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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm +03

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little moment of tension, you know, between code yesterday and the settlers, but nothing really that prompted the border guard to use the to do what they did for example, yesterday in said one which is fire done, grenade, or rubber bullets that did not happen. and it hasn't happened so far what july was on the street doing her job and it's not clear why that is. 9 to ask her for a press card, she is very well known here in you know, in jerusalem, but both at the west and in august. but she's been reporting for years. 5 but something prompted them to go after her in a bag with what i have to also say that when her camera mat tried to go and approach her to help her. 5 what we had just said. 6 he was shoved and his camera matched to the ground and is broken though. ok, do. obviously this is an extreme thing which has happens as you say,
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falsely removed and arrested but generally speaking, how to do do, do you find it difficult reporting in parts of occupied east jerusalem do is ready forces make it difficult on any other day. well, it's becoming more and more difficult. i notice over the past few weeks it has become more and more difficult. actually palestinian journalists complain that they are being targeted. they will hold the last week just purchased about this i will own. a 9 and austin yesterday was fill me in the lead when it's done, grenade landed at his foot. luckily, nothing happened to him to tripod was broken, but yes, it can be more and more difficult and more and more dangerous for a journalist to cover this kind of story. okay, how can you stand the line for a 2nd? because i just want to put this into some sort of context as well,
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what's going on and to remind you as of what they are saying. so these pictures showing al jazeera journalist, javan. but daddy, being taken away by his ready forces in the neighborhood of chick gerra after being well aggressively handled, is how, how to put it by is ready for says, let's not forget that only 23 weeks ago. let's say this happened. the building in garza which housed al jazeera is office, as well as that's of the associated press and other local media was targeted by israeli forces during the bon barb and of garza. now, in that instance, our journalists were told maybe about half an hour to an hour beforehand that the building was going to be hit and managed to get themselves out. no loss of life, no injuries. but the loss of the entire building is what happened. only an hour or so later when it was hit in this really as strike. so just think about that. the
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fact that it's already out of the or, and other media outlets have been the target of these already forces. in recent times, this was in may, i'm just trying to measure the exact date that it was, but you know, it's only maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago that this happened in garza. and then in the last few hours in the neighborhood of check it off. what we see is an emergency or a journalist, in this case, giovanni godaddy from our sister channel al jazeera arabic being targeted by israeli forces. again, hold up the hum, 8 out 0 english correspond on the line. now, how to maybe just use tuning and now take us through what's well you saw because you while you were there with her earlier in the day and the same what some unfolded since then. well, give, i had been there since about 5 in the afternoon. local. 9 there was this protest of some sort of peace activists. 5 employee, derek,
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be of the people who are being evicted. 1 starting to be evicted, them shipped, sarah. 5 she was standing in what she was wearing her. she was clearly identifiable as a journalist, i saw her doing several lives describing the scenes the end. it was actually like people afternoon by shift sanders. usually it can turn, it can be pretty hectic when the compensation between the border guards and the name of the as happens today. now what i'm told the certain point the border. 5 when teachers as well her guard, she said it's in my car, let me just go and get it. they follow to do the car. they were pushing and shoving her there and some of the people i went to a just next to her to her car was telling me that actually her hair was being pulled. the she was the man had those asked us. 5 to get that press card from her
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wallet. next thing we know she did camera, i'm actually also trying to reach her. but he goes to cation with a border guard and his camera was mashed doing that. 1 to cation and next thing we know is being dragged quite aggressively. i think our years can see those pictures to a police car and as we speak now, she is at the police station. the other thing i notice from those pictures hunter is the sheer number of as already false, is that there they can, they come in? well, clearly they've come in heavy handed here on giovanni. but just in their numbers, they come in very heavy as well into a place like check if they do, and that's the normal tactic. actually, even if they are detaining a young teenager who's 16 year old, you will find you will find 56 border guards,
