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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2021 3:30am-4:01am +03

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we hope these missions will further our understanding of how the earth evolved and why it's currently habitable, when others in our solar system are not planetary science is critical in answering key questions that we have as humans like, are we alone? what implications beyond our solar system? could these 2 missions have ah, type of cricket? the headlines here on al jazeera, israeli opposition leader l a. p has informed the president, he has the support to form a new government ending. benjamin netanyahu is 12 years in power. right. wing lead enough tale been it would be prime minister 1st followed by the peed 2 years later . while these really coalition brings together 8 parties and has won the support of the palestinian israeli party, the united arab list, the deal still needs
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a parliamentary vote before a government is sworn in order to meet as mona from western. if you look at the makeup of this coalition, if a party is going from left to far right who have nothing in common or very little in common except one main goal, which is to out benjamin nathan. you know, now looking ahead, this whole process that has to happen at the speak of the parliament has to call for a vote of confidence by the method that should happen in the next 7 to 10 days. but in between a lot can happen. ask anyone here in israel, a week of politics in israel is a lifetime and things could change again and again. senior un in red cross officials and visited garza 2 weeks after a seaside ended the conflict between israel and how mass. they describe the extent of the humanitarian crisis as staggering. 11 days of his ready bombardment caused
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extensive damage to home schools, hospitals, and critical infrastructure. a huge fire is broken out at a refinery in southern tear on the blaze sent a thick film of smoke of a parts of the rounds capital so far, no reports of injuries, a cargo ship. sinking off the coast of shanker threatening and logical disaster caught fire 2 weeks ago and is filled with several 100 tons of oil. one of nicaragua, the most popular opposition leaders is under house arrest. police raided christina ch are more of the home office. she was accused of money laundering comes ahead of elections in november and unions in columbia, taking part in another strike, the countries the massive anti government demonstration since april. i couldn't even do k, i was deployed military forces to the city of kelly. so those are the headlines and news continues here to 0 after. in fact, story we've done fortune by me
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assess re rock solid friendship, israel prime minister once he is willing to risk friction with the u. s. benjamin yahoo! that it is a price worth paying to neutralize iran, nuclear ambitions. will it be viewed as a parting shot of political rivals to push him from power? this is inside for ah, ah, ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm peter bobby here in hot now for decades. the is really relationship with the united
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states has been unshakable. it is crucial for israel security and the us government's foreign policy across the broad him at least now. benjamin netanyahu says he is willing to risk quotes friction the can't take a prime minister, whose political future doth hang in. the balance of course, made those remarks whilst announcing david bonnie, as the new head of israel spy agency ma sat mister nathan. yahoo said israel's priority is to neutralize iran's nuclear ambitions, even if the u. s. and others succeed in reinstating the 2015 nuclear deal. i'm not going to certainly call if we have to choose, i hope it doesn't happen between friction without great friend the united states and the elimination of the existential threat or elimination of the existential threat is increasing. it falls on you on the political leadership of the state of israel and you, david bonia, then all must be done on all to ensure that under no circumstances will run itself
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with nuclear weapons. ah ok, let's get going with our gas now to tell a b, we have done a den on formerly the israeli ambassador to the united nations in london. we have roxanne pharma, and from a on electra on modern middle east politics at the university of cambridge and in washington lawrence court, who served as us assistant secretary of defense. welcome to the program to all of you, danny dunn on intel to be 1st. how far is mr. nathan yahoo prepared to push this relationship when it comes to having a friction based relationship with job i we have a very long bonding with the us as long as a liar, which is based on the usual values. and it will continue to be the same way i can say that we have to remember that in the history report, that when we take a valid regarding, i will see at the end the us after that i would need to example when i am
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begging decided to attack the nuclear reactor in a back, the us ministration was against it. they condemned it physically. but you know later they actually thank you for doing that. and we'd happened again when 5 minutes. so you started to attack the nuclear reactor when put in boosted that was against it initially. but after that game, you get the very good respect all over again. so yes, we do speak with our colleague value the opinion, but at the end we would take the actions which are important for our survival, our security. so that means adopting a very aggressive stones towards the government into iran that that new to big action preventing a run from saving a nuclear weapon when, why? because of the threatening to destroy as well. we can see the id by the way, to see whether be immediate or not is still that we cannot do that. so we expect
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the international community to take strong action. but the, if we would believe that the action that being taking deficient, we will do whatever necessary to put their loans cold in washington, have follow mr. bite and push back against that kind of very sec sconce. well, i think he pushed back when he was vice president and then and when prime minister netanyahu came to the united states and took the unprecedented step of addressing the us congress and told them not to approve a deal that the obama buys and administration had made with, with, with a ran so i think that he will push back. he has given the, getting back into the iran nuclear dale, the highest priority. that's why the negotiations are going on. back in back in
