tv [untitled] June 2, 2021 10:30pm-11:00pm +03
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into neighboring towns, they've already tracked 500 kilometers from their base. and you don, province damaging buildings and trampling crops along the way. experts tracking the animals aren't sure why they're on the move. saying such a journey hasn't been seen before and needs further study. elephants are a protected species in china with around 300 in the wild. ah, reminder the top stories on under 0 united nations and red cross officials are in gaza to review the destruction. almost 2 weeks after a ceasefire ended the 11 day conflict between israel and hamas. teams are assessing the extent of the humanitarian crisis across the gaza strip, including damage to homes, schools, hospitals, and critical infrastructure. thousands of palestinians remain displaced after
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residential buildings were destroyed in the israeli bombardment. the red cross is repeating for more than $16000000.00 to help the people of gaza saying the sac logical toll of the conflict is clear. what i think fear was the key word, fear, anxiety, and stress. the word, the key words i heard repeatedly today. even if escalation was shorter than in previous situations. 11 days. but of course it will take years to rebid. what was the damage in only 11 days? meanwhile, is ready. defense minister visiting the united states to request more military aid . and again says expected to ask for a $1000000000.00 to restock israel's on don't defense system. the fighting with her muscle, thousands of rockets launched and intercepted over palestinian and israeli skies. israel's opposition leader has less than 2 hours to form a government before
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a deadline set by the president expires. in the pete has until midnight, local time to prove he can form a coalition on to talks with the far right liter. necessarily, bennett. if they can reach an agreement, it will bring to an end. benjamin into now whose 12 year stint as prime minister a congress ship carrying tons of chemicals is sinking or shrank as west coast, sparking fears of a major environmental disaster. that part of the vessels becomes stuck on the sea bed. it has been on fire for me as 2 weeks after an explosion stopped at sailing from india to singapore. hundreds of tons of oil from fuel tanks could leak into the sea, devastating marine life, and pushing the risk to the livelihood of nearby fishermen. the stories to stay with his own under there if you can, the stream is up next on the back of that with more news feed. nice. watching live now me ah
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ah ah, i am me okay. on this episode of the street, we are going to be talking about rape and sexual violence. if this is not what you want to watch, right now, i'm going to give you a moment to be able to walk away from the screen that happening. widespread reports, sexual violence coming out of the t grey region of ethiopia. that's in the northern part of e, c o, b, a. since november, government forces, i would try and soldiers and to grey and soldiers, i've been caught up in a conflict. and in the middle of that, women and girls have been subjected to her refill human rights abuses and sexual
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violence. i want to give you one example. this young woman was going to get groceries for her children, her 2 young children. she was poor of a boss, and then gang rate for 11 days. his story easy. he said to me, listen to me. you go where we tell you to go. otherwise we will blast your belly out with this knife. we don't want to waste any of the, but we will cut your throat with this knife. then i screamed out, villagers found her unconscious and bleeding. she had a broken leg and severe internal injuries at the hospital, doctors removed blood, so items including nails for soldiers forced into her body after she was raped. because after long i have spent a month in this hospital, i am receiving treatment. my legs do not move, they are broken. my back is also broken. let alone moving. i can't even get up. i cannot control my hearing. there was
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a mix of urine and blood coming out of me. the enemy has destroyed my life. that is just one woman's story. how many, although women and little girls are being subjected to sexual violence like that in the te gray region, the 3 gastro about to me will help us understand what is going on. mars saw santa maggie. ha, thank you so much for being on the stream today. a really awful topic to talk about myself. first of all, introduce yourself to our stream audience. my name is mike, i am the researcher and the human rights activist frontier. thank you so much for being with us santa. introduce yourself to asked remotely and tell them who you are, what you do. hi, for me. thank you for having me in the show. my name is tamara. i am the executive director for monday to see leadership and advocacy and human rights and women, right. innovation. thank you for being hi, amanda has welcome to the stream. introduce yourself track of audience. hi,
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my name is medina. i'm the senior global communications officer of africa and yemen at the international rescue committee. medea i'm going to come to you just a moment, but i also want to just tell orients that we reached out to the prime minister's office. i be at the office and asked him if they would take part in this program. they didn't respond to any of our requests or information, but i want to say there is a standing invitation for the prime minister's office to be part of any stream program. when we're talking about e, c o, p a or so if you're new chief, if you'll commenting, you are very welcome to be in this program. i know you have many, many opinions and jump into the comments section. be part of today's discussion medea i really want to get to sense of what is happening to women and girls, and the extent of the sexual violence extended the rapes. can you share some of the stories that you know? absolute, a happening?
