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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm +03

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of nations, we tried to magicians contact 3 different countries and it was clear that all this was to know the rule in june. most people will never know what's beyond these the deafening silence of 100000. how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to work with. every breath is precious with fear. it's not an option. but when most people oh i
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hear on the news here. it says here, these are the top stories, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu pulling on. all right wing m p 's to oppose a new coalition. a power sharing deal announced by opposition. parties on wednesday include a palestinian israeli party for the 1st time security courses and sit down and closed off major roads leading to government military headquarters in hot soon. activists the mouth in the 2nd anniversary of the 2900 massacre a peaceful protests. beneficial in northern nigeria. so been negotiating with kidnappers to release 148 children. the students were taken 4 days ago during an grade on their school in tina, in the jeff states. want to take you back to our top story and more on. well, israel's king maker and potential prime minister 49 year old natalie bennett, who was the son of jewish immigrants in the u. s. and was a tech startup millionaire. he began his political career in 2006 and for
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a few years was a senior to benjamin netanyahu, who was in opposition then. a 2020 became the leader of the yes council, which is the main settler movement in the occupied west bank. but it's also served as minister of defense, education and economy. in netanyahu's coalition governance, he is known for a hotline anti palestinian stumps you've against the creation of a palestinian state. in fact, he says there never was such a thing and supports the annexation of the land, which is illegal under international law. bennett also supports a military solution to the conflict and once in quite i have killed a lot of arabs in my life and has no problem. with that, bennett appeared on al jazeera, on may the 12th 3 days into the light, his conflict within his earl and her mouth. all night day, i questioned him on the root causes of it all, namely, these ready occupation. this was his response. let me phrase it differently, then do you accept that israel as an occupying force in the palestinian territories?
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absolutely not. we however ro, it's been our homeland for thousands of years on the west bank, i call it jude. in some area, it's part and parcel of israel. yes, i'm cognizant to the fact that there's almost 2000000 palestinians living there and they deserve to live in dignity. and we provide that. that is not the root cause, you know, the arabs have ob, tens of countries it to live in. we respect our neighbors. we respect israeli arabs, but that is certainly not the root cause. the root cause is that they want to annihilate us. well, today we can't says the editor in chief of the jerusalem post, he says, among other things that it is time for a political shake up in israel. what i do know is that we have for election here. it is ro, we've had political instability and paralysis for the last 2 and
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a half years. we don't have a state budget, we've been dragged from one election to the other by prime minister, who at the same time is on trial for severe corruption charges of bribery. fraud, a breach of trust. there is a breakdown in our debt in undermining, i would say almost in our democratic institution. those need to be safe, guarded. so i would actually want to see a government establish now you're right, the chance that this type of government, which is, i call it a kaleidoscope. it's got all the colors and types and flavors that israeli politics have to offer its got parties on the right party to let discuss the center. and it has an error party which is historic, by the way. and you know, on paper, this is what we should, one, israeli, and people who care for the state of israel. we should want to see a government that represents the widest, been the broadest strokes of all of the public and all the citizens who live in israel to have errors actively involved in a coalition. government is unprecedented. it is row, they've always been in our parliament, but they haven't been sitting in a coalition. that is something that we should want to see happen. that's
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a good thing. so i hope that it does last. i hope that you are able to put aside their differences and to keep their eye on what's important to the people of israel, the jewish residence, and to think of israel and the arab residence and citizens of israel. does that mean will be able to solve all of our problems? will be able to make peace with the palestinians? no, but at the same time, natalie, but i won't be able to annex the westbank or jane samira. he has said he would like to be able to do big moves like that. police in nicaragua have rated the home of opposition leader christiana tomorrow. she is now under house arrest. she was expected to run in the presidential elections in november for the organization of american states and human rights watch the president daniel, take a and simply trying to eliminate the competition more from latin america at lucy and human carloads of riot police. arrived in nicaragua and opposition leader at least the honor tomorrow's house with the search and arrest warrant. pushing,
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waiting, journalist and family members away. unexpected raid on her home want immediate condemnation at home and abroad. ortega should understand that he sanctions to grab our and to a sure himself as the data from our for the rest of his life is not. it's not an option. what is at stake here is the credibility of the bite and ministrations commitment to the lever protection for fundamental rights freedoms protecting democracy in latin america. the us secretary of state anthony blinkin, who was a neighbor in costa rica, as the raid was underway, treated that the warrant reflected, quote, ortega's fear of free and fair elections. on the number of this week, the pro government prosecutor had charged her moral nicaragua,
