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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2021 5:30am-6:01am +03

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of a 12 year old in a statement, the care whom the children ran from said, this situation is tragic and is the result of the system failing our children. these children are in desperate need of care in the appropriate setting, which is a high level of care then we provide the home went on to say they will no longer take at risk children until they can carry them in a safe way. to galico al jazeera miami, florida, ah, type of cricket, the headlines here, and i'll just say are a from suspended joint operations with molly and forces to pressure the military genta into restoring a civilian government. a c negates was declared president on friday after ordering the arrest of civilian leaders. nicholas hawk has more for molly's capital obamacare. in effect, what this temporary suspension of french cooperation with a 1000000 army means is that the by the french forces or the french air force will
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not clear the way before there are operations launched by the 1000000 forces. if there are volumes, soldiers wounded, then they won't repack, treat them back to the hospitals using their french helicopters, nor will they share intelligence with them all the forces. so this will have a detrimental effect on the security situation in molly. israel can take a prime minister benjamin netanyahu was called on right wing allies to abandon a coalition that could remove him from power. 8 parties have made a deal to form a government, but it still needs to be passed in parliament. netanyahu accused his rival, naphtali bennett, i'm selling out a palestinian israeli party, which is that the proposal the us defense secretary is promising continued military support to israel, regardless of who leads the country. lloyd austin, hell talk. so this is really counterpart many guns and washington d. c. he plays to replenish israel missile defense system authority. the northern nigeria on negotiating with kidnappers to release 148 school children abducted last
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sunday. they were taken during an om grade on their school in tina and niger state . the organizer of hong kong annual candidate chinaman square vigil has been detained. chow hung tongue as a prominent leader of the pro democracy movement. she was targeted, the police increase patrols across hong kong to prevent people from commemorating the 989 massacre. the u. s. has outlined i will share cove in 1900 vaccines with the rest of the world. president joe biden says, nearly 900000000 doses will go to latin america, asia, and africa as part of the global vaccine sharing program called kofax and danish lawmakers. a voted to establish a refugee center in a 3rd country likely to be an africa 70 to 24 vote. politicians agreed to move. some seekers arrived on danny soil to a country outside europe. as the headline news continues after war facing cancellation bye for now is a very bleak picture for
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a lot of americans out there. life supremacy. in fact, all of our, if you're putting more money into the hands of some workers taking money out of the hands of other workers, everyone goes to their campus and it becomes the us versus down. this is a deal about constraining a nuclear program. the bottom line off the big question, oh, now 20. the control and you control of the region around, and that's why it was such a bloody battle. the important thing if you are walking around and they root was not to be in the line of fire from the holiday and the bottle of all the day in completed the division, all the route into 2 sectors, east and west beta. the follow up with us on the,
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on the you can plug me from the most powerful building in the city for me is the holiday. yet wor, hotels are buildings that function as normal hotels, but often in the context of real instability. ah ah ah ah, they route, once a jewel in the mediterranean, but then torn upon by war. this is the seafront of the lebanese capital today,
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around 3 decades after the end of the civil war. the devastating conflict lasted for 15 years. this street was the green line, dividing by route into east and west. dominating the front line was this concrete skeleton. what was once the holiday inn its was still pattered by the scars of war, a grotesque witness to the years of separation, killing, and destruction. ah, my name is tom young, i'm a painter and architectural activist from england. and i've lived in beirut about 8 years. i'm particularly inspired by the memories
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and the feelings, emotions that embedded in the walls of the buildings and by the most powerful building in the city for me is the holiday in is so famous. and so i clinic, it's like a joint tune which remains in the center of the city like an unresolved scar. the the holiday inn is still a stark reminder of war. we have yet to heal. even today. the, the 13th of april, 1975 was the official start date of divine. and this was a proxy conflict fort during the cold war era on one side, lebanese right wing parties, backed by the united states,