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sure. so 6 months on now from the thought of the conflict in the region that have been widespread reports of sexual violence and abuse in and around to grow because of the conflict. as well as a number of different ways in which women didn't really being impacted because of the crisis where we can, we can get on to later many i've been on both sides of the border into by itself as well as any sudan where over 60000 refugees from to go, i have fled to and i spoke to many of the displaced people within the camps in guy as well as over the border. any sudan and, and pretty much everyone i spoke to recounted multiple accounts of having witnessed or hurdles gang rape happening into guy as well as countless evidence of the abuses as well on women and girls. furthermore,
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a recent gender analysis that the international rescue committee did just found that women, all as and then you monetary and crisis, all burying the part of this crisis mazda as a, to create activists. you, you looking at this situation in your, your home region and what are you seeing? what are you hearing, particularly when it involving women and girls? and we continue to hear how, with tonight's grape is being used as a delivery strategic to chain torture and harm. not only the woman and girl of the guy, but also the community in general will. so here that, you know, with an i trip alongside other work tactics being used to erase and cleanse this. again, identity and the people so clearly at the sexual violence that was a nice way of increasing day by day. and the brave survivors where you know, every to tender, sorry to speak with. john, are facing
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a very mounting harassment and attack by the english meter band government. and it's corny, susan ethiopia, and i know how much official knowledge might have been about these rapes these attacks actually happen in sammy, thank you for that question mazda. i'd say the situation 2 guys extremely, extremely dot. but the reality is my math was saying that this is a cause, particularly between enrollment and to drive it is to tuition modernization. i'm very concerned about it since 2018 since i've came to power. he have been right, have be used by gun soldier. course if you're only in room one, this is obviously not committed to paying attention in 2018 alone. you know, he took into the national document. it was the rate that was killing in particularly good you area, but unfortunately that she's not being talked about in that's really what i want to
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really talk about it. of course, in addition to the report that is getting in a 2 graphs and what the woman or 2 guys facing, obviously we are beyond that into just commit this. but it's really nothing new. we have used a rate as a weapon of war to really punish the woman the gross. and the issue is not been the issue about your room. yeah. i see masa, you're not your head go head, articulate the note. you know, i just want to, i just want to add to the fact that rape is being used as a witness and not only today, but also of course in the country or from any to a group. that of course, is the unique truth and centralized governance. then you will be made with different kinds of hiring work, including and practice with and i read. so i just wanted to add to the fact that also women and young girls in the room that are being done great, not only by been members of the army, but we also hear reports of every time. troops being deep in order me i can meeting
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the same kind of genocidal crime that there they have been and continue to comment in today. i want to bring in here, mary cart and mary caught, makes a point of how difficult it is for women in if you get any way to report rape, sexual abuse, he, she is, have a listen to this medea and then come off the back of the video, rape and other forms of sexual violence are so taboo in this region. like in many other places that women and girls are afraid to report. but what we do know is that a few se houses are completely overwhelmed. what's needed now is an investment in local gray and organizations who are the 1st responders to this crisis. yes, so i completely agree with that. we do need to engage local organizations. i mean, one of the things that we have seen are national committee is the widespread under reporting of these crimes just because of the stigma attached. so there's really no