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the most competitive presidential candidate with alleged money laundering. and would he termed as ideological deviations. she did not is all charges. i can get him on that for morning and they're trying to fabricate him a com trial. she said, i was going to other candidates in november's presidential election have already been jailed and to opposition parties band, which i'm more of the daughter, a former president lead tomorrow, and a visitor parking chair model, a newspaper publisher who was assassinated by nicaragua as former samouce a dictatorship is the most high profile target of the latest government crackdown. after more than 5 hours, the government put her under house arrest, leaving the police to guard her home. they are trying to prevent a democratic, peaceful way out of all crisis. the alternative is one that will not end while the decision not to take her more to prison,
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could reflect growing international pressure on president daniel ortega and his wife and vice president ro, side your. but the big question is whether that will be enough to guarantee a competitive election in the trouble torn central american nation. the see and human al jazeera in mexico, avocado grow as a fighting back against the criminal gangs trying to muscle in on their business. why? because it's worth around $2000000000.00 a year. mitchell can state is at the heart of the industry, john homeowners, this report from pet about on the difficulties confronting the african fathers green gold. that's what they call this fruit, mitchell county, southwest mexico. recent. some have given the crop a different name blood up because those both are partly true. the industry here is worth billions exporting to the us, but it's so lucrative, the criminal groups, a trying to muscle in we here in perry bone,
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with the ever called the farmers fighting back the town who set up its own self defense force. this is a drill session before they head out on patrol. some of these 3 brothers, a part of the force and own this grow. they don't want us to show their identity. they say they're up against one of the most powerful groups in mexico. c o 2 in 2008 years ago the least go, new generation cartel came in here and wanted to take our land. so we had to take up arms and defend our home. there were places close to our village where they took groves and they killed the families. i remember the mit can have a car. the industry is worth upwards of $2000000000.00 a year. and the police go cartel isn't the 1st criminal group go after it. the firm has battled another card, so called the knights templar, before them. do you feel frightened or fear about what you're doing?
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because you guys are a farmers and you've suddenly become like a sort of a smooth all me. and then with that, and then with all the years that we've been fighting, now we're not scared of anyone. we're ready to give our lives. we're not scared anymore. and there are other color producing towns in the region who also had to defend themselves. the farmers here, so there are more than 2000 people in their force in several cells. after practice, it's this group's turns her head out. i talked to one of the brothers we met earlier. now in battle dress, why you guys doing this? why isn't the police or another force of security doing it looks like when we get to, the government ignores us. they sold themselves and they turn a blind eye. so it's up to us to come out and petrol the area because the national guard just petrol in tones where there is no risk. ah, they admit that no,
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everyone's happy with them being the dominant force in town. a group of men with lots of guns and little accountability carries obvious risks. but it doesn't seem to be a lot of choice in a region in which farms factories may tie production chains or in the sites of nar coast. i mean with the with the finding the traffic in the post and everything for now though, the phone, the say that been kept out of parable and away from the green gold. john holeman. how does it a pretty bad and john holman's new special. it's called the full report living in mexico's kill zone is coming up on friday on out to 0. 1630 gmc
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has a pretty big statement for humans. off are destroying the foundations of our survival at an alarming rate. in the us as an intense restoration, effort must get under way to address pollution, climate change and loss of nature. at the moment, according to the you and we are taking more than nature, can provide sustainably around 1.6 times more. this year and report says, we've now passed the point where conservation, if it's a loan, can prevent large scale ecosystem collapse. and by it says that he lost it, and so we need a generation restoration to restore more than a 1000000000 heck, as of land over the next decade. that is roughly the size of china. if it can be pulled off, it may help avoid nearly 2 thirds of expected by the both the extinctions and increase food security for more than a 1000000000 people. and grandison is the executive director of the u. n. environment program and says ecosystem restoration is essential for the climate and
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for food production. the world has decided that the united nations that they want to really focus this coming 10 years on restoration 1000000000. the heck test that we have over exploded, degraded through our human activity. we need to put it back into working order. why? because we still need to feed the world. we still need to ensure that we can live as humanity. and we can't do that if we continue to degrade the very land that sustains us. so the opportunities, yes, we protect what has not yet been interfered with. what we put back into working landscape that which we have degraded and it is so very doable. each one of us know it from our back god. and if we give that all from the fields where we work, if we give nature half a chance, it will bounce back. it just needs a little helping hand. so this is an initiative where we are working with the finance sector. obviously,
