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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm +03

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the main support for his wife and his 2 young sons at that time. so it was outrageous. in the coming weeks, the rungs were guys are moving out to an apartment and freedom for now, john henry and al jazeera detroit. now take a look at this. an aerial photography in china has captured a beautiful weather phenomenon of the northeast coast. they shot show the island of bay hong chang almost completely shrouded by addiction fog. a thick shroud of mist occurred after several days of rain. ah, it's heavy with us. hello adrian. so here we go. how the headlines when i was here, the police have been trying to controlling a vigil in hong kong. the victims of the $989.00 cannon been square massacre. they've locked down the area to stop thousands of people attending the memorial board. i'm from sarah clark, who's in hong kong. you might be able to see, i have
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a police presence behind me. thousands of police have been deployed via that bad. that a people actually accessing the thought behind me the part is did were saying people will quietly around victoria park holding the phones on with the torches on. so that instead of actually going on to the victoria park onto the sports field, they're going around at pacific because of this band, you might recall last year, thousands defied the band that was put in place by place of east 20 people have been injured in protest in nablus in the occupied west bank indians of demonstrating against illegal israeli settlements about post it occupied east jerusalem. hundreds of people have been holding a marathon in solidarity with palestine in families facing forced expulsions. rami began in shape, java ended. so one published and he is living in the 2 neighborhoods around the threat of losing their homes to israeli settlers. russia president flooding may
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have put in, has been speaking at the st. petersburg economic forum, celebrating his country's cove at 19 response and recovery. he says the wash is economy is close to returning to pre panoramic levels. thanks to a number of projects that include the completion of a major oil pipeline. and the amount of categories also spoke about the summit. stressing the importance of international cooperation to get economies and health efforts back on track. shake to me been how much funny says that mutual investment is key to helping countries recover. g says, richer countries have a duty to health nations that are still struggling with a pandemic. for weather conditions or hampering efforts to prevent a sinking container ship causing further damage to the coast of sure lanka, officials bracing for the possibility of an oil spill fire on board. the chemical late and vessel took almost 2 weeks to put out of those are the headlines. one easy hit and i'll just hear after the stream coming up next, talk to al jazeera. we can the army were attacking ringer,
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and now they're attacking everyone in me on my do you regret words like that? we listen. absolutely. nigeria with a woman present, it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on sera ah. the irish national anthem is playing as the irish flag ascends, the trickle ascends in ramallah. i know i wasn't the only person who did a double take on seeing this video. i didn't, right now if it says you're in union country to call israel's illegal sediments on pallets the new land, 80 factor annexation. so what we're seeing back here is irish palestinian solidarity, and that is the theme for today's show. i'm for me. okay. and you're watching the
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stream ah, in joining us to have this conversation, we have john, we have a side and we have ashlyn. john is to get to see you. please introduce yourself to our audience, watching the stream. can you send me? how are ya? thanks for having a son, john brady is my name. i'm they should say and spoke person for foreign affairs. the main opposition party in the parliament at all. they're going to have you. hello ross, i don't to us side. as you're known to many around the island and around the world, so good to see you, please introduce yourself to audience watching the stream. i am a shout of the international spoke space. some of the guys must return, which are present millions of refugees to remove, returning to their homes and property. i can greetings from ireland to palestine from the land of santa and scholars. so the land of that and to tribute,
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cherish nice to see you. thanks for being with us on the same and hello ashley, please introduce yourself to us. hi, thanks so much for having me. and my name is ashley nichol place, and i am syce chair of the island palestine solidarity campaign. and we've been active since 2002, and it's, it's really basically here. thank you, right to have you all like so if you are watching right now on youtube, you can be part of this conversation. island and palestine working together. i know surveys and conversation, right. jump into the comments they can be part of today. show john, i've got to start with you this motion where island is saying that what israel is doing a palestinian land is de facto annexation. how did that motion come about? and your involvement in it, most pose. it's been a long time. come on, it's taken a long number of months to pull together it and demotion. we worked with
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a large number of n jose non governmental organizations and in developing the motion and really came about was last year. when you may remember israel made a declaration that they were going to move ahead and annex large parts of the west bank. and under some international pressure de, backed away from the opposition publicly. what we know the reality on the ground was that annexation was continuum is continued and we know that from 967, we've seen the proration of over 250 illegal colonial settlement units. or settlements within the occupied territories, consistent of over 650000 colonial settlers. so we know max ation news happening. we know that blan grabs palestinian lands has been happen despite the public position that was declared and accepted by the international community.
