tv [untitled] June 6, 2021 2:30pm-3:00pm +03
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ending once a residential home is now an educational center and one of the oldest buildings in the city. for historians fighting to preserve more than a century of architectural culture. old buildings like this one, prove cities can grow and develop, but not at the expense of a history. how do we tarza algebra had a flow again, i'm fully battle with the headlines on al jazeera. i'll just hear correspondence. g viable dairy has left hospital where she received treatment for injury suffered during her arrest by israeli forces. she sustained a fracture in her left hand during the incident. she was detained while covering a demonstration in occupied east jerusalem. earlier we spoke to vera, she says she's so shocked, but insist found here won't be silenced. they broke my hand, i spent all the night in the hospital. my heart and my back hurts me
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a lot. and he had my hand from the cough. and also they hurt so much because though the soldiers and because we're fighting it all the time, they want the camera to be broken as they broke it yesterday with my colleague was there we they wanted the microphone to be on the gaunt. but we are telling them that the microphone and the come it all we say, and we will continue. nothing will stop us, nothing. we faced more than this and we will continue. the u. s. is donating 750000 cove in 1900 vaccines to taiwan. after the island accused china hindering it fell to secure supplies for his inciting when faint to the us for what she called life saving jobs. as taiwan struggles to contain a recent spike in covey, 19 infections, the g 7 group of advanced economies has reached a deal to make it more difficult for multinational companies to avoid paying tax. they've agreed to set
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a minimum global corporate tax rate of at least 15 percent of voters in the german state, or fax me on how to casting ballads in a key regional election is seen as a major test for the ruling seed. you ahead of september. the federal vote analysts say it needs the decisive win and faith elections to ensure confidence, the new party chief arm in law shape shrunk of maybe has recovered the data recorder from a stricken cargo ship off the coast of colombo police are looking to compare information from the data recorder against the cruise statement to understand what happened. authorities are preparing for the possibility of a major oil spill. those are the headlines on algiers yet we'll have more news for you right after inside story. i hope you do stay with us. thanks. watch. news. news. news.
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news. your own presidential candidates go head to head while angle months about how they were chosen. critic say the odds have been in the front runners favor as world powers hold talks to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. what impact will this boat have? this is inside story. ah, ah, ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm pete adobe. as he runs presidential candidates, whole, the televised debates. there's a much bigger debate about the election itself. only a handful of the hundreds of people who applied to run were approved by the election watchdog and the supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many says some of those rejected work quotes wronged?
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iranians now have a choice between 7 candidates, 5 so called hard liners and 2 seen as moderates. be contentious elimination processes up the prospects of hard line judiciary chief abraham racy, whose favorite to win. bracy is an ally of the i, a telecom and i. e, but anger about the candidate bands and the weak economy may dent the supreme leaders hopes of a high turn out. i will badge yes because only has thank you, bob. oh no. you someone to give up the judy to participate in the election with absurd reasons. it is the will of the enemies, the enemies of iran, the enemies of islam, and the enemies of religious democracy on al jazeera as, as the bags into iran. he says there is a definite lack of enthusiasm. this presidential election has been notable, not for mainly who is standing, but who's been disqualified? 3 times former speaker of parliament learn. johnny was disqualified by the guardian
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council. this vetting body, but also the former president died. now the latter came out and said that he would not be voting for anybody and would be throwing his support behind any candidate. now, yesterday, the supreme need to know how many came out and he said that there had been an injustice done in terms of the guardian council of decision. and we thought that the garden council may reverse this decision, but they stood by it and learned johnny, who was backed by the moderates and reformist, is still disqualified, and not allowed to stand. now the front runner in this entire election president election campaign is the judiciary chief brian easy. now he is the establishment choice. he is a conservative, some consider him a hard liner and they have thrown the support behind him. some of the other candidates are not as prominent, not as well known, and there are many here that think that this is a done deal. the iranian right you see will become the countries next president. nevertheless, there are still some pressing issues for these candidates to debate. one of the
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major issues is the economy. inflation is very high, unemployment is high, and the economy has been ravaged by us sanctions and day to day. what really affects people here is their livelihoods, the cross, the cost of goods and finding jobs for younger generation. but one of the main concerns for the establishment though, is voter turnout last year in the parliamentary elections. so the last 4 to turn out that the start of the revolution in 1959. and there is concern that there will be another, a low voter turnout that the supreme need to look how many has come out and said that people need to come out duty to come out and vote for the dignity of the country and for the establishment. but as a but so far, we have not seen that much enthusiasm elise hair on the streets of thereon. the ok, there we are. here we go. let's bring in today's guests. we have journalist and iran affairs analyst, mustafah cost cheshire into iran in washington. we have mark fitzpatrick,