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vienna. vienna right now. and so i think he will push back very, very hard again, again against this. because this is a priority because a nuclear arm, duran, would completely stabilize the, the middle east. it is a bigger threat than anything else that's going on, whether it's in yemen or syria, or what, what have you, rock sense on, on for me and put this in the context of not the immediate past, not just literally the last month or so. but the wider picture context when it comes to a friction based relationship between jerusalem and washington, not i guess what it should be in a perfect world, a friction less relationship. yes, i would argue that probably there already has been quite a bit of friction. and in fact, as you are guess, pointed out there's been friction in the past between both powers. and certainly over the last year, there's been quite
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a bit of tit for tat and increase in attacks by israel are allegedly by israel on iran attack. just today. a and the largest ship in their navy was sunk in the form of a fire that is very on is expected. there was a, it clearly an explosion. this is quite typical of what's been going on between israel against the ron. and although i would argue that the level of sabotage and friction has been high enough that the americans must be aware of this activity on, by, by israel, against iran, as must agree to it at some level. there's obviously a question to be asked as to how far that friction can go. and as they are negotiating the j e p. a way, if that does go ahead, then the situation will change enormously. and the us will not want to have israel
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making the situation for iran, increasingly difficult. lawrence colbin washington. israel wants as a prerequisite to even giving the slightest green light to the new j. c p. o. a. if we can call it that some sort of re energized, reinvigorated 2015 nuclear deal, pulling iran back into this welcoming open church of non proliferation of nuclear weapons in the middle east. what to the safe guards that israel wants, that mr. biden's administration would be ok with well, i think if you can get back into the j c p o way and then you could begin working on the, the other issues around developing ballistic missiles. you know, for example, would be another one that they could begin to work on. the iranians working with the other countries to have peace in yemen by cutting back their support of the,
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of the hoodies. but for the biden's administration, the nuclear is really the beginning because that doesn't work, nothing else is involved. and don't forget the united states. over the years when i had the privilege of working for president reagan, he got very upset when the israel east bombed the reactor in iraq at the syrup. and basically when they invaded lebanon, part of the president reagan called up, you know, begun and basically to quote, have read him the riot act. we cut down, sending military supplies to israel, and in facts at the, a wax, the saudi arabia at that time. so i think there it is, a history of us reacting if the israelis push too far done is going on in tennessee . do you understand those voices of israel? people who write for say, the jerusalem post, who was saying when the last conflict, the one that we covered ad nauseum here on al jazeera, the 4th war in 3, and
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a bit years between israel and in effect between israel and thomas. there were voices out of israel saying, what nathan, yahoo did, there was about political expediency and about political survival. because if he picks a fight with him ass, that gets him 6 more months as he's ready. prime minister, you know, a derivative of that if you will, is if he picks a fight with her on that maybe gets him another 12 months as israeli prime minister . so you just mention that to live and let's look at it. we've got a phone, those to be coming from hamas. and when you think about the political or dying light, as we speak a very parliament is inside a local agent for forming a different government without 5 minutes and then out. and we are very happy that we got to find a few days ago in the cycles again and say we, they won,
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we put our national security about politics. and we have today cooperation between 2 different policies have. ready been gone to the middle of the fence and then the out on the the every call operate on the with the issues. so we do not in nevada, we don't mix politics in our national security. but i want to go back to your last question. do my colleague g, p u, a band for 2015 and he's even, it was today. and the main issue is we are waiting and we are getting in washington to address the ballistic missile test, the nuclear ambitions, the proxies, the millions or billions of dollars out of pocket will receive from that have on it all, the visuals will not be advanced. if the us, when we enter the g p way, in the next few days, roxanne, some unseen in, in london. is that implicitly here an a symmetric relationship, a kind of a tail wagging the dog relationship. one would want to assume, i guess the,
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the superpower in the room, the united states, tells israel what to do. and israel reacts to that, instead of which seems to me that israel does something. and then it's the united states that reacts to what israel is doing. well, i think it's very much dependent on the events because although certainly israel was not supportive of the jcp away signing in 2015 and expressed a certain level of threat that they would take care of their own national security despite that signing. nonetheless, it was the u. s. decision to make that, that signature deal go forward and certainly the yahoo and israel stepped back and actually that, that was a year that followed that signing that we see was one of the more peaceful and the most recent 5 or 6 years in the region. and i think that one of the things that is