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aiming to expel, armed palestinian groups from lebanon. on the other left wing parties allied with the pillow and backed by the soviet union, who sold the right wing christians as an extension of israeli and american influence in lebanon. only 2 weeks off to be route here up to the south vietnamese, capital saigon fell to the communists, ending over 19 years of conflict in viet nam televisions. first war now came lebanon, armies of reporters and war, photographers moved from southeast asia to the middle east. and began to occupy bay route hotel rooms filled up with a news crews. and a new chapter of the cold war began i, most of the correspondence,
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tv crews and photographers checked into this hotel, the commodore a safe haven in the west of the city in every day. they would set off from here for downtown bay route for the main hotel district, where the holiday inn was the front line in the holiday inn was a war hotel in the sense that it was part of an urban battle. a battle between 2 factions of the strategic heights, but it wasn't a presto tale. so none of the journalist covering the one bedroom stayed in holiday and the holiday in became one of the 1st significant physical manifestations of the of the conflict. my name is kenneth morrison. i'm a professor of you to be in history. one of my key research interests is in the history of war. hotel war hotels are buildings that function
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as normal hotels, but often in the context of real instability. so i look at numerous hotels. saudi was holiday in beta. it's commodore but also the hotel you up on belfast for example, the lead your palace in kasey, a cyprus, all of these hotels have continued to function throughout this period of instability. some are in the real midst of an urban conflict. a war hotel emerges out of a history where journalists over a long period before was start of somehow find it a congenial place to be a watering hole convenient. near the center of activity in the city where the politics happens, where the culture happens, where you meet people, the hotels which made a route to the tourist center of the middle east. and i'm john, who will be and i've long been a reporter reporting more over the world. and therefore, i been in wars and most memorable amongst these was the experience of reporting
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from the lebanese civil war in the 1900 seventy's. this was once the richest part of the richest city in the middle east. i 1st went to lebanon in 1972, as a young reporter. my very 1st article for a magazine here called the new statesman in which i effectively said, this place is waiting to blow. all it needs is a spark because of the complexity of this very small country, surrounded by competing nations, ah, from the 1950 to the early seventy's. they root with the magnets for the international pleasure seeking a lead. they routes hotel to stay with the hearts of its luxury tourism economy making its a favorite jet set destination the
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one we speak about bay roots, golden age as the switzerland of the middle east. we are actually talking about an area, the district that is very specific product of a precise geo political project. my name is sort of rigor nathan, i'm a political geographer voice based at the university of birmingham. i am interested in hotels and urban conflict. holiday in came quite late in the day. 1974. it was opened. it came quite late in the day in 2 days or tell district which was considered a playground for celebrities and politicians and diplomats and spies. the hotel district started life in the 1920s when the st. george
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opened for 4 decades. it was one of the most prestigious hotels on the mediterranean during the cold war, in the 1900 fifties and sixties. the bar of the st. george was described as a revolving door of information. the british double agent can fill, be with irregular. he operated under cover as a foreign journalist. and on the 30th of january, $963.00, was spotted for the last time at the bar in the saint george. before disappearing in beirut, and reappearing a few months later in moscow. with more smart hotels sprang up, including the phoenician, even more luxurious than the saint george. but when the holiday in arrived in 1974, it was not only the toilet, but also the last to open before the civil war broke out. i
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remember the experience of the phoenician and i went to the holiday in different scales of hotel, but both of them pretty luxurious hotels. the phoenician was very grand indeed the holiday inn was a holiday and but a very up market holiday. and so it was plenty of chrome, plenty of silver, plenty of gold colored drapes. it was done very much in the style that the arab world likes. morning can you see denise san jose, unassigned. how to sell her freedom. her li. well, i mean comes our move over there to how to build li liability. i mean, i'm sorry sort of the invoice, kimball, piano material, mcclain, the trace fund along the in the on came middle suddenly z the bill of name mom or fund was a fair amount of missed our land the see can hailey, how does it good?