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so we brought about that the, the motion, which was that the baited in the irish parliament and our layer and not just and in terms those make the declaration that israel has a legally acted in the mixing large portion portions of palestinian land. but also acknowledging at the relief of self determination for the palestinian people. i saw the i'm just looking here on my laptop at some of the images and post underneath the video that i showed of the i was triple a going up in ramallah. and we have free palestine here at lot of support the palestinians. piano i are a holding hands together here. historical linking between 2 different peoples. and then here we have the irish flag, the palestinian flood, as a palestinian, who lives in island. what was it like to hear this motion passed
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across all policy lines in island? this is, of course, a part of that long legacy of support for us senior people because i just, people have always been supported. and about us, you know, because we're under the same pitch colonialism and do it as a page to q 2 from the same colonizer and the same colonized. for example, from belford, who is called the 34. it's called policy host and also of the blood they prefer because it is been for who gave his declaration, who promised as like this movement to go by this time to them and been jo. a church of him who said that he is as i honest, his grandfather also says that puts the price and then it should show himself whole. brooke, that black can pass the island to secure the irish people,
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is the same person who sent them to either side to secure a scene or people. and then i crawled away who if and said to the irish people to come up to hell as the same person who was dreaming of as if nicholas living about a senior people from by the side and bring judy from all over the other side. and it took was me and me to be g $45.00. so this, this island has, i don't christmas support even though before this i think one thing in 1981 i was going to do that and got the irish department at the irish for him. this for a braylan had at that time, supported athena. right to finish definition. but, but i seen it right to fit the convention. so we have a long history of i have but i get and i love as i would support this, not only for about a seniors but also that south africa to get their own free time. so
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let us share the conversation with your co pilot ashley. i'm just looking here on youtube. we've got baby dough goddess. i have never be more proud to be irish love to palestine on youtube, dead underscore f. salute to the irish people and a government for standing up the humanity. all of you should be on the right side of history. this time formation. mar, ashley. what is going on here? why this moment? why this time? do you think? i think, i think it's been, you know, as, as out of the say in the history between island, palestine has always been, there's a huge emotional connection and with indians are this, it's not just happening now. i think it's been coming for a long time and it's, it's, it's not great that this is the reason you know, all the violence that happened over the last few weeks that this is why it's coming from biggest happening now. but the support in ireland is ongoing, it's, it's data like with our, with our organization and many other organizations in ireland and the work that's
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being done by people is, you know, tired us, we have constant speakers. we, we have engaged with the media, it's, and we have, you know, we have a lot of connections with people in palestine and we support the bts movement. and we're constantly, you know, campaigns are ongoing all the time. so it is constant. and it is really great that this, this is happen where, you know, obviously it's a huge, you know, it's a huge moment because we're the 1st country in europe and for this to happen, i hope there's will and, but i think, you know, i think now people everything is a lot more visible male maybe there's a lot of media coverage, palestinian voices or maybe her now and you know, kind of arising within palestinian people as well, which is it's really good to see. so i think i think it's just people are more aware and people want to help them the sound in solidarity with palestine. so yeah
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. so when you think that it's not that he told us about the history of the solidarity between irish people and palestinians. but what i really love from what you are doing is i, this is contemporary right now. so when palestinians, when the times when we could travel before covert with allison, you behaved to islands when you're coasted. yes. because what was got you like, what is that? so it's, it's amazing to have people here, they come over and you know, they're always so strong and you know, and just radians, people to, to call them. we have various different types of speakers. we could have, you know, we've had children come from and refugee camps in fact and dancing, and we spent the palestinian dancing. ok. great. thank you. just kathy. i just had no problem with your audio, but we have right now. no worries. john, i'm,
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i'm going to play this and have a listen. this is, this is dublin mid may. ok. the people running the in doubling support of palestinians who up in eastern conflict and violence and also caught up on the gaza strip with violence as well for claiming for this motion is incredible. yeah. the, the timing worked. i was well on unfortunately, in many regards we know the situation and show and learn and east jerusalem with the force the fictions, the raid on the like some mosque. all of this obviously came as a backdrop. and obviously the around this brutal military assault on the car was
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a strip which seemed $66.00 children in butchered by diaz railey apartheid regime over $260.00 civilians. and, you know, the targeted assault on civilian infrastructure in all hoses, media outlets, all been destroyed and the assault. and of course we had the un security council facing on the hands for $1011.00 days before they even came to a decision around a statement. you know, calling for restraint on a c, sorry. so the motion obviously came ahead with all the dates as a backdrop, and it's certainly focused at the minds of politicians across the political deployed. but there has always been, you know, i suppose support from the irish people and i can in 2014, at the irish parliament date a resolution unanimously to recognise the state of palestine. no,
