tv [untitled] June 5, 2021 10:30am-11:01am +03
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it's not ours, and there's not a whole lot we can do about it. there's a potential threats. while many believe this could be aliens among us. the bigger concern for the us military is that the threat comes from some rivals here on earth, possibly russia or china. that someone has developed advanced technology, which could put national security at risk. and there will be things that cannot be easily explained. and that means speculation will continue to grow about what really is out there going against the when they went to find out what rosalyn jordan al jazeera washington. oh no. again, i'm fully back with the headlines on al jazeera, the ecological impact of a solely thinking cargo ship officer lanka is getting worse. authorities are preparing for the possibility of a major oil spill tons of plastic pallets and chunks of fiberglass continued to
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wash ashore from the stricken vessel. the ship was on fire for 13 days, causing an environmental disaster. now fernandez has the latest from we do know that beyond the bridge and the super structure of this vessel, everything else, the cargo hold, everything else is submerged in water, the base of the ship is resting on the bottom of the ocean. now from the surface of the water to the bottom of the sea in that area is about 21 meters. so as a result, the ship is not going anywhere in a hurry, but that also means the rough seas has meant that the salvage is even the navy could not vote the vessel to determine what, what state it's in. canada's prime minister just in judo says the catholic church must take responsibility for the views of indigenous children. decades ago. the remains of $215.00 kids were found at a school run by the church. last month's thousands of people in molly's capital have come out to show their support for the military g. does it faces international
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backlash over the cool? the 1st rally back in colonel, i see me going to since he sees power last month. the number of covered 900 cases has been rising and i've got his band surpassing 1000 the infections every day. recently, testing is limited and the government has not imposed many restrictions. hospitals already overwhelmed and some are running out of oxygen for a zillion drug regulators. are improved, importing the russian calling of ice need vaccine. it's also voted to approve the co vaccine shots made by by raj biotech in india. flattening fi. jobs full arrive in brazil in july. witnesses in london have been giving testimony on the ledge. human rights abuses against china's legal muslims by the independent tribunal is not backed by the british government and has no power to sanction beijing. those are the headlines. i'll have more news for you on al jazeera right after inside story to stay with award winning programming from international. so making
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one quick so straight on the global discussion, what guarantee debility the right. typically i'd like getting going to the voice here in california is almost everybody's a paycheck away from being on house program, but open your eyes to view. well, today, this is what the picture looks like. the the world from a different perspective on how to benjamin netanyahu. rival will have united to form a new coalition after 4 inconclusive elections in 2 years. is this the n for israel longest serving the leader and with the recent conflicts in gaza? will anything change for the color? this is inside story. ah, ah.
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hello and welcome to the program on peace adobe israel fragile coalition is preparing for its 1st test of survival. and the man is trying to push from power is not going without a fight. benjamin netanyahu has accused his old allies turned rivals of selling out to form the new coalition, which includes hardline, right, wingers liberals, and historically, a palestinian israeli party. nathan, yahoo is trying to woo potential defectors away before the israeli parliament, the connect. it holds a confidence vote, will bring in, i guess shortly. first, let's take a quick look at the main players in this alliance of political opposites. natalie bennett, who comes from the same right wing politics as benjamin netanyahu, and opposes any future palestinian state under the coalition deal. he's become prime minister 1st before handing over to ya lap it. after 2 years. his center left party holds more seats than tommy bennett's. but it's believed he was willing to go
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2nd in order to hold the coalition together. and men saw a boss who heads the conservative united arab list. his inclusion in cabinet would be a 1st for a party representing palestinian israelis. and i says it'll give them a real voice in government. ah, there we are. here we go to bring in our guests from tillery, we have nettie silver adjunct fellow at the washington institute for near east policy movement rabbani. he joins us from the hague today. he's co editor of the job, the online magazine, which is produced by the arab studies institutes and in new york were joined by a martin indic, who served as us ambassador to israel. he's currently a distinguished fellow of the council on foreign relations gentlemen. welcome to you all know he's ill, the intel a be coming to 1st. if mr. bennett, a pragmatist or an ideologue? well, mr. bennett is an ideologue who have by force of necessity become