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we need to have farming on board and government science and communities to move on restoration. but it would be essential for food and for climate. government have tended to look at short termism, but smart governments look longer term because once land becomes 3rd time again, once land can sustain a population, once people do not have to migrate from the places you get healthy, a better and more stable and less insecure. society's tomorrow we will be launching with the government of pakistan, the restoration decade and in pakistan there's been a huge effort on restoration under the 10000000000 teresa nami and other countries to costa rica and many other countries, number of artifacts from thailand have finally returned after decades with, sorry, decades after they were stolen, their return was welcomed by culture and fine arts officials in the capital. and
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they want this recovery to be one of many more succumb scott. hi, there's been visiting the ancient kingdom, bangkok, ah, missing for more than 6 decades homecoming for ancient hand carved artifact from north eastern thailand. unveiled at bank cox national museum, the 2 sandstone lentils were once part of religious sanctuaries built nearly a 1000 years ago. they were stolen and smuggled out of thailand in the 1900 sixty's during the war in neighboring vietnam. architectural pieces from the days of the committee empire were on display at the asian arts museum in san francisco. they were secured as part of an effort by thailand, fine arts department, it took 4 years low men, but here we are giving up the artifacts that were exported illegally, especially if they're a part of ancient architecture. and there is an ongoing process to recall. 32 artifacts from museums across the united states, from more than 500 years ago or
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u. t. it was one of the world's largest cosmopolitan areas, a hub for trade, culture, and diplomacy. it was captured and burned to the ground by invaders from what is now me and mar it. then sat mostly vacant for a 100 years. i was the capital of the same kingdom from the 14th to the 18th century. the archeologist here are hopeful that the attention garnered from the return to artifacts will help them in their quest to find missing statues and historical pieces. most of the valuable relics in the city have been looted over the years and most likely in private collections, including the heads removed from scores of statues of buddha. one of the, i think by publicly telling the story and raising awareness about the missing pieces of our history, who knows, we make it an important lead from someone who may spot a missing artifacts when they are travelling abroad. so the hunt will continue to research in awareness to bring back what museum officials here call the pride of
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the nation. not only for their beauty, but as a representation of pass prosperity and the roots of ty, history and culture, got either al jazeera, our youth, the silence. just before we had the breaker, a space story which also includes more than $100.00 managers squids and thousands of microbes. they are now hurtling toward the international space station on board, a space x rocket part of studies to determine the effect of 0 gravity on micro organism. also on board the 1st 2 out of 6 of a new rollout solar array to be installed during space walks as they work to upgrade the international space stations power capability, 40 seconds in the fight solar panels. and we wanted to still add view on this news our but i'm going to the next trying to get my tell about not even doing a part that normally com. roger federer in cool. a bit at the french open.
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can you hold onto it as much? ah, the news news news with me
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ah ah ah. he's here with a look at your thanks. got plenty ahead. will the latest round of quantify much is the 2022 woke up and katha being held across asia and south america. the 10 south american sized take to the fuel, amid growing corona cases and civil unrest. those factors lead to argentina and columbia binge strips of hosting rights for the upcoming copa america. another tournament is set to be held in brazil, even though it's the worst effect to country the region with cove it 19
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dash one. the joins us now from one is there as well. let's start with the corporate america, which was thought on june 14. there's plenty of confusion in south american football at the moment over the tournament. there is sarah, i mean, in the regions hit by a ferocious 2nd wave of the co 19 of virus. as you mentioned, recently shifted to to brazil. probably the only country the last minute was in a position that has the infrastructure to be able to put on a competition that the size of the couple america, 10 teams from south america playing in that they hosted obisky the 2014 well comp and the last couple america, which they won in 2019. so there is ready is any country in the region is likely to be. but as you mentioned, a great deal of confusion. a great deal of misery has hit
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a brazil. something like 486000 people have died from the virus. 16000000 people infected hospitals, a breaking point, a very difficult situation, but what they do have is a president in job olsen, otto, who has always down played the virus court. nothing was in a little flu once life to carry on as normal as far as possible. and he sees football as part of that game as far as normality is concerned. so they have the right president in the country, the infrastructure. it will go ahead on the, in about 10 days time, bought many people in brazil and elsewhere, including it must be said, many of the players and the managers. not very happy about it. i mean, there's been a lot of protest as well with regard to this that has across the board. i mean, i've seen people marching in brazil. i mean, here in argentina, it was many people would say, well,
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if the schools are closed down as they were a week or so ago, because of the pandemic, how on earth can we continue to play football in those circumstances with the amount of traveling involved with hospital is that breaking point, so a very sensitive issue which was why there was not a great deal here of, of discontent, of anger when the economy bore the reasoning football therapy. we through the, the games from, from argentina. and of course, allison tina is taking on chile later on thursday for the cafe won't qualify on what kind of atmosphere can we expect? coven 19 measures if there are any tool. we're not many, sir. unfortunately, i'm in the game is being played some distance away from when osiris in the regional capital of the province of santiago did a stero, which is some distance away from here in an empty stadium. some of the players, 3 players, including circular,