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unfortunately we're still waiting for that to be enacted. the shock, the prime minister of ireland, if, if he wants to call him that, simply has to make a formal declaration to officially recognized that the state of palestine still hasn't happened. i'm conscious that with the passing of this motion, it is historic it's, it's really important. it's a declaration that israel has breached international law. poly annexing parcel, empty occupied territories, has not to stop there shouldn't stop there because there has to be consequences. and that's where the conversation now needs to turn to what is the iris cone? i'm going to do to punish a law breaker. it is not good enough. you know, just to past is motion, because we've had so many words of condemnation from governments across the world, but no actions to follow. and that's what's allowed israel to act, which perceived in p honestly, you know, to carry on the next asian carryon,
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the forced evictions and demolitions carry on the brutal military occupation of palestinian lands, which obviously the same play of horace actually as only a couple of weeks ago, so i thought i'm going to bring in a new voice this conversation. this is mona sir bella, mona sevalla is a human rights advocate. she has a really important question. have a listen to home, the video, and then also immediately if you're able to what we need to do not just aren't and is to address the root causes and recognize the root causes of palestinians. struggle from the ethnic, cleansing of palestinians to the crime of apartheid to the annexation of territory . and countries like those in the you must not adopt the standards and how the law is a clickable depending on the circumstances. sanctions were imposed in the case of
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russia when the next territory in the ukraine. why is the same that happening in the case of israel? yes, indeed. i think i think that the only one of the countries should take should not use but just on the policy because they should address the root cause the approaching the ethnic, cleansing of, i've seen it since 1948 and been i think countries use especially the island, a very, very important part in that freedom of south africa. and a smile said why was the chairman of the movement in ireland and i wasn't in by the time he said that our victory of apartheid was you know, small measure to that. the dictation and a struggle and sacrifices of the irish people. so i think your be and can do
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more than it showed that you should. there must take action action speak without the word there must. and both sanctions on the line there must bring loose water coming to the prize. there must add by fixed it from them. they must implement that you will and relation your what resolution $19.00 chord which calls for about ice over and compensation of all of scenery for use will have be uprooted by the movement. that if we should, 3236, which chords for our i to says munition, our right over an hour after hour. so vanity our right to use or put me to resist our enemy. so i think europe can do, i'm not, europe should stop using this standard policy, right? europe and america. and i'm come in on the point because i sorry, so it's a very important point because to share hypocrisy here and i choose from the
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european human, but the international community as well. and i was speaking in the irish part of my last night when we had to stay edmonds on the situation and bell roofs, and all the sanctions and imposed on by lucia immediately after the hijacking of an irish aircraft to arrest a journalist am to his sanctions imposed on russia immediately after am onyx and crimea. and yes, here we have a gross violated our serial violator of international law of humanitarian law and has been allowed to get away with it for decades. and we have a country that has been investigated by the international criminal court only last week at the united nations human rights council have called for an independent investor, which i'm not sure and in terms of the human rights violations, as a child, also one israel, we also
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a see israel embassy in ireland, which was the back that would, would join us and they refused. but we didn't want to go to this. let me just show this to you. i know you've seen it, but this is really for the benefit of our audience. israel outright rejects islands outrageous and basis position regarding israeli communities in today or tomorrow. yeah, this position reflects a blatantly one sided and simplicity policy. john, your policy simplistic a certain, certainly not as it's not a policy. it's a policy. and on a sudden mentioned un security council resolutions to have been passed. so this is an international position me and resolution to tree tree for which you know, the finds the palestinian. and when we know does israel is, is serial violator of many resolutions? i mentioned the fact that they are being investigated. so am i surprised the israel's foreign ministry, or all of us would, you know,
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criticize or condemn the irish position? absolutely not. i in the arrogance shows no, can i just jump in there? and it is, you know, we've seen recently that the reports to human rights watch reports and reports says, you know, it's been declared by human rights organizations that this is apartheid. and we need to use language more. and we need to shameful that it's taken this love and it's great that this motion is in place now, but action needs to happen. and not just in ireland, international support is huge in order to sign and there was the type, but it's always the time to do it. but now what we have in motion, we need to keep pushing. am for, for more support for sanctions, for meaningful, meaningful support and not just where it shall. and i'm so glad you said i think it's and all of i guess because there is what, what happened with this motion? it's historical. you are standing out there beyond any of a european union country,
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let me show audience a few pictures here on my laptop. and a lot of this is still good stuff, a group of irish artists, filmmakers, and others. projecting a video, solidarity with the people who garza and then we go to the irish parliament members way more to palestinian symbols. all right, so which we're seeing the symbolism bought. that there is no way right now. the island is going to say we're going to boycott because in asia happening, john, you know, and also you haven't, you haven't acknowledged palestine as a country yet, so it feel it good. what's the action? well, there needs to be actions because pass and emotion. what was wanting without consequences and to hold israel to account. it's meaningless and that's where the conversation a no need to turn because it's the irish 2 years ago, 3 years ago there was