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a pragmatist. and the clear indication of that is agreement to actually form this rather diverse than ideologically diverse, definitely coalition government. it's not something he would have done in the rear path. i was also skeptical even just last week, that he wouldn't have taken the path of the less resistance and actually cut a deal with bebe netanyahu and merged with them he could. but we saw him take, i would argue a more courageous path in his mind and in many people's minds here and as for the greater good for the greater good of the country and ending at yahoo is long green moon rabbani in the hay course. the difference between mister bennett and mister nathan, yahoo, where is the clear blue water between these 2 political beasts of is ready politics? i think the short answer is it's the same old grandson wine, new bottles. i think most people will accept that this is essentially
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a personal dispute or a power struggle between 2 claimants to me as early prime minister ship rather than a change of government on the basis of any important policy or ideological differences. and i think the real question concerns the longevity of, of this government given the breadth of the coalition that is expected to take power. and secondly, whether the prime minister netanyahu will manage to remain eligible for public office and unseat it and form a potentially new coalition after elections, or whether he will be removed, in which case the possibility of a new right wing coalition including the liquid but without notes in the whole becomes entirely possible, but as far as the bigger issues are concerned, i certainly wouldn't expect any difference. martin indic in new york, if it's out with the old. but in with the old,
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when it comes to sort of political footprints in the sand. if you will, can the bite and ministration however, work with mr. bennett more or more easily than it could work with mister netanyahu because you have a fresh face. you have a face that's perhaps less belligerent and if you have a fresh face, you can build confidence in that relationship. yes, definitely. all of those things. this is good news for the ministration. they were looking at the alternative. netanyahu lead hard right wing religious coalition, that netanyahu would have led into strong opposition to the return to the iranian euclid hill. and would have pushed settlement activity and legislation to legitimize illegal settlements. outposts that would have created in
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combination a good deal of harper to the bottom and ministration and regardless of tags. how rance is coalition by look to some of the, our world. it's a fresh face for washington, and it's not just bennett it's banner. who is an ideologue? was definitely the strongest propounded annexation on good, strongest opponent of the palestinian state. nevertheless, he is constrained and he's constrained by the labor and merits lettering parties are in the coalition who have a unit rates. are there any legislation? and he's constrained in terms of the relationship with the united states, which he has to take more seriously. when he's sitting behind the prime minister's test, then when he was operating in a different capacity. narisa the coming back to you there until of eve, when you talk to, unless you use the expression when you talk to ordinary israelis,
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are they content that for the 1st time ever know we have arab representation in the coalition? guess we've had arab representation in the connect it for several years. of course we have but not in coalition government for ordinary perhaps even particularly the younger israelis who have just gone to the gone to the polls for the 1st time or maybe the 2nd thanks. we've had so many israeli elections now one, lucy, count of course. but today think that's a good idea or a bad idea having arab representation at the top table. well, it depends, which is really you ask. we have to remember that despite the potential now formation of a new government, this is still a deeply divided country, almost 5050 netanyahu. we should remember only didn't succeed in getting that narrow right wing religious government that martin indicated by some 70000 but 2 seats in parliament. so we're not talking about wide margin here. but i think to
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your point, the official representation of an arab israeli political party in an israeli governing coalition is historic positive. the irony, if that's the right word is that b b l himself put this on the table. in the past month or 2, he started negotiations with the very same arab, israeli is limit party rog. and so he, by his very attempt to gain his own government, actually brought the arab israeli political parties into the folds. and you know, whether he liked it or not, now they, they helped the both of lunar bonnie in the have to go back to your points of shelf life or longevity. the numbers at the moment really, really don't stack up in favor of mr. bennett. having a long shelf life to them, he's got what 7 out of 120 seats in the connected is that why certain politicians