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hello and to show them and be there to how to bill and he can finance i be the lead be elaborately bridge or can i but as a whole lot on the hello to theater. but i can live channels to contaminate because ali, who will be momentarily shaded by the way to him. i am at home shutting can nominate i will never levy should have been if so i can't and i'm a hold. then i will not approve the creation perfect. sealant to see that on our, on our be, they all just told young wanted to get inside the building today. but to do that, he had to get permission, not only from the owners, but from the lebanese army, which still controls it as a strategically sensitive location. young wanted to indulge his passion painting.
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i finally got the chance to go inside. and my, my, my immediate feeling was one of just overwhelming emotion. i felt sad, i felt, i felt horror, but i felt amazing. ah, when i started my project for the holiday inn, and so i started painting it from the outside from many viewpoint. and then i discovered that the parents of a very good friend of mine, i have that still refer her parents, sammy and from then how does actually not only live next to the holiday inn and have a fantastic view of it from the balcony. and that possibly one of the very few people
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in lebanon, who had the wedding reception dinner in the holiday in the family, had done those at a 140 and then ah, there wasn't let what's, i mean, what about 17, can it she had a really all holiday and be i need an on i'm a half lee. i shut off and i bought my gentlemen as the way is when i was not with them bought one half leak in it half the hallway on a 2nd can that's what that kid had when i was in tone. my head with 2 guns, very simple mckenna, diane had got ahead of you can on this when she shot on the machine in order to get this on audio. ah,
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holly pan about russia national minimum and has an additional idea on the ship that that can have that comes in 10 and not getting the muscles in and can min oh it initially. yeah. and you can, and when i said, remember holiday and why that even a c d credited the nail, but little harder men say we hold it in me seeing the building for a few understand the context within the city and what it must have meant in the civil war, i use this very bright red, which expresses this, the blood that's been spilled and the violence and the fire and the hate and the anger. and every time i flash it the, the paint, it's
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a way of going through that anger and that violence. and honoring that, and i also raise it as if that itself is the erasure of memory. the, when the civil war started in april 975, the p a low when the lebanese national movement for the maronite christian for lunch party, the violence was triggered by the so called, buff incident on the 13th of april. when fighters from the for lunch party opened fire on the bus, carrying palestinians as it drove through that stronghold of a romani, 26 palestinians were killed and dozens wounded, unleashing what became a living hell on the streets of a roof, which spread rapidly throughout lebanon. there was street fighting and shilling. there was snipers than kidnapping. i'm sick,
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terry and massacres across the religious divide. the christian for lungess, militias were based in east bay route, but gradually took control of the main downtown streets in the west of the city. the strategic port and the hotel district, including the saint george, the phoenician, the hilton, and the holiday inn. on the 24th of october, 1975 left wing mosley militias and palestinian. all the groups under the umbrella of the national movement launched a massive offensive to try and regain control of the hotel district which straddled east and west with the battle of the hotels, 19751976 was, was simply a battle for control of the strategic heights in you who controlled the strategic heights could essentially dictate terms so controlling these buildings in the hotel
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district, the hide ice buildings became extremely important for the militias. market can be de soto with mr. kayla from the spanish which had to hold an old lady. well, well, but that when ours had been a son, george will be nice. the munition fighters started moving upwards and they started going on top of towers. one, eas, bourget. more and other one is all the day in a few days in to the battle of the hotels. the guests had completely abandoned the entire district and evacuated to the neighboring mediterranean island of cyprus.