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clear about the j c p away is that implies regional security issues. it is the trigger. once it is signed, it's been made gary clear by the by net ministration that they have every intention of going right into negotiations over missiles. and until that trust has been set up on and tell some kind of understanding husband established, which we've already seen happen already. once back in 2015, 2016 and the nuclear production in iran drop precipitously at that point. so in many ways it shows that the concerns of israel are answered by the signing of the j e p. away. once that is signed again, then the next step will inevitably follow, and we're also seeing that there is a, a rough crush small that's already in train between saudi arabia ne ron,
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in order to address some of their concerns militias, their conflict across the gulf. so i think the very act of starting indigo oceans again with the j e p. away and putting that as a possible success will serve to can to calm situation. and i think israel will see that us decision is the right way forward and it has its own knitting to deal with at the moment. certainly it's about to go through a, a change of premier ship, perhaps just like iran is about to go through a change of presidency. so we see quite a few new actors, both in the united states and in the golf that are willing to try something new because the past certainly has not worked well. israel's defense minister been against, says, is really us differences should be solved without defiant rhetoric. he's been dispatched on a snap visit to washington, where he's expected to make a $1000000000.00 request to the pentagon to restock the i and
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a missile system. it printed off, most of the more than $4300.00 rockets, fired from garza during israel. recent conflict with amass the u. s. gives israel billions of dollars in aid every year. in 2020 it was just shy of 4000000000. almost all of it goes into the military and washington is committed to an obama era deal that would last through until 2028th. it provides almost $40000000000.00 over 10 years. i think it's safe to expect that among the things they will talk about our regional security issues. and clearly we have every expectation that iran and their malign behavior in the region will certainly come up. this is obviously not the 1st time that the secretary has met or spoken with minister against. they've had numerous phone calls, which we've all read out to you over the last couple of weeks, which was restrict garza and of course we visited israel. not too long ago and they had a very extensive day together. so this, we expect thursday's meeting will be
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a continuation of those discussions. but clearly regional security issues will be at the top of the list. lawrence coban, washington. there are, there are so many sort of dichotomies in this relationship, surely mean one could argue and say, look, the optics around the relationship have changed because benny gans is eminently in washington on the one hand. but on the other hand, may the 17th this 4th war in just over 3 years is at its peak, or heading towards being at its peak. and the bypass administration signs off on alms deals worth $735000000.00 worth of precision guided weapons. i mean that was either bad timing, bad luck or just stupid. well, basically they were more members of congress this time, including to jewel or senators, or opposed to that $735000000.00 deal. biden has gone ahead with it. but the relationship between the united states and israel's getting took kind of
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a more normal relationship for the longest time. our main goal was to make sure that the israelis were not overthrown as we happened in 67 and 773. but israel has become a much more. 7 significant power there is powerful as anybody in the region. i don't think any of the countries could, you know, beat them militarily as they try back in 67 and 73. so we're going to have these good moments. we're going to have these bad moments. i'm not going to agree on, on, on everything. as you mention, we give them $4000000000.00 a year in military, a no strings attached. and basically if you take a look at the, i don't who site happens perform so wonderfully. during the recent conflict with her mas, that basically a lot of that money, a technology came from the united states, so we will guarantee israel's independence. but on the other hand,
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we're going to do what's best for the united united states. and we really feel that this nuclear deal is good for israel, but obviously there are many people who don't, they have other issues with the rare. but remember, during the cold war, when we signed arms with duction agreements with nuclear weapons with the soviet union, they were still controlling eastern europe. they were in afghanistan. so you've got to solve each issue as it comes up, you can solve everything in one place. and i happened to believe as president obama de, the president biden, that the nuclear issue is the biggest issue in the region, both for all of the countries and for the united states. then it done on internal eve. is there a chance here that whoever is prime minister has to be less belligerent than benjamin netanyahu has been to date? because possibly can. i suggest you that joe biden has a rather non nuanced idea of what israel is. he seems to perceive israel as
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one layer of being quotes, the only parliamentary democracy in the middle east, surrounded by arab and muslim autocracies. and this region is so much more complicated than that simplistic view of what israel is as a prison into examining the white region. my good friend. and we're doing the last day a cycle more suppose we received it because the us, the greatest trend, greatest the ally of the us. and then we heard about the congress members that actually fall against the board to see from the us. and i want to remind you that we both we both evil, we for the several going to evasion. there was still going to vision, but the border dakota said about a division that's on $911.00. the way that when we fight evil, we expect that and we do get this the gold of our lives in the us that nothing to