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are already putting on full display for everyone to see around the region. the tensions that already exist. point number one and point number 2 is that why people are already sickening thing? look, we will keep it focused on domestic issues. we won't go near the big red hot international issues. i think it's important to recognise this is essentially an 8 party coalition. and the only thing the parties were able to agree upon is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office and on virtually every other issue, particularly the more important issues. there is no consensus whatsoever. so the question really becomes, once they've achieved their common objective, assuming that they indeed do so during the next week, what happens them my, my suspicion is that they will plod along basically continuing the policies of the current government without changing them in any substantial way. one way or the
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other and at the same time, bear in mind that has only a razor thin majority within the israeli parliament and all you need as netanyahu assuming he remains a leader of the we could. and citing against that day and night as the left wing government beholden to the arabs and all the rest of it. and it's, it's, i think, fairly conceivable that it won't take too long before you go one or 2 parliament members from one of the right wing parties defecting. next thing you know, you have a no confidence motioned, and it's back to square one. martin intake in new york. what is it about mister netanyahu? he spent the past. what? 18 hours or so describing what we think is imminently about to arrive in terms of being these ready government as being dangerously left wing. and he knows there's another vote sheffield for june, the 14th, so he's got 9 or 10 days of trying to pick off individual members of parliament to
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side against what the coalition could be and arguably should be. so what does that say about him as a politician? when but he still ways modest competition in israel, but as mary pointed out, its backfired on him. all of his sticks and tricks, as he often refers to them, have the boomerang on his, particularly the one bringing the ar party, the lam, a standard party, and into fall legitimizing that he's paid last some of his reputation for being the magician. i doubt that he's got to succeed in, in pulling away 2 or 3 politicians to stop this vote of approval. so the new government, because what does he have to offer them?
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it's not as if he has an alternative governments to offer them. if he done that, he would be in a very different situation today. so he has the election to offer them. and i think that one should never underestimate in my experience, which is very politics. the glue that keeps ministers stuck to their cabinet seats . and it's a powerful glue, and i don't think any of those who are forming the government today, well want to go to elections. that was the primary motivation of bringing them together in the 1st place. and so i think it will hold for a while. definitely, there are going to be centrifuge, go precious. definitely. because the right wing base, the new prime minister bennett is going to be pushing hard for things like more settlement activity. and he is going to have to worry about what will happen to me by some and yeah, i will definitely be out there trying to rally support against bennett. so it's not
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going to be an easy ride. but i think that that but sense that if we don't hang together, we will hang separately is something that is going to give them a longer time in government than we might expect. ok. last point, before we move on to the other side of the debate and literally the other side of the border to you know, result in tend to be mr. nathan, yahoo has spent he is hitting all the pressure points for the ultra orthodox lobby within the mechanisms of his ready politics. will bennett administration do precisely the same thing if only because it has to well, no, i don't believe it have to. the altered, as you mentioned, have been in power almost consecutively for many years, if not decades. their alliance with b, netanyahu was really the safety net that provided him is various governments with
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one glaring exception. but every one of his government does not really where the ultra orthodox parties. it's a new day. it's a new day on that issue. if and when the government will be seated, you just have to take a look at a big door lieberman, the hard right ultra nationalist, but ardently, secular politician here in israel. he will be finance minister. and i don't think it's a coincidence that he requested and received the finance ministry. the orthodox have influence and power in israeli politics, but precisely due to the power of the pers and so i think you'd have to take a look at the economic and budgetary policy of this new coalition government to see where, where israel is headed. ready in terms of the relationship between religion and state and i'll just conclude by commenting on what martin and mister bonnie said. the biggest issue that will keep this coalition together is netanyahu as opposition leader, so long as the threat of nathan yahoo!