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soon after the upper floors of the holiday inn was set on fire by intensive shilling. the fighting on the ground spread into what was called sector for where the for lunches had begun using the help of the 9th of 8th in the days leading up to the start of the civil war, the bay roots hilton had been preparing for its grand opening but that never took place. instead, militias, on both sides checked in before any v, i p, guessed this rare, all cause video shows the moment when left wing fighters seized the lobby of the hilton. after the free lunches had withdrawn to their positions in the holiday in the important thing, if you were walking around in beirut was not to be in the line of fire from the
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holiday. and yes, my name is tim. when i was the bbc's middle east correspondence in beirut, in the seventy's, eighty's and ninety's, i was in beirut during the much of the lebanese civil war. i remember once trying to get down to the holiday and to try and make some sort of effort to get into it to interview the finances. and just as i was getting to the point in an area code, i am mariah. i see where you would come right round a corner into the face of the gunfire started. i scuttled back, there was a dead body lying up the streets. it was all rather sinister. i fled back to the hotel. i'm afraid it wasn't one of my brave a days. but did some people did get across to the holiday inn? on the 20th of march, 1976, the so called lebanese and palestinian joined forces launched their strongest
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attack against the philander in the hotel district. their aim was to control all key positions, but especially the highly strategic holiday in control holiday in and you control or the region around. so you, you took the holiday in if you possibly could. and that's why it was such a bloody battle. the holiday inn and it's surround blames for 3 days as opposing militias by the control. no one knew which way the fighting was going. not even the lebanese and foreign journalists who reported on the national movement 1st incursion into the hotel lobby. fair to earlier to learn more before and i'm a little be handled for my own foot man. i'm not sure what i'm going to be on. i'm in the wake of the
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a small group of christian for lunches said, moneys to hide inside the hotel, killed a senior national movement commander before making their way up to the top on the 24th floor. burger told the hey, philosophy stuff. well listen, the, the stuff for you and i will love me and i bet you us will study is our feedback and i'm not sure for the law. no. what i'm probably not about should be any on a lot on time to say i'd always thought i could always use your mike at the the images of the sniper dropping 24 floors to his death on the street under the
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malicious, celebrating for the cameras. have become symbols of the fall of the holiday in me through that bottle. that happened the room by room floor by floor stairway stair the battle of holiday in completed the division of beirut through the green line, into 2 sectors, east and west beta. and this partition remained over the course of the 2 following directions, and he passed by the oddity no one will ever know how many heroes died here in the holiday in. the battle lasted 3 days and 3 nights, and there were no prisoners at the end. jonathan nimble be reported on several overseas was for british commercial broadcast, the i t v. and was one of the 1st foreign journalists to enter the holiday inn and document the aftermath of the fighting their smouldering ruins of what had been
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this very popular resort hotel. and he looked at him, the thought this is what we do to one another. hotel. and now is a shelf total show light bulbs hanging down off of the off of the wall wires, chairs smashed up a piano that was in there somehow. it's was born as survived the chandeliers, all like this broken, this sort of looking bizarre, really like gog oils. staring down at what humanity had done to itself below the vision that will not be surprising vision. but it was surprising that that could happen in beirut. oh, i
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the green line, of course, and the civil war was a place with flowers and trees grew abundant. and so it was a reference to that. but it's also a way of envisioning some brighter future kind of sense of hope that might spring up in the ruin of the past. i today around 3 decades on from the end of the civil war, the complexity of lebanon's sectarianism and the geo politics of the region means the country and its people are still struggling to recover from its effect. the majority of the hotel district has been rebuilt. the enormous shell of the holiday in still towers over downtown,
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awaiting its fate. no more green line for it to look down on today. but the monument to 15 years of struggle continues to attract visitors, historians, artists, and filmmakers. all seeking to understand the events of the seventy's and 18 more than any of the ravaged building, surviving the conflict. it surely deserves the title war hotel. i reporters retreat in a brutal civil war. if a commodore hadn't been there, the israeli invasion would not have been so well reported. the commodore had become a journalist center. you could be in the safe and safe,
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and then you went out into civil war. i started off leaving this other grand suite . the commodore hotel, the next room i was in, was underground and a tiny prison. so as a hostage, a route the commodore war hotels on al jazeera. the me this was wrong to counter it away from their parents and hurt them into a school against their will. there was no money or no father fingers. they put us
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in a big playroom and we certainly look after ourselves. i don't remember the children's names. never forget canada's dark secret on al jazeera. ah, a prominent hong kong democracy activists is detained. she was planning a vigil tomorrow. piano, me, and square massacre defying. ah, on money side, this is out there, lying from doha, also coming up, pressuring the june to, to give power, france offense. mercy opperation with molly not welcome denmark. parliament pauses,
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a law allowing deportation of refugees to countries outside europe. we want to save lives and to work very.


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