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real way of, of getting an idea of the scale of what's happening just because of the under reporting. but given the reports that we're hearing from others, you know, the situation is so widespread. so i just, i'm scared to think how widespread, in reality, the situation is. i think it's also important at this, this point just to point out that the, you know, there are other ways that, that women are suffering because of this conflict. i mean, one of the things that we found in our gender analysis that we carried out at the international rescue committee was we found out that women are having to engage for example, in sexually explored to relationships just to just to be able to survive or feed their children for very little amounts of money up to $1.25, just to be able to feed that children. so to said women, all you know, bearing the brunt of this conflict, i'm just looking at this headline over 90 percent of people in war t. great need food, a you as well. food program is hunger levels are increasing the normal if your
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region as a pills for 203000000 to skate up the response. all right, so there are multiple multiple problems going on as, as always happens when there's a conflict situation, let me go to youtube. i'm going to put this to you. mother. doctor, it says on youtube, tens of thousands of prisoners were released from take re prisons. it looks complicated to me who is killing a raping is difficult to answer. is it, it really is not really isn't all it takes is to listen to the survivors, to listen to the victims and particularly the minutes to guy know who is doing what to them. and like more than 100 times, they have told us that it's been through militia. and also soldiers from base have been national army, are the ones who re things invited their body and telling them that they're doing it in order to cleanse their blood. in order to make sure that the exam will once
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never get birth, so it's not really difficult all it takes us to listen to the survivors. and in order all of this to come to light, there needs to be an independent investigation made by the you and you ought to be so that they can national company, they could really see what the people, particularly the woman had been going through for the past. over 200 days of active genocide and help. well, those are those, you know, people that are inflicting the pain accountable. so one of the things that we were asking for this program is not just relate these horrific stories, but asking who is to be held accountable, who is going to help the civilians of t guy who need outside help if they're not getting it from within ethiopia, let me off that and put that to you say, now, where do you think the help should come from family. that's interesting. and i see that you end up doing inventory investigation when any member commission, per se, for trip and recognition is 6 to me by and then i'll give you one example in $20.00
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to $20.00 when he was killed, murdered. and that within 24 hours over a 100 people died to get him to man commission took about 6 months to come up with the report. last november, they conducted a visit about 21 prison in the phone pretty got women, children ages 5 to 10 years old. they found women in each of this prison in the seen a lot of violence and torture. and all of this, like i said that i mean it's obese was committed for the you and for the us even to take in consideration for the commission to be part of the investigation when they have covered up. but you showed my car drive the way i thought it would come about because we came on in the week came out and been 20 and it's a little bit different. so we should be read accountable. who should do the investigating? unless this is because i forgot, and i forgot the problem for africa because we can probably,
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this is joke because the pitch with this is the session she purposely the soldiers have son in military into to drive into oral me off. so come in this out along with the air. chances are 10 soldiers, yet this is must life. we are a mission. talked to state department about this issue. we know the invalid. we know the anguish in different parts of the country, along with the amount of militia. so to, to even ask, who should investigate. i mean, it's obvious, like, listen to the them. it's not complicated, it's straightforward. i'm pretty sure the victim can speak for themselves to even in quality took a government us to investigate, i think is just in justice. bye bye. so this is a un secretary general spokesperson. this is what he has to say. mother come off the back of his statement as listen. serious violations of international humanitarian human rights law must be promptly investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. we, along with our partners, are ready to engage with military commanders to ensure protects civilians.