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toppling the new government and returning to power exists is increases the likelihood of the government actually survival. so the footprints of this government, this administration is basically, we are not nathan, yahoo absolutely. i mean you had opposition. parties running on that very issue on that very platform again now. who is okay. moon rezani there, the hake. it seems to me listening to what you guys have been saying of the past 10 minutes or so that any moves forward in the right direction for the palestinians. don't hold your breath for that to happen anytime soon, cuz it's not gonna happen. yes, if i could just very briefly respond to the previous point. i agree about and that's in yahoo being the glue that holds the coalition together. the question becomes, what happens if nathan, yahoo is deposed this opposition leader, which is i think, a realistic possibility. but, but back to your question,
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i think if you look at this from a palestinian perspective, i believe that decades of bilateral diplomacy on their exclusive view or supervision have left all but to perhaps 3 palestinians. convinced that the prospect of achieving their rights on the basis of decisions taken by the israeli government are no more realistic. and therefore a different formula needs to be found to achieve both palestinian rights and israeli palestinian peace. and that is essentially through the internationalization of the question of palestine taking it back to its origins, so to speak, and seeking to generate both external pressure on israel and trying to broaden the international sponsorship of any potential negotiations beyond
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israel's primary and strategic allies. the steps, but moving rabbani, when you say a different formula that's got to surely by definition be a different formula kind of wrapped around the same people. so you would still have israel and an interlocutory say the united states flying and flying out because biden's on record saying, i don't want to get sucked into another middle east. peace process will not get in the right direction by remote, but you have to get criticized for being low energy, right enough maxima to pass, selling, devising a different narrative that doesn't involve how much rockets. yes, but you know, let's leave mac mode abass the increasingly obsolete and i suspect not much longer lasting paths in leader out of the picture for the moment. because as we've seen in recent weeks, he's being rapidly over to being rapidly overtaken by his own people who are seeking to overcome the fragmentation,
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political geographic. and otherwise it's been the hallmark of of the oslo process. and i think what the palestinians are increasingly seeking to do is not relying on negotiate bilateral negotiations with israel, where israel and effect how to power a veto over each and every palestinian right and its implementation. but seeking to generate external international pressure on, on israel to ensure that israel is left with no choice but to respect and implement palestinian rights. it's going to be a very difficult and lengthy process. but part of it i think, is also is going to depend on broadening international involvement in any potential diplomacy. besides the united states, i think it's unrealistic to suggest that the united states is not going to be involved. but a situation where the united states is the only external party involved and,
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and has, you know, basically set up the process so that it needs israeli interests at the expense of palestinian rights and does so systematically, is no longer really something that palestinians are willing to accept ok martin martin into the in new york. if this sort of fabric a egg fragility of this coalition. actually a good thing for one issue that you've already mentioned. you mentioned at the top of the show you were talking about iran and re get restarting the j. c. p. 082015 iran nuclear deal. if this coalition survives, in part by only keeping itself focused on domestic, su salen, year or 2, and kind of doesn't turn a blind eye to getting the j. c p, o, a, up and running again. but maybe just turns away slightly into the shade. does that mean that everyone who wants to get iran back into that church of progress on it's nuclear ambitions can get on with the job and israeli leaders can get on with running israel? i think that there is
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a consensus in israel across the board politically against what the united states intends to do. that is to say, to go back to getting iran into compliance with the nuclear deal, the tracy. but the difference will be the extent and style of the opposition that so they've got to be opposed to it. but they recognise, as i think arab leaders do as well, that this is going to happen. and they can't stop at night say, just going to get back to the deal. if iran decides it's going to go back to do, and therefore it will be a disagreement. but repeat the extent of the disagreement is going to be different than bear in mind. the defense minister of israel is now in washington asking for another $1000000000.00 in assistance to refurbish resupply israel's materiality
