tv [untitled] June 4, 2021 2:30am-3:01am +03
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then thousands of microbes hurtling towards the international space station on border space, x rocket. and that'll be used in studies to determine the effect of 0 gravity. a micro organisms. the 1st 2 of 6 new blocks of solar panels a little so on board, they'll be installed during space, will upgrade the stations power capabilities. ah, i talk about krycek at the headlines here on our to 0. france has suspended joint operations with malia and forces to pressure the military agenda into restoring a civilian government. as senior greeter was declared president on friday, after ordering the rest of city and leaders, nicholas arc has moved from molly's capital. i'm a coach. in effect, what this temporary suspension of french cooperation with a 1000000 army means is that the by the french forces or the french air force will not clear the way before there are operations launched by the 1000000 forces. if
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there are 1000000 soldiers that wounded, then they won't repack, treat them back to the hospitals using their french helicopters, nor will they share intelligence with them all the forces. so this will have a detrimental effect on the security situation in molly. israel can take our prime minister benjamin netanyahu has called on right wing allies to abandon a coalition that could remove him from power. 8 parties made a deal to form a coalition government, but it still needs to be passed in parliament. netanyahu accused his rival, naphtali bennett, of filling out 2 palestinian israeli party, which has backed a proposal to us defense secretary promising continued military support to israel, regardless of who leaves the country. lloyd austin held talks with his israeli count about penny guns in washington, d. c. c pledge to replenish israel a missile defense system. but he also said the security of palestinians must be assured security force in sit down and close. the whole major rose leading to
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governments and military headquarters and the capital cartoon. it follows protest mocking the 2nd anniversary the massacre approach democracy demonstrated. there's been an explosion in the afghan capital capital. a small van was targeted with improvised explosives, police, at least 4 people have been killed for others injured. and the u. s. is outlined height will cove in 1900 vaccines with the rest of the world. president joe biden says, nearly 900000000 doses will go to latin america, asia, and africa as part of the global vaccine sharing program, called kofax. an additional $6000000.00 doses will be given directly to countries like india that have experienced a serge last month by announced by the end of june. the u. s. were denied up to 80000000 jobs for those with a headlines, the news continues here now to 0 after the funds to make football celtic se statement so much bye for now. frank assessments. but the government in 11 i have.
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and what made of that taking situation might not be just again informed opinions is the us with thinking military positioning in the middle east. was it just a simple act of reorganizing military? this is a message to the region that the united states is rethinking its military foster in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story. on our jazeera, the 6 home grown in glasgow, scotland. it was founded by irish immigrants. so our story begins in albania. the grand
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president of iran ah, head of state and commander in chief. his activity in the matter is a devoted son. he was on official business when he 1st encountered the boys, a celtic fans are known. i was sitting in the summit in most able and we were with his delegation walking the main lab of sorry, when i was hearing some noise and they were so defense, they need to know that celtic was playing that evening. so i will. but a knew this uniform immediately president met kicked off a twitter stone by posting his encounter with the boy. next day. such huge
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reaction twitter and his social media. from that moment his excellency has been a die hard fan. so tickets my team and once you're assailed, you are always hell here. celtic is known worldwide. they have supported clubs on every continent. i all protesting undying love for a club in a far away. yeah. in in the beginning there came a holy man, a preacher, and a teacher. he saw that his parish had many poor immigrants,
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and he was troubled. he wanted to feed the children the cow. well, this man was irish and imaginative. he founded the football team, charged a small entry fee, and use the pennies to fund the poor children dinner table. so celtic was born. this is actually a man who sales. this is brother beaufort, and it's a painting by this famous scottish artist peter hasten. and it captures crate dramatically, the toting figure, who stands among the plate of the poor. he had a tremendous impact from the moon, had used and no primary school. and he wasn't blind to the poverty. and he wasn't just accepting of it. he challenged that brendan spinning the scrape brother was for the sake of her with walk through the streets, the captain and the winds would be fallen on. let me docks he thought wins. so
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imagine that configured, he was maybe a figure of hope, even for the hungry beings the immigrants who had so moved brother walford had fled ireland. 1000000 irish starved to death when their potato crop was blighted. another 1000000 emigrated, celtic saved a lot of songs. and the irish of idolized the club ever since. the may 2020. this is bell fun. in the north of ireland, the celtic have won the scottish leave for the 9th time in a row. even under corona virus lockdown, fans cant contain that price. ah, this scooter scored a familiar sights at celtic park, they never miss
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a match. or the leader of the pack is known here about as wheat off a. suddenly, as he gave me an actual reason for that and i was stroke about 10 years ago. and according to the, i'm on the rags. but one thing that kept me going was, i have to get back to park had half the go. and i stopped going like this in my living room here and i and she everything as being on wait, ah, a sweet makes such a pictures of me park yet, but the praying joy sets off here. european come, ah,
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the 1st one to show your football came harder when in europe. we duff is determined that nothing and no one stands between him and his trip to the paradise . they come forth and everything. i ought to be gone, daughter. i'd be away. and we are on the deck above hasn't come up and i looked at it as 11 and not be so why not? i said, we were pan. how does that day? we duff clearly subscribed to the old adage. some people think football is a matter of life and death. it's much more serious than that. i at all ran to know when i die. that's the thing they'll be all make on the f
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o 3 and that's going on my car. i won't be afraid enjoy the city of both of us has to tried and they've been bitter rivals down the ages. even in football. these are the orangemen. they dress in maroon and their keen plays in blue glasgow ranges. sounds on the 3 year old and 50 years time. i hope he has drawn some of those who will both be re interest farms and both the fried members of the shuttle voice put on the common denominator between these 2 tribes is their enduring passion. rangers means
