for business. this is a matter of faith glued on this shows us the way i had some element. but the moment i started hitting his summons, the healing process had already begun. yes. are many people in india have a deep trust in goose and alternative medicine. but many doctors say rom,
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dave's claims can't be substantiated, and he must be held to account for his statements. especially during a pandemic. elizabeth moran of al jazeera new daddy. it's gonna vicious nigeria have confirmed that $136.00 students are missing. often armed group attacked on his lunch at school in tina in the state of missouri. on sunday, one person was killed and another was critically injured. parents have been reunited with some of the younger children who were released. i'm going to just has more from a boucher schools are being targeted all over the north west of the country. not all over the north west of the country and not central parts of an idea because they provide an easy target. there is less security there and then you have the opportunity to seize a lot of people as much as you want. and that's what they are doing. and because they feel that talking schools or educational institutions strikes to the heart of the matter and strikes the government responsible directly, they are seizing the opportunity any way they can to must children why gathered in
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one particular location and taken away. and they knew that negotiation with government will result in either honesty or rather than being paid. and a lot of people believe that despite government denies that they're not paying ransom to free, some of these kids are victims. i lot of money is being exchanged for the freedom of people across the northwest and north central parts of and i guess in terms of security, you are having a country that is dealing with so many problems. now, in the whole of nigeria, 5 to 6 states, by the way, more than 33 states are dealing with different problems. and the army is deployed in more than collect a city state, trying to do the role or trying to carry out the responsibilities that the police ill equipped and demand i supposed to be doing along with krista security agencies . and i guess that's the predicament right now. the security agency is underfunded and employed and they have so many challenges to deal with at the same time through
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has revised it's corona virus. death told taking the number to more than double what it was reporting earlier. it now has the world's highest covered $900.00 mortality rate in relation to his population. laura burton money explains how the numbers add up families taking loved ones to the final resting place is a scene that's become all too common in lima. the cemeteries have been filling up, but until now, normal death due to cov 19, are included in the official figures that the blames on a lack of testing. now the government has revised these figures. the death toll has more than double 280000. since the start of the pandemic, meaning peru has the highest copays, 19 death rate per capita of anywhere in the world. garcia drama gave nurse read. we consider our duty to publish this updated information, not only as part of our commitment with accountability, but also to fulfill our responsibilities as
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a state and already undefended health care system has become overwhelmed. many hospitals are running out of oxygen supplies. find the situation was far worse than officially reported. has only tested about one 3rd of proportionately of its population. so when you do not have access to testing, you shouldn't just be counting people who have tested positive and who eventually died of cold it. because of course, a great number of people won't be being counted in those figures. other experts say politics is taking a part in under reporting numbers to make short term gains going to under. so these numbers in order to gain some short term went from politics. you're going to look at the long term mother. nature is not political. she has her own agenda. if you do this to live about the numbers, mother nature, all right, we will see you unfortunate demick everything that we see throughout the world. you cannot hide that. despite the revised mortality figures,
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the government says it's not planning to speed up its fascination program. going to be out there should be a need to change for other policies, including vaccination, or any other in terms of decisions with peru, experiencing its deadliest period. since have started the pandemic, even the cemeteries are becoming overwhelmed. many now running out of space to bury the dead. laura, by the man, the altos air of the number of presidential candidates hoping to run in nicaragua was election is quickly being whittle down. united nation is warning, but a new electoral law undermines the prospects are free and fair ballad, our latin america, addison, the sea, and human rigs, plains with presidential elections just 5 months off. opponents of niggers was president, daniel, lord, pay that, and his wife ross and your movie you the vice president are dropping like flies.
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wow. recent weeks to opposition parties were dissolved and 2 candidates put under house arrest and renew electoral reform measure that the un high commissioner for human rights says will impede fair and pre election. now please stay on the chem, moral the most competitive opposition candidate is being accused of money laundering, another primes that would make her ineligible to run to patrol for a former president, lisa chamorro who beat ortega in elections back in 1990. look at that. this is not about attacking me. it's about attacking the rise of nicaraguans to a fair free and transparent election. they want to eliminate all of us to frighten us all, so we won't participate. leaving the general prosecutor's office to motor said her lawyers were also being threatened. newkirk was pro government prosecutor says that
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the literature more foundation that she leads and which receives donations from abroad to support independent journalism is being investigated for money laundering . over the weekend, the vice president confirmed the foundations accountant and its finance manager had been arrested and will remain imprisoned for up to 90 days while they're investigated. the government has not responded to al jazeera as request your comment, but vice president, when he says opposition, leaders are guilty of organized crime. that's not all. at least a dozen journalists, including the a f p correspondent, had been detained, questioned or charged with possible complicity. it'll be by the i will leave the gallo corresponded to the us based spanish language network. you division says her bank accounts have also been frozen. i want to know. that's why i asked the prosecutor what crime was being investigated for. and he said he would be told that
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information. how am i supposed to defend myself over the office of the independent, huge organization, confidential, has also been rated and shut down its director of catalyst for none. the moral is christiana, tomorrow's brother, printer is more. we jen is practice journalism or not treason. they just stood everything to call our equipment and arrested our camera man. they're trying to crush any voice, it challenges a dictatorship. in our case, journalists who hold power to account president ortega, who controls all of nicaragua institutions and who has the support of cuba and venezuela is running for a 4th consecutive terms. and just like in venezuela, opposition will soon have to decide whether to compete at all actions that they say have already been decided. to see a human al jazeera was still ahead and i'll just say that she's walking away