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all right. believe the rounding that versus that, that's a normal tactic. today they were in quite large numbers, but they were keeping quite away. i mean what the, what. 9 it would go and just to go on the walk, but they were, i said they were not wearing their helmets, which is usually an indication that something is about to unfold. but that did not happen. 6 while jabbar was there, so what push them to go to her and to act like that is pretty unclear at that point specially that deborah is very well known. yeah. she's been working for years and years and she's been going to since i've been in the country each. 9 something is happening there, so everybody knows exactly who she is. yeah. okay. what, what didn't you pause for a 2nd? i can see a light camera shot coming up from near where you are. so maybe you'll have some
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time to get in front of that camera for us in the next few minutes. i'll just take how the view is at 1636, g m t through what we are seeing right now. on screen pictures of al jazeera journalist from us is to channel al jazeera arabic, giovanni data, who has been arrested man handled you would say, as well, certainly treated very aggressively by israeli forces in the neighborhood of check jobs. you would have heard that name often where there has been the threat of force to victory against some palestinian families there. so the media has been reporting a lot from then you see where they're wearing the blue jacket with the word press on it very clearly from al jazeera, you've out of a data who was asked by those is ready forces for her id cards. she said it's in my car, i go back there, but it has deteriorated since fish has been man handled by israeli police forces
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there and then taken away and i believe taken to the police station as well. the context of this, not just of this event i should say, but the context of media. and in particular i would say i'll just the or operating in israel in the occupied territories at the moment. well, i'm just being told she's actually been arrested by the military. that is not the actual police is ready military there. so yes, so the thing about the context as well, not to forget what happened on may the 15th and maybe we've got some of those pictures to show you from may the 15th. during the bombardment of garza, this happens the building which housed al jazeera, which has the associated press and a number of other local media organizations. directly targeted by israeli as
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strikes during the bombardment of garza. so this only happened, what did i say may 15th? so that's only maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. in this case, the israelis warned the journalists that the building was going to be targeted. they did manage to get out before that happened. but clearly it was an attack on the media in garza. and now today, out of the journalists, devout a big daddy is targeted very personally by israeli military forces in check jet off. these are the pictures that we got in 2030 minutes ago. i guess this was just have a watch. you can see her, she's kind of deep in that scrum of people at the moment, but you see her wearing the blue flight jacket with the word press on it. after being asked to show her id. now this is a woman, a journalist who has prominence. we've been told in the, in the region, well known, asked for her id and then for some reason taken away by
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female members when out of the israeli military. and they've taken her to our local police station and we haven't heard unfortunately anything further about what's happened to her this of course, happening in the time of so much tension, checked off phil, while you heard about those yesterday, there was a run organized between the 2 villages to neighborhoods to raise awareness, the fact that there are palestinian families who are being threatened with forced expulsions from those areas. so there's a lot of focus on it. in fact, it was the precursor to what we saw happening and got the was the situation and checked it and those threat of force expulsions. and then of course, the fun is that we saw alex the mostly all of this happening in the space of only a few weeks up till how made out the record responded. of course,
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reporting for us from occupied a series of them. i can see, you know, how to good to see you. i've been talking through that over and over again. i'm sure you can give us a much better description of what happened. well actually i was now again speaking to some people was still in iraq to make sure that i got this story clearly and it says exactly as we told you earlier, jabbar was standing there doing her job reporting. she was wearing a flag jacket with written press in the front and press the back. she is very well known in this country, both by the re lease and the palestinians. now at a certain point, some border guards who were there to check floyd went to ask her for id. she said, and she does speak hebrew, she did say neighbor, let me go to the car to get my id. they did follow her about why they were
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following. they would already being aggressive. she was being pushed and shop that continued while she was trying to reach out for a rest guard. and then after that, at the same time her camera man was trying to reach her, he was pushed away and his camera was to the ground. and it's not clear why she has been detained, but you still on the fixtures that you had. do female border guards, bullying her quite aggressively. as you had to said now, she could be at the law, had been a police station which isn't occupied east jerusalem. quite close to ship is a raw and that's where usually they take anyone who is detained in that area. yeah, we're just actually looking at some new pictures which have come in harder. looks like they've come from a, a mobile phone. and yeah, you can really see her being aggressively handled there by those israeli offices.