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the acting director of the non proliferation program at the international institute for strategic studies and out of london. an essay by sir. it's a breezy, a senior research fellow and head of the middle east and north africa program at the royal united services institute. welcome to you all my stuff. coming to you 1st with this election. what's at stake? hello, and thanks for having me. as a matter of fact, so after quite a long time, 8 years that was in the office with one single plan that entail they talked with the united states in order to remove the factions to move forward. and the j. c. p o, a has failed to, you know, meet the expectations of the public. now it seems that those that where the proponents of this program are not going to stage a very large tear now, but polls in support of the same view and those that are critical of,
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if you will be the core of participants in this relation, not only with regard to the candidates, but also with regard to the turn out that we expect. so it could be predicted pretty well that the next administration will be completely different from the one that's roll in the country under president jaime right now. and foreign policy as well. as economy and especially economy with experience is strategic and very fundamental, shit relying more domestic capabilities as well as expanding ties with the neighbors. they talk with the neighbors as well as expanding ties in the strategic cooperation with latin america, with africa, with china, russia and others that are not mainly in the western block. so the countries expect a major shift and it said the city to breezy in london predicted turn up,
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possibly bottoming out less than 40 percent. 35 percent of people who are polled, saying we're not going to vote. what's the point? well, i think we are definitely in a situation in which elections are going to be interesting to watch. we have seen previous an action in which they did to my c face not republican has very much be linked to the voter turnout. i think in this case, establishment is depicting a different picture which you, that's the continuation that you see. this is what really matters more than water turn out. they have some room of mine over to say in terms of obviously cool deed and the fact that these can be blamed for their turn out. but really, i think people are aware that this is very much leading to,
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to their offering of the candidates for which the debates ranges of you is much more limited than before. and that's obviously increase. so the apathy if you wish and give interest by the population to participate in this election, i think what is going to be interesting is the thing the find it all. who is going to be a prevailing. i'll be very trick range of candidates. and what these will mean more important of the, for iran to try and policy posture, moving boxes, patrick in washington on that idea of to ron's foreign policy posture. chances are, all the indicators are that mister honeys about to be replaced with someone who is at a political dna level if you will, hostile to the west. how does that dovetail or not, with the biden administration? well, the binding ministration will deal with whomever is in power. in iran the
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administration wants to restore the deal that was struck in 2015 in order to block iran potential pass to a nuclear weapon. and it looks like this deal will be restored, implementation will be tricky, but i think that by an administration will provide for enough sanctions relief, so as to give the next ministration in iran a leg up the whoever went to the election is going to benefit from the restoration of the j. c. p. a. and one point it's interesting that the binding ministration was not really in a huge hurry to restore the g p. a. they didn't want to make unnecessary concessions just in order to get a deal with the roof. honie current administration biden realizes that ronnie will be replaced and so let the, let the negotiations continue and however long it takes,
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but they do want to restore the deal with stuff a construction there. and here on was there as much surprise into iran as there was across the region. when mr. larry johnny was barred because he so well connected. it's part of his political bone marrow. he's well connected, he knows all the top people you've got to do that. you've got to be that person, and yet the guardian council said no, you should not, you will not stand. oh, there were some surprise at the beginning, but later when we came to know that there were 3 reasons that his he was not qualified and was not in the final list. 7, mainly the 1st reason which was mentioning that he came on their attack and his reputation with damage with his daughter's residence and citizenship in the united states, which came to be not true actually later. and what the rainy leader asked yesterday
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was asking the uranium media, the intelligence ministry, and every one to extend an apology to a lot johnny, for this reason though, he was not quality if i could never qualified for 2 other reasons. actually. so the fusions the same off the wrong reason actually was being mentioned among the public next slide be reading and either asked every one to extend an apology. but considering that a lot johnny, which is kind of honeys logic and rationale towards foreign policy and economy. he would not actually have much of a chance to win the election unless the election season would go to polar and, you know, unless for the basketball, mrs. the principal is or the revolutionary cap lot. johnny would not have a good chance to win this election. and he said to breezy, is it wrong to describe iran?