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ah ah ah ah ah, the sport is, thank you very much. i will form another linds international, ronald about what has been confirmed as an ambassador of catholic supreme committee . and that's the organization responsible for delivering infrastructure and legacy programs. for the 2022 wold cup the 51 year old joins the stuff i did line off on bus. it is including chevy caf through and somehow ether and cats are become the 1st country in the middle east to stage the tournament,
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which starts in november next year. and the form of boston and midfield says tires and fans are set to experience a wealth cup. unlike any other previous edition of the tournament, every will go up what is being held, use the new technology and is same in car. it will be the 1st sustainable welcome ever to old and technology used. and i think that is also for the benefit for other counties where the technology that is used for this is welcome ahead to most compact world cup. so to head, full blade and also the fans will experience a to me and that you feel there is a world cup going on as sort of olympic village feeling. i think there is something there that will never be expand before because it's, it's katara and basically it's, it's a huge city. but still, then i went to ev, every county close together. i think that will be an unbelievable spectacle and
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people will enjoy the culture, the hospitality defending as of the people, the food. i think people will be very pleased to, to visit gotta her the biggest stars in both have bank. wall number 2 and i am a soccer and a surprise decision to withdraw from the french open. she was threatened with expulsion if she continued boycotting press conferences and soccer, who had a long bouts of depression, almost 3 years. so she was doing it to protect her mental health, and the japanese pay a $1.00 her 1st round match on sunday and was find $15000.00 for not talking to the media afterwards. on monday she now it should be pulling out to the event for the it was best for the tournament, all the plays and her well being. i wish i could give her a hug because i know what it's like, like i said, i've been in those positions. we have different personalities and people are different. not everyone is the same. i'm thick, you know,
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other people i said so every one is different and everyone handles things differently. so you know, you just have to let her handle it the way she wants to. and the best way that she think she can. honestly, i think that it is what it is. you know, she made her decision and you know, i wish her a speedy recovery because it seems like really, really damaged her mentally. and boss cable a star face car re stuff car rather also showed his support for and soccer and this tweet saying you shouldn't have to make a decision like this. but so dom impressive taking the high road when the powers that be don't protect their own and he adds major respect. i don't think she did this out of any sort of defiance. i don't think she saw herself as a starting a movement or starting trouble. i think she said this was for her own mental well being. and you would like to think that when an athlete makes such an unusual
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request like that, it's honored or accommodated, or they can find a compromise. i mean, again, you know, barely 24 hours ago seem to so this happily had passed and then you had, this is very harsh, intimidating, almost humiliating statement by the 4 major tournaments, country thing, keep us up and we will not only find you, we will potentially default you, but i think that sort of caused this, this spasm. it's really a pity because it should not have had to come to this. and i think part of the story here is 9 me soccer. personally, i've been a little bit more grasped a little more nuanced reading the room as we say, this is not a player who is for is particularly problematic. she's, she's not troubled to deal with. she did not do that that. eric is clearly was someone who's a little bit broken right now and it would have this could abuse a little more empathy. i was number one ashley barty was made to work collins before she clenched her place in the 2nd round of the french open history. in 13 set, so i become was number 70 bonaza para,
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from the u. s. bond to receive treatment on an injury before the starts with the sliding set for the 2019 merlin garris champion got through. i'm going to go to brazil because present gyal, sonora has thrown his full support because behind his country, hosting the troubled co partner because this month and that's the spot heavy criticism from local health experts, original hosts, ology and seen, of pulled out because of rise in cases of corona virus and not was off the columbia was dropped as a co host because of ongoing anti government protest on brazil, decisions to step in as been widely criticized. as coven 19 continues to devastate the country, where the decimal stands more than $460000.00 people, south american biggest football tournament starts on june the scene, and it's also expected that fans won't be allowed to attend any of the matches. we'll see is don't handle. so i was, we are in the middle of the pandemic, a very difficult situation. but the brazilian league has 20 teams in the 1st
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division and 20 in the 2nd division we are having matches throughout the country. and i don't know why some people voiced opposition to the event because we are having brazilian lead games and had state championships matches and cappella better daughters. there's been another incident of bad fun behavior in the n. b, a. a spectator was tackled by security after running on to the court during washington's home tale. when or philadelphia on monday, can see that night fall is a number of recent fun incidences, which includes a plastic bottle being pelted at kyrie irving, on brooklyn. on sunday. it's embarrassing and we, we have to control that. i mean, we have to control that, but it's unfortunate that one fan here and there it ruined it for everyone. there's great fans in boston in new york and philly in in d. c in utah. but there are some that need to just know, you know, what, stay home you're, you're thinking as barbaric stay home. we don't need,
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you will need your dollars to stay home, get away from us. well, i saw this for an hour. there. thanks very much indeed. that's it for the rope, madison for this news aren't, but i will be back in a couple of moments with more new stories about me. how does the team from the league draw the bigger cloud? why does the irish flag fly higher golf club? what is it about celtic that has the world over healing them on politics and football goes with the oppressed around the world, the defends,
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who make football. one of the important thing, if you were walking around and be rude, was not to be in the line of fire from the holiday. i thought we heard gunshots. i was the 1st one to flee. the hoping the battle lasted 3 days and 3 nights. and there were no prisoners at the, in control in and you control the region around. and that's why it was such a bloody battle. an icon of conflict at the heart of the lebanese civil war bay route holiday inn hotels. on al jazeera, it's the case biggest hospital with eventual capacity for 4000 covet 19 patients built inside a london conference center. it took just 9 days to construct with the help of army engineers dramatically expanding the critical care bed count and other similar sites are under way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised
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researches say that huge gaps in testing capacity that the government is now trying to close, extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. oh, i europe's drugs regulator urges member states not to not kill a teenagers because of global corporate vaccine shortages. ah, madison, this is ally from joe. have also coming up lockdown in malaysia. the prime minister was of a potential catastrophe. a several southeast asian nations face a spike in cobra. 1900 cases founding the alarm.
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