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a piece of legislation that was brought forward an ard on the occupied territories bill and the irish goldman block and the trade of goods from the occupied terrace. why can't, why did i look date? they can explain that themselves. they've hidden behind you. they tell you the incorrect, well they said they hid behind faults, legal employees, and i, i think with a red herring, i don't think there's any trails and, but now that needs to come back onto the table because until there are sanctions and imposed on is right they will continue twice, and the irish people are demanding is there was a petition 100 into at the minister of foreign affairs, simon colon. these office. yes, the 88000 people signed the petition calling for the explosion of the israeli m. m . i said are today students from tennessee college and i am occupied a me offices demanding sanctioned immediately on the brutal apartheid israeli system. so the irish people will not allow the irish government to sit on their
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hands here. they are demanding that the take action and turn hopefully that will act as a capitalist for not just order your to pain countries to follows. who but more importantly, led up to the start of nancy, a power type movement that needs to happen internationally to force, you know, israel to attend to serial law and to international law and to ensure the palestinian people have the right to self determination. john, i want to get and, and a saw and actually want to get one more comment into the program. and this comes from a counsel member of sion same, which is the thing party as jones party in the party, the any push for this motion to happen. and he is talking about practical action ashlyn. you come with the back of this video comment. ireland is a long history of supporting the palestinians and demanding freedom for palestine. i firmly believe that comes from a place where we ourselves suffered at the hands of partition peer to them. but the
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support of palestine is broadened and deep in the last few weeks. and reached a point where the irish government support should fan motion the katy cars and then to fact months, the boy cost divestment and sanctions against the israel said most importantly, it also stated that the sacraments are wrong. and they, they are annexation of palestinian man, which is a crime under international law. and now what we need to do is work together with other countries and ensure that is really how to account for that crime. yes. so we and yeah, i completely agree. and in terms of what we do is a solid darcy organization and we currently have a campaign called hire 3 zones, which we are planning on having as many organizations businesses. and you know, if you're a counselor, you can side of the community groups and you can declare yourself apart by free and which we hope to carry across items. and that's, you know, from our perspective what we can do, we can push, you know,
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people to do that from the government suspect if they need to push sanctions, you know, i think together it will be stronger, unusual. we have, could she key key? thank you for watching the show such a good question. i'm going to give ad guests 30 seconds to answer this question. how would the irish actions impact the life of the average palestinian people? you have 30 seconds, you can do one answer. and one word you can do it in one sentence. ashley i, i think continued solidarity and pressure. and we'll, we'll keep going. we've been doing this for a long time and we won't stop until palestine is free. people have the right to return, and the demands of the palestinian people are mess we'll keep going with john. but i think it's getting palestinian people a little bit of hope. i'm conscious that this is one break. remove from a much of the parties. well, and put a has given published indian people hope that somebody, a country somewhere is prepared to take a stand and call it as it is
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a part i'll use a legal under international law. a sad. what difference does it make this effect every day palestinians in their lives? yeah, this is, this is very important because now for us see that they know that it once island announced that this is illegal annexation illegal execution. mean, what does it mean? because inefficient mean ethnic cleansing, pumping out more finance and pumping on more use and buying more land and making more refugees and homeless people. and this is why, by translating this resolution into practice and then by supporting it for more action question i sanction that explaining that in better i'm being honest and bottle. i hope it took a lot of people, but his time is not list. i don't, there are all people i tell you. thank you for loving id.
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ashley and john, really appreciate you. thank you so much. thank you for your comments. your questions. you next time. take everyone. ah. the news news. news, news.
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mm ewing, drug costs on digital anti groups and population corps in the middle was your reason to thing and make sure why do you want this territory on reporting from an ex center of mexico, violence to investigate can an upcoming election change anything the people living here where we were getting to join me, john, home and for the full report on our on calendar, the call staff gonna sans war economy gives way for more security as the u. s. we drove through how the condos that glued billions in a deal with them, israeli vienna floss the oil giant losing for environment,
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and investors counting the call on al jazeera. what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here. it does either we believe everyone has a story with the. ready news this is al jazeera. ah, it's $1500.00, gmc hello, i'm come all santa maria, welcome to the news from al jazeera hong kong police have been asking for to stop demonstrators marking the 32nd anniversary of the piano and square massacre. also in the news activists.


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