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do that, both of them know. and i'm going to do this because how mass has never publicly supported al qaeda and what, how mass has done, how mass has only ever done it in its relationship. let me finish this. this is a matter of fact, historical facts would show what i'm about to say as being historically correct. how mass is only done what is done across the border from gaza into israel. it has never gone wider than that. so i don't want to have a conversation about allegiances not between different groups that operate on the ground in that way. i do want to come to, i just want to get to one of the points. please just allow me to move the conversation on. and i want to go back to rocks and some on for man, you know, if you want me to be there and i'll tell you, because you just said i after 911. how my issue, the statement and i didn't, i was supposed being the actually in the car though, you can google advice. now you're not maybe if your
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fax be there because you say the lie and don't blame me for that. we can always find that mr. dunn on looking out what i said, that was not what i said was i said, was that how math is always contained itself to doing what it does in its relationship with israel, out of ga, across the board, into israel. that was very specifically and very clearly what i said ok, so i do just want to let you know when i see the guide, after that, that 911, we fight evil. that's why you get to suppose on the us. let me just move the conversation on roxanne for money and in london. there. is there a problem here for whoever is ready? prime ministers is really prime minister rather. and it's a problem perhaps that's yet to come. it's the younger jewish american lobby who are turning away from what israel seems to be at the moment. well,
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i think that at the moment we, we've seen a very specific chapter in the relationships in the middle east and also in relationship to the united states. i think there's certainly a group with in a younger group, if you will, within the united states, generally within the democratic party specifically. but also in some of the those that would say that they were republicans, it's quite a difficult job point to, to for nests. but in any case that do see that there are other types of younger people rising up and wanting to have a, a sense of liberty and control over their politics, including hong kong and elsewhere. and the result is that the palestinians, particularly those inside israel, i would say, have fallen into that category. the use of tick tock them use or social media
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generally is creating a very different communications environment that is making a difference in terms of political vantage. and i think also if i could go back to the situation in iran, i think that many of those young people looking outside in feel as though they're to the, the reform us government that has in many ways capture the imagination and hopes of many young people go in and out of iran now is being moved out and instead of very much more conservative group is moving in and we are seeing a very, very low voter turnout as a result, a sense of hopeless. okay. i think we're seeing that whole ways if you will, roxanne, apologies for interrupting danny in the next 60 seconds because we are heading towards the end of the program. danica on until a beat. does mister netanyahu want a war with iran, a war with hamas? does he want to maintain the status quo or does he just want to be in high
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political office as long as he can possibly do that? no, absolutely, no. we pray for peace and we just signed full piece to do with our nation. and hopefully we'll have more, more coming in the near future. but at the same time, we will look at the rest of the challenges in the beginning. and we understand that how much is that one behind the scenes behind us. and that's why we are very rude, and we are willing to take action against a one. it's not about, but then, you know, you've been to our, we would have a new prime minister. and it might, it will have this lauren's cold in washington. what does mister bite and what does he want less, nathan, yahoo piece in the middle east. a 2 state solution, or does he just want to maintain things as they are and keep a lid on it? well basically he wants to keep a lid on it. i think he would prefer that prime minister netanyahu step aside, you have another government and he feels he could work better with them about
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dealing with all the all the issues in the region. and i think as was pointed out by my colleague in london, a lot of young jewish people in the united states to support us moving in that direction. okay, we have to leave it there. thank you all. thank you to, i guess they what danny, than on roxanne from on for me in and lawrence kolb and thank you to for watching the program. you can see the show again anytime be the web site out to 0 dot com. and for further discussion, go to facebook page, my facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at ha insights store for me, pizza, adobe, and the team here. and thanks for watching. we will see you very soon for the moment. the me news
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news, news, news, news be part of the debate itself to the end in the us or in the u. k, because it will just come back again when no topic is off the table. what we wanted to talk about were the one white man touching our loud dream, where a global audience become a global community. jump into the comment section. and part of the discussion. there are like kinetic efforts to silence palestinians on the online faith on al jazeera, the, i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job to shed light on how and why i l g 0 is
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a little there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on audi 0. government shut off access to social media. who's who's the
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me i hello, i'm down. jordan in dough with the top stories here on out to 0. israeli opposition leader? yeah, le, p has announced he has the support needed to unseat the government. a prime minister benjamin netanyahu paid main partner, the right wing politician natalie bennett, who takes 1st turn as prime minister and then you government repeat would become prime minister. 2 years later, there are lions springs together parties from across the political spectrum and has won the support of the palestinian israeli party, the united arab list.


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