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everything, every one with the rangers from life, and that includes the loyal orders, a bond fraternity, and everything that comes with that i, at the end of the 1960 s. both of us was rooked by sectarian riots. walls were erected to separate the republicans from the loyalist even now 2 decades after peace broke out. the so called peace wall divides. the catholic falls road from the protestant shank hail wrote frances quigley is a painter. he's lived all his life for this religious and political false line through this fancier clues me at 6 o'clock. everybody knows said support salvage and everybody know or say that fence supports randers
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during the conflict us rollover mcellen's own hundreds killed and injured. just say the defense the graffiti on the falls road has a distinctly internationalist theme, nelson mandela, palestine, martin luther king and climate change old jostled for space here. after a few yards of no man's land, the graffiti is very different. you'll see that the british army and the british empire, celebrated not said the loyalists, are a minority on the island of ireland. changing demographics means they'll soon be a minority in northern ireland to the work on this side is inward looking. it captures a siege mentality, selling supporters of ira flags, and eunice,
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probably via flags. renters matches. so the conflict it's here, it's carried on. the plot allows go elsewhere. football is seen as cathartic war by proxy. but when celtic and rangers clash, glass go streets can seem like a battleground. the turf war sometimes breaks out on the pitch too. since the scottish lee began in 1891, these 2 teams have wanted over a 100 times between them. animosity has made this darby one of the fiercest in world football at queens university in belfast. the 2 tribes are seen in a deeper historical context. football is the last preserve for the expression
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of those 9900 century, securing identities that, that were formed in glasgow as a result of the irish migration. so glasgow turf has become the battlefield for an irish war. scotland is less riven by sectarianism these days. modern days scotland is not at all like a belfast you might be rooted in 1900 century to can identities when it comes to football. belfast is rooted in 17th century general dentists that is not yet been able to cast the sites in the 21st century. mercifully, many fans enjoy a less complicated relationship with celtic football club. they share a simple devotion to the beautiful game. ah,
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martin bt and his son j, a regulars at the glasgow. celtic supportive club. logan, northern ireland, former celtic manager, near lennon grew up around here. these 2 fans feel a special bond with him. the club, like others around the world is crammed with celtic memorabilia. but there's one trophy here that means everything to the p t family. so this mattel here, mr. card on the 11th, and now 2014, i felt a good 131 on at the end of the game in the land who used to play after this club come over, give jaz, mattel and dan, mr. saw were us as favorite player come over to j, i christ. i
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was a moment that changed our lives forever. and we thought that the only people that had actually seen that was j itself. you forgot about being died on the large screens and also around the world news coverage and social media broadcast jay's moment to the 4 corners of the earth over 90000000 people took j to their hearts. since then he's been known a celtic superfund. belfast has more than its fair share of celtic shrines. tony coleman's house looks quite normal on the outside. inside is
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a whole different ball game. the frame was like the from my my grandfather right through to my father through to me. my son, salt lake has been in our blood. that's a birthright coma salvage supporter. tony needs his football fix. so in the off season, he started his own celtic media channel from his carriage. he broadcast the radio talk show. and what do you like sally leaf thea spoke, broadcast, put them on the trip and and stream them all the different solving sites all over the internet in something like $200.00 people in the family. tony love the noisiest
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part of the south to community they occupied, the only standing section of the ground, the green brigade, the greenberg. as sally's alter section and hostile group of boys dappling left the atmosphere. and that section keeps up, keeps saying, and go on. see out the sphere goal and even one pains or time. those are the green brigade are overtly political. not always appreciated by the owners. worried that it might be bad for business. paula texasfootball, the com and what wasn't politics and ireland? certainly there would be no. salvi football club, tony's shrine is about more than just football. there's a world view on display here. anybody knows by paula status, one of the grip and injustice to melinda,
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which way the greenberg to keep it on the agenda plan, the flags of celtic park. those palestinian flags became highly controversial when celtic played, and israeli team have well over a champions league. match up, park has your way for find the club. a 1000 pounds, incense the funds, raise the collection, the fund quickly exceeded 300000 pounds. the money was paid because palestinian charities with the oppressed anywhere around the word. 6 6 martine amelia owns newspapers in new york and belfast. he's had his finger on the pulse of the city since he started as a cub reporter 30 years ago. we had
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a 30 or conflict hearing animals or heard anything. it was a great, a dan today. and back in the sixty's, it was a legal to display the irish flag. it was really a fur bolton to display any albums leading to armed. and yet, despite that salvage had this fantastic support right across the nice analysts or catholic community a bell. but at the i don't know, but it and justice and oppression and discrimination then no one does. so it's absolutely appropriate that celtic fans should be on the side of the light and all these matters and thank god they are. those values of inclusion of equality, of equity, of black lives matter, right up to the present day. those go to the core of what we stand for as a community and thank goodness it's schools to the core. what salvage counselor, glasgow is a favorite destination for many of the world's top players messy ronaldo. and
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yes and deborah, him of which all love park head for one reason. oh, the thunderous roll of the files the what makes this day? the difference is that everyone seeing the little, despite playing in one of europe, smaller leagues average attendance of celtic park is almost 60000. they're traveling fans, break old records in 2003 celtic, reached the wafer cup final in seville, spain. they were allocated just 15000 tickets. some $80000.00 fans made the journey celtic lost to porto after taking it 2 extra time.