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where all missed the flight because they were tested 1st of all, positive for the virus and negative. but the time that was sorted out, the flights had gone so they won't be playing the pandemic one. well, the other causes disruption will around writes across the board. i mean, people here of course, love their football, they're dying to see a game. we don't how many other distractions at the moment? so people will watch the game on television, but they won't be watching it as they traditionally do, either in public spaces where they set up big screens and certainly not in the balls and restaurant. so it'll be a quiet night at home in front of the television, cheering it's mom. i'm sure of a lot of people tearing that teens are that there are not, but thanks a lot that done your time. look from one is it was rather now the federation of african done. this is condemned to cause attempts by external elements from the united arab emirates, from nicholas john this in africa, the campaign against the capital 2022 world cup. the body has called on fee for the
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governing body of african football to investigate. and once those responsible to be sanctions of the race was one of the arab countries that imposed a blockade on katherine 2017, which came to end earlier this year. cats will be the 1st country in the middle east, the stage, the wolf. com. and we've been speaking earlier to a found one who's president of the gonna jealous association, and also a board member of the federation of african john. as he says, he wants african jealous to be left to do their job. journalism should not be drawn issues. i, you says scope and mileage because denies them. dennis is even though our way back to policies in order. but we reject them open fleshy to use house or to set up on
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the religious cos, which we cover allowed to organize with coupling piece. carrying benson made a long way to return to the french team for the 1st time in almost 6 years bought. things didn't quite go to town for the realm, did strike up and 0 had a golden opportunity to score against wells in that friendly off to winning a penalty. but he blew his tongue well, time to put that behind them as they went on to win. 3 know with killian and buffet until a great gree, as mine and more than glory. now in this kind of number one i, she bought is pulled out all the french open, 2019 champion with a set down in a 2nd round much when she was forced to retire with an injury. illustrating has struggled with his problem during opening round. rural means the wolf top 3 rank plays. now all out of the 20 minutes. and roger federer is through to the 3rd round, after losing his cool,
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with the chair on pile. the ongoing one going to the trying to get my not even doing a fine, but i mean you're waiting. i pull your he was warned to taking to on between points and then arguing in the 2nd set eventually. but the 20th time grand. some time came back to be maureen, which in for set it was much easier for no joke of it was number one, even for the 3rd round the straits that when the cake was specialist, pablo corpus a chinese, aided by 267 runs at the end of the 2nd day of play, it was bought the test much has been overshadowed by racist and sexist tweets from an england bowler. so it's made by ali robinson dating back to 2012,
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have resurfaced on social media. 27 year old who is making is that the posted insulting suites targeting women asians animal than the england and wells cricket boys are investigating and robinson has issued an apology on the biggest that in my career, i'm embarrassed. i posted which become public. i want to make it clear, i'm not racist sexist. i beat through my actions and i'm ashamed of this. and there's funds for regardless of my state of mind in time actions next period. i'm insured as a person and then bay, the dallas mavericks continued their impressive form and the tail said b l a clip is 15100 and game 5 and the 1st round theory. no, john stands for the man who the game high, 42 points to help his team record the 56 road wind in the theory and take the
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book back in a few hours. cool. thank you for that. sarah 21 gmc, that was our lauren taylor long in london in the in june. and i was just who will take his son on his plate will bring you the latest from ron's presidential election on june 18th. the bottom line returns to discuss
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current developments in us politics and how they affect the world member state gathering the u. k. on june 11th for talks on key issues at the g 7 summit, a new series portal brings jazeera award winning digital content to our tv audience . and the sentencing of derek children will be handed down on june 25th join us for lloyd coverage at this historic us court case reaches a conclusion june on i'll just be part of the debate itself. defeated the end because it in the us or in the u. k, because it will just come back again when no topic is off the table. wanted to talk about where these men with white men. touching aloud your dream, where a global audience becomes a global community, jumping to the comment, fraction, and part of the discussion. there are like kinetic efforts to silence fell opinions
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on the online. based on al jazeera, it's a very bleak picture for a lot of americans out there. why supremacy, in fact, all of our petition, you're putting more money into the hands of someone taking money out of the hands of other workers. everyone goes to their campus and it becomes a us versus them. this is a deal about constraining a nuclear program. the bottom line off the big question. oh, now to the era me in the far right need to now being called israel's kingmaker, natalie bennett, is poised to become the next prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is not going down without a fight. ah, i don't want to sit down there and live from london. also coming up the road to
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contain an environmental catastrophe. salvage cruise tried to deal with a congo ship thinking offline because coast the protest is since you don't capital demand justice, but dozens of people killed in a government crackdown 2 years ago.


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