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forgive me if this sense overly simplistic. is it wrong to describe iran as a course democracy? last time there was an election 2017 more than 1600 people put themselves forward to be candidates. the guardian council chose 7 people. so point number one is the word democracy wrong in point number 2, who actually runs the country? well, i mean, i think we wouldn't need to stay here for hours to talk to the structure of the iranian system, but i think simply put you ronnie's and let me republic. so i think the best definition of how you run works is a mix of islamic component and a mix offer public component. in some cases that one dominates versus the other. and i think in these particular elections that have been probably a lot of consideration about what are the republican components have been taken
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enough into account compared to the past. but because obviously the restriction that we have heard of also when, when it comes to like any thought or candidates have been perceived that even within the i would say those within the punishment as to restrictive even the for the nomic republic consideration. so i think obviously, you know, it doubles between these 2 criteria. and i think of these is what makes it very complicated, very difficult to understand, but also very difficult to predict, in which direction i would go well in terms of the outcome of the election. but also in terms of a sense, domestically and internationally marks, it's patrick in washington. how much momentum is there been? no, the 5th going into the 6 thrown of talks about the 2015 nuclear deal, or maybe i framed that question the wrong way. how much inertia is there within that process? because the reality surely is that tyrann tyrann has made its own advances. and
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once you accept that, you can't on see it, you can't not know about that. so the negotiations have been proceeding in an orderly fashion and sometimes the one participant, or another, talks about with optimism about the progress as that has been made. but as i see it, there are still some considerable sticking points and negotiations won't be completed until one side or the other fundamentally changes its posture. and this regards a couple of things, but most importantly on the issue of sanctions, iran has been demanding that all sanctions imposed by president trump be removed. he had over 1500 designations of people and entities put on the tertiary blacklist. some of these people and entities were put on there for very legitimate
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reasons involving their human rights violations, their interference, and us elections, their support for terrorist groups, sometimes the, the counter terror come to terrorism designations where are kind of a sham because the real purpose was to impede tom successor from restoring the j. c . p. o. a biden has said as team has said that all sanctions that are inconsistent with restoring the j. c. p o, a will be removed, but they're not going to remove sanctions on people who interfered in the u. s. c. election or who slaughtered hundreds of iranian demonstrators. so if the ron insist that all sanctions be removed, they're going to have to artfully read the 5. what all means and i don't think the iran leadership is ready to do that. maybe until after the election. they don't want to have any big news that might impede what looks like a coordination of, of you know, right. you see that this is a shami election and you know,
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they needed to proceed without incident. and then afterwards, they can allow the negotiations to be completed must offer on that idea that there's a change of posture, has to come from somebody someplace or somebody has to blink 1st. we don't have ours on the show to drill down into who actually runs the country. so would the guardian council go with the idea of reform or a change of posture? if whoever replaces ro, honey said, that was a good idea because article 4 of your countries constitution, correct me if i'm wrong, your article for of your country's constitution says this, the all laws, all new reforms or changes have to be islamic. and it's the guardian council that decides whether new laws are or are not islamic or the j. c, p. o. it has already been approved by the parliament and the guardian council. it's, you know, you're in your foreign policy under the constitution. the strategic goals are
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specified by the uranium leader, but the government, the governments are very much effective on this path because the uranium leader has proved to be working with and the kind of government from reformers, pots. i mean to re hon. you're, i'm at the shop date officer there strategies to the leader and he works with them the same way that he allowed to honie to start jason deal a lot, but i am estimates. there was the result and he has been proved to be right in every aspect. so basically speaking, if they strike a deal with the administration and i believe they have their best shot now. and if the next government comes, they don't care really much for what the u. s. ones, it doesn't mean that they will be radical. they want to increase stations. know, of course not what we see right now in the 1st presidential debate on economies telling us that they have a well detailed plan in order to use the u. s. bank. in order to be the us and
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payment strategy. where the us actually donald trim and buy it and they have been building up all layers of similar, identical sanctions with concerning that results of these factions. and they want to strike the nuclear deal and get back to the deal again. okay, only remove one of them in a way that it doesn't work. you would not be released from the pressure sanction. and they want to get more and more and more from you running mis island, this regional power and so on. so for long know that 3 do. well that's why no matter who ruled the country, you launch the all these sanctions after the j. c, p o, a should be removed here. ok, be given when it will come on to the things back. and i make a very valid point because that's why the middle classes have suffered and that's why the economy suffered and that's why the currency has suffered, as well as the pacific breezy in london. if it is mister, right, you see he's on already
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a us designated list of being rather how can i put it delicately questionable? how do you get everyone else involved in this process to get the j. c, p. o a back up and running with a good healthy heartbeat. how do you talk to a president who's on a us list of people that we don't like? well, i think that's a very good question, but i think their assessment here is that to deal would be read wrong resume before then new president would be elected. so we are talking a very, very strict timeline. it's true that there are still a lot of speaking points, but there is also that, that my in for the agreement between iran and e, which expires on the 24th of june. so i think there is a lot of push for getting something done. if not before the elections, at least before the exploration of these newly renewed agreement,