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used in the last round of conflict. us. so you know, you can't bite the hand that feeds you in the circumstances. so i think that the bigger question will be, what happens be you're on the nuclear deal, the claim, the administration makes it, it's kind of negotiate a stronger and longer deal has no credibility in the middle aged, generally israel and with the arabs. and they don't believe that the administration will have any major and israel is involved in kinetic action with the iranians in syria, sometimes in iraq. and i think that that will continue. and as the clock ticks on the sunset clauses in the near to do, the israelis are going to become more and more focused on the idea of some kind of
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military preemptive act against the iranians. right, where the united states will be focused elsewhere on this. so they going to have to find a way to work together to deal with this problem. never filled it very briefly because we are heading towards the end of the program. mr. nathan, yahoo is in effect at ground 0 of a legal process going through the courts just now. questions and accusations surrounding what he did or what he didn't do. allegedly, when he was, is, is ready. prime minister, there is another legal process going on across the road in the israeli supreme court to do with illegal settlements. and the facts of that process displays displays to the world the, the broader region as well. that the whole settlement machine keeps on rolling. mr . bennett, surely presumably will not pull the plug on that no, he won't. but it remains to be seen what overall policy, the new israeli government formulates with regard to settlement construction in the
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west bank and in east jerusalem. we freeze an arab israeli lawmaker from the left wing marriage party, who said to be a minister for regional cooperation, put it best publicly 2 days ago. he said this will be a status quo government. in other words, don't expect a major breakthrough to state solution. and everybody dancing in the streets, but on the other hand, don't expect us to go crazy as he put it in the settlement. and so how you thread that needle, i think will say a lot about the new israeli government and more to the point the staying power of new israel government lin rabbani. very briefly. you get the last 45 seconds of the program. you are not the 1st guest we've had on this channel to say that martin with a boss is a bit low energy and he's probably heading for the political exit. if the palestinians deserve high energy leadership in the p a if the p a is about to have to engage or want to engage with an israeli government. where will that come from
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and who will about person be? well, what we're seeing now was that it's coming from palestinians on the ground and it's coming from palestinians everywhere weather in israel and garza and the west bank, jordan lebanon, and so on. and i think we're really at a pivotal moment in a moment of opportunity. of course, it's not going to be a very long lasting moment, but power the palestinian priority now should be and i believe is to re unify themselves so that they can develop a meaningful strategy. implemented by credible leadership, precisely because the status quo has become unbearable. and as we saw the last month, one can call for a maintenance of the status quo, but it will be overtaken by events. gentlemen, we have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us today on inside story. thanks to i guess mary silva, when rabbani and martin indic and thank you to for your company. you can see the
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show again anytime be the web site al jazeera dot com and for further discussion, go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story can also join the conversation. we're on twitter. we are at a inside story from me, pete, adobe, and everyone in the team here. and thanks for watching. we'll see you tomorrow for the moment. bye bye. i on county, the cost staff gonna sans war economy gives way to more security. as the us, we drove through how the congo lose billions in a deal with them. israeli 1000000000 at floss, the oil giant losing for environment, and investors counting the cost on al jazeera when much day arrived, the green army comes to life. but football is not all they shout about a club where societies disenfranchised the loudest voice. and political descent
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takes center stage. they are morocco's resistance. the officers of raja casablanca, the funds who make football on i'll just be around the state of oman, city, the mouth of the region, gulf eastern, end of the era peninsula. if you look at the raven peninsula as a whole, the essentially to the ancient countries to the east to west. yeah. it's sometimes known as the switzerland of the gulf because of the importance regional role. it plays in the gulf cooperation council. the gtc platform on long history is not well known outside the gulf region before oil was discovered in 1962 fishing and cruel diving words,
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main sources of income in this film, we go back over the last 500 years, a whole 90 history of tribes born rebellion and colonization and explore how and why on man still plays an important regional role today. i am burnt out thinking shape is still passing a grave right off the coast of sri lanka who was at bracing for a potential oil bill. ah, i'm 40 back watching al jazeera alive from the also coming out. catholic church in canada is silent, is not stepping up canada the prime minister calls on the camp.
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