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and i want to visit a previous question, where should the health car come from and what? who needs to be held accountable? the help should come from the international community, particularly from the un security council, because it's the security council that can impose strong punitive measures upon both the government and their and government so that all the june said that work could stop. but at the same thing, the suffering and pain, again, women could at least get a glimpse of justice and need to be held accountable. are the people that are continuing to inflict, i imagine, of the level of suffering from the gram people, including the women. this are courses from them, how to region the star for sources from every chair, and also from the national army, but over all the number one enemy of the people of europe and state by itself. if they have been said that enabled every transcript to imprison the suffering in the country to inter interested guy and to look at the thing around people. so it's
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always been held accountable based upon government primarily. but also all, if it's cronies. but at the same time to help needs to be critical. and so, so this is a thought from dana to put this on youtube for this conversation. can we reasonably expect the un and also the human rights council to investigate these kinds to be transparent and independent? can be reasonably expect that say no, you go fast. i mean, here's the thing. this is the way i see. you gotta pick what's the base and at this point non to ben gerber monday, to answer them in i just mention to you, they sure can. i mean, since he came to power 3 years to go back over 5000 or more young men died and the rest of some of the u. s. government prison there did or the joint strategy because they must whole that you know, to, to me. don't the principal that needs to be looked at it from the bigger angle and
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that to make sure that you can address exclusively and without looking at it. so they do and can be addressed this when you look at it who we have you in is the best we got. i think they could, if there's anybody that could do that, i think that would be the, the grand would be the best international to me would be the 2nd and the i have a whole but that's been government is perpetuate. they have committed this a model nor was for 3 years before the got the work in november. and nobody's speaking about that. and we must really speak about the rate, the woman to torture, the mass killing, the massive movement of coverage and over $50000.00 broke up late in the room. yeah . and nobody talking about that this woman being a young man, a point to being in a room. yeah. bye bye. your been soldiers? i've seen you in the best and obviously it's right is a small community in the i'm either doing a load on her and to drive if you want to wake up and whatever leftover the one
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thing i didn't say that you and doesn't just walk into countries right, they have to be invited, they can't just do an investigation, isn't isn't, isn't that the biggest challenge and what we told several months ago that the conflict in the gray region was over. but that the time when you holler was never elected. i mean, he's never like this. he never came to power. i'm stripe, he's a hole in the buckle or more or more cables who are in prison or dead leaving a bullshit with such a dictator. i don't even know what to call them. i mean, really to legit my meter the you enter, negotiate with me. mind back. i mean so, but i'm down. i have one point that you were a big fan of prime minister when you not you know why you admitted indeed have because you know, for 20 years we participate in profit change for 20 years. last our life behind
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just like not working days, not making noise. in 3 years ago, i came to here, i met him several times, probably didn't. he was a part of the region for 27 years down the refugee in america. my parents was in prison. my brother, my mom was killed by the previous government in today. unfortunately, he turned round to bite the hand that was but he committed what type of crime in the u. n. we really need to push, how long can we wait? i mean, what needs to happen into crash because into dr. situation is brought blinding. seen everybody, the camera they're, they're seeing it, but nobody seems to be in a room and nobody talking about the or me hold the legs, prisoners, and all of the business women, young children, he took the wreck, who should put out a statement, met may 6, the bomb towards the default to address 85 to be the presence of july of last year . so it's been painful. yes, we obviously for him because he got tired of the participant for 27 years that we
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may have something that gave him a chance. 9. the country into democracy? yeah. all right, so santa mazda medea the reason we did the show is because we wanted to ask, is a very practical question. we've seen the heretic allegations, the stories, the counts from the women who have been raped. how to stop e c o p, a weapon i sexual violence? that was the big overall question that we were trying to wrestle with. this is christina sarah with one answer. woman and goes live, have been taken from them. some may die from their physical and psychological injuries, or even worse from h i. v and aids to grade losing its anchor. what is a country without the woman who sustained its communities? how do you bring a person that has died back to life?