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but the boys one fair play awards for their exemplary conduct. the opposing fans sometimes bring hostilities in october 2019 visiting lots of funds, marched through glasgow. right. tom's raised and fascists, aloof. the green brigade responded with banners celebrating the execution of mussolini italy's fascist world war 2 leader. troubles seemed likely when the 2nd leg was played in rome. say, oh yeah. november 2019. rome has been invaded by 15000 celtic fans. the boys are in party, mood, boisterous and noisy. but there is no sign of trouble. you
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haven't forgotten the monster lini banners that pocket for celtic supporters have been stab nearby. oh, the celtic has taught me auntie fascism anti racism and to welcome immigrants which i am being from an irish background. and it is to it's taught me to respect others. and look after those who are less fortunate than ourselves. watch you a fantastic football clump. but they have a base of funds who are very right wing and the for with that always came here for the game of football. but if you don't oppose fascism, you are supporting the fans. high principles were matched by manager jock, steam lofty ambitions. in 1967. he led celtic to the final of the european cup in lisbon. big john fallon,
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a celtic gold keeper for 13 years, was part of the 12 man squad that ran out against inter milan all. but one of them grew up within 10 miles of celtic park. john vividly remembers every detail to address him. now you come in and the title was well up and they all don't know what the gods the child is at old time, we're old build bases and they'll up and all of a sudden the bad starts, but it's a grand old tim the host at the site and they also looked what's going on here that much are much of we should of who damage as well into milan, scored and early penalties then so back into a tight defensive shape. the formerly never came in, but you know,
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but celtic had other ideas. wave after wave of relentless attack. the italians had never faith such an onslaught. which is going to be jimmy jim in a boat. the buzz bob bobby good nathaniel wallace would just say, well, if you don't think we're the 1st british team to win the european jobs team and his 12 man squad were immortalized as the lisbon lion of the game and all the field, some the lives of jazz jazz, he's been slept, thought them short boots and all running again and the dress bloom. john started like a celtic fan, became associate layer. and he'll be yourself for ever. i love the dream.
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me 2000 kilometers away, tirana albania. it's opening night for the latest outpost of the celtic supported club president, india matter is guest of honor. the me he's chosen this evening to share his vision. he's planning the world's greatest celtic. who will, you know, there now was there the celtic has a remarkable ability to turn dreams into reality. j.
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b t world famous celtic superfan, had a burning ambition to go to an away game. in december 2014, he shared his dream with santa claus. so sad that arranged that with hamilton football club, he could attend the stadium and if you want to take it down, maybe take out the sport for golden, go keep it the wrong way. go go. keep his last on the fact that we clips of that was shown on tv and it went viral again. after that, we got a phone call from the s p. i failed to say that they were going to go into the goal
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of the month when it was a nice on tv that would be going in against michael le sticky and several other some great goals. so when we said that, you know, like who would be vote for we actually voted for medical us sticks and go because i thought has like, unless there's goal was better than jazz. yeah. j one with a lot of slate of 97 percent. dan, taken on the cell, depart. jones, i believe is the 1st time they were helping the football league to take a little boy with dice and him and a bald head and beg glasses and to you know, to treat him with so much love. and so much respect, no other club in the world with data. jay's favorite video thrills him every time.
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yeah, his very own celtic highlights as him and i die lima. when much day arrived, the green army comes to life. but football is not all they shout about a club where societies disenfranchised the loudest voice and political descend fixed center stage. they are morocco's resistance. the officers of raja casablanca, the funds who make football on i'll just be your me
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ah, ah ah ah, ah! from suspense joint military operations. with molly's army putting pressure on the ruling gent to restore william. ah. hello, i'm down. jordan, this is obviously are a lie from del, also coming up any minute and yahoo bounced back to la coalition of unlikely allies that's expected to asked him up to 12 years. an office. president biden says, tens of millions of unused corona virus bucks.
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