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seems to be holding something in her hand. maybe those were her id papers. we should just build on what you were saying about the fact that she is a prominent journalist already. there shouldn't be an issue here. she's got the word pressed on her jacket. she's operating there. she's well known. this simply shouldn't be an issue. it shouldn't be an issue at all because she's also got a what we call here, the g p o card, which is the government press office, which is released by the israeli authorities. so it shouldn't be a problem, a tool. and it's certainly there is no reason for the military to go and speak to her in that way and be so aggressive. they ask for an id. she says she will go and pick up the year they were following her. there was no reason really for that tension and i spoke to several people, witness up close that situation and they all do exactly the same thing. there was,
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there was no reason for any kind of tension there. we were leaving that area to come to another protest in west jerusalem, and that was only maybe 20 minutes before that happened to ation was very comp is not clear. why did decided to specifically go off the edge of our when there were other journalist standing there doing exactly the same thing of what she is doing and what was happening and shake off today. her well, there was a small protest of some palestinians with a few is really active as they were standing. it was in support of those families in shifted rock that's facing a force expulsion. and it was also income immigration, or one palestinian who lived there, who had actually died in jail and today would be his anniversary. so they were,
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they were small group about 30, a da, most of them by the side, by this sidewalk. the street was open to traffic, there were no problem. and they were standing there just chanting, some slogans. so that was what was going on. there was really no tension at all. and then down the other side, they sort of did the military, always off journalists to stand in certain areas on the opposite side. sidewalk, or did the tiny little hill overlooking that sort of round about cross road. so that's way to journalists, usually fam, n g r i. so i was standing with her chatting. she was in that place at the time of reporters, you might go down a bit, do her live and then come back into that position. so there was, i don't see what could have prompted all of that. how difficult her more generally outside of an incident like this would you say has it become to do your
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job to do the jobs of journalists in not just occupied east jerusalem, but in any of the various around jerusalem and in the occupied territories. well i think and i used used to be that it was difficult to be in god's, especially if you were along the board defense, it was very difficult if you were the occupied web back when there was, you know, at this point over these areas where they were sort of confrontations and classes, but i did know does that lately? it has become more and more difficult for journalists to operate in occupied east jerusalem, specifically specially when they are demonstrations or any kind of tensions between the military and the palestinian you. yes, it has become more and more difficult. journalists are being stuff the way they're being shouted that they being threatened yesterday, our own camera man,
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was filming, and said when, when do that the arrival of those marathon runners? it was actually quite peaceful and everything until there was a group of military waiting there, 5 or 6 of them and all of a sudden they started shooting in this room. it li of the sun grenades. one of them landed next to the camera man. he hadn't been heard in it, but he, i asked him to do feel targeted and he said yes, i did feel specifically targeted. so that is that going on more and more. and i think it's palestinian journalist who actually paying the highest price in all of that. but i did notice that there is much less patience at the moment for journalists to cover events, especially nokia by east jerusalem. ok, hold on. just hold for a 2nd. again, i want to keep putting this back into some context as well, or at least context of the last month or so. when we have had
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protests in, in, in neighborhoods like check it all over the full expulsion of the threat of false expulsion of palestinian families. we had violence at alex and mosque and then of course, all of that leading up to the 11 days, ready bombardment of gaza. let us not forget that this happened during those 11 days. this was may, the 15th, when the building which house al jazeera and the associated press as well as other local media organizations. that's what an israeli strike did to that building completely destroyed. it found that case a warning was given prior to the strike is ready. say they give a warning, they tell you the building is going to be targeted because they believed there were mass elements in that building. our journalists and all the journalists managed to get out and take what little equipment they could with them, and only maybe half an hour or an hour later,
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we were watching this happening live on television. an extraordinary situation of a media building being completely destroyed by an israeli as strike for all the world to face. so we know that journalism has come under attack and that was in gallons of specifically despite what the israeli military said then the fact that basically there were, i'm asked elements in the building. there was absolutely no proof of that. and the media became a target as a result. so just it's worth reminding people that, that happened only a few weeks ago, may 15th. that's about 3 weeks ago. probably less than 3 weeks ago that we looked at those pictures. and now today in the last hour or so, the pictures we've seen coming out of check, jet off the neighborhood and occupied east jerusalem, that has been the source of so much tension. i think these might be some new pictures that we've had 3 different angles coming to all the time, some mobile phone pictures coming through as well. and what i'll do is get hold up
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till homemade correspondent to talk a certain center. you can't necessarily see these pictures of it. you can tell us about what happened to al jazeera journalist, nevada baterri, only an hour or so ago. where were you can say that she is actually currently detained. we don't know why she was standing there doing her job as a journalist, covering a protest, a small protest after a peaceful protest. there was nothing happening. in support of those being evicted from the right. it is not clear why the military has decided to move on on. what we do know is they asked for id. she said that the id was in her purse. she went to the car to get that idea. she was being shoved and pushed for no reason. since any way you see those pictures,