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which obviously causes a lot of concerns for the us european countries in particular. and i think the idea is to have the agreements signed and noun done and implemented between june and august. so before the due presidents come see johnny speaking. i think it's going to be challenging for us to engage with the new president, if not on the front. i mean, we already have to look at god for instance, which is a for of that, it's normally the picks it up one off for the potential for to 2 sites or to engage not, i don't care you should, but also a broader issue. so i think there is going to be a broader question mark about how the us will be able to engage with your branding, but obviously right. he just won't be here. and the $33.00 is not the one that normally engages in. make sure we have specific people who are busy committee to negotiate and use to our knowledge are not appointed yet. we don't know if that
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will be. it is even though. ok, bob, it's patrick coming back to you in washington. i'm sure must offer into iran. would mind me paraphrasing what he had to say in his last on so to my last question, when he was talking, he was basically saying that there is a certain optimism in a certain desire to engage with his process again. but what if, despite whoever becomes iranian president, what if the iranians then say, actually, dear fellow interlocutors, we want to talk about missile capabilities, because correct me if i'm wrong, him up the original j. c, p o, a. when it was all contract in 20142015, they were very, very clever because they took miss style ambition and they kind of put that on the back burner. and they said, no, this is about generating nuclear power. this is about meeting your power, energy requirements, 1st and foremost, and there are other issues which we can talk about down the line. so the binding administration and his european partners definitely want to get on to other issues
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after the j. c. p. o is restored, they want to talk about iran missiles and the missiles that iran has been sending to its partners like come off, which range them down on israel. this is a big issue throughout the western world. iran so far has said that it won't talk about these other issues, but, but the supreme leader did say that if the united states, we establish or establish this trust by implementing the j. c, p o, a, and it can be verified. then he opened the door to talking about other issues. i think it will be 20 rounds advantage. and iraq already is talking with saudi arabia, of course, about yemen and possibly other regional issues. so, you know, i think there are, there will be avenues to engage with the right. maybe not with my mr. i, you see, who is a murderer. but with his foreign minister, the united states does deal with, with oriented government and other countries,
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myself across tension into iran. you shaking your head. i just want to move on to a slightly different area in our discussion today. assuming for a 2nd, despite a low turner, despite a record low turn up, possibly if it dicks below 40 percent, that will arguably strengthen home and ease position at home. given that, how much trust will then flow from tehran to washington, wrapped up in an expectation that washington will give to iran what it wants up here, give me, give me a minute. it's, you know, i'm truly sorry to hear that one of the guess is insulting my country. i'm sorry. and the election in my country and me myself. the rainy people by calling one of the presidential candidates murder of calling. the system of election in iran is a sham, you know, when you have the presidential election in the united states with donald trump,
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that everyone knows. we still respect that you and your system of election. nobody would allow a 1000 people to go. or, you know, the vote and people would be confused to do with 1000 people, especially considering that they need to have enough time. there was this big one, tv channels and on the internet and so on, so forth. so it's not possible to give a 1000 people the chance, similar chance it's to represent their ideas. so entry has a system under where they have to offer. i'm going to have to interrupt you there for which i sincerely apologize in 10 seconds. how much trust is there now into iran? aimed at america? nothing. absolutely nothing. but united states performance with regard to j. c. p. o, a has made uranium ship their idea about who should run the country. the ranges are not on the park. there's like a party, they'd like to figure,
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and now the figures that i see on tv presenting your well details about the economy and how to deal with the united states. vivian rationally and courageously. i believe there was when the election because they have a well detailed plan that would end this deadline would be out of the station eventually. okay, we must leave it there. thank you so much to i guess they will stop at caution mark . it's patrick and se, but it's a breezy and thank you to for your company. you can see the program again. anytime here our web site al jazeera dot com and for more discussion goes through our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha, inside story. we're on twitter. of course, our handle is at ha insights for, for me pete, adobe and everyone on the team here. and so thanks for watching. we will see you very soon for the moment. i me
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joggers in new delhi, take advantage of the relatively clear air after weeks of toxic small stopped people from venturing outside institutions including hobbit a pollution is leading to more severe cases of the corona virus and more depth from it. and no way in india situation worse than daddy, the number of cases auto record. and when in a desperate situation, the indian government set up a new commission to monitor forces and pollution across 5 north indian state health experts and environmentalist has been wanting for months. so the evening of the locked down would lead to an increase in pollution in the impact that would have on those the causes 19 talk to al jazeera, we can,
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the army were attacking ring, and now they're attacking everyone in me on my do you regret words like that, we listen, absolutely. nigeria with a woman precedent. it would be great. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on algae sera play an important role protecting human . ringback face in the wrong to children and we from their parents and heard them into a school against their will. there was no money or no father fingers. they put us in a big playroom and we certainly look after ourselves. i don't remember the children's names. i will never forget canada's dark secret on al jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wow. how do
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you take it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you? the news? hello there. i'm still here today in the hall with the headlines for you here on al jazeera. now out of the correspondence of arbitrary has left hospital where she receive treatment, the injuries suffered during her arrest by israeli forces. she sustained a fracture in her left hand during that incident. she was detained while covering a demonstration and occupied east jerusalem. early i spoke to giovanni and she told me she's so shocked about her arrest, but insists that al jazeera will not be silenced. they broke my hand, i spent all the night in the hospital.
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