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you help them back together again. you give them their power back to help security justice and resources to start afresh. the women and girls cannot depend on leaders who have instructed their soldiers to commit acts of sexual violence. the international community must step up and provide them with the desperate security and protection that they need and will need for years to come. mom, a lot the people who are suggesting this is the solution. these, the people who we need to come in and help with these atrocities that are happening to civilians have a look here on my laptop. this to, to look into the a, you au box is a check for genocide, starvation, right door to door execution, looting, destruction, home heritage sites burning crops ethnic cleansing. this is an opinion, but we're hearing lots of reports that fall into this kind of category. me
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editorializing here. what is the african union doing to play a role in protecting women and children? the african union is right. that right? how the afternoon is in this? yes, and the african you need for a purpose has found the city of the guy. they have cited with the genocide that religion and you and have been seen multiple times justifying the raping and the loading and the distraction of to guy. so the african union at this point, the best thing they can do for the last figure i, particularly for the women that are suffering from the woodson is the rape, is to refer the case to that i c. c or to the you and ask them international intervention. i understand. so when you think could be an issue, and that's why i'm earlier you were talking to how you and can not just walk into the country and try stuff. jonah say, however, what's happening was to the people of the guy is not anytime that matter. this is not an issue where in turn, government organizations should talk about it because whole purpose,
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they have been governments youth region. it's on the or anything by inviting a friend and then me to help in this mission to exterminate the people. i think i so the total over anything has been gone long time ago, but they, you and has a particular responsibility to protect marginalized groups in but none of the people that are tracing a genocide, s takes 13 genocide. so the u. a has all mandate and moral obligations have been and the ongoing genocide. so i just want to bring up a statement here. it comes from the united states government from the, from the white house basically. and the statement came out of the very end of may and, and it's acknowledging what is going on in northern ethiopia, large scale human rights abuses taking place and take, including widespread sexual violence. and so it talks about a, it's noted it seen it then what is the action center? i mean, the us really taking them to ship especially, and it took
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a very long time for the list us and the departments because the war broke out in the member and this is good to stop. but mad the said that a disability issue, really and a long time ago when the opportunity declared what is on people in bassett, foreign military terms have been and i think what's missing from the composition is the big one i mentioned to you by me is overwhelming. because i haven't started the violence against almost 3 years ago. i'm international report in may of last year. what they did, the monthly cost of the count of x, the killing children, 815 and the by the stress. you have a wonderful job. the right, not time to walk them, you wait to miss it in life. so what about on running out of time? i, i know that feeling medea i want to bring the conversation back to restart with you . i'm going to bring it back to you because again, how do you stop weaponized thing? sexual violence. how do you stop fat?
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well, we spoke at the beginning of the show about how gender base violence, senior man, terry inspecting, worthily underfunded. and so i would suggest, you know, the g service summit for example, provides, would provide an ideal opportunity for we need commitment to gender equality and humanitarian settings. listening to bodies like the g 7 dead, the quality advisory council is a possible way to include such perspectives. but these conversations i've been happening for years about how to prevent base as the weapon of war and local women . organizations have the unique ability to be able to reach and empower women and girls in their community every day and investments at a crossroads level. have a much greater impact. so without adequate funding to support organizations, commitment made at the global level will make little to no difference on the ground funding and equally important. thank you so much. we started to conversation with you. we ended up with you. my dear. thank you. siena, thank you. mazda,
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thank you so much, you cheap and on twitter. appreciate your comments to be part of today's program. i will see you next time, actually with everybody. ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, welcome to from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the scenes. so you can relax, enjoy a break in your journey. ah,
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when you leave with a smile, we know our day's work is done. katara always welcome to our home, the morning heroism and they were well to read for iconic. so she nicea algeria meeting the people in the places and hearing some writers and musicians who composed the songs for north africa on which is era in the next episode of science in a golden age, i'll be exploring the contributions made by scholars during the medieval period in the field of mathematics, the term algebra can be traced back to the arabic word algebra. we're going to the limit to the technology 40 percent. often with beta found they gave us the final building block find that it's covered at medieval on science and
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a golden age. with gym alkalinity on al jazeera, there are some of the media stories of critical look at the global news media. on audi 0, government shut off access to social media. ah . i know a lot tighter and under the top stories on our era and we begin with breaking news, israel's opposition. it is one step closer to forming a government just an hour out from the deadline, expiring escalade $200.00 and made in western some. so how to explain what's going on well, it seems that we're getting closer to that announcement that everybody here.
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