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the amount of military that is actually surrounding her while she's walk into the car. is that the for any margin of maneuver to do anything else? while she was trying to get while she was getting her birth camera man that was with her, it was trying to reach her was trying to say, what are you doing? he was also pushed and refrain from reaching devora and his camera was mass to the ground and then which i think are you seeing the pictures of the bar? i being sort of hancock and pulled away. i think she is handcuffed in those pictures and being pulled away quite aggressively by 2 female soldiers. yeah. just taking a look. i think we've got the original pictures that we've seen now. yeah. how to just i mean, as a lot of people, there's not people, there's a lot of, it's already forces. there aren't there for the, for the number of media and people in the neighborhood there that seems to be
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a very heavy military presence. that is a normal military presence that happens that days rather each time there is a tiny bro just it was more versus that is the normal procedure in ocoee by east jerusalem. so yes, it does look a lot in and it could surprise us, but it is actually the norm here today. they were actually not worried. all is a signal. if they were there, hello miss. then you know that immediately after that they would be firing either done good days. in certain instances of rubber bullets. it depends on the situation we today they were not wearing those. c how the situation was really very calm. i have to say that it was also a very heavy flow of settlers going into that upon the checkpoint. that leads
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to the houses of those families that are being threatened by expulsion. they will moment up tension between the residence there, the palestinians, and the settler, but nothing that sort of went out of control. but there is always that heavy sort of military security forces where each time you have any palestinians who try to do any kind of peaceful demonstration and just quickly what, what was job are and indeed you and the rest about 0 teams. they're reporting on today yesterday we had the sort of solidarity run between ship at off and phil, one to raise awareness about the issue of forced expulsions, the threat of forced expulsion. what about today? it was more of a barrier solely devotee kind of protests and also the cult member
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ration for one who actually died in israeli jail was mixed up all of that. now just for our viewers to know this is that is from israeli national again, benjamin, they're having to a house there. you can do all around. no security whatsoever. so i get the traffic when need the other side to get here. yeah. okay, hold on. i don't know if you can hear me, but we'll just taken some of the pictures for a moment. and
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pretty chaotic. same thing when they looked at the camera in the neighborhood of 6 bill, me telling us that this is a protest against prime minister netanyahu. correct me if i'm wrong. what a but a lot of people coming to the streets there with is ready flag and signs written in hebrew. this is happening just after we've been watching pictures of an al jazeera journalist. you've gotta be daddy arrested in checks yet. let's have a look at those pictures from a little bit earlier. cb altercation happening in the background. there is giovanni, but daddy was taken away by israeli military forces. she had been asked for her id card. her parents id told them yes, it's in my car. oh,
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go and get it. and then we don't know what's happened, but this was the result. right, so i'm just being told just being told by my executive producer here, she was just want to run those past me again. great. sorry, assaulted, hadn't kept dragged to a police car and then detained in a police station. lawyer has been prevented from meeting her initially. but i believe has now actually been able to make contact with her. and the thing is, we don't know why we do not have any reason given for why this happened and you can see how quickly it happened. it's gone from her being spoken to by those is ready for us to be in quickly, man, handled and handcuffed. and then taken away to that waiting police car, very fast moving events, these pictures from checks that are about an hour old by now. maybe
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a little bit more. and then there's plenty of activity in the streets as well. right now we just lost our picture. we had some picture earlier from shakes it off from where our correspondent had our bill, homemade was reporting. there's actually a separate project going on today. people heading to the residence of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. there's a lot going on at the mon if i think these. yep, these are my pictures which were going just passed out camera not long ago. coming up 1700 hours gmc on al jazeera and a very busy evening. it has suddenly become in jerusalem. let's show you these pictures from a little bit earlier when al jazeera journalist, nevada, but eddie was assaulted and handcuffed by these ready military and taken to
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a police station for no apparent reason. no reason has been given other than that, she was off to show her press credentials, her id card, she said they're in the car, i'll go and get them. and then this happened vendors who was pointing out to us before. she also has what's called a g p o, i think it was a government prince office accreditation. giovanni were very well known in this part of the world, a seasoned report base, so and well known to to all sides official, then people in the area. so they can be no question of who she is or who she works for. and this has been the result. her camera, men's gear thrown on the ground and smashed as well. a direct attack on the media is the only way i can describe that a direct attack on al jazeera journalists operating in shake jet off. and of course, this in the context of weeks of protests,
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of unrest in israel and the occupied territories. these pictures, i mean this is just happened in the last 5 minutes out of nowhere, almost a plan protest against prime minister netanyahu toll look here, take a prime minister netanyahu, who could well be on his way out of that job. very soon. if a new coalition government is approved by the candidates in israel, these scenes in west jerusalem going just passed the camera only 5 minutes or so ago. curious things happening in the straight there of the north korean flags. i've seen a rubber duck wrist. oh, but this isn't, and this is a political protest going on in west jerusalem right now. i believe it's, we're focusing on are these from an hour or so ago when i was 0 became the targets
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of these really military in shifted off and occupied east jerusalem. a neighborhood you have heard a lot about in the last few weeks, the threat of expulsion of palestinian families from that neighborhood and reporting on it has become a danger for our own journalists. these pictures only an hour or so ago, just before the sun went down in check. it is 1700 hours g m t. i'm come all santa maria live continuing coverage on al jazeera of events in jerusalem. the saturday events which have targeted us as a media organization, our colleagues and the media as a whole. the pictures you're looking at, we're looking at just a moment ago, there were from shakera, where are the journalist javadoc? bucetti was assaulted, handcuffed and dragged to a police station.


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